Hey yo people,have ya'll watched Oregairu, or haven't you? Anyway,if you have you'll know that the main character chose the wrong girl in the end,or at least to me he chose wrong,yeah,he didn't choose the sweet girl Yui,now this idea has been on my mind for a couple of years now,what if Hayato Hayama had had a crush on Yui for the longest time? And what if his chance to capitalize on his feelings for Yui comes in the form of Hachiman not choosing to date with Yui but rather choosing the other girl? In this fanfiction I'm gonna explore the possibility of Hayato asking Yui out and her accepting to date him so without further adieu let's get on with the story.

It was a warm day at Sobu Highschool and everyone was in a somewhat good mood except for one Yui Yuigahama,she was depressed and you may ask yourself why she was depressed,well the reason is that her crush Hikigaya Hachiman went and chose another girl over her and that broke her heart and left her crying by her mother,so devastated was she that she couldn't hold her tears anymore

Hayato Hayama was wondering something,what was he wondering you may ask,well he was wondering how Hachiman could reject a girl like Yui and choose an Ice Queen like Yukino,okay he understood Yukino's appeal but Hayato had a crush on Yui for a while now,but now he had a chance to get Yui for himself,he couldn't get over his crush on her,she was just so sweet and beautiful.

Yui sat at her desk with her sad mood,she would usually stand with her friends but she was too depressed to deal with them at the present moment,she was moping up a storm when she saw Hayato Hayama approaching her desk,she wondered what he wanted from her,she wasn't in the mood for people but she was willing to listen to what Hayato had to say,she was close with him,they were good friends

"Hey,I was wondering if I could talk to you, I noticed you were looking pretty depressed here by your lonesome."

Was Hayato's opening statement,straight to the point,he hoped it would not upset her more,he did not want to upset her.

"Yeah,you can talk to me,and yeah I am pretty depressed,I see you're straight to the point as usual,so... What's up?"

Yui stated and asked,she realised Hayato was not beating around the bush and so she would not either.

"I wanted to ask you if you would like to go a few places with me,I want to cheer you up and have a fun day with you."

He said to her,he really meant it,he did want to cheer the girl up,he hated seeing her so down,it really got to him.

"Well,I could go for a nice go around town,it would cheer me up even if just a little bit,where do you have in mind?"

she stated,she really would like to have a nice go around,anything to cheer herself up,within reason of course.

"Well I think a movie would be nice,a nice dinner at a diner,we could go to the beach too and we could end off with the park."

He said,he really hoped that that suited Yui,he wanted to make her happy again and in the process end up with her.

"Sounds like a plan,you really know what you're doing,I am impressed,when would you like to go to those places?"

She stated,she really was impressed with Hayato's planning,he seemed to have a knack for stuff like that.

"How about we go to our homes first and I'll get you at your house,does that sound good? it is logical really."

He said,it really was logical to go home first,they would not want to go places with their school clothes on.

"That sounds good,no need to advertise our school everywhere we go,casual is better for outings like this."

She said,it makes sense to go in casual clothes,school clothes on the other hand makes no sense for those places.

Yui wondered what she would be wearing to the movie that her and Hayato are going to watch,she didn't want to embarrass her friend with unstylish clothing,she was rifling through her cupboard for what she would wear,she finally settled on a Pink sundress and fluffy boots,she wondered what kind of movie they'd see,preferably a Romance one,she is a sappy romantic after all.

Hayato wore a Black T-shirt with jeans and his Nike sneakers,he had gotten his motorcycle licence the month before and he was eager to take Yui for a spin on it to all the places they would go,he parked his motorcycle against the outside wall of Yui's house,got off and knocked on the door,the door opened to reveal Yui's mother,Mrs Yuigahama smiled at Hayato and they exchanged greetings.

"Hi Hayama-San,I'm so glad that you're going to take Yui out for a bit after that Hikigaya boy rejected her."

Mrs Yuigahama said,she really was glad that Yui had a friend like Hayato plus she could see the boy had feelings for Yui.

"Yes Mrs Yuigahama,I just had to find a way to cheer her up,I now hate Hikigaya even more after what he did to Yui."

Hayato was furious when he heard Yui had been rejected,in his mind rejecting a girl like Yui is a no-no.

"I'm sure you do,also,I can tell that you like Yui so be sure that not if but when you two get together you treat her right."

Mrs Yuigahama smiled as she said this,she just knew Yui and Hayato would click,she had a feeling they would fit.

"Well I hope you're right in that me and her

would get together,I really do like her,sooo is she ready yet or is she still deciding?."

Hayato replied,he really hoped things would work out for him and Yui,he was super into her,he bet all their friends knew.

Mom! who's at the door, is it Hayato?

Yui yelled as she came from her room,when she got to the door and popped her head out she smiled.

"As you can see yes it is your friend dear,now go and have fun,don't do what I wouldn't do,enjoy your time out honey."

Mrs Yuigahama said as she looked to her daughter,she stepped back to give Yui space to get through the door.

"Okay bye mom,I'll see you later tonight okay? Love you,I'll be sure to have fun, Hayato's very good at making things fun."

Yui said as she walked passed her mother through the door,she smiled at Hayato who smiled back,then the door closed.

"So are you ready Yui? First we'll go to the movies as I said at school,let's hop onto my motorcycle,I won't go too fast."

Hayato said,he really would only go as fast as Yui would be comfortable with,he wanted for her to have a good time.

"Yeah,I am ready,I've never rode on a motorcycle before so I'm glad you'll be going at a pace I am comfortable with."

Yui said,she was slightly nervous looking at the motorcycle but she was also excited to ride on one for the first time.

Yui sat on the back of the motorcycle holding tightly onto Hayato's waist even though they were going slowly,Hayato of course liked that,if he played his cards right he would have Yui hold onto him like that a lot in the future,he hoped for the best,Yui still felt nervous butterflies in her stomach since it is her first time riding on the back of a motorcycle,she asked Hayato to go a bit faster which he did.

Yui and Hayato arrived at the theater,purchased their movie tickets and stood in line to get popcorn and a small soda each,once done with that they went into the theater and sat down,the movie was a Romance movie about a girl who got rejected by a guy and then another guy who'd had a crush on her took her on an adventure,at the end the girl fell in love with him and they had a happily ever after.

After the movie they rode to a diner,they went in and a waitress guided them to a table for two,first they ordered a Cola and a Coffeee respectively,five minutes later the waitress came with their drinks,they told her they were ready to order,Yui ordered a Chicken Snitchel with fries and Hayato ordered a Cheese Burger with fries, twenty minutes later the waitress returned with their food ans they dug in.

Right after the two ate they went to the women's and men's bathrooms respectively to have a bathroom break, five minutes later they were out of the bathrooms,five more minutes later they were on Hayato's motorcycle again on the way to the clothing store to buy swimming clothes,later they got to the beach,it was a pretty sunny day so they would enjoy their trip to the beach.

Yui wore a Pink bikini to match her hair, Hayato wore black swimming trunks, they both went for a swim after which they bought a Vanilla and Chocolate ice cream respectively,after finishing their ice creams they went for another swim,then after the swim they dried off in the beach restrooms and re-clothed themeselves, ten minutes later they were on the motorcycle again on their way to a park.

They got to the park and it was already evening by the time they got there,they both sat down on a park swing and swung themselves back and forth all the while talking about their day and about what their future plans were,they decided they'd hang out after school every day and visit each other's houses on saturdays,later when they got to Yui's home Yui kissed Hayato on the cheek and they said bye.

About a month later Yui got to school and everyone stared as Yui and Hayato met up and they kissed each other on the lips, everyone was surprised and those in love with either of them were jealous that the two were together although nobody could do a thing about it,they also saw how the two embraced each other after the kiss, soon there was gossip but they paid it no mind,they were happy together.

Hey ya'll so I finally finished this fic,sorry for the lack of dialogue from the middle onwards but I regret nothing,enjoy!