The following is a Fan-based Crossover. My Hero Academia and Garo are owned by Kōhei Horikoshi and Tohokushinsha Film Corporation (TFC) respectively. Please support the official release!

("Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns. Yet by the blade of knights, mankind was given hope.")

The voice states as a large symbol of unknown design turned into two Horrors that resembled actual demons before coming together to form a feline's claw and then finally, turning into a knight with a gold hue.

(Musutafu, Japan)

On the way from a park during a sunset, a green-haired woman was walking home with her son, who looked upset and beat up. "Why did he have to get his Quirk, mom? Everything was fine before it appeared." The boy stated as he sniffled in between his sentences. "I don't know, Izuku. I guess some people change when they get their Quirk." The mother simply said as they neared home, or rather an apartment complex that they call home. Anyway however, as they arrived at the start of the building, the sun had almost disappeared, they became targets for something lurking in the shadows. Getting a bad feeling, the mother turned around to look behind them, only to find nothing. "Mom, what's wrong?" "N-nothing, sweetie. Just my imagination." She assured Izuku before turning back around, only to scream in fear as she was tackled by a demon that looked like death was thrown into a woodchipper! "MOMMY!"

Pinning the woman down, the abomination began to inhale a strange small black mist coming from her pores as she went unconscious! "N-not enough. Not enough!" It shouted with a gravelly voice as it got up and turned to Izuku, who was paralyzed by fear. "More." The demon demanded as it got ready to lunge at him! As Izuku covered his face, waiting for the inevitable… only for it to never come as he heard metal hitting flesh. When he uncovered his eyes, he saw a blue knight with a wolf design standing in front of him with a sword, that was a cross between a scimitar and a longsword, while the demon was on the ground a few meters away!

Track playing: Baron's theme (Must find name to) from Garo Makai Senki

The knight jumped to the demon as it got back up and backed away from where he was about to strike! It then tried to hit him with its claws, but he was able to duck underneath and stabbed his sword into the chest, causing the demon the screech in pain as it began to disintegrate as he widened the wound with a slash! Before he could relax, another demon attacked him from behind, this time resembling a human's upper body resting on top of a man-sized scorpion! The impact caused the knight to fall onto his stomach and his sword to slide to Izuku's feet! As the knight turned onto his back, the demon then tried to use its pincers to grab the knight, only for said pincers to be grabbed by him, holding them in place before he then pulled his legs underneath and began pulling the arms off while pushing it off! As it screeched in pain, the knight was able to get back up, but now he had no sword and was getting tired! Back with Izuku, he stared at the sword for what felt like hours to him before his expression went from fearful to determined. He then grabbed the sword with both hands and looked to the knight, who was now punching the demon while evading the stinger, while trying to raise the blade with everything he had until it was barely off the ground.

Meanwhile, the knight began to slow down from exhaustion as he was punched repeatedly by the upper half until one blow caused him to be knocked back down, which causes his armor to suddenly disappear, revealing a seemingly ordinary man black-clothed trench coat! This also caused his sword to change into a Jian sword. However, this doesn't stop Izuku as he ran up to the demon and swung downward, taking off two legs on its left side while falling down and causing it to screech in pain! Seeing his last chance to finish this, the man grabbed the sword, jumped back up, and proceeded to decapitate the demon, causing its body to vaporize completely!

Back with Izuku's mother, she began to come too when she saw the man sitting down and Izuku on his knees and hands, both equally exhausted. "Kid, that was the stupidest thing I've ever seen. You remind me of a younger me." The man told Izuku with a grateful smile. And when he saw that his smile was genuine, Izuku bashfully looked away with a smile while getting back up before the man grabbed his sword and got back up. "Izuku!" His mother called out while running to him! "Mommy! You're okay!" Izuku called back as the two embraced each other. "You're lucky that the Horror took your Quirk instead of your life." The man told the woman as he sheathed his sword in a scabbard hidden inside his coat. "Are you a Hero, mister?" "It's not nice to insult someone, brother." The man stated with a serious look, before giving Izuku a joking smile.

(10 years later, Aldera Junior High)

"So, as third year students it's time to start thinking seriously about your futures and what you want to do with your lives." A teacher of the classroom told the, mostly seemingly normal, students before flinching at the sound of metal clicking. "I could pass out some career aptitude tests- Hm, TAIYŌ MIDORIYA!" A blonde teacher called out right after hearing a second click as a black-haired boy with a scar on his right eyebrow, a metal arm on his left side that connects up to his real elbow, and wearing a black leather trench coat with a small snake skull hanging from the front of his coat looked up from his desk and to the teacher. "Can you please stop that racket?!" "My arm clicks on its own, I have no control." Taiyō told the teacher before clenching his fist, revealing a ring in the shape of a skull. "I wouldn't have had this arm if it weren't for those 'Heroes', so deal with it." "Funny, considering your choice in school." The teacher muttered sarcastically. "Anyway, I couldn't hand out career aptitude tests, but I know better. I know you all want to go to the Hero track!" He stated, causing everyone but Taiyō to cheer while suddenly changing form drastically, some of which simply controlled an element to others now appearing slightly monstrous! "Yes, yes, you've got some very impressive Quirks, but no power usage allowed in school. Get a hold of yourselves." "Hey, teach. Don't lump me in with this bunch of losers." Someone told the teacher, causing the whole room to go quiet.

They all then turned to the voice and saw a spiky-haired blonde with red eyes, leaning back on his desk with his legs resting on the table. "I'm the real deal, but these guys will be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister. Ha!" The boy claimed arrogantly, causing everyone to get mad at him, though it seems he doesn't care. "Huh, you've got impressive test results. Maybe you will get into U.A. High." The teacher stated as the whole class went to murmurs. "That's exactly it's the only place worthy of me." The blonde stated before jumping onto his desk like a jackass. "I aced all the mock tests, I'm the only one at this school who stands a chance in getting i-WHA-" Before he could finish, a hand shot out at one of the legs of his desk and proceeded to yank the desk from underneath him, causing him to face flat on his face! "Look at that; pride goeth before the fall." Taiyō said as his extended robotic arm released the desk and retracted back to its original length, getting a chuckle out of the other students. However, the laughter was quickly stopped as the boy got back up, now sporting a furious look. "You SON OF A BITCH!" The blonde yelled in rage as he lunged at Taiyō with a reeled back arm, who had gotten out of his seat. In that moment, the blonde suddenly shot an explosion out of the palm of his readied hand as Taiyō ducked underneath, before he hooked his good arm around the boy's neck and grabbed his left arm with his own! "I may be Quirkless, Bakugo, but I can still snap your neck like a twig!" "That's enough, both of you!" Their teacher demanded as Taiyo was choking out Bakugo until he turned his attention to him. "Everyone in this school knows about your mutual hatred-" "Actually, mine's more of a disdain than hate." "Either way, if you keep this up then neither of you will get into U.A." He informed them, causing Bakugo to stop struggling for a second before doubling his effort despite it being in vain. However in the end, Taiyō decided to let go of Bakugo before pushing him away. "You're right. Besides, it'll be a cold day in hell before a freak like him becomes a Hero." Taiyō declared before turning back to his seat, until he saw most of his classmates snickering. "That better be about what I said, and not about my 'choice' in High School." He said before Bakugo got back up, literally blinded by rage, and tried to attack him again! "DIE!" Bakugo yelled right before he was clocked in the face by Taiyō's mechanical arm, causing blood to spew from his broken nose while he was thrown onto his back! After that, everyone went silent, all except for Bakugo, who was screaming in agony on the floor while holding his face! "Next one to do that will be missing their nose!" Taiyō warned as everyone now looked at him in fear!

Meanwhile in a white room away from the school, the man from ten years ago and a woman with a bob-cut dark blue and pink-streaked hair in a similar outfit were standing in front of a woman in an Asian-styled uniform with a scroll in her bun-styled hair and a gem on her forehead. "Wataru, Kaina, how has your investigation been?" "Subpar at best, Ryūme. I can now see why both Takeru and Aguri had turned up nothing for a whole decade." Wataru stated to Ryūme as she just clicked her tongue and passed side to side for a minute before stopping. "Then we'll have to try Nezu of U.A. High, he can help." Ryūme told them as Kaina nodded while Wataru simply scowled at her. "You seriously want outside help, from a freak? In case you forgot, they're all scheming backstabbers, that was proven years ago." "You can't possibly blame the entirety of Pro Heroes on the actions of one, after all I was one once. Besides, the High Priestess trusts him as he trusts her." Kaina stated while placing a hand onto Wataru's shoulder. "Which reminds me, Ryüme, how are preparations for the U.A. investigation?" Kaina asked Ryüme. "The four 9th graders are ready to attend, Nezu is aware of the mission and is allowing it, so long as they don't cause trouble."

(12:02 PM)

(Ryüme: And barring any complications, it'll be smooth sailing.)

"SOMEONE, STOP THAT MONSTER!" In another part of the city, a disgusting creature made of slime was quickly running through a street as some of the people were watching with fear! "Yell all you want, This cash is mine!" The creature declared as it turned to another street! "Dude, where are all the heroes?" "Weird, normally someone should swoop in right away. Maybe they're all still busy from that scene this morning. Remember when we didn't have to worry about randos with Quirks all the time?" One of the civilians asked another as the creature turned onto another street. "Seriously, there's no stopping 'em." "Yes there is." A tall and buff man said, getting some of the civilians to turn around and see him, happy to see him as he walked onto the streets. "You know why? Because I am here."

(Aldera Junior High, 3 hours later)

On the side of the middle school with a shadow, Taiyō was now holding a red envelope and a gold lighter with an eye in the middle. He activated the lighter, letting out a small green fire as he placed the letter just above it, burning it. However, the ashes of the envelopes then became words to an unknown language. Silently reading it over like he understood the language, he swatted the ashes away before leaving the premises with a grin. "Time for Horror number 28." "Taiyō, you should be careful. In this day of age, Horrors have become more powerful thanks to consuming Quirks." The ring on his finger warned as he raised it to hear it better. "The Horrors also grew reckless with the quality of the Quirk they eat, Zaruba, so it'll be more cathartic and stress relieving for me." Taiyō stated as he passed the gate.

After a while, Taiyō walked up to a tunnel with a street overhead. "This is the place. He must be hiding until nightfall." "A Horror that sticks to what it knows? Smart." Taiyō claims as he then walks inside. As he walked around, he stopped and unsheathed a Jian sword from a scabbard inside his coat along with a gold revolver with lion-themed engravings. "Come out, Horror. And face your reaper." Taiyō said as his voice echoed. Just then, he heard something wet moving behind him, getting him to turn around and see a creature made of slime. "A Makai Knight. You'll make a nice suit to hide in." "The only place you're hiding in is hell." Taiyō told the monster as he raised his sword straight upward and drew a circle of light, causing a golden suit of lion-themed armor to fall onto Taiyō, wrapping itself around him, increasing his height to that of an adult with the equal bulk as his sword changed into a Longsword! In response, the creature then molded itself into a Horror with dozens of skull engravings on it, sharp, long claws, and a frill around its melted-looking head!

Track playing: Theme of Garo from Garo: Chapter of the Black Wolf by Try Force

As Taiyō shifted into a pin guard with one hand, the Horror began to form floating globs as they circled the Horror. After a few seconds, they attacked with Taiyō firing three bullets and the Horror launched some of the globs in an "X" as they connected and passed each other, causing the bullets to drop prematurely and Taiyō to roll underneath it before sprinting to the Horror! With two hands, Taiyō parried a clawed arm before sweeping underneath to cut the limb off! As it screamed, Taiyō kicked it into a wall, embedding it. "This is your end, Angurei!" Taiyō told Angurei before preparing to land the killing blow until it shot Taiyō with a stream of slime as it pushed him back a few feet and ate bits of the surrounding area like acid! Fortunately the blast isn't too strong, so he was able to stop and aim for Angurei's feet with his gun before shooting its left foot, causing it to scream in pain before stopping to tend to its foot until it realized that its foot was turning to gold! While distracted, Taiyō got in close and decapitated Angurei before the rest of its body turned into a statue! "Damn… you… Garo!" It said as the head desintagrated.

"Ah, that was therapeutic." Garo stated as he stretched his arms out before putting his weapons away. "Looks like the prototype works." Zaruba claimed Garo before holding one of the flat sides of his sword to Zaruba, causing it to squint its eyes. "Never mind." It muttered before Garo walked out of the tunnel before the armor flew off him and disappeared while he walked away. Just then as he left, the man pursuing the creature showed up to see the gold statue of Angurei missing an arm and a head. "What the." He said in confusion as he walked into the tunnel with a fake smile. "Strange, I could've sworn I heard the villain fighting someone. Hmm." The man hummed before he approached the statue to inspect it, noting that it was hollow. "Great. Lost the villain and the money he stole." He told himself as he then decided to bring the statue with him before leaving.

(An hour later)

Now in an apartment, Taiyō was sitting on the couch as he stared at a letter with a scowl.


(Flashback, 3 weeks ago)

"I AM NOT GOING TO A HIGH SCHOOL FULL OF FREAKS! I can barely handle middle school!" Taiyo yelled out in Ryüme's room, currently housing Wataru, Kaina, Ryüme herself, and two other girls, one was petite with chin-length hair in an all black skin-tight suit and wore white pauldrons, gauntlets, and boots, and the other was taller by half a foot with long orange hair done up in a ponytail and wore a green shin-length qipao underneath a Viking breastplate, four black leather forelimb guards, and a two-sided axe on her back. "Taiyō, we all know of your hatred of Quirks, but-" "Then why are you having me go to U.A.?! YOU ALREADY HAVE A DARKNESS HUNTRESS GOING!" Taiyō yelled at Ryüme as the Darkness Huntress approached him! "Izuku, that's enough! This is about the guy who caused this mess in the first place!" She told Taiyō, causing him to pause for a moment. "After all these years, we can finally bring him to justice, for your arm and the fledglings that died that day." The orange-haired girl stated as she tapped the axes shaft. "Yeah, but this is a sting operation, not a capture mission. We traced the traitor to the U.A. highschool, and thanks to the principal of the school, he has allowed a handful of teenage members to attend indefinitely, even after the operation is a success." "So in a nutshell, we can't take him out until they get the proof to do so." Kaina summarized as Ryüme nodded.

Feeling like the meeting was over, Taiyō began to leave when the Darkness Huntress approached him again. "What do you want now, Kyoka?" "To give you a heads up. When you see your old teacher, you should keep a low profile especially since you two know each other." Kyoka suggested to Taiyō before he sighed. "The only thing I'm promising is that when we find incriminating evidence against Shota Aizawa, I will personally end his life. And stop calling me "Izuku", that life ended when I learned the truth." Taiyō told Kyoka as he left the room, leaving everyone beginning to worry.

(Present day)

"A letter of recommendation from Edge Shot. Great." Taiyō said sarcastically as he placed down the letter he took out from the envelope. "And now we just need to prepare for the first day. And with the letter, you won't have to deal with the Entrance Exam." Zaruba stated after Taiyō closed his metal hand before he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "How did dad deal with it, being a black sheep I mean?" "Taiyō. Ryūga Dōgai, your father, started out as a loose cannon. Though he was a compassionate Garo, his tactics were reckless and lacked subtlety. He made himself into a black sheep with his actions at the time when Garo lost its shine." Zaruba explained, causing Taiyō to growl at the info he got before heading to his room, passing his 'mother', who had packed on a few pounds, on the way. "Hey, son. How was school today?" She asked, looking a little nervous as Taiyō stopped to answer her. "About the same… mother." He told her as he paused before the last part. "Is, um, is that the letter you were expecting?" "Hm? Yeah, a letter of recommendation to get into U.A." Taiyō clarified as he held up the letter so his mother could see it. "With this 'golden ticket', I could just waltz right into U.A. with no complaints. My guaranteed entry into that school of Hippocrates, just to bring my camp's instructor to justice." He stated as he stared at the paper like before, only this time, thinking something over. "Isn't it great? You… finally get to, well, live your dream." She said with a nostalgic tone before Taiyō decided to grab the letter with both hands and ripped it in half, surprising both her and Zaruba. "Why did you do that, Izuku?!" "Stop calling that, Inko!" Taiyō shouted in retaliation, leaving Inko shocked at what he said! "I tore that letter up because I got to where I am today by working hard. If I'm getting into that school, I'll do it with my own strength, not some handout." He told her before heading to his room. "You never do like the easy way, did you?" "If it doesn't involve any effort, I don't." He told Zaruba as Inko got over the shock before turning to where Taiyō sat to open the envelope.

To be Continued!

Character Bio

Taiyō Midoriya

Quirk: None (Born Quirkless)

Affiliation: Makai Order (Makai Knight)

Birthday: 7/15/2118

Ht: 5ft 5In

Blood Type: O

Title: Garo

Status: Active


Power: 4 out of 5 (B)

Speed: 4 out of 5 (B)

Technique: 5 out of 5 (A)

Intelligence: 5 out of 5 (A)

Cooperativeness: 3 out of 5 (C)

Note: At the time of making this, I have decided to make the three fanfics with Garo be a hexalogy (or a 6-part series). However, not all the pieces will fit together, so there will be some holes.

Kaigu-hunter: And before I wrap this up, I'd like to thank Azure Dragon of the East for clearing some things up.

Quick update: I forgot to add the stats for the character.