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The Following FIVE Chapters are available for Patrons.
Chapter 4 (The Queen of Love and Beauty), Chapter 5 (A Prince of House Targaryen), Chapter 6 (A DragonWolf Reborn), Chapter 7 (Sailing to King's Landing), and Chapter 8 (Meeting Family) are already available for Patrons.
One Month Later - Daemon Targaryen
The following day after he was informed that he was betrothed, they received a raven informing them that his grandfather was hosting a Tourney for the betrothal between his Grandson and Lady Lyanna.
Soon Daemon was commanded by the King to return to Kingslanding since the tourney would be held there. The people working at the Dragon Pit weren't happy to see Caraxes. His dragon had quite a reputation amongst the people working there. After his dragon was put inside, Daemon was greeted by his loveable aunt Gael Targaryen.
"Daemon is good to have you back," she said with a bright smile, hugging her nephew; Daemon quickly returned the gesture before taking a good look at her; Gael Targaryen, or The Winter Child as some called her, was a Targaryen beauty, rich purple eyes, sharp chin, beautiful face and very silver hair that glitter from the sun like jewels.
"It's good to see you, Aunt Gael. How has King's Landing been without me?" Daemon asked humorously. Both mounted their horses prepared for them, a group of Gold Cloaks leading them to the Red Keep.
"Boring." She said with a little giggle before letting her eyes wander to the Dragon Pit behind them as they slowly rode away.
"I really wanted to accompany you in Dragonstone, but you know how father is when his mind is set on something," Gael said with a frown; Daemon knew exactly how he was, and he didn't need to be reminded of that, as they passed through the busy streets of the city, many recognized Daemon, he was quickly famous, getting closer to the Red Keep, Gael asked about his betrothal, but Daemon wasn't really in the mood to talk about that. He still felt a little sour that his grandfather had betrothed without asking him, just out of nowhere.
"Have you bonded with a Dragon yet?" Daemon asked instead, turning his head to look at her. She looked tiny riding the horse, and he saw the way her shoulders slumped down and her downcast look. He didn't really need an answer.
"Not yet. I thought of it, but I guess. I-I'm afraid." She admitted with a tiny voice, almost afraid that someone would listen and laugh at her. Daemon leaned closer to her with his horse. The gold cloaks around them couldn't hear them.
"There's nothing to be afraid of, Aunt. It might be in the beginning, but trust me, when you're in front of them, you will feel it. You will know which dragon is the right one. Once you find your mount, you will want nothing but to be up there, flying amongst the clouds; seeing everything from up there makes you feel like you're the freest person." Daemon encouraged, his hand resting on her shoulder, gently squeezing her. For a moment, she was quiet before looking back at him with a bright smile and a bit more confidence in her eyes before her hand rested on top of his.
"Thank you, Daemon." She said, meaning every word.
"Everything for Family."
During the month he waited for the arrival of his betrothal, Daemon had spent with his big brother, Viserys, and his wife, Aunt Gael, sometimes with his father, and when necessary and only twice with his grandfather, who was still wearing the same cold-harsh face he had before he was exiled. The man would never change, even if the hell froze over.
He also spent time in the Training Yard, knocking knights left and right. He wanted to be at his best when his bride arrived; he wanted to see just what kind of people the Northerners were. Everyone in the South believed them as savage, as people of Trees who prayed in front of Trees with faces. Daemon's image of them wasn't that far off. He imagined them with long beards, unwashed, smelling like piss, with long faces without any emotions.
Knocking yet another knight on his ass, he heard his aunt clapping as she had decided to watch him fight, saying his way of fighting was quite intense and exciting to look at because his aunt was watching today; he wanted to leave her an excellent impression. He wanted her to have a great time; Daemon made sure to give it all; ducking from the upcoming attack, he hit him in the knee before punching him in the face. The knight fell on his face, barely conscious, but his breathing and his arms trying to stand up were enough for Daemon to know he was still kicking.
He heard another clapping from a distance. Her aunt had chosen to wear a red dress, making her look even more beautiful. "That was wonderful, Daemon." His aunt said, walking up to him with a very bright smile, Daemon smiled back, but his eyes went to one Kingsguard he was wary of in Kingslanding, walking towards them from a staircase that went from a balcony to the training yard, his armor clattered with each step he took.
"I couldn't help but admire the way you fight, Prince Daemon." Ser Ryam Redwyne said. A few strands of his dark hair had gone grey. The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and perhaps the greatest knight Westeros had ever seen.
"Ser," Daemon said, wondering what the old knight wanted. He had passed his fifty, yet he looked as capable as he had always been, with a look that could make many knights squirm in fear.
"How about a fight, my prince?" He requested with a friendly smile, looking at Daemon, who knew his chances of winning were slim. Despite his talent, Daemon knew the old man could kill a group of knights by himself without breaking a sweat.
The Prince still didn't want to back down from a challenge against one of the best knights, even if the end results would probably not be in his favor. A strong around the pommel of his sword, when they both heard footsteps getting closer, they both turned to their rights as his father appeared from the main door that led to the training yard.
"Daemon, They're coming." His father's voice interrupted them; Daemon saw his father walking up to him. The prince groaned loudly, not bothering to hide his annoyance; before sheathing his sword, his father gave him a warning look to act like a Prince and not cause a scene in front of their guests.
"Take a bath, and wear your best clothes. I want you at your best." His father all but commanded Daemon, who grunted, getting annoyed with the way he was talking to him as he was some kid who needed scolding.
"...Yes, Father." Daemon reluctantly said, walking inside, followed by a kingsguard. As soon as he reached the door, the guard stood in front of the door; walking inside, Daemon got rid of his dirty clothes and took a quick bath. The servants found him new clothes to wear.
Daemon didn't understand why he needed to wait outside along with his father for the arrival of House Stark since a Tourney was organized for them; houses from all over Westeros had arrived in King's Landing. From The Vale, Riverlands, even House Frey had decided to reveal their ugly heads, House Lannister, House Baratheon, almost every House from the Reach, even the Hightowers had decided to come for some reason.
The guards had informed them the Direwolf of House Stark had been seen approaching the Red Keep. After waiting for what felt like hours, he heard the sound of horses approaching, and he listened to what he assumed to be a wheelhouse. He really wished that he could have Caraxes with him, just to see their faces when they saw a Dragon for the first time. He wondered what would be Lady Lyanna's reaction. His thoughts were interrupted when the massive door that led inside the Red Keep opened.
Daemon straightened up, expecting to see his betrothal come out of the Wheelhouse, but he was surprised to see several people riding on horses in the front, and from their clothes, and the Stark Sigil, he knew they weren't just soldiers. One of them was a woman with long dark hair and a sword strapped to her waist.
I-is that Lady Lyanna? Daemon asked himself, not really believing his eyes, the lady had long dark hair, and a beautiful face, a long face with very good curves, but the sword was what impressed him. He briefly wondered if it was just for decoration or if she could use it.
"Lord Stark, we are happy to have you in King's Landing." His father said respectfully at the man who dismounted his horse before everyone else, giving his reins to a boy who led the horse away. The man turned to look at them before approaching with a hint of wariness, a man who Daemon assumed was Lord Stark. He had to admit the man could easily pass as a bear, and no one would notice the difference.
"Your grace, allow me to introduce my wife and children." The man said, bowing his head like the rest of his house.
Daemon greeted each of them with a fake smile. Soon Lady Lyanna walked in front of him with a smile, showing her beautiful teeth to Daemon. She had already exceeded his expectations.
"Is good to meet you, your grace. My name is Lyanna Stark."
"My name is Daemon Targaryen."
After the introduction was over, it didn't take long for his father to plan something. His father told him that tomorrow he would walk Lady Lyanna through the garden and show her the place. Daemon groaned in frustration, his big brother seemed happy that he was finally getting married, but Daemon just wanted to fly with Caraxes somewhere.
He found himself in the Training Yard, hitting a training dummy to went out his frustration, he had wanted to fly with Caraxes, but his father had forbidden him from doing so, saying he needed to participate in the feast in the Great Hall.
The sun was still high in the sky, but it had started descending. The sky had taken a shade of red. Daemon was half-convinced to disobey his father and fly with Caraxes when he heard light footsteps approaching. He whirled around and didn't expect to see Lady Lyanna walking up to the training yard holding the sword she had strapped around her waist.
"Lady Lyanna, what are you doing here?" Daemon asked, intrigued, sheathing his own sword as he eyed her up and down; Daemon had to admit the woman was a beauty and far from a savage he had heard about from tales around The South.
"Same as you, your grace." The lady answered with courtesy before she started hitting a nearby dummy. For a good ten minutes, Daemon just stood there observing her, and he had to admit that her stance and way of moving the sword were incredible. He could see a few flaws, but nothing that training couldn't fix.
"My lady, I think the dummy is not a worthy opponent," Daemon said, slowly approaching her in a challenging way.
Lady Lyanna turned to look at him with a triumphant smile as if she was happy that he wanted to fight her.
"With pleasure, Prince Daemon." She accepted a smile across her beautiful face. The prince felt a shiver at the way she said his name; he couldn't stop a smile from forming on his face.
Lyanna moved first with a quick move that Daemon dodged with ease. It seemed Lady Lyanna prioritized speed over raw strength. For now, Daemon let her attack; he wanted to see just how good she was, dodging and sometimes blocking when necessary, circling each other; her way of moving was good, but it had a flaw.
Daemon moved forward, and the lady used her sword to block it, but the prince was relentless in his attacks, clash after clash. The smiles on their faces never disappeared before Lyanna made a swift move that took the prince off guard for a moment; quickly jumping to his left, the prince wasted no time to grab her sword arm before putting his sword near her neck.
The lady smiled back at Daemon, as did the prince, feeling his heart pounding in his throat. He had to admit that he had felt the excitement from the fight more than usual.
"I yield," Lyanna said, surrendering her arms; Daemon sheathed his sword.
"I never thought you knew how to fight this well, my lady!" Daemon complimented, not bothering to hide that he was impressed with her.
"In the North, some women train too. I was fostered in Bear Island for four years. There, everyone is trained, girls and boys. I had the luck to be trained by a good warrior." Lyanna explained, walking beside the prince; Daemon had heard of the place, but from the tales, Mormonts fucked bears, but he kept that part to himself for now.
"Do you want me to walk you to the Feast, my lady?" Daemon offered, extending his hand toward her. He didn't know why, though. Usually, he would much rather walk his aunt to the Feast, but he wouldn't mind walking Lyanna and perhaps talking to each other as they walk.
"I accept the offer, my prince, but with one condition," Lyanna said, grabbing his hand. Her hand felt soft and warm, despite being from the North.
"That is?"
"Call me Lyanna."
"Then you can call me, Daemon."
Baelon Targaryen
When his son hadn't shown up in time for the feast, he had been half-convinced to ask the keepers of the Dragon Pit to check if Caraxes was still residing inside the Dragon Pit. Only then he noticed that Lady Lyanna was absent too.
Baelon wondered where she was, but from the way Lord Stark was sitting in his chair, without any fear, he seemed pretty relaxed that his daughter hadn't arrived yet. When the great hall doors opened, his son walked inside with Lady Lyanna, her arm around his speaking to each other with hushed tones. He had to admit that he was astonished to see his son talking and smiling with Lady Lyanna. His son was never someone who liked to be told what he could and couldn't do, and being ordered to marry someone, had struck a fear in Baelon that his son would perhaps decide to leave Westeros.
He sighed, relieved he didn't know he had been holding. To see them like that filled him with a glimmer of hope that perhaps his youngest son could get settled and eventually have kids of his own. Baelon wasn't the only one who didn't expect to see Daemon in a good mood; even the old King Jaehaerys wasn't expecting it. With his sister-wife beside him, the old king watched Daemon like a Hawk as his grandson talked with Lady Lyanna.
He could barely make out the words said by his grandson, but he didn't need to, the smile on his face was genuine, and that's all Jaehaerys needed to see. He was thankful that Alysanne had convinced him to change his mind.
Originally he had intended for Daemon to marry Rhae Royce. They were an old and powerful house. Still, his wife convinced him that Marrying in the North was a better alternative, saying House Stark was the most powerful house in the North and one of the oldest houses in Westeros, and marrying Daemon to Lyanna would bring the entire North to their side.
The rest of the feast continued without any problems; Baelon would often give his son a few glances to make sure he wasn't messing up anything. Soon after the feast started, Gael joined Daemon, the prince had introduced Lady Lyanna to Gael, and it seemed it didn't take long for them to become friends.
Perhaps there's hope for the future, Baelon thought, letting his mind wander on places, thinking of his beloved wife, he missed her every day, and Aegon, the gods, could be very cruel sometimes.
That night Baelon closed his eyes to sleep with a smile.
Daemon Targaryen - One Week Later
The Tourney would start tomorrow; Daemon had prepared himself to win both the Melee and The Jousting. He had promised Lyanna to crown her Queen of Love and Beauty.
Last week, Daemon had gotten to know Lyanna better. His wild wolf was quite dangerous when she wanted to, and damn, was she honest about everything. She always spoke what was in her mind rather than dancing around the bush like almost everyone else.
To Daemon, that felt like a breath of fresh air. Every day he would train in the training yard with Lyanna, and Gael would occasionally join them. When his wolf wasn't spending time with him, she would spend time with Gael. She was the only friend she had in Kings Landing and sometimes would get a visit from Queen Alysanne.
They would talk about everything, what the North was like, how Dragonstone looked like, about many other places. Daemon was happy to see his aunt reveal her Dragon side more every day before she would sometimes stutter in the presence of lords and ladies. Still, it seemed Lyanna was having a good effect on her, but eventually, their discussion turned to Dragon Riding.
"What is it like Flying a Dragon?" Lyanna asked, taking a sip from her tea mixed with honey.
Daemon saw Gael's lower lip shaking. He decided to bring Lyanna's attention to him. "Flying Caraxes is an experience like nothing else, just watching the clouds get closer, the feeling of having everything on your palm is something that feels unique every time, is not something that can ever feel dull," Daemon answered instead of his Aunt who listened closely, as did Lyanna.
"I heard they call him the Blood Wyrm. I would love to see him from up close." Lyanna said with a dreamy look. That's something Daemon had learned during the feast, Lyanna was fascinated by the dragons, and only his father and her father telling them not to go to the Dragon Pit had stopped them.
"Which one is your dragon, Gael?" Lyanna turned her attention back to his aunt, who looked down at her lap.
"I-I h-have yet to have one," she stuttered, feeling embarrassed and wanting to leave the place and return to her chamber.
"Why not? Did none of them want to be your mount?" Lyanna asked with a hint of concern, her hand grabbing Gael's shaking hand lying on top of the table.
"Gael has yet to try, Lyanna," Daemon answered instead of his aunt. Her lower lip was shaking, her eyes welling up with unshed tears.
"Hey," Lyanna spoke softly, nudging her shoulder gently, leaning closer to Gael, making the princess look at her.
"Two Days Later, me and Daemon will go for a ride. I want you to join us."
Daemon liked the way Lyanna ran her fingers through his hair, catching at the tangles, lifting it, and letting it fall through her fingers. Curious, like a child with a shiny toy. "It doesn't look real," she observed. "I'm used to it, and still, it looks as though you've painted silver gilding over your hair."
He allowed himself a small smile. "You've found me out."
"I always do," she said, with that supreme arrogance he loved in her. She twined his hair up in a knot and put her face to his neck, breathing out lightly on his skin. "Is the rest of you painted silver as well?"
He heard himself make a soft noise in his throat. "Not that I've ever seen..."
"Well?" She stood, letting his hair flow black down his back. "The Free Islanders paint themselves," Lyanna murmured. "All over their bodies. With many different things."
"Have you seen these?"
"No, but I know. I had one done myself." She stretched. "They're only for some time."
Daemon raised his slender eyebrows at her dubiously. "Really."
"Aren't you going to ask?" Her expression was so perfectly innocent that he had to narrow his eyes, wary. Lyanna never looked that innocent.
"Ask what?"
"Where it is."
Daemon felt the slow flush diffuse down his neck. "I think you'll tell me anyway," he told her dryly. "But where is it?"
"Do you want me to show you?"
The blush spread. He could see the wicked light in her eyes. "...yes, I rather think I do want."
Lyanna's smile flashed bright and unexpectedly. "You'll have to catch me first," she murmured and darted away.
He sprang to his feet and followed her, laughing, watching the flash of her dress and her dark hair streaming behind her. Her laughter mocked him, and he found the sash of her summer dress first, strewn carelessly on the ground. "Lyanna!"
She laughed from ahead of him, and her words floated back like the streaming silk torn from her skirt caught on the branches. He didn't pause for that. "You didn't think I'd make it easy, did you?"
"Nothing is ever easy with you," he shouted after her, not knowing if she heard, but it was most of her bodice he found next, and Daemon sped up. "Lyanna – we may not be alone here –"
Her laugh was careless; he could almost see her tossing her head in that imperious, wild way of hers. "And what do I care?" He could see her just ahead now, darting through the trees, her pale skin gleaming. "You haven't caught me yet, Daemon..."
"Nor do I think I will; you've always been faster than me."
"So speed up!"
He growled. "The blood of the dragon cannot be beaten," he said, fighting not to laugh, and pushed himself harder.
She surprised him. The flicker of water through the trees caught his eye, and he glanced toward it. She caught his ankle, and he tripped violently and fell face-first into the spring, turning it into a somersault at the last moment.
He surfaced spluttering and furious. "Lyanna-"
"Laugh a little," She said, arms slipping around him from behind. He could feel her naked body pressed to his and was intimately aware of it. She rubbed up and down against his back, breasts pressed to him. "Live a little."
His anger melted away in spite of himself. "You make it hard not to," he told her. "Have you considered,"
"Oh, shut up," Lyanna said cheerfully and then dove underwater. A moment later, hands were tugging at his breeches. He jerked away, startled.
"What do you think you're doing, Lyanna," he started to say as she surfaced, shaking her hair back and looking cross, but she cut him off again. "Hold still a moment," she said, and as it sometimes was with her, it was a command rather than a request.
Then she was underwater again, her fingers deftly undoing his laces. She slipped her hand into the front of his breeches. Daemon was quite sure that the noise he made was not dignified at all. She surfaced again, laughing, hand still hooked down the front of his breeches, and his eyes were drawn to her breasts, small to fit her slender figure, tipped pink nipples erect for the cool water. Her dark eyes danced.
"A reason they call it waking the dragon, I guess," she teased.
He twitched. "This is no laughing matter. Anyone could-"
She went underwater again, tugging his breeches down, and he lost the ability to argue as she licked his thigh and curled her hand around his shaft, thumb rubbing in small circles at his tip. This time he was sure the noise wasn't dignified. "Lyanna!"
Now, they were riding through the city toward the Dragon Pit. With his father's permission, Daemon wanted Lyanna to see Caraxes; accompanying them was Gael, the way her body shifted uncomfortably while riding her horse. Daemon knew she was nervous, but he knew she had a Dragon side just waiting to come out.
Once they reached the Dragon Pit, the structure was quite enormous. The Dragon keepers approached them; Daemon could see their bewildered looks when they saw Lady Lyanna, especially Princess Gael.
"My Prince, what can we do for you?" The man said, bowing his head. He was bald, around his fifties, but still fearless and knew how to speak Valyrian flawlessly. He had a burned ear and several scars around his back and right arm, forcing him to hold the whip with his left.
"We want to see Caraxes, and My Aunt will choose her dragon today," Daemon informed him with pride seeping into his voice. The man quirked but was happy to hear that.
"Of course. Follow me, your grace." The man instructed the princess, almost happy.
Lyanna was about to follow Gael behind when Daemon grabbed her arm, stopping her.
"No, it is better for her if she does it alone. Don't worry. She won't need our help." Daemon told her encouragingly before leading her to where his Dragon was; Lyanna looked back at Gael with uncertainty, hoping everything would go well.
Daemon could tell, just from the way she walked, that Lyanna was both excited and terrified. He pulled her close to him as they went deeper into the Dragon Pit, stairs leading them downwards to where the majority of the dragons resided.
Lyanna could feel the extreme heat in her skin. She wondered how keepers could work here. The air felt like it would burn her throat with every breath she took. The sound of rocks cracking and the sound of fire breathing echoed throughout the Dragon Pit, but the sound of Growls was what dominated every other sound.
Soon Daemon stopped in front of a large cave. Lyanna figured this was where Caraxes was. Smoke rose from the cave-like fog floating along the sea. Lyanna could see the red outline of Caraxes in the distance, and her heart lurched.
Caraxes noticed Lyanna standing beside Daemon, his eyes filling with anger at the unknown person near his owner. He growled, showing teeth as sharp as Valyrian Steel.
The dragon reared back, fire building in his throat when Daemon roared his command. Caraxes's attention turned entirely to Daemon.
Lyanna felt like running away, her mind telling her she was in danger, it was one thing to be in front of a bear, but this was a Dragon. She wanted to run away; taking a deep breath, she gathered every bit of courage she had left. She stood her ground, her body shaking nonetheless; Daemon grasped her hand, as Caraxes's large jaw was right next to Daemon, who petted his dragon as if he was a house cat. Daemon whispered something to the dragon in high Valyrian.
The dragon purred before his red eyes laid upon Lyanna, who gulped, she was scared, but she always remembered her father's words when it came to fear.
"We are all scared. It is only how we act that makes the difference between a coward and a brave men."
With that in mind, Daemon guided her hand to Caraxes's nose. The skin itself was hot, almost like having her hand near flames. Her hands slid across his nose. The scales were sharp enough to cut her if she moved her hand fast enough. His skin felt like touching a very sharp rock but engulfed in flames.
"He likes you," Daemon said with a smile.
"How can you tell?" Lyanna said, not allowing herself to look away.
"He would have never allowed you to touch him if he didn't," Daemon told her; Lyanna felt her heart flutter, looking from up close. Caraxes was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen.
Walking outside, it took a few moments for her to calm herself. Only then Lyanna remembered that she hadn't seen Gael since she entered, and it seemed neither did Daemon, who asked the guards where his aunt was.
"Up there, your grace." The Keeper smiled, pointing at a Blue Dragon flying above the Red Keep. With one look, Daemon recognized the Dragon.
"Dreamfyre," Daemon said with a broad smile.
"Amazing," Lyanna commented; suddenly, she felt Daemon grabbing her hand.
"Should we join her?" Daemon asked. She turned to him with confusion before her face brightened up.
Daemon mounted Caraxes first before helping Lyanna. Her arms went around his waist. Once he was sure that she was secured, only then he gave the command.
"Sōvegon (Fly)"
Caraxes took a few steps forward before spreading his wings. The keepers backed away as the dragon took the skies.
Lyanna felt her entire body filled with joy as everything got smaller, her eyes looking everywhere. The buildings, the people, everything was tiny.
"This is Amazing, Daemon," Lyanna shouted. The prince smiled, and soon they joined Gael, who was still making circles around the Red Keep.
"Daemon, I want to fly higher," Gael shouted once she noticed Caraxes; before telling her dragon to fly higher, Caraxes followed behind; Daemon couldn't remember the last time his aunt had been so happy.
And Daemon couldn't remember the last time he had smiled and been this Happy.
But just like every beautiful thing, it could only last so long.