Disclaimer: I do not own HOTD nor GOT or anything related to it...
Authors Note: I am thankful to all those that read, reviewed, fav and followed this fanfic. I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter.
Chapter 2
The Red Keep- 97AC
The Red Keep was bustling with activity. Servants all rushed to their duties.
Two members of the royal family were waiting outside the chambers of Prince Viserys Targaryen and his wife Princess Aemma Targaryen. The princess had gone into labor that morning. The maester and midwives had taken to their duty as soon as they had entered the chambers. And seven hours had gone by since then.
Her screams were so loud that one may have thought that the entirety of the keep could hear them. The screams didn't help settle the anxiety of those that waited outside.
"Is Aemma going to be okay?" a timid Gale nervously asked. She was a young woman with pale skin and the signature targaryen looks of white hair and purple eyes. Gael was the youngest child to the king and queen.
"She's going to be fine Gael, there's no need to worry." Baelon; her older brother, the heir, softly replied. He had a wide chest and his arms were actuated with muscles earned from his long years fighting in jousts and melees. He was a fairly handsome man despite recently turning forty. He too had the valyrian looks and his face was complemented with a well trimmed white beard.
"Then why is it taking so long?!"
Baelon ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "For some it takes a few hours, others it may take the whole day before the babe is born." he answered over his good daughter's screams.
She nervously paced back and forth. "Maybe I should be inside with her."
"There's no need. Viserys is with her. A husband's presence gives more strength to a woman. Especially when it's the first time birthing, it's more than common for it to take long."
Inside the chambers, the midwives were all dabbing and wiping Aemma's forehead. Her gown was soaked in sweat. Her beloved husband held her hand making the pain she had been feeling somewhat bearable.
"Princess, it's time to start pushing. When you feel a sharp pain in your abdominal area, that is when you must push." the maester informed.
"I feel sharp pains with every breathe I take. Just get this babe out of me!" she yelled in pain.
"There's no need to be harsh my love." Viserys told her as he gently dabbed a wet cloth on her forehead.
"You're not the one who feels like they're being torn open. So spare me for not being lenient." she yelled out.
The maester and midwives stared at the princess' spat at her husband. "Can't you give her some milk of the poppy for the pain?" Viserys frantically asked the maester.
"I'm sorry your grace, but she is close to pushing the babe out; plus if she were to have any more of the poppy, I fear she and the babe may have some complications." he calmly answered.
"So no milk then." Viserys said.
"She must bear through the pain from now on." the maester said.
"Bear through the pain." Aemma scoffed. "Easy for you to say when you're not the one pushing a melon sized head out of a coin size-" she grunted as she was cut off by a contraction.
"That's it your grace, a few more pushes and the babe will be here." one of the midwives encouraged her as they firmly pressed down on her stomach.
After few more gruelling pushes, the chambers were filled with the screams of a baby. The maester quickly cut off the cord and handed the babe to a midwife to clean them. She cleaned the fluid and blood off the baby and covered them in a small blanket. "It's a girl your graces." she said as she handed the crying babe over to the new parents.
"Look Viserys, our baby girl." Aemma cooed at her.
"You did wonderfully my love." Viserys kissed her.
"What should we name her?" she asked.
"I believe the name Rhaenyra suits her well." he answered with a smile.
"Rhaenyra Targaryen." Aemma said, testing the name out. The couple looked at their newborn daughter who was still crying.
"I believe I should feed her." she added as she lowered her gown's strap to her elbow, revealing her breast. Rhaenyra did not waste anytime as she latched onto the nipple.
The sweet moment was soon interrupted when Aemma suddenly felt a sharp pain in her stomach. "What' wrong Aemma?" Viserys asked at her discomfort.
"I feel another sharp pain." she answered.
The maester quickly checked underneath her gown. "Princess, it's another baby. You have to start pushing." he said as one of the midwives took Rhaenyra from her.
"Another?!" Viserys exclaimed.
"Yes my prince. It seems the princess is having twins." he answered as he set on to work.
"You need to push your grace." a midwife instructed.
The princess grunted as she pushed the babe out of her womb. With every grunt and push that she gave she felt like her entire body was on fire.
"I can see the head your grace. One more push princess." the maester said.
Aemma took a few deep breaths and cried out as she gave a big push. As the pain subsided she was overwhelmed with relief when she heard the cries of her newborn.
"Another girl your graces." the maester announced.
"We have two girls Viserys." the new mother tiredly smiled.
Viserys couldn't help the smile that graced his face as he looked at the midwives attending to the babes.
"The babe seems to be healthy and stro-" the maester was cut off by the princess' cries.
The maester and midwives stared in shock and silence. The maester gulped and examined her, "Princess...there is another on the way."
Aemma shook her head in protest. She had already exhausted herself with the first two births. She doubted if she had the strength to push out another.
"I know that you are tired your grace, but you must push." the maester said.
"You have to push Aemma. Our heir is close. Our son needs you to push." Viserys urged her.
Aemma reluctantly nodded and gave a push. After a few more pushes she shook her head. "I can't Viserys. I no longer have the strength." she cried.
"I don't want to die during childbirth like our mothers."
Viserys gently took her hand and kissed it. "You won't die my love, for you are far stronger. One more push. You already have birthed the sisters. One more push and our son will be here. Aegon and his sisters will be reborn with one more push."
Aemma nodded with resolve. She pushed with all the strength she could muster. And with one final push, she whelped out the babe.
The babe was by far the loudest of the three. Aemma was tired and could only lay on the bed as she took in deep breathes while a midwife gave her something to drink. The drink quenched her thirst and soothed her throat.
Viserys kissed her full on the lips, "You did great Aemma."
"I'm glad that it brings you happiness, but I want to see and feed my children." she tiredly told him.
"As you wish my love. You have made me the happiest man Aemma. Aegon and his sister-wives are reborn and it is all thanks to you. That is no small feat."
A babe was placed in Aemma's arms and she set on to start feeding them. The feeling was something that brought her immense joy. At that moment, she knew that all the pain that she had gone through was worth it. She couldn't help the small laugh that came out as she watched her daughter drink her milk with a ravenous hunger.
"I wish to hold my son Aegon, Grand Maester Allar." Viserys happily said.
The maester went over to take the child from one of the midwives and gently handed the babe to the prince. "The babe is a girl your grace." he informed the prince.
"Pardon me maester?"
The maester cleared his throat. "Congratulations my prince, you are the proud father to three healthy girls." he said as he placed the baby girl in the father's arms.
"Three girls." Viserys smiled. But it was evidently clear to everyone in the room that the babe's gender was not what he expected.
"The princess is to rest after feeding the babes. This was a long and tiring delivery and she must recover her strength." he told them.
The maester and all the midwives except the one holding the third babe bowed and left the two new parents. The doors were soon swung open after their exit and in walked Baelon and Gael.
Gael hurriedly rushed to Aemma's side. "Are you okay Aemma?"
"I'm fine as I can be aunt."
"I was worried about you."
"I told you Gael, there was nothing to fear." Baelon reassured her with a small chuckle.
The doors were opened once more and in walked the Queen Alysanne. She was the matriarch of the Targaryens. Her hair and face still gave an ethereal beauty despite being sixty years old. She slowly walked with the aid of a cane towards her family. Baelon reached out to help her but his hand was swatted away. "I maybe old Baelon, but I am not a cripple." she scolded her son and continued on to Aemma.
"How are you my Aemma?" she warmly asked.
"I'm okay grandmother."
Alysanne gave a small laugh. "You could have fooled us girl. Your screams were as loud as Silverwing's roars that I thought she might have left the dragonpit." she jested as she got a laugh from her family.
The midwife approached her. "Your majesty." the girl bowed as she handed the babe to her. She gently held them in her arms and took a seat. "She's the second one while the princess holds the eldest." she told them. Alysanne gave the girl a nod and she bowed to the royal family and left the chambers.
"Three babes, that explains the screams." Baelon said.
"If you happened to shit out an apple, I assure you, you would scream bloody murder as your asshole is stretched out." Alysanne told her son.
"Mother!" Baelon exclaimed at his mothers words earning another round of laughter from the family.
"It seems like this one's already full." Aemma said as he handed the babe over to Baelon and took the youngest from Viserys.
The queen could not help give a small laugh as she looked at the quiet child that looked at her with such intensity. "What's wrong mother?" Gael asked.
"This one's gaze seems to be looking right into my soul. Reminds me of my dear Daenerys when she first looked at me." she answered with a soft smile as the memory of her deceased first born crept up from times she thought she had long lost forgotten.
The family looked at their matriarch. They knew that out of her seven children who had passed on over the years, Daenerys' sudden and quick death was the one that hit her the hardest of them all.
"Daenerys is a wonderful name." Aemma said to the surprise of Alysanne.
Alysanne calmly shook her head, "There's no need to burden your child with ghosts of the past."
"I believe she will do the name proud." Aemma said, earning a grateful nod from the queen.
"So, what are my other grandchildren's' names?" Baelon boisterously asked.
"You hold Rhaenyra, the eldest. We haven't yet gotten a name for the youngest." Viserys answered.
"Viserys thought that it was a boy and had already named him Aegon after the conqueror." Aemma told them as Viserys looked away from his family's snickers.
"Aegon with tits. That'll get the realm talking." Gael jested as Daenerys started to cry in her great grandmother's arms.
"I haven't yet fed her. Could you hold this little one grandmother." Aemma said as she handed the babe to her.
"So you are the little one whose been monarched as 'Aegon with tits'." Alysanne cooed at the babe who had their fists culled up like they were ready for a fight.
She stared at her great granddaughter and saw that she had the constant valyrian features except for her eyes which were brown. "I see you've got a bit of the Vale in you little one ." she smiled.
Aemma stared at Daenerys as she fed. "I'm sorry I could not produce an heir."
Viserys reached out and kissed his wife's hand. "There is no need to be sorry my love. You are safe and alive, that is all that matters."
"You are still young Aemma. I'm sure that the gods will bless you with a son soon enough." Baelon said, calming her.
Alysanne merely scoffed at her son's words. "I do not know what all this fuss is about. You already have your eldest as your heir."
The entire realm knew how the queen thought the rules of succession should be governed; with the eldest child being the heir despite of their gender. The whole issue had brought a divide between the king and queen; not once, but twice.
"Mother, we both know that the law states that the eldest male descendant inherits first." Baelon calmly told his mother.
"If having a tiny dangling appendage between one's legs means that they are suitable to rule, then you are surely mistaken my son. If anything, men tend to make their cocks do the thinking for them. All it takes is a glimpse of a naked woman and all reason goes out their minds." she told her son.
The queen's words seemed to have had an effect on the babe as she gifted her with a sight of a toothless smile on her chubby face. "That's right little one. Just because you don't have a cock doesn't mean you're any less. If you want to be Aegon the Conqueror, then you'll be Aegon with tits." she cooed at the baby.
"Mother, it sounds like you plan on spoiling her?" Gael smirked.
"They are my great granddaughters and I am queen, I will spoil them rotten if I like." she replied with a smirk of her own as the others laughed.
The laughter was quickly cut short as the doors opened once more and in walked the king. Jaehaerys was an old monarch. Long gone were the days when the populace called him 'Jaehaerys the Conciliator'. Now they called him 'The Old King', and he could not blame them. His face was not as bright and exuberant as it once was in his youth. It was now filled with wrinkles from the many decades of ruling with a long beard runnning down to his waist. His legs were no longer as strong as they once were that it had been years since he and Vermithor took to the skies together.
"Father. There was no need to tire yourself by coming all the way here. The babes would have been brought to you." Baelon said as Gael helped her father who was struggling with his breathing, to a seat.
Jaehaerys took a moment to rest as he let out a tired cough. "Nonsense. The pain is worth it if I get to see our house's legacy in my great-grandchild."
"You mean great-grandchildren, husband. Aemma gave birth to three girls." Alysanne told her husband without her gaze leaving the babe's form in her hands.
Jaehaerys turned towards Aemma and smiled. "It seems the gods are kind and generous to you granddaughter."
"I am grateful for their blessing, my king." she replied.
Baelon moved and handed Rhaenyra to his father. "She's eldest of the three father, Rhaenyra."
Jaehaerys looked at the now sleeping Rhaenyra and smiled. "Rhaenyra, a name fit for a princess."
"The one that Aemma is feeding is Daenerys." Viserys informed.
The king looked at Aemma and Viserys then turned to his wife who only nodded at him. "After my daughter Daenerys?" he questioned.
"Mother said that she looked like her." Baelon replied getting a small nod from him.
"And mother is holding Aegon with tits" Gael added with a laugh, earning a stern scold from her father.
"It's not my fault father, Viserys is the one who named the child before she even popped out." she defended herself as she laughed.
"Could we stop calling my daughter that." Viserys said.
"You're the one who hasn't given the girl a name. What are we supposed to call her then?" Alysanne smirked.
"I was thinking, Arya." Aemma replied.
Viserys turned to his wife, "Arya doesn't sound valyrian."
"You already named our eldest, I thought it was reasonable that I named our youngest." she challenged.
"I think Arya is a good name." Jaehaerys said.
"I like it too. It's simple and short. Not every name has to sound valyrian." Alysanne added.
"Princess Arya Targaryen sure is a unique name." Gael smiled as the family laughed.
Jaehaerys looked at the smiling faces of his family and it warmed his heart. There was no talk of politics or ceaseless badgering from lords for his son and daughter's hands. In here they were just a family relishing in the news of his great-grandchildren's birth.
As he stared at the the baby Rhaenyra, he knew that maybe his house's strength may have found a new flame through the three babes. But he couldn't help but wish that a boy had been born, then maybe the line maybe secure. He put it off as he knew that sooner or later, his grandchildren would produce a male heir who would then sit on the iron throne long after he has left this world.
He was taken from his thoughts by his wife urging everyone out of the chambers so that Aemma may rest. He again congratulated the new parents and slowly walked to the courtroom so that he may announce the joyous news to the lords and ladies in the keep.
98- AC
It had been eight months since the princess were born. The news of their birth was well received by all the lords and ladies of the realm. The smallfolk in Kingslanding drank and toasted to the princess' health.
The ladies and servants in the keep came to call the three princess' as the 'realm's delight'. The entire keep would spoil the three rotten, but not more than the queen and her daughter. The two would be known to spend the most of their day with the babes. Some even said that the queen would change and clothe them herself whenever possible.
It was no secret that the three were loved by the queen, but even a blind man could see that she favoured Daenerys and Arya over Rhaenyra. Some said that she favoured them as they reminded her of the daughters that she had lost while still young.
As for the princesses, they were surprisingly quiet, but would still be caught by the servants up to some mischief ever since they started crawling. And they seemed to have the men of their household wrapped around their little fingers, even the rouge prince himself; Daemon would give them a rare smile when he would occasionally visit from Dragonstone when his duties allowed him to.
As for Daemon, he was currently flying on his dragon, Caraxes. The bloodwyrm was a dragon that perfectly matched the rouge prince's temperament.
Daemon could see his destination rapidly closing by. He looked below him and all he could see was the snow that covered the land. Even with the heat coming from his dragon, he could still feel the biting cold of the north.
Daemon soon reached the large looming castle. He ordered his dragon to circle the keep a number of times. Once he was content with his aerial maneuvers, he ordered Caraxes to land.
The dragon landed and let out a mighty roar, striking fear into the hearts of the common folk. They had heard tales of the Targaryens and their dragons but had never seen one before, and now there was one right before their very eyes, and the view was terrifying.
They all watched as the dragon lowered its wing and the rider descended from it. Daemon looked at the faces of the northeners as he softly spoke to Caraxes in valyrian. The dragon soon let out another roar, startling the people and took to the sky.
Daemon walked toward the welcoming party. As he walked he couldn't help the smirk that formed on his face at the looks of the people who stared at him in both awe and fear.
A tall gruff man welcomed him. "You're a long way from Kingslanding, Prince Daemon."
"That I am. I thought that it has been a long while since a member of the royal family visited the north, Lord Stark. So I thought I would grace your halls with my presence." Daemon smugly replied.
Lord Stark offered a plate of bread and salt to Daemon. "We never got a raven informing us of your arrival."
Daemon took a bite of the offered bread and salt. "I saw no need for it as dragons tend to fly faster than ravens."
The tension amongst the two imposing figures was so thick that one could cut it with a valyrian sword. "Winterfell offers you shelter from the cold." Lord Stark said.
Daemon looked at the mentioned keep with a grimace. "I doubt this keep could survive a breeze without toppling over."
"If you find our accommodations lacking, you are more than welcome to stay out in the cold." A man beside Lord Stark.
Daemon stared at the man with anger in his amethyst eyes. "I would watch my tongue if I were you. Caraxes hasn't eaten in a while and I think you would make a wonderful snack."
"I apologize for my bastard brother's words. I will see to it that he is reprimanded." Lord Stark apologized with a small bow of his head.
Daemon looked at the man with disdain. "I hope you do, for his sake. He should learnt to respect his betters"
"I will have the servants lead you to your chambers for your stay and then we will convene in the great hall for supper." Lord Stark said and walked into the keeps walls with his bastard brother, leaving Daemon who could only glare at their backs.
Daemon was filled with so much anger at the way he was treated that it felt like his ears were filled with the sound of a roaring flame. There was nothing that he wanted more at that moment than to run the bastard through with his blade.
A servant girl approached Daemon and asked him to follow her to his chambers. He looked around and noticed that the crowd had dispersed and everyone went back to performing their duties. He nodded at the servant girl and followed her. She lead him to his chambers which he found small and informed him that a bath would be drawn for him and quickly left.
Soon three servant girls came with a metal tub filled with water. They placed some clothes for him on the bed and hurriedly rushed out the door. He cleaned himself up very well and got the dragon stench out of him. He looked at himself through the looking glass and was content with his appearance.
He left the chambers and went on to search for Lord Stark. After asking the servants where he could find the lord's solar and a few wrong turns here and there, he was able to find it. He found that there were two guards that stood at the door. He told them that he wished to have a talk with their lord. One went in to inform their lord while the other stayed guard. After a short while, the guard returned and told him he could enter while a woman carrying a babe walked out.
He walked in the solar and saw that it was pretty plain with nothing but a few chairs with one occupied by the Stark's bastard brother and a table that would seem that the lord conducted his business on. "Lord Benjen. I am glad to see that the north seems to be holding up well in my grandsire's rule. I take it that your family is well since I did not see your wife and heir during my arrival" he greeted.
"Thank you for your concern Prince Daemon, but my wife decided to visit her family after I brought home my bastard son and my son saw it fit to accompany her so that he may learn about his mother's family." the lord responded.
A smile tugged on Daemon's lips from the information as he sat down. "So the little pup in that woman's arms that just left is your bastard. I suppose the full head of black hair should have been a clear sign for me."
"Yes, he is my bastard." Benjen calmly replied.
"I take it that house Stark has a thing with whelping out bastards." Daemon said causing Benjen's bastard brother to jerk off his chair in anger.
"You are in Winterfell's halls. Your fucking dragon won't be able to help you once I knock out your teeth you fucking prick." he angrily told him as they stood eye to eye.
"If you two wish to spill each others blood, then do it outside my halls. If not, then get back to your seats." Lord Benjen warned the two men.
It seemed that his words somehow got through them to an extent. "I hope our accommodations were to your liking." the bastard sneered.
"My bath water was tepid and could have used some more heat." Daemon responded.
The two men glared at each other for a while before going back to their seats. Benjen let out a sigh. "What brings you all the way to Winterfell, Daemon?"
Daemon turned his gaze towards the lord. "Why it's my dear wife Jonella, your sister. I was surprised that she wasn't with you at the welcoming procession. Pray tell, where is my dear wife?"
Benjen and his brother looked at each other for a moment. Benjen looked at Daemon and answered. "Eight months ago, Jonella went into labor, despite our maester's best efforts, she nor the babe survived."
Benjen's words left Daemon in shock. He could not believe that his beautiful wife was no more. He shook his head as he tried to process the news. "You lie." he yelled with an accusatory finger pointed at Benjen.
"Why would we lie about our sister's death you fucking idiot!" Benjen's bastard brother angrily said.
Benjen turned to his bastard brother and gave him a cold glare. "Not now Arnold."
"Where are they. Take me to them." Daemon ordered him.
"I'm sorry but I cannot do that." Benjen denied.
"Why not?!" he asked though gritted teeth.
"Because she is buried in the crypts of Winterfell and only those who are Starks are allowed there." Benjen answered.
"Then you will bring me their bones so that I may take them to be interred in Dragonstone."
"What gives you the right?" Arnold angrily asked.
"As her husband."
"She was a Stark before you saw it fit to poison her with your lies, Targaryen."
Daemon turned to Benjen, "Control your Snow of a brother Lord Stark before I cut out his tongue."
"I'd like to see you try." Arnold challenged.
The two bickering men were silenced by the sound of Benjen's fist hitting the table. Benjen took a moment so that they could calm down. He looked at Daemon and sighed. "My brother is right Prince Daemon, I cannot let you take my sister's bones, she died in Winterfell and she will rest in Winterfell as the previous Starks before her have, nor can I allow you into the crypts as you are not a Stark. These are rules passed down to House Stark since Bran the Builder built these walls."
Daemon looked stared at Benjen with tear filled eyes. "You would deny me the chance to look at my family and say my goodbyes?"
"I'm sorry, but I cannot." Benjen replied.
Daemon glared at the two men with hate. "I hope you both burn in the seven hells for this."
He left the solar in anger and headed to his chambers. The servants and guards that saw him, got out of his way once they saw the look on his face.
He reached his chambers and let his tears fall for his beloved and child. He cried so much that he ran out of tears.
When a servant came to inform him that he was invited to supper in the great hall, he ordered her to fetch him a flagon of wine or whatever the savages substituted for wine.
He drowned his sorrows in countless cups of ale. The keep could hear his cries as he mourned for his wife and child.
The servants would bring him food but he would only have a bite or two before throwing the food out his window.
After a few days of this he decided to walk around the halls during the evening all while reeking of alcohol during the As he walked aimlessly, he soon heard the cries of a baby. He entered the room where the cries came from and found a young woman trying to put down the babe.
"I'm sorry my prince, but you can't be in here." the girl told him.
"I'm a prince of the realm, I can go anywhere I please." he told her. "I see that this is your lord's bastard." he added as he reached out for the babe.
"Yes my Prince." she said as she took a few steps back from him, trying to put some distance them. "I think that it would be wise if you would clean up first before you hold the babe, your grace. We wouldn't want the babe waking up and causing a fuss."
"Don't worry, My nieces have been able to handle the stench of dragons, I'm sure that this will not harm the little bastard."
"I'm sorry your grace but he just fell asleep and I would hate to disturb his sleep." the girl nervously said.
"Are you refusing a direct order from your prince?"
"No your grace. It's just that-"
"Give me the fucking babe." he cut her off.
The girl gave him the sleeping boy as she trembled.
"Now was that so hard?" he coyly asked.
Daemon stared at the sleeping babe with a small smile. The boy had a small crease between his eyes as it seemed that he was dreaming. He looked at the boys features and saw that he had full head of black hair. As he looked closely, he could see that there were some small streaks of white hair within the boy's head.
The cogs in his head started turning at the revelation. He glanced at the girl and saw that she was nervously playing with her fingers as she looked at them. He returned his attention towards the babe and carefully studied his face.
With every feature that he noted, his anger grew. The babe started to fuss and cry. The girl moved to take the babe but was stopped by Daemon' glare towards her. Daemon gently bounced the baby and started singing to him.
Drakari pykiros
Tīkummo jemiros
Yn lantyz bartossa
Saelot vāedis
Hen ñuhā elēnī:
Perzyssy vestretis
Se gēlȳn irūdaks
Perzyro udrȳssi
Ezīmptos laehossi
Hārossa letagon
Aōt vāedan
Hae mērot gierūli:
Se hāros bartossi
Prūmȳsa sōvīli
Gevī dāerī
As he finished his song, the babe slowly opened his eyes. Staring at Daemon were the brightest purple eyes he had ever seen. His anger grew at the confirmation he was looking at.
Daemon turned towards the now whimpering girl. "You will tell me everything that you know." he snarled as the girl fell to her knees and cried.
Daemon calmly walked toward Lord Stark's solar looking every bit the prince that he was. He waited at the door for a short moment and was soon invited in.
"Prince Daemon. It's nice to see you around and about." Benjen greeted.
"I just found out that my wife died while I was kingdoms away and never got even a raven delivering news of her death." he coldly responded.
"I am sorry Daemon, but once we got word that you were betrothed to the Lady Rhea, we thought that it would be wise not to burden you with news of Jonella's passing."
"Burden me with news of her passing." Daemon scoffed. "I was her husband yet you deny me the right to see her and say my goodbyes. I know that she would tell you of our marriage as she confided in me that she could never keep a secret from you as she loved you so."
Benjen nodded. "Yes, I did love her and she never could keep a secret from me nor could I from her. She did tell me of how you met in the tourney held at Seagard when the king made his procession there. How she smacked you up the head with a branch when you challenged her to a spar in the woods. How you would both continuously sneak out to the woods to continue with said spars."
"She told me of how you flew her on your dragon and even let her command the beast. She also told me that you flew her to the Gods Eye and married her in the presence of the old gods. She returned to Winterfell with child and the gods saw it fit to take her during childbirth."
"For what it's worth, she did love you. And for that, I am grateful. At least she died with happier memories of the times that you two spent together, however short it was."
Daemon's eyes were brimming with unshed tears. He angrily looked at the man. "You lie Lord Stark, you never loved Jonella."
Benjen stood in anger at the insult. "Do not question the love that I had for my sister. You may be my good brother through marriage but do not think that I will not cut out your tongue and feed it to castle's hounds if you speak out of turn."
Daemon stood up at the threat and banged his fist on the ironwood table with a sneer on his face. "Then do tell me 'brother'. Why would you lie and steal my son from me!"
And that is chapter 2. Again, I am thankful to all those that fav and followed. Don't forget to review. Stay safe and I'll see you soon.