The following is a Fan-based Crossover. My Hero Academia and Garo are owned by Kōhei Horikoshi and Tohokushinsha Film Corporation (TFC) respectively. Please support the official release!
("Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns. Yet by the blade of knights, mankind was given hope.")
The voice states as a large symbol of unknown design turned into two Horrors that resembled actual demons before coming together to form a feline's claw and then finally, turning into a knight with a gold hue.
In a dark room with a holographic globe of the earth in the center, Veil, Zex, and Harmony, wearing her armor, walked into the room after a door slides up open as three holograms came to life, evenly spaced, taking form of a corrupted version of Garo with a black, tattered cape and halberd, a dark purple Knight with three long locks of purple-glowing hair that match two pauldrons with neon cores, two-toed boots, two small shields-shaped bracers, a helmet that resembles a thylacoleo's head, and wielded a spear with a longsword-shaped tip, and a black-armored Knight with red-lining, loose plates that make it resemble a trenchcoat, large bracers with short claws at the end, a skull on the chest and face, making it seem like a skinned feral wolf's head with bat ear-like crests, and wielding a gnarly glaive with a curved blade. "I bring this meeting to order. We start with the inventory of recruits, Kiba." Veil said as everyone looked to the first hologram, identifying him as Kiba. "The recruitment numbers are currently at five thousand members and still growing. We can begin the selection process later this week." He tells them with a Japanese accent before looking to Zex. "What about you, Zex? Still working on your 'Miracle Cure'?" Kiba asked mockingly as Zex crossed his arms. "You are doing no better, Kiba. 5000 is an insignificant number compared to other armies in the past. If we are to return the world back to what it was so we may ascend to the highest of heavens, either finding a cure for this plague or an army strong enough are of high importance." "Thank you, Zem." Zex said as he cleared his throat. "Gentlemen and lady, I have exactly what Lord Zem is asking for: A way to end the Quirk scourge forever while not needing a sufficiently sized army." He announced as he pulled out a vial with a gray gas. "Impossible. Does it truly work?" "I went through the final tests, myself, Bolg. When fully saturated, the virus will consume the Meta Factor almost instantly. Afterwards the virus will have at most twenty four hours to get another victim before dying out. Best of all, it is resistant enough to handle the less physical and elemental, so we won't have to worry about certain freaks withstanding it long enough to build up an immunity. And to go with the rising use of Greek names, I shall christen it as: The Típota Virus." Veil informed Bolg, surprising most of them. "Then it's time we move onto phase: 2 of Operation: Retrogenesis. Total armament and weaponization of troops." Zem declared as he placed his arms behind his back. "Wait, before that. Has anyone found out about their respective assignments?" "You believe our plans could've been discovered while you didn't believe we could've created an Anti-Quirk bio-weapon? Well fortunately, only lord Veil and myself were found out, nothing of our true intentions were revealed." Zex informed Kiba. "However, All for One is growing impatient. He doesn't show it, but he definitely is after losing a High-End Nomu to Garo, Baron, a Jaaku Knight, and a Darkness Huntress." "Then eradicate the League of Villains, Cazadora. If this infantile fool wishes to interfere, then you must drain him of his powers and strike him down." Zem tells Cazadora as he walked clockwise to her. "In the meantime, I and Bolg will get the Meta Liberation Army and Shie Hassaikai to begin construction on the Plasma Gear before disposing of them. That is if it is alright with you, my lord." He added as he then turned to Veil and kneeled down. With a pregnant pause, he made Zem wait before giving him an answer. "We will wait until we've drained him of his resources, and then we can devour him as a Horror. You are all dismissed." Veil tells everyone as the holograms disappear one-by-one seconds later. "Lord Veil, I agree that we should lead All For One by his nonexistent nose, but how will we fool him for long enough?" Cazadora asked Veil as they and Zex Walked out of the room as it shuts down, entering a white hallway with people in either lab coats or standard security guard uniforms. "We simply make him rely on us. Tell him everything he wants to hear, before dragging him into the pit of despair." Veil stated as they approached a large double door. "Prepare yourself, Harmony. For after the blood sport they call the "Sports Festival", you will become an Ankoku no Kishi." Veil declared before his armor disengaged just as he pushed the doors open.
"Our investigators are trying to learn everything they can about this so-called "League of Villains". We've made some progress, but we can't find anything on this Shigaraki so far, neither Jinga nor Amily. We've searched our records for men in their 20's or 30's who are registered as having a disintegration Quirk and for both men and women in their 30's or 40's who have white or black hair with no extra features whatsoever, but so far, we've come up empty. Same for the Warp Gate Villain, Kurogiri. So they're not citizens or they're using aliases. Hard to find, either way." Naomasa informed three of the U.A. staff and Nezu as they sat around a desk shaped like a ridged 'U'. "So what you're saying is we don't know anything." "At least not our records, Vlad King. But maybe someone else's." He told Vlad King just as the door opened, revealing Grace walking in while being accompanied by a man wearing a half-helmet with an inch-thick visor, a trenchcoat with bronze pauldrons, two straps tightly over his shoulder, and a patch with three rows and two columns on the left side of a hexagon shape holding the two sides together, metal-clawed leather gloves, and boots with claws on the toe and the back on the heel, and a younger man wearing a similar trenchcoat but with no patch and two small daggers hanging off the front, a strap connecting the two sides with a three-sided star on the center, no pauldrons, a sheathed chokutō on his back, and a single claw on each boot. "The two who you were asked to find have no record because they've been officially dead since after the end of the Hundred-Year War in Europe." She tells them, surprising most of them as the older man pulls out a sheet of paper. "What do you mean "Since the Hundred-Year War"?! No one could've lived that long!" "Not without the help of the Dark Arts. Though to do this would lead anyone, no matter how sound of mind they are, to insanity." He told Snipe with a raspy voice before handing Naomasa the paper. "This only shows their blood type, age at the time, and that they were from around the Sengoku Period." "Unfortunately, my predecessor and myself didn't keep that many up-to-date records until the 2010's." Grace claims apologetically. "It hardly matters now. We'll just build a new case file." Snipe states as the younger man nods. "There were 12 Villains arrested and 60 Villains found dead in the aftermath of the U.S.J. attack. They were all small time thugs who usually lurked around some alleyway. What worries me is that they and the other two leading the charge were all just pawns in order to attract, not All Might, but a gold-armored knight named Garo. A 'hero' across time and space. Criminals are starting to feel pressure now that the world is brimming with heroes. That could be why they were so quick to follow him as bait." Naomasa tells them. "Guess that makes sense." "And it gets worse, my sanguine enemy." The older man tells Vlad King as they look to the former. "Over the past year, creatures like what Jinga and Amily have become have begun developing a taste for not just your flesh, but your powers. This is most likely what Zex and Veil have discovered and planned around, to convert your 'Quirks' into raw power before the demons, which we call Horrors, can." "So what can we do?" Midnight asked as she then saw the man clinch his fist. "You can stay the hell away from things you freaks have no business being in." "Ryugen." Grace calmly calls out, getting him to calm down slowly. "All you can do is keep yourselves and others away from any Horror sightings, given that they now attack during both day and night. And it's possible that this generation's Veil sees Quirks as the next unnatural power to exterminate, just as his ancestors have with so many other shortcuts to power." "You mean this has happened before? Rogue members of, what I can only assume are, a secret society bent on destroying any progress to humanity?" Snipe asked as the younger man glared at him. "You monsters are not progress!" He shouted, getting everyone's attention! "You are a curse that never should've been allowed to fester and treated with praise!" "That is enough, Tengen!" Grace ordered, making him scoff as Ryugen discreetly dropped some small metal balls onto the floor before they turned into little beetles that scurry away. "Fine, but if they prove to be any more of a threat to the Order, I'm not waiting for a Darkness Hunter." Tengen muttered under his breath. "The fact is, Snipe, Veil and even us see your Quirks as an unnatural development of humanity. The difference between him and us is that while we are willing to go with the flow, he believes that if a power didn't naturally come to humans it should be destroyed in-favor of advancing technology." Grace explains to them. "That would make sense. A man once said that if Quirks hadn't appeared, we'd be having interstellar holidays and high-fiving aliens by now, and now they seek to bring that potential future back to reality." Nezu states as Grace nods and Vlad King scoffs. "It just sounds like another cult to me. We just need to find out where they are, and we'll bring them to justice." "I'm afraid that won't be possible anytime soon." Naomasa told him, getting everyone's attention. "From what Ms. Grace and others under her have told me, they're an ever evolving threat. Apparently this 'Zex' Villain wasn't always able to create portals. And yes, my Quirk has confirmed it all to be true." He declared, taking the wind out of Vlad King's sails. "I believe we'll have to call it a day. If you find anything else, I urge you all to inform Tengen as he will be Class 1-A's substitute teacher until Shota Aizawa returns." Grace declares as Tengen took a few steps forward before bowing. 'More like until his death.' "As appreciative of you, I'm afraid Mr. Aizawa has chosen to forgo taking a temporary leave of absence despite his injuries." Nezu informed Grace, surprising her. "I see. Then we shall be on our way." She stated before making her leave with Ryugen and Tengen as they walked out of the room.
"I'm saddened we had to plant those Camera Ticks, but I see now that Aizawa will do what he must to stay protected by Nezu." "Unfortunately it was a necessary step, I assure you madam. Which leads to the next part." Grace and Ryugen whispered as they walked down the hallway. "The relocation of our four operatives. But they won't agree to it." "Not unless we get something so concrete, it'll be impossible to deny." Tengen claimed, getting Grace to slow to a stop before turning around. "Then we have little choice. Ryugen, send Umbral Squad to the Hero Public Safety Commission building."
(The next day, Midoriya apartment)
"Taiyō, you have some friends who want to see you!" "Define "some friends"?" Taiyō asked as he was in his room, inspecting the adapter in his arm. "Oh, I'd say most of your classmates." Inko claimed, surprising him as he then looked at Zaruba. "Don't look at me. You're the one who promised to be better." It stated, getting him to sigh before grabbing the cannon-arm and leaving his room.
After entering the living room while attaching his arm, he then saw most of Class 1-A, except for Shoto, Minoru, Iida, and Katsuki, some standing by the door and others sitting down. "So, what brings you all here?" Taiyō asked as Momo cleared her throat. "We need to talk to you about what happened yesterday." "If you're worried about my health, then don't. Despite the creature those Villains brought, I've handled worse." He tells Momo. "Taiyō… I haven't erased all of their memories." Kyoka informs Taiyō, shocking him. "What?! Why?!" "Because I've been tracking each of them with Makai Dragonfish, to see if they would blab. But in the end, none of them talked, especially about the part involving Iota and All Might." She explained, causing the other to shutter simultaneously. "It was like watching a hamburger turned into a smoothie, but with more screaming." "Not to mention the fact that you shot off a woman's fingers and didn't seem bothered by it afterwards." Denki and Ejiro respectively said, clearly disturbed. "And the others?" "I erased the perverted midget and Timebomb Jones' memories, Iida only saw Iota gun down the Villains on top of the stairs, and it seems Todoroki was indifferent about the whole thing." Kyoka told Taiyō, getting a laugh from Mina. " "Timebomb Jones"! That's a good on-OW!" She said as she suddenly grabbed her bandaged side. Seeing this, Kyoka sat Mina down before sitting down next to her.
Kyoka: Unara na hete kako wa age… iya na kadota hi ni wo noku…
As she sang, Mina felt her gash heal over as the pain disappeared while everyone else began to feel calmer.
"What was that? Was that your Quirk, or something else like those fish?" Momo asked as Kyoka looked at her. "No, I gave up my Quirk a year or so ago. How that happened, well I can't say." "And we never will." "Unless…" "Oh, no." She and Taiyō said respectively. "You make a solemn promise to never reveal what we'll tell you to anyone, not even your families." "I feel as though I will regret asking, but why? What devilry are you two involved in?" Tokoyami asked, making Kyoka chuckle. "Actually, we fight against things that would be considered a devil or demon." "However these 'demons' prey upon those with fear and hate in their hearts, and if word got out to the masses, the mass hysteria will cause the world to come to an end." Taiyō tells them drastically, causing them to look at him in shock. "Wow, that's… that sounds intense." "You gotta be joking right? T-there's no way demons actually exist, right?" Shoji and Sero said and asked respectively as the latter sounded nervous and saw Taiyō and Kyoka looking very serious. "Oh my god, you're serious." He declared in pure shock. "Well?" Taiyō asked, getting everyone, but Kyoka, to look at each other before hesitantly nodding to each other. "Okay, we'll be careful not to reveal your secret." Momo tells Taiyō and Kyoka. Nodding, he then turned to the kitchen, where Inko was. "Mother, can you make some tea? They're going to need some to get them through what we'll tell them." "I figured this would happen, so I got to making some when they asked if they could see you." She informs him. "Then it's time you all know the real world. A world we have kept secret for millennia."
(Flashback, over 4000 years ago)
(As mankind's first civilizations were being chronicled, they were becoming increasingly diverse in terms of personalities. Unfortunately, this sign of progression would attract something new at the time, something that is still more dangerous than any creature on earth. The Horrors.)
Within the Mesopotamia region in the night, the ground began to seep with a black mist. The mist then slowly took form into black, malnourished-looking demons with long antennae and bat-like wings, which screeched into the starry sky before flying off in all directions.
(Rome, 0079 AD)
(As time progressed, they became known for consuming human flesh and/or possessing them, making themselves stronger and deadlier.)
Days after the catastrophe, a man in ruined clothing wandered through a village at the dead of night, looking weary. Shortly after entering an alleyway, he came across a woman in a black and red dress standing underneath a lit lamp. Suddenly, before he could do anything else, the woman then grabbed his shadow and began sucking it down, causing the man's body to violently collapse until nothing remained of him!
(500 B.C., Jōmon Period)
(So let me ask you all this: While the people feared the darkness, what did the darkness fear?)
In a temple, Goki faced a large lizard-like Horror with long horns and a prehensile tail as he raised a longsword-shaped slab of metal into the air and summoned Garo's armor.
(2005-2012, Japan)
(To answer that question, the Makai Knights. Born from the idea of the infamous Dragon Knights, and ironically the flames of a dying dragon, they became the instruments needed to finally repel the Horrors.)
On a road near an empty construction site, Garo rode on Gōten towards a Horror made of metal and broken bones with long sharp claws on the right arm! Falling from a skyscraper, a silver Knight with a motif of a smilodon riding a silver version of Gōten with a single horn facing forward as the knight fought a Horror wearing a white, mouthless mask with line vertically crossing over its beady eyes and had blades for hands! In a lifeless desert-like world, Garo, the Silver Knight, and an ornate white knight, wielding a long spear, with upward-facing claw-like pauldrons, a red with gold accents, and a mask covering the mouth riding into a great battle against an army of humanoid robots with blades for hands and wheels for feet!
(We have gone through hard times… but we have always come back stronger, stronger than ever.)
Within a castle of England, a Knight resembling the other silver knight, but with more gold ornaments, a smaller left ear, and was leaner, was wrapping up a baby Leon in a red cloth, protecting him from the fire enveloping them and the tied up mother before he quickly left. Within a forest at night, a young adult man wearing an armor with a leather under suit and scalemail platings, wielding a pair of Greatswords connected at the pommels, and a short-haired, Mediterranean woman of equal age wearing a suit of armor with a red cape and wielding a scythe with black wrappings around the handle were fighting a company of hooded humanoids in robes when the former sliced one in half, showing crude, semi-wooden/metal mechanics!
(Overtime, we incorporated developing technology and techniques to combat threats from both Horrors and outside forces.)
In 21st Century New York, an Outlander that resembled Iota but more segmented, jetpack-like wings, and a long, T-shaped tail was hovering a few hundred feet off a war-torn ground as it grabbed a Horror coming at it before turning around while slicing another one in half with its tail and throwing the Horror into another, allowing the Outlander to 'puff' out its chest, causing it to open and reveal a clear lens before it fired a thin blue laser through both of them!
"You may have your 'Heroes' to play with, but the blades of Knights are what truly give mankind hope." Taiyō tells them as he was now holding his sword, showing everyone the gold triangle with a red center on the guard, as a kettle with multiple cups surrounding it. "So… there's a hidden society in Japan that has existed longer than any civilization right under our noses?" Ochaco asked as she reached for one of the cups. "Not exactly. How do I put this?" "Hey guys. Magic and gods are real, and we made a deal with one to access a dimension to hide our base of operations and travel there from anywhere in the world." He tells her bluntly, causing Ochaco to spit out her tea. Unfortunately, the hot tea landed on Tsuyu. "Taiyō!" "Which leads to my two questions. Kyoka, why do you call Midoriya "Izuku", and was what you did to Ashido just now a Quirk or this magic?" Momo asked Kyoka, who was now scowling at Taiyō until she heard her and looked. "That and me summoning the Dragonfish are parts of my magic, I haven't used my Quirk in a long time. As for the name… that's personal, but that was supposedly his original name before learning who he really was." She told her before turning back to Taiyō, who was now taking a sip of tea before sighing. "In truth, I'm not a Midoriya. I'm a Shimura." he informed Momo, surprising everyone, but Kyoka. "Then I guess your real name is… Izuku Shimura?" Ochaco asked sheepishly before Taiyō shaked his head. "No, I'd be "Taiyō Shimura". "Izuku Midoriya" was the name I used for 10 years, until I fully committed to becoming a Makai Knight, a slayer of the darkness." "So you were 10-years old when you embraced the revelry in the dark?" Tokoyami asked as Taiyō and Kyoka looked at him in confusion. "Look, in summary, my father was the previous wielder of the armor you saw yesterday. In Volocity City, he met a Pro Hero who had been injured by a unique Villain alongside two other Knights and two Makai Priests, a support class that primarily uses magic, to regain control of an… installation that supplied us with materials for armor and blades." "Sounds like what your dad did was villainous. Ribbit." Tsuyu claimed before suddenly getting grabbed by the neck, by Taiyō! "Don't you ever compare Ryūga Dōgai to one of your victims, FRENCH CUISINE!" Taiyō yelled out as he glared down at Tsuyu with anger while everyone looked at him in fear! Seconds later, he blinked rapidly as he understood what he did before shaking his head and letting Tsuyu go. "This conversation with me is over." He plainly tells them before walking to the door. "Where do you think you're going?!" Rikido demanded as he walked over to stop Taiyō. "Fighting Horrors has one last caveat. I have to maintain my sword and body, decontaminating both of the leftover energy left behind. Now move, I need to get to the Tower of Heroes." He tells him before pushing his way out of the apartment. "Don't blame him. His father was considered a black sheep by most in the Order. He relates to that after ten years of being kicked down by people who were once his friends." Kyoka stated somberly as she picked up a teacup. "Then what about you? You said you gave up your Quirk, what happened?" Momo asked as Kyoka unconsciously rubbed the lobes of one of her ears. "Five years ago, the Order used to have Quirked individuals as well as Quirkless, until some of them betrayed us. It caused High Preistess Grace to give everyone a choice: Keep our Quirks but leave the Makai Order and let our training go to waste, or have them removed through a special process and stay in the Makai Order."
"Taiyō, that was needlessly aggressive." "Blame Asui. He may've been a loose cannon, but he was able to earn the other's respect while finding himself. I won't have his good name besmirched by a drone." Taiyō tells Zaruba as he walks out of the complex itself before pulling out his phone and calling someone. Around a minute went by and it went to voicemail. "Hello, this is Wataru Shijima. I regret to inform you that I and the misses are off on a romantic getaway in Cancun, and will be unavailable until next week. If you are willing to wait, please leave a message after the beep." Wataru's voicemail informed Taiyō before hung up and tried again with someone else. "Moshi moshi, Kendo Martial Arts Dojo." "Hello, Daigo Akizuki, this is Taiyō Midoriya. Is the dojo busy? I need a quick means of transport." He asked Daigo. "It is, I can ask Kendo to take over however." "Perfect, I'm outside of my apartment complex, on Musutafu."
"Alright, I'll speak with her and meet you soon." A man with short black hair and a mustache, wearing a gi with a black belt, told Taiyō over a mainline phone, hanging on a wall of an open-spaced room with a large mat on the floor, before hanging up. Daigo then turned to Itsuka, who was practicing some drills with her axes. "Kendo, I will be heading out. Can you handle running the dojo for a few hours?" "Absolutely. Where are you heading?" She asked him as she held her axes in a reverse grip and turned to him. "Shimura. I believe that he seeks purification from the Tower of Heroes." Daigo claimed as he walked into a locker room.
Fifteen minutes later, Daigo, now wearing leather clothes under a black trenchcoat and a tinted helmet, arrived on a green Suzuki bike with a sidecar on.
"But that's unfair, getting rid of most of your people over a few traitors?" Ochaco asked, sounding worried. "We live in a world where the unnatural has become natural. But that is no excuse to blow our cover. But that's not what you're asking, is it?" Kyoka asked rhetorically, confusing her. "Eh?" "She wants to know if she regrets choosing the Order over her Quirk. A Deal with the Fallen Angel." Tokoyami stated to Ochaco before putting down his cup. "He's right, and I don't. I was in charge of Taiyō's recovery as a test for my healing voice, and I couldn't afford to be selfish." "Yes, but who was it that took his arm?" He asked Kyoka, getting her to sigh. "I'm afraid all I can say for now is that he's currently a Pro Hero. Taiyō will probably tell you, if you ask him." She claimed before getting up. "Now, I don't know about you all, but I'd rather leave knowing that one of the homeowners we came to see had left." "Yeah, I'm not sure why, It doesn't feel right to me either." Momo states as she and the others sitting down get put, nodding their heads in agreement with her.
(30 minutes later)
Standing in front of a forest, Taiyō and Daigo walked up to a camouflaged paper talisman on one of the trees. "I assume you know what this particular Tag does?" "Yes. It's a designer Tag that causes hallucinations to those who do not show solid proof of being a Makai Knight or Priest. In addition, their memories will be altered to make the intruder think they came back out the way they went in." The former stated, getting the latter to nod. Afterwards, Daigo held out an axe with a spike on top and held it to the Tag, causing it to briefly flash red before Taiyō did the same, causing the same result. Afterwards, they walked through the forest for five minutes straight, experiencing nothing out of the other ordinary forests until they reached a clearing with fewer trees and a white tower breaching the tree-line. "Here it is. After a few years of wielding Garo, I'm back at its true resting place." Taiyō stated as he and Daigo walked over to the tower. "One of many sacred places that have stood since the Senate was moved to Japan. And a place for Garo, is not one for Giga." The latter declared as they approached the tower, causing a multi-layered door to slide open in multiple angles. "I must ask: How long will this take? It's usually instantaneous for when I cleanse my blade." "The process will take mere minutes to complete. But it should be worth knowing, Shimura. The purification will not remove a seal or curse from the wielder, and in addition, some of the residual Inga will not reach the Makai Realm. It will accumulate and eventually form a Horror-like being." Daigo informed Taiyō before the latter walked in.
As he walked through a dark corridor with a tapestry on the wall showing Garo, a capeless, golden Kiba, and a red Knight with long white hair, covered in turquoise gems, and wielding a scythe with a pair of jaws on the opposite side, standing proudly in front of a pyramid, he entered a bright, white room with hundreds of statues of humanoid, maneless lions with swords plunged down. "Thou who hast inherited our title of Garo. Bathe within the light." The temple said in Shakespearean English. "Yes, ancestors." Taiyō said as the ceiling above him glowed brightly and the floor he was on slowly spun. "Thy Inga collected within thyself has disappeared. Be warned, portions of the Inga are thine. What thou must dost is confront thy life, and always protect thy loved ones above all else." The temple declared as the light intensified. "I will try. But it will be tough, for I am still young." He declared with a determined look.
(Saturday, Hero Public Safety Commision)
Within a large computer room, two jet black, samurai-styled Knights resembling foxes and a man wearing a traditional shinobi suit are attempting to hack into it as the first knight was typing away on a holographic keyboard and the second knight was standing at the main door with the shinobi, standing guard with four security guards lying unconscious with talisman on their faces. "How are we looking, Isabel?" "It's going. Despite having a more archaic system than others, the H.P.S.C. has some impressive security measures, but not good enough against the Focus. In a few seconds, we. will. be…" Isabell paused as she then pressed the "Enter" key with a single plated index finger, causing a low-based hum to sound. "In!" "Perfect. What do you have?" The second Knight asked with a calm, deep voice as he walked over. "Woah, easy Rob. I've just started looking through the list. It appears that every Pro Hero's misdeeds, no matter how minor or extreme, are organized into files for each one, by their aliases." She informed Rob before motioning her hand, like swiping the screen on a tablet, making the files move sideways until she was on the "E's". "Edgeshot. Eel Boy. En. Oof, Endeavor's is basically an autobiography. Ah, here it is: Eraserhead." Isabell said as she tapped the file, opening it and revealing not much aside from a few one-off misdemeanors and one massacre. " "In 2128, Shota Aizawa, AKA Eraserhead, had informed us of a large-scale, illegal child trafficking operation and requested a dozen Mutant-Type Heroes to assist him in dismantling the gang responsible." Master Driller was telling the truth." "So the Commision never questioned it?" Rob asked as she shrugged and resumed reading. "Actually, it says here they did see the request was strange, so they only sent 7 Pro Heroes with Mutant-type Quirks and 5 others with various Quirks. And when only Eraserhead came back, they chose to strike it from the record and say they either died in a separate incident against a Villain or retired to spend more time with family." Isabell told him before holding down the file for a few seconds before tapping it again, causing a black ring to appear around it as it slowly turned white clockwise. Just then, something bending light knocked open a vent grate before it revealed itself from head-to-tail, a small bipedal dragon, and chirped like an alarm. "Someone's coming, we need to bounce." "Hold on, Toma, these files take about a minute to download." Isabell told Toma as she copied Endeavor's file. "Wait, why are you getting dirt on Endeavor? We have what we came for!" "Well, considering he's a Horror now, we do need to get his name ruined before we can take him out." Rob stated to him as the dragon flew onto Toma's shoulder before the last download was complete moments after. "Okay, files are done and untraceable. Now let's get out of here." Isabell said as she, Rob, and Toma walked out of the room and into a hallway when an elevator on the other side dinged, opening up as Detective Naosama, a middle-aged, ash blonde woman wearing a black suit jacket and skirt over a purple shirt, and three guys in black suits walked out and spotted them leaving. "What the. Hey, who are you?!" Naomasa shouted as the woman noticed the unconscious guards. "Those criminals are stealing data! Take them down!" She shouted, getting the three guys to pull out a magnum each from their jackets as Naomasa ducked under the line of fire as Toma hid behind Rob and Isabell and ran as the bullets bounced off their armor! After running towards a window, they jump through the window before Rob and Isabell slammed the plates on their sides, causing them to extend a few meters with paper-thin membranes being exposed in-between the gaps, letting them glide as Toma opened a flight suit's sides! As the guards ran to the window, they tried to take aim at them, only to realize they're too far away. "Madam President, they got away." One of the guards informed the woman, who was inspecting the unconscious guards as the talismans on their faces slowly disintegrated, causing them to snap awake. "What was that about?!" "Some criminals were trying to steal something from us. This is the first time anyone got this far." Madam President claimed to Naomasa as she helped the two other guards up. "I meant shooting at them first! You're supposed to get them to surrender." "They took down two guards." "They incapacitated them, not killed." He stated with a deadpan expression.
Meanwhile, Toma, Isabell, and Rob landed into a nearby alleyway before the latter spotted a manhole, pulled out a Longsword, and pried open the cover before Toma jumped in! The two knights then disengaged their armors and ran out of the alley, revealing them to be a young Japanese woman with orange tips on her neck-length hair, wearing a black kimono over a white shirt and jeans, and an American man with inch-short black hair, wearing a white duster coat underneath a green T-shirt and blue jeans. "Oh god, that was too close." "Tell me about it. But we did make it out with the data, and I also left a little surprise in their systems." She told him as they walked down the street. "Now we won't have to set foot into that damned building again." "You made the Order a back door?" Rob asked as Isabell gave him a mischievous smile.
To be continued!
Character Bio
Quirk: None (Horror)
Affiliation: Himself
Birthday: Unknown
Status: Active
Power: 7 out of 5 (Z)
Speed: 6 out of 5 (S)
Technique: 7 out of 5 (Z)
Intelligence: 5 out of 5 (A)
Cooperativeness: 6 out of 5 (S)