Warning Tags: OCs, BlindOC, Blindness Past Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Past Neglect, distant cousins, Todoroki OC, Protective Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Possessive Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Soft Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Protective Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Family, Todoroki siblings.

There's no shipping yet.

Part One

It was late at night, at the Todoroki estate was quiet. Fuyumi was already in bed. Enji, endeavor was already in bed also. He was jolted awake by a loud ring from his cell phone. Groaning he leaned on his elbow reaching for his phone. Picking it up he looked to see the local hospital number calling. Sighing he answered it "Enji Todoroki speaking"

"Ah Mr. Todoroki, I'm Dr. Flex from the local corners office" Enji's eyes widen, and right away thought this was about Natsuo or Shoto. "I need to you come down here soon as possible... There was a sudden hit and run and the two people that were hit are a part of the Todoroki family"

Enji frowns and sits up right away "I'll be there soon as possible" "excellent, see you soon" the Doctor says only to hung up. Enji sighs getting up and starts to dress to leave.

After dressing, he was by the front door as he heard a soft gasp "Daddy? Is everything alright?" Enji turned his head to see Fuyumi in her pajamas with a glass of milk in her hands "Yes, I'll talk to you about it in the morning. Go back to bed Fuyumi" Fuyumi only nodded "Alright Dad" Dad nodded to her and left the house. The car ride was a good twenty-four minutes.

Know at the local hospital, he took he elevator to the lower level. Reaching the bottom he followed the signs to the corners office. Finding it within a good couple of minutes, he knocked on the door. "Come on in" he heard a mans voice.

Enji opened the door ad stepped "Dr. Flex?" Flex had looked up ad smiled softly "Mr. Todoroki" he got up and walked over shaking his hand "Let's get this over with alright? I know its late so lets go ahead and see them" Enji nodded following Flex to the morgue. Reaching the room, they both stepped in. Enji right away see's two bodies covered in a white sheet.

Flex stepped over "Ready?" Enji nodded stepping over as Flex removed the sheets. Enji's eyes slowly widen, he knew these two. "Daitan and Emiko Todoroki... They are from a lower branch of the Todoroki family..." Flex nodded "records show they have a daughter but I couldn't find no information about her... no school records... nothing.."

Enji frowned at this 'they had a daughter...? Where is she know?' "What do you wish to do sir?" Flex asked him. Enji sighs softy "we will have them barred in the Todoroki family cemetery plot... It's the least I can do... I will try and find their daughter. I will call the funeral home in the morning"

After that, Enji had returned home only to go back to sleep and then wake up fro his alarm around 8am. Enji had gotten up, showered, dressed than strolled into the kitchen to smell fresh coffee. Fuyumi had already left to her job as a teacher. Making a cup of coffee, he sat there taking his time drinking it and had called the funeral home. The call quick, Enji basically said I would be private this coming Sunday.

After that Enji had gone to his agency, in his office he right away started to go research on Daitan and Emiko's daughter. Finding her name wasn't hard, Ayame Todoroki. Just like what Dr. Flex had said there was no school records. By her birthday, he was shocked to see she was born a day after his oldest's on January 18th. She would be be same age as Natsu, 19. Even hospital records until the age five were not there. Biting his lip 'here is she? There is no death record for her...'

Hearing a knock on the door made him look up to see Burning "hey there Boss sorry to bug you but I got something for ya!" Enji raised his eyebrow "What is it?" She stepped over placing to tickets "I have extra's, you can take your kids if you want. It's the Ori Circus, this their last tour date before going on holiday! I heard this Circus is amazing"

Enji looked at the tickets "I see, I'll think about it" Burning grinned "Sure boss!" She had left his office. Enji sighed but reached out taking one "My kids aren't children any" he had stopped to see something on the ticket. 'Figuring the Lovely Miss Todoroki' Enji's eyes widen at this 'No it can't be..?' Putting the ticket down, he went back on his laptop and searched for the Ori Circus. The Circus had its own website, it was beautiful website. Looking he found the main performance was 'Miss Ayame's Echo game'

Clicking on it, he saw so many pictures of her performance and of her. She was a beauty, faded light red hair, fair skin and her eyes. Her eyes are what made him feels so drawn too, they were glossy over making him shocked. The look of her eyes, he can tell by the pictures she as was blind. "She's blind...?"

Looking back at the tickets 'Should I just take my children tonight's performance?' Closing his laptop "I will take them to see her" After making up his up his mind he had texted Fuyumi to tell Shoto and Natsu to dress nice and meet at his Agency with her. He got a text back from her with a confused emoji and said okay.

The day went on, around 5pm Enji had walked out of his Agency to see his children all there to his surprise. He was surprised that Natsu even showed up, he can tell Natsu looked annoyed "Why did you call us here and ask us to dress nicely?" Enji stepped the car "I'll tell you all on the way there get in" they only nodded and got inside the car. It was an awkward car ride, Shoto was the first speak "So where are we going?"

Enji looked at them "Last night two members of the lower branch of the Todoroki family had died last night" their eyes widen at him, Fuyumi's hand went to her mouth "Oh my goodness... who?" "Daitan and Emiko, we are on our way to see their daughter. Her name is Ayame, she is an entertainer at the Ori Circus"

He saw the shock on his children face "Wait... your taking us to the Ori Circus?" Natsuo asked, Enji nodded to him "Yes" Shoto looked down at at his hands, a rush of excitement hit him. He never seen the circus before, he knows he's a teenager know but his inner child was slipping out.

Reaching the large fair grounds, the circus was huge. Colorful. The way back was the large main tent. Walking through the fair grounds with his children, he had top stopped couple of times as his kids were distracted by games and even food stands. He smiles softly watching his kids having fun. Looking down at the piece of paper of the circus's performances, Ayame's was very soon. Looking at his children "her performance is soon"

They turned to him only nodded, they followed him to the main tent. Enji of course bought four adult tickets, stepping inside of the tent it was large and stunning. The Tent was almost packed, Enji pointed to the front and his kids nodded following him to the stops and sat down.

The ring lead came out and started the introduction and performances began to start. The Todoroki family watched in amazement and excitement. After a good hour of performance, the ring leader who was a handsome young man stepped back out, stood on the stool, and lights began to flash slightly making everyone gasp with excitement "Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls! This next performance I wish to ask you to be quiet, hands down. No throwing"

The lights went out making kids gasp Munk like people started rushing in with 40 stand-up drums and with olden Asian Musicals instruments. A monk walked to the edge and bowed "I'm the head monk that works for this circus. We have been training Miss Ayame for years. Today she will do a martial art dance game today, the game is called 'The Echoing Drums'. All drums are equipped with sensor chips. When a bead is thrown at drum like so" he quickly flicked his wrist as it hit drum two. The screen behind them revealed with number two drum.

"Lady Ayame will hit with one of the bells on her sleeves" the monk walked over and hit the drum so the screen can go blank again. Miss Ayame walked out making everyone's eyes widen. She was wearing a purple wai-lolita dress. Kimono top with 3' box sleeves that had single silver bell on the tip of each sleeve, the sleeves where longer than they appear, they were tied up so Ayame would not trip on them. and ruffles along the neck. Skirt is rather short, with white ruffles along the bottom.

Petticoat, Sash the white one. Pre-tied obi bow out of white, done in the exact same way as this tutorial. Apron the black piece, open in the back and lace on with white elastic lacing. Obi-jime the leather strip with the grommets, with ribbon woven through it, to tie over the apron or the sash. Under her Kimono she did have black capris leggings on. Ayame was barefooted with silver ankle bells and her toenails were painted black. Her feet looked so smooth and tiny. Ayame's hair was in stunning Asian hairstyle with a Fengguan tiara.

Ayame alone was in the middle of the large stage. Standing in the middle she undid her sleeve ties making them fall to the floor and there longer than they appear to me. Fuyumi blinked at her, she noticed her eyes. "Daddy" she whispered "Is... she blind?" Shoto and Natsuo's eyes widen at this. Enji nodded "Let's watch her performance" he whispered back.

Ayame smiled as Monk Karun bowed to her and stepped to the edge sitting down with a bowl of beads. Ayame smiled again and lifted her left leg straight up from the side Ayame's body is bent to her right, her left arm to the right and left arm was shifted where her fingers did an elegant pose.

Enji's eyes widen "such an elegant martial art pose..." He whispered, Shoto nodded "yeah..."

Everyone watched waiting to see what happened next.

Monk Karun smiled and lifted a bead in his fingers and quickly flicked it as it hit the 4th drum, Ayame quickly moved, she lifted leg moved down and her left leg lifted up and moved her right arm out as the long sleeve of her kimono went towards the fourth drums, the silver bell on the end of it making the screen beep as the 4th drum symbol lit up green and the monks behind the drums played on their musical instruments as Ayame swirled her body as the sleeves moved with her, she bend her body slightly down lifting her right leg behind her making a point. Her left arm is out holding some of her left sleeve. Her right arm was bent back to the right and the right sleeve gentle hanged off her left arm leaving her standing still and balancing herself on her left leg.

The Crowd Of people gasped and started clapping, kids shouted "That was so cool!"

Monk Karun smiled and chuckled. Once the people calmed down waiting for the next bead to be thrown, Monk Karun flicked the 2nd bead where it hit drum seven and bounced to drum 34. Where on the screen those drum numbers appeared. Ayame lowered her body left body up and her leg that was behind her moved to the front at she lifted it up to her tummy moving both her arms out as her right sleeve bell hit the 7th drum as quickly after the left sleeve bell hit the 34th drum. Again making the screen beep as the 7th and 34th drum symbols lit up green and the monks behind the drums played on their musical instruments as Ayame did another pose where she stood straight with her left leg in front and right leg behind and on her tippy shoes, her left arm was straight on her side and her right arm curved to the back of her head holding the sleeve. People are cheered loudly and clapped then was quieted down.

The monk chuckled holding another bead in his fingers, he looked at Ayame as she was moving her head slightly like she was waiting.

He quickly flicked the bead to the left where it hit drum, 36, bounced to drum 5, bounced to drum 38 and finally bounced to drum 6 dropping on the floor. On the screen those drum numbers appeared, Ayame quickly moved her left arm as the sleeve hit drum 36, then moving her right arm as the sleeve hit drum 5.

Twirling around as her back was facing everyone, Ayame lifted her left arm has her sleeve flew and then back down as she gripped it and the other sleeve and jumped in the air bending her body slight as her right leg bend behind her and arms moved to the side where the sleeves rushed at the last two drums hitting them. The monks behind her played as she landed swirled her body balancing herself on her left leg, lifting her right leg slightly, her right arm was bend down to her front and her left arm was bent back next to her face as her fingers slightly touched her cheek. On the screen the drums light up drum in the right order. Ayame smiled as she hears the students cheering and clapping.

The Todoroki siblings where so amazed by this, she had hit ever one correct. "She's bind and she hit the right ones... How can she do that?" Natsuo asked. Enji tapped his chin 'could it be her senses are heighten due to her blindness...?'

The monk clapped and chuckled. "Well done Miss Ayame" Ayame smiled at his words. He chuckled then smirked as he grabbed the rest of the bowl of beads which were only 10 left, literally chucked the rest of the beads at her. Enji's eyes widen. "What the..."

The beads flew past her body hitting the drums around her, Ayame can hear the gasps of the audience and hear the beads hitting the drums and falling to the ground. Once the sound of the beads where done, everyone's eyes widen as the screen popped up and all the drums that were hit lit up on the screen. Shoto sees her smirk "She... Smirked..." He muttered "There's no way she can.. do this one."

Everyone waited to watch her move. The monks behind the drums started to play a beat for her as she moved quickly and hitting the drums with the musical beat. Their eyes watched as every drum on the screen lit up in the order of the hits as Ayame did elegant martial art dances moved hitting the drums with her sleeves. A couple of minutes later the last two drums were left on the drum Ayame run up to the middle of the circle doing a front flip as her sleeves hit the last two bells. Ayame landed on her feet doing the Blind Ninja Eagle Claw pose. The Screen lit of the last two drums green in the prefect row.

People were stunned, shocked by this. Within moments, the audience sat up and cheered and clapped. The Todoroki family sat with the clapping still stunned by this. The monk stood up stepping over to Ayame gently talking her hand they both bowed and he helped her to the backstage.

Enji looked at his kids "Let's go see if we can talk to her" they nodded to him. Following him to the side of the tent the ring leader told everyone that was it for the night and people started to get up and leave. Enji ad his family walked off to the side and Intercepted him.

"Excuse me?" The ring leader looked over at him and his eyes widen "Wow thee Endeavor! Fan! What can I do for you No. 1?" Enji bowed his head "I wish to speak with Ayame?" The ranger leader then frowned "Miss Ayame? Whatever for?" "You see... Her parents died... and a part of the family I came to speak with her"

The ring leader's eyes wide "Family... Wait... Todoroki...?" Enji nodded to him, he sighs "follow me" Enji and the kids bowed saying than you only to follow him to the back. The back of the tent was very large, walking up to a circus trailer. The ring leader stepped up knocking on the door "Who is it?" They heard a soft girl's voice "It's Kai can I come in Miss Ayame? Are you decent?" "Yes.. you can come in Kai"

Kai opened the door stepping in "Miss Ayame you have someone who came to talk to you?" Enji looked in to see her staring slightly into empty space. Her eyes half open and glossy "Who?" She asked softy with a frown.

Enji looked at his kids "Let me speak with her go ahead and enjoy the rest of the time here before the park closes" his kids frowned but nodded walking off. Enji stepped inside "Miss Ayame, my name is Enji.. Enji Todoroki" he saw her eyes widen slightly then a frown came on her face "Kai leave us" Kai frowned but left closing the do as Enji sat down.

Ayame looked away "Why are you here?" She asked him softly. "Well... your parents..." he saw her flinch slightly "passed away in a car accident... A hit and run..." He saw Ayame close her eyes, she was breathing softly only for her to turn to a pretty pink mirror and opening her eyes. Enji cocked his head to the side 'why does she need a mirror? She can't see herself...'

"That's unfortunate" she says making Enji's eyes widen "unfortunate?" Ayame had reached up and started to take off her elegant fengguan tiara. "Yes... It's unfortunate since I haven't seen them since I was five" Enji's eyes widen "F-Five...?" Ayame placed the tiara down on her vanity table "Since they sold me to the owner of this circus"