'Idiots.' She thought as she watches her girls and boys schoolmates avoid each other and some boys schoolmates avoided her. 'I feel like I'm a parasite if you avoid me like that! I mean, we can just not talk and avoid skin contact! Ugh...'
She start to walk towards what the publics transportation always stop. She look left and right before walking straight. But as she was In the middle of the road, a motorbike run towards her way. Not noticing the motorbike were running towards her, she got crashed by it.
Nabila got thrown to the front and got crashed again on her chest. Then she got stabbed by something sharp.
Nabila choked as she feel a liquid get out of her mouth. Her throat we're burning. Her visions got blurry. Though, she still can hear people screaming, shouting and gasping. And she could feel it... on her stomach, something pierced through it.
She slowly get her right hand on her stomach and she felt something sharp. Opening her eyes weakly, Nabila saw her stomach got through by a sharp metal. 'My nightmare become true. Wow, never thought I'll get stabbed like this...'
" Neng! Ulah nyarios heula!"
(Neng! Don't say anything!)
"Bil , tungguan ambulan bakal dateng."
(Bil, wait, the ambulance will come )
A familiar voice came to my hearing. Nabila look at the figure of a big girl, there were blood strained on her veil and school uniform. Her eyes were filled with terror. Nabila would never imagine the girl who always tease her got a face like that because of her getting stabbed like this. Risda.
"Risda... Ka ayah abdi... Abdi minta maaf... T-teu*cough* bisa j-jadi anak nu s-solehah... Jeung ka kaluarga abdi... Abdi minta maaf jeung abdi sayang ka sadayana... Ab-abdi min-minta ma-ma-maaf o-osok am-ambek-ambekkan... *sob*cough*cough* t-teu bisa... I-i don't wanna die yet.."
(Risda... Say this to my father... I'm sorry... Can't*cough*be a good daughter... And to my family... I'm sorry and I love them all... I-i'm so-so-sorry i-i a-always s-sounds a-angry... *sob*cough*cough* c-can't... I-i don't wanna die yet..)
"Bil! Bil! Tahan Bil!-"
And that's how Nabila closed her eyes and never wake up from the limitless slumber called death. Or so that's what supposed to happen.
Because as she get out from her body. She watch how her classmates who was still there all looking at her body with terror. But no tears.
Nabila watched how her dad cried over her dead body. How Risda told them her last words. How they all cried.. How.. How they cared for her. How she was buried beside her mother's grave. And how she was expecting... Something.
But nothing come. Her soul, oddly, did no go to the afterlife like it should be. She had met with others and helped others pass on, it should be an understandable if she were to pass on too.
But she didn't.
A few years passed.
She found out that she won't pass on to the afterlife after a few months. So she took this change - as a ghost - to travel around the world.
She met few living humans that could see her and talked with them. Sometimes she stayed with them for weeks or even months. But never stay all the time.
She learned how to do many things. Finding out that Aliens ARE real. No seriously, they're real.
Then found out that Megalodon is still alive to this day, luckily she was already dead, if not... well she'll be dead for sure.
Then learning languages just because she goes to many different countries at one time.
She watched wars unfold in many countries. Saw many people died and many ghost at one place.
And without realizing.. half centuries had passed.
There was light and reverses. She don't know anymore. Every knowledge and experience have been gained. And her...memories were replayed back in a flash. Then everything went blank.
It's warm... Usually it's never warm..
The air feels ni—
Nabila quickly open her eyes to squinting her eyes because of the sudden light that blinded her eyes that seems to had never been used in a rather long time. She take awhile to adjust to the light, then look out at her own situations.
Nabila were lying down in a bed, inside a somehow familiar room, her hands were being connected to some wires and she heard beep beep sounds loud and clear beside her.
She close her eyes again and open it then close it again, 10 seconds in between every blink. Then she heard a click and immediately look at the door that lead in/out of the room she currently reside in.
The maid eyes lidded close and she sighed. It has been a month since she had been assigned to take care of the young miss of this rich family that—apparently—had been in a coma for 2 years.
The reason for the coma were because of a bus incident that involved both the young miss and the young master. fortunately, the young master had been in a luck and was leave with a broken bones instead, but it wasn't one that would be a threat for his life. Though the young miss were quite unfortunate as she seems to be protecting the young master from getting hit too hard and managed to get herself a hit in the back that fractured many bones and internal organs. And thus, she got into a coma even though her body had already been healed.
So when she opened her eyes and her brown eyes met with a blue ones, the maid had been stiffened and mesmerized at the same time.
The 14 years old girl that was in coma had her eyes slightly open and head turned right to her way. The sunlight shined the girl in the bed, giving a surreal image.
The makd were mesmerized but the next second, she panicked and... She screamed.
"How are you feeling, Nakamura-san?"
"Ah..." Nabila Syalwa Fitriani, a 65 years old spirit woman-girl who ended up in a body of her parallel self with a new name of Nakamura Ichiko, she... She does not know how to explain her feelings to the situation that is happening right now but she was sure that she was supposed to be dead years ago, and wandering around the world and pass her time with her boring after-life.
...Now she became a girl that went on coma on an accident when she tried to protect her little brother.
Nabila- no, Ichiko sighed an exasperated sigh. "I feel sore a little here and there but anything else is fine." She answered while acting confused, which is not hard since she is confused.
"Hmm... That is to be expected as you have been in a coma for 2 years. I will ready the schedule for your therapy sessions for your sore muscles." the Nakamura personal doctor, Hanakawa-san said. Ichiko nodded, knowing it would be better to just accept what she was being told to do by the doctor since... he's the doctor. And since she's pretty lost right now.
If you are wondering how she understood Japanese, well, she did go around the whole world to ease her boredom.
Hanakawa-san stood up, saying thank you for her cooperation and a hope-you-get-well-soon before walking out of her bedroom. The maid that screamed before walk towards her and hand out a glass of water. The maid helps her drink the water. Ichiko smiled after drinking the glass of water to the maid, who smile back at her. The kind nee-san take the glass and walk away. And as she get out of the room, the door were slammed open, revealing a boy with the same hair as her new hair color and big doe purple teary eyes lunge towards her.
"ANEKI! YOU'RE FINALLY AWAKE-! HUHU~NICHI MISSED ANEKI!" He cried out, both Nabila and Ichiko sweatdropped at this.
She decided to stroke the boy hair, her new little brother hair.. Oh it had been one of her dream of having a little brother, and now she got one, ignoring the fact that it's Ichiko's not hers. 'I guess this won't be as bad as I thought..' though she decided to ignore it as of now.
"mis' 'n'kie s'h muh.. d'n le'f n'c' nik'" Nichiro, her little brother said while being muffled since he snuggled into her. She smiled fondly at the little boy on top of her body. (T/N: Missed Aneki so much.. don't leave Nichi Aneki)
Ichiko hummed and look up, sensing someone else beside her bed. Which she see a man in suit smiling at the sis-bro.
"Excuse me, but who are you?" Ichiko asked, right eyebrow arched forward.
"Ah.. I'm sorry, Ichiko-hime!" the man bowed, Ichiko make a hand sign to stand up making the man stand up again.
"It's fine. But who are you?" Ichiko repeated as she narrowed her eyes at him. The man gulped.
"i-i'm Nichiro-sama's personal bodyguard." Ichiko hummed. She look back at the boy in her arms, now identified as Nichiro.
Nakamura family does seems like a rich family. Having a personal, and... All personal things here like doctor and all.. Also the fact that her bed is a king sized bed. 'Though', she thought with a frown forming on her forehead, 'Where's the parents. Shouldn't they be here? Why's there only this small boy?'
The thoughts does not sit right to her, even though it could be coming from Ichiko's body and not her mind. But she could not help but agreed, where's the parents?
"Do you know where's mama and papa, mister? Oh, and what's your name?" Ichiko asks as she look at the man again.
"About that...The mistress and master has died a year ago due to a plane crash when they went on to England for business trip." the man started, "Nichiro-dono was with me as Nichiro-dono does not want to leave you in fear you'll awake when he was away.. And my name is Hanaki Tōru, Ichiko-hime." The man explains as he look down and Ichiko look shocked. She look down at her now little brother and hold his shirt tightly. After all, in this world, they only have each other now. At least, Nichiro was, but with Nabila now in Ichiko's body, Nichiro's now her little brother.
"What job does mama and papa had, Hanaki-san?" Ichiko asks again after a few minutes as she can feel her little brother cried himself to sleep in her arms. She waited because she had a feeling she won't be liking her little brother to know what it was, yet.
"Ah... That.."
"Nichi-kun is asleep, you won't need to worry." Ichiko said as she show her little brother sleeping figure.
"Un. The mistress and master's job involved with the mafia." Ichiko eyes widened, not expecting it. Hanaki saw it and didn't continue until Ichiko told him so. "The master was a Fiume secondo. They died in an attack from a famiglia that was in the middle of a war and they were caught in it by accident. And you are the next heir to Fiume famiglia. We thought on making Nichiro-dono the heir, but knowing you're still alive even though you're in coma, we decided to wait for you to wake up and we are glad that you're awake now as the famiglia is on edge."
"... So.. I'm an heir? Why did I not got informed about this years ago?" Ichiko ask, her eyes twitched.
"The master and mistress doesn't want you to get inside the mafia world yet and was about to tell you after your coming on age." Hanaki informed, cold sweat formed at his back seeing the soon-to-be-Terza looked pissed. (And from the transparent flames that flaring about coming from her, though he did not sees it)
"I see," Ichiko make an effort to calm herself down. Reminding that it's no use getting pissed about something she would do if she had a daughter. 'If I was the old Ichiko, I wouldn't take this as calm as this. Since it would put much more pressure to the child that just woke up from her coma.' "I'll be taking care of the paperwok after I could at least move my hands, please tell so to the one that is currently taking care of it."
Hanaki eyes widened, "But Ichiko-hime! You-" Hanaki stuttered, trying to find a way to stop the currently healing child.
Ichiko help up a hand, "Don't worry about me... I will do it the best way I can."
"Ichiko-hime..." Hanaki folded his fist and grit his teeths, 'poor Terza, she's maturing too fast when she should be acting like the teenager that she is.'
"For now though, can you get Nichi-kun to the open space in my bed? He's kind of heavy.." said Ichiko, the boy is indeed heavy and her currently weak body is not doing a great job in taking it. The bodyguard notices this after the Terza mention it and quickly lift the boy and place him in the open space on the bed. Ichiko sigh in relief, "thank you."
"Ah... No problem Terza!"
"..." 'I should get used to it sooner or later' Ichiko thought. And she closed her eyes to fell in the arms of Morpheus once again.