Narrator Selena:It was a beautiful sunny day, the birds were chirping and the animals were playing in Meadows. Everyone was having fun well everyone except Milton Grim who was in his office doing paperwork. His mind wasn't on the paperwork however. His mind was on the new students to come today. Who were the new students? They were none other than Sailor Moon and the Sailor Senshi. Milton Grim had never heard their story before. He wondered why he had never heard their story before. All of a sudden there was a knock at his door.

:Come in.

Raven Queen:I'm sorry to interupt, but I was wondering what my mom was like before she took her destiny, also I'm wondering why you were so set on me following in my mom's footsteps to an extent.

:When I was a child I sent my brother into the cave of the oger because, I didn't believe the stories my father told me. I regreted it ever since. I should have realised that everyone needs to write their own story. As for your mother, she was so kind and loyal. She would risk her life for her friends. I don't know what happened to make her go as far as she did.

Raven Queen:I think it was her full powers. When Lizzie, Maddie, Cerice, kitty, Bunny, Alistir, Apple and I went to wonderland we had to defeat Courtney Jester as you know. Well, in order to do that I had to sighn the storybook of legends. My full powers almost took complete control of me, thankfully Apple was able to reason with me and help me regain control.

:Hmmm...You might have a point there.

Raven Queen:Do you think that there is a way to give my mom a second chance and get her back to the way she was before she took up her destiny?

:I don't know. It might be possible, or it might not be possible. Though I believe, that we should try.

Raven Queen:I agree. I'm going to see if I can find anything in the library.

:That sounds like a good idea. {Writes something on a blank piece of paper.} This pass will get you into the restricted section. Tread with caution , the knowledge in that section is very deadly.

Raven Queen:I will. Can I bring my friends to help me?

:Yes, of course.

Raven Queen:While I'm here, is there anything that needs to be disscussed?

:{checks paperwork} No.

Raven Queen:OK, I'm going to the library.

:OK, I will do some research on my end and let you know if I find anything.

Narrator Selena:OK, so now Raven has started to try and help her mother, but how will she do that?

Narrator James:We will find out soon but for now, let us foucus on what will transpire within the next day or two.

Narrator Selena:Thanks big brother, for getting me back on track. Anyway, back to the story. Within the next two days Sailor moon and the Sailor Senshi will arrive and now onto Raven's and her friend's part of this story. Raven had gotten Lizzie, Maddie, Kitty, Bunny, Alistir, Cerise, Darling, daring, Dexter, Briar, Ashlyn, Roseabella, Hunter, Farrah and Apple to help her find a way to help her mom. And now onto our heros.

Raven:I believe that there is a tiny bit of goodness left in my mom and I want to help her, but I can't do it alone.

Roesabella:I can't speak for everyone but, I will help you as best as I can.

Apple:I will help as well.

Briar:Count me in.

Ashlyn:Same here.

Lizzie:As will I.

Maddie:I'll always help you Raven.

Kitty:So will I.

Bunny:I will help as well.

Farrah:I will do what I can to help.

Cerise:I will help as well.

Hunter:I will help.

Daring:Count me in.

Darling:I will help too.

Dexter:I will help as well.

Raven:Alright, let's split up. Girls, come with me. And boys you know what to do.

Narrator Selena:Now all our heroes have joined together and split up, with the girls looking in the library while the boys are keeping anyone from interupting them. For now however, let us shift our focus to the other important charaters in our story. It was just after the Sailor Senshi's battle with Galaxia. They were all tired however, Sailor Moon could barely stay standing. Gathering what little strength and energy she had left Sailor Moon called out to any allies of the Silver Millennium that might be near and might answer her call for help. Everything however, was silent. This went on for what felt like hours, while it was only 30 minutes. The one that appeared was Athena. She along with her saints had herad the call for help and came to see what was going on. When she saw the senshi with Princess Serenity, she gasped and ran to her side steadying her. And now onto the story.

Athena's POV{I had just finished my battle against abzu and was heading home when I felt a call that I had not felt for centuries. So I, of course went to investigate and when I got to where the call was coming from, I was so happy. But then, I saw Serenity barely standing up and no one to support her.}

Athena:Serenity!{I exclaimed and ran to her.}

Serenity's POV{I look up when I hear someone call my name to see Athena running to me.}

Serenity:Athena! I'm so happy to see you again! How is it we were reincarnated apart from each other?

Athena:I don't know. What happened to you Serenity?

Serenity:I've been battleing against Galaxia who was possesed by the evil side of Chaos.

Athena:Oh my, that isn't a good sign of things at all, especially since I just got out of my battle against abzu.

Serenity:OH MY, THIS IS NOT GOOD AT ALL! I think that we need to call forth the universeal wide mystical Council.

Athena:I agree but, first we need to rest and freshen up. Let's head to my place.

Serenity:Yes that sounds like a great idea.

Athena:Everyone get beside one of the Sailor Senshi and prepare to teleport to Earth immediately!

Narrator Selena:Now that Athena has met up with Princess Serenity, I can tell the rest of Sailor Moon's Story. It all began 1000 years ago in the time of the Silver Millennium. The Silver Millennium was a time of great peace and prosperity for everyone one day it was suggested that Princess Serenity marry the prince of Earth she vehemently refused. Stating the fact that she would not be with a womanizing jerk, who only cared about getting nauseous on his bedpost. Unfortunately, a sorceress by the name of Beryl heard of this and planned release the negaverse before she heard that the moon princess had refused to marry the earth prince. This led to Queen Serenity using the last of her power and life force to send everyone from the Moon Kingdom and anyone else from other kingdoms to a new future on Earth hoping that they would live in a time of peace and never remember the horrible events of their past lives. Sadly this was not to be, as Serena was turned into Sailor Moon on her 14th birthday and has had many trials ever since then now she is 18 and doing everything she can as Sailor Moon. Now she has just finished battling Galaxia and has just been reunited with Athena whom is her sister in all but blood.

{A/N: I am currently stuck on where this story should go in the next chapter if anyone has any suggestions I am open to them also I do not own Ever After High or Sailor Moon.}