Chapter 46:

A bit earlier

With a woozy feeling in her head, Kami's eyes fluttered open.

"Ieep!" She cried out in surprise and reflexively kicked up her leg.

"Oof …" Doctor Crowler wheezed out as his crown jewels received the brunt of her movement before he fell to his side and curled up on himself. "Oww … I'm glad you're alright … signora …"

Kami blinked rapidly, getting up into a sitting position as she looked at her surroundings. She's undoubtedly still in some part of the forest, but where were Blake and Bastion? Where did the doctor come from, and what's wrong with that senior Obelisk student? Wait, wasn't he the one that interrupted them?!

"What's going on?" She asked Crowler before wincing at the pained look in his face. "I'm so sorry about that, doctor."

"It's alright, signore …" Crowler took a deep breath and got back on his feet, although his legs stood a tad closer now. "I shouldn't have surprised you like that, but I had to see if you're alright on our way back."

"What do you mean 'way back'? Where're the others?" Kami glared at the man. 'I'm not some damsel that needs saving … not this time at least.'

"You were knocked out cold, signora, as was this other student." Crowler grimaced. "Wherever he came from. He's been missing just like signore Rhodes … Anyways, you were in no condition to continue on, so I decided to bring you both to the infirmary after signore Misawa told me where to find you."

"How's Bastion? And Blake!" She shot up to her feet, steading herself against a nearby tree as her legs still felt wobbly.

"Erm … about that …" The doctor looked conflicted. "They're in a … situation right now. But not to worry, they're quite capable of taking care of- where are you going?!"

"After them, of course!" Kami answered as she walked forward while shaking the numbness out of her legs. "They might be capable duelists but they're failing when it comes to common sense to a worrying degree."

"But signora-"

"No buts! Or are you going to stop me?" Her eyes drifted to the stylized duel disk of Crowler's.

The doctor sighed. "I only implore your own sense of reason. Signori Moore and Misawa will be alright. The slac- … Signore Yuki joined them as well, so there's no need to worry, is it not so?"

'They'll be fine.' A part of Kami's mind told her. 'They're the greatest duelists on the island and duels is what they need to win right now. You'd only get in the way.'

'I wouldn't! I held myself against the Shadow Riders!' She argued back.

'He was at your side during that, you know.' She chided herself. 'But he's the only reason you want to go after them, isn't he? You're worried about him. So much for the great, unshakable heiress.'

Kami shook her head before trying to orient herself. 'So what? He'd feel the same way the other way around … and the others are kind off friends too, I suppose.'

'You shouldn't be so sure about that. You know where he comes from. You know how dangerous he is. How … unfitting of your status. What would your father say if he knew how you thought and felt?'

She froze.

'That's not important right now.'

The voice in her mind finally silenced, she was about to head off when the whole island shook. Bright pillars of golden light illuminated the sky for a few moments, all but lighting where she needed to go.

She exchanged one last nod with Crowler before running off.

Kami knew she's getting close. She'd seen how a dragon had gotten shot out of the sky minutes earlier and changed course accordingly. She hated to think about it, but she really was worried. While she and … him weren't anything other than … close friends, and business partners, she knew there's something more, as much as she loathed to admit it. Not that she's against having certain … feelings, she just lacked knowledge in that department. Not that she expected him to be better in that regard given his history, but she didn't want to make a fool out of herself. Especially not knowing his teasing nature.

With no one to talk about these kinds of topics, other than the horribly outdated arranged business marriages she knew from others of her status, she had to rely on herself and her reading materials. Since she wasn't close to any girls in the academy either she missed out on whatever unruly things the other students have been up to, save for that small Ra girl that had her eyes on Blake. Perhaps making some girl friends was finally up for debate, once this nightmare was over and she's rightfully crowned Queen. She knew for a fact that Rhodes had a thing for the Yuki boy, so maybe she'd be safe candidate to approach?

Then, she ran into something, no, someone, and was promptly send to the ground. "Ouch … hey, watch where you're-", She began when two pairs of arms deftly caught her.

On her right, Alexis kept her on her legs while shooting a deadly glare to the person holding her up on her left, who turned out to be her brother Atticus.

"Sorry, sorry, didn't think anyone else would be running here." Atticus apologized. "Do you need a medical? I'm quite skilled in the arts of-"

""Atticus."" Both Alexis and an out of the woods appearing Kaiser chided, though his sister was closer to hissing.

"Come on, you guys! I just got up! It's not my fault the first person after Professor Fontaine I run into is such a cutie!" Atticus reasoned.

While Kami felt just a tiny bit flustered, she quickly shook of the boy's arms and took a few steps towards Alexis. She knew his type all too well. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you all be in the infirmary?"

"That's what I told them!" Alexis lamented with a shake of her head. "Atticus had just woken up earlier and Zane was barely conscious when his brother brought him in."

"And miss all the action? Come on, Lexi, you know me better than that." Atticus countered.

"Perhaps, but that's been years ago, if you remember." Alexis shot back angrily, which sewed her brother's mouth tightly shut.

Kami side-eyed the Kaiser, waiting for an explanation in his part, but he simply shrugged as if he needn't justify himself.

"Urgh, fine. But you better not slow us down." Kami said with a sigh before she and Alexis took the front. "Boys …"

"You tell me …"

A short run after, they're greeted by … whatever this was.

Zane and Atticus took charge of picking up Chazz and making sure he's alright, but none of them took their eyes from the duel taking place for long.

The man that turned out to be Superintendent Kagemaru had just summoned what must've been the second Sacred Beast and the air's gotten so thick Kami struggled to breath. Alexis was steadied by her brother and looked even worse, while the two boys seemed to take it easier than both of them.

"Man, that's one big monster." Atticus chuckled weakly.

"You might want to take cover." The surprising voice of a now awake Chazz wheezed. "It's coming in hot."

True to his word, a stream of flames followed by strikes of lightning made them forgot it was cold and night. Yet while Kami saw the others beginning to build up sweat, she felt only a bit hot, as if a chill breeze was keeping the heat at bay.

With the trio's field drastically reduced, Kami's eyes fixated on Blake as he took his turn. "Just how will you turn this around?" She muttered.

"Same way he always does. Brute force and brilliant strategy." The Kaiser noted from her right.

Kami couldn't help but agree when she saw the practiced ease with which Blake managed to turn the tides in their favor and she swore she saw a smile on the Kaiser's face when he used that one Cyber card to his advantage. Atticus and Alexis all but gaped when he ended his turn, now firmly in control of the duel.

"I can see how he's able to give you a hard time, Zane." Atticus admitted.

"To think he beat them both in one turn …" Alexis whispered.

Chazz simply held a face of grim satisfaction, especially when Blake took a card from his opponent.

The increasingly insane words of Kagemaru got harder and harder to follow, however. With the Sacred Beasts off the field, it had gotten easier to breathe, but after he summoned another giant of a monster, the duel was barely visible anymore. It must've been some sort of … mist or aura or something that whirled around the battlefield. Even at the distance they stood away from what's happening, Kami felt a cold dread settle into her. That … thing the man had summoned was something straight out of the worst kind of nightmare. It reminded her of when she'd been put in that coffin along with Alexis …

This time the others didn't look any better than her either. From what she could see, even Bastion and the Yuki boy were affected by it. A spark of joy hit her when she realized her Blake was fine, but she froze when she saw whatever was happening to both his and Kagemaru's arm. She could see Bastion's pale face briefly, wondering if this had something to do with the 'situation' Crowler'd been talking about.

The duel turned clearer when the shining hero was summoned before Yuki fell flat on his back, next to an already downed Bastion. Kami's heart pounded to an almost deafening degree. She nevertheless shouted in wild support when Blake shut the old man up. The others joined in too, but either they all weren't heard or ignored. Though she firmly believed she saw a twitch in Blake's stance after her own shout.

"Damn, I haven't seen that kind of teamwork since … when was it?" Atticus breathed as Blake used up every resource his team had left him to summon out the card he'd stolen from Kagemaru.

"The World Tag Tournament." The Kaiser supplied. "Yugi Muto and Joey Wheeler. Kaiba was furious."

"For real!"

"But his monster's still weaker." Alexis cut in.

"Not for long."

The two blue behemoths brawled it out soon after, the second big monster of Kagemaru's being wiped off the field without a second thought. The shockwave resulting from the clash had Kami cry out. Dust washed over them and when it settled only one remained standing.

With a massive grin on his face, Blake and his monster towered over their opponent. Kami shouted for him to finish, to win, to end this nightmare. There was another twitch in his stance, but he's focused on whatever Kagemaru was saying they couldn't hear. It took another two attacks to end the duel which the now again old man didn't defend against.

The old man fell first, but was quickly followed by Blake who dropped like a leaf in a breeze.

She must've cried her voice hoarse by now, or maybe the overwhelming sounds coming from above drowned her out. She ran towards Blake, stumbling to the ground as she reached him. She hadn't even noticed the aircrafts arriving, nor the people that descended from above. What she did notice were protective growls and screeches all around her, which seemed to ward off the others from following her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the form of that Cyberdark monster Blake had used standing in front of Zane, but that wasn't important.

"Get up! Come on!" She pleaded, her fingernails certainly digging into his arm as she was holding onto him. Despite her usual control, she couldn't stop tears from building and dropping down on his face as she searched him for any sign of life.

It took a deafening yet majestic roar to stop every movement and noise, before the combined effort of Zane and Atticus managed to pry her away from him. The three boys and the old man were quickly put on stretchers and rushed into the biggest helicopter.

A familiar man dressed in a sharp white cloak pointed at them, causing a group of medics to move over and lead them away too. Once situated inside, her right hand searched for Blake's left, who was put next to her. She didn't hear the medical staff's words as they checked over everyone, but she saw Alexis' eyes widening at some point, exchanging looks with the boys which she couldn't see. But she's certain it couldn't be about Blake. She's with him, so he's safe and so was she. She felt his pulse, weak as it might be, so she knew. And she's never wrong.

When Blake opened his eyes, he felt strangely … at peace. He'd expected pain, nausea, or the massive headaches he'd grown accustomed to, but instead he felt fine. Great even, if a bit numb in his right arm and left leg. He took in a breath through his dry mouth and weakly blew the silver bangs out of his eyes so he could see where he was.


"Central Academy's infirmary." A flamboyant voice interrupted from his right.

"How long-"

"Two days, which makes it the twentieth of December today." The voice explained once more.


"Who do you think I am, Blakey-boy?"

With a bit of effort, Blake turned his head to the side.

Sitting next to his bed was a man in a striking red suit with white lines and gold buttons over a ruffled shirt. Said man closed a small booklet he held, it looked like some sort of comic book, his meticulously styled shoulder-long silver hair flowing elegantly with the movement of his head.

"Maximillion Pegasus." Blake noted in surprise.

"Ding-ding, one hundred points." Pegasus chuckled. "And before I interrupt your next question; your friends are fine." He stood up and drew back a white curtain that separated Blake's bed from the rest of the infirmary.

Two beds over, Jaden was softly snoring without a care in the world, a slightly annoyed Chazz the next bed over who's busy scrolling on a tablet. On the far end of the room, Bastion closed the jacket of his uniform as he talked to Nurse Fontaine. Not far from them stood Alexis and Zane around a seated Atticus who's busy taking off bandages across his chest.

The sight of them being well and in one piece only reinforced Blake's feeling of peace. But someone was missing. His mind instantly turned towards the last thing he remembered before he passed out: Blue hair and tears dropping down onto him.

"Your other friends are currently preoccupied, but there's no need to worry. We'll see each other again later, Blakey-boy." Pegasus said and turned to leave, waving at the others as he did. A short word from him had Bastion snap his head to Blake before he left.

'Huh, guess he means the spirits?' Blake wondered, seeing as none of them had yet reacted to him waking up nor felt anywhere nearby.

In less than three seconds, his best friend had dashed over, practically parkouring over anything in his way. "Blake! You're awake!"

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I needed some beauty sleep." Blake said with a smirk.

Bastion huffed but smiled.

"How're you feeling?" Nurse Fontaine interrupted, a clipboard in one hand and a medical trail in the other.

"Surprisingly good, to be honest. A bit numb here and there, but good." Blake replied.

That seemed to relax the woman quite a bit. "Phew, you have no idea how glad I am to hear that. I'll run some short diagnostics, could you get him his uniform, Bastion?"

"On it."

Fontaine helped Blake to get up into a sitting position before she began checking him over.

"No offense, professor, but I didn't think you had the means to help me with my … lasting physical problems." Blake muttered. "I get you could deal with the exhaustion and pain, but my body hasn't felt this comfortable in … I don't know how long."

"And you'd be right. But given the timely arrival from the mainland, I got some stuff that helped with the worst." She explained. "Don't get used to it just yet, though. This is a temporary fix due to the drugs in your system." Fontaine finished the checkup and handed him a glass of water and a large can of juice with a straw in it. "Drink up the water now and the rest on the way; you'll need it. For now, you're free to go but I'll have to ask you to come back this evening and stay the night."

Blake greedily downed the water in one go, just as Bastion returned with a uniform for him. The jacket showed signs of being fixed up and sewn together. He's missing his usual black shirt and hat, but he'd make do with the plain grey tee. When he put on the jacket, leaving it open as usual, he noticed a faint scent of lavender on it.

"Now, how're you feeling, buddy?" Blake turned to his friend.

"I've got plenty of rest, light exercise, and a medically approved diet since our duel with Kagemaru." Bastion quipped. "It was mostly exhaustion and a persistent tingly feeling, but I'm mostly fine now."

Blake couldn't help but wince a bit. "Did you get any … you know?"

"Scars? No, despite how harsh it felt during the duel, neither Jaden nor I have suffered any lasting injuries according to Nurse Fontaine and the other medical personnel inspecting us."

Blake let out a huge sigh of relief. "And where's-" He began to ask, but Bastion waved at him to follow.

They excused themselves and waved at the others as they left, to which Atticus had a disturbingly knowing grin on his face, before Bastion lead him towards the academy's main arena.

"It was a pain to separate her from your bed, you know."

Blake, busy getting rid of his dry throat, spat out his drink.

"Oh … wrong choice of words." Bastion blanched. "From your bedside, I meant."

Blake shot him an unimpressed look. "Son of a calculator."

"Just had to see how awake you are." Bastion teased with a smirk. "Hurry up, or we'll miss it."

They arrived in the arena shortly after, rushing towards the railing to watch the duel below take place. Due to what must've been an active Field spell, the arena looked like it was underwater, with ruins surrounding the battlefield.

The reigning queen, Seika Kohinata, looked like she'd just drawn a card and smirked at it. Her appearance was a bit disheveled, and she got dark rings under her eyes, a picture far from her usual looks. Her opponent stood tall and proud, though she too had deviated from the norm.

Kami Umino had her wavy blue hair up in a high ponytail as opposed to having it cascading down her back. She too had rings under her eyes.

"I'm afraid your challenge ends here, Umino." Seika announced. "By banishing all Reptile monsters I control and in my graveyard I summon the pinnacle of snakes: Evil Dragon Ananta!" The two snakes on her field joined together with five others that crawled out of the ground and formed together the great hydra that was Ananta. One tail, a dark chest plate depicting the face of a snake, seven heads, and its primary head adorned with a horned crown. "My Ananta receives 600 points for every monster banished to summon it, making both its attack and defense 4200!"

The king of snakes grew in size, towering over Kami's monsters which happened to be White Night Dragon, Superancient Deepsea King Coelacant, and Oyster Meister, the later in defense position.

"Now Ananta; strike down her Deepsea King!" Seika ordered. Her monster spew out seven streams of poisonous clouds, while Kami's monster tried to fend it off with streams of high-pressured water. It defended itself valiantly, but without success. (Kami 800 / Seika 1200)

"With that done, I end my turn, which happens to activate my monster's effect!" Seika announced. "It lets me destroy one card on the field, so say goodbye to your dragon." Ananta's main head snapped forward, biting into its target and causing it to turn a sick purple before shattering the icy dragon into pieces. One half of the arena cheered.

Blake could hear Kami clicking her tongue, her hand shaking as she made to draw.

"Come on, princess!" He shouted out loudly before he knew it. "Drown that oversized pet snake!"

Kami's head turned towards him, her eyes widening as they found his.

"Show that washed queen who's the boss now!" He added with a smirk. After a few seconds, Kami let out a sigh of relief before nodding and mirroring his smirk.

Turning back towards her opponent with a more resolute posture, she drew her next card. "It seems you have made a mistake with your effect, Kohinata. You should've gone for something else."

Her opponent narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"That you've sealed your own defeat by not destroying my Field spell!" Kami picked a card and slapped it onto her duel disk. "I tribute my Oyster Meister to summon Levia-Dragon – Daedalus!"

Out of the far back of the scenic water shot a big sea serpent, coiling up in front of Kami. Its body was mostly clad in blue scales with a purple underbelly, with a green gem shining dimly on its forehead (2600/1500).

"A Legendary Ocean decreases the level of any Water monster on the field and in my hand by one, thus one tribute suffices for my monster. Also, since it's always treated as Umi, I can use it to activate Daedalus' effect which will destroy all cards on the field! Tidal Wave!" Kami ordered. Behind her, the ruins broke apart as a massive wave built before surging forward, sweeping away both Daedalus and Ananta.

Seika coughed as the arena turned back to normal. "So what? We both have nothing left and you've used your summon while keeping yourself wide open!"

"Oh but, I'm not done yet." Kami countered, shooting Seika a look of coy mockery. "I activate Monster Reborn to bring back White Night Dragon!" The residual holographic water froze before turning into fine diamond dust as the icy dragon reemerged, a triumphant howl following its wake.

Her opponent's shoulders slumped and she closed her eyes, knowing she's beat.

"Now my dragon; usher in your new queens reign!" Kami shot her arm forward, her monster simultaneously letting out a breath of white snow, ending the duel. (Kami 800 / Seika 0)

The duel finished, Kami was about to rush to the stairs, but Doctor Crowler interrupted her with a firm hand on her shoulder. "With this amazing duel over, this concludes the challenge toward the title of Central Academy's Queen! A big applause for both duelists and towards your new titled Queen; Kami Umino!"

This time all onlookers erupted in cheers while both girls shook hands down in the arena. Blake noticed a group of men up where the staff used to sit leave before he could get a look at them. Just as he turned back, Kami had rushed up the stairs and screeched to a halt in front of him. "You're alright."

"Did you expect anything else from me?" Blake asked, before adding "You look like shit, you know?" only to flinch when she promptly stomped on his foot.

"Big deal, everybody looks like shit next to me anyway." Her voice, while harsh, held a distinct tone of relief as she stepped closer so no one could overhear her. "Do you have any idea how worried I was?!"

"About me? You shouldn't have." Blake replied with faux surprise. "You ain't getting rid of me that easily, I'm afraid. Though I heard you're quite … fixed to my bed?"

"You idiot." She hissed with an annoyed smile, stepping into him for a surprise hug. It felt the warmest and most comfortable Blake had ever felt. To add to his shock, she was shaking like a leaf.

Next to them, Bastion rolled his eyes and mouthed 'Hug her!' before trying to divert attention from them.

Blake, absolutely out of his element, did as his best friend suggested and hugged Kami back, although not as tightly as she was him. She jolted momentarily, but then her grasp on him lightened. A few moments later, she stopped shacking and looked up at him with teary eyes she quickly brushed dry before politely coughing into her fist. "Good to see you're doing well."

"You two didn't get a chance yet to tell me how stupid I am yet. Not like I could leave you hanging like that, could I?" He replied while patting her back.

"Don't think you're out of the waters just yet." She grumbled.

"Am I ever with you?" He chuckled at her annoyed groan. "The ponytail looks good on you, by the way."

A strong blush overcame her face, prompting her to burrow her face in his collar once more. "Compliments will get you nowhere … but they're appreciated."

"So, I've heard, but you know we're in public, right?" He teased.

In hindsight, he should've kept his mouth shut, as she took a step away from him faster than he could blink.

"Ah, signore Moore, I am relieved to see you're alright." Doctor Crowler interjected from the side, drawing their attention. "While it pains me to cut your heartfelt reunion short, I'm afraid I'll have to ask all of you to follow me. There's some … business, you and the others must attend to."

Once they made their way up to the chancellor's office, they met with the other former guardians of the Spirit Keys, along with Jaden's encourage and Alexis's brother Atticus. Before any small talk could even begin, they're brought into the room by Crowler. With everyone settled inside, they all collectively froze at who awaited them.

To their left, Central Academy's most important staff were chatting, including Professor Fontaine, Professor Satyr, and a pretty woman in a Slifer Red coat Blake had never seen before. She had long, straight, black hair and a harsh look on her face when she turned towards them and looked at Crowler, before easing up as her eyes fell on them. Funnily enough, Jaden completely froze up when her eyes flickered to him.

To their right, a man in a black suit and sunglasses was standing next to Maximillion Pegasus, who was animatedly talking to …

"Jinzo?!" Blake sputtered.

Standing opposite of the creator of Duel Monsters was the ridiculously tall mechanical menace, seemingly deeply in thought as he conversed with Pegasus. What made the scene even more unbelievable was Jinzo holding up Professor Banner's tabby cat Pharaoh, which seemed completely relaxed in his cold grasp. The spirit in physical form glanced toward him, offering him but a short nod before both he and Pegasus turned silent.

As in front of them, another man in a suit and sunglasses loudly cleared his throat, ending what was left of the idle chatter across the room. Looking out of the window wall and until just now busy talking in his headset, Seto Kaiba turned around to face them. He wore his signature white and silver coat alongside the futuristic black and blue duel disk connected up to said headset, not looking a day older than during the events of the last movie five years ago.

The mere feeling of his sight on them had Blake's classmates bristle, and he could understand why. The eternal rival to Yugi Muto had a presence so strong they could almost see it. It felt like he's surrounded by an imposing aura and wherever his eyes felt on felt its pressure thrice as hard. Behind him, coiled around him protectively with its head held high, a barely visible but beautiful white dragon had its blue eyes on them. No other spirit dared to make even the quietest of noises.

"Everyone's finally here? Good." Kaiba said dismissively. "Roland, the schedule."

"Yes, Mister Kaiba." The man next to him replied, tapping on a tablet he'd pulled out and swishing whatever was on it towards Kaiba, whose headset lens flared to life as a blue hologram.

"Now, I guess congratulations are in order, seeing as you all completed the task given to you and are still in one piece." Kaiba began, addressing the students in the room. "A task that should've never been yours to begin with, except perhaps the senior students. Your success aside, it remains the staffs complete and utter failure."

The professors in presence withered under Kaiba's harsh glare, especially Crowler.

"As it was Chancellor Sheppard's idea and responsibility to deal with the issue at hand, the moment he fully recovers from the injuries he sustained while doing his job for once, he'll be immediately terminated from his position as the academy's headmaster."

Out of the corner of his eye, Blake could see Zane and Atticus grimace, with Zane's fists tightened so much his knuckles turned white. The teachers all look downcast at the news.

"He wouldn't be the only one to fire, but given the support and information provided during these past days, I've decided to give the rest of you one last chance." Kaiba continued, his eyes lingering on Crowler longer than the others. "Needless to say, the deceased need no jobs." His eyes flickered over to Jinzo whose holding onto Pharaoh, the spirit withering under his gaze.

"Thankfully, there are at least a handful duelists actually worth being called such, despite the horrendous state of this academy. Seeing as the ranking system was completely gutted, those of you who aren't yet situated in the Obelisk Blue dorm will be given promotion duels before the day's over." Kaiba said before turning to the professors. "Meanwhile, the rest of the dorms will be reevaluated over the Christmas break by the staff."

"B-But Mister Kaiba, sir." Crowler began. "What about the student's grades? Some are even skipping another dorm altogether!"

"I don't remember you caring about any of that these past years." Kaiba shot back without missing a beat. "They'll be given their duels. If they win, they're in. Once the ranking system is back to what it's supposed to be, it'll be the staffs' task to see whether the students fit their dorms on both a dueling and academic level."

Blake exchanged a look with Kami, seeing as this was exactly what they're advocating for to garner support from the other students. She shot him a small smile before turning back to the man of the hour.

"Ah, I believe that's more than fair." Professor Satyr added. "Quite a few of my Ra's have been waiting for their rightful chance of promotion. Especially the third years …"

"Then it'll be in your best interest to start evaluating them immediately." Kaiba stated simply, causing the good professor to bow and leave.

"Aside from promotions-" Kaiba turned back towards the students, "all of you will be given offers for various internships in Kaiba Corporation facilities during your spring breaks, including Industrial Illusions and any connected companies." His eyes then moved to the seniors in the room. "With one of two long-missing student actually returning, he'll be allowed to remain and take the terms he missed. After which both he and his fellow senior will be offered sponsorships for the pro circuit. The rest of you will have your files marked to be taken into consideration for when you're done with school."

'One of two? Was that Fujiwara guy a fake?' Blake thought, his eyes wandering over to Jinzo and Pharaoh, which was likely holding onto Banner's spirit. 'A fake body to trick Honest?'

"And we're not done yet, Kaiba-boy." Pegasus interrupted, causing Kaiba to loudly click his tongue. "Seeing as we have full insight into the decks and cards all of you used thanks to Kaiba Corp's technology, I'll have my brightest work on some cards fitting all of you. My newest employee has a unique insight on that as well, so you can expect them before you start your second year."

Chumley, who's busy hiding at the back, let out a startled yelp.

Seeing as Roland was tapping his wrist-watch, Kaiba cut off whatever else Pegasus might've had to say. "What happened on this island during the past days stays on the island. The other students aren't any the wiser, nor is the public. There was some special event during your little title games and everything else happened due to old tech making problems. Do I make myself clear?"

The sheer power behind those words had some of them sweat and Blake felt specifically called out on that. Everyone else nodded and he felt Kaiba's glare on himself, alongside a pressure that turned his legs into jelly, so he did too.

"Good. I don't need even more headlines after what happened with the Domino Police Department and the rats tail attached to it."

'Ah, I must've royally pissed him off with all that.' Blake thought. 'Or he's angry about it happening without him knowing?'

"Now, all of you aside from Moore: Leave." Kaiba ordered. Before he even finished his sentence, everyone else was moving out, aside from Pegasus and, surprisingly, Kami. As the door shut once more, Blake overheard Roland handing out what must've been life-long membership cards for Kaiba Land.

"Miss Umino, I believe I made myself clear." Kaiba frowned.

"Crystal, sir." Kami replied, straightening her back. "But since Mister Moore is under my employ, I believe it prudent to be involved in whatever topic related to him."

With Kaiba's eyes flickering to him, Blake looked at Kami, who gave him a resolute glare, daring him to send her away. "I believe my employer is right on that, sir."

Kaiba closed his eyes momentarily before sighing. "Let's cut to the chase then; the only reason I haven't kicked you out of this school is because you did me a favor. We've gotten rid of quite a few headaches by cleaning up the trash in and around Domino City, which is the only saving grace to your little stunt. For what you did to the Matou boy alone I could have you thrown into jail."

Kami's eyes widened with Blake's deeds laid out clearly.

"But seeing as he spat on everything a duelist stands for; I'll give you some leeway just this once while kicking out the boy. If you try shit like that again no money in the world can find where you'll be locked up. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Speaking of Shinji-boy-" Pegasus continued, a frown on his face, "the dastardly deeds of his father too have come to light. Rest assured that his contract's been terminated with him banned from working on anything Duel Monsters related for the rest of his life. While it's a shame given his previous work on cards together with Mister Phoenix, he hasn't performed up to standards ever since the good man's death. To think his best work had been stolen from a child …"

"We'll talk about your future arrangements for the spring break at a later date. I'm sure your handler can give you a rundown over the phone while you stay on the island for your Christmas break, which isn't debatable." Kaiba said, looking like he'd just licked a lemon. "I need to get going so I'll cut this short."

He side-eyed Pegasus, who put a suitcase on the desk, revealing the three Sacred Beast cards.

"We have yet to see and decide whether or not to seal those away again." Kaiba began. "Naturally, we won't leave the equivalent to three god cards in the hands of a rebellious brat with questionable loyalties."

"Which is why we've decided to split them up." Pegasus continued. "After a pleasant talk with the spirits residing on the island and around all of you promising young students, we've come to a simple solution." He picked up Raviel's card and held it out to Blake. "This one had rather strong feelings towards staying with you, Blakey-boy. Given your affinity with Dark monsters and the ability to even read the Sacred Beasts' cards, something even Kaiba-boy's tech struggles with, we reasoned it was fine to let you keep it as long as you prove yourself trustworthy."

Blake, looking at Kaiba for confirmation, gingerly took the card, which filled him with energy once more. "Thank you-"

"Needless to say, we'll come and take it if you become a problem." Kaiba interrupted. "See it as assurance for a job I have for you, which won't conflict with any arrangements you have with Miss Umino." He added the later part just as Kami was about to open her mouth.

"I won't betray your trust." Blake said with a sense of finality. If they would give him a chance like that, there's no way he'd let it go to waste. It's a miracle they're even here and talking to him like that, much more so him capable of talking without a crack in his voice or something similar. There was the question about the remaining Sacred Beasts, however.

And Pegasus must've read the question of his face. "As Kaiba-boy, Yugi-boy, and I have decided on who'll keep an eye on the Sacred Beasts, you can rest assured they'll be in good hands and save from anyone with malicious intents. Mine and Yugi-boy's chosen duelists will hold onto Hamon and Uria respectively. If we deem them safe, they'll be free to stay, just like they're free to unite once more if they feel like it."

Kaiba was about to leave when Pegasus spoke once more. "There remains the topic of the other trio, however." This caused Kaiba to stop right in front of the door. "The Dueling Network connected to the duel disks wasn't able to fully analyze certain cards Superintendent Kagemaru has used, especially towards the end of your duel. Which is strange, given it could properly read your one-of-a-kind Dark Honest, Blakey-boy."

'Guess they got the chance to check those cards while I was out cold, makes sense.' Blake thought, less surprised about them knowing and more about him being allowed to keep it. Talking with Pegasus about how he got might be a good idea after this. 'And maybe take care of Atticus's Darkness Dragon.'

"You mean the Wicked Gods?" Blake asked, remembering what Kagemaru had called them. He also vaguely remembered them being some gimmicky, borderline useless pack filler cards. Kami looked at him with a confused frown before shivering thoroughly. She stepped closer just as he put a hand on her shoulder instinctively.

"So, it's really them …" Pegasus mused darkly.

"You told us you never finished them and scratched the idea altogether." Kaiba spat hotly.

"I did. I was rather confident everything connected to them was disposed of." Pegasus replied, his frown deepening.

"Could someone else have finished them then?" Blake asked, causing both to turn towards him. A sudden pressure had his knees weakening almost immediately. "If Shinji's dad was a bad apple, who's to say there're more? I think the old man said something about not trusting 'them' too, though I have no idea if he meant the cards or other people." 'And wasn't there some crazy former employee that tried to replicate the Winged Dragon of Ra too? What's his face … Frank? Steve?'

Kaiba and Pegasus exchanged a seemingly knowing look.

"I'll put a team on that." Kaiba said before promptly leaving.

"Hah …" Pegasus sighed dramatically. "To see so many people misuse the very game I created to provide fun and entertain the people like that …" He shook his head before looking at the two awkward students left in the room. Out of nowhere, his free eye gained a twinkle as he smiled at them playfully. "My, you two sure work well together. You wouldn't happen to be an item?"

"Guh, can you believe him asking that?!" Kami shrieked; her flushed face buried in her hands.

Blake snorted at the sight of her, opting to sit down looking at the island laid out before them.

After Kaiba had left, they'd been escorted down to the arenas for their impromptu promotion matches. The staff had worked themselves ragged to find fitting opponents for him, Bastion, Jaden, and even Syrus. Turned out he beat one of the Shadow Riders all by himself, even if it'd only been Abidos. Surprisingly enough, the little guy had managed to pull through. The Shadow Duel he'd won along with some proper brotherly support from Zane got him finally acting a bit more confident.

All of them had been promoted to Obelisk Blue, even Jaden. Blake had expected him to turn it down, but the new dorm master for the Slifer students must've had her hand in that. Miss Hibiki, she's called, though Jaden called her Miss Midori. Blake remembered Jaden talking about her before, so there must be some history between them if he can talk to her casually like that, though that didn't stop her from ripping into him for his bad grades. There had to be a story there, but Jaden would surely tell them sooner rather than later.

With all that over, Kami had asked him to talk in private, so they went to what had become their usual meet-up spot; the roof of the academy's main building. Luckily, the little Obelisk Blue guy with the droopy look they'd found there was more than willing to leave the space to them.

"Pegasus strikes me as a man who likes to gossip, so I'm not surprised." Blake replied eventually.

She plopped down next to him, barely a hand width apart. "But still! How can he say something like that so casually?!"

"Beats me." Blake shrugged. "You didn't deny it, though."

"Neither did you." Kami replied in a low voice, shifting her hands so her eyes peeked through between her fingers.

"That why we're here?" Blake asked almost nonchalantly.

Kami didn't reply, instead turning her face away from him.

"Guess I'm right. I don't think I have to remind you, given your insight on my past, but you know I'm not a good person, right?"

"You are a good person who's forced to do bad things." Kami refuted. "I know you care about your friends and wanted to make sure all of us were alright … in your asshole kind of way."

"I almost killed Shinji." Blake countered. "And Kagemaru …"

"Died because his body couldn't handle the stress according to Pegasus." Kami stopped him. "And the other one … I don't want to say deserved it, but you also weren't in your right mind back then."

"I'm also effectively a gutter rat, princess, along with a whole freighter of baggage." Blake continued. "Don't think it'd be good for your image to be seen with me in public, much less rumors about us going round."

"So?" Kami questioned, her shoulder touching his as she leant onto him. "I didn't think our resident bad boy cared about anyone's opinion."

"This isn't about me-"

"It is. Because I'm fine with that." Kami said much to his shock. "Unless you don't want me-" She squealed in surprise when his hand pushed away hers and cupped her cheek.

"Who else could I possibly want when there's you?" Blake said in a tone so tender he was surprised it came from him. "After everything you did for me, I'd be the biggest fool in the world if I didn't want you."

"W-w-well …" Kami muttered, her face red like a tomato. "T-the feeling's mutual, you know."

"Hoh? I expected some tsundere vibes here, you surprise me every time, princess." Blake teased, not noticing how they're getting closer.

Kami grumbled weakly, her eyes slowly fluttering shut. "You know I have a name, right? We aren't quite yet in pet name territory …"

"Better start thinking of one then, Kami."

Then, the door behind them screeched open, followed be footsteps abruptly stopping. "Blake, Kami, there you- … am I interrupting something?" Bastion's voice came from the back.

Frozen in what they're doing, both Blake and Kami snapped their heads towards him. ""Yes!""

Bastion laughed weakly, looking exceptionally uncomfortable.

"Bastion, turn around." Blake ordered.

"Huh?" Kami replied just as Bastion did a perfect one-eighty before she's pulled into the kiss she'd been waiting for.

You guys know this super annoying trope when the main couple finally gets a chance to progress their relationship, only for someone stopping them at the last second? Yeah, screw that. I couldn't help but laugh at the idea of Bastion interrupting but Blake not giving a damn. I guess you could say the ship is sailing.

I've had a lovely commenter over on Ao3 supply the idea of a short segment where we see the duel from the outside perspective and added some flair to it. Poor Crowler, but who wouldn't react like that in Kami's situation? So, old man has kicked the bucket, Sheppard's out, and the Sacred Beasts will be split up to who knows to whom. Pegasus and Chumley will put out some fresh new cards, expanding the card pool to keep future duels spicy. I skipped his duel against Crowler, since it went exactly as in canon.

So, Kaiba's going to fix up the academy a bit along with having a 'job' for Blake, whatever that could be. Sure won't be easy after all the work Blake has caused for him. Midori Hibiki is finally here to take over the Slifer Dorm again and we're going into Christmas vacation.

The roadmap is as follows: I have some scenes planned for that, Spirit Day, and the rest of year 1, which will likely all be in the next chapter. Just some fun scenes with fluff, friendship, and the spirit of Christmas. I was thinking of skipping Zane's graduation duel with a "Jaden vs Zane on steroids but the same result" given how many duels we had back-to-back-to-back. Feel free to give me your thoughts on that, maybe I'll write that or a whole different graduation duel out instead *cough* Blake vs Zane *cough*. After that will be an interlude for other things happening, alongside some vacation scenes for the students. But before we jump into year 2 there'll be some further progress with Blake and Kami on different levels.

Glad y'all enjoyed the duel!
D2268: As always, thank you for your sharp eye, my guy!
Raidentensho: The old man would've likely combusted on the spot if he'd tried summoning all three of them, lol. Synchro's are an idea for when Blake needs some leverage and support, though don't expect them any time close. Hopefully some cash-out will be involved in his next talk with Kaiba, tho.
The Black Kraven: There you have it :D
KlabOriz: I'm sure he'll get plenty of time to have a pleasant rest now.
Peter Kim: Makes you wonder why neither Kaiba nor Pegasus showed any of those modern support cards. They're, sadly, lost, just like the Wicked Gods. Wherever they might've gone to …
jame33333: Love to have you on board! I'm sure the GBs will get their chance to appear again, just how and when …
Guest: If your name ain't Yugi, don't play ten archetypes in the same deck, yeah. Decks … we'll see. Him and Kami, you've seen and it'll only get more from here on out.
uchiha-rune: Real life takes priority, my guy. Happy to have you read it in the first place, don't worry about being on time :D
Guest: Given how the combined form of the Sacred Beasts looks you're probably not that far off with that.
kazimakizae24: Sure was a blast to write! Happy I'm not the only one having a blast with it.

That's it from me! See you in a short-er next time!