Disclaimer: I do not own HOTD nor GOT or anything related to it...

Writers note: This is an idea I've been having for the past month and I hope you guys will enjoy it.

Chapter 1

The great war had been fought...and the living lost.

Winterfell fell to the dead. The night king had swarmed his army against them. The living fought valiantly with everything that they had but they were no match for the night king's army and dragon.

They retreated south to Moat Cailin with as many people as they could but it was all for naught. The keep that served as the gateway to the north was nothing but a keep close to it's end. It had been left unattended for years resulting to it deploring to a sorry state. The walls of the keep were weak, the towers rundown and the rooms were less than accommodating.

The people were hungry, tired and afraid. They had lost more than three quarters of their army in Winterfell. The dothraki that numbered to the thousands had been left with less than five hundred screamers. Some of the freefolk and northmen had volunteered to stay outside the keep so that there would be more rooms for the women and children and also to keep watch for the dead.

They had fortified the northern walls and placed most of their men there. Jon had sent ravens to the various lords of westeros, but even he knew that they wouldn't come with most of them now sworn to Cersei.

They were still shaken and grieving the loss of their friends and loved ones. Sansa and Varys had lost their lives trying to save as many people who had hidden in the crypts when the battle began. Jon and Dany blamed themselves and felt that their deaths could have been avoided if they had not sent them to hide in a place filled with the remains of previous lords whilst fighting an enemy that could raise the dead.

They spent a fortnight in Moat Cailin trying to come up with a plan. With every passing day growing colder and colder, they explored the possibilities of sending the women and children and those that couldn't fight to various keeps, hopefully getting the much needed support and men from the lords, but the only place that they could get the men from was the Westerlands, and those were loyal to Cersei and would no sooner execute their envoys than send them men, even with Jamie Lannister being with them.

The Vale wouldn't be able to support them as the bulk of their houses had been lost in Winterfell too. The only thing they could do was hold the line at Moat Cailin and send the women south and hopefully find refuge in Kingslanding despite it being ruled by the mad queen, they would be relatively safe.

They were slowly getting into a sort of routine when the dead attacked. The night king's dragon had swooped in from above and unleashed its flames on the keep with a surprise attack.

The newly mended walls slowly soon fell as they could not withstand the sheer amount of the dead army. The freefolk, northmen, knights of the vale and whatever was left of the dothraki fought the dead head on so as to give the unsullied as much time to evacuate the keep and flee further south.

Jon and Daenerys had mounted their dragons and fought the night king. They breathed down torrents of fire on the dead Viserion who then responded with his own fires. Drogon and Rhaegal clawed and bit their brother trying to end it once and for all, but it proved futile as they had not fed for weeks and they were tired unlike their adversary who required no food nor sleep. And thus Moat Cailin fell, and with it fell Beric Dondarrion, Lord Royce, Tormund Giantsbane, Samwell Tarly, Gilly, Little Sam, Gendry Waters, Missandei of Naath and Ghost with the night king adding them to his army.

The remaining survivors retreated to Riverrun and sent ravens to all the houses to prepare for the war with the dead or retreat further south. A raven was sent to the Iron Islands and Gulltown instructing them to send their entire fleets to Kingslanding to make their final stand there.

They headed for Kingslanding gaining little support from the Lords of the keeps they passed through laughing and mocking them for believing in snarks and grumpkins, claiming the long night was just a ploy to gain men for their fight for the iron throne.

They marched to Kingslanding with their deplorable army only to find that the city was in chaos with the very people rebelling against Cersei and her army's cruelty against them. Jon and Daenerys' army seized the opportunity and with the help of the people and their dragons, they were able to overthrow Cersei Lannister and claim the iron throne.

The fleet they had called for arrived a moon later with supplies but they were soon met in battle by Euron Greyjoy's fleet. The battle raged on for hours before Euron was defeated by Jon's and Daenerys' dragons. They had won the battle but not before Rhaegal had been hit with three scorpions. One to his leg, one to his chest and the other to his wing making it difficult for him to fly for long periods of time.

The new regime couldn't relish in their victory as they knew what was coming for them as the snows began to fall. Each heavier than the previous day. So they began evacuating the city and sent the people to Dragon's Bay.

With most of the people having left for Essos, the city was left with a small number of soldiers to hopefully be able to put a stop the approaching evil. Everyone was armed with dragonglass blades and few with valyrian steel.

Jaime had informed them that there was wildfire beneath the city left by Aerys Targaryen when Tywin Lannister attacked the city. After having located the massive caches of wildfire, the plan was to lure the dead into the city and let as many of them swarm the city then light it.

Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Yara Greyjoy and Grey Worm volunteered on this suicide mission. They hoped that their sacrifice would weaken and destroy a large bulk of the dead army and give the others the chance to kill the Night King.

The plan was set into motion and as soon as the dead began flooding into the city, the suicide charge went beneath the city. Jon and Daenerys rode their dragons high into the clouds hoping to ambush the night king with a sneak attack.

Once they caught a glimpse of a green hue below the clouds, they knew that the others had succeeded in their mission, and they had to honor their sacrifice by killing the night king.

As they descended, they weren't prepared to see the extent of the damage the wildfire caused. Houses and roads that had been there for more than a century were all up in smoke. The three hills named after the conqueror and his sisters were all covered by the green flames.

As they flew they noticed that the army was not yet entirely wiped out and set their dragons on them...which was a mistake. The night king had baited them into revealing their location and siezed the opportunity.

The battle between the dragons was brutal. If there were any living people in the city, they may have attributed it as the dance of dragons reborn. Rhaegal and Drogon landed close to the shores of the Blackwater Bay to catch their breaths.

Upon seeing the situation, Jon and Daenerys decided to retreat to Dragons Bay with the last ship that was meant to carry the last of the survivors. But before they could flee, the night king and his dragon attacked.

The attacks were more ferocious and desperate. It took a while for Jon to realize that the night king was targeting Daenerys and Drogon. So in an effort to protect Daenerys, Jon urged Rhaegal to attack with everything that he had, giving Drogon the chance to gain speed and flee despite his mother's orders to turn back and fight.

The attack worked as the night king turned his focus on them. The fight though was one sided as Rhaegal was tired and still reeling from the scorpion wounds. Rhaegal crashed as softly as he possibly could along the shore, flinging Jon off him.

The night king did not relent on his attack and his his dragon's jaws clamped on Rhaegal's wounded leg. In a last ditch effort to protect his rider, Rhaegal used every ounce of strength to fly away and lead the night king away from Jon.

Upon seeing this, Jon stood up and looked behind him and saw Kingslanding crumbling down from the wildfire. The heat from it filling him with both warmth and dread. He turned towards the sea and made a choice to swim for the evading ship. If he was to die, he wouldn't die without a fight. If he was to choose his death, he would rather die and be eaten by the fish than be turned into a white walker.

Even as he swam, Jon could hear the dragons' roars in the burning city. Even when he wanted to go back for Rhaegal and kill the bastard of a king, he knew he couldn't.

His arms and legs soon grew tired from the swimming. His muscles ached with a vengeance. He couldn't go on any longer and he started taking in water. He tried to breathe but all he took was gulps of sea water. With his eyes slowly closing, he felt like he was about to die again. He was content with the darkness swallowing him.

But then he felt a pair of arms lift him up and lift him out of the cold sea. He couldn't properly register what was going on, but he knew that he was on a boat as he took in deep breaths of precious air. He could hear grunts and some people yelling.

As they climbed onto the fleeing ship, Jon saw Drogon flying beside it. He felt relieved that Daenerys was safe. Arya and Ser Davos handed him some blankets to keep him from freezing to death...then they heard a loud shriek coming from Kingslanding.

As they turned their gazes towards the city, they were able to see as the night king's dragon and Rhaegal felt into the flame infested city.

At that moment, Jon fell to his knees. He couldn't help the pain that tore at his heart. The same pain he felt when ghost died was burning through his chest. He knew that Rhaegal had died...and it felt like he had lost another part of himself. A part of himself that he had slowly been accepting. And it soon dawned to everyone...Westeros was no more.

They sailed to Meereen where they found that a group of sellswords companies had started to lay siege on it's walls. In her anger, Daenerys only saw red and ordered Drogon to burn the entire army outside the walls. She did not care to know the names of the companies. At that moment, she swore to fiercely protect her people; even if some may come to question her methods.

Once the small army was squashed, Jon and the rest saw it fit to mourn and honour the fallen who fought in the long night. Jon and Dany began to rule Dragon's Bay from Meereen with the help of their hands Tyrion Lannister and Ser Davos and various lords and merchants.

They were adored and revered by their subjects for being fair and just rulers. They sent some of the people to occupy the some of the lands in Yunkai and Astapor as they were part of Dragon's Bay. The Iron Bank and Bravoos were lenient on giving them a loan but it was at a high interest rate. They took the coin as they had spent most of theirs in the upkeep of their army while they were in Westeros. They spent and invested most of the coin into trade and farming and did all that they could to improve their new kingdom.

They lived in peace for seven years with no major conflicts. Everyone had started to settle down and was slowly starting to heal from the horrors of the long night. That was until Bran informed them that the night king had crossed the Narrow Sea and was replenishing his army's numbers The biggest blow to Daenerys and Jon was when Bran told them that the night king had taken Rhaegal as his.

The first to fall was Pentos. And it gradually spread to Myr, Tyrosh and even the island of Lys were slaughtered by the night king.

Daenerys and Jon called for the entirety of their armies in Dragon's Bay to assemble in Meereen.

When the snows started to fall, they knew that the other cities had fallen. They knew that this was their final stand. There was no running from this. They had to defeat the night king once and for all.

Every passing day filled them with anxiety. Then one day, the dead were spotted on the horizon to the east. Jon, Arya and Sandor were among the many in the frontlines when the dead attacked Meereen's walls.

The walls were strong and tall, but even they couldn't stop the dead from climbing on top of each other and over the walls in their crazed frenzy.

As there was no dragonglass, the soldiers fought in two pairs. one pair would cut down the dead while the other burnt the dead. It was a mediocre tactic but it was the only one that was deemed plausible under the circumstances.

They were being overwhelmed by the sheer number of the dead and soon they were dropping like flies even with Daenerys supporting them with suppressive fire with Drogon. At the end of it all, they were again forced to retreat.

Arya, Jon and Sandor were making their way to the pyramid. They had planned if all else failed, they would meet in the pyramid with the others and retreat by ship.

They needed to get to Bran, Tyrion and Ser Davos and flee to the port using the tunnels beneath the city. Upon reaching the inside of the pyramid, they were met with the sight of one of the white walkers driving a blade through Davos' abdomen as the night king stood over Tyrion's dead body. His hand clasped around Bran's throat while the other gripped his sword. He turned towards them with a cold triumphant smile and drove his blade through Bran and twisted it twice.

Arya and Jon couldn't hold their screams at the death of their brother. Their eyes were filled with fire and attacked the walkers with malice and hatred.

Davos saw an opportunity and tore the blade from her stomach with a grunt and stabbed a white walker with it. In his rage, Sandor didn't notice one of the walkers approaching him from behind until it was too late. The walkers sword sliced along his thigh.

Upon realising that they were fighting a lost battle. Davos and Sandor turned to Jon and Arya and told them to leave them behind as their injuries would only slow them down. Their goal was to buy them as much time as they could for them to leave Meereen. With Davos' last words to them being that they look out for each other and keep on fighting even if they were the only ones left, they ran with a heavy heart, never looking back.

They found their way to the port only to see all the ships with the survivors being rained on by dragon fire from Rhaegal and Viserion. Drogon soon landed near them filled with claw and bite marks all over him with a bleeding gash across his neck. He lowered his wing allowing Daenerys to get off him.

He crooned at his mother and gave a small purr at her touch making Arya and Jon see him as a kin to a tame dog and not a ferocious dragon. Daenerys took in as much warmth of her son as she could as she knew that it would be the last time that she ever saw her son.

Drogon turned towards Arya and Jon and gave them a single look. A look that they knew that conveyed the dragon's trust towards them to keep his mother safe. And with a defiant roar, he charged towards his brothers.

He had seen them both die and there was nothing that he could have done. He knew that for his mother and the wolves to escape, he needed to kill his brothers...and this was a task that he would do so gladly. He would put them out of their misery and let them rest in peace.

Jon, Daenerys and Arya ran through the streets of Meereen cutting down any of the dead they came across. They were able to reach one of the stables that were in the city and mounted three horses bareback and fled.

As they turned toward the city, they could see three dragons hovering over the pyramid, and they knew that Drogon had fallen.

They rode at full speed, not knowing where they were going. Once seeing that they were more than far enough, they came to a halt and got off the horses. The pain that they felt became unbearable that they all broke down in tears.

Arya tears for the man who protected her and taught her to always find a way even if it was a shitty one, Jon's for the man who became like a father to him and Daenerys' for the last of her children.

They mourned and held each other, gaining a small comfort from the interaction. They got on their horses and trekked through the snow with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

They collected as much wood and twigs they could find from the trees they could find, with Jon's Longclaw being a replacement for an axe. They would build a fire to keep warm and slept in shifts to get rid of the tiredness whilst two of them keeping watch.

They and the horses soon grew thirsty and hungry but there was no food in the vast snow. And soon, Jon's horse fell dead from hunger and thirst. Daenerys brought the idea of eating the horse meat as it would offer some sustenance for some time. They skinned the horse using Arya's catspaw and set to cook it over the fire.

Arya and Jon begrudgingly ate the tough meat while Daenerys ate her's surprisingly without reservation. They decided to set a small camp to let the horses rest. After a few meals of the same meat, they soon acquired a taste for it. They cut off as much meat as they could carry using the horse's hide and used the rest to make some much needed fur to shield them from the cold.

After however long it was, it soon became clear to them that they may be last of the living. When Arya and Daenerys were on watch, they were soon met with the carcass of the dead horse slowly trotting. It charged at them with it's bright blue eyes. They were able to dodge it before it turned it's attention toward a now awake Jon.

It charged at him giving an unnatural neigh that chilled their bones. It's hooves trampling the snow with ease, dead set on killing him. It pinned him down frantically trying to bite him but Jon was able to keep it from his face.

Daenerys charged at the walker horse with a burning log in her hands and hit the side of it's head repeatedly. It steered away from the fire only for Arya to lunge herself onto its back and stab it in the neck with her catspaw before it fell on its side. Jon then took his sword and beheaded the beast with Daenerys burning the corpse after.

They looked at each other and came to an understanding that they had to leave the place. They quickly realized that their horses had run off during the fight and they now had to walk. They hurriedly set off fearing that the dead may have been behind them. They felt like hope was draining away from them, not knowing what to do next. They continued on their journey to nowhere.

They luckily soon came across a river. They quenched their thirst and decided to walk along the riverside. But soon enough they were left with no food and the cold became more biting.

They laid around a campfire hurdled together for the much needed warmth. They soon fell asleep in each others arms.

They were woken by the sound of footsteps. When they opened their eyes they saw that they were surrounded by a dozen white walkers armed with spears and countless walkers. They quickly stood and formed a back to back circle. Arya unsheathed needle and handed the catspaw to Daenerys with Jon holding his bastard valyrian steel sword in both hands ready for a battle...but it never came as the walkers calmly stood still, staring at them with their cold blue eyes.

They soon were startled by the sound of crashing trees and dragon roars. They looked around and saw Daenerys dragons staring at them blue eyes and snarls. Then the night king dismounted from a dragon that could only have been Drogon. Daenerys was filled with rage at the sight of this monster defiling her children.

The night king drew his blade and gave them all a taunting look. "LETS END THIS AZOR AHAI".

They were stunned that he could speak but not for long as he attacked them with a jab which Jon parried away. Arya went on the offensive and lunged at him but he sidestepped avoiding the attack and deflected Jon's strike to his side and backhanded Daenerys resulting her to fall on the snow.

Jon and Arya attacked him with ferocious strikes but they were all handled with ease. Their tiredness getting the best of them caused their movements to be sloppy and the night king was able to capitalise by slashing along Arya's back and Jon's chest.

The night king looked at the last three obstacles left in his quest to turn the world into his own ice kingdom. He grabbed Daenerys and Jon by their throats and lifted them so that he could see the light fade from their eyes.

"YOU LOSE AZOR AHAI" he said in a chilling laugh whilst Dany and Jon were clawing a his cold hands gasping for air.

After waiting for more than five millennia, he was now able to soak in his victory over mankind...that was before he felt the feeling of a blade piercing his heart through his back. It felt like the day the children drove that blasted dagger in his heart. The pain was so excruciating that he couldn't stop himself from screaming. He turned his head around to see Arya with her hand on needle with a bloodstained grin on her face.

He snarled at her only for him to feel another blade stab through his heart. The pain felt like he was burning from the inside. Upon looking at his chest, he saw the catspaw imbedded in his chest with Daenerys' giving a small laugh.

He let go of the two and tried to remove the blade. He grabbed the hilt of the catspaw but it burned him to the touch. He let out a roar ordering his army to kill the mortals.

He looked up from the blade only to be met with the fiery eyes of Jon glaring at him with such ferocity and hatred as he brought down his sword.

Jon's sword cut through the night king and took his head with it. The night king's headless body fell on the snow and burst into countless snowflakes.

Around them, his army fell with him. Countless corpses of men and animals fell in unison. Jon gave a small laugh and fell on his back. His eyes filled with tears. He could feel the rays of the sun hit his face as the heavy snow clouds dissipated.

He looked around and saw Arya and Daenerys laying motionless. He crawled towards them with every last bit of strength he had. He reached out to Arya and saw that she laid in a pool of her own blood while Daenerys lay still, not breathing.

"Arya...Dany...wake up. We won. Wake up and open...your...eyes. We..Won." he rasped as he closed his eyes and fell into the sweet and cold embrace of death.

But the darkness didn't last for long as he was soon blinded by a bright white light. After adjusting to the intensity of the light, he was able to open his eyes.

He was suddenly engulfed in a bone crushing hug. "You're alive Jon." he looked around and saw that the hug came from Arya and Dany.

"I'm glad you two are okay, but I don't think we're alive." Jon told them.

"And you are correct Jon." a booming voice said as a group of people appeared before them.

"You three are currently in limbo." a woman dressed in a red robe said. "Azor Ahai has defeated the long night."

"Azor Ahai?" Jon asked.

"The Prince that was promised." Arya answered.

"It's actually The Prince or Princess that was promised." Daenerys said. "The word has no gender."

"Correct you are Daenerys Targaryen." a man clad in dark armour said.

"My closest friend educated me on it." Daenerys told the man.

"Missandei of Naath, I believe." the man said causing Daenerys to frown at the memory of her closest friend.

"If you don't mind me asking but, who are you and where the hell are we?" Jon asked.

"Forgive us for our manners young prince." an old man in grey robes apologized. "You are in the presence of The Council of The Gods. You may know me as The Drowned God. The one in the armour is The Dragon God, Balerion. The lady in the red robe is Rhollor. The man in the white tunic is The Many Faced God, you may know him as The Stranger. The little girl is The Crow and The Mother to the children of the forest and finally the woman in the purple dress is The Mother Rhoyne."

They stared at the indifference. "I thought you'd be more impressive." Daenerys told them to their shock.

"You seem to forget who you are speaking to." The Mother Rhoyne snarled.

"There's no need for you get angry with them Mother Rhoyne, I believe they are unimpressed with our current forms as they had been taught with the pictures of the symbols we chose when we first went to the mortal realm." Balerion said. "The reason that we are taking these forms is because we thought it would be more to your liking as your very souls would have been burnt to shreds at the mere glimpse of our true forms." he added.

"If you're the gods, what is it that you need us for? Or am I mistaken?" Arya asked.

"Astute as ever my child." The Stranger said. "Azor Ahai has defeated the long night and brought back light into the world."

"And it has come at a grave cost to you all. Yes you may have defeated The Great Other, but you lost everything in the process. You lost your families, friends and loved ones and for that, we are both grateful and sorry." Balerion said.

They stood their in silence staring at the gods. Jon let out a soft chuckle which quickly turned into a frustrated one. "Grateful...grateful. You are gods with power and you say that you are grateful and sorry for our sacrifices. What have you done to warrant to call yourselves gods. You sit here watching us do everything while you do nothing and yet you feel yourselves to be worthy of our worship." he ranted.

"Jon's right. We have lost everything. Yes, Jon killed the night king but after everything, what has he gained. Even after all the trials he has endured...we have endured, we have nothing to show for it." Arya passionately said.

"If you have nothing of importance to tell us then send us to whichever heavens or hells you have prepared because we owe you nothing." Daenerys coldly added.

The gods stared at them gobsmacked. "Why would you say that? Do you not see that you are in front of beings of power?" Rhollor curiously asked.

"Beings of power who need the help of mortals and use us as pawns for their games." Jon answered back.

"You don't have enough power. You're weak." Daenerys said upon realization.

"That's why you need us." Arya added.

"Yes we need you." The Drowned God said. "We need Azor Ahai to stop the tragedy you faced from happening to another world."

"What exactly do you mean by another world?" Jon asked.

"We mean exactly that young prince...another world." The Stranger answered. "There are other worlds beyond yours. Each different and not so different from the others. Each filled with the outcomes of different choices and decisions. In one world, the Targaryens died in The Doom. In another, Rhaegar Targaryen never dies in the rebellion. In one, Arya kills The Great Other, Cersei Lannister and Euron Greyjoy ambush Daenerys at Dragonstone and kill Rhaegar before kidnapping Missandei and beheading her on top of Kingslanding's walls as you watch. Daenerys grows mad with grief and burns Kingslanding to ash with Drogon. In the aftermath, Jon stabs her becoming a kinslayer and is sentenced to return north as a brother of the nights watch and Bran becomes the king of the six kingdoms and Sansa as Queen of the North with all this orchestrated by Brynden Rivers."

"The world that we wish to send Azor Ahai to is quite like yours but is behind in time. I believe it is just before the civil war you know as The Dance of Dragons." Balerion said. "We want you to stop the dance from happening as this was the beginning of the end for House Targaryen. Your goal is to fill the skies with as many dragons as possible so as to be able to defeat The Great Other."

"If Jon is the one to go to this world, what do you need Arya and I for?" Daenerys asked.

"Didn't you say that Azor Ahai had no gender?" Mother Rhoyne cheekily asked. "You will be accompanying Jon to this world." she added.

"Where do I fit in all of this? Azor Ahai is the Prince or Princess that was Promised, and last I checked, I was a lady." Arya asked.

"I thought you never wanted to be a lady." Jon said with a small laugh.

"You know what I mean." she replied with a glare.

"But you are a princess." The Stranger said earning shocked looks on their faces.

"You may be mistaken my lord. The only royal at the time I was born was King Robert and he was in Kingslanding. My mother was too pious to lie to my father and birth a bastard." Arya said.

The Crow walked towards her and held her hand in her's. "The Starks were kings before even Valyria was born. Never forget that little wolf." she told her.

"So will you accept the offer?" Mother Rhoyne asked.

Jon, Arya and Daenerys looked at each other for the others' input on the matter and soon came to a decision.

"We accept your offer." The answered together.

"Good. Now that you have accepted the offer we will offer you a boon, but this boon comes at a price. You may choose if you wish for your either you wolves to follow you into this new life or your dragons, but you must agree to fulfill a wish from any of the gods." Balerion said.

"We'd like to know what you request of us before we decide." Arya said.

"I have nothing to ask of them." The Stranger said. "Neither do I." Mother Rhoyne and Balerion added. Which left The Drowned God, Rhollor and The Crow.

"What is it that you ask of us my lord and ladies?" Jon asked.

"What I ask of you is that you find a way to unite the freefolk and the North. I also wish for you to preserve as many of the Heart Trees as you can." The Crow said. "There must never be a sept built in Winterfell. If the other northern lords wish to build them in their keeps, they may do so...but the seat of House Stark is to remain to me." she added in a cold tone.

"All I ask is that you tolerate my followers if they come to Westeros." Rhollor said.

"What I ask of maybe tough for you. I wish for you to help the ironborn grow. It pains me that my followers are basically excommunicated to an island with little much for food or resources. That is my wish." The Drowned God said.

They stepped aside to discuss the options that had been presented to them and after a short while they returned to the gods.

"We have taken into consideration your prices for the boons and accept them," Jon said. "but if your followers start burning people alive whether in your name or not, they will be executed." he told Rhollor.

"That is permissible. Melisandre and some of my followers sometimes did not understand what I showed them and went to extremes trying to interpret my words. Should my followers begin to be extreme, you may execute them, but should they be wrongfully harmed I trust that you will do what is right." she said.

"I will my lady." Jon said with a small nod.

"As for the ironborn, we will only help them once they stop pillaging and raping other villages. If they cannot abandon these ways, then they will rot in that island for the rest of time." Daenerys said.

"If my followers pride sees it fit to continue with their ways, then they do deserve it." The Drowned god said. "It's funny how man will change a god's words to suit their desires and needs." he sighed.

"If that is all, have you chosen your boons?" Balerion asked.

"Yes." Daenerys answered. "I ask that you bring back the wolves."

"Dany, we'll be fighting the night king. I think three dragons would be a great boon." Jon argued.

"I agree with him. Dragons are what are needed to win the war." Arya added.

"I appreciate your concern for my children but I've already made up my mind. We will be going to a time when House Targaryen's power stood at it's peak with seventeen dragons. I will find a dragon in that timeline." she said.

"And if you don't?" Jon asked.

"I'll have Ghost to keep me company." she answered with a soft smile. "The dragons are a symbol of power for Targaryens. I think the Starks should have theirs too." she added while staring into his grey eyes.

"So what will it be?" Mother Rhoyne asked.

"We ask that you bring the wolves with us." Daenerys answered.

"A wise choice my child." The Crow smiled.

"Speaking of children, Daenerys, you will only be able to have children with Jon." Rhollor said as placed her hand on Daenerys' womb.

"It's not like I was planning on finding another man." she said. "No man can compare to you Aemon Targaryen." she added with a kiss to his lips conveying her love for him.

"Well are you ready?" The Drowned God asked.

"I believe we are." Arya nervously answered, not being comfortable with not knowing what was to come next.

"A word of advice Aemon. You must destroy the egg and become Aegon." Balerion told Aemon who answered with a nod knowing what he meant.

"We apologize but this will hurt for a while." Rhollor said as she and the other gods released a beam of power at the three humans.

They felt like they were being crushed by an invisible weight. They felt like they were being pulled away from their bodies. And as soon as the pain came, it went away as they were surrounded by darkness.

They saw a bright light approaching them and shielded their eyes. As the light grew brighter and brighter, they heard a faint voice.

"With the pact of ice and fire fulfilled, the song will be sung earlier."

And that is the first chapter. Hope review while following and faving and see you soon. Cheers.