Chapter 1: Union of the three heroes and the River of Heavens

(Don't know how many times I'm supposed to do this, but I would like to remind that I do not own of any of these characters that isn't my OC. All rights of characters and music go to their respective owners and if you haven't played this game I would highly recommended checking it out since this is basically a rewrite. Anyways enjoy.)


No one's POV

We find our abducted human in empty black void floating unconsciously for who knows how long stirring slightly from hearing a muffled roar which sounds somewhat familiar "N-ngh" the human slowly opened his eyes abit still half asleep seeing nothing around him emptiness he tried his best to move but couldn't find the energy to do it not even to move his head much to see his body slowly sink into the dark

"Where am I? Is this really where I die? Being...wherever I am." Seeing that there's no way out to of this as if whatever force is keeping him here wants him to stay but a part of his saying to not give up then suddenly cutting the dark a speck of light came out nowhere landing right beside him before the human heard what sounded like a howling wolf watching as the light started getting bigger covering everything causing the human to close his eyes so that he wouldn't get blinded by it.

=Key of Light Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

The human found himself covering his eyes which he didn't even realize he was doing till he uncovered them coming face to face with a white wolf with it eyes having yellow irises and strange red markings all around its body and what looks trails of different colors almost like they were different colors of the rainbow coming off its back giving our human a concentrated but calming stare trying to tell him that he's not going to be harmed by them. The human didn't how to respond to this sight since there were so many questions going through his head at once but that wasn't until he looked around seeing that he and the wolf were floating in high over land that the human does not recognize at all with it all having some kind of very Japanese vibe to it. "W-who are you?" the boy asked and in response the wolf lets out another howl this time with it sounding much more mightier than before with the world around them started to explode with the boy slowly covering his eyes once more with all he could see was the wolf walking away as everything went black once again. Little did he know that wolf did much more than just save him

=Can stop the music=

-Kamiki Village-

Kamiki Village the same one that was doomed with the dreaded curse of Orochi freed from it for almost a whole century but was like a barren wasteland with not even a single person out and about with the sky looking mighty ferocious as a powerful storm going on carrying boulders into its strong winds with a single star shining through the clouds. Lying at the top of the village under a giant sacred tree lies a pedestal with a statue of a wolf resembling the great white wolf Shiranui from the village's fable story that took place almost 100 years ago. By some strange force a rock was thrown at the statue but was quickly blocked when a woman a kimono and leaf looking accessories on her body, and she was also floating off the ground. She was known as the Wood Sprite Sakuya the guardian spirit of the great tree in Kamiki Village. "How troublesome! This is just like the ancient prophecy of doom." the sprite said as she watched the boulder roll down the side of the cliff into the water before looked up at the sky seeing how crazy the storm is feeling very unnatural "What has transpired to bring forth such a calamity. We must act quickly! There's time to lose!" Sakuya thought to herself looking at the wolf statue "My powers may have diminished throughout the years from protecting this area. I don't even have much time left in this world. But I can do this." the sprite turns away from the statue and begins twirling her arms like she's summoning something "Amaterasu, now is the time. We have never needed your power more than ever now. Shine your divine light upon this broken and polluted world. Let your heavenly rays become our hope as you guide us all!" She said summoning what looks to be some kind of brass looking shield before sending it flying over to the wolf statue and onto its back. As soon as it did the rim of the shield become glowing a bright orange before flames started bursting it from as the statue started gaining color.

-Amaterasu's POV-

I let out a mighty howl feeling myself finally being able to move my body again after not being able to move for how long not sure myself but thank goodness that's over. But that doesn't matter as I shook any dirt or whatever was on my fur seeing a floating woman in a dress if I remembered correctly her name Sakuya and was a wood sprite. "Guess she was the one who woke me so it's better to see what's going on." I thought jumping down off the pedestal I was since from the look of things the place looks like it's getting hit with one heck of a storm and there's definitely an eerie feeling about it, but I can't exactly put my paw on it "Ah! Such divine white light! Such beauty and grace! The only one capable of such a vendrous spectacle is none other than our mother and the origin of all that is, Amaterasu!" I heard Sakuya say not minding the bit of praise, but I still felt a little tired even after waking up "How delightful to see the savior whose brave sacrifice sealed away the evil demon almost 100 years ago has not changed one bit." Sakuya said which definitely took me by surprise. 100 years!? Talk about one heck of a nap if I say so myself "Seeing you emerge after so many years spent as a statue brings happiness to my heart!" watching Sakuya wipe her nose abit as I saw that she was abit in tears from the sight of me which I can see is understandable but I let out a yawn seeing that sleep is trying catch up again to me as I lied down on the ground closing my eyes taking a nap "Uuuhh Amaterasu...*coughs* gaze above and take in the condition of the sky. Since your untimely departure from our midst, the world has succumbed to devious and vicious beasts. They have ravaged our fine and bountiful country of Nippon... But never in my life have I've seen the circumstances been this bad than they are this very moment."

-No one's POV-

Sakuya looks back down at the lying wolf goddess expecting her to at least take the situation somewhat serious "Please use all that you can to banish the darkness and punish those who would do us harm." Before the sprite could continue, she felt something moving around in her dress, more specifically her chest area which got the wolf a little curious as she lifted her head up "Ehh? What is this? Has something stolen its way into my robe?" whatever it was that moving in between her breast was becoming more active which felt ticklish to her till she couldn't take it anymore as she began laughing with whatever was in her robe fly out landing in front of the white wolf making the sprite calmed down. Whatever it was it was glowing green and looked like a tiny person wearing some kind of hat "Phew! What on earth?" Sakuya said she looked down at the tiny person knowing exactly who it is letting out a defeating sigh "You again?" She said as the tiny person started rolling around till they jumped back up on their feet "Ow ow ow ow ow! Are you nuts! Boy, for a little thing you sure make a big fuss! I was just tryin' to make the conversation more interesting, that's all." said the little person who had a masculine voice "Were you napping in my clothes again, bug?" Sakuya asked remembering this lil' one did the same exact thing before which cause the bug? to start glowing red and jumping around furiously "Oi, how many times do I have to remind you to stop calling me that. My name is Issun and I'm a wandering artist." The artist named Issun said as he hops side to side as he was speaking "I'll show just how good of an artist I am, and it won't be long now till you're bowing down to my brush. Here take a look at this wolfie." Issun said he got out a normal size scroll from who knows where and tosses it at wolf goddess now with her getting a full view of Issun's drawing of Sakuya. It was decent at best she thought before waving it off her face so that she can see more than 1-inch in front of her face "So whaddya think? Even better the real thing, am I right?" Issun said before hopping over to Amaterasu to get a closer inspection of her before hopping onto her nose.

"What's with you anyways furball. You look pretty down in the dumps. Actually, you look pretty familiar... Oh wait you look exactly like that statue of Shiranui" Before Issun could continue Amaterasu quickly gobbled him up in her mouth so that he would stop talking which didn't end well as she spat him back out as she felt a sharp pain on her tongue "Hey! What do you think you're doing!? Do I look like a snack to you!?" Issun said as he began to glow red again "A handsome guy like me should never smell like the inside of wolf's mouth! I'll make you regret doing that to the great Issun. Don't make me use my prized sword Denkomaru against you mutt!" The second Issun drew his sword a loud roar was heard by the three that shook the bones within them unbeknownst to them the single star in the sky started moving with Issun hopping on the wolf's head "Wh-what the heck was that? And why is it so dark and gloomy anyways?" Issun asked as Sakuya began fading away "O great god Amaterasu... I've used all the power left to protect Kamiki Village. But the village lives on with their spirits safely encased in my fruit. Cut it down and the village will be reborn! I trust in you, I know that you will lead us down the right path. Only your power can restore life back to the village and all of Nippon." With that Sakuya faded away with her powers returning to her tree as Amaterasu and Nippon watched seeing a giant peach hanging off a single branch "The tree is back to normal. That girl did say some weird stuff like the villagers' spirits being incased in a fruit which if I had to guess is that giant peach hanging from that branch. Now the only problem is cutting it down. If you don't have some kind of special power to cut it down, there ain't no way to restore the village." Issun said seeing a glowing entrance at the base of the tree with Amaterasu looking at the peach before her ears raised abit from hearing some kind of twink sound to her left noticing the star was moving and getting bigger as if it was getting closer "Hey, what's up with you wolfie? Hmm?" Issun said as he saw the same thing Amaterasu was seeing "A shooting star during something like that's totally unnatural but whatever we should get going on into..." before Issun could finish that sentence the shooting star got closer before it made a curve with the two watching as it crashed a ways away down the path full of curiosity the wolf goddess raced down the path to see what crashed "Whoa whoa hold up furball you can't just go running like that as much as I'm curious about that star too but it could be something dangerous." Issun said to Amaterasu as he was holding onto the fur on her head "Just be careful." The wolf nodded as she got closer to where the star crashed seeing what looks to be a human more specifically a human male wearing some strange clothes "Who the heck is that and importantly what is with those clothes? I've been all over Nippon and I've never seen clothes like that before." Issun said with Amaterasu walking up to the unconscious human noticing a grey wolf like tattoo on his right hand before pawing his head seeing if that would wake him up receiving a small groan from him seeing that he was starting to wake up

-Noah's POV-

Once again, I found myself passed out but this time as I was waking up, I felt dirt this time instead of nothing...ness? from that creepy dark place but not only was I feeling dirt I felt some touching the back of my head causing me to groan abit as I thought it was someone waking me up hearing someone calling out to me "...ey you..wake up" I slowly started waking up more as I got onto my knees rubbing my eyes and upon opening them I see a wolf sitting down in front me "WHA" I yelled as I fell on my rear from seeing the wolf strange enough it looked like that one wolf that I saw in that weird place but this one didn't look like the one from before and something glowing green ontop of it but I was freaked out by this till the glowing green thing jumped off the wolf's head hopping towards me "Hey would you calm down for a second!" The glowing green thing said to my surprised look liked a tiny person which startled me even more but keeps myself from freaking out even more "Who are you and where am I!?" I yelled which caused the wolf to get in some sort of defensive position as if it was ready to attack "Man you are to yell but you are looking at the great wandering artist Issun and his new sidekick wolf." Issun said as he hopped back onto Amaterasu hopping on her nose "And you are currently in Kamiki Village er.. well what should be the village." when the glowing bug Issun said that my eyes widen since that village sounded awfully familiar since that was the same village that was said in the prologue of that legend then it clicked this wolf looked exactly like same one on the cover art of box for the game, when all this came together I placed my hands on my face with a look of dread "Don't tell me, did that black thing bring me into the game!?" processing this felt like hit by a train since this shouldn't be possible at all, I mean getting sucked into a video game sounded ridiculous but my thought process was interrupted

"Now the real question is Who exactly are you and where did you come from because I have not seen anyone dressed like you, and I've been all over the place" Issun asked which caused me to flinch abit before thinking of something since how I would explain I'm in a video game for crying out loud "I guess I got no choice" I whispered to myself "Well my name is Noah and it's kind of hard to explain but I'm not exactly from around here." I said which causes the wolf to tilt their head "You're going to have to be more specific than that, I mean where exactly?" Issun asked cutting though my vague answer seeing no way around I let out a sigh and explain to the two what happened from the day I got the game to me getting sucked into the TV "Bah, now that just sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me. All this being some kind of game just sounds pretty ridiculous if you ask me." Issun said not buying any of this which I can't blame him "But it's true you have to believe me" I pleaded to them with Issun hopping off of the wolf hopping away from them "Well it's pretty hard to believe that you came from a completely different world but by the way you're dressed and the fact you fell from the sky. I would have to believe some of it. And by the sound of it, it seems you don't have any way of getting back" Issun said as I let out a sigh mentally thanking him for at least believing some of it looking at the wolf seeing that look more feminine so I have to believe that that they're a girl give me a slight nod also believing my story which causes me to smile abit before I placed a hand on their head and gently pets her getting a wagging tail as a result "If I may ask what exactly is going on?" as I asked pointing up to the sky that looks very terrifying and very unnatural getting the full explanation from Issun as I got up dusting any dirt off of me as I took this all in

"And that's the gist of it" Issun said as he was back ontop of Amaterasu's head "Ok I think I understand. If its too much ask, might I join you guys I can try my best to help out." I asked getting a nod from the wolf "Well the wolf has spoken. Let's go we got a village to save. Then we can help you out." Issun said as we head up to the giant tree that was the end of the path noticing the wolf tattoo that was colored red on the back of my hand with red lines going up my hand but was hiding underneath the sleeve of my hoodie that "Huh I wonder when that got there." I said to myself but shrugs it off as I'm sure it didn't mean anything important. When we got to the top, I saw what looks to be some kind of doorway with light pouring out at the base of the giant tree.

"That's the doorway I was talking about. This could lead us to get something to cut down that giant peach up there" Issun said I saw the giant peach he was talking about which amazed me to see a fruit that big especially something like a peach "Well we should probably go in." Issun and the wolf nodded from this as we entered the doorway coming out on the other side to see ourselves in some strange place where the night sky was showing with a sea of stars with us being on plateaus so high that there was nothing but a sea of clouds around us.

-No one's POV-

=Cave of Nagi theme Okami=

"Where in the world are we?" Issun asked looking around not expecting a place like this inside of a tree of all places "Well whatever let's move forward and I can teach you two some things." the trio continued onward with Issun explaining to the wolf and human some things of the things he knows while they were collecting yen out of breaking pots with Noah letting out a sigh knowing exactly what reference that is till they came across a broken bridge "How are we going To past this?" Noah asked with sitting from ontop of Amaterasu's head "Looks like its time to show what the great Issun can do, watch this." Issun said he got out his brush and began painting where the missing bridge was with black ink and when he was done all the ink exploded revealing a work bridge which surprised the human "What!? How did you do that?" Noah asked still amazed by the sight of this "It's something I learned a while ago. By the way your name is Amaterasu, right?" Issun asked looking down at the wolf "That's pretty long mind if I call you Ammy from now on" "Ammy *chuckles* that's a cute name" Noah said seeing a faint blush from the wolf from being called cute, but she nods to the nickname "Ammy it is, anyways ever heard of the spirits of the brush? Good brushwork has its own soul, well that's what they at least. That was one of the techniques it took a while to master it but my dream is to master all 13 brush techniques" Issun explained as Ammy and Noah were crossing the bridge to the other side.

The trio continued on till they reached what seems to be a pond of stars before reading the text on the rock next to it "River of the Heavens" the text read "The River of Heavens? They mean the fabled stardust river? But I sure don't see anything like that around here." Issun said before they headed up the hill seeing absolutely nothing between the island they're on and the one they have to go next but they were interrupted when they a constellation of what looks to be a dragon but something felt off about it "Is it me or is that constellation missing a star" Noah asked looking at the part where a star was missing "Let me try" Issun said as he got out his brush and putting a single dot on top of where the missing star is supposed to be with actually appearing from said dot finishing the constellation causing it glow brightly before smoke came out of it and an actual dragon coming out of it with this one holding having a scroll going through the bottom half of it and having similar red markings to what Ammy has with the trio finding themselves in some heavenly like place with land far underneath them causing Noah to gasping abit remembering that this place was similar to when he met that wolf but turned his attention back to giant lizard as it sat down infront of them like how a snake would curl up

"Ah... Why if it isn't mother Amaterasu. I apologize for not contacting you sooner during these long years. Having never forgotten you, I, Yamigami, God of restoration, have eagerly awaited this day when we could again meet and your new companion one chosen by legend. "the dragon said gesturing towards Noah sensing the mark of Shiranui on him before returning his attention back to the wolf "While you were away, the 13 brush spirits of the brush that you once possessed, including myself, have been scattered all across the land of men, and now lie in disarray. I become a constellation and manage to survive until now. The time has finally come for you to go and seek out and reunite with all the techniques. Your power is what is needed to restore the dried riverbed of the heavens and renew the flow of stardust." Yamigami said before disappearing into a rainbow-like orb that circles around Ammy before she absorbed it feeling some strength returning to her body with the trio returning to where they were with Noah and Issun still in awe by what happened.

"Wow! That was Yamigami, the god of Rejuvenation!" Issun said excitingly before realizing something "Wait so now you have the power of Rejuvenation Ammy!? But can you really use it to the restore the River of the Heavens?" Issun asked as Noah tried to process everything once again "Wait so that was one of the 13 brush gods you were talking and now Ammy use his power now?" Noah asked trying to understand all of this with Issun responding "We're about to find out." as they were heading back down the hill to where the supposedly River of Heavens letting Ammy try out her new powers using her brush like tail to fill in the empty section with black ink and stopping with the ink exploding revealing an actual river of stardust which caused Noah and Issun to drop their jaws from the sight of this before Noah was the one to break the silence "Now that's something but now we have a way to get across." the human said as he stepped in the stardust river seeing that he was able to swim in it with no problem with the wolf following suit as they crossed to the other side spying a chest in the open

"Oh hey look" Noah said as he walked up to the chest and opens it up receiving what looks to be some kind of satchel with a silhouette of a wolf's face on it "Well that could be useful try putting it on" Issun recommended with Noah nodding to this before putting on the satchel around his waist seeing that it fits perfectly giving the other two a thumbs up "Fits like a glove" getting a happy bark from Ammy wolf "Well now we know who's going to be carrying out stuff" Issun jokingly said with a chuckle earning one from the human as well before placed his pointer finger and thumb on his chin "You know I was wondering what did Yamigami mean by the one 'chosen by legend'?" he asked, "I'm not sure but don't let that bother you we're still going to get you home" Issun said with Ammy barking as a response agreeing with him "Right, thanks you" the human said giving them a soft smile

"Let's keep going." Issun said getting a nod from the human and wolf before he jumped off of Ammy and onto Noah's head with the human questioning what's going on "This hood of yours seems like a better spot for me for me to rest in than on Ammy anyways don't mind me" Issun said getting a sigh from Noah thinking how ridiculous this is but they proceed on anyways coming across a pathway leading up a cliffside as they were ascending they opened a chest that had some strange bead in it with Issun explaining that it's a stray bead and something cool would happen if someone collects every one of them which caused the human to shrug before putting it away in the satchel before they continued onwards. As they finally reached the top they entered a cave that locks behind them with wooden pillars with Noah trying to move them but to no avail "Well guess we're stuck here but look at that" the human said pointing to the giant statue in the middle of the cave which was a giant warrior holding a sword that was missing half of the blade

"Is this the legendary shrine? We must be in the Cave of Nagi! The legendary hero Nagi is enshrined here! He vanquished evil 100 years ago with the help of the white wolf, Shiranui!" Issun explained which got Noah thinking that it might've been Shiranui that saved him but still doesn't know why "Best to leave that question be for now." the human said to himself since he wouldn't get any answers now and turns his attention back to the statue.

"First the River of Heavens and now this place. Just where are we exactly?" Issun asked knowing he isn't going to get an answered from the other two since they were just also lost as he was "But man this place is such a wreck I mean just look at the statue, just look at how bad of a condition its in. Guess the gods didn't do much to protect this place, huh." "hmmmm" the human said before turning to Ammy "Hey Ammy could you try using rejuvenation on the sword?" getting a head tilt from the wolf before used her tail brush filled in the emptiness above the sword regenerating the sword back to somewhat of former glory "Hehe now we're talking" Noah said cheerfully giving the wolf a pat on the head receiving another tail wag "Nice job Ammy" but the moment was short lived as another constellation was shining down onto them.

"Another one, this looks like" Issun stopped himself as Ammy drew in the missing stars revealing the constellation to be a mouse before the same thing happened like with Yamigami except this time it was a mouse wielding a sword 3x its size slicing the air like it wasn't heavy at all before stabbing it in the ground? and perching itself ontop of it.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't mother Amaterasu. It's been a long time. But with all these monsters around, the only place I could hide was in this shrine dedicated to ancient heroes. If there is anything I can do to assist in your endeavors. I'm at your service. I grant you the brush technique of power slash." The mouse said as he gave up his power to the wolf that she happily accepted before turning its attention to the human "And to you human chosen by legend I grant you a weapon to help fight off the darkness plaguing these lands." and with that the mouse disappear bringing the trio back to where they were before.

"Hey that was the brush god Tachigamu, master of the Power Slash technique. But wait a minute. If you're getting all these powers, then that means you're just like Shiranui! You know the legendary wolf that fought alongside Nagi. When Shiranui died all of its power was split into the 13 brush gods. Well anyways I've never seen the Power Slash technique before. So how about using it on those wooden pillars blocking the entrance." Issun said with him and Noah watching Ammy drew a slash like line on the pillars watching they were sliced in half surprised the two boys once again as they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"Damn that's crazy but what did Tachigamu mean by giving me a weapon to help?" Noah asked seeing both Issun and Ammy point to waist causing him to look seeing a seethed sword strapped to his waist "Oh" was all he said he grabbed the handle unsheathing the sword revealing it to be a katana a real one at that. The human gave it a close inspection seeing the handle was covered in a black and red leather and the blade looking completely clean with some Japanese words on it that he couldn't understand with Issun abit concerned

"Have you ever used a sword before Noah" Issun asked getting a head shake from the human "Nope but guess I got to learn now" the human said as he slashes the air infront of him seeing and feeling how quick the sword giving the two a smile and thumbs up showing some confidence "Eh, that doesn't make feel any better but whatever. Let's head back and cut that fruit down." Issun said getting a nod from the other two and make their way out of the cave but after going a few feet out of the cave the trio were trapped by some kind of spell leaving them in a small area of the path before 3 green monkey like monsters that had pieces of paper on their face appeared ready to attack the duo.

-Fields of Honor Kingdom Hearts 2 (og or remix is fine)-

"What the..who are these guys?" Issun yelled out as Noah dodged a claw swiped from one of them quickly getting his sword getting into a battle stance "No clue but they certainly aren't friendly. Ready Ammy?" Noah asked the wolf who in response let out a growl at the demons as they began attacking with Noah doing some basic slashes at one of them while blocking the attacks of the 2nd one before Ammy headbutted it away from it before going back to the one she was fighting using the shield on her back as a weapon that Issun explained was called a reflector and after a while the human and wolf finished off the last demon with Ammy using Power slash on it watching as some fangs dropped off of it as it vanished into air leaving behind some flowers with the trap disappearing as well

"Oh hey you got some demon fangs" Issun said as he jumped onto Noah's head "People can sell you some good stuff for these so its best to keep them" he explained with the human nodding putting fangs away in the satchel questioning how much stuff this thing carries since its holding onto the stuff they collected like yen, the stray bead and now the demon fangs but shakes it head not wanting that question to be answered as they continued their back out

As they finally made it back out the trio looked back at the tree seeing that was everything was still the same before Ammy used Power Slash on the giant fruit watching as it fell to ground as green like aura starts traveling down the land restoring it what it once was before it disperse with the storm being no more just showing darkness of the sky with not even a breeze blowing "Well that takes care of the chaos so let's go check on the village" Issun said they traveled down the pathway from the tree seeing some kind of statue of a person "Huh, I don't recall there being a statue here last time I checked but whatever let's keep going" Ammy continued down the cliff with Noah checking out the statue seeing that was too detailed to be a normal statue but shrugs it off and catches up with the wolf

While they explored the village they saw more of the statues littered about the place with Issun questioning about this "I don't get it this place lively the last time I was here but something isn't right, lets head to the sacred deck" Issun suggested with the other two heading up there walking past the statue of an old man with what looks to be some kind of fruit on his head which Noah found weird before reminding himself of where he is so anything is possible letting out a defeated sigh in the process "Gotta say its pretty dark here don't you guys agree." Noah asked earning a nod from the other two "I agree something feels very off first the sun's not even out and now the villagers can't even move a muscle. It's like there's some kind of curse. Is a monster responsible for this. It's not going to stay like forever, right?" Issun asked earning a sigh from Noah.

"Well unless somehow either of you two can make the sun appear I'm afraid I mean its not like the sun can be drawn" the human said not seeing the smirk on the wolf's face as she did just watching the two boys get surprised by this once again as everything was bright out with none of them noticing the tattoo on Noah started glowing red with Issun was the first to speak "What that I think about it your name is Amaterasu. That's name of the sun god! So it'd make sense that you'd have the Sunrise technique so that means you can make it day."

Noah walked up to the edge of the deck checking the area with Ammy doing the same looking over the railing "Well at least can we finally see thanks a lot Ammy" Noah said smiling at the wolf with her doing the same "You're welcome, Noah" Ammy said as the two looed out at the horizon with the human finally realizing what happened quickly turning to the wolf

"Wait did you just talk?" Noah asked with Ammy turning to him once again with the same puzzled look on her face "Did you just hear me speak?"

With the realization hitting them both Noah looked out into the distant sea with one thing that came out of his mouth "Ooooooooooooooooooh my gosh"

-End of Chapter 1-

Author talk

First off I would like to say that I'm sorry it took so long for this chapter. I wanted to release it sooner but a lot of things got me distracted like the 3DS eShop shutting down so I was playing games I got which were Yo-kai watch 1 and 3

Definitely had fun playing them. Kyubi is definitely my favorite monster in that series. But anyways I hoped you enjoy this chapter because I didn't expect to write this much but life is crazy like.

I would like to thank anyone that has read this story, makes me happy knowing that people enjoyed the prologue of this and I promise to do my best with this. And as you noticed I mesh together dialogue from the game with some of my own. I did it to bring more character into well the characters and yes Ammy is going to talk.

Anyways that's enough out of me I'll signing off *Alt F4s out of here*