Chapter 4: The fields and the baked prophets

-Shinshu Field Okami-

No one's POV

As the morning sun starts rising on the horizon our heroes started waking up from their slumber with Noah the 'Guardian' as two people have called him being the first waking up since he was used to waking up early to see white fur this caused him to panic quickly sitting up to see the Ammy was asleep next to him "Weird I swear she wasn't right there when we went to sleep." the human questioned quietly shrugging off as he got up seeing that Issun was still asleep too letting out small sigh as he got and started packing up while pondering on stuff like his importance to all of this sure someone as important as Sakuya and the celestial gods claimed that he was supposed to be some kind of guardian to Ammy but the pass day said something else as she was more versatile than he could ever be since she was a god and was the only one besides Issun even though he only used 1 technique back when they first met to use the brush techniques. He then put a hand up to his head hearing a distant voice in his head trying to call something out "...less.." with the voice so faint he put those shook those thoughts aside as covered he covered the ash pile with dirt just as the other two started waking up with Ammy being the one to greet him "Morning Noah, seems like you're one to wake up early huh" she said getting a nod from the human as he was munching on some of the bread that was in the bag while handing Ammy a bone since she said it was her favorite snack when they were buying stuff from the merchant back in Kamiki

"So, I take it we're gonna have a look around?" the human asked with Issun jumping on the wolf's head before responding "yup I figured since everything is basically new to you two, you guys should have a look around the place." getting a nod from the human since it does make sense before looking at his wolf companion "You down for it, Ammy?" he asked also getting a nod from so with that out of the way they began exploring Shinshu field while clearing out some of the remaining curse in the area with their first stop being what looks to be a dojo when they got inside they saw an old man standing in front some double doors

"Well, what do we have here? Looks like I have some interesting visitors. My name is Onigiri Sensei and this is my dojo." the man called Onigiri Sensei said but the three and him were fine if they just called him Sensei "now what business do you two have at a dojo like mine? Certainly, you haven't come to study the fighting style at my dojo." Sensei asked with the two thinking about it for a bit "Well it wouldn't hurt to try." Noah said with the wolf nodding agreeing to it as well with the old man laughing "Ah ha ha, I like your spirits, my friends, I would very much like to wile away with you two with hours of training, but I'm afraid that this place if far too dangerous for you two.? The old man smirks "That is of course, unless you can cover the training fee. Life isn't free after all." the two sighed knowing was eventually going to come but ultimately agrees to paying the fee which caused the Sensei to nod and the unthinkable which left our heroes jaw dropped he flipped his head upside to show a more serious "Now it's time your training to begin, I won't take quitters! Now step in and we can begin!" the now more serious sensei said as he the doors behind him opened with the human and wolf walking through with the old man following coming to what looks to be some kind of training room with the man stopping the two with his staff before he walked a bit to the other side before turning back to the two

-Road to a hero Kingdom Hearts 2.5 version-

"Now listen up my pupils! I see a lot of potential in you two so this training will be harsh, we don't accept cowards here! So be ready to train till your bones ache!" Sensei said firmly like a general to his soldiers for basic training as the two gave a firm nod with that their training nod with Ammy learning some new combat techniques with her reflector as Noah was learning more defensive moves like cartwheeling out the way of the old man's attacks and using his katana to block them as he was starting to get the hang of using it and after about training the old man told them to stop with the young man and wolf standing side by side "Ah now that's what I call some good training! I can definitely see that you two will go far and beyond, however I have taught all that I know for now. Now you two can leave but remember to train yourselves everyday these are dark times for us but make sure to be the beacon of light for not only each other but for all of us." Sensei claimed as the two smiled and nodded before exiting the room with Sensei rubbing his chin examining the two "Those two will definitely go far especially if one of them is a god." he whispered as he went back to the first

(can stop the music)

As the trio exited the dojo Issun hopped on Ammy's head and asked if they wanted to check out where the Moon Cave was since that's where the battle Nagi had 100 years ago with them nodding since it would sound interesting to see and as soon as they passed under the shrine gate, they land in some unfamiliar place with a narrow path that leads to some kind of mountain with the air around them feeling a bit sinister "Huh? I don't get it we passed under the shrine gate and followed the narrow path... So where the heck is the Moon Cave? It should be right here! Nevermind that what's with that big ol' mountain over there? Since when did that thing appear in the middle of Lake Harami? They say the Moon Cave is where Nagi slew the legendary beast. But that huge mountain is way too big for the Moon Cave I remember. I mean just look at it, its huge" Issun finished saying as they all looked at the mountain however the human was getting affected the sinister air as he heard whispers coming from nowhere as he looked around for any source of to find no one which sent chills down his spine "We should get out of here I'm getting a bad feeling about this place." the others nodded as they left passing by what was suppose the port from Shinshu to Agata forest but according Issun is out of service due to the water levels dropping so the only place to check out was a house by the shore of the lake but first they had to wheel with some flying demon fish that apparently can explode which thanks to the training they got from Sensei were easy to defeat with the demons slain they entered the strange looking house seeing a man who was wearing a strange hat lit fuse on his head

"That can't be right... It shouldn't be doing that..." the man said as he continued "I checked and double-checked my formula!" the man rambled as Noah finally spoke up "Everything alright sir" this caused the man to turn his head to see who calling him "Hm? Whoa! Now this is a sight to behold. A young man in strange clothes, a wolf and a wisp." the last part ticked Issun off a bit as he started glowing red "Hey who you callin' a wisp! I'm Issun the Wandering Artist!" he said angrily "Well, well, well. You're a little ball of fire, aren't you? Anyways the name's Tama. Tama the Flaming Pyrotechnist! That's what they call me." Tama said as he introduced himself giving a handshake to the young man "Listen up, you three. I'm just about to set off a hum-dinger of a doozy. Take a look at the formula I posted on the wall there. My whole career as a pyrotechnist has led to that formula my friends." Tama said as he, Ammy and Issun looked on the formula meanwhile Noah was trying figure out what in hum-dinger means "It's for a little firework I've dubbed the Midnight Wonder Boy! However, there's only one problem... Even though I know the formula is sound, it's not working right yet." Tama explained before getting an idea "I know! Listen pup. You've got good eyes. Fiery eyes... Smoldering eyes... Maybe your red-hot glare is just what I need to set this off! Feast your eyes on the greatest display the world has ever seen! Hold onto your hats if you got any, kids. Here I go. The brightest constellation in the sky- The Midnight Wonder Boy!" Tama yelled as he lit the lighter he held in how mouth before he started throwing powder in the giant bowl in front of him before twirling the lighter in his hand and threw it in the bowl with Ammy drawing the object that was drawn on the wall which was on the formula which caused a makeshift bomb to appear in the bowl with the heroes running out of the house as they saw it sky rocket into the chimney above them just in time for them to see the fireworks show gazing at the sky as silhouettes appeared in the explosions "Holy smokes! That Tama may have a few screws loose but boy, can he deliver!" Issun said as the three continued to watch the show, but the moment was interrupted when starlight started shining down on them meaning only one thing "Hey isn't that.." Noah asked with his suspicions to be true as an incomplete constellation of a celestial brush god appeared with Ammy filling out the missing stars to reveal the constellation to be a pig balancing on top of a bomb with the world around them changing to the one before with the other brush gods as constellation came to life with an actual hog with the same marks as Ammy came rolling down on a bomb being chased four smaller ones chasing him with lit torches before stopping the bomb with one of the babies bumping into it lighting the fuse as Noah started to panic before the bigger hog blew it out before he rolled over to the wolf and human

"Ah... Amaterasu. Origin of all that is good and mother to us all... Too often, it is easy to forget that which we cannot see. Hidden away, I had lost track of you. But now my soul is at ease. I, Bakugami, god of explosive force, lend my power to your cause. Use the Cherry Bomb to lay waste to foes and obstacles alike!" with that finished the smaller hogs lit up their torches chasing Bakiugami away with the three watching with Noah covering his face not wanting to see the end of it as the bomb underneath blew up with a rainbow orb rolling right into Ammy as she absorbs with the world around them returning to normal "I don't know if I found that amusing or horrifying." Noah said as Issun started hopping on Ammy head "Well lucky for us Tama's enthusiasm must've awakened Bakugami's power in Ammy! Well, what're we waiting for? Let's start using that Cherry Bomb technique!" Issun said excitedly as he pointed to a cracked wall on the hill side "Why not try it on that cracked wall over there? Just be careful" the artist said as Ammy did just that smirking a bit as she did right in front of Noah as a small prank with the human gasping and panicking before kicking the bomb away to the crack wall with the bomb exploding revealing a small opening that lead to a cave but with the prank that the wolf gave the human an idea "Hey I just thought of something cool we can try out next time." the human said before turning the laughing wolf and artist waving his arms like crazy as he shouted the wolf "And Ammy that was not funny!" the wolf and artist even harder before calming themselves after a bit with Issun speaking up "Well I think we've seen everything in Shinshu Field. Maybe we should back to Kamiki Village and check up on Sakuya." the artist sated as they began heading back to Kamiki seeing as they explored basically everywhere of Shinshu after clearing up some more cursed spots and Ammy using her Bloom techniques behind the gate that lead to the village seeing them fully bloom with cherry blossom leaves

-Cherry Blossom Shower Okami-

When the three entered the village, they found the place to be a lot more lively than the last time they were there with gentle blowing breeze going throughout the village "Whoa hey what's this all about? The village's just bustling with activity! Wonder what's going on?" Issun asked as the trio shrugged continuing through the place seeing everyone so lively and energetic as Ammy kept using Bloom on any dead tree she finds getting a thumbs up from the human seeing that place is looking a lot better now that the trees are being restored to what they once were till they got to Mr. Orange on the sacred deck who looked like he preparing to do something deciding to respect his space as they sat to the side since this did look very important as the old man began speaking "At last... At last, the answer to all my prayers! All the village's trees have sprung back to life! It is time to harness the power that dwells within the good earth. Yes! It is time for the Konohana Shuffle! I shall summon back the spirit of the divine tree Konohana!" Mr. Orange said as he held up a reddish orange sake bottle looking at it with a determined look "But first, I must break my vow of temperance. I shall gingerly sip this sake, and soon we shall see blossoms!" with that said Mr. Orange became drinking the sake he dubbed Sake of Valor letting a gas of red mist as he burped before throwing the bottle away as he began to feel the effects of the drink as he did some kind pose with the orange on his head growing massive "Oh, yes. Yes! YES!" the old man determinedly shouted out causing the human and artist to look concerned "Hey gramps, you ok? You got a weird look in your eyes!" Issun asked getting the attention of the old man as he turned his upper torso to them "Snowball! Noah! Issun! What you're about to see is the stuff of legends!" Mr. Orange yelled out as the trio tried their best to block out the smell of the sake coming the old man "Behold, the secret of secrets... the Konohana Shuffle!" with that Mr. Orange started kind of strange dance which caused some leaves on Sakuya's tree to bloom into cherry blossom leaves and with the help of Ammy using Bloom on the buds causing them to fully blossom turning more leaves too till the whole tree was covered in them with the final touch being a pink swirl going around the tree as cherry blossom started falling across the village as our heroes gazed in awe by how beautiful it looked with that Mr. Orange passed out on the deck from exhaustion as pink orb appeared in front of the trio with Sakuya appearing out of it in a new pink dress "Ah... Great Amaterasu and guardian Noah." Sakuya calmly said in a more majestic voice "S-Sakuya!? You're alive!? And you... um... look very nice!" Issun said as he was gazing the spirit with a small blush on his face from how beautiful she looked though thankfully nobody could see it due to how small he was

"Little bug... I see that you're still so full of spunk. I also owe this elderly gentleman my deepest thanks. What bravery! Mere words cannot express the depth of my gratitude. Thanks to you all, I have been restored and re-energized!" Sakuya proudly said showing off her true form with Noah blushing madly from the sight of it with Issun gulping since he was at a loss for words as Ammy shook her head sighing 'Boys' she thought before her attention returned back to Sakuya "Of course, the one who deserves my thanks and respect the most is none other than the glorious god Amaterasu! Praise be to you!" Sakuya said as praise orbs floated from her to Ammy "I cannot guarantee that it will mean salvation for all of Nippon, but if you restore the Guardian Saplings spread about the land, you too will benefit from the power that results. I will remain in Kamiki, praying for your mission's success. How I look forward to gazing upon you again. May the fresh scent of flowers protect you always!" and with those final words Sakuya vanish into a white light leaving the trio on the sacred deck with the knocked-out Mr. Orange but not before the sky went dark and starlight shining down on them "Again?" Noah asked they looked up to find another incomplete constellation with Ammy filling up the missing spots with the same thing happening as the world around them changed as a monkey this time holding a flute does a front flip down to the heroes landing perfectly on his knees as Sakigami was sitting behind him playing with instrument

"Ah... Amaterasu. Origin of all that is good and mother to us all... Long have I hidden myself here among the nature of Kamiki. But the time has come for I, Hasugami, proud member of the Hanagami trio of the gods, to reveal myself to you. May my power be of assistance on your grave quest." the celestial god said he turned himself in a rainbow orb before flying into Ammy now learning Water Lily "Holy smokes! That was Hasugami! With the Water Lily power, Ammy can create lily pads on water! You can use them so that we can cross over any body of water!" Issun said excitingly as he hopped away "Let's try it out! C'mon! This way, you two!" with that the trio rushed to Susano's training ground looking out towards a huge body of water "Now Ammy, why don't you create some lily pods here?" the wolf nodded as she drew a circle in the water which caused a giant lily pad to appear as the wolf jumped onto it smirking by how easy that was before noticing that the lily pad was barely big enough for just her as she turned back to her human companion was still standing there "Well it worked but guess it's only big enough to fit one person, sorry Noah" the artist said with Noah thinking of something with the wolf tilting her head as the human took off his hoodie tossing to the ground before diving into the water before emerging in front of the two getting a lick on the face from the wolf as he grabbed onto the lily pad and started pushing it around "Check it out a moving a lily pad" the human chuckled before moving lily pad back to land so the wolf could jump onto it before did after lifting himself off the lily pad before the wolf asked "Now what you come up with that other than to show off that you can swim?" the wolf and human chuckled as Noah quickly replaced his soaked shirt with his hoodie "Well I figured since you might not be able to swim we can use the lily pad as a boat of sorts so that we don't have to wait for you to create new ones in the water" he said as they began walking out of Kamiki Village "That's not a bad idea good now you guardian" the wolf said in a sarcastic way as she bumped against Noah's side causing all them to chuckle as they decided to use Ammy's new brush technique to get to Agata Forest via the docks so they did just that with Ammy making the lily pad and Noah being the one to guiding it through the small cave till they got to the entrance leading to the forest but when they got to the exit they were meant with an unexpecting sight

"There's a curse zone here?" Noah asked with the three looking down at the forest see a curse zone like the one back in Shinshu field littering the area making the whole place seem lifeless "I thought would shun areas like since there's so much grass and trees. It must really be some curse, the way it's changed the forest..." Issun finished as the human checked the map to see where a Guardian Sapling was at tilting his head as closely examined the mark location with Ammy questioning if something was wrong

"Weird it says that there's a Guardian Sapling right next to us, but I don't see it" the human said as he looked around the area to see where the sapling was with the wolf doing the same thing that was until she looked down at the waterfall and spotted what looks to be a passageway behind "I think I know where it is" Ammy said looking back at her human companion gesturing him to follow her as she led him behind the waterfall following the narrow passageway till they reached a cracked wall that Ammy blew up this time not pranking Noah so that he wouldn't have another panic attack revealing a Guardian Sapling in a giant opened cave 'Should've figured that something was bound to be behind a waterfall' the human thought knowing that was basically video game logic even though this is real before Issun grabbed him out of thought "Ammy! Time for that magic brush of yours! Make that sucker bloom!" he yelled with Ammy doing just that as she used Bloom on the Sapling watching it instantly grew back to life with them watching as a wave of flowers and such zoomed out the cave giving them the idea that it was clearing out the curse zone lie last time before praise began floating to Ammy and what looks be a set of beads floating around the wolf's neck as her reflector disappeared "Woah it looks like you got a new divine instrument there Ammy. Man, Sakuya's gonna spoil you at this rate. Anyways, this is gonna our lives a whole lot easier! Anyways let's go check out the forest now that the curse is gone." the artist said with the other two nodded as they exited the cave but upon getting a few feet out the cave they heard the sound of a flute coming from somewhere around them that was till Ammy looked up spotting someone on a tree branch who was wearing some pink clothes and a strange looking hat that what looked like wings on it was playing a flute

"Hark! The call of the heavens, the earth, the sea... They summon me forth to defeat evil!" the person said as he started posing "Waka, the gods' gift to man, is here! Bonjour!" the man name Waka said with Noah noticing that he has somewhat of a French accent to him as the three just stood there abit...confused by him with Issun being the one to interrupt the silence "What's up with that guy?"

"That crimson shading and Divine Instrument on your back... You look kinda weird, but I reckon you pack a punch, baby." Waka said which kind of ticked Issun a bit about him calling Ammy weird "Hey! Think you're so special way up there, huh? Get down here and talk face to-" the artist said before he realized that Waka can see the markings on Ammy "Wait, did he say crimson shading? Can he see Ammy's true form!?" but the thought was interrupted as Waka jumped off the tree branch and landing perfectly on the water shocking the other human as he was literally standing on the surface making him question who he is with Ammy's jaw dropping but it didn't last for long as Waka twirled his flute in hand before motioning his hand away from it as a blade of light started emerging from it making the heroes get into ready stances preparing for a fight

-Ushiwaka's dance Okami-

"Hey! He drew a sword!" with the 'human' chuckling before holding his light sword out "Oui! This is how I get my point across, pun intended... The moment the cursed zone started spreading across Nippon, I saw the shadowy figure that removed the sacred sword Tsukuyomi flee from the scene and into Kamiki Village blocking the entrance with a huge rock. You guys know anything about that?" Waka asked with Ammy more ready to fight than ever "This guy gives me the creeps. Better keep your eyes on him!" Issun yelled getting a nod from the other

"I would like nothing more than to tussle, but I have a request first." Waka said which made the other tilt their heads wondering what he wanted before he pointed his sword at Noah "Monsieur, would you be so kind as to step out of this, I want this to just be between me and the wolf" the question gave Noah put more questions into his head as to why he just wants to fight Ammy but before he could say anything he was interrupted as his wolf companion gave him a look saying that she'll be fine to which he gave a reassuring nod before hoping off the small island they were on watching from the sidelines as he watched Ammy getting worked up for this fight

"Magnifique! I wouldn't have it any other way! Now you shall get an earful from my beloved blade! Behold, Pillow Talk!" Waka shouted as he raised Pillow talk upward before showing off some stylish moves with it using the other sword that seethed as well before getting into a fighting position "Let's rock, baby!" with the fight has begun as Waka started bouncing over the place before throwing his katana at the Ammy which she parried using Power Slash causing to fly back at him hitting him in the face with the blunt end of it giving the wolf a chance to get some hits on him with her new divine instrument before Waka gained himself before he started slashing at the wolf with Pillow Talk as Ammy switched to her reflector doing her best to deflect the incoming attacks with the two landing another blow strong enough that it launch each other back with Waka landing on the water and Ammy using Water Lily landing on the lily pad with both them panting abit "It's been quite some time since I've tasted your power, Amaterasu. That's enough for now." Waka calmly saying as he put Pillow Talk away after the blade of light vanished from the flute but that still didn't stop Ammy and Issun who were still wanting more of a fight

(can stop the music)

"Too late now! You're the one who ticked off the fight!" Issun angrily said before he and Ammy noticed what he said "Hey, wait! You know this guy, Ammy?" this got yet another chuckled from the other human "Heh heh heh heh. Well... That WAS pretty tactless. Excuse-moi, baby. You see I was looking into that curse zone that struck this area. It consumed all even the light of the sun." Waka calmy said as he walked a few feet before looking back at the two with a serious look "It is the curse of Orochi, the legendary 8-headed serpent!" giving Issun a small chill up his spine as Noah joined bac with them questioning who Orochi is "O-Orochi!" Issun said with a small dark sense of dread looming in the air upon him saying that

"Do not utter that name without reason. That alone could curse the weak of mind. Orochi was slain 100 years ago by Nagi and Shiranui, and its evil spirit was sealed away in the Moon Cave, which I guarded. You know, the cave in the middle of the lake over on Shinshu Field." Waka started explaining Ammy began lying down taking a nap leaving the other two to listen, but Noah was more focused as a question began invading his mind "But someone has gone and freed Orochi by removing Tsukuyomi. The beast's evil has caused a cursed zone to cover these lands. I never thought the sacred sword could be so easily removed. Whoever did it waited till I was back in the capital." Waka said before turning to the others "It seems things are afoot that even I did not prophesize!" he finished before he and Noah looked at Ammy to find her taking a nap which dumbfounded the two by the sight of this sure Noah knew this too but he still listened

"We're way ahead of you, pretty boy! We've been busy dispelling the curse left and right." Issun confidently said he jumped off of Ammy's head ruining her nap which caused her to mumble to herself before trying to go back to it again "That Orochi's gonna be mincemeat when we're through with it!" Waka looked at them a bit surprised by this "So, you're the ones who've revived the trees in this area... But a lot of time's passed since Orochi's return. You'd better pick up the pace, ma cherie." Waka said as he started tapping his flute against his shoulder with his arms crossed "I'm sorry to say, our battle just now was a big disappointment. You're not what you used to be, Amaterasu. You may have defeated Orochi long ago, but one cannot dwell on past glories. You have weakened greatly during your 100-year slumber." Waka said as Issun started to get ticked o ff before he drew his sword

"That's enough! Now tell me about that shadow figure you saw fleeing to Kamiki! How do we know it wasn't you!?" the artist said angrily "Relax, my little bouncing friend. Oh, I almost forgot! I have a little prophecy for you. I can see into the future, you know." Waka smirks as he does some more poses "I foresee a log and big thrills! You'll know what I'm talking about when the time comes! Anyway, I must be off. The work of a prophet is never done. Au revoir." with Waka took to the sky leaving the three to themselves "What a freak! Who the heck does he think he is!" He said before turning to Ammy swinging his sword as she got up from her nap "Hey, wake up Ammy! We got work to do!" He shouted as he jumped on the wolf's head before she looked at the human who was still in deep thought tilting her head abit

"Hey Noah, is something up?" Ammy asked as the human opened his eyes before answering "I think it was Orochi that brought me here." he said which got the goddess and tiny artist questioning by what he meant "What do you mean?" the wolf asked again "Do you remember how I said that your world was basically fictional in mine?" she nodded "Well I saw the event of what happened in the Moon Cave with the shadow figure pulling out Tsukuyomi." he said giving the other two hope that he might have a lead on who did it "Did you see who it was?" Issun asked getting a head shake from the human as he remembered what happened back in his living room "Sorry. I didn't I left the room to go get food and the next thing I know things started crazy and then I got here." the information caused the other two to sigh since it wasn't a big deal at this point now as they started exploring the forest now that the curse from it was gone that was when they came across Susano who started waking up as the trio cleared out a small cursed area

"Hm!? Not you two again. Tsk tsk... Why must you two always dog my footsteps? I'm busy practicing a new secret technique. You see, a terrible monster lurks in Taka Pass beyond this forest. It goes by the name of Crimson something or other. And it's rumored to have 100 followers!" the great warrior leaving the three a bit confused "Whaddya mean Crimson something or other?" Issun asked wondering Susano actually knows the name with the warrior panicking as he continued his practice sword swings

"The name's slipped my mind, that's all! Anyway, I must rid Taka Pass of that terrible monster, before it harms anyone else. But first, I must practice my ultimate technique." Susano said before shrugging his shoulders "Then again, the bridge to Taka Pass is out, so why rush? But have no fear, once I master that technique, I shall venture forth to slay the beast, even if I have to swim those turbid waters! Now let me be! I have some serious training to do!" with that trio left the warrior with Noah questioning if Susano was serious about the training as they continued exploring the forest till, they notice a kid sitting by standing by the water holding a fishing rod, but with no string attached to it

"Oh, poor Ume... I wonder if he's ok..." the young boy said till he noticed the duo standing next "Oh hello. I'm Kokari. Pleased to meet you." Noah waved hello to the boy "Hello Kokari but mind if I ask what's up with your fishing pole usually there's a line on it." Noah asked to which Kokari responded

"O-oh there's a reason for that... you see my dog Ume and I were exploring a secret place the other day it was an ancient building known as the Tsuta Ruins. We'd never been able to get into the ruins until we found a key dropped in the forest. But when we went in, we heard a terrible roar from deep within. I didn't waste any time getting out of there! I locked the entrance to the ruins and hightailed it home. I thought Ume had followed me, but I checked he was nowhere to be found! I bet he's trapped back at those ruins! He must be crying, all scared and alone..." Kokari said as tears started falling on his face as he was about to cry as he was worried about his dog "If you know where he is, then why don't you go rescue him? This is no time to be fishing!" Issun yelled confused about why the boy is fishing instead of going to rescue his dog "Yes, well, there's a reason for that too! You see, on my way home from the ruins, I fell near the water's edge and in went the key! I've tried my hardest to fish it back out, but... I've lost all my line and hooks! All I have now is this pole!" the kid said as he started crying with Noah giving him a loom of sympathy remembering something like this happening to him


It was late in the spring I was around eleven or so as I saw a bike standing in the garage one with no training wheels the shock of it surprised me as my folks said that it was for me "Well?" man behind said which I recognize to be my father "Go on, give it a spin." he said to me as I look back to him seeing nothing but a faceless person since it was a long time since I've last seen what my parents look like with fright in my eyes "But... I'm afraid, what if I fall off and get hurt. I-I don't want that that to happen." I said with my eyes started to swell ready to cry which caused my father to chuckle "So, what's there to be afraid of you've got to be brave" he said which I looked at him confused "brave?" I said with him nodding "Yup, life's gonna throw some problems at you but there's nothing you can't overcome as long as you believe that are you are brave and face them head on." he said as I looked back at the bike taking his words to heart, I walked over to the bike before getting on before taking a breath I began pedaling at a steady pace seeing that I haven't hit the ground yet I started getting more confident as I pedal faster seeing that my dad was watching proud me as he shouted "See, I told you that you could do it!" as I gave him a smile as I continued to ride the bike

-End of Flashback-

I let out a sigh a bit disappointed at myself for not being able to remember my dad's face but shakes my head since that wasn't important right now as he looked back at Kakori who was still crying before Issun spoke up "Now cut that out! There's nothin' I hate more than a crybaby! You were the one who left your dog in those dangerous ruins. So, you gotta do whatever it takes to get the key and go help him!" Issun said which sounded harsh, but he was right "B-b-but..." Kokari said but Issun quickly interrupts him "Listen here, kid... Fishin's all about attitude. Attitude! There's nothing you can't catch with the right attitude! Fish, babes, or whatever. It all can be yours! Go ahead! Act like you're having fun. We'll watch." Issun said calmly "Just believe in yourself." Noah said quietly as he and Ammy sat on the ground as they watched Kakori let out a deep breath before 'casting' his line into the water

"Boy, this murky water sure gives me the creeps." Issun with Kokari turning his head to them "People call it Deep Abyss because they can't see the bottom. But that's not why these waters are famous. Legend has it that a humongous fish swallowed the moon reflected on the surface of the water. No one knows if the legend is true... But to this day, the moon never rises here in Agata Forest." "Geez give the fairytales a rest, will ya kid? They're so gloomy. Think more positive. Have fun, fun! Ammy, ya might have to use that celestial brush of yours to help him out." Issun said whispering into the wolf's ear "He's not gonna catch any fish if he doesn't have line

So, the fishing has begun as Kokari started 'fishing' and with the help from Ammy she was able to create a line from the pole to the fishes that were swimming in the water and using Power Slash on them as soon as they jumped out of the water so that the kid can reel them in easily that was until they saw a huge shadow in the water which Noah pointed out as he has never seen a fish that big so with enough strength and help from the wolf Kokari was able to real in the massive fish that turned out to be a Giant Salmon

The four watched the giant fish flop around on the grass amazed by the size of it "Wow, that's a big one!" Kokari said the salmon started gargling on something before eventually it threw up what looks to be a bulb getting an 'Ew' from Noah "Hey! Th-That's the Ruins Key! It popped right outta the mouth of that big ol' fish! Now I can go to the Ruins and save Ume! I'm gonna go all the way in this time! No running away for me now!" Kokari said excitingly as he jumping about with Noah coughing a bit to get his attention "Well mind if we take it from here, we'll get your dog back." he said with Kokari looking at him like her was "W-What? But you guy said.." "I know but putting your life on the line to find your dog in some dangerous ruins would ultimately get you killed. Don't worry I promise you we'll get him out safe and sound." Noah said confidently with the young boy looking at him with a frown as the tears stopped leaking from his face "...Fine" he said as Ammy nodded picking up the key in her mouth before walking off to the ruins

"You'll time to come to show what you're made of, trust me." Noah said giving Kokari a smile getting a nod from the boy as he started to form a smile with that the young man caught up with the other two "Good move there, Noah. We can't have that kid getting hurt or worse on you guys' watch! Well, whadda we waitin' for! We got a lost dog to in Tsuta Ruins!" Issun said getting a nod from the other two as they made their way to the entrance of the ruins

"I guess this is it." Noah said as the three were looking at the giant mossy door in the side of a cliff before he noticed a hole in the door that looked exactly like the key they got from Kokari, the human placed the bulb looking key into the slot watching as the doors started revealing nothing but darkness on the other side "I have a bad feeling about this" the human said getting a bad vibe just from looking in

"I do too but we still gotta go look for that kid's dog. Though I'm actually hoping we might find something more. Nobody's entered these ruins for ages, right? I mean just think about it... There could be a fabulous treasure hoard hidden in here!" Issun said chuckling with Noah looking at him and even Ammy who was hearing this thought that he was crazy before they entered the ruins

-End of Chapter 4-