Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the intellectual property associated with Harry Potter.
Hi all,
Here's the next chapter. Seraphine confronts an Obsidian member and Harry shows off his progress with the Potter Mobile.
Chapter 78
Charlus concluded his call with Moody, setting the mirror on his desk. Leaning back in his chair, he let out a heavy sigh. "Why are you so impatient?"
Moody had just told him that Godin, an Obsidian inner circle member, was currently holed up in the warehouse. Godin, a notorious criminal, was wanted by the French Aurors, but they were unaware of his connection to Obsidian. He could have included them in the mission but didn't trust them enough to stop the man from escaping. For all he knew, Obsidian had a plant in the Aurors that would alert Godin to their presence.
Without Moody and Snape, they might not have been able to track down Godin. Snape had a lot of connections in Europe for potion ingredients, both legally and illegally. After analysing the poison, Snape narrowed down the locations where the ingredients were being sold. Moody did the rest, apprehending one of Godin's suppliers and questioning him for information on Godin.
"I don't know how I feel about getting help from Snape," Charlus grumbled.
Given the history of enmity between Snape and his son, any positive sentiment towards Snape was a challenge.
Seraphine had told him to stay home for tonight's raid, stating that she and the other order members could handle it themselves. He had his doubts because she was in a rage after her daughter nearly lost her husband. To be fair, he wasn't doing much better after the Gringotts incident. He decided to trust her, albeit not completely. If he heard something was going wrong, he could be there in an instant. The order had taken a vanishing cabinet to the Paris neighbourhood to provide them with an easy way out if things went wrong,
"Don't let me down, Seraphine. After everything Obsidian has done, we cannot allow one of its inner circle members to escape."
Seraphine approached the warehouse, her presence exuding an aura of power and beauty. Her allure emerged, washing over the two doormen, making their eyes glaze over instantly.
Several cloaked individuals followed behind her, and they stunned the two men, levitating their clothes so they hit the ground gently to prevent them from making noise.
Turning her attention to the warehouse door, Seraphine's gaze intensified as she summoned fire into her hands. She unleashed a torrent of flames that engulfed the door, heating the metal until it glowed red-hot. The sheer force of her power caused the door to buckle and warp, eventually succumbing to the intense heat and pressure.
"Was that truly necessary?" Moody growled, his wand vanishing the remnants of the door.
Seraphine ignored his question and entered the warehouse, her gaze sweeping the dimly lit interior. The space was vast, lined with shelves holding countless boxes. At the far end, a structure with illuminated windows was obscured by drawn curtains. It appeared to be an office. There was no indication that the inhabitants had been notified of the intrusion on their property.
"Spread out," Moody directed, and the order members complied. "Use non-lethal means to take out any guards, but use lethal force if necessary."
Seraphine strode along one of the rows, her features transitioning into her avian form. Under the glow of a nearby light, her dark, merciless eyes shimmered as a faint smile danced upon her lips. With a mere thought, her allure extended through the warehouse, targeting any men patrolling the rows of shelves. Her precision was impeccable, ensuring her team members were unaffected by her allure. They had an easy time incapacitating the guards thanks to Seraphine's assistance.
The rapid tapping of a wooden foot echoed behind her, prompting Seraphine to pause.
"The office has no escape route," Moody told her. "There's a side door, but we've got it covered. Godin is probably in there, meeting with someone."
"I don't feel like going in with a quiet approach," Seraphine hissed.
Raising her hand, she conjured a fiery ball and hurled it at a stack of boxes, setting them ablaze. As the flames spread, she advanced without hesitation.
Moody cursed under his breath. "Charlus might have been the saner choice."
He raised the two-way mirror to his face and directed his team to leave the warehouse with the captured guards. He didn't think they would be needed and might get caught in the crossfire.
Seraphine continued hurling fireballs, igniting the boxes on the shelves. The fire began to spread even more quickly. She didn't care what was inside them, but they were likely illegally smuggled goods.
The noise drew the office's occupants out, and as they emerged, Seraphine's gaze locked onto the masked man with the number nine insignia.
"What do we have here?" The man asked. "A Veela whore who has come to serve herself on a platter?"
The men around him laughed nervously at his joke, casting uneasy looks at Seraphine. Her avian form appeared to be truly terrifying.
Seraphine's smile was chilling. "You might find me too hot to handle. Are you the one who poisoned Pierre Delacour?"
The man remained silent, his gaze drawn to the exit. He seemed to realise something.
"You dare to harm my son-in-law?" Seraphine shouted. "You will pay for crossing me."
Her allure burst forth, enveloping the men. Except for the masked man, all of the men collapsed to the ground, their faces blank and drool dripping from their mouths.
"So you are Seraphine," the masked man said. "Your reputation precedes you. You can call me Obsidian Nine."
Nine abruptly reached into his pocket and pulled out two small metallic devices.
"Look out!" Moody roared and slashed his wand, sending a red scarlet light towards the man.
Nine dodged the curse and threw the devices at them. They exploded in mid-air, releasing a green gas that began to rush towards Seraphine and Moody.
With a wave of her hand, flames engulfed the gas and quickly consumed it. Moody took advantage of the opportunity to curse the fleeing Nine, tripping him and causing him to fall to the floor. Seraphine was there before he could recover, stomping a clawed foot into his back. She twisted her foot, allowing her sharp talons to cut into his back.
Nine's screams echoed through the warehouse as he writhed in agony.
"We must capture him alive," Moody insisted. "He holds valuable information."
Seraphine shook her head. "Interrogating him won't yield results. Obsidian has safeguarded their secrets well."
"What's your plan, then?" Moody's eyes darted around. "We need to get out of here."
"We have got enough time," Seraphine said, her black eyes gleaming, "to send a message to Obsidian."
Regrettably, Nine's tormented cries were brief, silenced by her searing flames. Seraphine gazed at the charred remains with grim satisfaction, knowing she had gotten her revenge.
Moody grasped her arm. "Let's go, we need to leave. You've stirred up quite a mess. Can the Muggles even handle these flames?"
With a snap of her fingers, Seraphine extinguished the inferno, leaving behind a scene of charred destruction.
"I'm getting too old for this shit," Moody muttered.
21st December
Harry inserted the key into the ignition. With a twist, the Hummer roared to life, its powerful engine revving. He pressed the accelerator, enjoying the engine's growl as it responded to his touch. The hours of meticulous work he had put into the vehicle had paid off; the heart of the car was now beating.
Despite his progress, he still had a lot of work ahead. The interior needed finishing, the body needed a coat of paint, and the final enchantments had yet to be added. Still, that didn't dampen his enthusiasm. The PotterMobile, his pride and joy, was nearing completion.
He pressed a blue button on the console, and the engine noise stopped. This addition, when combined with the Invisibility Booster, enabled the car to move stealthily through the Muggle world.
"You'd better not be thinking of taking it for a drive," a voice said, prompting Harry to turn and find Charlus standing at the entrance to the garage.
"Grandfather?" Harry turned off the ignition and quickly got out of the car. "What are you doing here? Did one of my girlfriends let you in?"
Charlus furrowed his brow. "Why did you grant them access but not your grandfather?"
Harry nonchalantly replied, "No reason. It just slipped my mind."
"Well, I would like to have access to it, in case of an emergency."
"You have a mirror to contact me," Harry pointed out.
"What if you were incapacitated?"
Harry sighed. "I can add you to the trunk access list before you leave. Just don't show up unannounced, all right? Unless it's an emergency."
"Worried that I might catch you in the act?"
Harry feigned innocence. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Charlus snorted. "Your grandmother and I got together in our second year as well."
"Really?" Harry paused. "Wait, I don't need to know that information."
"It's not surprising," Charlus remarked. "Magicals mature much faster than Muggles, and Hogwarts being a boarding school provides ample opportunities for teenagers to... explore their sexuality."
Harry shuddered. Why did his grandfather have to bring this subject up?
Charlus approached the Hummer and ran his hands over the bonnet. "You have truly outdone yourself. What can it do?"
"Well, I enchanted it to fly and function as a submersible in the water."
"I can understand how you achieved the flying aspect, but how did you accomplish the underwater capabilities?"
Harry grinned. "I had a different method initially, but I changed it. The protective shield enchantment I added works by enveloping the car in a bubble. I modified it to make it more robust to protect the car from the ocean's underwater pressure in case I ever get the urge to explore it. Gabrielle would be interested in seeing what magical creatures she can find."
Charlus nodded. "How does it move through the water?"
Harry pointed to the back of the car, where a spare tyre was hanging from the rear hatch door. "With the push of a button, this transforms into a massive propeller that provides me with all the propulsion I will ever need. Furthermore, the four wheels retract into the body, streamlining and reducing drag on the vehicle."
"Was adding the propeller necessary?" Charlus inquired.
"Not particularly, but it adds a stylish touch," Harry replied. "I had also considered incorporating wings to enhance the flying experience, but it would have required making too many compromises."
"That would have been something to see. What else is there?"
His grandfather listened as Harry explained all of the Hummer's features that he had added. Aside from the main enchantments that enabled it to fly and drive underwater, there were several other features, such as the Invisibility Booster.
It had a self-repairing exterior that fixed any damage it sustained when the shield enchantment wasn't active. It also included a feathering enchantment to lighten the vehicle, enchantments to reduce drag, and headlights that illuminated the road with bright magical lights that adjusted to different driving conditions, improving visibility at night.
The car's interior had been significantly enlarged to accommodate at least twelve people comfortably. It had an expanded storage area in the back for supplies. He still needed to incorporate comfort charms that catered to the passengers' preferences, adjusting elements such as temperature, seating positions and overall ambience to ensure a pleasant journey for everyone on board. The navigation system had already been seamlessly integrated, providing real-time tracking of the car's location and surroundings, improving safety and convenience during travel.
Charlus clapped him on the shoulder. "I'm really impressed. I didn't think you could add so many features to it."
"It's going to take a lot of magic to keep running," Harry said, grinning sheepishly. "There are so many more enchantments I want to add to it, but there is a limit that I cannot exceed, or it could affect the stability."
"May I take it for a drive?" Charlus asked.
"Can you even drive a vehicle, old man?"
"It has been a while, but I should be able to pick it back up quickly."
"I feel sorry for anyone who encounters you on the road," Harry quipped. "I will allow you to drive it when I've finished it and only after you allow me to drive it first."
Charlus' eyes narrowed. "You're too young to drive it."
"I can take it for a spin on the Hogwarts grounds," Harry countered. "I have the shield enchantment, so I couldn't hurt myself even if I tried."
"When will it be finished?"
"A few weeks, maybe. I still need to finish the vanishing cabinets you ordered, and I have an Artisan competition in the new year."
"I already told you there is no need to rush the cabinets," Charlus said. "You gave us a pair, which is enough for us to work with for now. And don't forget you will be spending time with your godmother at Longbottom Manor over the Yule holidays."
Harry smiled. "She has been writing to me frequently. So much that Neville complains that she prefers me over him."
Charlus raised his eyebrow. "I can say the same thing about Neville. He would be much easier on my heart because he doesn't cause any trouble."
"Give him a few years, and I'm sure he will surprise you," Harry joked. "Is there a reason you came to see me?"
"In addition to spending time with your godmother, I want you to spend the holidays with me working on the Potter Manor. It will eventually belong to you, so you should have a say in how it's built."
Harry grinned. "Do you even have to ask? Have you finished clearing out the rubble yet? Did you find the wardstone?"
Charlus shook his head. "Voldemort destroyed the wardstone, which was pretty stupid of him. They aren't easy to come by anymore."
"Then what are we going to do?"
"Ragnok has one that he is willing to sell to me."
"He knew that saving the director's life would pay off like that?"
"He's still extorting me with the price he's selling it for," Charlus retorted. "Bloody goblins are always looking to earn more profit."
"Still, it solves the problem of not having a wardstone." Harry checked his watch. "I think I have done enough work on the car today. I will add you to the console so you can access the trunk."
"You need to add your grandmother as well."
Harry froze, his mind conjuring up images of his grandmother storming into his bedroom whilst he was spending private time with his girlfriends. He shuddered, picturing the ensuing chaos if such a scenario ever occurred.
"Do we really need to allow grandmother access to my trunk?" Harry inquired, his tone pleading.
Charlus was unmoved by his pleas. "If an emergency arises, she will be the first to respond to it."
"Stupid grandparents," Harry muttered beneath his breath. "I will have to find somewhere else for me and the girls to spend time. It is a good thing Fawkes can flame-travel me now."
Charlus glared. "That flaming chicken isn't allowed to take you anywhere unless it's an emergency."
"I consider private time with my girlfriends an emergency."
"You little brat," Charlus choked out, laughing.
Harry sat in the Great Hall, eating his lunch and casting a wary look at his girlfriends. Something was going on with them, as they had been extra secretive in recent days, spending more time with Hermione.
He noticed Hermione had got a haircut, and her hair was much tamer and sleeker, tied in a casual ponytail. It made a significant difference in her appearance, as her hair no longer detracted from her natural beauty. Additionally, Hermione had opted for clothes that hugged her figure, a departure from her usual baggy attire that concealed her curves. Yesterday, he had caught a glimpse of her lovely bottom as she bent over, framed by a pair of jeans, which sparked some impure thoughts in his mind.
Harry made a conscious effort to quash the rising tide of emotions and desires that stirred within him. Despite being perceptive enough to notice Hermione's budding affection towards him, he refused to entertain the idea of reciprocating those feelings. He understood the potential complications that could arise from indulging in romantic entanglements with Hermione.
The weight of his existing commitments made him wary of venturing into unknown territory, as he feared that it would add another layer of complexity to his already complicated love life, which could potentially result in disaster.
"Harry, is Hermione seeing anyone?" Ron nudged him, jolting him from his thoughts.
"Yes!" Harry blurted out instinctively, causing everyone around him to turn and stare at him, including Hermione. Hopefully, she hadn't heard them.
Neville smirked. He had heard their exchange.
"Do you know who she is seeing?" Ron's face fell.
"Er…," Harry started, before drawing a complete blank.
"It doesn't matter who she is seeing," Neville firmly stated, coming to Harry's rescue. "It's none of your business. Besides, Hermione and you don't suit each other as you're far too different. The only reason you are asking about her now is because she is much prettier after she improved her appearance, isn't it?"
Ron's face flushed crimson, and he muttered something under his breath.
"What are you talking about, Harry?" Susan asked.
Before Harry could respond, Luna and Ginny approached him.
"You have a lot of Wrackspurts flying around your head, Harry," Luna said with her usual dreamy expression.
Harry grinned at Luna. "You should make one of your necklaces for me, Luna. I wouldn't want to fall victim to those invisible pests."
"What are you going on about?" Ginny asked. "Don't you realise what she truly means is that you're having a brain—"
"I'd be delighted to create a necklace for you, Harry," Luna interrupted.
"Perhaps you can show me how to make them someday," Harry suggested. "It's purely out of professional curiosity, of course."
Luna considered the suggestion for a moment. "It's a family secret. You'd have to marry me to learn it."
Harry's eyes widened at Luna's remark but caught the subtle smirk on her lips. He shook his head in bemusement.
"What are you talking about?" Ron interjected, visibly puzzled. "They're just bottle caps. She's completely barmy."
Ginny's quick response beat Harry to the punch when he was about to defend Luna. She brandished her wand and pointed it at Ron, causing his expression to change to one of fear.
"Do you have anything else to say?" Ginny's tone carried a hint of threat.
"It seems you've been affected by another magical creature's influence, Ron," Luna said. "It's known as a Whimsy Winkledum—a tiny invisible fairy with the power to induce unreasonable immaturity in boys."
The table erupted in laughter at Luna's words. Ron grumbled but wisely refrained from further comment whilst Ginny's wand remained pointed in his direction.
"Where's the other member of the Terrible Trio?" Daphne asked.
Ginny grinned. "Astoria needed to leave early to serve detention with Professor Snape. She blew up a cauldron in class, causing one of our classmates' robes to melt away. Did you know that some wizards don't bother to wear underwear?"
Daphne winced. "Thanks for the mental image. I must have a word with my sister; it's embarrassing to be associated with someone who has such disastrous potion skills. Is she even a Greengrass?"
"Don't be too hard on Astoria," Tracy said. "She has her own strengths. It would be boring if she were just another carbon copy of her sister."
Daphne pursed her lips and chose not to respond.
"Can we join you lot until the holidays?" Ginny enquired. "Professor Lockhart has been giving me the creeps recently. He's been overly friendly, going out of his way to chat with me and inviting me into his classroom."
Harry's suspicions were immediately aroused. "Why would he be interested in you? You're not even in his class."
Ginny shrugged, a hint of unease in her expression. "I'm not sure, but his behaviour gives me a bad feeling."
Ron was listening intently to his sister, and he cast a glance at Percy and the twins seated further down the table. It was evident what was running through his mind.
"Don't be a git and say anything to them," Ginny cautioned Ron. "You know how protective they get when they think I'm in trouble."
Ron's face took on a mulish expression.
"I think you're being unfair to Ron," Harry said. "He is probably the most protective of all your brothers. You should appreciate him more for looking out for you."
Ginny grimaced but didn't contest the observation.
"Come sit with us," Gabrielle invited, patting the seat beside her. "You can hang about with us girls for the next few days."
"Miss Weasley," Minerva interjected, approaching her. "May I have a word with you in private?"
Ginny followed her from the Great Hall. Luna took a seat next to Gabrielle and began filling her plate with pancakes.
Daphne watched Ginny leave with a curious expression. "What do you think that's about?"
"Grandmother probably suspects something is off about Professor Lockhart," Harry speculated.
"What do you mean, Harry?" Hermione asked.
"Have you noticed how much attention she has been paying to Professor Lockhart during mealtimes?" Harry elaborated when she gave him a puzzled look. "It's not obvious, but she is watching him as though she suspects something."
"Only you would pick up on that," Gabrielle chuckled. "After all, she is your grandmother."
Harry continued. "And what about all the cats in the castle? Have you noticed their peculiar behaviour? They seem a bit too organised. I suspect my grandmother has them keeping an eye on the castle, perhaps even on Professor Lockhart specifically."
Luna looked up from her plate, her eyes sparkling. "I propose that Professor Kitty's group be called the Order of the Cat. Imagine if there were more secret organisations named after an Animagus."
Harry's jaw fell open in astonishment. How much did Luna know about his grandfather's order?
Luna gave him an innocent expression. "I asked my daddy to collect the newspapers that you asked for. He should send them to you within a week."
Harry's mouth snapped shut. "Thanks, Luna."
Would he ever understand this girl?
1st January
Harry finished his end-of-term exams tied for second place with Daphne, with Hermione maintaining her position as the top student in their year. Whilst excelling in practical subjects requiring the use of a wand, Harry's performance in theoretical subjects fell short due to his focus on various projects. Despite this, he was satisfied with his score.
To avoid any potential threats from Albus, Harry and Ginny opted not to take the train back to London. Instead, Ginny experienced flame travel for the first time, courtesy of Fawkes, who teleported her directly to the Burrow. Harry, on the other hand, used the Vanishing Cabinet to return home, enjoying the novelty of the method.
Harry spent the first two days of the Yule holiday with his grandparents, godfather and girlfriends. Gabrielle pulled him aside as he was about to leave to spend a few days at Longbottom Manor.
"Hermione will invite you to her house on New Year's Day," she announced. "It will allow you to go on a date and begin your relationship."
"What?" Harry exclaimed.
"Susan, Daphne and I have already discussed it," Gabrielle said. "We care for Hermione too much not to allow her to explore her feelings with you."
"Is that why Hermione has been spending more time with you lately? And the makeover?" Harry enquired, then caught himself. "Sorry, that came off as conceited. Am I getting too spoiled?"
"Maybe a little," Gabrielle replied. "But you still treat us amazingly well, so I shall forgive you. Hermione needed a change to boost her self-confidence; it's not solely about you."
Harry blinked. "She has plenty of confidence."
"Don't be dense," Gabrielle scolded. "She's confident academically, but not so much in her appearance or with boys outside our circle."
"I've got it," Harry sighed, running a hand over his face. "Are you really alright with me dating Hermione?"
"We're open to seeing how things progress," Gabrielle clarified. "At the very least, she'll gain some dating experience and have the chance to snog you. Whether it evolves further, only time will tell."
Harry enjoyed a delightful few days at Longbottom Manor with Neville and Alice. He helped Neville in his greenhouses, even though he could think of better things to do with his time. Alice's nurturing presence was evident, and Neville thrived under her care, gaining confidence with each passing day.
Harry appreciated that Alice didn't try to assume a maternal role with him; instead, she treated him like an adult, showing genuine interest in his artisan pursuits. Alice was still on the mend, so she tired quickly. Neville set up a sofa in the greenhouse so she could watch them work.
When Hermione contacted him through the two-way mirror, inviting him to spend New Year's Day together, Harry accepted. Her excitement was palpable as she suggested a visit to Diagon Alley, mentioning a stop at the Daily Prophet to search for old copies of the paper from the war.
Harry couldn't help but grin at Hermione's practical mindset, already considering doing research during their date.
On the first of January, his grandmother took him to Hermione's house. Minerva didn't say anything about the visit, either because she didn't know about his potential relationship with Hermione, or she didn't want to know.
Harry had only been here once before, when they went to the gym to work out, and the place hadn't changed at all. Steeling his nerves, he knocked on the door, and Hermione opened it a moment later. Thankfully, it wasn't her father who answered.
Hermione looked amazing in her green sweater dress, the rich green hue complementing her complexion. It was paired with black tights and knee-high boots, perfect for a day out in the crisp winter air.
"Harry!" Hermione pulled him into a hug, holding it longer than she usually would. "Did you have a good holiday?"
"I can't complain," Harry murmured. "And you?"
Hermione rolled her eyes. "I spent it with some dreadfully dull cousins of mine."
"Hello, Harry," Helen chimed in from behind Hermione. "Have you come to finally steal my daughter away? My heart isn't prepared."
"Mum," Hermione groaned. "I did ask you to stay in the kitchen, didn't I?"
Helen winked at Harry. "She's so embarrassed by me, she tried to lock me away."
Harry found himself at ease with her playful manner, though he couldn't help but glance into the house, half-expecting David to make an appearance.
"David's not here," Helen said, correctly interpreting his expression. "He had an emergency call-out. You've been spared the thumbtack interrogation for another day."
Harry swallowed hard. "Lucky me."
Helen introduced herself to Minerva by extending her hand. "Hello, I don't believe we've met. You must be Harry's grandmother and Hermione's teacher. I'm Helen."
"Minerva will do," she said, shaking Helen's hand. "You must be proud of your daughter. She's a remarkable witch."
Hermione blushed at the compliment.
Helen nodded. "Nothing surprises me about my daughter anymore."
"Can we head out now?" Hermione bounced with excitement. "Harry and I have plans in Diagon Alley."
Helen chuckled. "I'm sure you do. Will you be joining them, Minerva?"
Minerva glanced at Harry. "No, I came here to introduce myself. If you don't mind, may we come inside? Harry is going to use an unconventional method to travel to Diagon Alley, and we can't let the neighbours see it."
Helen was about to offer tea in the living room when Fawkes appeared in a burst of flames, startling her. Fawkes settled on the back of the sofa, and Hermione rushed over to pet him.
"A phoenix?" Helen gasped weakly, hand on her chest.
"This is Fawkes," Harry explained. "He'll be taking us to Diagon Alley."
Helen eyed Fawkes dubiously. "Is he safe?"
"Perfectly," Harry assured her. "I've used this method of travel several times and remained completely unscathed."
"Let's go, Harry," Hermione said, grabbing his hand and Fawkes with the other.
"Wait, when are—" Helen started, only to watch in awe as the teenagers vanished with Fawkes. "That girl is always in a rush."
"I fear Harry isn't the best influence on her," Minerva commented.
"I think it goes both ways," Helen said. "Would you like some tea? I have a feeling we will be getting to know each other rather well in the future."
"I'm afraid so," Minerva sighed. "I already have to worry about two fathers and an intimidating witch coming after Harry if he hurts their daughters. Should I expect the same from Hermione's father?"
Helen winced. "I was only half-joking about the thumbtacks."
Harry's Progress Update:
Magic Reserves: 5350
Shop Points: 2620
Level: 14 Next: 10210/ 500000
Artisan Rank: 912th
Renown: 685
Workshop Level: 2 Next [8950/10000]
Level 3 Unlocks: Wardstone; Protection Wards
Crafting Book Level: 2 Next [875/10000]
[IV] Warden [Mastered]
[III] Arcane Resistance [3/5]
[III] Animagus [Mastered]
[III] Velocier [Mastered]
[III] Assimilate Runes [2/5]
[III] Dexterity [5/5] [Mastered]
[II] Steady Hands [Mastered]
[II] Elder Futhark Runes [Mastered]
[II] Anglo-Saxon Runes [Mastered]
[II] Parseltongue Runes [Mastered]
[II] Majikkurun Runes [Mastered]
[II] Construction 4/5]
[II] Blacksmithing [3/5]
[II] Leatherworking [4/5]
[II] Whittling [2/5]
New! [Mechanical Engineering] [2/5]
[I] Maintenance [3/5]
[I] Dismantling [3/5]
[I] Calligraphy [5/5]
[I] Drawing [Mastered]
[II] Gem Crafting [2/5]
Current Tasks
Task #8: Build crafting stations for the workshop (ongoing).
General experience earned 1000
Task #10: Climb to the 750th position in the rankings.
5000 workshop points; additional rare items added to the Magic Emporium.
Task #11: Locate the Earth Vault and discover the treasure that lies within.
General experience 200000; Shop Points 500
Task #12: Locate the Fire Vault and discover the treasure that lies within.
General experience 200000; Shop Points 500
Task #13: Locate the Water Vault and discover the treasure that lies within.
General experience 200000; Shop Points 500
Task #14: Locate the Wind Vault and discover the treasure that lies within.
General experience 200000; Shop Points 500
Task #15: Locate the Province Vault and discover the treasure that lies within.
General experience 200000; Shop Points 500
Task #16: Locate all five Cursed Vaults and their treasures.
General experience 1000000; Shop Points 1000; Artifact (?)
So, what do you think? In the next chapter, Hermione and Harry go on a date, and the artisan competition in Helsinki approaches.
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Thanks for reading.