New Employ
10. Truth Seekers
Disclaimer: I do not own Helluva Boss and bear in mind, this chapter is going to get a bit bloody and quite a bit violent if it wasn't obvious enough considering the content of the show. So theirs your warning.
A dark room. That's all that's seen except for a quad monitor setup with pictures and videos being displayed on all of them.
Various scenes are shown of the members of the demon assassin company IMP committing their contracts. One shows Blitzø and Moxxie outside the house of a family of cannibals, the second shows Millie walking out of the ocean after killing the giant fish monster during the spring break contract, a third has Millie and Moxxie French-kissing intensely as they swing on the rope when the CHERUBS attacked, and the final shot shows a small farm filled with horses, showing Blitzø hanging out with them and choking on the boba pearls of his drink.
Two people dressed in government looking black and white suits stand in the room with all the monitors. One of them is a white pale-skinned man with short brown hair.
The second is a brown-skinned woman with curly, pixie-cut light blonde hair with light makeup.
Both of them are wearing matching black shades and matching black and redish tuxedo-jackets with red lapels with a large 'D' Pin on the left sides. They wear their jackets over white collared shirts with black neckties. The male wears black pants and black dress shoes, while the female wears black dress pants and black low-heeled shoes.
The male, Agent One, points at the screen with Blitzø around the horses, "Right there! This was the first sighting."
The female, Agent Two, looks at the screen closely, "They are definitely from Hell. They must use this dark magic to cross over into our world… and they seem to be killing specifically targeted people. But, why?" She asks but doesn't get a a definitive answer.
"I have no idea." Agent One states. "But I also want to point out this human that seems to be at some of the same locations as them." Just as he says, one of the monitors switches to back at the Spring Break fiasco, where hotel cameras show the grizzled human making his way through the hotel into the same rooms that were later discovered to have bodies in them afterwards. Another monitor shows different street camerals and CCTV footage of him firing a high-caliber sniper rifle from one of the rooftops, as well as when he broke into one of police cars and set it on fire, as well as being seen near some of the demons in some of the alleys. "He always seems to be working with or near them, and it doesn't look like he's being coerced or like some sort of slave! We can't even find any trace of him at any other part of the months they don't appear."
"This is getting really weird." Agent Two states as she sighs frustrated at the almost dead ends they have.
Agent One lets out a frustrated sigh, "They always attack at random, aaaall over the country. There's no way to predict where they'll show up next!" He just about shouts at the whole thing.
Suddenly, a loud clattering noise is heard from outside, followed by a very angry cat sound. The two Agents immediately glance over to a barred-up window obscured by heavily damaged blinds. They both walk over to the window where Agent One makes a gap between the blinds to the outside to see what made that noise. The Agents then see the source of all the racket: Blitzø, standing on a box and a dumpster while holding the dumpster lid open, making no attempt to hide himself as he looks around suspiciously.
"Ahhh, well… That's convenient." Agent Two comments with a smile at the break that just dropped right into their laps.
At the alleyway, another successful contract has been fulfilled for the members of IMP.
Blitzø is standing on trash bags and holding a dumpster lid open. "Shhhhh! Remember, we can't be seen." He states but contradictory to his statement, he slams the dumpster lid loudly, but then falls backwards into a pile of trash bags. Millie silently chuckles at his predicament, then walks away.
"Pardon my words, sir, but you're currently being the loudest." Moxxie states to his boss.
"When isn't he the loudest." Ajax comments with a small chuckle as he rubs his hands clean with a rag before tossing it into the pile of trash bags as he heads over to Millie.
Blitzø jumps up out of the garbage pile covered in trash; he has an old newspaper on his forehead with the bloody rag Ajax used on his shoulder, a half-eaten lollipop stuck to the side of his head, a scrap of paper on his horn with an old banana peel impaled on the end of it, and a used condom on his index finger, the same finger he uses to poke Moxxie's face indignantly. "I said shuuush your dick-sucking lips, Moxxie!" He almost whisper shouts to him.
Moxxie steps away from his boss for a short moment, likely grossed out from Blitzo's condom finger, as he notices a portal opening behind him. Millie and Ajax are already standing next to it. Loona is seen on the other end and Millie jumps into it, waving to Moxxie. Ajax waves the others over so they can get going. Frankly Ajax was feeling a little disappointed with the mundane and pretty much easy contract they did. It was a simple matter of portaling to the target, getting into their apartment and taking them out. Easy, done and out. Normally Ajax is alright with some missions being simple and done… but he would be lying if he said he wasn't hoping for something bigger.
Moxxie waves back and begins to walk towards the portal. He notices though that a sudden alarmed expression appears on Ajax's face.
"GET DOWN!" Blitzø tackles Moxxie to the ground just as a net passes over them. A government looking black suited Agent jumps down and cocks what looks like a net launcher, readying another capture net. Blitzø looks back and sees a female Agent jump down on a rope from the building next to them, landing in front of the portal and Ajax. "AJAX!" Blitzø shouts. Before the human can pull out his pistol, the female Agent aims a rifle at Millie and Loona at the portal, intending to cut off their escape.
She fires, sending a couple tranq darts right at the duo.
"AAAAHHH!" Ajax shouts in pain, having stepped in front of the portal and taken the shots to his lower back.
"AJAX!" Both Loona and Millie shout in concern for him. Ajax barely manages to keep himself standing as he does everything he can to keep himself from passing out instantly.
"LOONA! CLOSE IT!" Blitzø orders out loud for his daughter to do.
Ajax, with his eyes barely starting to droop low, gets a fierce look on his face before reaching forward through the portal.
To hers and Millie's surprise, he slaps the book out of Loona's hand. He has just enough time to pull his arm back as the portal closes.
"Wait, no!" Millie tries to rush forward but its too late. The portal closes with Ajax just barely able to pull his arm back before it gets severed from the portals closing.
He stumbles back as he braces himself against the wall as he weakly pulls the darts from his back, letting them fall to the ground as his consciousness begins to fade. His strength has left him to the point his gun falls from his grip and to the ground.
Moxxie, seeing the portal close and his partner attacked, is distraught at first but quickly shifts to anger, pulling out a pistol in an attempt to fight off the two Agents while Blitzø hides. He jumps off a wooden pallet to dodge both a tranquilizer dart and a capture net and prepares to fire. Admirable as it is however, he is hit in the neck from behind by another tranquilizer dart.
Moxxie stumbles, mumbling incoherently, then falls to the ground.
Before the female Agent can take down Blitzø, someone tackles her from behind, knocking her to the ground the knocking her weapon from her hand. As Blitzø rushes to grab Moxxie, he spots it was Ajax that tackled her with the last of his strength. His human partner weakly looks up at him as Blitzø grabs Moxxie. "Ruuuuuunn…" He manages to get out before he collapses onto the Agent, attempting to deadweight himself on her. With a grunt of frustration Blitzø holds onto Moxxie and takes off down the alleyway with him.
"Oh for- Get the fuck off!" The Agent angrily shouts as she pushes Ajax off of her and takes off with her partner after the demons. Ajax himself can only weakly look at the retreating forms of his partners and the sudden appearance of some new enemies.
His strength has already waned to the point he can barely lift his hand up before it slumps onto the ground. With his slowly drooping eyes, he can barely make out the other forms of people moving to him. He reaches up to his neck and pulls something off barely with what little strength he has left.
'I hope… the others… got away.' Is the last thought going through his head as his grip loosens and his consciousness fades.
Meanwhile back in the IMP office, things aren't going well for the rest of the company. Millie furiously punches the wall, tears in her eyes and making vicious demon screeches, before falling to her knees devastated.
"SHIT! Shit, shit, shit!" She screeches in anger before she wails with her head and hands on the floor. Loona stands behind her, looking concerned at the distraught look Millie is exhibiting but more so over the situation that just absolutely turned to shit for them.
"What the fuck was that? Who the hell were those guys? And why were they—?" Before Loona can question out loud over the situation, Millie suddenly stands up, startling Loona.
"What're you doing sittin' there?! The boys are in trouble! Open it again!" She demands angrily
Loona gets a frustrated expression, "Listen, Blitzø was using a total of zero euphemisms, innuendos, or swears. You saw Ajax too when he was the one that smacked the book of my hands. That means this shit was serious, which means I don't open it until—" Consumed by rage and worry for her husband and the others, Millie grabs Loona by her shirt and yanks her down to face level.
"Open the fucking portal, now!" She furiously yells, fully ready and wanting to use force against Loona if need be.
"Okay okay!" Loona shouts as she pushes her off. "But first, we're going to need some gear."
With the plan set, Loona and Millie gear up for a rescue mission to save the men of IMP. Loona zips a backpack labeled 'Blitzø's Emergen-C Bag' closed, an angry Millie twirls and lifts a giant double-headed axe with the 'M' in the middle, and Loona transforms to her human form. The portal opens again, and Millie leaps out and lands in a pose while Loona nonchalantly steps through.
They look around for the others but the entire spot is empty and devoid of the others.
"They aren't here…" Millie mutters in despair at the failure for them to act and lose them. She drops her axe and falls to her knees again, tears welling in her eyes. Before she can cry, Loona suddenly grabs and lifts her up, bending down to sniff the ground to track where the others went.
"It smells like they went this way. Hold on…" She mutters as she spots something on the ground. Grabbing them, she holds them up into the light. It takes a second for her to realize it's a necklace and more specifically:
Dog tags.
Her eyes widen as she reads the name of their human employee on it, Rourke, Ajax. She smiles. "You crafty son of a bitch." She takes a long whiff of the tags, shaking her head a little and blinking at the strong odor, which should have been obvious since he pretty much never took them off his person. But it does ensure that she has his and others sent locked in. Loona drops Millie into the backpack and slings it onto her back, then grabs Millie's axe off the ground, resting it on her shoulder. "Come on… Let's find those dumbasses."
Without wasting a beat she takes off running while carrying Millie, intent to rescue the others.
Ajax groans as he feels himself start to wake up. His mind is pretty groggy as his sense come back to him.
When they do, his eyes widen as he remembers what happened last time he was awake.
Unfortunately, his attempt to get up is stopped with the fact his hands are handcuffed to the table. Looking down, he finds himself sitting in a dimly lit room in front of a metal table with some handcuffs on his wrists that lead to the center of the table and welded there. He looks at the cuffs and his wrists and tries to find a weakness in them.
Before he can, the door opens up in front of him. He stops looking and places his hands down on the table and adopts a neutral expression.
A person pokes their head in and takes a look around before staring at Ajax. They smile before stepping in. "Perfect! It's about time your awake."
"About damn time." Followed by another.
The duo walk into the light in the room, allowing Ajax to finally get a good look at them. It's a man and a woman staring at him, a black man bald and having a goatee and the white woman with long black hair.
Both of them wear black and red government looking suits and black sunglasses to add to the look.
"Good to see your awake. I'm Agent Three, and this is Agent Four." The black man states as he points to himself then to the woman next to him.
"Now that your awake, we can finally get to getting some answers out of you." Agent Four states with a small confident smile.
"Here's how things were supposed to go down: all we wanted were the red demon looking creatures that were near you. Theirs good chance that in the commotion that you accidentally got hit with some of our sedatives and passed out trying to escape." Agent Three states in a calm even tone, trying to take things slow and not rile their guest up. "That's all we wanted, were the creatures. We don't know you and therefore have no qualms of keeping you any longer than necessary. All we want is just some answers to some basic questions and you'll be out of here with a nice big check as compensation for your pain and suffering. Sound good?"
"…" Ajax makes no move and remains as still as a statue as he barely regards them.
Agent Three sighs and chuckles a little. "I get it. Your probably angry, annoyed, maybe scared at the sudden government intervention but you don't need to be. Just answer our questions and this'll all be over with. How about we start? First question—"
"What were you doing in that alleyway in the dead of night?" Agent Four butts in and speaks in an accusing tone.
"Agent Four, please." Agent Three says before turning back to Ajax. "How about your name? Can you tell us your name, otherwise we won't be able to make out our large check to you?"
"…" Again, he stays still.
"Well, where do you live so we can call you a cab or something?"
"… Are you mute?"
"Or deaf?"
A pen and paper slides in from the side next to his hands.
Still, he makes no move or speak at all.
"Goddamnit. We're trying to help you here and you're not letting us." Agent Three states, now he himself starting to get annoyed.
"Are you in cahoots with those demons? What did they give you huh?!" Agent Four shouts as she tries yelling in his face but Ajax continues to stay still, not even blinking as she yells at him.
"Enough!" Agent Three shouts as he waves for Agent Four to follow him. "We have other matters to attend to. Hopefully next time we come back you'll be more receptive to helping us out."
With Agent Four glaring at him and giving him the stink eye, the two Agent's leave the room before slamming it closed and locking it.
A few seconds pass as Ajax waits for them to be truly gone. Slowly he cranes his head to the side and looks up, noting the camera staring right at him. He stares at the camera for an uncomfortable amount of time before staring forward again and taking in a deep breath before slowly letting it out.
'Well… this day just got interesting.' Ajax sighs as he thinks. 'Okay, to recap: what started as a simple assassination mission of sneaking into a guys apartment, which the jackass didn't even lock his windows, not even the fucking door, and stabbed him. Easy peasy and donesy. Before we can get home, we are suddenly beset by some form of secret government agency that was quick, somewhat efficient and was able to take most of us down. There's a good chance that Millie and Loona geared up and are making a rescue for us. Normally I would have setup a proper kit used to infiltrate hostile enemy territory… but something tells none of them, except maybe Millie and Moxxie together, not alone, would be quiet in terms of infiltrating a place. Chances are Millie would prefer to go on a war path to save her husband and the rest of us, and subtle doesn't seem like much of an option Loona would prefer.'
Ajax sighs as he quiets himself and listens, noting the very faint and the distant sounds of other people in the building but nothing else for him to make out. At the very least he knows that theirs more than just the ones he saw. He glances at the pen and paper on the table and is seriously tempted to grab the pen but relents.
'I could take apart the pen and use its contents to pick the cuffs I have on me, but with that camera staring at me I don't have much opportunity to do anything without being spotted. Hide it and use it as a weapon? They'll see. Pick the locks? They'll see. My options are limited, especially when I don't know where the others are, both Blitzø and Moxxie, and Millie and Loona. Best option: bide my time and wait for an opportunity. They don't seem the absolute best and competent, especially since I simply didn't say a singly word and pissed them both the fuck off. They got us because of the element of surprise if anything. For now, just wait.'
Ajax leans back a little and gets himself comfortable for potentially a long wait. The only thing he can hope is that things aren't going crazy with Moxxie and Blitzø.
"How did you bewitch those humans?!" Agent One demands angrily as he shines the light at the two of them. After several long minutes of intense interrogation of the Agent's trying desperately to get some information from the demons, and failing horribly both at their own chagrin and at the enjoyment of the demons as they either throw insults, tedious requests, insulting ones dead mother or lewd comments and statements.
Now it's the elephant in the room, so to speak, as they try to pry information from them from a specific subject.
"A… what?" Moxxie asks at the weird term.
"Gesundheit." Blitzø replies nonchalantly.
"Thank you… wait, no!" Agent One shouts angrily at them before going back to his question. "Tell us how you got humans to do your dirty work?!"
"A who now?" Moxxie continues to play dumb to the whole thing.
"The human we caught you guys with!" Agent Two shouts as she shoves a folder in their faces. "Along with this guy!" She says as she opens up the folder to show the two demons some CCTV photos of Ajax from some of their past contracts on Earth, most notably some of them from Spring Break. Both demons stare at the photos for a few seconds, their eyes darting between the different photos. "So!" She pulls them back and gets in close with the lamp light again. "We ask again… how the fuck did you guys get humans to willingly work with you? What type of deals did you make with them?"
"Sell their souls to you's for power? Money?" Agent One adds onto it.
Both demons don't answer at first before they glance at one another out of the corners of their eyes. It happens for only a moment but they already know what was said between them.
"We already did what we needed to do when we got here today." Moxxie states with a matter-of-fact tone. "The human in the alley with us just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and more then likely was curious at what he saw."
"Then why did he tackle me and tell you all to run?" Agent Two says with a smile, very sure she got them.
Moxxie looks at her weirdly, "Soooooo your telling an average human would be able to think clearly after getting hit with tranq darts and act rationally?" He asks.
It doesn't sound like it would make much sense but right now the Agents don't have much evidence to really counter that question. Agent One growls before asking the next question. "Okay fine! Then why did you call out his name?"
"…What name?" Moxxie asks innocently.
"AJAX!" Both Agents shout simultaneously and angrily at them.
Again, both Moxxie and Blitzø glance at one another before Moxxies speaks, "Was that his name?"
This makes the Agents confused for a second at the question before Agent One gets angry and annoyed again, "You called him that!"
"I yelled that name to the others so they didn't have to deal with your bullshit!" Blitzø spits at them as he speaks.
"Do you even know his name?" Moxxie asks.
"Of course we do! Name their accomplice Agent One." Agent Two states wit ha smirk as she stands in a dignified pose.
"Yeah… wait, I didn't get anything from him." Agent One says with some confusion in his voice at the spot he was put on.
"What?!" She shouts. "You were supposed to learn his identity!"
"I thought you were!"
"I thought the others—!"
"Oh my Satan you don't even know your own fellow humans name! HA! That is hilarious!" Blitzø shouts and laughs in their faces at the incompetence from them. Moxxie joins in too at a slightly lesser intensity but still enjoying the trainwreck the human Agents are doing.
"Oh shut up will you!" Agent One shouts at them, making them pause for a second.
"Man this turning into a riot. But still to keep things going, this guy in the photo?" Blitzø states at a photo of Ajax in the hotel with just a hint of graininess to the photo. "I don't know fuck all with him. It was Spring Break don't you know? Apparently for you humans it's a time for everyone to do anything or anyone to anyone out there. Seems to me like he was just cutting loose." Blitzø states with a smirk, further irking the Agents. Suddenly he gets a scrutinizing look at the photo, "Besides, this guy looks kind of old. Could have Alzheimer's or whatever its called to make old fucks go crazy… or went crazy with PTSD or some shit. Old guys usually get that crap at some point."
"Don't try and change the subject you scum." Agent One states with firm annoyance and anger.
"Easy there One." Agent Two states as she pulls him back from getting in their faces. "It's obvious they aren't telling us everything. Lucky for them," She gets a smile on her face as a new plan is about to take place, "We have an easier way to get the information we need from them."
With that, they make their way out of the room and leave the two in the interrogation room still tied up.
Elsewhere the rest of IMP does what they can to look for the boys that have been taken. A large plain looking building is setup in a section of the city, nothing outward and obvious about it… except for the two government-looking Agents carrying Japanese Naginata's as they stand outside the buildings entrance with four security cameras looming over their heads and scanning to and fro.
Off to the side and out of sight, Millie and Loona can be seen lurking around and spying on them, looking for a way to sneak into the building.
"This where they ended up?" Millie asks her.
"I think so." Loona replies, the dog tags she grabbed dangling from her neck, easier to hold onto them without them getting tangled up in the bag filled with the weapons in their bag. "Fuck, this looks intense. How are we gonna get in?" She mutters in worry at the high-security main entrance.
Millie looks around, trying to find another way for them to get in without being seen. She looks at the side door near them but tried it already and it was locked. She doesn't have to look far as she sees a small vent over their heads as a means to get in.
She points at it, "Lift me up to that vent!"
Loona raises her hand, allowing Millie to climb up and open the vent before she crawls inside. Not long after she manages to open the side door from inside the building and lets Loona in. Now the girls of IMP have managed to break into the building holding the rest of their company. Speed is imperative for them as they move quick and stealthily through the halls of the building to find Moxxie, Blitzø, and Ajax.
Unfortunately, their focus on trying to find the others leads them to disregard the camera's inside the building. A couple of unnamed guards in one of the surveillance rooms spots the girls on the cameras.
And one promptly spits out his coffee in surprise… unintentionally soaking another guard. With the intruders spotted, he sounds an alarm to alert the other guards and Agents of the trespassers.
The effect is immediate as Loona screeches to a halt in the hallway. A bunch of Agents come out of the different rooms holding several Japanese melee weapons ready to fight the intruders. An Agent holding a naginata runs toward Loona and Millie and swings it at them. The girls duck, avoiding the blade and allowing Loona to jump and swing the axe, chopping off an Agent's leg while Millie double-taps him twice with twin pistols. Loona throws the axe at another Agent's face where it sticks into the Agent's skull. Millie climbs the Agent's body and removes the axe from his head, jumps to avoid yet another guard's katana swing, then chops the katana-wielding Agent in two vertically in a grisly display of gore.
Loona runs into an Agent with twin nunchaku's and attempts to split kick him but he avoids it. She rolls back and jumps to avoid his strikes against her. An Agent swings his kusarigama at Loona but Loona ducks low to the ground, allowing the nunchaku guy to be decapitated instead. Millie takes the opportunity and sneaks up to the now surprised kusarigama-wielding Agent and snaps his neck, and as he falls to the floor face first Loona grabs Millie, who grabs the axe from the floor, running towards another set of three Agents inside a large doorway at the end of the hallway.
In order to stop the girls and keep them from progressing, and trap them, one Agent hits a button at this side, attempting to stop the girls by closing the blast door on them. The other two reveal their shuriken's and proceed to throw them at the girls.
"Throw me!" Millie orders as the Shuriken's miss the two of them entirely.
With a loud grunt, Loona throws the small imp with the oversized axe straight towards the Agent's. Holding her axe in front of her, Millie flies toward the group of Agents, landing with a roll just as the blast door labeled 'CAUTION BLAST DANGER' closes behind her. Screams of agony can be heard as Millie slaughters them behind the door. The blast door opens back up soon after to show Millie surrounded by dismembered corpses and blood splattered on the walls and ceiling with a smirk on her face.
Loona smiles as she walks into the room. "Damn! You're pretty agile for an old lady!" She says impressed by the display.
Millie is not all that impressed though at the subtle/not-so-subtle insult by Loona. "I'm, like, five years older than you." She replies annoyed at her.
Regardless of it, the girls continue making their way through the facility after the attempt to stop them. Sonn enough the girls find themselves standing in front of a three-by-four 12-digit keypad. Millie walks closer and makes a closer examination of the keypad. She sees that the 1 button is the only one that shows any wear, while the other buttons are untouched.
"Try 1." Millie states when it seems obvious what the code is. Loon presses 1 five times on the keypad. Just like that, the door slides open, revealing a reception desk. The girls look to each other in affirmation and run inside. Millie wastes no time as she vaults over the desk as the door slams shut behind them.
Back with the Blitzø and Moxxie, after a way intense hallucination vision trip the two of them dealt with because of the weird truth-telling gas they used on them, the effects have started to wear off and they have their wits again… somewhat.
They slowly wake up. Blitzø glances up to see that the truth gas is no longer being pumped into the room. Both are silent for a moment as they realize the somewhat awkwardness of their situation, and what they just dealt with, and sort of revealed to each other in their drug-induced stupors.
"Do you remember what you said to me after my first day with the company?" Moxxie somberly asks him.
Blitzø takes a moment to think before shaking his head, "Not really." He admits.
"I remember. You told me I did a good job and that you were proud to work with me. I feel like you wanted to say something more judgmental, but… you said that because I needed it… And it helped." Moxxie remembers fondly. For a while now in the employ of Blitzø, his fellow imp has always been condescending and always putting him down almost constantly. It's a memory that Moxxie is particularly fond of due to it being one of the few moments his boss wasn't irate with him.
Blitzø sighs in annoyance before speaking, "Look, I'm hard on you, because I know what you're capable of, Mox." He tries to speak in a way to perk up the smaller imp. "You care too much about what everyone thinks except for… me, because, y'know, my opinion is correct, but just… keep doing a good job. 'Kay?" He tries to give him some encouragement in his own way, "You shoot 'n kill good, you escape things easy… you can be strategic and cold-blooded when you need to, aaaand don't expect any more compliments; I'm maxed out." Just like that Blitzø is back to being his own subtle insulting way.
"Thank you, sir." Moxxie smiles at his boss.
"You know my name… Use it." Blitzø firmly states for his employee to do.
"Thanks, Blitzo." Moxxie agrees with a smile.
Blitzø smiles at Moxxie's use of his name finally. He then gets a curious look on his face as he realizes something. "Hey, did A-… Our meat shield appear in your hallucination too?"
Moxxie goes to say something…. But then stops as he thinks for a second. "You know, I didn't see him or anything like that. You?"
"Not really."
"I wonder if its because we haven't known him as long as the others."
Blitzø shrugs his shoulder as best he can considering his bonds. "That's about as fuck all I can think of. Dude's also a fucking stickler for protocol or whatever the fuck and is practically a statue most of the time. You'd think he'd cut loose now that he's no longer old and wrinkly."
"I guess." Moxxie mutters, a little unsure of the way Blitzø comments on their fellow employee.
Before they can continue discussing, they suddenly look up as they hear a muffled pounding coming from the ceiling above. In a fanciful way of agility, Millie crashes through the ceiling, landing with a superhero pose in front of them.
"THERE'S my Millie!" Moxxie excitedly calls out his wife. Without wasting any time, Millie runs over to Moxxie and Blitzø and begins to untie them. "Impressive work, Mills! How'd you get here all by yourself? Did you manage to find our meat shield?"
Millie and Moxxie have a tender reunion with each other…
…But are rudely interrupted when Loona smashes through the one-way window of the interrogation room using Agent Two as a makeshift battering ram.
"LOONIE?!" Blitzø calls out in surprise at seeing his daughter here in hostile territory.
"Get your asses out here before MORE FUCKERS SHOW UP!" Loona loudly and angrily shouts at the tense situation they are in. Loona throws Agent Two at Agent One as he stands behind her in shock. She crouches, wolf ears sprouting from her head, and leaps, having instantly reverted to her Hellhound form as she lands. She drops her backpack and Blitzø and Moxxie grin maniacally at each other as they go to grab their equipment. Moxxie pulls out twin submachine guns while Blitzø brandishes his trusty flintlock pistol, flicking the hammer.
Back in the side room, Agent One weakly presses a button, setting off an alarm. IMP turn as a few disposable mooks drop from the ceiling holding Japanese weapons, before even more slide in from the sides and encircle them. The almost entirety of IMP hold fighting poses, ready for a smackdown and a massacre.
"Where's Ajax?" Loona whispers to the others as they get ready.
"Somewhere. We don't know." Moxxie replies as he readies his weapons.
"I wouldn't worry about him. Right now we have some mooks to cut through." Blitzø states as he cracks his neck and readies himself, "Ooookay, I've had one too many emotions for today! Guys… Let's FUCK these FUCKERS UP!"
With an evil toothy smile from Moxxie, he nods as they get ready to attack all out.
The fight starts not from the professional assassins, but from one of the Agent's. An Agent wielding a kusarigama with its chain throws the sickle towards the momentarily distracted Blitzø, intending to take one of them out as soon as possible.
In the last possible moment, Loona appears and catches the handle of the weapon in her mouth and yanks hard, throwing the wielder across the room to hit an Agent with a katana. A female Agent attempts multiple strikes at Loona with her naginata, but Loona deftly dodges and, with the kusarigama sickle still in her mouth, stabs the Agent through the throat. She releases the kusarigama and grabs the chain in her hands while running, wrapping it around another Agent's neck and yanking hard enough to decapitate both Agent's in one fluid fell swoop, sending both their heads flying into the air.
As the two Agents' severed heads fly, Millie jumps and twirls in the air with her axe and goes for an Agent wielding a katana. He tries to block her attack but is unsuccessful as the Hell material and strength of the axe easily breaks through his sword and he is cleaved in half, splattering blood and brain matter around Millie. She sees an Agent with a two-handed sword running toward her, so she simply runs up to him and dismembers him in two quick swings, first his arms then his legs, no attempt to block from the Agent as he focused on attacking. She uses her axe to deflect incoming shuriken's and swings at the thrower. This Agent though is nimbler than the others as he backflips away, dodging her attack. This allows another Agent with a sword to run at her and try to attack her but misses as Millie jumps away. She flips in the air and lands with a pose, her axe with their company logo displayed proudly on the giant weapon. She then briefly clashes with the sword-wielding Agent before taking off his entire lower half in one quick swipe after a momentary delfect. The shuriken thrower makes a second attempt, but he is easily cut down without someone else to back him up. She then happily runs off while spinning her axe. As it stands, the Agent she dismembered earlier from his limbs is still alive as he helplessly flails his bleeding stumps about.
The others are still dealing with their own group of Agent's attempt to surround and rush Blitzø and Moxxie. Blitzø blasts a fist-sized hole into another Agent's head with his flintlock while Moxxie uses two H UMP .45 SMG's against the wave of enemies.
"Mox! Cover me!" Blitzø drops his gun as he rummages in their bag full of weapons.
"Yes, sir!" Moxxie unloads his SMG's in a wide arc around them, cutting more Agents's down as he finishes up the ammo in his weapons. He disposes of them as Blitzø hands him two golden revolvers that he uses to great effect, blowing giant hole after hole into each enemy as they get close, the close proximity being ever so devastating to the humans. Blitzø, meanwhile, pulls out a vicious-looking green knife and runs off, stabbing one Agent to death while decapitating another.
"EAT! MY! ASS!" He shouts as he kills them. He even stops for a moment to take selfie an Agent's severed head before throwing the head to the ground. Moxxie fires his revolvers until they're spent, then he proceeds to viciously beat one Agent to death with the butt of one before discarding them. Blitzø picks up a demonic pump-action shotgun, fires off a shot, then hands it to Moxxie, who blasts two more Agents with it. Blitzø shoulders the backpack so it sits on his chest. He and Moxxie turn to each other and nod before running in opposite directions, Moxxie making a demonic hiss as he does, getting really into the carnage they are committing.
Loona is momentarily surrounded by Agent's but is quickly joined by Blitzø, who slithers up into her hair and shoots an Agent with a crossbow. One Agent swings at her with a sword but she counters with a roundhouse kick to the face. As Blitzø jumps away, Loona turns and delivers a powerful uppercut to the jaw of another sword-wielding Agent, sending him into the air and away from them. An Agent with twin sai comes at her but she crouches down before leaping towards him. The Agent was unprepared for the quick attack and can't defend himself as Loona proceeds to bite down so his entire head is in her mouth. She briefly shakes him back and forth, crushing his skull and breaking his neck in a grisly display before throwing him and grabbing another Agent by the face, slamming him to the floor and ending him as well. Blitzo hands her what looks almost like an energy rifle of some sort with a bayonet at the end, which she fires at a few Agents coming at them.
"DIE, MOTHERFUCKERS!" She shouts as she kills them. She gets distracted though when she looks down at Blitzø staring up at her fondly. "What?"
"I am just so damn proud of you, Loonie!" He hugs Loona's face and kisses her cheek. "Bye, sweetie!" He happily shouts before slithering away.
She growls angrily at the affection before taking it out on another Agent's head by biting down and throwing him.
"Watch out!" Blitzø ducks at her warning as an Agent with some nunchaku tries to attack him but the Agent Loona threw blindsides him.
With that taken care of, Blitzø looks around and sees Millie cut down two more Agents with her axe and twirl it with a flourish like the weapon weighs nothing to her. "Hey, Mills!"
"Hey, Blitz! Just one sec!" She happily calls back to him before moving to attack some more Agent's, her accent coming in thick at the end of her sentence. Millie jumps and swings, decapitating one Agent. She cuts a leg off of a female Agent holding some sai, relieves a male sai-wielding Agent of his lower torso, then twirls her axe to completely eviscerate an Agent holding a straight sword like a meat grinder and poses.
"Do you need a gun or anything?" Blitzø appears next to her with the bag still strapped to his chest with another demonic pump-action shotgun in hand, offering it to her.
"Nah, I'm good!" She denies the offer before she spins to the side, taking off the lower legs of a female Agent with a kusarigama then eviscerating her like a jet engines spinning turbine. She swings her axe as leverage for a leap onto another female Agent, wrapping her legs around her neck and decapitating at least two more Agents with the axe as they spin. Millie severs the leg of the Agent she's holding onto, causing her to collapse before Millie begins strangling her with her thick thighs.
"How about some water?" Blitzø appears at her side again with a water bottle.
"Sure!" This time she accepts. He squeezes the bottle and squirts its contents into her open mouth. "Ahhh." She sighs in relief at the refreshment before effortlessly snapping the Agent's neck. "Thanks, Blitzø!"
"No problemy, Millie-Billie!" He replies before she runs off to murder more Agent's. Now it's Blitzø's turn as he turns around and pulls out a UMP in one hand and a shotgun in the other. "Now, who wants some quality time with Daddy?" He says in a low demonic tone as his eyes glow red, staring down at the multitude of Agent's going for him now. He spins his guns, runs at an Agent with a sai and leaps onto him, firing at five Agents with his shotgun before blasting the one he's grabbed onto's head and splattering it onto the floor. He leaps off and frontflips, killing two Agents with the submachine gun. Once he lands, he pulls a spiked baseball bat out of the backpack strapped to his chest and trips an Agent with it. Before the Agent can get up or retaliate, Blitzø brings it down and beats him in the stomach with it. He pulls a grenade out of the backpack and uses the bat to hit it away into a group of hapless Agents like some deadly baseball.
"FOOOORE!" Whether he was going with baseball or golf is unsure as he shouts and sends the deadly explosive into the group.
The grenade explodes, killing and knocking the Agent's about the room as Agents One and Two attempt to flee the building. They duck and cover their heads in fear at the explosion near them. They then see the corpse of an Agent hit the floor, a femur sticking out where his leg should be and his katana falling down and impaling him in the chest.
Agent One looks on horrified at the situation. "Good God! Why are we only usin' weapons from Japan's Edo Period?!" He shouts in confusion and frustration.
"Hey!" Agent Two shouts as she grabs the front of his suit. "The Edo period was badass, and you know it!" She tells him the reason why.
"Dammit, you're right." Without argument, One relents and agrees.
"LOOK OOOOUT!" Agent Two pulls Agent One down to the floor down with her as Loona spins around, firing her energy rifle at more Agents and nearly killing One and Two but missing. She continues to fire at more Agents as Agents One and Two pull themselves along the floor towards the exit. They are stopped by an Agent's freshly severed head landing in front of them, courtesy of Millie. An Agent with twin nunchaku runs at her only for her to easily and deftly remove all his limbs from his torso in a massive spray of blood to spatter, one nunchaku-wielding arm comically flying up to the ceiling like a helicopter before falling to the floor. The Agents turn and pull themselves another way as Loona shakes an Agent back and forth in her mouth to death.
Elsewhere in the room Moxxie is standing on a pile of Agents, blasting Agent after Agent with his shotgun and screaming bloody murder, a red hue taking root in his eyes from the blood rage he seems to be in. He even flips one Agent into the air with his tail, causing him to spin, then he blasts him away before filling more Agent's with buckshot.
"BIIIITCHES!" He shouts in a rage, ready to continue the killing.
"Hey, Mox!" Blitzø suddenly appears next to him. Startled, Moxxie drops his shotgun and it lands on its buttstock, accidentally discharging right into an Agents in the crotch as he was running up. "Ohhh, wow. Really goin' for the dick there, ain't'cha?" Blitzø comments as even he looks slightly disturbed by the no-kill shot to the nuts.
"Help…" The unfortunate Agent weakly reaches a hand up at Moxxie.
"Here, I got it for ya." Blitzø pulls out his green demonic knife and stabs the Agent. "Now, hold this." He places the backpack in Moxxie's arms and pulls out a massively large rocket launcher that has no reason or logic to being stuffed inside the small backpack with the weapon labeled 'MY DICK' on the side. "Oh, yeah! I'm gettin' hard holdin' this motherfucker!"
Moxxie suddenly looks very worried at the absolute heavy ordinance they are using.
Blitzø fires a rocket labeled 'PUSSY DESTROYER' and gives an evil laugh as it goes. The rocket flies toward a group of Agents on the other side of the broken window and explodes, causing both Millie and Loona to flinch away from the flames. Millie's axe is also blown out of her hands by the blast but is otherwise unharmed. Moxxie moves to check on the girls.
"Oh, crumbs! Is everyone okay?"
"WOOOOOO!" Before Moxxie can get an answer, Blitzø jumps on Moxxie and crushes the poor imp. "How's THAT for demon scum?!" He boasts out loud.
Near the bloody broken window, blood is dripping from the few shards left in the frame near Agent's One and Two, who were able to get to cover underneath one of the broken desks. Agent Two nods at Agent One, signaling him to hit a red button next to him aptly labeled 'RED BUTTON'. This sets off an alarm and causes the entire room to tint and intense red as a loud alarm goes off.
"Oh, shit! C'mon, fam! Let's blow this cocksicle joint!" Not wanting to take any chances, Blitzø signals for everyone to get the fuck out of there. He and his daughter run for the exit while Millie hoists Moxxie off the ground and they join the rest of the group.
Before they can leave, the doors close in front of them.
"HEY!" Loona shouts in anger as she watches several more doors of various security types from steel doors to lasers cut off their escape.
"Quick! The book!" Moxxie calls out for Loona to use it.
Loona pulls Stolas' Grimoire out of the backpack and attempts to read it but the shifting red light makes it hard to read.
"Shhhit! I can't... I can't read the spell in this light! I can't see dick!" She looks around worried as the whole room is completely cut off.
Blitzø searches himself for more weapons but comes out empty-handed, having exhausted all their equipment in the fun they were having. "Well, shit. Looks like we've milked this weapon tit dry, and now we're out of badassery."
With the demons trapped, Agent's One and Two come out with glock pistols drawn and ready to execute. "Ha! You demons aren't goin' anywhere now! Haaa!" Agent Two boasts now that they have the upper hand.
Before the two Agents can do anything, they begin noticing strange happenings around them. The IMP gang's shadows growl and meld into a hideous beast behind them. A screen suddenly turns on and flickers, rattling around aggressively before turning off, then showing the Agent's reflections and the four-eyed silhouette of something that wasn't there before. The Agents are startled as the screen breaks off of the wall, falls at their feet and slides away. Two more screens then break off of the wall while the rest shudder and display static.
From the shadows comes an elegant but menacing voice, "Who daaares threaten... my impish little plaything?"
"Who said that?!" Agent One demands as he aims his gun around. The Agents look at the floor, where bird-like footprints appear coming towards them from IMP. Before Agent One fire, another monitor bashes him in the face, removing his shades and knocking him to the floor in a dazed look. He turns to look at Agent Two who is standing away from him. "Agent Two?" He calls out to her in concern.
Agent Two has her head spasming, her red eyes wide and mouth slack in shock and horror as something seems to be doing something to her and she can't fight it all. Around her, dead bodies stand up, eyes completely black and empty. Agent Two tries to stop her head spasming with her hands but fails as it continues. The black-eyed bodies kneel to her. Agent One stands back up, his shades returned to his face, and attempts to approach Agent Two. She removes her own shades, and her head twists around in the style of the Exorcist to look at Agent One, freaking him out as he stumbles back as she now has sharp teeth, bloodshot eyes, and her mascara has formed sharp streaks down her cheeks.
"What's the matter, demon hunter? Never seen a REAL demon before?" She taunts in a now smiling and slightly British tone.
The dead bodies begin drawing a ritualistic circle around Agent Two in their own blood, which is now dripping from their eyes and mouths. She chuckles maliciously, eye twitching and nose bleeding as her necks twists back and forth, cracks being heard. Agent One looks on in terror as Agent Two's head whips back to its normal orientation on the front. Her eyes have now rolled back before she throws her head back and vomits shadowy sludge and feathers. Demented laughter can be heard in a variety of voices. The Agent's and IMP watch, even Loona snapping a photo, as the shadows coalesce into a demonic, shadowy owl monster. The shadow beast approaches the two Agents, screaming and roaring at them as they huddle together out of sheer horror at the display in front of them. The demon beast's essence after a second of screeching pulls back and reveals to have turned into Stolas, looking at the Agents with disdain as his eyes glow red at them. He turns away from them and clicks a button on a nearby console, shutting off the alarm and the red light as well. The series of doors is heard opening throughout the building, signaling their freedom and ability to now escape. Stolas walks up to the gathered IMP group, stopping in front of his boyfriend.
"Stolas? Wha-… A- Wh- Hold on, how did you know that we needed help?" Blitzø demands in confusion at the sudden arrival of the Goetia.
"I have my ways, darling. Are you alright?" Stolas smiles before he leans forward and gazing into Blitzø's eyes as he places a hand on his cheek. Blitzø rolls his eyes at the lovey-dovey display.
"Ugh. I'm fine, Stolas." He answers in a slightly muffled tone.
"Mm. Good." Stolas says softly and caresses Blitzø's head. "How the FUCK… did you get caught by humans?!" Now he adopts a more sharper and angrier tone now that he knows his lover is okay. "Are you little creatures not being careful up here?! You know, if you get in trouble, I get in trouble! WE… don't want that!" He berates them as he boops Blitzø's nose and grabs his cheek too.
"They… caught us off guard, your highness." Moxxie pulls Stolas' hand away as he explains what happened to them.
"…Yeah, you can unclench your bird-puss, Stolas. It's not gonna happen again, 'kay?" For a moment Blitzø is okay with Moxxie having stopped Stolas from scolding him like a child.
"Luckily for you… most don't believe the word of the demon-obsessed lunatics." Stolas states as he glances at the Agent's, who are holding each other and shaking in fear. "They are seen as kooks! Hmhm… Kooks! Such a silly word!" He giggles, pleased with himself. He claps his hands as he gets ready to use his magic. "Now! Let us all return!" Stolas is about to open a portal but then notices someone missing. "Hang on, where is Mister Ajax?"
"Oh shit that's right!" Blitzø shouts as he facepalms. "In all the fun we almost forgot about him… actually we did forget about him but we remember now!" He walks up to the two Agents as they gaze at the Imp standing over them. "Alright you pansies. Enough games. Show us where you're keeping the human you got too and we won't swiss cheese and sashimi your asses like the rest of your guys." To illustrate the point Blitzø is making, a ceiling tile falls and lands on a nearby body. Blitzø has pretty much decided to forget trying to keep Ajax's identity a secret since they fucked up their entire Agency of people.
Agent's One and Two stop shaking and look at one another before nodding. They slowly get up and make their way to the main door of the room. "The others are still in the building right?" One whispers to Two silently without alerting the others.
"Yeah, we recalled everyone when we captured them. They should be waiting at the door once the alarm was hit."
One nods and as Two goes up to the door and puts in a code to unlock the door, allowing it to slowly open.
"HA!" Agent One suddenly shouts, startling the demonic people in the room at the loud yell as the Agent has a wide grin on his face. "You didn't get all of our people! We've got dozens of other Agent's waiting in this building to get at your demonic asses once we hit the alarms! Just waiting outside this door!" Both Agent's grin as the giant metal doors begin to open and they notice an Agent standing there through the crack. This sends all the assassins and employees of IMP and Stolas on edge as they get ready for a fight. "Get them guys and gals! Fuck'em up!"
"Oof!" Right behind the grinning Agent One, the Agent standing there falls to the ground and lands on One's back. "Arh! What the fuck is wrong with you—" As he curses and grunts, he turns over and tries to push the Agent off him… only to freeze and see he's dead from the katana sword stabbed into his back. "Wha-?! How the fuck did—?!"
"Agent One…" The male Agent stops his rant as he hears the quiet scared tone in his colleagues voice. Looking at her, he sees that she's standing in front of the fully opened door and is staring down the hall with a quivering finger pointed forward. He looks down the hall as well… and freezes.
"Oh my." Stolas, in his curiosity, motioned away from the others to step behind the Agent's and look down the hallway as well. His eyes widening and a hand placed over his mouth in slight shock.
Soon enough and the rest of IMP looks down the hall… to see what amounts to a veritable bloodbath massacre.
All those are the words that sum up what they see. Blood platter and severed limbs cover a good part of the hallway with bodies lying about every few feet, some even in piles.
One body they see actually hanging from the ceiling by some wires.
Theirs a couple bodies slumped together with a hole in their necks as something was run through them, including having been peppered with shuriken's.
Another body is slumped against the wall with his head hanging almost in a complete right angle from half his neck cut up, a grim horrified open mouth expression of pain permanently stenciled on the face.
An Agent is laying in a pool of blood and entrails as his torso was cut open from hip to collarbone.
Another unfortunately Agent is pinned to the wall with his chest pressed up against it with the broken head of a Naginata spear holding him in place.
Three more Agent's are dead with blunt force trauma, crushed torso's indications of their deaths. Two of them are crushed into each other on top of one another. The third was crushed into a small concave of the wall and stuck there, blood dripping from his mouth, nose and eyes with his eyes having popped out of his skull with such force they broke the sunglasses the Agent's wear.
A female Agent lays down on the floor with most of her body free of injures minus the broken leg and heavy staining of blood… and for the completely crushed head with a Japanese Kanabo standing straight up tall where the mushy pile of her head is.
Another Agent is dead on the ground with most of his body relatively unscathed except for the broken trachea of his neck, resulting in a horrified look in his desperation to try to breath before eventually perishing with his hands still at his neck as he desperately clawed for air.
The rest of the hallway is littered with more and more bodies with a pool of blood covering pretty much the entire length and width of the hallway as more body parts and flayed pieces are left about for all to see.
No words are spoken as everyone tries to make sense of what happened. Their own carnage in the room was pretty violent, but that was four of them working together. This was almost worse for what they are seeing.
And that's only what they can see in the one hallway in front of them. The rest is almost bathed in darkness but flickering lights further down shows still more mangled bodies.
Suddenly small whimpering can be heard as movement can be seen from under one of the bodies on the edge of the hallway. A random male Agent with black hair slowly pushes a body off him with slow and shaking ease. A scared shitless look is on his face as he frantically looks around through his rapid breathing. The hallway is empty of any other movement but when the Agent looks down the towards the end of the hallway, his scared state turns to one of relief as he spots Agent's One and Two. "One! Two!" He whisper shouts as he pushes himself up with a look of relief on his face.
"Agent 23? What the fuck happened out here?" Agent Two asks in surprise and incredible confusion.
Agent 23 doesn't even notice the demons behind the two Agent's as he makes a beeline to his fellow Agent's as he stumbles over some of the corpses in his mad dash. "I don't know… that thing! He isn't human! He… he can't be! Nothing… We have to get out of here! We have to— AAAAAAHHHH!"
Before he can make it to them, after being only a couple doors from them, he didn't notice the open door to his left. A black blur rushes forward and tackles the Agent before the others can get a good look at the blur. The Agent yells as he's tackled through another door into another room.
"AAAAAAHHHHH! NOOO! NONONONONONO!" He screams as he briefly appears from the door as he collapses midway through the door. He screams and shouts as he tries to claw his way forward but something is holding him back. "FUCK! FUCKING NO! PLEASE DON'T!" He's jerked back as he grabs onto the doors frame with all his might as he continues to scream and beg, "PLEEEAAASSE! HELP! MERCY PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!" He shouts as he holds out his hand in a desperate attempt for help… but its for naught. He's yanked back into the room as he screams before the door slams shut. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO—!"
His screams echo out the hall, slightly hurting the ears of the others as the Agent just about tears his lungs apart in his screams of horror. A slam hits the door, shaking it briefly and shutting the Agent's cries up.
It happens again.
And again… and again… and again…
… Silence follows after as fear hits everyone over what just happened. What adds to it though is the fact the door that was slammed into has one of those foggy tinted windows at like police stations… and its tinted more and more red as the slams continued. A red pool slowly forms under the door and pools away from it.
Everyone jerks as the door slowly opens with a heavy creaking noise.
The Agent that was taken in falls forward, his head completely unrecognizable as all that there is is nothing but a pile of bloody chunks of flesh, bones and brain matter as it splatters on the ground and spreads out in a gruesome display.
Everyone stares at the recently turned dead Agent before looking at the door.
Slow even footsteps can be heard from within… until he appears.
The human member of IMP steps forward, stepping on and over the bodies in the hallway until he's standing in the middle of the hallway. With a slow head turn, he looks at everyone at the end of the hallway.
Just like that, a heavy weight falls onto everyone, even Stolas, as they stare at the human as he slowly turns his body towards them.
They get a good look at him now that he's making his way towards them but as they get a clearer look at him, they almost wish they hadn't.
The large majority of his body is covered in blood and dripping some from the tips of his fingers onto the largely pooling puddles of blood around him. His pants and shoes have splotches of blood on them except his shirt doesn't have any.
Because he doesn't have a shirt on, having been ripped from his body in the massacre he committed. Blood splatters can be seen on his torso front and back, outlining his lean figure. Not overly muscled up but enough for them all to notice the impressive muscle definition on his torso and arms, showing he has the strength, speed and maneuverability to cause the destruction before them.
And despite all the blood that is covering his body, there is not a single injury on him. Not a cut, not a bruise, not a scratch, not even a damn papercut.
Another prominent feature that everyone sees that almost looks like its beaming into their souls… are his eyes. Almost red, glowing eyes stare at them, further accentuated from the almost darkness of the hall he is entering from, the lights flickering every now and again, darkening his figure but his eyes remain ever present on them. Stolas's act earlier shifted the interrogation room the others are in to normal lighting but even with that, no one can say or do anything at the suffocating feeling everyone has crushing them.
Blitzø, Loona and Stolas shift together unconsciously with the males moving just slightly in front of Loona as she grips the Grimoire tightly. Moxxie and Millie hold each other tightly with Moxxie white-knuckle gripping his backup pistol behind his wife and Millie doing the same to her knife.
Agent's One and Two are paralyzed with total fear as their shaking legs makes them collapse onto the floor. They stay their for a few seconds as they stare upwards at the figure slowly moving ever so closer. Finally the duo are able to crawl away to the side and out the way of the monster before them, huddling up against the wall as they try to make themselves as small as possible in hopes of never being seen again as they breathing halts
Soon enough, he stops walking just a few feet from everyone, standing there and continuing to stare at them. Not any one of them specifically but more so just staring in their general direction and vicinity.
Several long seconds of silence pass as no one says or does anything, minus the audible sounds of everyone shaking.
"A-…Aj-…" Moxxie tries to say something, stuttering a little before swallowing the knot in his throat and continuing, "Aj-Ajax… ar-are… y-y-you… okkk-… okay?" He finally manages to get out.
"…" Ajax doesn't say anything at first. He does however close his eyes and takes a long deep breath in.
He holds it for a few seconds.
"Puuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh…" And releases it in a long even breath of steady air.
He opens his eyes… and they are back to normal.
"Oh yeah, I'm good."
And just like that, that overwhelming feeling of fear, anger, hopelessness and despair, disappears in an instant, allowing everyone to finally breathe.
They all blink a few times as they try to get their bearings, and make sense of the smile and chipper attitude that Ajax spoke in.
Everyone takes a subtle breath of air and relax their shoulders as Moxxie tries to continue to make sense of this. "Are… are you… sure?" He asks with incredible confusion as he relaxes his hand, suppressing a flinch as his hand starts to feel sore from the crushing grip he didn't know he was holding on to.
"Oh Moxxie…" Ajax says with a smile as he stretches his arms out to the side. "You have… Ngh…! No idea how good I'm feeling right now!" He says with a breathless laugh as he pops his neck from side to side.
"Are you seriouos?!" Blitzø asks in confusion.
"Your covered in blood!" Loona also claims as she points at him.
He waves her off with a smirk. "Occupational hazard. Just gotta hope none of those assholes have hepatitis or aids or something."
"And you have no… shirt… on…" Stolas begins to say as he looks away and clears his throat with a slight blush on his face.
Ajax looks confused before looking down and noting his lack of shirt. "Huh, when did that happen?" He questions to himself before shrugging. "Meh. It's whatever." He mutters before looking at the royal bird in confusion. "Wait, Stolas when the fuck did you get here?"
"Just now. Thought I should lend a hand… so to say."
Ajax nods in realization. "Ohhh, okay cool. Thanks but I think we got all this handled."
"Clearly…" Stolas mutters as he glances at the carnage behind Ajax, and in the interrogation room they are in. It's then that he notices the difference of Ajax. "By the way, what happened to you? You look much different than when we last met." Stolas points out at the change Ajax went through since he wasn't there when he showed everyone.
"Oh well you see I—"
"We don't need to discuss that here. We can get more into it later on." Blitzø states, not wanting to go into the long drawn out conversation that subject would bring when they are still in hostile territory.
"Okay sure." Ajax nods.
The others look at each other in further confusion on how nonchalant he is. "Are ya' sure you're okay, hun? It seems ya' kind of went through—"
The body that was hanging falls to the ground and splatters behind Ajax as Millie was peaking behind Ajax to get a good look at the carnage. She wrinkles her nose at the display. "… A lot." She finishes saying. "What did you even do while we were busy?"
Ajax smiles as he stares at everyone.
Merry Christmas everyone! Was working on some of my others stories before an idea popped into my head and I decided to get to work on something special for the next chapters for this story and the timing felt pretty appropriate for the coming weekends you know. This is only part 1 of the 'Truth Seekers' episode as next chapter will cover a flashback of sorts of what happened with Ajax while everyone else was having their own carnage of fun so it'll be a relatively short chapter by comparison, as long as I don't go overboard but I guess we'll see what happens.
I'm excited to show that because it will have something special but also give me unmitigated freedom on the amount of carnage I can showcase for Ajax. It's mentioned before he is a very powerful and skilled soldier that is a force to be reckoned with on combat. Before he was forced to be slow due to his age. With him having reversed the limitations of age but keeping all the experience and training he's ever done… I will show you all the monster that has joined the ranks of IMP in his prime.
Bladewolf101: Suffice to say Ajax is going to be a scary fighter now, and some just will like what he brings to the table now.
Has for the Hazbin Hotel crew, yes they will make an appearance. Exactly what and how… gonna leave that as a surprise. Afterall, Ajax could at some point become a Sinner so if theirs anyone he should probably help to make things smoother in Hell on that front, it'll be them.
Kn4sakura of fierce deity: I'm glad you like my story and my OC. I do what I can to come up with some good ideas for the story, sometimes unique ideas that don't go fully crazy, and do alright with it. I'm glad you like how things are going and the potential that is coming to the story in the future. I hope to continue to impress you and everyone else.
Focusing on the show, as many of you all know, the season finale for Season 2 of Helluva Boss was released several days ago and I got admit… it was an absolute banger. I won't go into the specifics of the episode just in case any of you haven't watched it and I don't want to spoil anyone, but safe to say it was a truly epic and fun episode to see and I am excited for all the plot points they revealed, especially towards the end for a certain someone, and how they will put it all into show. The series is coming along amazingly and I am so excited to see just what they are going to do from here on out.
Thank you all for your continued support. This year has been a crazy one for a lot I'm sure but for now let's enjoy what time we got left and hope for better things to come for all. Go ahead and fave, follow, review, or don't whatever you wish. Have fun reading everyone, but most importantly everyone reading this, have a great day each and every one of you.