Chapter 3
Sasuke pacing in his room not knowing what to do. This was the first time he felt this much nervous in his life. He stopped pacing and took a few deep breaths and gazed at his room. His gardobe is fully emptied on his bed, a complete mess but what he realizes he doesn't have any formal or royal clothes he can wear in front of Ma'am at least Naruto's standart.
After thinking for a while with a clear mind he remembered that blonde talking about the new kimono he bought. Then he remembered that Naruto showed him the store and bought their clothes which are mostly kimonos. With that new knowledge he rushed to the store.
Sasuke's eyes nearly fly out from his eye sockets. He is able to choose good kimonos from managers who give an approving look to his choice, a perk of being a friend of Naruto. His thought returned to Naruto and his first thought was "doesn't Naruto was an orphan", how the hell can he pay this much. This Kimonos price is a fortune even considering he owns all the Uchiha Clan fortune under his hand. With Singh he purchased the kimono and let tailor's do their job on his kimono.
Sasuke looked himself on a mirror and gave a satisfied smile to his newly dressed form he need to tell with tailor's last touch he fit in so well, he also checked if kimono restraining his movement and to do his surprise he can move like wearing his casual clothes.
"This store's kimonos are made especially for shinobis; Using special methods such as sealing, chakra silk and more" He heard a familiar blonde explanation and turned toward him. With the blonde's explanation price and mobility made sense. Sometimes shinobi's need to attend high organization while they need to suit their mobility for any unexpected thing.
With a satisfied "hn" he turned blonde. His hair is the same as ever while he wears a royal black kimono with pale blue ob and pale yellow collars. With his general posture and his personality, he completely looks like royal women, probably how he wants, a deception. "It suits you" is the only thing he said.
Blonde gave him a sharp smile, his eyes completely focused on his kimono. He could even see the manager waiting for his comment. After few minute silent "You choose very well additional camo design and blood red on colors waist and yukata showing your clan's most distinct colors" commented and his smile shrapend "You are ready to meet Ma'am" he added.
Sasuke was relieved with Naruto's and both left for the restaurant. Sasuke gazed at the restaurant, inside of it a much more different architect than normally you can see at Konoha and from first look doesn't even seem fancy but the aura of it giving is something else. After their name was checked the waiter led them to a table with an old woman sitting alone with straight posture.
Shivers run down Sasuke's spine when his eyes meet with Ma'am's eyes. He only felt this much vulnerable in front of Itachi when killed his family, his clan. His shock-like state broken with Nauto's calm but underlying sharp tone "Good evening, Ma'am", Sasuke collected himself "Good evening" he said in his sharp and strong tone. Both gave a slight bow to the older women and waited for approval to sit.
Waiting approval came soon with an ancient and elegant tone with underlying authority "Good evening, you two may sit". With that Sasuke sit near Naruto who sit in front of Ma'am. With now sitting and clear mind his eyes wander on the elder women, oldest person in the village with a longer active shinobi career than even 3rd Hokage himself. Even after leaving the orphanage matron position she started work in hospital as part time instructor and emergency medic.
Even for her age her posture is perfect and her eyes as sharp as ever with a similar smile on her face. She wore a royal kimono and her gray hair was designed with a Vertical Mage hairstyle. Overall she was a perfect kunoichi symbol. His thoughts are broken when waiters get their classic japanese style dinner.
With Ma'am signal they started to eat their food at a slow pace and utter silence. Sasuke felt awkward at first but after remembering this same silence when they eat something in their additional meetings. He himself also came to love silent peace when he is eating and only focusing on the flavor, he also started to think if eating like that makes it easier to recognize poison.
When they finished their food, waiters came and collected tables and served them hot sake and traditional mixed sweet plates. Then Ma'am gave them their Ochoko(sake cup) and Took Tokkiri from warmer and served them cloudy sake with a sweet aroma he can smell even never drink beverage before Sasuke can tell this is a high quality one.
With hesitation he took the cup with Naruto and drinked it with Ma'am signal again no word left their mount he was sure it's already been an hour but he didn't feel awkward at all. They simply enjoying their quality time and with sake as a new addition he feels refreshed and relaxed. With looking at Naruto he can tell Blonde also has a similar feeling as his refreshed and relaxed.
With the waitress collecting and cleaning the table they sat a few minutes in silence until "Firstly I want to congratulate both of you" she started and took out two boxes and placed a long rectangle one in front of Sasuke while a square one placed in front of Naruto. After releasing from their shock, they thanked the Ma'am. And decided to open first Naruto's gift to Sasuke's gift.
With Naruto's box opened, he saw two fans with black wooden parts engraved with snake and flower design with hints of red outlines with a small scroll. "Fans made by me with using special wood from Hashirama-sama's handmade forest and powered with sealing art(fuin-jutsu) with chakra application those fan can cut iron" Naruto and Sasuke shocked by explanation "Scroll contain blueprint of fans destroy it after memorize every detail" She finished. Naruto closed the box and thanked Ma'am.
Then she turned to Sasuke and signaled to open it. With Sasuke's box open now, he stared tanto in it with an awe even trying to not show on his face. Near the tanto similar scroll like Naruto's. "Tanto is made by special highest degree chakra conductive metal with handles made of the same special wood as Naruto's fans. Tanto also powered with sealing art(fuin-jutsu)" She stops for a few seconds ''For your scroll, it contains sword style(ken-jutsu) suitable to your fighting style" She finished her explanation.
Naruto and Sasuke are shocked by this amount of generosity she is showing them. Even for Naruto who lived nearly all his life Ma'am she never showed such kindness before. She was most wearing her usual face and demeanor when she was talking and Naruto knew that their relation was nowhere near mother and son, the most likely teacher student relation and receiving a gift from her for a first time in all his life. He will make good use of those fans.
Seeing similar shock on his friends face Sasuke came to conclusion that this type of thing from Ma'am also new for him seeing how he holding fans he was sure those fans will be used in a most efficient and deathly way as possible and now holding his tanto and completely fitting his grip he wonders one day will he reach her level. Now he understands why Naruto respects Ma'am at worship level.
With their new found tools and determination to become respected elite shinobi they parted away. On Sasuke's behalf found a clear way reagin respect for his clan while Naruto gained a strong tool to become an elite shinobi like Ma'am.