Here's a look into of what really happen to Touya and Dabi.
Touya actually died at the age of Thirteen on Sekoto Peak. His soul was no longer attached to his body. All For one did take his body, finding out Touya's body was empty from a lack of a soul he made into a nomu. With Touya's brian still intact and fresh, All for One had used the memories of Touya to his advange.
Dabi was born as a nomu, While Touya's soul lingered for years. Only to connect with Ayame who can see him and hear him, something he's been trying to do for years. Trying to get his siblings to hear him.
Now that Dabi finds out he's not really Touya but a Nomu created from Touya's body, what will happen? will he stick with Shigaraki or will he help Hawks in taking down All for One?
Part Four
It was a couple of days after what happen in the store. It was night, around midnight. It felt cold, and quiet... too quiet even for her. She felt like she was floating, her eyes fluttered open. It was fuzzy at first, but she could clearly see. This had to be a dream, in her dreams she could see and was never blind.
Then she realized she was floating just above her body, blinking at this scenario before she, she sighs softly 'I Astro projected again...' This as happen to her before, training with the monks gave many abilities not just martials arts but connecting to the spirit realm. Ever sense then she can sense spiritual energy and even see it. The Astro projection was rare, but it has happened couple of times.
Lowering down to the ground, her feet touched the floor. Everything felt so cold in the spiritual realm. Hearing some footsteps made her turn as she saw something move past the door. Moving forward she walked right through the door out into the hallway to and looked down both hallways only to see glowing blue figure turn to the right down the hall were Shoto's room was.
She frowned and headed down the hallway. Turning the corner walked right to Shoto's room and went through the door. The room was dark, Shoto was home for the weekend and was sound sleep but there sitting on the bed looking down at Shoto was a ghostly figure of a boy.
He had white hair, porcelain skin and stunning turquoise blue eyes that even glowed. The boy looked like to be thirteen at least. To Ayame, he was very good looking.
Stepping to him altered him quickly as he sat up from that bed and his eyes widen Ayame. Ayame blinked at him and smiled "hello"
He backed away and narrowed at her "How... can.. you.. see me?" Ayame smiled "I sometimes Astro project out of my body... it gives me the abilities to see.. I'm actually blind... are you a part of the Todoroki family? Why are you haunting this home?"
The boy frowns "It's none of your business! Just because you were taken in by the flaming asshole doesn't give you the right to ask me anything!" he shouted and ran to the wall jumping through it disappearing outside.
Ayame frowns but followed him. Outside she can see him running through the yard and up to the mountain. She sighed but followed him, she had limited time until she had to return to her body or she would be stuck like this forever.
On the top Sekoto Peak, at old training ground that no longer there anymore. The ghost boy sat on the ground where his body once was. Hugging his knees, he sniffed "I shouldn't have yelled at her..." he started to remember it. The first memory of being a ghost.
At first he didn't know he had died, he thought he was alright. Even though it felt cold and he thought he had reached the river in time and was alright. He had walked down that trail to their home. Stepping inside that was cold, quiet. He didn't understand, he remembered hearing crying. It was Fuyumi's and Natsuo's, they were coming from his room apparently.
The door had been opened and he walked in.
"Fuyumi? Natsuo? Why are you in my room crying?" he asked then stepping over. They didn't answer him which frustrated him, and he stomped over "Hey! Answer me" he had reached out to touch Fuyumi's shoulder, but his hand went through making his eyes widen in horror and gasped stepping back.
Looking at his hands and they were transparent. Looking more at them, they were kneeling in front of something in his room. It was a shrine... stepping over slowly he saw his middle school picture.
He shook in horror; realization came to him rather quickly. He was dead, he never came out alive. He had died up on that mountain. His quirk had killed him.
'How long have I been dead...? How long as it been...?'
Hearing a step, he had turned to see little Shoto with a bandage over his left eye, Touya was shocked by this. 'How did that happen?' "Fuyumi...? Natsuo...?"
Fuyumi and Natsuo turned him, then both frowned looking away "You shouldn't be in here Shoto... go away..." Fuyumi muttered. "Dad will punish us..." she muttered again. Natsuo had kept quiet.
"But... I wanna..." then Shoto gasped as Their father appeared out of nowhere "What did I tell you! Do not speak to him! Come Shoto! Training!" he pulled Shoto who was tearing "But I wanna... show respect to Touya-nii!" "You forget about him! He is dead!" his father shouted.
Touya had sighed heavily thinking of that memory, after that he would visit his siblings and watch over them. Then three of years after that, some stranger with his body should up. This person had stolen his body, how can this be? He didn't understand why his body was taken.
"There you are" Touya's eyes widen and sat up looking at Ayame as she walked over to him. Touya bites his lip "Why... did you follow me?.." Ayame smiled down at him "It's been a while sense I meet a spirit, I wanna to get to know you"
Touya had flushed at her "It was you right?" Touya blinked at her with a confused look "huh?"
"The one I've been seeing? I have two quirks... my violet flames and I have another quirk were even blind I can see fire users... I've been seeing a blue glow... you helped me didn't you? When I got lost at my parents funeral...?" Ayame asked him.
Touya looked down nodding "Y-Yes..." then he felt a touch on his head, Ayame was petting him 'she can touch me...?!' he looked up at her, her warm smile made his ghost like heart thump. He had a warm feeling from her and he liked it. "Thank you, you helped when I got lost. You were my hero"
Tears were coming from Touya's eyes 'I'm her hero...' he sniffed and smiled softly at her "Touya... my name is Touya Todoroki, I'm the oldest son of Enji Todoroki... oldest sibling of Fuyumi, Natsuo and Shoto... I died thirteen years... from a quirk accident... my own..."
Ayame frown but smiled softly at him "I'm Ayame Todoroki, my parents... were Daitan and Emiko Todoroki, we belong to a lower branch of the family... I was born blinded, I was neglected and abused my parents... Eventually they sold me off to the circus where I called my home for many years."
Touya nodded "I...I know.. I heard the whispers... and all..."
Ayame then felt a pull on her soul, she looked down the mountain "I must return to my body, I hope we get to talk again Touya" Touya smiled brightly "yeah..." Ayame allowed herself being pulled back to her body. It was quick as she gasped sitting up from her bed. Opening her eyes, everything was dark. She sighed, she missed that feeling of being able to see.
Then out of the corner of her eye she see's a glow in her room, a blue glow smiling she softly got up "Tou" but she stopped and noticed this blue glow was different from Touya's. This was bigger like the adult version. This made her body froze and stood there scared, it wasn't cold it was warm.. way to warm.
This figure moved towards her "How do you know that name" It was a raspy voice whisper ran through her ears "I know you can see girl... how can you see me? Aren't you blind?" Ayame stepped back only for her back legs hitting the bed making her fall back on the bed, she stared up with widen eyes "Come on answer me...!" it was a raspy whispering demand.
Ayame bites her lip "I have... a dual quirk... I can see fire users aura... To me... you look... like a glowing body of aura... Like Enji... but his is all red and orange... Shoto's I can see half... from his left side... Who... are you...? Why are you in my room? In my families home...?"
The man growled "your room? This was once my room..." Ayame shook her head "Not possible... who are you?" "my past name is none of your concern girl" Ayame looked away "Then why are you here...?"
"To get something of mine... under the floor. You will tell no one of this, you never saw me here" he whispered with a threat.
She was about to open her mouth when she heard Touya's voice "IT's not me! It's a fake! he took my body!"
Ayame's eyes at this and looked at the figure "You're... not really him..." Dabi frowned at her "What?" "You're not really Touya..." Dabi bites his lips and had longed her quickly even for her as she gasped out slightly loudly but his hand was on her mouth as he sat on her.
"What the hell are you talking about? I'm Touya, well I was once was him before I become Dabi" Dabi hissed at her.
Ayame shook, but in the corner of her eye she can see Touya's ghostly glowed even being blind, his soul still had a fire quirk ability. Ayame lifted her hand and pointed to the shrine.
Dabi turned his head, and his eyes widen to see a ghostly figure of his thirteen-year-old self. The figure was narrowing at him "Let my Ayame go! You stolen my body fake!"
Dabi jumped off Ayame so quickly shocked as hell only to here the door open and whipped around to see Fuyumi who gasped "DAD! ITS DABI! IN AYAME'S ROOM!" she screamed so loudly, woke up everyone. Dabi cursed and ran to the window and jumped through and took off.
Shoto and Enji were in the room quickly. Enji by the window narrowing at it as it started to rain and thunder. Shoto and Fuyumi were on the bed with Ayame who was still shaking. Shoto bites his lip "Why was he here...?" he looked at his father "Was he here to kidnap Ayame...?"
Fuyumi held Ayame "he didn't do anything to you did he?" Ayame shook her head "No... I could see him... he's a fire user... blue... his whole body glowed a pretty blue..."
Enji turned around "we will not speak of this to anymore... this will be kept quiet."
Shoto frowned and stood up from Ayame's bed "You wanna kept this quiet?! Dabi! A member of the league of villains broke into our house to kidnap Ayame!"
Enji sighed "Enough, Fuyumi take Ayame to your room. She will bunk with you for tonight... until her window is repaired..."
Fuyumi nodded and helped Ayame up and guided her out of the room to her room.
Hours later, Ayame had fallen back to sleep only to wake up feeling a cold hand on her cheek. Fluttering her eyes widen she could see clearly the ghostly figure of Touya glowing blue. Ayame smiled "Touya..."
Touya smiled at her "Ayame"
At the league of villain's hideout, well the paranormal liberation front's new hideout. Dabi was on the rooftop sitting on the ground hugging his knee's, he's been trying to understand what he had just witnessed. He had seen a ghostly figure of his thirteen-year-old self. It didn't make sense, he was alive right? How can he be alive and... biting his lip "fuck... what does this mean...?"
"Dabi..? why are you up here by yourself?" Dabi looked up as Hawks landed next to him. Dabi frowns and sits up 'maybe he can make sense of this...'
"Keigo" Hawks's eyes widen at him as his whole body froze 'how does he know my name...?' "Do you remember a boy by the name of Touya Todoroki?" Dabi asked him.
Hawks gaped at him, how can he forget is old friend from back in the special training school. "How do you now Touya...?"
Dabi looked down "I was believed that I was him"
Hawks looked more shocked and confused "But... I witnessed something... how can I still be alive and see Touya's thirteen-year-old ghostly figure... when I... broke into my old family home for this..." he lifted up an old notebook.
"Keigo... I'm I really him...? I have all the memories... of Touya but... why do I feel like I'm not even him..? I'm so confused... you're a hero right...? Help me..." Dabi knew he was tearing blood.
Hawks felt his heart dropped but stepped over to him putting a hand on his shoulder "Dabi... if you're saying is true... then... There's only one answer on what you are..."
Dabi's body shook and looked up at Hawks "A nomu..."