An Unexpected Visitor
Long live the Queen. Long live the Queen.
The words that normally Merlin would have uttered happily now made his blood boil with rage as he began to wake up, his nose catching the whiff of breakfast being cooked by Gaius. He had barely recovered from the events from the day before and this time, the young warlock's usually forgiving nature had really been pushed to the absolute limits. Merlin squinted his eyes as the light of the new day hit them.
I swear this bed was placed in direct sunlight just to bully the occupant of the room further, Merlin grumbled internally.
The young warlock sat up on his bed groggily, wincing in pain from all the aches, scrapes and fresh bruises he earned himself two nights ago during his little save-Arthur-from-his-murderous-wife escapade, and took a moment to have a good long think. How easily the enchanted Guinevere had accused him of poisoning the King – this should not have surprised him. But, what did surprise him, was how none of his so-called friends – Leon, Gwaine, Percival – had questioned the absurdity of the accusation. There had been a look of doubt in the eyes of Mordred, Caradoc and Bedivere, but they had not done or said anything to dissuade the Queen either. It had been Leon and Percival who had put him in that dark, danky cell that stunk of old human waste and left him there. They hadn't been gentle either, causing him to get a few more scrapes and bruises. Not once did any of them try to visit him, which stung Merlin more than he dared to admit.
Then there was Gwaine, the man whom Merlin saw as the closest friend he had since Lancelot – except of course, Gwaine didn't know that Merlin had magic. The man had not tried to visit Merlin or stood up for him either. Like he truly believed that Merlin would wish Arthur harm! At least the knight had the decency to come with Gaius yesterday morning to release him from the cell. Gaius had looked at Merlin with an amused look, the secret shared victory between the two of them dancing in his eyes. Merlin could admit that he did not try to hide his own glee of having foiled the plans of Morgana once more. As for Gwaine, he too had a grin on his face, but Merlin was rather pleased to note that it was awkward and expressed some guilt.
Good, it serves him right, Merlin thought. He also knew this was all he was going to get from the man who once said to him that Merlin was his only friend. Now that Gwaine was a knight, this was no longer the case and Merlin's importance had sunk.
It really was ironic. Gwaine had hated nobles, who treated people lower than them pretty poorly, and now he was almost acting like the very men he despised. Not that Merlin had the guts to call the man out on his behaviour; quietly, the warlock wondered what had happened to his ability to not care that he was speaking to nobleman.
He had insulted Prince Arthur on his first day in Camelot, for the love of the gods, without any fear for the consequences of his actions!
Merlin frowned to himself. What stopped him from doing so again? It wasn't like Gwaine, Leon, Percival or any other Knight amongst them didn't deserve it. Will and Gadiena would not have stood for this kind of behaviour.
Merlin scoffed to himself. The both of them would be ringing his ears if they knew. Will was likely shouting at him from the Otherworld and Gadiena was … wherever she was. It had been years since the warlock last saw his cousin-who-was-like-a-sister to him. Like him, she was all but driven out of the village because she was as different as he was. But because Gadiena was a woman, the villagers viewed her as cursed.
It was at this precise moment that the scent of breakfast really wafted into the room through the cracks in Merlin's door and his stomach began to rumble. The young warlock huffed; he didn't have much appetite the day before but now, he could eat King Arthur's horse and Gwaine's horse in one go.
Forcing himself up out of his bed, quickly dressing, Merlin went to join Gaius for breakfast. It was porridge again, but at present, it looked like ambrosia and nectar to the young warlock's eyes. The Court physician was making the tea when he noticed his young apprentice come in. "Good morning, Merlin," he stated warmly.
"Is it?" had left Merlin's mouth before he even realised what had happened.
Gaius flinched a little but he quickly composed himself. "I know you are still angry, Merlin. You have every right to be. But there is nothing we can do to open Arthur's eyes to Gwen's treason without sufficient proof."
"Yes, I know," Merlin answered coldly as he took his seat and sipped his tea. "That is what you also said about Agravaine and Morgana, and look what happened."
Gaius sighed deeply. "Indeed," he concurred quietly.
Merlin began poking his porridge with his spoon. "Do you mind if I help you with some errands today?" he asked casually, trying to switch the subject to something a little more pleasant.
The Court physician looked at him in surprise. "Of course, but won't you be busy looking after Arthur today?"
Merlin scoffed. "I will do his morning chores and make sure everything is prepared for his training session today; he will barely notice I am gone. Besides, he also has a lot of Council meetings that he needs to attend to, which he doesn't need a manservant for."
"We both know that isn't true," Gaius resist the urge to roll his eyes.
"Perhaps," Merlin gave a small shrug. "But a limit has been reached with me, Gaius, and I just want some distance from him and … the others for a bit. Until I can look at them without wanting to begin shouting at them. Besides, I think it will do King Prat some good to have some distance from me – I may be his manservant but he doesn't get to command my attention twenty-four hours a day."
"I think you will find he can," Gaius' eyes sparkled with amusement as he tucked into his own porridge. "Or at least, he will definitely try, as he has been doing all these years."
Merlin allowed himself to genuinely chuckle in over twenty four hours and tucked into his breakfast, but not with so much gusto that he would risk another hiccupping fit. Once he was done, Merlin went to begin his chores, starting with collecting the Royal Family's breakfast and prepare the King's clothes. The young warlock greeted the guards close to the physician's quarters, as always, and greeted fellow servants on the way to the kitchen.
Two of them were George, and Ettare, one of Queen Guinevere's new maidservants. Though Merlin was not as close to Ettare as he had been to Sefa, the girl was a hard worker, fun to talk to and could sing some of the birds around Camelot under the table. Ever since George had given those Arthur-mandated servant classes to Merlin, the pair had spoken a whole lot more. Though George still did not approve of Merlin's impertinence, he was seemingly close to accepting that it was just part of Merlin's character and that if the King did not mind, he did not either.
"Morning you two!" Merlin called jovially.
George and Ettare turned and stopped for a moment to allow Merlin to catch up.
"Morning, Merlin!" Ettare answered just as brightly. "Ready for a new day?"
"Ready as ever," Merlin reassured with a grin.
"Just remember to give the King something a little more substantial for breakfast today, Merlin," George sighed. "I heard from Daegal that you gave the King another muffin as breakfast yesterday."
"What? He is losing weight!" Merlin protested. "How is the Royal dollophead supposed to fit into his armour with a round belly?"
Ettare giggled at his audacity while George rolled his eyes and shook his head derisively at Merlin.
"All I ask is that you give him something more than just a muffin today," George stated with a tone that was ever so slightly pleading, which startled Merlin. George was the epitome of stoicism and keeping everything – including one's voice – neutral.
"Oh very well," Merlin huffed. "I will do it for your sake, Georgie."
"Do not call me that."
Merlin smirked to himself but held his tongue. Ettare chuckled away at their antics. Soon they came to the kitchens, where the three servants split up. Ettare went to collect the wash, George collected the breakfast for one of the nobles and Merlin of course collected the food for the King and Queen.
Cook was in her usual militant mood. "What are you doing – that was supposed to be sent to the Lady Cyneburga twenty minutes ago! Wake up! No, no, no, those are not meant for Lord Egbert, those are meant to go to Lord Hiroc! … Merlin, make sure you actually take something substantial to the King today! Yes, those sausages specifically!"
Merlin bowed his head dramatically in acknowledgement, getting a good chuckle from the rest of the servants and an eyeroll from Cook. He did as he was told, compiling a tray with one plate that had sausages and veggies and the other had a selection of fruits. He filled a jug with watered down wine and went to wake up the Royals – after the plates had been inspected by both Cook and George.
On the way to King Prat's chambers, Merlin found himself singing an old song his mother and Gadiena used to sing. He was even more impressed with himself that he managed to expertly dodge bustling servants left, right and centre who came precariously close to bumping into him.
What soured the young warlock's mood a little, was who he bumped into next. Just as he rounded the corner down to the King's bed chambers, Merlin had to make another expert manoeuvre in order to avoid colliding with Leon and Gwaine.
"Whoa, slow down there, Merlin!" Gwaine chuckled good-naturedly, as always. "You don't want to spill the King's breakfast right outside his door!"
"No," Merlin readily agreed with a short chuckle.
He made a move to try and go past Gwaine, but the Knight didn't let him pass that easily. "Ah, I see you are actually giving Arthur some proper breakfast. Let me guess – George gave you an earful," Gwaine joked.
"Not really an earful," Merlin contradicted easily. "If you will excuse me, I have a dollophead to feed."
There was a momentary look of concern in Gwaine's eyes but he complied nonetheless, though he did look like he wanted to say something. Whatever it was, Leon beat him to it. "We will see you at the training grounds later, then."
"Actually, I will only be polishing Arthur's armour today," Merlin informed, turning around for a moment. "I will be helping Gaius for the rest of the day."
A look of surprise carved itself onto the faces of both the Knights. "What? Why?" Gwaine demanded.
"Because I am also the physician's assistant," Merlin reminded coolly. "I know that is what everyone forgets because they all see me as Arthur's servant first."
Gwaine and Leon stood gorgonised to the spot; they had gotten that implication in about two seconds flat. This gave the King's manservant enough time to make his escape.
"Merlin, wait-"
"Merlin, what-"
Merlin closed the door to the King's chambers rather firmly behind him, taking a deep breath as he did so. The stirring in the Royal bed distracted Merlin for a moment from his lingering hurt. He forced himself to approach the four-poster bed.
"Mmmm … too early …" Arthur muttered.
"Sun is up … so it isn't …" was Guinevere's equally sleepy answer.
"Breakfast!" Merlin announced, causing the pair to sit up quite quickly. Had Merlin been in any other mood than the one he was in now, he would have laughed at the almost childish antics of the King and Queen. He placed the tray down in front of the pair, bowed and turned to start preparing Arthur's clothes for the day.
"Mmm, looks delicious – at least you forwent the muffin today," Arthur joked as he began tucking into his sausages.
"Well, I for one approve of Merlin giving you a muffin as a more austere option," Guinevere stated lightly, almost sounding like her usual normal self. "An overindulgent king is not a good one."
"I am not overindulgent, my Lady!" Arthur protested.
"Indeed not, because Merlin makes sure that you are not," Guinevere countered easily. "Although he does not always manage the task at banquets."
"His job is to pour drinks and add more soup to bowls, not to monitor my eating habits," Arthur shot back with a laugh.
"Well, perhaps we should change that?" the Queen suggested.
"What do you say, Merlin?" the King asked, clearly expecting to be backed up.
Merlin did not look away from his task. "I think I have enough on my plate, my Lord."
"In…deed," Arthur answered in shock. He cleared his throat. "We will be focusing on quarterstaff training today, Merlin. I would like you-"
"Forgive me, my Lord, but I have duties to attend to with Gaius this afternoon," Merlin answered as diplomatically as he could manage, standing back from the outfit he had prepared.
"Excuse me?" Arthur could barely believe his ears.
"Well, I am the physician's assistant and apprentice. I have duties that need to be performed now and again," Merlin replied as he turned around. "I will polish your armour and mop your floors before I leave. I will muck out your horses tonight."
Both the King, and the enchanted Queen, blinked in shock. They were in such a state that they almost did not notice Merlin bowing and leaving the room.
"Did … did that just happen?" Arthur really could not wrap his head around it. "He wasn't insulting me or laughing at us or taking your side … and now he is not coming to training?"
"Merlin does have a lot on his plate, Arthur," Guinevere pointed out with a smile. "Don't worry. I am sure that tomorrow, he will be back to his usual self and that he will be more than happy to help you knock your knights about."
"Yes … yes, you are absolutely right," Arthur sighed and smiled. "Of course you are."
As for Merlin, he was rather grateful for the peace and quiet in the armoury as he worked, once more humming the old tune his mother and cousin used to sing. He was pretty sure he was forgetting a line or two but Merlin was certain he had the tune mostly down. The young warlock allowed himself to get lost in his work and the song. But because he did, Merlin did not notice someone had come in until they had cleared their throat.
Merlin looked up quite sharply to see Percival and Mordred standing in the doorway.
"Didn't know you could sing, Merlin," Percival commented with a small smile.
"I can't," Merlin answered civilly as he turned back onto his work.
"Didn't sound that bad to us," Mordred informed him candidly. "Are there any more hidden talents that you have?"
Merlin very nearly smiled at the knowing, teasing undertone to the young Druid Knight's voice. "None," he readily assured.
"I doubt that," Percival stated bluntly.
"May I ask why you are here?" Merlin inquired.
"Well, we are Knights, Merlin. We need to make sure we can train with proper weapons," Mordred answered lightly.
"And Leon and Gwaine told us that you are not coming to training today," Percival added. "Said you need to help Gaius."
"I do," Merlin confirmed readily.
"Merlin, is something the matter?" Percival asked bluntly, which was not something the gentle giant usually did. "Did something happen?"
"You could say that," Merlin found himself agreeing with a slightly icy undertone.
"What is it?" Percival pressed. "I am sure that whatever it is, the King will-"
"Arthur is not going to be able to solve this issue," Merlin cut across rather sharply, regarding the Knight coolly. "Besides, I am only his servant."
"We all know that isn't true," Mordred contradicted easily.
"Isn't it?" Merlin shot back. "Because if that was the case, Percival would never have flung me into a dungeon cell like I was a sack of rotten vegetables."
That blunt comment knocked the wind out of both Percival and Mordred. The former was whiter than freshly fallen snow in about five seconds flat. "Did … did I hurt you?" he whispered eventually when he managed to recover the ability to speak.
"In more ways than one," Merlin found he had no issue confirming as he checked his handiwork. He nodded approvingly to himself and gathered up the King's armour. "Now, if you excuse me, I still have one more chore to finish before I meet with Gaius."
"Merlin, wait!" Percival pleaded.
The young warlock forced himself onto his feet, ignoring the knight and heading for the door.
Emrys, Mordred tried a different approach. Please wait.
I don't want to hear it, Mordred. Not now,
Merlin warned, shooting him a look before leaving.
Gaius hated it when Merlin was quiet. It either meant that the young warlock was planning on doing something rather foolish, was feeling the weight of his destiny on his shoulders once again, or was in a general depressive mood. Despite being a very skilled physician, it was the human mind that Gaius had not found a remedy for to deal with the dark thoughts that some people were sometimes plagued by. Indeed, Gaius was certain that there was no fixed or true cure for it – not even with magic.
Currently, his nephew and apprentice was dutifully helping him collect the supplies from the merchants and suppliers around town, a pensive look in those blue-green eyes. Merlin had plastered a smile onto his face for the suppliers and merchants, striking up casual conversation, only to fall silent once more when he and Gaius continued on their way.
"How long are you going to keep this up?" Gaius finally asked after they had collected a few more pots from the potter.
"Keep what up?" Merlin fired back almost instinctively.
"Making yourself and your friends miserable," Gaius responded candidly.
"A limit has been reached, Gaius," Merlin simply stated back.
"I know that," the old physician sighed. "I am not telling you to forgive them. I am telling you not to avoid them like a bunch of petulant children. You are older, and better, than that."
Merlin huffed. "I hate it when you're right."
Gaius chuckled. "Children always do."
"I am not a child!" Merlin huffed.
"Arthur would definitely disagree with that statement," Gaius chuckled.
"Yes, well, His Royal Pratness can hardly talk," Merlin laughed. "He has to have me to dress him."
"That is your job," Gaius reminded him with an amused smile.
"I am aware. Because if I didn't do it, Camelot would have a king who didn't know how to tuck his own shirt into his belt or into his trousers," Merlin smirked.
Gaius rolled his eyes at that. Merlin sobered. "I take it we need to check in on the new blacksmith?"
"Indeed," Gaius confirmed. "I suspect he is showing early symptoms of scofula-"
It was at this point that the Court Physician was interrupted by shouting. "Gaius, Merlin! Gaius, Merlin! By the gods, you two are even more deaf than I thought!"
Both Gaius and Merlin whirled around and their faces lit up almost immediately. Coming towards them, hurrying through the streets with two rather large leather bags over her shoulders, was Gadiena, of all people.
"GADIENA!" Merlin exclaimed excitedly.
"COUSIN!" Gadiena squealed right back.
Gaius rolled his eyes and watched in amusement as his niece and nephew embraced, Merlin actually managing to lift Gadiena a little during their hug, causing her to laugh even more, causing more of a scene. People were already giving the pair odd and amused looks, some of the guards stopping for a moment to take in the sight of the King's manservant embrace a woman in public before continuing on their way.
It gave Gaius a moment to take in the appearance of the niece he had not seen since she was three. He noted immediately that she was almost an exact copy of her mother Narah, other than the eyes. Gadiena's eyes were a grey-blue colour that sometimes appeared darker or lighter than they were, depending on how the light hit them. Her chestnut brown hair was free as usual; Gadiena never let Hunith or her own mother mess with her hair. Much to the shock of many, Gadiena was also dressed more like a man than a woman, and had a sword strapped to her side.
"Oh my gods!" Merlin laughed as he finally let his kin go. "Why did you not let us know you were coming?"
"Oh and give you enough time to create a fuss about me coming?" Gadiena teased, beaming away. "I don't think so!"
Merlin pouted a little. "I haven't seen you in years; you should let me make a fuss."
"Nope!" Gadiena then turned her attention onto Gaius. "Uncle! I still cannot believe that your heart hasn't given out, given the stories I have been hearing from Aunt Hunith," she stated jovially as she embraced him fiercely.
Gaius laughed. "You are just as exuberant as you once were, child. And a whole lot stronger – be careful with my back!"
Gadiena chuckled. "Yep, still same old Uncle Gaius," she then took in their appearances. "Collecting supplies and pots?" she wagered, looking at how much stuff they were carrying.
"As you can see," Merlin grinned. "Would you mind lifting a hand?"
"Oh I do have some space in one of my bags. You can put some pots and herbs in there," Gadiena answered brightly, taking off one of her bags. Gaius and Merlin happily complied. "So, there! Now, where are we of to?"
"To see the blacksmith. He might have scofula," Merlin informed.
"Oooo, nasty," Gadiena commented as she followed her family down the street, all of them ignoring the gawking looks they were receiving. "Let's go and see what we can do for him then."
"You haven't become squeamish, I taken it then, cousin?" Merlin teased.
"Are you kidding me? Do you remember that I had to help Aunt Hunith and the alderman's wife tending to Old Man Simmons' nasty foot fungus? I am telling you, there is nothing nastier than that man's feet!" Gadiena pulled a face. "Plus, I tended to this woman in one of the villages that I stayed in with pussy boils on her arms and one of them exploded in my face. Give me scofula any day over that! Or even one of those noxious stools that I had to examine-"
"Yes, yes, all right, Gadiena. Half of Camelot does not need to hear that," Gaius huffed.
Merlin laughed while Gaius shook his head derisively, and realised he had now got his hands doubly full. Merlin and Gadiena in one place: Camelot was not going to know what hit it.
"I still cannot believe Merlin chose to help Gaius with errands rather than come to training," Gwaine huffed indignantly as he countered an attack from Leon.
"I can," Percival commented as he and Mordred circled each other, his expression sad. "We hurt him and now he wants space away from us."
"You and Leon were a little rough with him when you threw him in that godforsaken dungeon," Gwaine stated, shooting Percival an accusatory look as Leon's sword clashed with his shield.
"It's not just the manhandling he's upset about," Mordred countered, shaking his head in disbelief that Merlin's friends were this dense. "The Queen accused him of a crime that no one in their right mind could think Merlin capable of, and none of us stopped for a moment to point out the utter absurdity of it."
"She's the Queen, Mordred," Leon reminded him.
"And Merlin is the King's most devoted servant and friend. The only one who is the most loyal, besides the Knights," Mordred shot back just as easily. "But no – that counted for nothing then, did it?"
"What are you saying, Mordred?" Gwaine demanded, sensing an undertone to the young knight's voice.
"This isn't the first time Merlin has been hurt by you, or falsely accused," Mordred answered simply. "You almost abandoned him at Ismere, you hurt him because of a spell but hurt him nonetheless-"
"You are really bringing the Lamia into this?" Gwaine paled, Leon and Percival also turning whiter than snow.
"Yes," Mordred answered simply. "I am. Because at every turn, Merlin is expected to brush it off because of the fact he is a servant and you are not. This time, I don't think he will be in any mood to forgive you unless you actually apologise and attempt to make it up to him."
By this point, all four Knights had stopped with their assigned training and Arthur had noticed.
"Gentlemen, why have you stopped?" the King frowned, seeing the guilty, saddened and determined – in the case of Mordred – faces suddenly bowing their heads to him. "What is going on?"
"Nothing, Sire. Mordred was just … giving us a reality check," Leon eventually confessed.
"Oh? Is that so?" Arthur raised an expectant eyebrow. "About what, pray?"
"About their behaviour towards Merlin," Mordred was all too happy to answer.
The King's neutral countenance suddenly darkened at hearing this. "Are you the reason that my own manservant refused to come and join me for training, as he normally does?" he demanded.
"Yes, Sire," Percival gulped. "We did not mean to – it was not intentional-"
"Out with it, Percival," the King ordered, tone full of authority.
"We may have been rougher with him than intended when we … threw him in the dungeons," Leon looked incredibly sheepish at this point. "We also didn't … advocate for his innocence."
Anger flashed in the eyes of Arthur at hearing that. "Oh? And why not?" his voice was dangerously quiet and calm. "What could have possibly possessed you into thinking that Merlin could ever wish me harm?"
Leon, Gwaine and Percival had the decency to gulp at this point. The rest of the Knights had by this point also stopped what they were doing in order to watch the King's three favourites getting the dressing down of their lives.
"Did you apologise?" was the next demand out of Arthur's mouth. Once more, the guilt on Gwaine, Percival and Leon's countenances etched themselves deeper. Arthur scoffed. "You will apologise to him – this is not up for discussion. I don't care for whatever reason you did what you did. There is nothing that can excuse your behaviour!"
"Mordred, Bedivere and Caradoc didn't say anything either!" Gwaine protested. "They were there when the Queen accused Merlin-"
"Then they will have to apologise as well. It is as simple as that," Arthur stated.
"Yes, Sire," Mordred answered immediately.
"Yes, my Lord," Bedivere and Caradoc, who had been standing nearby, added, bowing their heads.
Arthur scoffed and shook his head at his men. "I cannot believe that I even have to say this. You have all disappointed me."
The Knights all flinched at hearing this.
"All right, we will do some mace work and then you are off for the rest of the day," the King continued. "Perhaps this will knock some sense into all of you!"
The Knights knew better than to complain. By the end of the session, all of them were sore, bruised, battered and well and truly cowed. Precisely what Arthur was aiming for, in all likelihood. Gwaine, Percival, Leon and Mordred went back to their chambers to have a quick soak, change and find Merlin to offer their apologies. However, when they finally found him – coming out of the house of Tyr the stable hand's old house – they saw he wasn't alone.
Gaius of course was with him, as was a young woman. One they did not recognise, but could see that she and Merlin were extremely familiar with each other, judging how much they were laughing and joking together. Gaius was clearly used to this girl as well because he was fatherly to the pair of them. All four Knights quietly tried to suppress the blooming bud of jealousy that was taking route inside of their stomachs as they approached.
"You are absolutely right, Merlin. Arnulfa's pies are to die for!" the girl gushed.
"Don't tell that to Cook or she will try and chase you with a spoon!" Merlin answered, through chuckles.
"OK, duly noted."
"Merlin!" Gwaine could not help but calling as the four Knights approached. Upon seeing them, Merlin sobered a little, which made a pang of hurt hit Gwaine in the gut but he kept his smile on his face. "I did not know you had a lady friend! Are you going to introduce us? Does the King know?"
"Gwaine!" Leon, Percival and Mordred hissed in unison before smiling awkwardly at the girl, who was regarding them with amusement and interest.
"Does the King know what?"
Arthur, together with Gwen and their guards, had joined the group. Apparently they too had noticed the girl with Merlin and Gaius and had gone to investigate. It was at this point that Merlin looked like he wished that the ground would swallow him whole.
"Nothing, Arthur, Gwaine was just jumping to conclusions," Merlin replied, red in the face. He took a deep breath. "Everyone, this is my cousin Gadiena. The daughter of my mother's younger sister, Narah. Gadiena, these are my … friends. Gwaine, Percival, Leon, Mordred, Arthur and Gwen."
Whilst Mordred was quietly elated at being called Emrys' friend, Gwaine, Percival and Leon bowed to Gadiena. Arthur and Gwen too bowed their heads to her, which made Gadiena positively blanche in shock.
"Errrr, Merlin. Did the King and Queen of Camelot just bow to me?" she stated in shock.
"Yes?" Merlin grinned.
"OK, I was just checking to make sure that I am not seeing things."
Everyone chuckled. Arthur quickly composed himself. "Welcome to Camelot, Gadiena. How long will you be staying, if I may ask?"
"As long as Uncle Gaius doesn't feel like flinging me out of the window," Gadiena answered candidly, causing Gaius to give her a pointed look. Merlin smirked. Gadiena was never one for deference and that had not changed it seemed!
"I see we have a contender to Merlin's title of Camelot's Most Blunt Person already," Gwen stated, smiling but her eyes dancing with something else.
"For that she would need to challenge you or Arthur to a duel and win, my Lady," Leon pointed out, chuckling.
"Fair point," Arthur agreed, looking disgruntled.
"Yes, I did hear something about that," Gadiena gave Merlin a pointed look, which made the manservant look as innocently as he could manage, to the amusement of his friends. "I always wagered it would be Will who got himself into trouble with Royalty, but no – it ended up being my hot-headed cousin!"
"You are not much better!" Merlin protested immediately. "You were all but ready to march into Cenred's court and demand that he pay Will's family what they were due after Will's father died."
"Yes, for good reason – picking a fight because a prince is being an arrogant, spoilt pig isn't one of them," Gadiena huffed.
Arthur spluttered in indignation, his Queen giggling away. "Hang on! Merlin, what have you been telling her?"
"Too much already for my liking," was Gaius' honest answer.
"Yes, well, you know both Merlin and I run away with our mouths, Uncle," Gadiena pointed out. She repositioned her bags on her shoulders. "Hey, I do not mean to sound utterly pathetic, but can we get a move on so I can just drop these bags?"
"Yes, of course," Gaius stated and bowed to his Sovereign, Merlin following suit. "Sire, my Lady."
Gadiena dipped a small curtsey before following her family back to the castle. Arthur, Gwen and the Knights could not help but watch them head back, Merlin taking one of his cousin's bags for her as they went.
"So … did any of you know Merlin had a cousin?" Percival asked uncertainly.
"I didn't," Leon deflated.
"I … never really asked about his family. Other than his father," Gwaine admitted. "I always thought that asking about Merlin's family was not really a subject that was meant to be broached."
"He doesn't mind talking about his mother," Arthur informed with a frown. "I didn't even know Merlin had an aunt, let alone a cousin."
"Well, I would say a lesson has been learned," Gwen stated serenely. "We need to take a little bit more of an interest in Merlin's life and actually ask him about it – whether he wants to talk about it or not, is up to him."
"Indeed," the King agreed, flushing a little in embarrassment. He always felt like he knew Merlin the best. Meeting Gadiena, that just proved to Arthur that he knew very little about the man he called his best friend.
The Knights were also quietly ashamed of themselves. As they headed towards the tavern, the four of them promised themselves that they would not only apologise to Merlin, but they would make more of an effort to try and get to know him – and perhaps Gadiena too, since she was clearly important to him.
"I am sorry about that. It is typical Gwaine – when he sees a pretty woman, he just has to make himself known to her," Merlin huffed as soon as he had closed the door to his tiny room. Gadiena happily threw her bags in a corner and flopped on his bed, feeling the bumpy mattress with a look of sheer delight.
"It's quite all right, Merlin," Gadiena reassured easily. "Your friends – they clearly care about you a lot."
"When it suits them," Merlin couldn't help but grumble.
Gadiena frowned but didn't press him on the matter. She already knew it would not do much good at present. Merlin sat in the chair in front of his tiny desk and regarded her. "Why are you here, cousin? Truly? Because I doubt that you have merely upped and decided to come and see me because you feel like it. It's not how you work."
Gadiena smiled softly at that and fumbled with the iron ring on her finger that Merlin just noticed. "No," she eventually agreed quietly. "You are right. I do have a motive for coming now."
"What is it? Is it Mother?" Merlin asked urgently.
"No, Aunt Hunith is perfectly all right," Gadiena reassured with a smile. "She gave me a good scolding when I visited so I know she is."
Merlin laughed shortly. "Yeah, you were not going to escape that."
"No," Gadiena agreed. "I practically left without saying goodbye."
"Yeah," Merlin answered coldly. "You did. You didn't even come back after we sent you word about Will."
"Will and I were only friends due to you," Gadiena replied softly. "We did not get on most of the time. I doubt he would have wanted me there at all."
"Ealdor was in danger! Did you not know anything? Did your … powers tell you nothing?" Merlin demanded.
There was a moment of tense silence in the room.
"They did," Gadiena eventually whispered. "But there was nothing I could do, because I had my own supernatural problem to deal with. In Helva."
"Helva?" Merlin repeated, eyes widened. "You have been in Helva all this time?"
"And in Nemeth – I have been all over the place. Except for the Sarrum's lands, for obvious reasons," Gadiena's lips curled into a sneer at this point. "But Helva gave me time and space and freedom to hone my powers without fear of persecution." Gadiena then shot Merlin a pointed look. "Why in the name of everything good and holy did Aunt Hunith get it into her head to send you here? Magic is outlawed! How the hell have you been practising?"
"With some help from Gaius," Merlin responded, looking slightly sheepish.
"You don't say," Gadiena drawled. "Questing Beasts, sieges, immortal sorcerers come back from the dead – just things that I have been hearing that were going on during your time here and things I have been Seeing. How do you still have your head on your shoulders?!"
"I ask myself that question quite a bit," Merlin admitted with a deep sigh. He looked to her. "I could have used your help, cousin."
Gadiena scoffed. "My magic was never as powerful as yours. I doubt I would have been much help."
"I doubt that," Merlin contradicted easily. "So … what visions have you been having?"
"More threats to Camelot, and to you," Gadiena answered simply. "Ones that I simply could no longer simply allow you to deal with completely alone."
"What kind of threats?" Merlin immediately wanted to know, jumping to his feet. "Will someone try and kill Arthur?"
Gadiena snorted. "The King of Camelot has more than enough foes. But this particular threat is not directed at him, well not directly anyway."
"Tell me," Merlin demanded.
His cousin gave him a pointed look before obliging. "I saw a sapling – one blessed by Mother Earth with extraordinary powers. As part of a Blood Curse, it was tied to the King of a northern country – the House of the Wolf. The darkness at the heart of that court will use the sapling to turn the King into the beast of his House. A war will be waged lest three wolves and two Chosen put a stop to the darkness's plans."
Merlin's eyes widened. "Three wolves and two Chosen … wait … chosen by the Triple Goddess? You and me?"
"I assumed so," Gadiena confirmed softly. "Which is why I am here. In case the vision comes to pass. I know Uncle Gaius is versed in magic but I doubt his rusty magic will do against whatever threat lurks up north."
"Hey, Gaius' magic has saved me more times than I can count," Merlin bristled a little but he settled down rather quickly. "I … I am glad that you are here, Gadiena. I missed you."
"Missed you too," Gadiena smiled brightly. "Hey, shall we ask those guards if they want some dinner?"
Merlin laughed.
"What? They have to stand there the whole night and they don't get food? It's a bit rude."
The warlock held up his hands in mock surrender. "I am not stopping you, cousin! Go right ahead."
Gadiena was out of the room in a flash, leaving Merlin to gather this thoughts in relative peace and quiet.
Slipping in and out of the castle was much easier for Gwen then some of the previous times that she had to leave in order to meet with Morgana. This particular night was rather silent, save for the hooting of owls and the winds rustling the leaves in the trees above. Morgana was already waiting for her at their meadow, dressed in black and hooded.
"What news do you bring that could not be sent with a raven?" the High Priestess asked curiously as the Queen drew near.
"I could have," Gwen agreed readily. "However, I thought you might want to hear this first-hand."
"Oh?" Morgana cocked her head a little. "And what is that, Gwen?"
"Merlin's cousin has come to Camelot," was the answer that Morgana had not been expecting, judging from her widening eyes.
"His cousin?" Morgana repeated in disbelief. She frowned. "Did you know that Merlin had a cousin, Gwen?"
"No, none. He never mentioned her," Gwen replied. "Come to think of it, neither did Hunith."
"Her?" Morgana pressed.
"Yes. Her name is Gadiena, and she is as impertinent as Merlin is," Gwen chuckled mirthlessly. "Already has Gwaine falling for her, but that is not surprising to anyone."
"Indeed," Morgana agreed with a cold smile. "You did well to bring this to my attention, Gwen. Keep an eye on this Gadiena. We need to see if she is as irritatingly meddlesome as her cousin is. Two of them could pose a problem to us in the future."
Gwen nodded curtly in agreement before raising her own hood again and began making the journey back to her own bed before she attracted anymore suspicion. Morgana was left to ponder what her little puppet had told her. Merlin had a cousin, she was in Camelot and Merlin had never said a word about her existence.
Morgana felt her jaw clench. Yet another lie …
Well, Morgana was not going to allow Merlin nor this Gadiena to interfere in her next scheme. She would bury them both alive before that!
OK, this is chapter one! The adventure and mayhem begins here and in the second chapter, Marrok, Biclarel and Melion arrive, causing more potential mayhem! You want to know the extent? Stay tuned to find out!
Disclaimer: the Adventures of Merlin belongs to the BBC. Gadiena, Marrok, Biclarel, Melion and Gorlagon are all copyright free due to being characters from stories that are centuries old, thus escaping this so I am perfectly in my rights to use them.
See you in the next chapter!