New Employ

11. Massacre

Disclaimer: I do not own Helluva Boss and if you guys thought the last chapter was going to be more violent than usual, then you have not seen anything yet. I'm serious people, I'm not going to hold back in how much I'm going to show the ruthlessness of Ajax so this seriously is your WARNING people.

Get Ready and Enjoy.

Minutes earlier…

The alarms go off, breaking the quiet almost tranquil state that Ajax found himself in. With nothing to do but wait, he simply closed his eyes, clasped his hands and eased his mind, mentally preparing himself for the eventual escape he will need to do.

The alarms going off above and all around him are the perfect indication that things are not all that great for the government Agent's.

He barely reacts to it before he hears the sounds of stomping footsteps outside the door and rushing around from the rest of the building.

The door opens a crack and he hears some voices, "Get going and fucking stop those intruders! We'll deal with this one." Agent's Three and Four walk in carrying weapons. Interestingly enough for Ajax he notices they are Japanese style weaponry, specifically a couple of Sai's for the male and a Naginata for the woman. "Alright then, looks like—"

"It's about time they showed up."

Both Agents freeze as they captive speaks. In all the time that they have been interrogating the human they caught, not once did he make any noise nor speak a single word at any point in time. As soon as the agents first walked in, he has been sitting as still as a statue, barely moving a single muscle in the time they had him since he awoke.

And now he's finally spoken.

"You… what?" Agent Three mutters baffled.

"Didn't take them long it seems. That's good. Didn't waste any time." Agent Four gets angry and slams her hands on the table, including her Naginata aimed at Ajax.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" She is pissed, and angry for all the time that was wasted on them without getting anything from the suspicious human.

Ajax ignores the question and continues his statement, "But now that they're here, I should probably help them out."

This time Agent Three gets a smug grin as he gets in close and aims one of his Sai's at Ajax's face. "Oh yeah, and just how are you going to do that from here?"

Ajax smiles as he looks at Agent's Three and Four. "Easy, divide your forces."


With a kick, Ajax hits the underside of the table and knocks it into the air. Both Agent's were completely unprepared for the action as they both used the table for balance. Just like that, they both are knocked back off-balance as Ajax is already on his feet. With the table in the air, he grabs the edge and rushes it forward against the agents. They shout in surprise and alarm but its too late for them to do anything as they are slammed into the door and wall. As soon as they slump down the ground, the table is rammed into the them again, knocking them out for good measure.

Ajax grunts as he lets the table fall on its' side, grunting from the handcuffs still attached to him. Taking the opportunity at the unconscious agents, he begins rummaging around their pockets for a key. He murmurs annoyed when neither of them have anything on them. He begins to think on a solution for his predicament when he spots one of the Sai's on the ground. He smirks as he takes one of them and proceeds to move the center point blade into one of the chainlnk loops and twists the chains all around. With much of his handcuff chains wrapped around the weapon and leaning close to the ground, he brings his foot up and slams it down.


He grunts loudly as the chains shatter, freeing him from his bonds. He smiles at his freedom.


Ajax looks up as someone knocks on the door roughly.

"Hey! What are you guys doing in their?! We're about to go back up the others! You want in?!"

Ajax purses his lips at the information before looking down at the weapons he now finds himself in the possession of.

The door opens.

"Finally! What are you—?"

Before the poor unsuspecting agent can react, a Naginata is sent and run through his body, a loud scream leaving his mouth as he's carried across the hall. His partner doesn't even have time to react as a Sai is thrown and embeds itself into his skull. The first agent slams against the wall before the Naginata is pulled from his body, swished around and ends with his head getting lopped off.

With the body falling to the ground, Ajax takes a breath before looking to the left side. About over a dozen more agents and counting stand in the hallway all the same suits but still holding Japanese Era Edo period weaponry mainly. They look on in shock at the sudden appearance of Ajax and the subsequent execution of their agents. Ajax stares at them for a few tense seconds before he hears the sounds of violent fighting, cutting, chopping and gunfire. On the right side of the hallway from him, he spots a pair of double doors with some tinted windows. He hears and sees the forms of various agents getting killed and his own friends and crew doing the killing. He now knows where the others are and it seems like they got things handled for themselves… but that doesn't mean Ajax can't do something to help them out.

He steps out to the side and moves to the center of the hallway. With the entrance to the others set behind him, he twirls the Naginata in his hands before slicing the air in front of him and holding it out in a threatening pose in front of him, aimed right at them.

This agitates the agents as they ready themselves. "You wanna fucking go buddy?! Then let's fucking go! RAAAAHHH!" One of them shouts as they charge at him with a Bo staff. Ajax parries the attack and stabs up into the Agent's chin, then presses even more upwards until he shoves the Agent into the ceiling. When he pulls his weapon back, the Agent stays hanging in the ceiling as their neck gets caught on the wires up top. Another Agent charges him with a Katana, forcing him to dodge back a couple times before Ajax parry's his attack, knocking the Agent off-balance and allowing Ajax to stab his Naginata right into the Agent's throat. With the blade still held in the Agent's neck, he moves the body between him and the other Agent's as they throw half a dozen throwing star Shurikens at him. They instead embed themselves in the body before Ajax grabs the body's chest shirt and presses the weapon deeper into the body, forcing it to tear through and stab into another Agent's neck as they tried to charge him. He lets go of the weapon, steps forward as the bodies stay standing for a second, and grabs the end of the staff connected to the blade, pulling the rest of the weapon out of the bodies, allowing them to fall to the ground.

Another Agent comes at him with a Sasumata staff, trying to grab Ajax with the u-shaped fork at the end. Ajax has to step back as the Agent tries to get him but Ajax parries the weapon away using the forks on it, uses the wooden butt end of his Naginata to bash him in the head, dazing him enough for Ajax to step past and run the blade along the side of his neck, cutting the artery completely. The Agent grabs his neck as he desperately tries to stop the bleeding but its futile as Ajax can only hear the sounds of the Agent's strangled bloody choking. The next opponent takes the opportunity to attack Ajax faster than he'd like. He pulls his weapon and uses the shaft of his weapon to block.


It snaps the weapon in two like a twig. Ajax stumbles back as he looks at the two pieces in his hands.

"HYEAH!" Ajax barely has time to step back as the giant Kanabo cracks the flooring where he just was. The burly Agent shouts as he swings the weapon around, trying to crush Ajax. The former spec ops has to step back a few times before he ducks under one wide swing that slams and dents a door nearly off the frame. With the broken wooden shaft, he whips the Agent in the side of the head, dazing him, before hitting his hands, making him drop his weapon. Ajax then stabs the broken sharp end of the wood on the blade end into his neck. The Agent steps back as he chokes, grabbing his throat as he tries to breath. This is the perfect moment for Ajax as he grabs the broken shaft of his Naginata with both hands in the reverse grip and slices upwards.


In a violent display, he cuts a massive swatch through the mans body. His stomach, chest, throat, including his fingers as they held his throat, and his face. A spray of blood nearly coats Ajax as he closes his eyes. He stands there with his weapon held high and the Agent losing his life. Soon enough, the Agent falls back and dies with a heavy thud. Before Ajax can rest, another Agent charges him with a couple Kama's. Ajax throws the broken wooden end piece of his Naginata at the Agent's face, making him grunt and lose traction with his charge. Ajax does a roundhouse kick and nails the Agent right into his side. He grunts as he is thrown against the wall where Ajax stabs blade of his Naginata right into his back and embedding him into the wall.

With the exertion he did, Ajax grunts as he kneels on the ground on one knee and takes deep breaths. More come into the frame as they see his weakened state. They charge him, confident they will win.

But it's a ruse.

Ajax's breathing is back to normal as he grabs the handle of his next weapon. With a mighty heave, he pulls the weapon up from under and nails another Agent right between the legs with his Kanabo.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH!" Despite the high-pitched scream, and despite the many long years of mental conditioning Ajax went through to survive any hostile condition and torture methods, he still winces at his action. He twists to the side as the Agent stands there paralyzed when another Agent accidentally slams into him and brings both of them to the ground. Taking the opportunity, Ajax grabs his Kanabo with both hands and with a mighty heave and yell, he brings the heavy weapon down on both Agent's ontop of one another.

With a sickening crunch, both Agent's ribs, lungs, hearts and spines are obliterated with one slam.

Not stopping, Ajax twists around bringing his weapon too as he crushes another Agent against the wall, caving in his chest and making blood spew from his mouth and his eyes almost pop out of his skull. Another Agent tries to claw at his eyes but he blocks the Tekko-Kagi's claws with the shaft of his Kanabo. They stay connected for a second before Ajax kicks her in the knee, breaking her kneecap, making her scream as she falls forward while Ajax steps to the side. When she hits the ground, Ajax brings the end of his weapon up above the Agent's head.

"AAA—" She barely has time to scream before her skull his crushed like a watermelon. Now Ajax stands there breathing heavily as he looks at the rest of the Agents as they stare at him in surprise… and fear. He let's go of the weapon, allowing it to stand straight up in the middle of the hallway.

It's a grizzly sight for Ajax. Covered in blood with bodies littering the entire hallway. He stares darkly at them as blood drips off his chin, coats his clothes, and off his fingertips.

One more Agent decides to try his luck from a distance. One Agent using a Kusarigama launches the heavy weight at the end of the chain towards Ajax's head, trying to cave in his skull. Ajax simply moves his head to the side as it passes by him. As soon as the chain slows and it goes taught, he grabs the chain before the Agent can retract it and yanks hard. The Agent stumbles forward in surprise at the action. He moves forward enough that Ajax grabs more of the chain and wraps it around his arms until the Agent is nearly upon him. In desperation the Agent tries to stab him with the blade of his weapon but Ajax simply pirouettes around him. A twist and spin around and the two of them soon end up with Ajax and the Agent back to back and the chain wrapped around the front of the Agent's throat.


With a violent jerking pull, Ajax crushes the Agent's windpipe. He lets go of the chain and lets it fall away from him as the Agent desperately claws at his own throat, trying to breathe but its futile. The Agent steps away from Ajax, letting his weapon fall as the only sound they can hear is the ragged wheezing breaths of the slowly suffocating Agent. Ajax pays him no mind as the other Agent's watch as their fellow stumbles away. Soon enough, he collapses onto his knees, his grabs at his throat being weaker and weaker until finally…


He collapses entirely, dead on the ground.

They just watched as Ajax just effortlessly killed many of their own and the choking Agent they just saw did not inspire anymore confidence they might have been clinging to. Looking back at Ajax, a new wave of fear hits them as they see him glaring at them. His eyes almost seem to shine darker and redder than the blood of his enemies covering him.

Suddenly, an even harsher and louder alarm goes off in the building, bathing everyone in a red hue as the alarm blares loudly. Everyone looks up as they hear slamming in the hallway. Several doors and shutters slam down and close off the way to the interrogation room where the rest of IMP is.

After a few secure doors closing, Ajax is now stuck alone with the rest of the attacking Agent's force around him.

'Perfect.' Ajax smirks. The rest of the agents look on worried, surprised and confused. Ajax though, smiles at the situation. The ambiance now… adds to it. He tightens his grip on the Tekko-Kagi claw on his left hand, and the Kama in his right. "Now…" As he says that, the Agent's turn back to look at him, freaking out some as they notice the demonic grin forming on his face as he crouches low to the ground. "This is gonna be… interesting… HRAAAAAH!" With a loud wary cry, he charges, startling the poor out-of-their-element Agents as the massacre continues.

The building is awash with the blaring red lights of the alarm going off, signaling to absolutely and every Agent in and around the building that they are on high alert.

What was supposed to be a signal for the Agent's has instead turned into nearly the perfect environment for Ajax to hunt the Agent's down.

A group of Agent's run together through one of the other hallways of the building. One Agent has taken the lead in the ground as they move fast to try to backup their fellows that captured the demons.


They stop when a black blur passes in front of the lead Agent, the darkening lights obscuring the figure as it passes between rooms. The lead Agent sways for a second as he tries to stay standing but his body looks weak all of a sudden. He slowly turns around as they watch his face morph into one of surprise with an open-mouthed expression.

"What happened?! Are you okay?" Another Agent goes up to him and tries to help.

Little does he knows its too late. When he tries to grab his shoulder to shake him out of his stupor, its then he and the others find out what happened.

His glasses break off from the handles on the ears, revealing the wide eyes staring at them. They soon roll back into his head as blood seeps from his mouth and the edges of his eyes. Then his face… slips off. The Agent's stare horrified as his face slowly slips down before it plops off his head, revealing the inner hole of his mouth and nose, his uvula clearly visible, the sliced-up eyes cut in half and dripping out their fluids, the cut bones of the skull and the cut in half mass of brain matter.


Another blur comes out from another room and passes by the other Agent as he was paralyzed watching his fellow Agent. This time more of a tearing noise than cutting for a second.


Right before the screams of agony can be heard. The Agent' screams as he shifts around, hands clasping his face as he continues to scream himself hoarse amidst the alarms. The others Agent's aren't sure what's going, nor are they sure what they can do with what's going on around them. The Agent screaming finally turns around as he takes his hands away.

His face has essentially been degloved. Using the claws he obtained earlier, Ajax with one quick and heavy swipe of them was able to rip nearly the entirety of the Agent's face off, exposing the muscled flesh of his face, his teeth fully on display with no lips to cover them, his eyes wide open and frantically looking about with no eyelids to cover them. He thrashes about as he tries to alleviate the pain of his bare flesh exposed to the stinging air around him but nothing he does work. Even grabbing his face only adds to the pain as he blood flows around and splatters this way and that.

Another Agent takes a step back as his hands shake with the weapon in hand, fear completely and totally overriding any and all attempts of his want to stay and help fight. He drops his weapon and turns around to run.

"Grugh!" He chokes out as a Kama whizzes by the other Agent's and stabs into the upper back of the fleeing Agent. He falls to the ground in a heap and stays there… yet he isn't dead.

The Agent lays on the ground on his front, head looking to the side as his wide eyes dart around trying to make sense of what just happened. He can't move, he can't speak or say anything, barely even hear anything. Mostly muffled sounds around him and not even the pain of the weapon thrown at him. He can still look and see but only in front of his face.

Suddenly the feet of various other Agent's come into his view and rush past him. Then a few are thrown back and away. The boots of the enemy they were fighting comes into view as he watches his feet stay in the middle of a group of Agent's yet one by one, they continue to fall away and fall to the ground until only one Agent is left. They suddenly freeze with the Agent jerking once, then his feet are lifted off the ground. The Agent shakes, struggles, groans and grunts before his body goes still as a torrent of blood explodes from above and splatters on the ground. The body stays limp before its tossed away with ease.

An Agent comes screaming in to attack but he's clotheslined and thrown to the ground. The paralyzed Agent stares as one of his fellows lays on the ground for a second, groaning as he tries to get up.

Ajax steps forward and without wasting time proceeds to stomp on the back of his neck. He stomps one more time where a crack can be heard from the neck breaking, killing him.

Silence follows as their is no other Agent's around trying to attack him, allowing Ajax to get a moment to himself. Slowly, he crouches down low enough until he is now staring right into the frozen eyes of the last technically alive Agent. They stare at one another for a long few seconds, where Ajax can see the fear and desperation in the Agent's fading eyes. He doesn't stare long before he stands up abruptly and heads off to find more victims.

The Agent can do nothing. Not move, not cry out… not even breathe as his life fades away among the corpses of the others.

A lone Agent runs through the building, scared out of his mind as he tries to run away. He's found and spotted several bodies littering the various hallways and isn't sure what's going on but knows he doesn't want to stay there.

As he rounds a corner and goes to continue running away, a nearby door is thrust open and a body is thrown through. The Agent stops as he watches one of his fellows slam into the wall opposite of the door he was thrown through.


Right before two Sai are thrown as well and embed themselves into his head, stabbing through his eyes and puncturing the wall, keeping the body standing up and still against the wall.

The fleeing Agent freezes as he stares at the body and the sudden kill he just witnessed. The sword he is holding is held tightly in his rapidly constricting hands, fear starting to run rampant over his well-being. He's so surprised by the whole thing that he doesn't notice the person exit the room next to him.

He turns to them but its too late. In an instant, something is swung up and latches onto the bottom of his jaw painfully and then pulled away.

Ajax walks past the Agent as he continues to move about the building and cause more chaos as he drops the claws he was using and the chunk of meat still attached to them. The Agent he just left sways as he tries to weakly grab at his mouth. When he turns, he reveals the fact that his bottom jaw was just removed. Blood and saliva flows feely from his mouth as his tongue hangs limply. His hand tries to grab what isn't there before he stumbles back and slams into the wall before he slides down. He lays there dead as his head lulls to the side, eyes wide and staring at his dead fellow Agent pinned to the wall.

An Agent gags as he's pushed through a door with Ajax choking him out. The Agent can't over power him as Ajax watches the life drain from the mans eyes, even lifting him off the ground as he weakly kicks his legs against the wall.

"Get away from him." Another Agent comes up from behind as he grabs onto Ajax in a desperate attempt to pull him off his fellow. Ajax retaliates by swinging his head back and slamming it into the Agent's nose, breaking it.

As he shouts and pulls back, a tearing sound can be heard as Ajax's shirt is torn from his body. Because of the interruption, Ajax ends his current victim by pressing his thumbs right to his trachea and pressing it, hard. Just like that he breaks the Agent's wind pipe with barely any effort as he tosses the weakly struggling Agent to the ground.

The Agent looks down at the torn shirt in his hands before looking up. He stares at the bare bloody back of his enemy as he slowly turns around and fixes him with the mother of all death stares, a look that promises pain and death very quickly and very soon.

The Agent freaks out as he turns around to run, only to trip on a random dead body and slams face first into the door of a side room. He shouts in pain and anger as he grabs his broken nose in his hands. Because of him closing his eyes and wiggling on the ground in his pain, he doesn't notice Ajax walk up to him and look curiously at the Agent's position.

With a demented smile, Ajax places his foot on the mans back, holding him in place as he grunts and looks around in surprise. The last thing he sees is the rapidly closing door heading right for him… multiple times.

Another Agent screams as he tries to get Ajax off him as the human mercenary gouges his eyes out, shoving his eyes straight into his brain with as much force as he can muster while the Agent kicks his legs about in a desperate attempt of a futile escape.

A few more Agent's choke and gag as they hang from the room at the same time, either from the wiring in the ceiling or chains from their Japanese weaponry. One is dead hanging from the ceiling as he is held up by his neck from the Kusarigama chain looped through a pipe in the ceiling and the Kama blade of the weapon stabbed into his back, the weight slowly carving a deep gouge into his back along his spine.

"Well, this has been fun." Ajax comments as he stands up. He's in another hallway with a few more bodies laying around him in a more significantly larger pools of blood, Sai's being wielded in his hands that he used on them. Fast quick punctures to their bodies were used to hit their vital areas such as the arteries in their legs, arms and necks ensured they bled out before their very own eyes. He lets out a sigh as he tosses the Sai's through the air, letting them flip a couple times before they stab into one of the bodies. "But this has been going on long enough. Should probably get back to the others. I think the alarm stopped." He mutters as he begins walking away.

A low eerie whistle leaves his lips as he slowly walks through the hallway. He scoops up a fallen Katana sword as he idly twirls it around with ease around his hand.

"Heya!" He shouts real quick as he takes a blind one-handed swing around a corner from an intersection of hallways he passes. He resumes his whistling as he continues on with his slowly spinning sword.

In the hallway corner he just passed, a lone Agent stands there pressed against the wall. His eyes are wide open and his mouth is as well, slowly moving up and down as a weak grunt escapes him in a failed attempt to speak.

The reason being he is already dead.

Slowly, his upper half and torso begins to slowly slide off his hips, revealing the bisected cut along his waist. His upper half falls to the ground in a sickeningly loud 'splat' noise, his entrails pooling out from the cut. His legs slowly fall slide along the wall until they land on the ground and stay there slightly propped up, a large streak of blood staining the wall.


"And that's essentially what happened here while I was out and about hunting." Ajax states with a smile. "Pretty sure I ripped the door off its hinges when I was slamming that one guys head to a pulp." Ajax mutters to himself quietly now that he remembers that particular moment before he had continued to paint the rest of the building in blood.




No one says anything as they all stare at Ajax in slight awe and astonishment.

"You guys…" Ajax begins to say with a sigh before stretching his body some, "Have no idea how much I needed this. To really… cut loose when I needed to." He lets out a deep sigh as he finishes stretching, astonishing the others as he continues, "Honestly when we took that job earlier I was kind of hoping for things to get a little messy but no. It was stupidly simple. We went, got in, popped the guy in his sleep and that was it! I was so disappointed!" Ajax frustratingly states in annoyance before sighing again. "But then these jokers came at us and I just need… I was able to have an excuse to really, really go all out." He does a quick jump in the air as he works out the kinks in his legs and knees. "After I changed I honestly really needed to put myself through my paces to make absolutely sure I was ready for anything and you know what…" He pauses as he looks back, smiling at his handiwork before directing his smile back at the others. "I think I am ready for anything. Feels like I was back in Vietnam with how much fear I put into them." He mutters as he cracks his neck to the side.




No one says anything as they all look at him dumbfounded.


"Now!" Ajax claps, startling everyone and knocking them from their stupor as he proceeds to walk past them, even grabbing the Katana sword stuck in the one Agent's body as he walks by. "I say its high time we get home. I'm could go for a bite to eat after a shower. I'm fucking starving." He says as he leans his hands behind his head. "Should probably also get a shirt too." He mutters to himself.

The others shake theirs heads as they decide to say fuck it and follow him. "Sounds good to me." Loona nods along.

"Oh! I think they opened a new restaurant down the block from us! We can try that!" Moxxie enthusiastically follows after.

"Oh that sounds delightful." Stolas agrees as he picks up his lover in a bridal carry.

"Oh for fuck's sake Mox!" Blitzø shouts as he's carried by Stolas, not at all perturbed by it, who also opens a portal for everyone to walk through with a smile on his face. "Your choices in dining suck. Don't you know that?!"

"You said you loved the last place I recommended!"

"Well I lied! Only a lot of it sucked."

Millie smiles as she's the last one into the portal, happy that everyone is safe and sound.

Loona and Ajax stop just past the portal when Loona gets his attention. "Oh hey, here. You dropped these. Good call so I could find you." She pulls off his dogtags and hands them to him.

A look of recognition hits his face and just as he's about to reach for them, he pauses and stops midway. A conflicted look forms on his face before he shakes his head and denies it. "Thanks… but you can keep them." At the look of confusion on her face, he explains, "Those were… from a time long ago. I don't think I'm going to try and keep being that person." With those words, he walks away deeper into the office.

Loona looks after him curiously before glancing down at the dogtags in her hand. She stares at them before shrugging and placing them around her neck again and heads off.

Without another word, the portal closes up and disappears.



The two Agent's stay still for a few seconds before letting out deep ragged breaths of air in relief at seeing all of them finally leave.

"Geez. That was something fucking… fuck." Agent Two groans as she rubs her face over the massive shitshow they had to deal with. She shakes her head a few times before sighing and looking over at Agent One. "So… you think we got everything?"

"Did we?" Agent One comments as he looks like he was insulted by her. He smirks as he gets up. "Oh yeah. I think we did." He says as he walks over to one of the still working computers. "We definitely finally got the evidence we needed to be taken… seriously!" He clears some rubble away before typing on the keyboard. Four monitors go from static to showing security camera footage of the events of the last several minutes. The first three monitors show footage of the I.M.P. crew slaughtering agents while the fourth shows Stolas rearing over the cowering Agents One and Two in his demonic beast form before transforming into his normal form. Notably, all three of the monitors showing the I.M.P. crew are green while the footage of Stolas is red with a cracked camera lens. Agent Two walks up and the two agents put their shades back on, smiling confidently. "Nobody in corporate is ignorin' this." He chuckles victoriously at the evidence they got.

The four screens go back to static one at a time, starting with the footage of Loona, followed by Millie, then Blitzø and Moxxie, and finally Stolas, who could be seen staring into the camera.

Agent Two smiles as well until she remembers the final member they weren't sure about. "What about the human? That Ajax they called him?"

"Oh for sure we got him." Agent One states as he switches the focus of the footage for the captured human they had. All four monitors turn to static before they shift to different moments involving Ajax. First one shows him sitting in the interrogation room he was locked in. Another shows him fighting the Agent's in the first hallway with the Naginata. The third one has the red tint to it as it shows him performing hit-and-run tactics as he slaughters more Agent's one by one in the red alarm tinted hallways. Finally the last one is not of him fighting or slaughtering more Agent's, but of him back in the interrogation room, only this time the camera has zoomed in on his face, now staring right at the camera, almost like he is staring right into their souls.

Their confidence before wavers at the footage before they shut off the monitors and sigh.

"How is it that the one that killed the most of our people happens to be a human?" Agent Two asks her partner.

Agent One shrugs unsure, "Beats me. But we got his face. We got his first name. Shouldn't be too hard for us to figure him out and find out what we can of him."

Agent Two nods along, "And next time, we'll be ready for them."

They grin as they prepare to leave, intent on finding whatever equipment and manpower they can scavenge before turning over their findings to the higher-ups.

A couple days pass. Theirs a quiet home built just outside of a city in Montana. It's a quaint home that's been barely used over the years by its owner.

In the middle of the modest living room with an empty bookshelf, an old TV, some chairs, a couch, a clock and a simple wooden coffee table, a portal from Hell opens up.

"Fuck yeah! Nice change of scenery." Blitzø shouts as he jumps through and comments of the state of the house they are in.

Soon enough the rest of the group begin making their way in. "Now this place looks swanky." Millie comments as she twirls her knife a few times in hand absentmindedly.

Loona is next as she carries her phone in one hand, and holds the strap of her backpack with the other with the Grimoire tucked under her arm. "Meh, could have chosen a better place." She states as she flops onto a soft chair and kicks her feet up on the table as she dumps the backpack on the table, revealing it filled with a plethora of snacks and food items for them to eat.

"C'mon guys. Ngh!" Moxxie grunts as he carries a large box through the portal, which closes after he's through. "He was gracious enough to let us stay here for the time-being. Oof." Moxxie sighs as he places the box down on the table, which contains some snacks as well, some board games, and a few guns and ammo. "We can at least not say anything bad about his home." He says to Blitzø and his daughter.

"Jeez Moxxie can you stop riding his dick for one second already?" Blitzø snidely comments to his fellow imp. Moxxie looks at him crossely before going to say something back. "HEY JACKIE! GET THE FUCK OUT HERE AND SHOW US AROUND!" Everyone cringes at the excessively loud tone that their boss uses. They wait a second to hear some sort of reply from their human member but all they hear is silence as a response. Blitzø groans, "Oh for fucks… Moxxie get going and find his ass. If we're going to stay here the least he can do is show us around so we know what we can do in this place."

"Mmm, yes sir." Moxie grumbles as he walks through one of the hallways and into the back of the house to look for Ajax.

"Now, let's see what this place has got in terms of cable." Blitzø says as he grabs the remote and turns on the TV.

"At least this place has WIFI that's a plus." Lonna comments as she scrolls through her phone while munching on some chips.

Millie heads over to one of the windows and opens up the blinds to look outside. She is greeted to a lush green forest of trees with a single road leading away from the house towards a city nearby. "Wooooow, now this is something. This place is lookin' pretty good." She smiles as she looks at the landscape around.

"You know what would be good? Something decent to watch on TV. What the fuck type of shit do they have up here?" Blitzø comments annoyed as he idly flips channels.

When Millies turns back, she notices Moxxie moving quickly in the hallway and heading to different rooms as she searches. She instead makes talk on the situation back in Hell. "Ya' think things are alright back in Hell?"

Loona scoffs as she leans back in the chair, getting herself comfortable. "Don't know, don't care. Doesn't have anything to do with us, especially now that we are up here."

"Honestly the only thing we have to worry about is those assholes doing whatever they fuck they want and breaking our office. That shit's expensive." Blitzø says, now bored watching a decent channel he found.

Millie looks unsure but doesn't have much else to say. Soon enough, Moxxie comes walking into the room looking a bit worried.

"Um, guys, Ajax isn't here."

Just like that, everyone looks up from what they are doing and stare at Moxxie. Suddenly Blitzø gets an annoyed and frustrated look. "Oh fucking dammit! Did we get the wrong address or something?!" He shouts as he pulls out his phone and scrolls through his notes. "Moxxie what was the address he gave you?"

With that said, now its Moxxie's turn to look incredibly confused at his question. "What do you mean? He didn't give it to me. I thought you talked to him to meet us here."

"I only fucking know this place from one of the times he showed us those stupid safehouses of his!" Blitzø shouts as he's not sure exactly what's going on with their human member. "Loonie?" He asks his daughter.

She holds her hands up in a surrendering motion, "Hey don't look at me. It was you all that was supposed to let him know a time and place to meetup."

"Ah didn't tell him anything! You boys were supposed to talk to him." Millie states, making sure that she isn't to blame and is making it clear that she didn't talk to Ajax about what they needed.

"But sweety I never did!" Moxxie states.

"Well I fucking didn't!" Blitzø shouts, "You were supposed to—!"

"You're the boss! You should be—!"

The three Imps delve into an argument as to who was supposed to talk to Ajax but from what is said and determined, no one said anything and just assumed the others would do it.

All this pisses Loona off and gives her a headache at the yelling. She can't take it anymore till she explodes, especially at the urgency at their situation. "HEEEY!" She shouts, stopping everyone from their argument and getting them to look at her as she glares at them all. "What we need to know now… is WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!" Loona just about screams, red eyes angry and teeth shown in a vicious display that she is angry, worried and pissed off all at once as she gets everyone focused on the important critical piece of information they absolutely need to know now,

No one says anything. None of them have a definitive answer as to where their only human member is.

It takes a few moments of silence and thinking before as one, a look of realization of horror and worry forms on each and everyone's face as they figure out where he is.

"Oh fu—"

Back in Hell, the office for IMP is largely empty. Nothing is heard but the still sound and gentle hum of an air conditioner operating in the space.

The quiet is broken as in one loud sound, a boot kicks open the door to their conference room with the large table, the boards, and the windows that seem to always get broken every opportunity.

"Hey guys!" Ajax calls out as he comes carrying in a large carboard box filled with guns of all types obscuring his view. "I figured we could get to work in starting to organize and setup a proper go-bag we can use in case things get fucked like we did with those government jackasses." He states as he places the box down on the table.

When they were done with the Government Agent's, that Ajax eventually found out they were called DHORKS, appropriate name; he spent the majority of the rest of the day sleeping, eating and overall relaxing. While he had a blast taking them down in some of the worst, scarring and most traumatizing ways he could think of and learned over his years in the Army from Vietnam, the Middle East, Drug lords and god knows what else, it still left him particularly tired and was ready to sleep a day away. Now that he's rested he's ready to continue to get to work in getting himself and his fellows of IMP ready to deal with any and everything that will be thrown at them.

Once he learned that in their fun of slaughtering countless government Agent's Loona, Moxxie and Blitzø ran out of ammo. Not Millie though since she prefers using melee weapons in beautifully gruesome displays. Even so, Ajax wants to get a proper kit setup to be used in case of emergency.

"Now I was thinking of different types of weapons we can leave in these bags to be ready. Different things like SMG's and Assault Rifles are good but I've always had a penchant for shotguns and I think they can be very effective in terms of a rescue." He explains as he takes out some of said weapons and lays them out on the table alongside a backpack filled with ammo. "I think with the power and strength a shotgun can bring it should be nice to send a clear and heavy message to whoever we need to deal with and effectively take them down without much issue or chance of them surviving more often than not." He says before grabbing another rifle from the pile.

This one is a very special rifle they obtained on one of their more unorthodox missions.

"And I also wanted to get some information on this thing." Ajax pulls out the glowing blessed rifle that they stole from Striker during the Harvest Moon festival job. Their wasn't much more information Ajax ever got when it came to the special weapon, nor other implications for said weapons use than just specifically killing certain individuals, hence why if he's going to prepare for a variety of contingencies then Ajax wants to get some more info on it. "I remember Moxxie you mentioned something about this rifle being able to kill Royal Demons and the like but I kind of want to know more about what this thing can do and who made it. It's a very beautiful and intricate gun and I'm pretty interested in learning more abou—" Ajax pauses as he looks around and notices no one has said anything.

Because he's currently all alone.

"Guys?" He asks again before laying the blessed rifle down and stepping over to the door to the main office and looking out. "Loona? Millie? Moxxie? Boss?!" He shouts the last part to carry to the head imps office room. He didn't hear or see anything from the others when he first entered and after not finding them in the rest of the office, he figured they might have been in the conference room for discussing something, possibly a new job if need be. Now's he's just confused where they are. "Where is everybody?"


To answer his question, his phone begins to ring. He grabs it and answers the call. "Hel—"


He pulls the phone from his ear to keep his eardrum from getting blown out at the loud voice of his boss. Normally he would get annoyed at the tone but the fact his boss used his actual name means theirs something wrong and its serious. "What do you mean? I'm here at the office."


"OW! Hey watch- Arh!"

A moment of struggling can be heard on the phone as someone takes the phone from Blitzø. "Ajax, you need to get out of there now and hide." Loona quickly and almost frantically tells him.

Now this gets some concern from Ajax as its one of the few times Loona called him by his name, further assuring him of something's important. "What? Why?" He genuinely has no idea what's got them freaking out so much and just wants an answer.

"Grrrrrhh!" Loona growls loudly in anger before she yells back, "Because you idiot! It's the fucking—!"


In an instant before he can hear anything else, a sudden explosion goes off behind him, shattering the windows and sending him forward, lifting off the ground slightly as he slams against the wall and lands on the floor. The conference table gets thrown up and lands over Ajax against the corner of the wall, shielding him from the explosions and any debris that might have had the opportunity to hit him.

Ajax groans as he pushes himself up, pushing the table off him and sitting down on the ground as he tries to get his bearings. What he notices now though, is the fact that he now has company.

Two to be exact.

Two white and black clad females stand before him, looking like something he's never seen before. They are both white-grayish humanoids with a black halo that has a downward crystal at the front and point a small black ball and upward crystal floating above their heads. They have a pair of large wings colored in a gradient of black-to-grey with white on the inside on their backs with two black stripes.

Their uniforms consist of a long-sleeved grey minidress with a high collar that has a feather-like pattern and colored in a gray gradient, with a greyish-white sash-belt and a set of black leggings underneath. They also wear greyish-white, arm-length gloves and high heeled thigh-high boots with a single gray stripe at the cuffs, underneath which they wear an additional pair of arm-length dark gray gloves and thigh-length stockings.

The most notable feature he can see is that they are wearing some form of LED screen masks that show off their wide smiles in white thin stitching on a black background. The masks sport a pair of black horns with thin white stripes. One has horns pointing up while the others has them curved back and around like a goats. One eye on the screen appears as a large white circle while the other is a large white X.

And they are both carrying a large spear with black shafts and ornate silver steel tipped spear heads, and a long straight sword with a black hilt and guard with the blade a silver steel with a fuller running along its length.

Ajax is stunned at their appearance as they look down and stare at him with their wide grins on their faces.

"Well now, look what we have here sister. A dear Sinner with a very poor attempt at trying to hide his appearance." The first straight horn creature says in a playful female voice as she holds up her sword to point at him.

"Indeed dear sister." The curved horn spear user adds as she smiles sadistically at Ajax before pointing her spear at him as well. "They should know by now nothing can be done to hide themselves from us."

"Oh how right you are." The sword user smiles as she even licks her teeth. "We should make this one extra special for his insolence."

"Oh I agree."

They both get uncomfortable close with their weapons mere inches from Ajax's face as they have their discussion on what to do with him. When they are done talking, Ajax glances to the side past them as he hears noises outside.

His eyes widen as he sees more. Lots more. Dozens to hundreds more in the distance.

More of these white clad ladies are seen chasing, murdering and butchering Sinners left, right and center of the city as they fly around like buzzards looking for the next body to attack. He even spots one poor unfortunate Sinner try to run away from a flying one before at the edge of the building she runs her spear right through him and carries him off before dropping him from a high height and splattering on the ground.

He isn't sure what's going on but he can only say one thing that pretty much describes his situation to a T:

"… Fuck me."

Happy New Years folks! I bet you weren't expecting to get this chapter out so soon. I was working on the previous chapter and this one all together before I decided to cut it between Christmas and New Years. As soon as you all saw this chapter go up, I wonder if any of you had any indication that the ending was going to be the way it was. Felt like this would have been a pretty good time to upload this all things considered. Also when it comes to some of the weapons used by the Agent's, i found a list online stating some of the weapons used in the Edo period so while I'm not fully sure they are accurate, these were still fun weapons to use and having Ajax use.

Br2nd66: I hope my work lives up to the expectation you see in those characters.

Kn4sakura of fierce deity: Yeah I kind of used the sort of retelling of the fight IMP did as a sort of red herring. You assumed it was going to be a retelling chapter of the episode but then came the surprise that lots more insane stuff happened while IMP was busy having fun tearing through the Agent's in the one room.

While they were fighting in the interrogation room, Ajax was busy with the rest of the building and having a ball with it. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. I hope you continue to enjoy more of the story as I continue the progress of Ajax, Loona and everyone else in their misadventures.

I hope you all had fun reading this. I know I had fun writing it. Was very nice and kind of cathartic to be able to let my mind wander and come up with whatever crazy stuff I could think of when it comes to butchering and overall killing any and all the Agent's Ajax could get his hands on. Hope you all enjoyed this too.

Thank you all for your continued support. Go ahead and fave, follow, review, or don't, whatever you wish. Have fun reading, but most of all, make sure each and everyone of you has a great day and great new year.

Let's hope this is a good one.