Chapter 1: introduction

There stood a country, that had risen out of the dust of a nuclear disaster. A golden shining Capitol surrounded by thirteen Districts. They lived in peace for many years, until the Dark Days. For five years, war raged across the country. The thirteen districts of Panem rebelled against the Capitol. In the end, The Capitol and District 13 came to a truce, and 13 went underground.

In penance for their uprising, the Capitol imposed the Hunger Games on the twelve remaining Districts. Every year, the Districts of Panem would send one male and one female between the ages of twelve and eighteen into the Hunger Games. These 'tributes' would then fight to the death until one person remained. This person is crowned the Victor. This Victor would be showered in riches and fame fort the rest of their life. There have been one-thousand of these remarkable men and women, from Illinois Katrick, from District Six, of the First Hunger Games, to Sook Relter, from District Two, of the Nine-Hundred and Ninety-Ninth Hunger Games.

The Hunger Games carried on with twelve Districts until the 110th annual Hunger Games. Then, District 13 came out of the shadows for a second try. They were quickly defeated by the Capitol, and were made to join the Hunger Games the following year as punishment for trying to rebel again.

For two hundred years, the Hunger Games continued with thirteen Districts fighting. Around the 310th Hunger Games, The Capitol started discovering new lands, and new human colonies. Very quickly, Panem seized all these lands, and by the 348th Hunger Games, there were 24 Districts in Panem. To accommodate District 14, 15 and 16, all existing Districts were shrunk slightly, and the borders between Districts shrunk as well. The Capitol decided to wait until after the 350th Hunger Games (the 14th Quarter Quell) to introduce the new Districts into the Hunger Games. The 351st Hunger Games was the first Hunger Games to have 24 Districts in. Around the 500th Hunger Games, Panem went through a reshuffle, changing District jobs and borders.

The Districts and jobs are:

District 1 (HG1-present), Jewel mining and luxury goods, 66 Victors

District 2 (HG1-present), Security, 70 Victors

District 3 (HG1-present), Technology, 47 Victors

District 4 (HG1-present), Fishing and coastal guards, 71 Victors

District 5 (HG1-present), Power, 51 Victors

District 6 (HG1-present), Transportation, 46 Victors

District 7 (HG1-present), Lumber, 60 Victors

District 8 (HG1-present), Clothing, 49 Victors

District 9 (HG1-present), Grain, 52 Victors

District 10 (HG1-present), Meat production, 52 Victors

District 11 (HG1-present), Vegtable production, 58 Victors

District 12 (HG1-present), Mining, 42 Victors

District 13 (HG111-present), Medicine, 42 Victors

District 14 (HG351-present), Masonry, 26 Victors

District 15 (HG351-present), Fruit production, 26 Victors

District 16 (HG351-present), Muttations, 24 Victors

District 17 (HG351-present), Scientific research, 26 Victors

District 18 (HG351-present), forestry upkeep and power for itself and Facito city, 25 Victors

District 19 (HG351-present), Luxury Goods and power for European areas, 34 Victors

District 20 (HG351-present), Entertainment, 35 Victors

District 21 (HG351-present), Dairy production, 23 Victors

District 22 (HG351-present), Weaponry testing and production, 23 Victors

District 23 (HG351-present), Exotic items, 25 Victors

District 24 (HG351-present), Back up of all other 23 Districts, 25 Victors

A second rule of the Hunger Games was that every twenty-five years, a special twist would be put into the Hunger Games. These special games were dubbed Quarter Quells. Through the previous nine-hundred and ninety-nine Hunger Games, there have been thirty-nine Quarter Quells. It is now time for the One-Thousandth Hunger Games, the Fortieth Quarter Quell.

A/N: Yes, there are twenty-four Districts, I shall update this occasionally, I have a busy life, so it won't be consistent. Anyway, here are the District locations, and bonus cities.

District 1-13: Cannon location (i.e. continental USA)

District 14-16: Middle and South Canada

District 17: Sweden, Norway and Finland

District 18: Amazon rainforest and surrounding lands

District 19: British Isles (Ireland and UK)

District 20: North Spain up Western France to Belgium

District 21: North Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein to South Germany

District 22: Netherlands, Denmark and North Germany

District 23: East Australia and New Zealand

District 24: West Australia

Three new Capitol cities

1. Facito (Latin for party) in South America (current day French Guiana)

2. Ludi (Latin for Games) in Europe (Current day Andorra and North-East Spain)

3. Hiakai (Māori for Hunger) in Central Australia.

P.S. I have no bloody clue what happened to this chapter. I was writing the second chapter of the 650HG came here to check something, when I realised that this entire chapter was messed up. I have now fixed it I believe.