Someone on Reddit talked about this story and where it could go from here this was my answer I didn't intend for it to become this long but yeah that's what happened, I DON'T have Cascade's permission to write this and if he asks me to take this down I will.

Yeah Dudley was pretty metal in this where it could go from here? My guess is that: the ministry tries a dementor and the veil in that order, both fail the first because Voldemort uses Harry's memories for a patronus the second because Tom still has several horxrux.

The unspeakables find ways to keep Tom suppressed though and Dudley who has developed a special talent for figuring out how to keep harry lucid and Tom contained gets to accompany Harry to hogwarts, dudley is not a student though he's allowed to participate in potions, his dream/goal is to find a cure for harry since despite Snapes opinions Harry seems very much alive to me just posessed.

They have to stay together and a teacher escorts them to each new class, Harry is not left without adult supervision if children other than dudley are present.

One sad day quirrelmort puts the diadem onto Harry, quirrel and the diadem turn to ash but Harry's friend Tom wakes up more lucid and stronger than almost ever before, thankfully with the help of dudley Dumbledore snape and Hagrid as well as the stone the only loses are some of Hagrid fingers on one side and one of his arms on the other.

The philosophers stone got destroyed to keep Tom contained and Harry can't risk getting near a horxrux again.

Tom almost killed several students, most of magical Britain is now afraid of Harry.

The unspeakables use the remnants of the diary and some of the blood from Harry's scar to determine how many horxrux are left.

In second year (they spend their summer with Petunia and snape, the wards are much improved thanks to unspeakables and Dumbledore)

They realize pretty fast that it's a basilisk and instead of going into the chamber dudley gives them the idea to just put a rooster in every nook and crany and students must travel in pairs, while being warned about strange artifacts.

Dudley and Harry go back to pivet drive and 3 months later they return after the headmaster secured and destroyed the diary, Ginny is in a coma though. Ron blames Harry, most of the school warms up to dudley due to his brilliant thinking,

Hufflepuff (which snape gave points whenever he was impressed with dudley) wins the house cup due to Dumbledore allowing him special permission to register as a Hufflepuff for services rendered, Harry whom is in slytherin claps in good cheer.

3rd year goes as usual with the dementor not being a problem since Harry can cast the patronus (the memory of dudley and Petunia hugging him saying everything would be OK after he ate Vernon)

Just that Harry initially wants to feed Pettigrew to Tom dudley stops him and Peter escapes.

4th year as usual but dudley is treated as equipment for Harry and sits shrunken in a pocket on his shoulder whispering solutions.

Cedric still dies and the newly reanimated voldemort rips Tom from harry to fuse with him, unexpectedly he gets attacked. Dudley gets a severely injured harry to un-shrink him and they take the port key while voldemort is distracted, Harry is taken to a magic healer while dudley tells what happened, since everyone knew about Tom they believe about voldemort, and go to the graveyard Dumbledore dispatches barty crouch Jr but arrives to sees Tom (an incredibly grotesque creature) whom ate voldemort turn into dark mist dissappearing after a single bloody grin that promises that NO ONE will be spared.

Due to the remnants of the philosophers stone harry survives, he needs leg prosthetics though.

A dark cloud appears in Tom Riddle Sr's hometown, everyone there dies, a dark cloud tears trough gringots killing hundreds, Sirius and kreacher die while at grim old place. The black cloud is never seen again.

6th year has started, Harry walks with a confidence he didn't have before, dudley is still allowed to accompany him and is slowly getting his own fame and hero worship, dudley feels like something is wrong with Harry but can't put his finger on what.

Dumbledore dies but no one knows how, everyone is scared but nothing seems to happen, Harry gets over it quickly polishing his new wand, apparently his old one got stolen by an owl, Dudley feels that something is very very wrong.

Harry wears his father's invisibility cloak more often, he treads it like nothing special, dudley feels something is WRONG, Harry polishes his new Ring with a glimmering stone, Dudley FEELS THAT SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG. Summer is nice so is 7th year Dudley and Harry get outstanding potion NEWT grades, Harry seems to suddenly excel not just in magic but even at life, polite, charismatic, dudley feels like his dream may already be fulfilled(WRONG) (WRONGWRONG) .

Dudley asks Harry while on their way home inside the train what they will do from now on, Harry thanks him for everything till now he hugs Dudley, Dudley ignores the shuddering terrible wrongness that he feels and looks his cousi-

the master of death puppeteering his cousins body in his red and green eyes sees the smile on his face.

He wants to call for help, strike him with his father's smelting Stick that he's clenching in his hand, but he can't move a muscle,Tom? puts it into a ritualistic circle he created with a wave of his hand and says: "well I never got around to making that 7th one... I love you Dudley, thank you for everything, Avada Kedavra... Hmm oops seems like I might actually love you a bit to much well, there's more than one way to peel an egg" Harry's/Tom's- Dudley realized that they had become one, his cousin wasn't cured, he was sicker than he ever had been -head ripped open into a mouth with to many teeth and to many eyes and then dudley knew only blackness.

Harry Potter would go on as a beloved hero that after he was cured from his parasite would become a politician and later minister of magic, Dudley Dursley the brilliant potioneer and cousin as well as handler and protector of Harry Potter sadly disappeared.

Harry Potter would dissappear in his late 60s leaving his post to his Son Dudley Potter whom was never seen in a room with his father and who's mother chose to remain unknown.

The End