A/N: I know that this is changed from the original. I found it hard to write about all the Victors apart from orchid. She was an easy chapter to write. So I am just going to stick with that style. I will move the chapters for Illinois, Angelina, Lupus, Coalette, Sawyer and Enobarbus to a separate fanfiction, and may end up posting a random future chapter or two to it of separate Victors I can write a chapter for. I am going to update each chapter when I complete the remake.
The first year of the Hunger Games was different from any other year. There was no Head Gamemakers this year, as President Ravinstill just told engineers to slightly modify the Capitol Amphitheatre for the Games. The Amphitheatre was bombed by Rebels during the Dark Days multiple times. There were still seats in half on the Amphitheatre, while the seats on the other side were destroyed. This allowed a Arena to be built for the Second Hunger Games. Ravinstill had already appointed Carolina Portwee for the job of leading the Second Annual Hunger Games. He knew that Arenas would take a long time to build, so had already tasked Carolina with coming up with three arenas, and to supply a knew design each year she was Head Gamemakers.
The Tributes of the First Annual Hunger Games were mostly of Rebel descent. The only exceptions were the pairs from District Two and District Six. Illinois, the boy from Six, was born in the Capitol, but was kicked out after his grandfather fought for the Rebellion. Even though Illinois and his parents were loyal, they still paid a penance for his Grandfather. His family was kicked out of the Capitol and sent to live in District Six. They were also stripped of their Capitolean names, and had to take new names in Six. Illinois was a victim of random reaping. The pair from Two, Tiberius and Athena, were two mighty warriors. Both were children of Peacekeepers, so knew how to fight. The girl from Six, Bernice, was the daughter of the mayor of Six, who had been loyal. All the other tributes from One to Twelve were rebellious or children of rebels. There were no Volunteers at all, making the First Hunger Games the only Hunger Games where there were no Volunteers (except various Quarter Quells).
The Tributes:
District One: Sable Silk, 16 and Pillar Silk, 18
District Two: Tiberius Friis, 18 and Athena Mardew, 18
District Three: Click Ximma, 15 and Facebook Ximma, 15
District Four: Noah Freenock, 13 and Ariel Gleemstow, 16
District Five: Plover Sawn, 17 and Reep Winni, 14
District Six: Illinois Katrick, 17 and Bernice Hamilton, 17
District Seven: Pine Fawcat, 14 and Rosie Wester, 17
District Eight: Denim Geral, 18 and Cotton Derby, 13
District Nine: Tabbock Veris, 12 and Laurel Harp, 12
District Ten: Ruff Portdue, 15 and Maria Lamplong, 16
District Eleven: Apple Treewatch, 16 and Dew Parter, 17
District Twelve: Cole Heeper, 13 and Emilee Jackrat, 15
The Games:
The First Hunger Games were the quickest Hunger Games ever, lasting only two and a half hours. Every other Games would last at least two Days, normally more. The tributes rose up into the arena, deafened by the roaring crowd, eager to see the blood spill. As every tribute died within three hours, there games were not counted as having a 'Bloodbath'. Only the Second Games and onwards did, after the Hunger games started becoming a longer event, and survivalist elements were added.
This year was different, with a live announcer in the stands counting down, but a gong still sounded at the end of the countdown, marking the beginning of the First ever Hunger Games. Only Tiberius, Illinois and Bernice ran forward, with Athena moving a moment later. All the other tributes stayed still on their podiums. Illinois got to the pile of weapons first, and grabbed two daggers. Bernice got a spear and Tiberius grabbed a sword. Athena arrived a moment later, and picked up a baton. Illinois ran over to Bernice, and they stood back-to-back, ready for anything.
Athena suddenly leapt towards the pair from Six, and swung her baton. Illinois noticed this and ducked, but Bernice did not move in time. Athena smashed Bernices skull, and the Six girl fell sown dead, becoming the first ever dead tribute in the Hunger Games.
24th: Bernice Hamilton, District Six female, killed by Athena Mardew.
Illinois reacted instantly, plunging his daggers into Athenas' chest and ripping them out, causing blood to spray everywhere. Athena chocked for a few seconds, before collapsing in a pool of her own blood. At this, all other tributes ran forward, all desperate to get a weapon to keep themselves safe.
23rd: Athena Mardew, District 2 female, killed by Illinois Katrick.
Ariel from Four had grabbed a trident by now. She turned around sharply and saw Rosie from Seven trying to sneak up on her with an axe. Ariel hurled the trident with all her strength, causing it to impale Rosie through the neck. The Seven girl fell down, dead before she even hit the ground.
22nd: Rosie Wester, District Seven female, killed by Ariel Gleemstow.
Tiberius grabbed the boy from Three as he tried to sneak pass him. Tiberius made quick work of the boy, causing his sister to scream in pain and sadness. Tiberius turned towards her with a twisted smile.
21st: Click Ximma, District Three male, killed by Tiberius Friis.
Fights were happening all over the Arena: Tiberius was fighting Facebook, the Pair from One were fighting the boy from Eight and pair from Eleven, the boy from Four was fighting the boy from Twelve and the boy from Seven was fighting the girl from Eight. The other tributes were either running around in a panic or hiding at the edge of the arena. The boy from Nine, Tabbock, noticed Illinoi run towards the edge of the Arena and, despite being only twelve, ran after him. The next tribute to die was the Eight boy. Sable nocked his dagger aside, and stabbed Denim with his spear. Denim clutched the wound, trying to keep his organs in his body, but he was already loosing consciousness.
20th: Denim Geral, District Eight male, Killed by Sable Silk.
Denims' District partner was killed next after Pine from Seven managed to drive his axe into Cottons' head. It went in so far that her head was practically split in two. This caused Pine to throw up, but immensely pleased the audience.
19th: Cotton Derby, District Eight female, killed by Pine Fawcat.
Pillar from One got the next kill. She managed to parry one of the blows from Apple from Eleven, and stabbed him in the head with her other dagger. Pillar quickly ripped the blade out of Apple, before stabbing him twice more.
18th: Apple Treewatch, District Eleven male, killed by Pillar Silk.
Noah from Four rammed his spear into Coles' eye, piercing his brain and killed him in an instant. Noah screamed in fear as soon as he pulled the spear back, and fell to his knees having a full mental breakdown, crying and curling up, holding his head in his hands.
17th: Cole Heeper, District Twelve male, killed by Noah Freenock.
Pillar and Sable teamed up for the first ever team kill in the Hunger Games, when Sable speared Dew in the side, while Pillar stabbed her in the head with her twin daggers. In the official records, the kill went to Pillar as she dealt the killing blow.
16th: Dew Parter, District Eleven female, killed by Sable Silk and Pillar Silk.
Illinois was about to get to the edge of the arena, when the twelve-year-old Tabbock from Nine lunged at him with a metal rod. Like last time, Illinois' fast reflexes helped him duck the blow, causing the baton to strike the wall. This caused vibration to go along the baton, and shock Tabbock, who dropped the weapon. Illinois quickly stabbed Tabbock in the neck. Tabbock fell down, and Illinois quickly stabbed him again.
15th: Tabbock Veris, District Nine male, killed by Illinois Katrick.
Ruff was leapt upon by the pair from Five, both of whom had a knife. Both were trying to stab him. Ruff threw Reep down to the floor, and stamped on her head, while still wrestling with Plover. After ten minutes, Plover managed to stab Ruff in the neck, and he fell chocked on his own blood for a few minutes. Plover then noticed that Reep was just clinging on to life, so he put her out of her misery.
14th: Ruff Portdue, District Ten male, killed by Plover Sawn.
13th: Reep Winni, District Five female, killed by Ruff Portdue and Plover Sawn.
Tiberius finally managed to kill Facebook. She had been darting around him, proving to be very fast and agile, managing to give Tiberius small cuts here and there, and the more cuts she gave him, the easier it was to hurt him again. However, she had no training and Tiberius had fought as a Peacekeeper during the final few months of the Daark Days, so managed to eventually kill her.
12th: Facebook Ximma, District Three female, killed by Tiberius Friis.
Pillar from One noticed Noah still lying on the ground, screaming and crying. She ran over, and killed him quickly. He was thankful when he saw Pillar with her daggers, as he did not want to live any longer with the guilt of killed another tribute.
11th: Noah Freenock, District Four male, killed by Pillar Silk.
Tiberius then snuck up on Plover, and raised his sword. However, Plover noticed the shadow of Tiberius, and dived forward to avoid the strike. Plover jumped up, and turned to face Tiberius. The Two boys held his sword so tight that his knuckles turned white, and moved fast towards the Five boy. Plover had no time to react as Tiberius grabbed his wrist, forcing him to drop the knife, before stabbing him through the face.
10th: Plover Sawn, District Five male, killed by Tiberius Friis.
Maria from Ten was trying to hide at the edge of the arena. This did not work for her as Ariel spotted her and ran towards her. Maria screamed and started running. However, Ariel was much faster and caught up with her easily. Ariel plunged ger trident into Marias' back, and then again into her neck, ending the poor girls life.
9th: Maria Lamplong, District Ten female, killed by Ariel Gleemstow.
Sable saw Pine trying to sneak up on his sister. He called for Pillar as he ran towards the Seven boy. Pine dived forward, determined to kill Pillar, but she turned around just in time to deflect the blow. Pine growled and went to attack her again, but Sable stabbed him in the back of the head before he could.
8th: Pine Fawcat, District Seven male, killed by Sable Silk.
Laurel from Nine was facing Tiberius, and proving to be very difficult for him to fight. Facebook had already weakened him, and Laurel was even smaller and quicker. Meanwhile, Sable and Pillar stood either side of Emilee, who held a spear tightly. It was a long and drawn out fight between the three, lasting almost one hour. During this time, Laurel had run away from Tiberius, who had started fighting Ariel. Illinois and Laurel both hung back, watching. Out of the five fighters, Sable was the first to fall, but only just. Emilee was stabbed by Pillar, and knew she was going to die. In one last burst of energy, she thrust her spear forward, and into Sables head, before collapsing dead herself.
7th: Sable Silk, District One male, killed by Emilee Jackrat.
6th: Emilee Jackrat, District Twelve female, killed by Pillar Silk.
Ariel noticed this, and sped away from Tiberius, pushing Laurel into his way when he followed her. Ariel sped forward, and brought her trident down into Pillars head, as she was crying over her brothers body. She did not have to live without him for long.
5th: Pillar Silk, District One female, killed by Ariel Gleemstow.
Laurel was not ready to face Tiberius again, and her very quickly dispatched of her with a stab to the head.
4th: Laurel Harp, District Nine female, killed by Tiberius Friis.
He then decided to let Ariel and Illinois fight, as he went over to the wall where people were screaming his name. His fans handed him water and some healing cream, and he dealt with his wounds. Ariel had run towards Illinois, wanting to get the Hunger Games over quickly. She spun her trident, and swung it up towards Illinois. He blocked the move and stepped back i=towards the centre of the arena to give himself more space to fight.
Ariel lunged again, and Illinois ducked out of the way, making this the third time he had dodged an attack with his fast reflexes. Illinois brought his daggers up, by Ariel caught both between the prongs of her trident, and spun them out of his hand. She levelled her trident at his throat and took a breath. That breath is what lead to her death. It gave Illinois enough time to grab the prongs of the trident and wrench it to the left, while kicking Ariel in the leg. Ariel cried out, dropped her trident, and fell to the ground. Illinois quickly picked up the trident and stabbed Ariel in the chest, sounding the twenty-second gunshot. The final battle of the First Annual Hunger Games was between Tiberius Friis of District Two and Illinois Katrick of District Six.
3rd: Ariel Gleemstow, District Four female, killed by Illinois Katrick.
Tiberius dropped his water, and grabbed his sword as Illinois threw aside the trident and picked up his daggers. Both faced each other. Tiberius, full of confidence, roared and started charging towards Illinois. Illinois threw one of his daggers, and it stuck Tiberius in his shoulder of his sword arm. Tiberius cursed loudly, dropping his word. This allowed Illinois to run forward, and stab Tiberius in the head, sounding the gunshot, and becoming the Victor.
2nd: Tiberius Friis, District Two male, killed by Illinois Katrick.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present the Victor of the First Annual Hunger Games: Illinois Katrick of District Six!" Shouted President Ravinstill. The live audience cheered loudly, while Illinois just stood there smiling, relieved that it was all over.
Illinois Katrick, District Six male, Victor of the First Annual Hunger Games.
Illinois was well liked by the Capitol and his own District. Those in the Capitol saw him as a patriotic first Victor who would set a good example for all future Victors. He was offered a place in the Capitol, but refused it. Saying that he had made a home in District Six, and he would live there.
The Capitol built a Victors Village in each District, and Illinois moved into the first house in the District Six Victors Village.
Illinois would live to the age of eighty-five, dying in a car crash just before the reaping of the Sixty-Ninth Hunger Games. He quickly got addicted to drugs after the games, but stopped when he heard he would have to mentor the tributes for the Second Hunger Games. He stayed mostly clean for the rest of his life, marrying and having three children. Illinois mentored many tributes, but only saw two more from District Six survive the arena.
Victor News:
Illinois Katrick moves into the Victors Village in Six, the first person to do so.
List of Victors:
District 1 (0 Victors):
District 2 (0 Victors):
District 3 (0 Victors):
District 4 (0 Victors):
District 5 (0 Victors):
District 6 (1 Victor): Illinois Katrick (1)
District 7 (0 Victors):
District 8 (0 Victors):
District 9 (0 Victors):
District 10 (0 Victors):
District 11 (0 Victors):
District 12 (0 Victors):