Chapter 38

~Catch and Release~

I dread telling Bella that I've been arrested. Sam agrees to give me a few minutes alone to make some calls, but that's the most he will budge. He's not leaving here without me in the back of his cruiser.

I dial Bella, feeling guilty when I hear her sweet voice. There's laughter in the background, and I hate to spoil the festive mood with the bad news.

"Listen, beautiful. Something has come up, but I don't want you to worry."

"What is it? Did they find him?"

"No. I've been arrested for arson."

"What? You have an alibi!" Her voice rises, and I regret being the cause of her distress.

There's a ruckus in the background, and Bella puts me on speaker. I explain what happened to Bella, Ali, and Jasper. I try to spin events in a positive light even though I feel sick inside.

Ali is the voice of reason. "Don't worry. There are so many witnesses who saw you in the ER, and we have the security footage. Aro can claim whatever he wants, but in the end, you will be proven innocent."

Jasper chimes in. "Yeah, man. I know this really sucks, but we'll get through it."

"I'm not that worried, but I am concerned about Bella with that maniac out there."

"Don't worry," Ali says. "Bella can stay with us until you get out. Someone will always be with her. Is that okay with you, honey?"

"Yeah. I'll be fine, Edward. Please don't worry about me." Bella tries to sound brave, but there's a tremble in her voice. "Just focus on your defense."

"Speaking of . . . I was told to get a good lawyer, not to use a public defender. Any of you know of one?"

"Ash will know someone," Bella says quietly. "Do you want me to call him?"

"Okay. As long as you're comfortable with it."

"Yeah, I can do it."

"I have to go now. Sam is taking me down to the station. Bella?"

She realizes I want to talk to her privately and takes the phone off speaker. "Yeah?"

"Please try not to stress. I'll miss you so much, but we'll be together again soon. Okay, beautiful?"

"I miss you already. Come home, Edward," she whispers.

The next few hours are a flutter of activity. Sam drives me to the station and brings me in through the back door. I'm photographed and fingerprinted. My belongings are confiscated, and I'm given an ugly gray jumpsuit to wear. Finally, they put me into a holding cell. Someone brings me a tray of food, but I can't eat. I'm exhausted from the experience, but sleep won't come either. There are voices and other strange noises that set my nerves on edge. I can't keep still and end up pacing around the tiny cell.

"You need a fix, man?" The rough voice comes from a grubby man in an iron gray trench in the next cell.

My brows draw down. "Why aren't you wearing a jumpsuit?"

He laughs, showing a few tobacco-stained teeth. "I'm just drying out." He slides down the bench, leaning in conspiratorially. "Honestly, I needed a safe place to crash tonight. I'm kind of a regular here. You need a fix?" He slips a plastic baggie out of a hidden pocket in his coat and dangles it.

"No, thanks."

"Whadja do?"


He cackles. "Everyone is innocent."

A guard bangs his nightstick against the bars. "Quiet down, Monty."

Monty waves a hand, but a few minutes later, the wino is snoring.

I must drift off because I'm startled awake by my cell door unlocking.

Sam pokes his head in. "Edward, your lawyer is here. I'll take you."

That was fast.

Sam leads me down a network of drab hallways. I'm pretty sure I'd never find my way back to the cell on my own. The windowless room he brings me to is small with a battered table and chairs. There's an open briefcase, a cup of coffee, and a sheaf of papers spread out. A petite woman with long, black hair hovers in the corner on her cell phone. She's wearing a navy, pinstriped pantsuit with a crisp white blouse and stilettos that look more like weapons than shoes.

"Nobody would accept such a deal unless they knew there was no chance of acquittal. No." She taps her foot impatiently and rolls her eyes. "Absolutely not. We're taking this to trial."

She ends the call, cursing under her breath. She turns and looks me up and down, sizing me up. "Delicious."

"Excuse me?"

She steps forward confidently and reaches over the table to shake my hand. "Alex McBride. I'll be representing you. Have a seat, Mr. Cullen."

"Ms. McBride, shouldn't we discuss your fee?"

"Call me Alex. Fee's been covered." A predatory smile spreads across her pretty face. "Tell me everything. Don't leave anything out."

"Who's paying?"

"I was hired by Ashland Hunter, but I understand his son is paying the tab. I was instructed to spare no expense. You're a lucky man, Mr. Cullen, because I'm going to chew the prosecution up and spit them out. Now, let's get down to brass tacks."

Jimmy is paying my legal fees. I'm not surprised after all I've been put through since he came to town. It's been weeks since I heard from him, but someone must be in touch with him—certainly Ash is. Either way, I'm happy to take his money if it means getting back to Bella sooner rather than later. Alex McBride seems like a force to be reckoned with, and I'm grateful he hired her to defend me.

After confirming that she can't disclose what I tell her to anyone—even Jimmy—I spill everything. We spend two hours combing through the details of my life, including the situation with Jimmy and Bella. She asks a lot of questions about Phoenix before we discuss Aro and the competitiveness between our businesses. A weight I didn't realize has been sitting on my chest lightens considerably, and I'm able to take a full, deep breath for the first time in weeks.

"Edward, I've read through the witness statements and reviewed the security footage from the hospital." Alex gazes at her clasped hands and sighs before looking me in the eye. "It's obvious to me that someone with a great deal of influence wants you out of the way. My goal is to power through the arraignment tomorrow and get you out on bail. Once you are free, I'll slice and dice all their evidence. I'd lay odds this will never go to trial." She gathers her papers and stows them in her briefcase.

"Thank you, Alex. I feel much better after talking to you."

We stand and shake hands. Alex knocks on the door and lets the guard know we're finished.

She hesitates in the doorway and turns back, looking me over. "I'll have some clothes sent over for you to wear. What size shoes do you wear?"


"See you tomorrow."

A guard leads me back to my cell. This time when they bring me a tray, I eat almost all of the food. Afterward, I shift around on the creaky cot until I manage to fall into a fitful sleep.

Monty gets sprung right after breakfast, giving me a salute and telling me where to find him if I change my mind about that fix. Alex's assistant drops off a garment bag. It contains an expensive charcoal suit, white shirt, conservative tie, and a pair of size thirteen dress shoes. I'm impressed she got the clothing sizes right. Once I'm dressed, I feel more confident and hopeful.

By the time I enter the massive courthouse, my newfound confidence withers. The bustling lobby is abuzz with activity, the cacophony echoing around the high-ceilinged building. Alex offers a brusque greeting and leads me to the courtroom where my arraignment will take place. I swallow hard as I take in the judge's bench, which seems to loom over the entire space, dwarfing the rest of the room.

Alex directs me to the table on the left. There's already a guy in a suit leaning casually against the other table, poring over documents.

"Counselor," Alex says tersely.

He looks over at us with an amused expression. He's baby-faced with blue eyes and neatly trimmed, sandy hair. "Alex, so good to see you again."

"Like hell," she mutters before turning to me. "Edward Cullen, this is Braden Patrick, the new DA." Her tone is acerbic, and I immediately sense there's a history between the two.

"Mr. Cullen." Braden Patrick nods to me, his gaze moving right back to Alex.

"Have a seat, Edward." Alex gestures toward the table, and I sit on the hard, uncomfortable chair.

The DA looks down at her with a half-smile. "I like your hair better down."

She scoffs. "Listen, Patrick, what do you say we don't waste the court's time? Let's settle this case right now."

He smiles, showing a perfect set of white teeth. "Sure. What's he willing to plead to?"

"You and I both know your evidence will fall apart under scrutiny."

"I don't think so. The DNA on the scene is pretty damning."

"Have it your way."

He grins as he takes his seat. "I usually do."

"Let's see if I can knock you off your pedestal. Again." Alex smiles sweetly.

The bailiff enters from a door to the right of the bench. "All rise. The honorable Judge Shana Phelps is presiding."

Confused, I gaze around the room as we stand. It's empty. "Aren't there usually other cases and spectators?" I whisper.

Alex simply says, "Ash Hunter."

The judge walks in and sits at the bench. She is middle-aged with a head of shoulder length, dark curls and a stern expression. Once I'm sworn in, she begins. "Since this is an atypical proceeding, let's get to it. Counselor, your client is charged with the recent arson of The Vault. How do you plead, Mr. Cullen?"

I clear my throat. "Not guilty, Your Honor."

The judge nods and looks to the DA expectantly.

He stands, strolling to the front corner of his table. "Your Honor, we request bail be set at a million. This was a vicious crime perpetrated on a pillar of our community—"

"Cut the theatrics, Mr. Patrick," Judge Phelps says impatiently. Her tone turns mocking. "Save it for the crowd. Ms. McBride?"

Alex remains standing behind our table. "Your Honor, this is either a case of gross incompetence, or my client is being set up. We have over twenty witness statements placing Mr. Cullen at the emergency room when the crime occurred. Furthermore, we have security footage—which is date and time stamped—that shows my client was at the hospital at the time of the arson." She side-eyes the DA. "Aro Volturi's attorney created a fuss, insisting Mr. Cullen be swabbed. DNA later came back positive. Since it's physically impossible for him to be in two places at once, unless he has an evil twin hiding in the wings, something is amiss with the evidence."

The DA mutters something under his breath.

Judge Phelps glares at him. "Care to share, Mr. Patrick?"

"No, Your Honor."

"You may continue, Ms. McBride."

"Edward Cullen isn't a flight risk. He has significant ties to the community. I strongly suspect he will be owed an apology by the time I'm done investigating the prosecution's evidence. We ask that bail be set at fifty thousand dollars."

Patrick flaps his arms, looking incredulous. "Your Honor, that's a ridiculous request! He obviously has the means. A private arraignment?"

Judge Phelps glowers at him for a long moment. "Bail is set at fifty thousand dollars. We will reconvene in two weeks." When he tries to protest, she bangs the gavel. "You have two weeks to authenticate the witness statements and security footage. Dismissed."

Alex can barely conceal her glee. "This is really good, Edward."

"Lucky break." The DA snaps his briefcase shut and strides out of the room.

I raise my eyebrows. "What was all that?"

"That was a peacock."

"You two have a history."

She shrugs. "Key word being 'history.' I'll have you out of here in an hour."

"What about bail?"

"Already been approved by Ash. You don't even have to return to your cell." She pulls her phone out and sends a text. "We can wait in Sam's office for the official word."

When I walk out into the sunlight less than an hour later, I feel profound relief. Alex seems exceedingly competent, and I know she will investigate the evidence. I can't wait to get back to Bella and hold her in my arms.

Out front, Emmett leans against his car with his arms crossed, waiting for me. "Yo, E! The GQ look suits you."

We bump fists, and I stow the bag with all my shit in the back. I snag my phone, which is wrapped in plastic, before hopping in the front seat. Before we can pull out, a car screeches up behind us, horn blaring.

"What the fuck? Is that your sister behind us?"

I turn in the seat. Sure enough, Ladybug is behind us. Ali is out of the car and running toward my side.

"Edward! Don't you check your damn phone?"

I step out and catch her in a hug. "I just got my shit back. My phone is still wrapped in plastic."

She pushes away and grabs my arm. There are two red patches on Ali's cheeks and panic in her eyes. "Maybe you should sit down."

"What happened?" I look toward the passenger side of her little, red car. It's empty. "Where's Bella?"

Ali bites her lip. "I don't know."

"What do you mean, you don't know?" I roar, my voice raw.

Ali hands me a folded piece of paper. "When we woke up this morning, we found this on the breakfast bar." A lone tear slips down her cheek.

Seeing my typically together sister so upset scares me. I fumble with the paper, nearly ripping it in half as I try to get it open. Bella's familiar handwriting scrawls across the notepaper.


I'm so sorry I snuck away while Ali and Jasper were sleeping. They've done a great job watching out for me. Please, please, please don't blame them for any of this!

The time I've spent with you has been the best of my life. No matter what happens, nobody can take that away from me—not even him. I couldn't let Phoenix hurt any of you. It's me he wants, and I have to protect those I love. I'm sorry.


Instinctively, I crumble the note in my fist, squeezing so hard I wonder if it will be pulverized. Closing my eyes, I curse the existence of Phoenix. I take a few deep breaths in an attempt to slow my racing heart and calm my wildly firing nerves. If I'm going to find her, I need a clear head. After a few moments, I look from Ali to Emmett. Both of them watch me carefully.

Releasing my fist, I smooth the crumpled note, folding it and slipping it in my pocket. "I need to find Bella. Let's get to work."


A/N: Get ready. Next chapter we meet Phoenix. Drop those thoughts and theories on me! You know how I love them . . .

Fanfic is spotty with email alerts. Maybe they will never be fully functional again. The fanfic app seems to post updates. I post teasers and links to updates on Facebook in the No Rules Twilight Fan Fiction, The Twilight Fanfiction Finders, and It All Started With Twilight groups.

Thanks and gratefulness as always to my awesome betas, SassySue (chayasara) and Wendy (wmr1601) and prereader extraordinaire Aleea (Aleeab4u). These ladies make my stuff much more presentable! (Translation: save me from sounding like a blathering fool)