Disclaimer: I do not own Smallville

I envision this to be set maybe a year or so after the series finale (not including the 7-year-forward). Just a short one-shot addressing the microburst explanation Chloe told Lois in season 6. I was inspired after watching the episode "Sneeze."

The Microburst

Lois reached for the black scissors sitting on the windowsill and ripped open the closest carboard box to her. Old mementos. At least, she realized that when she pulled out a photo album, some old shot glasses from places she's visited (she had been to a lot of places growing up, with her dad moving from military base to military base), and lastly, her very-first article she ever wrote.

Right, the microburst.

That had been a long time ago. Lois couldn't forget the barn door nearly hitting her on the run. If she had run a little further, she would have been flattened like a pancake before she could even say "burst." Her death had been imminent, but she had been lucky. All she was left with was her heart pulsing and the thought where did the barn door come from? Things like that just didn't happen. Barn doors don't fly away, hurtling at 88 miles per hour (not that she knew how fast the door had moved, but it had been very speedy).

Lois couldn't help but stare at the headline. Global Warming or Alien Invasion?

Alien invasion.

The door had belonged to the Kent's. Chloe had even visited the barn door herself with Lois and had given the most confident explanation of a microburst, a mini-tornado, not-so-uncommon in the Midwest, which could explain how the door could escape its hinges. Chloe, the person who's most likely to believe in the extraterrestrial. Chloe, who knew Clark's secret.

"Smallville," Lois said. He was opening up boxes himself, at a much quicker rate. They had just moved to a new apartment in Metropolis, and they were unpacking. The new place had a nice balcony, perfect for when Clark needed to fly down and save the day. Lois thought back to their first apartment, when she had waited countless of days for Clark to return from the phantom zone. That had felt like forever.

"Yeah?" Clark said, stopping what he was doing.

"I found this," Lois said, holding up her very first story, published in the Metropolis Inquisitor.

"The microburst story," Clark said with a grin. He hadn't seen that article in a very long time. He was a little surprised that Lois held onto it for so long. Then again, it was an accomplishment of hers—her first published piece.

"Let me get something straight," Lois said. "The day the barn door flew into me, and Chloe told me it was a weather phenomenon called a microburst…"

"That was me," Clark said. "I sneezed. And then, well, the door just…flew off?"

"You're saying I got into journalism because you sneezed?" Lois said, her eyes widening. "Wait, I thought you said you never get sick because of your alien genes."

Clark nodded. "Usually, I don't get sick. That was actually the first time I sneezed. After Dark Thursday, I was trying to re-pair everything in the world, and I just exhausted myself too much to the point I got a cold."

"So, a microburst…."

"Didn't actually cause the barn door to nearly hit you," Clark said.

"I can't believe it. My first story was based on an entire lie!"

"Hey, you got one part of the story right, at least," Clark said, smirking.

"Yep, the alien part," Lois said. "I have to tell you, Smallville, that it really was my editor's choice to include alien invasion in the headline. Although I'd say now everything makes so much more sense. What else could make a barn door come off its hinges other than a handsome intergalactic traveler like yourself?" She paused. "Hey, remember the next day when you and Chloe were going to the lake, and it was all cloudy outside and suddenly, out of nowhere, the sun came out… did you have something to do with it?"

Clark grinned. "Maybe just a little bit."