Taking Care
"You did not have to come home with me," Nadir says, flopping down in the worn leather chair in front of the empty hearth.
"Christine wanted to check in with Irene…and Adele," Erik says. "If you find me too disruptive, I can wait in the hall."
"As if you would go simply because I wanted you to…which I do not, by the way. I am grateful for the company. I find myself not comfortable in what feels like an empty house."
"One's own company can prove to be boring, I must admit…and yet, the wrong company is even worse," Erik says. "Thankfully, I have to deal with neither situation anymore."
"After Mitra died and Reza…then your leaving found me adrift. Darius filled that void in many ways." Nadir sighs. "When I met Adele, life felt complete, though. Different than Mitra," he says with a slight shake of his head, the hint of a laugh in his deep voice. "So different. Now I am not sure."
"Fire?" Erik asks, placing a few logs on the metal rack. "Spring nights can be cold."
"I should check on her myself," the daroga says, making no move to leave the comfort of his armchair. "I am just afraid of what I might see."
"Christine says she is not speaking."
"Or anything else…"
"Do not lose hope."
"I am not certain what I am hoping for…" the Persian sighs. "All my senses seem to have abandoned me. I feel as though I am in some sort of dream state and keep waiting to wake up."
"The warmth of the hearth might hearten you."
"If you wish. Light the fire," he grumbles. "You must be cold if you are being so insistent."
"It would be wise, I should not wish for you to take ill."
"Afraid the business would shut down?"
"You mock me," Erik says. "I am happy for a bit of humor."
"Not humor, I am serious," Nadir says. "Adele…unavailable. Me…disoriented."
"Thanks to both of you – the park is not an issue. Gustave, Helen and Julia have things well in hand." Pouring himself two fingers of the Armagnac, he takes the matching chair across from his old friend. "I often wonder if I am more tolerated than needed anymore."
"The theater?"
"Sorelli is quite in her element, but I suppose I do still have some clout," he chuckles. "We built something good."
"You built something good," Nadir replies, turning around in his chair, looking at the small bar.
"Without pretending to be a ghost."
"The mask I am sure was sufficient to keep newcomers in line."
The men exchange a smile.
"Some lives we have led, eh?" Finishing his own drink, he asks. "A brandy?"
"Maybe a small amount – with some water?"
"No water, just sip. Ruin a fine aged liquor with water – why bother drinking it at all?" Erik says, walking back to the parson's table.
"If you say so," he says, relaxing back in the chair, putting his feet up on the hassock.
Handing him his drink, Erik asks, "What made you decide to have a drink?"
"I have no inner resources to still what is inside me." Taking a sip of the brandy, he curls his nose, shaking his head. Before he is aware of them, the tears begin to fall. "How could this happen? Why did I not see this? Am I such a fool? She had to be mad. And now…I see she must have been. How do you live with someone and love that person without seeing the descent into hell?"
"She never spoke about Meg in any way that might show she could hurt her?"
"Always," he says with a harsh laugh. "Not a day went by when there was one complaint or another. Since I agreed with her – there was never any suspicion she would act. It became a staple of our conversations – 'what is Meg up to now?' However wonderful a child or young woman she may have been once, Meg became a monster."
"You were not the only one with issues– maybe the repetition made Adele feel responsible? As her mother?"
"Damned woman. Kept it all inside. Like Mitra – oh, I am fine, I can deal with this and that – then she was so sick, I could not help her – except to die with some sort of dignity." Nadir swallows the rest of his drink, slamming the glass down on the table. His bloodshot green eyes look up at Erik. "I do not want Adele to die. I want my wife back – whatever she has done."
"Then she will not," Erik says. "Irene…Mrs. McInerny told Christine she might respond to some massage and food. Christine suggested Irene concentrate on her feet. She, herself, has problems…Sorelli…even Meg…from the dancing."
"Her feet? I had not thought of that."
"It occurred to her just as she was leaving for the Wake," Erik says. "Said her earliest memories of Adele were her walking with a cane, hiding the pain with each step."
"Dancing was everything to her – the only life she ever talked about," Nadir said. "Each night she would remove her stockings and massage her feet with a lotion – one you made for her…"
Erik nods. "A homeopathic remedy in a cream – eases the pain."
"You and your Eastern medicines – well, I guess it worked. Took some aspirin, rubbed the cream in, applied some talcum powder, put on some clean socks and to bed. Feet were still ugly, but she could walk almost without pain for periods of time."
"For all its beauty, the dancing does destroy the feet."
"Christine danced?"
"Hmmm, for a while. Not long enough for major damage, but I must say, not the most attractive part of her anatomy."
Nadir manages a laugh. "I believe that is the first time I have ever heard you say anything remotely negative about your lady."
"I must say, the sight of her feet literally made me ill. She was not pleased."
"Do you think she may have saved Adele's life thinking about them?" For the first time since word of Meg's death, he brightens.
Erik nods. "Years ago, I called her a prying Pandora."
Nadir's head pulls back at the confession.
"I kidnapped her not once, but twice. This was the first time. I brought her to my home. She woke up as I was composing – you know how absorbed I can be?"
Nadir cocks his head in agreement.
"She removed my mask."
"Indeed – cheeky of her. Being kidnapped and wanting to see the face of her assailant."
"I was teaching her to sing – she knew who I was."
Nadir sighs deeply. "Yes, that is what you have said. So she removed your mask and you had a temper tantrum and likely frightened her half to death."
"I was not at my best – shall we say. I called her a number of names."
"Always the gracious host," Nadir smirks. "Why, young lady, I only wished to protect you from your old friend by absconding with you to my abode in the bowels of the Opera House. I wear a mask, but do not be concerned, I am really a very nice man who only wants to teach you how to sing."
"That is not how it was!"
"Oh, that is exactly how it was," Nadir says. "What else did you call her?
"Lying Delilah, little demon, little viper. That was so long ago. I have trouble believing I was that person…"
"And yet. Even now, you wonder why she rebuffed you."
"Stop." Erik commands, calming at the twinkle in Nadir's eyes. "You are teasing me, now."
"I am," the daroga confesses. "Pandora opened the box of the evils of the world, but also release Hope, is that what you are trying to tell me?"
Erik relaxes. "Yes, I suppose it is. Worrying about Adele's feet, my dearest love found some hope in this horrible situation."
"What now?"
"Perhaps Christine will have some good news after her visit. Darius will be here tomorrow and Irene has agreed to stay on."
"I invited Raoul and Helen to come here to live with me," Nadir says without preamble.
"Well, that is a surprise." Erik quirks his visible eyebrow.
"You know I think the world of Helen – and with her mother being here, she will likely feel more comfortable."
"I must admit, I thought having…others here, initially Gregory…because of Louisa."
"I could not keep it from him…them…"
"I see." Nadir steeples his fingertips, pressing them against his lips. "I thought this was to be kept between us…Christine, of course."
Erik gets up, moving to the fireplace, taking the poker to adjust the logs.
"He accused you."
"He already knew how she died."
"Look at me," Nadir says softly.
Erik turns slowly to face him, unable to hold back his tears.
"I am sorry." Holding out a hand, the daroga gestures Erik to come to him.
Falling on his knees in front of the man he considers a father, Erik rests his head on Nadir's lap and cries.
Nadir removes the mask and wig and strokes Erik's nearly bald head. "That was most unfair." Pulling a large handkerchief from his pocket, he hands it to Erik.
Nodding, Erik takes it, wiping his eyes and face before replacing his wig and mask.
"I often wondered how attached he was to her. I often wondered why."
"Love is a curious thing…I wrote that as a lyric once…in the song I used to lure Christine here." Erik clears his throat as he gets to his feet.
"Love never dies – the song she sang that night."
"Mm hmm."
"And after all that you are still thinking of him…wanting to take care of him…this Wake business?"
"What would you do?"
Nadir shrugs. "The same I suppose – mainly because of my grandchild," he replies. "You believed he would so easily forgive Adele?"
"Once he came to his senses."
"When did you become such an optimist?" Nadir eyes him. "Or perhaps you always were."
"And you are not? Raoul?"
"I think it would be good for him…and me. Despite his work, he still seems like a lost soul and he can actually be funny when he does realize it," Nadir says. "Gustave also came to mind, but I just do not feel I could deal with a child here – now – including my beloved LuLu, even if Gregory will even allow it now."
"He will settle in at our house. The girls are becoming fast friends. I almost cease to notice when there is another small body running around."
"That would be the sin – not noticing another little life. I am always prepared. LuLu would be a nice addition – although I am still not certain about Gregory living with us. Gustave would be my preference, but he was hell bent to move out – I cannot see him returning."
"Here you are," Christine says, poking her head into the room. "Man talk or may I enter?"
"You are always welcome." Erik stands up, crossing to the doorway.
Christine smiles up at him, but as he comes closer a small frown furrows her brow and her eyes narrow. When he kisses her on the cheek, she gently adjusts his wig and straightens his mask, cocking her head.
Fingering the areas she just touched, he barely shakes his head, whispering, "Later." Taking her arm he guides her to the chair he just left. "Drink?"
"Just a taste. I fear if I indulge too much I will fall asleep right here."
Brandy attended to, Erik takes a seat on the matching hassock to the leather chair where she sits. Then waits as he and Nadir stare at her with bated breath.
"Yes, well, I suppose I best be on with my report," she laughs, taking a sip of her drink, wrinkling her nose, she puts the glass onto the end table. "I will never understand the appeal of alcoholic beverages."
"Ma? Maman?"
The words are so soft, Irene is not quite certain she actually heard anything, but then the foot she was massaging, rubbed against the other one, the deformed toes flexing. "Am I hurtin' you, love?"
The head on the pillow moves slowly from left to right. "Se sentir bien,*" Adele murmurs. "Merci."
The glazed eyes struggled to focus on the tall Irishwoman. "Oh. I must have been dreaming. Irene, what are you doing here?" She said, struggling to pull her feet away.
"You, um, took ill. Missus Christine asked me to help out. She thought rubbin' your feet might make you feel better."
"Leave it to her to think about my feet. I can manage them myself now," she says, attempting to sit up, but unable to lift herself.
"You just lay back on the pillow – let me take care of you."
"It is…unseemly."
"Nah, you are just proud."
"I am that…and you are mouthy."
"Aye, that I am," Irene replied with a chuckle. "Now let me get back to me job."
"No one has massaged my feet since my mother."
"A long time."
"Yes, a very long time."
"Then you best be enjoyin' this…time bein' what it is, ya never know when the chance might come again."
"Wise words."
"I have been known to say a few in my day," Irene says, smoothing Erik's cream onto each toe, massaging the balls of her feet and heels. "A long time to live in pain – even as a babby."
"Not a baby, but young," Adele agreed. "After class. I cried so hard."
"You didna wanna dance?"
"I didna wanna hurt." Adele offered a small smile. "Unfortunately the pain was the price for the beauty. It was also how we survived. Maman could no longer dance and had no other skills. I was a prodigy, so there was money to be had for my art."
"No Pa?"
Adele shook her head no. "None that I recall. I suppose he left once he found out she was with child."
"Sometimes havin one is a bad as not. My kids might tell you so if you asked," Irene said, her tone rueful. "I will be your Ma…Maman for now. Foot rub, then some broth."
"How long have I been sick?"
Irene cocked her head. "Mebbe a day or two?"
"Where is my husband?" A small veined hand reached out.
Narrowing her eyes, Irene examined the pale face – was that fear in the dark eyes? The blank stare completely gone now. Adele's face alert, but wary. "He is with Mr. Y and the missus. Some to do at Phantasma. Should be comin' home soon, I expect."
"I hope it is not about more trouble with Meg – I should never have bought that mirror. I am afraid I was not much help tending to her."
"No, m'am. There is no trouble with Miss Meg."
Adele sighed, relaxing against the pillow. "She is in good hands, I am sure." A small frown creased her forehead for a moment, but is shaken off. "I did my best trying to raise her, like my mother did for me, she just always manages to find the trouble in a situation."
"Well, not now," Irene said, finishing putting fresh stockings on the damaged feet. "Do you think you could take some broth?"
"I do feel hungry – perhaps a meringue?" Adele smiled shyly.
"Perhaps some toast and butter with the broth first…then a sweet for dessert?"
"All right."
"Good then."
"Her mother rubbed her feet?" Nadir murmurs. "Why did I never think to do that? He never mentioned it. Mitra liked me to rub her back."
"Well, perhaps you can do that now you know," Christine offers.
"She does not remember," Erik says.
Christine shakes her head. "So it would seem. I thought Irene handled the issue quite well."
"Indeed she did."
"I suppose I should ask Darius to come as soon as possible."
"I can call him, if you would like," Erik says, looking at Christine.
"While Erik is handling the call, perhaps I can go with you to see her."
"Oh, well, yes, I suppose I should." The dark green eyes flick back and forth between the couple.
"You will be fine," Christine says, rising from her chair, offering her hand.
Taking a final sip of his brandy, Nadir pulls himself up from the deeply cushioned chair. "I shall take your word for it, I am not so certain."
"One step at a time," Erik says.
"Easy for you to say," Nadir grumbles, straightening up. "Foot massage, eh? Make the call, see if Darius can come tomorrow."
"Good as done, now go." Lifting his chin to Christine.
With a nod back at him, she takes Nadir's arm. "It will be fine."
"Are you sure?"
"No," she says, "but I have hope."
Erik and Nadir eyes meet for a moment. With that Erik goes to the telephone and Nadir allows Christine to lead him from the study to Adele.
*feels good