Gundam Build Divers Re:RISE: The Return of a Lost Sister

Chapter 2: Eldora...Welcome to GBN!

-The Planet of Eldora-

As time grew by a month eventually a became year and with the continuing help from GBN's Administration. They eventually figured out a way for the people of Eldora to join in the fun of GBN without risking the safety of the Eldorian people and were able to create an interface system that would allow the Eldorians to come to GBN without turning into data transmissions similar to what the Ancients did so long ago.

-Meanwhile in a small Eldorian Village-

"I can't wait to try out GBN and join my friends there" said Freddie with excitement on his face as he was looking at a pamphlet for the arrival of GBN here on Eldora.

"Remember what I said Freddie" Maiya replied to that idiot little brother of hers "As long as you don't let this interfere with your other duties here at home, you can have fun at GBN and besides isn't the connection to GBN not fully operational yet?" she finished off with.

"I know that Maiya" Freddie answered back to his older sister "And I also know about my other duties here in the village to, I'm not completely incompetent you know" he said to her "I'm just eager to try out my new custom SD Gunpla that Par helped me out with" as he shows Maiya his new custom SD Gunpla. A modified SD eXp SD Cross Silouette RGM-79 GM and as Maiya looked at it closely, it was specially customized to look like Jed their older brother who was lost during the war with the One Eyes when Alus destroyed Sigeri with the Satellite Cannon on what remains of Eldora's moon. After she saw his gunpla, she looked at her little brother's face and soon realized he kind of reminds her of their older brother in some areas and has gotten a bit taller to within the year that has passed since the war ended and she simply just smiled at him and remembering how much they both missed their older brother and also has to remember that she to has gotten into Gunpla, she just couldn't get enough of building and customizing Beargguys and Petitegguys all thanks to Kazami.

"Well from what I heard its still going to be a least another week or 2 before the system is installed here at the Shopping District's Gundam Base" she said to Freddie.

After the war and the help from the Build Divers 2 and from the Administration. A lot of things have changed on Eldora. People from the Administration were able to convert the Anicent Manufacturing Facility into a Factory to help produce resources to help in rebuilding their society and also built a proper Defence Force from the remants of the Resistance Fighters to protect Eldora in case they were invaded off world again or by some other invader not yet shown, but even with the new Defence Force in place. The Eldorians can always rely on the Sacred Beast Cuadorn and the Build Divers 2 to come and help them and even some resources were coverted into building materials to build specialized underground shelters incase Eldora was attacked again and also bringing the hobby known as Gunpla to the Eldorian people and building a new shopping area for some of the nearby villages including that of a Gundam Base was built there, but the GBN System wasn't up and running just yet.

-2 weeks later-

Now 2 weeks have passed and is now time for the Grand Opening of the GBN System here on Eldora, so a whole slew of guests such as Members of the Eldorian Governing Council like Freddie and Maiya's father, some members of the Administration, Rommel and his 2 Second-in-Commands, The Champion Koya Kujo and his 2 Co-Captains, General Gorus of the newly appointed Leader of the Eldorian United Military, Major Muran and his 2 Captains Zabun and Calico, all the members of the Build Divers 2, even Masaki Shido and Cuadorn showed up for this big event and after the Grand Opening, a Festival is to be held at New Sigeri in the Central Square of the Sigeri Shopping Plaza named after the Ancient City of Sigeri that was destroyed during the war.

As all of the people of Eldora started gathering at the Gundam Base here at the Sigeri Shopping Plaza in New Sigeri for the Grand Opening of the Eldorian GBN System. The people of Eldora are so excited for this Big event.

Meanwhile on the center stage of the Shopping Plaza, all of the representatives of the Governing Council, The Adminstration, Force Avalon, The 7th Panzer Division, General Gorus, the Build Divers 2, and Masaki were all gathered there on the stage about to start the Opening Ceremony.

As Tonoi, Freddie and Maiya's father and one of the leaders of the Eldora Governing Council walks over to the stage's Microphone to begin his Grand Opening Ceremony Speech for the Eldora GBN System.

After he makes it to the Microphone, he clears his throat as everyone turns their attention to listen to Tonoi's speech.

"Greetings Everyone who has come to this Exciting Day for ALL of Eldora" he says and continues "18 months ago the people of Eldora were attacked by an unknown threat. We didn't know who this threat was or why they were attacking us, so we just called this threat The One-Eyes" as he paused for a bit and continued forward with his speech "When the One Eyes were attacking us, we had no means of fighting back against this unknown threat, in till our people decided to create a Resistance to fight back the One Eyes by using technology left behind by the Creator, in which we have come to known as The Ancients, but that still wasn't enough to drive them back, so the Sacred Beast Cuadorn came up with an idea to try and find the Ancients to help us stop this threat to us, but his search wasn't what he was hoping for, but it still helped none the less" he paused to take a sip of water and continued his speech "Cuadorn brought over a Warrior from a far away world called Earth, this warrior is by the name of Masaki Shido, a courageous hero who has helped the Resistance in their fight against the One-Eyes in till he was overcome by the share numbers of the One Eyes and was captured by them and used against his will to attack his fellow allies and friends, but he was eventually saved and brought back to us to help defeat the One Eyes once and for all, but not before we had lost a lot of Good Men and Woman to the One Eyes, including my eldest son Jed" as he paused again and took another sip of water and started up again "But Hope was not all lost thanks to my youngest son Freddie" as Freddie perked up as he heard his name being called "If it weren't for my youngest son's Bravery and Determination, he wouldn't have brought the help that we needed to fight the One-Eyes once again" he said it with a smile on his face "My son used the knowledge he gotten from one of our books to figure out how to bring our newest friends, The Build Divers 2 to our world to fight the threat of the One Eyes and thanks to them we are now enjoying this era of Peace" and took another sip of water from his cup and continued "And thanks to the Build Divers 2, we were able to make new friends from the planet called Earth by using the stone terminals in the Ruins to bring these new allies of ours to our world and thanks to the people of the Adminstration, they were able to teach us how to properly use the Creators Manufacturing Facility to help us create a better Future for our people and brought us the wonders of the world of Gunpla to our world" as he turns to his right to face one of his aides and takes a pair of scissors from his aide and turns again to a red ribbon tide to the wooden posts on the stage to mimic the Grand Opening of something new and begins to cut the red ribbon "So I am PROUD to announce the 'Offical' opening of Eldora's GBN System" and cuts the ribbon in two and begins to say "Now that is now over with, Let the Festivities Begin" as Fireworks begin to launch into the sky brighting up the dark sky with its pretty colors and cheerful music begins to play, while everyone begins talking and enjoying the festivities.

As the festivities for the Eldorian GBN System continues. One of the Heroes from the war, Hiroto was standing with his teammates when he turns his head and notices Masaki Shido just sitting on a bench with a drink in his hand looking up at the stars and decides to walk over to him.

Masaki Shido, the one who first came to Eldora to help Cuadorn and the Resistance Fighters fend off the threat known as the One Eyes and eventually was captured by them was just sitting on a bench with a drink in both hands, was just looking up at the stars thinking about what happened during the war when all of a sudden he heard someone coming and turned his head to see his friend Hiroto coming towards him.

As Hiroto approches his friend Masaki, he notices something different with his friend's avatar look and soon realizes he changed his outfit, gone was the cape he originally had on, but he kept the big sword he originally had with him and also kept the long white hair, but his outfit now looks like Cloud's outfit from the Final Fantasy 7 game, as Hiroto comes back to his senses, he notices Masaki staring at him.

"Hiroto? Is their something you wish to ask me?" Masaki asked his friend.

"Not at all" Hiroto said "I just noticed you were sitting here all by yourself and came over to see what's on your mind" he asked as he sat next to his friend "So What's on your mind?" Hiroto asked him.

"I was just thinking about Tonoi's speech" Masaki replied back to him.

"Hey now! What happened a year ago wasn't your fault" he said to Masaki "You were captured and being controlled by Alus, so you basically had no choice Masaki" he finished off with.

"Everyone has a choice" he replied "You just have to make sure its the Right Choice" he finished off with.

"That's true and all" Hiroto replied back to him "But you were basically unconscious when the One-Eyes captured you and turned you against the Resistance" he said and continued "So you didn't have a choice in that kind of situation" Hiroto finished off with as he looked towards his friend then looks up towards the night sky.

"You know, I had to make a choice once" Hiroto said to Masaki, as Masaki looks towards his companion and listened to what he's saying "It was back when GBN was still very new to the world and back when I made the Core Gundam Prototype" he said to him and continued "I was in GBN testing out the Core Gundam Prototype when its booster malfuctioned and forced me to make a landing and after I got out to check things over, I suddenly heard a voice behind me and turned around to see a blonde haired girl all dressed in white standing there asking me a bunch of questions about my gunpla" he said "Questions like "What's its name" and all that other stuff" as he gave off a slight laugh "So I asked her what her name is and she took about a min or so for her to come up with the name Eve, which I find it kind of strange for her to take so long to remember her own name" as Hiroto was sitting there telling Masaki his story of how he and Eve met when all of a sudden he felt something on the top his hand as if a ghost was touching it and looked right at it when Masaki snapped his friend out of his trance "Hiroto, Are you alright?" he asked and answered him "Hmm, yeah, I'm alright, so where was I" Hiroto replied and continued with his story "Well, after all of that, I decided to log off and that's when Eve told me to take a look at Core Gundam's back area around the backpack and when I did, I was suprised she knew and immediately fixed it and cameback the next day and the Core Gundam Prototype was flying like a dream" he paused for a bit to take a sip water and continued his story "When I was flying around, my sansors pinged for bit and Eve was standing there on the ground as if she was waiting for me and I decided to land and thanked her for letting me know where to check for the repairs needed to be done and ever since that day, we met up whenever I log on to GBN" he finished off with when Masaki spoke up.

"Was it Eve that gave the idea of the Conversion Armors?" Masaki asked him.

"No, she said that I always had the idea for them, she just helped bring the idea into fruition" he replied back "But she was the one who gave me the idea of naming them after the Planets in our solarsystem and was the one who gave the idea of me joining Force Avalon" Hiroto finished off with "The Champs Force Team" Masaki said when he heard this and Hiroto shook his head yes in reply.

"So where is this 'inspiring young woman?" he asked Hiroto when he noticed his friend's personality changed from open to grim.

"Do you know of the Second Coalition Battle?" Hiroto asked to him and Masaki just nodded in reply and Hiroto continued "Well just before it started, me and Eve got together that day and that's when things got hairy, she asked me to erase her" when Hiroto said this, Masaki thought Hiroto was going to throw up when he heard this "She said things, told me things that didn't make any sense to me, then something happened, things in GBN started to get out of wack and it was being caused by Eve" he paused "Some kind of purplish color energy erupted around her causing GBN to go all glitchy and if I didn't do as she asked, GBN would've crashed just like it almost did during the Break Decal incident, she pleaded with me, even begged me to erase her before it was to late, she even asked me to help protect her little sister, Sarah" when Masaki heard the EL-Diver Sarah's name being mentioned, he knew where this was going and said "Eve was an EL-Diver! Wasn't she?" and Hiroto shook his head yes and replied "Yes, She was the 1st EL-Diver" and paused again "And she wanted me to use my Core Gundam to erase her, to kill her, I hesitated at first, but when I did, something in me snapped that day and I was never the same again and then the 2nd Coalition happened and that's when I first saw Sarah, Eve's little sister, I thought I couldn't keep my promise to Eve by keeping Sarah safe because she was in the very hands of the Administration that wanted to Delete her, I had the shot to take down Riku Leader of the Build Divers, but that would mean losing Sarah and I would have broken my promise to Eve, so I let Riku save Sarah and after that was over with, I resigned from the Force and left and started my own journey to find remaining remnants of Eve again" he finished off with when all-of-a-sudden he felt something on his shoulder, a touch that felt familiar in some way, but when he checked to see what it was, he saw nothing there and thought he was imagining it.

"So in a way, you and I are kind of the same Masaki" Hiroto said "We both have regrets about our past and what we did in them and all we can do is live with it and try to fix them in our own way" as he ended his story their and started a new conversation with Masaki.

"But enough of this negative talk about the past" Hiroto said "How's your sister doing since you've been back?" he asked his friend.

"She's been doing fine" he answered back "In fact Misiki wanted to try out GBN".

"Really?" Hiroto replied back.

"Yeah, Ever since I came out of my coma and the videos she saw of me and you guys" he said "She's been asking me more and more questions about GBN and to teach her everything about Gunpla and Customizing gunpla, but I think she's doing it so she can keep an eye on me, but who am I to say no to her, so I began teaching her everything I know about Gunpla and customizing it, she would practice on some scrapped kits I had before we went to a full blown model kit and I have to admit, some of the part combinations she came up with weren't to bad, not GREAT, but also not 'Perfect Grade' either" and that pun got a snort our of Hiroto "And so after a week of her practicing her parts combinations and painting skills, we went over to the Gundam Base to pick-up some kits for her to choose, I always told her during her training to choose a gunpla that would best suit to her skill set" he said.

"That is true when it comes to trying to customize your gunpla" Hiroto said "Using skills you've learned in real life can be very helpful in GBN" he finished off.

"Exactly" Masaki said "So while we were at the Gundam Base looking at some kits, I noticed Misiki looking at 2 different model kits, a Strike kit and one of the old G-Gundam kits, the Rising Gundam" when Masaki said this, he noticed Hiroto laughed a little bit and Masaki with a confused look on his faced asked his friend "What's so funny?".

With a smile still on his face, Hiroto answered his friend "Hinata and Misiki really do think alike at times" he said when Masaki asked him "What do you mean?".

"Hinata also choose a Rising Gundam as her Gunpla of choice, but since it has limited joint movement, we got an HG Shining Gundam kit to replace the standard joint issue in the old G-Gundam kit and incorporated the parts from the Rising Gundam to create the Rising Ray Gundam" Hiroto replied to his compartriot sitting next to him.

"Speaking of Hinata? Why isn't she here with you guys since she is part of the team?" Masaki asked.

"Oh! Her Grandmother was sick so she and her parents had to go out of town for a few days to look after her, but she'll be back tomorrow" Hiroto answered.

-Later that Evening-

As time aproches late and the festivities start to wine down. The people of the Gunpla began to log out to head back to their own lives on earth, all except for the Build Divers 2 who were gathered around the fountain waiting for Hiroto to come back from where ever he was.

"So Freddie, Are you ready to join us in GBN?" Kazami asked his young friend.

"YOU BET I AM" replied the dog boy alien from Eldora "I can't wait to try out my new custom SD Gunpla" he finished of with.

"You've done an excellent job in building and customizing your gunpla Freddie" Par said to him "You've learned a lot from us since Gunpla was brought to your world" as Freddie listen to his friend.

"Par is right Freddie" replied a raven haired woman standing next to him, then said "We EL-Divers can sense the feelings that people put into their gunpla" May finished off with saying.

"Thanks guys" Freddie said with a slight tear in his eye, when all of a sudden, he hears footsteps behind him and turns to see Hiroto coming towards them as Kazami asks him a question.

"And Where did you walk off to?" Kazami asked him.

"I noticed Masaki was sitting by himself and went over to talk to him" Hiroto answered back "He still regrets for his part in the war when he was captured by Alus" he finished of with.

"It wasn't his fault" Par said "He was captured by Alus and Brainwashed, He was forced to do those things" he completed his conversation with.

"Par is right Hiroto" May said to him "Masaki was in a very tough battle the day he was captured, he had no choice but to follow Alus's orders after he was brainwashed" she finished with.

"That's what I told him" he said "But he's still kind of struggling with what happened to him" he paused and then continues what he was saying to them "So I told him about Eve and how we are somewhat similar in our regrets" as he paused for for a bit and then continued.

"But there's a good thing" as everyone looked towards their comrad "His sister Miziki has decided to try out GBN" he said to them.

"What! Really?" Par said "That's Great".

"Yeah, But the funny thing is, Masaki thinks she doing it just to keep an eye on him" Hiroto said to them as Par, Kazami, and Freddie all laughed at the comment, but with May, she just gave a bit of a smirk when she heard this, but they all know that she is still learning the basics of Human emotions, including humor when Freddie spoke.

"Oh I highly doubt that" he said to his friends "From what you guys told me about her, she's just looking out for her brother, especially after what's happened to him, she can't help it if she wants to keep an eye on him, Isn't that what older siblings do?" he finished with.

"That is true Freddie" Par said to him "After I lost the use of my legs, I just shut down, in till one of my older brothers suggested that I give GBN a try" he said to him "And thanks to you Freddie and the rest of our friends here on Eldora, I was able to get over my fear of flying and able to spread my wings and fly again" he finsihed with.

"Thanks Par" he said with some tears in his eyes.

"Woah look at the time, Its getting late" Kazami said as he looks at his GBN screen panel "We better get going guys, Especially since we have to get Freddie here up to Rank-D for him to 'Offically' join our Force" he mentions to everyone.

"Wait? I thought I was already part of Build Divers?" he asked his friends.

"You are, When we're here on Eldora" Kazami said "But in GBN you need to be at least Rank-D or Higher to be able to be part of a Force" he said to his furry friend.

"Oh" Freddie said with a depressed look on his face.

"Don't you worry Freddie, We'll get you up to Rank-D or higher in no time" Hiroto said to him "And then you'll be able to join our Force" he finished with.

"Okay" he said with enthusiasm as he watched his friends disappear heading back to GBN and their world as he to heads over to his father and sister's vehicle to head back to their village.

-Meanwhile back in GBN, GBN Main Lobby-

As all of Build Diver 2 rematerilizes back at the GBN Main Lobby they were about to Log off for the night when someone interupted them.

"Excuse me" he said "But are you the Force Team known as Build Divers 2?" he finished of with when Kazami answered.

"That would be us" he answered "And who might you be?" he asked.

"I'm a messenger with a message sent by my employer and Force Leader, Force Atlantica" he answered and when the Build Divers heard the Force name, they all knew this was important because a little over 5 months ago, their was Force Tournament between the 7th Panzer Division and Force Atlantica. The battle was really heptic but eventually a winner was declared and it was Force Atlantica that won the Tournament and became Ranked 2nd within the Force Ranking System knocking the 7th Panzer Division down to 3rd Rank.

"Okay? So what does the Leader of Force Atlantica want to talk to us about?" Kazami asked.

"I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough and apollogize for it, but the message isn't for the entire Force Team" he said as everyone on the team hears this "Its for only 1 member of your team, Hiroto, Hiroto Kuga" he finished with as Hiroto hears this.

"Okay? So what does the message from your Leader say?" Hiroto asks him.

"It concerns with someone you met in GBN 4 years ago, a young woman, an EL-Diver by the name of Eve" the messenger said and when Kazami, May, and Par heard Eve's name, they all turned their heads towards Hiroto who had a shocked look on his face.