AN: Thank you so much for the gorgeous welcome and reviews. It has been amazing and overwhelming in all the best ways. I apologize for not responding to all the reviews yet, it was Taylor Swift weekend, but I read and loved every single one.
I'm posting from Atlanta today, which gives me a special thrill being back home and posting this chapter.
Without further adieu, I give you Southernward, or as some of you have already dubbed him, Bravesward.
**Fiddling was had. All mistakes are mine.
Chapter 2
"Love in an elevator
Livin' it up when I'm goin' down
Love in an elevator
Lovin' it up til' I hit the ground"
"Love in an Elevator" by Aerosmith
The room was filling up as scores of people milled around, getting their drinks and hors d'oeuvres. The subtle music in the background was setting a festive mood. The Braves organization had pulled out all the stops for this evening. They were very hopeful for this season. They had the talent; now they were anxious to see if they could pull it off and bring home the World Series trophy. They hadn't won a series since 1995, and Atlanta was primed and ready to make their run.
Edward, Emmett, and Jasper were standing around chatting with some of the guys when Tyler Crowley, one of the pitchers, let out a huge laugh.
"Oh my God! Looks like Newton's trying to score again." He jerked his head over to the corner of the room by the food tables. All at once, the guys stopped chatting and turned to see who Newton's latest victim was.
"Well, fuck me running. He's talking to my wife and Bella." Emmett laughed to the group. The rest of the guys joined in and started to razz Emmett.
"Better look out, McCarty. He thinks he stands a chance."
"Once he strikes out, I'm up next," chimed another player.
"All right, all right. Enough, y'all. Play nice. I'll go over there and jerk a knot in his tail and send him running." Edward placated the group as he started to mosey over to Rose and Bella. Soon enough he walked up beside Newton just as the second baseman was starting a story.
Edward noticed right off the bat that Bella was bored, as she was playing with her food while listening to Mike's story. She was simply being polite. After spending time with her earlier, he could tell the smile on her face was forced, not genuine.
Mike was on the prowl, it was obvious, and he was working hard to make an impression on her. His body language had him leaning closer toward her as he talked, occasionally touching her when he was emphasizing a point in the story, trying to reel her in.
Edward waited patiently to interrupt, all the while trying to come up with a suitable distraction to draw the attention away from Bella. "Ladies." Edward nodded his head toward Bella and Rose once Mike took a much-needed breath.
The girls smiled and welcomed his greeting. Bella had a look of relief when Edward made his presence known.
"Newton, how the hell are you? You must be feeling good after that home run you hit." Edward winked at Bella while he took a sip of his drink.
Bella slightly smiled back at him, wondering what his game was.
Mike nodded and smiled as he looked at Bella specifically. He puffed out his chest like a horny bird chirping a victory mating call, obviously thrilled his teammate disclosed his triumph on the field today.
Edward moved to clap Mike on his shoulder, then he leaned into his ear and not so discreetly whispered, "Hey, man, did you bring that stripper you met last weekend from that bachelor party at the Pink Pony? I hear she's the spitting image of Selena Gomez with fake tits and stripper heels."
Newton's face reddened immediately, and he shot Cullen a dirty look.
Edward kept his face neutral. He didn't want to give away the satisfaction he was feeling inside. He knew Mike's reputation with women, and he felt protective, maybe even a bit territorial of Bella.
Mike, clearly annoyed, knew the girls heard what Edward whispered. When Mike turned to glance at him, he distinctly noticed the way Edward was staring at Bella.
"No, man, we aren't seeing each other anymore," Mike responded.
"That's too bad," Edward replied. "I heard y'all had a lot in common."
The smug look on Edward's face told Bella all she needed to know about the conversation taking place in front of her. Edward wanted Newton gone, that much was obvious, but the whys had her curious. She surmised from what she overheard Edward say that Newton was a player, and for her that was a huge red flag, not that she was interested in him in anyway.
Bella was truly amused at the turn of events, but she bit her tongue and stayed quiet as the scene played out in front of her.
Mike, looking embarrassed, politely excused himself from the group. Bella and Rose both said their goodbyes to the back of Mike's head as he high tailed it away from their hi-boy table.
"That was special," Rose said, at the exact moment her husband's booming voice startled the group.
"Cullen, what the hell did you say to Newton? I've never seen anyone cut and run the way he just did." Emmett wrapped his arm around his wife's waist as he took in the mood around him.
"Oh, you missed all the action, baby," Rose taunted, as she leaned into Emmett's touch. "Edward here just pissed all over Bella's leg right in front of Mike Newton."
"You don't say." Emmett grinned as he glanced at him. He tipped back his drink, finishing it in a single gulp, as he watched Edward.
Before Edward could get a word in edgewise, Bella scolded Rose, trying to spare Edward and her any more embarrassment than necessary.
"Rose, don't be ugly. You're getting way too good at stirring the pot lately."
"Simmer down, Bella. Don't get your panties in a wad. I'm just having a little fun." Rose put her arm around Emmett's waist and looked up at him. "Come on, Em, let's go grab a drink before Bella shoots any more daggers at me." Rose gave Bella a pointed look, flipped her hair back over her shoulder, and began to tug Emmett along.
The drama not lost on her, Bella pursed her lips in dismay, but before she could respond, Emmett, being Emmett, decided to lighten the mood
He clawed the air. "Meow." His poor impersonation of a hissing cat was the last thing Bella heard as he disappeared into the crowd.
"Sorry about all that. My sister can be a bit…theatrical." Bella blew out a breath.
"Nah, it's all good. I have a sneaking suspicion she just loves to get your goat." He chuckled.
"You think?" Bella darted her eyes around the room, looking for a place to sit. Her feet were starting to get weary; she rarely wore heels. "Hey, let's go get some food and find a place to sit."
"Best idea I've heard in a long while."
Bella and Edward walked to the buffet and loaded their plates with a myriad of hors d'oeuvres. Once they found a quiet table, they tucked into their food with gusto.
"This is so good." Bella praised as she took another bite. "There was so much to pick from—I didn't know what to get without looking like a pig. My first plate got cold when Mike came to talk to us, so I must look like a glutton coming back for seconds so soon."
Edward laughed at her admission. "I promise not to tell anyone how many times you go to the buffet."
Just as Edward was about to pick up a meatball, Bella groaned. "Oh, those look so good. I missed those." Bella took her fork and started to steal one from Edward's plate, but he swiftly moved it away as her fork closed in on one of his meatballs.
Bella eyed him with surprise when she realized she'd been thwarted. Edward arched his brow, challenging her to try again. When she boldly went for another, Edward, with a slight twinkle in his eye, playfully responded, "Joey doesn't share food."
"You did not just quote Friends." Bella laughed in disbelief.
"Of course, I did. Everyone knows Friends emulates real life." As he took a stab at another meatball, Edward waggled his eyebrows and popped it into his mouth.
"So, is Joey your alter ego?" she inquired, taking another sip of wine.
"Nah, he's a bit of a buffoon." He wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin. "And, just so you know, I'm definitely not a buffoon." He winked and continued to eat.
He looked at Bella for a moment longer, trying to decide how far to take the rest of the conversation when she chimed in.
"No, you're right. You're definitely not a buffoon, and I assume you don't have three ex-wives like Ross either," she teased.
"No ex-wives and no buffoonery, but I'm guessing…" He paused for dramatic effect. "…you're more of a Monica."
"Monica? Why do you think I'm a Monica? Why can't I be a Rachel? Every guy likes a Rachel. She's the 'dream girl'." She emphasized with air quotes like Joey to make her point.
"Why do you say that? Maybe I like Monica." He looked her square in the eye and gave her a crooked grin.
She sighed, already growing to love that grin on him.
"Oh, come on, you know! All the guys know! They love Rachel because, well…" Bella giggled to herself just before she ranted, "Did she have to pinch her nipples before every damn scene? She always had NETH every time she was on screen." She shook her head in disgust.
"NETH?" Edward looked bewildered. "What the hell is NETH?"
"You know…nipple erection titty hard-on." She gestured circles around her chest with emphasis.
Edward snickered as he shook his head in response. In that moment, he couldn't stop his gaze from drifting down slowly. He took in the roundness of her breasts, how they looked perfect beneath her dress while they moved with each breath. Her cleavage showed just the right amount to tease, yet not enough to leave nothing to the imagination. As he continued to unabashedly stare, Edward noticed he could just make out the beginning of the NETH she was talking about as it started to blossom in front of him. It was a sight to behold.
Bella caught Edward's look and felt a hot blush bloom on her cheeks. She brought it upon herself by bringing it up. It was now up to her to get their conversation back on the right track, but deep down, she wondered how could it be wrong? His gaze made her feel attractive, desired. Something she hadn't felt or even wanted to feel in quite some time. Just as Bella was about to change the subject, she felt her nipples strain against her bra. If she could feel them, Edward could see them. She cleared her throat to draw his attention back to her face.
"So," Bella began.
Edward's eyes snapped up to hers the moment she spoke, breaking the spell he was under. He knew she'd caught him staring at her, and a small amount of guilt washed over him. He smiled gently, his ears turning pink in embarrassment. Trying to avoid her scrutiny, he went back to his food, cutting into a meatball.
He distracted her as she watched him eat; the way his mouth moved with each bite made her wish she was on the other end of that fork. Sighing to herself, Bella knew she should leave well enough alone, but that didn't deter her from the subject at hand. She simply had to know the answer. The unknown would drive her crazy.
"Why am I a Monica?" she asked. Now that it was spoken out loud, she wasn't even sure she truly wanted to know.
Edward loaded up his fork, and offered a bite to Bella. As she leaned forward, accepting the tasty morsel, she wrapped her lips around the fork.
"Mhmm," Bella moaned.
Edward's eyes smoldered as he held her stare, his Adam's apple bouncing as her tongue glided over her lips.
Not one to leave anything to misinterpretation, Edward shifted in his chair, leaning closer to Bella. His lips grazed the shell of her ear as he whispered in a thick, husky voice. "I prefer brunettes."
As the evening continued, the drinks flowed as freely as the conversation. Andy, one of the waiters, was extremely attentive now that the bulk of the evening had died down, and the moment someone's drink was empty, he was there to replace it. Bella and Edward hadn't left the table since they'd claimed it earlier. The conversation continued to unfold between them as every anecdote had them inching closer and closer together. Bella would lightly touch Edward's arm with every laugh they shared while their knees brushed against each other's as they chatted. Edward would occasionally squeeze Bella's hand as she told a funny story or shared a tad more about herself. Sometimes he held her hand longer than necessary, and it made her tingle in all the right places.
They were both vastly aware of the other physically, and they were surprised how easily they became comfortable with each other throughout the evening. The alcohol certainly was doing its job, relaxing them, making them feel warm and loose inside. Each touch drew the other in and they found themselves totally engaged as they quietly talked, neither of them taking their eyes off the other.
Enveloped in their bubble, neither Edward nor Bella noticed the gang had found them at the table. When the group reached them, Jasper held out his highball glass and motioned toward Edward, exclaiming, "Here's to the 'Darling of Atlanta'!"
Jasper patted Edward on the back, ripping Edward from the cocoon that had formed around him and Bella. The gang was all holding their glasses out ready to be clinked. When their glasses met together, Edward looked flustered at the spotlight thrust upon him.
"Aww, shitfire. Not that again," he drawled. He put his head in his hands, silently shaking with laughter.
Bella gave Edward a questioning look. "What are they talking about?"
"Oh, you haven't heard, Miss Bella? You happen to be sitting with the one and only 'Darling of Atlanta.' Isn't that right, homeboys?" Emmett chuckled and slapped Edward's back. "The announcers coined it during the pregame today, and apparently, it's stickin'." Emmett turned to bow in front of Edward. "We are so honored to be in your presence, Darling."
Edward rolled his eyes at Emmett, throwing a wadded napkin at him. "Hey, I had nothing to do with that."
For the second time tonight, Bella noticed his ears pinking up in embarrassment. She couldn't deny it was adorable, and frankly, she thought, so was he.
The gang left as fast as they came, and once again, Edward and Bella were alone. They returned to their bubble and shut out the rest of the world. Before they knew it, the room had thinned out, and they were two of the few people left in the room. Andy came back and dropped one last drink for them as he told them it was last call.
"Thank you so much, Andy." Edward reached into his pocket and grabbed his wallet. He took out two crisp one-hundred-dollar bills and put them in Andy's hand.
"Thank you so much, Mr. Cullen."
"Edward." He smiled sincerely at Andy. "And you're welcome. You worked hard tonight, and we sure do appreciate the attention you gave us. Have a great one."
"The moniker suits you, Edward," Andy said. "And I just gotta say, as a Braves fan all my life, we're all so excited you came back here to play. The hometown boy makes good."
"Thanks, Andy. That truly means a lot. I'll do my best to make Atlanta proud." Edward shook his hand in appreciation as Andy's face lit up like a Christmas tree.
Once Andy retreated, Edward sighed. "Man, I'll never get used to that." He shook his head as he looked down at his shoes.
"What? The adulation?" Bella questioned.
Rubbing the back of his neck, Edward looked her in the eye and whispered, "Yeah." He moved forward to reach for his glass, tilting it back to finish his drink. "I remember who I idolized, and how they seemed bigger than life. I can't wrap my brain around the fact someone may feel the same way about me. I just love to play the game. That's what's in it for me. So, it's been taking some getting used to. Thankfully, they've all been so welcoming and supportive."
"Well, you are the 'Darling of Atlanta,'" she teased, and squeezed his bicep.
He laughed back at her once more as his ears pinked for a third time.
Bella took a moment to appreciate him. His humbleness, his kindness, his honesty, his gentlemanly ways. She couldn't dismiss how handsome he was either. He had that all-American look with thick bronze hair that didn't seem to want to be tamed. He was the full package, and she knew she was in big trouble.
She wanted him.
"Excuse me." Bella got up from her chair and grabbed her purse. "I am going to the ladies' room."
Edward touched her arm and stopped her. "I'm not even close to being ready for this evening to end, are you?" He looked deep into her eyes, hoping for some sign she was interested in spending some more time together.
"Not really," she replied as goosebumps broke out on the arm he was touching. "What do you have in mind? Is there another bar nearby we can go to?"
"Not a bar, exactly," he responded, a bit unsure. "I want to show you one of my favorite places. Are you game? It's not far, I promise. I know you're in heels."
"Where precisely is this favorite place?" Bella asked with curiosity.
"Well, it's in the Omni Hotel, right across the way."
"I'm staying at the Omni, and I don't recall anything remarkable in the hotel."
Edward gave a sly smile as he responded. "Well, that's because you aren't in a suite overlooking the stadium." His eyes twinkled with a bit of mischief as he attempted to woo Bella back to his room. The view at night with all the lights was extraordinary. It was his church, and in that moment, he wanted to share it with her.
Bella looked at him hesitantly but nodded in agreement as she began to walk toward the bathroom.
Edward gathered their drinks, one in each hand. "Look at me," he called after her. "I'm rendered completely helpless." He chuckled. "I can't use either of my hands. You'll be safe with me. And I promise I'll be the perfect gentleman."
Bella turned around and saw the jovial expression on Edward's face as he walked toward her.
"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that, Cullen." She laughed. "You're not the first professional athlete who's tried to get me to their room, and I'm sure you won't be the last." Bella glanced back at Edward right before she entered the bathroom and noted the look of contemplation on his face.
As she walked into the bathroom, she heard Edward shout, "I'll meet you at the door."
Standing at the mirror, Bella smoothed down her hair, and swiped a bit of lipstick on her lips. She gave herself a good, hard look while she delivered a silent pep talk. She felt assured that going to his suite was a good idea. He knew she was Emmett's sister-in-law, she considered. Nothing bad could possibly happen. They were teammates, friends, compadres.
Edward was truly a stand-up guy. A possible hookup with that desirable man could be a possibility, and Bella decided she was up for it. She hadn't opened herself up in a long time. Edward was easy to talk to, and the whole evening had seemed effortless.
She knew, just by the interaction they'd had tonight, that Edward was nothing like her ex. He had the wholesome, boy-next-door quality that made him quite endearing. Everyone around him seemed to want to be in his presence. She was just lucky enough to garner his attention, and she was not complaining. An unfamiliar emotion overcame her as she looked at herself for the last time before leaving the bathroom—desire.
When Bella walked out of the bathroom, she spied Edward standing by the door, holding not only both drinks, but also a bottle of chardonnay under his arm.
"Where did that come from?"
"I know people." He shrugged as he gave her that sweet smile. "Ready?"
"I'm as ready as I'll ever be, Darling."
After a lazy walk across the Battery to the hotel, Bella and Edward found themselves patiently waiting for the elevator to take them to Edward's suite. Both of them were aware of their surroundings and hoped no one was around to catch them going up together. The gossip would be relentless, and neither one of them was interested in perpetuating that.
As the elevator dinged and the doors opened, Bella and Edward walked in. They took one last look into the lobby, checking to see if there were any witnesses. When they were satisfied, Bella asked Edward what floor he was on.
"Sixteen," he replied gruffly. Clearing his throat, he gave her a reassuring smile.
Bella hit the button for the sixteenth floor and rested against the back wall next to Edward.
The moment the door closed, the atmosphere changed. Something about the fact that they were alone, in an enclosed space, made the ambiance feel electric. They were both reticent, wondering what the other was thinking. The silence was deafening as the elevator moved up the floors. They turned to each other simultaneously, each with a lingering gaze, both deciding what they wanted to say or do.
Bella reached over to take the wine bottle out of Edward's arm to lighten his load, and in that slight turn of their bodies as she removed the bottle, they came face-to-face. Their eyes locked, and without any delay, their lips crashed together.
It was as if a bomb went off between them. They both moaned and panted into each other's mouths as they tasted and tested; it was explosive. Edward, still with glasses in both hands, rolled his body over hers, pressing her back into the wall of the elevator as Bella grabbed onto to the lapel of his jacket to pull him closer. Once their bodies met, Bella could feel Edward's want for her. He was hard against her thigh as their bodies started a slow grind of their own volition.
"Damnit," Edward groaned. "I wish I didn't have these glasses in my hands. I want to feel that gorgeous ass of yours."
"God, yes," Bella managed to pant as she tilted back her head to feel his lips on her neck. She was needy, and he made her even more wanton with each massage of his tongue and swivel of his hips against hers. She moaned at the thought of him touching her ass, touching her anywhere. Her nipples strained against her dress. This time, she knew he could feel them pressed against his hard chest. His whole body was hard and firm against her.
As Edward kissed down the other side of her neck, he became aware that he had managed not to spill either drink on them or in the elevator. He heard the slight ding, signaling that it was time to get off, only to realize they had made it back to the first floor.
"Button," Edward panted as he broke their kiss.
Bella looked at him, dazed. "Huh?"
"Push the button." His lips ghosted back down her neck, lightly biting her at the juncture of her neck and shoulder, distracting her from what he just asked.
Bella gasped as she felt his teeth nip and his tongue lave. She reached out to hit the button, but Edward kept grinding into her, making the heat between them ignite even more.
"Edward," She moaned. "I can't reach…"
He lifted his head with a growl, moving slightly away, allowing her to push the button. They couldn't keep their hands or their lips off each other as they took two more trips up.
After their third attempt, they successfully made it to his floor. Edward was incredibly grateful for the anonymity the late hour gave them, but they were being careless and needed to get off the elevator. Therefore, he pulled away from Bella with a sigh and turned to stop the door from closing on them yet again.
Bella, completely dazzled, righted her dress, and promptly walked out, wine bottle and purse in hand, as Edward held the elevator door with his left hip.
He proceeded to walk in front of Bella as he led the charge. His room at the end of the hall wasn't a far walk, yet they walked with purpose and speed. The spark they felt in the elevator was continuing to simmer between them as they made it to the door.
"Uh…Bella, do you mind getting the card out of my pocket?"
Bella's hand moved toward him as she asked, "Which pocket?"
"My left."
As Bella reached into his pocket, she noticed what her hand lightly grazed, and when she did, she heard a slight intake of breath from Edward.
With a smirk, she arched her brow as she pulled the card out of his pocket. "Oops."
Edward groaned at her boldness, his eyes burning into hers. He stared at her for a moment longer than he intended, wondering how lucky he was to have her standing there before him. Then he leaned in to kiss her hard, his breath ragged against her lips.
Bella swiped the key on the pad, and they stumbled in as the door opened, breaking the kiss as their mouths ripped away from each other.
Once inside, Edward walked over to put the drinks down on the bar. He reached for the wine bottle Bella was holding and put the bottle in the fridge below. Needing a minute to collect himself, he loosened his tie, opened the top button on his shirt, and proceeded to pull one end free, letting the silk hang freely around his neck. He took another second to gather his thoughts as he took a sip of the brown liquor that was simultaneously calming him down and lowering his inhibitions.
Edward moved to the chair in front of the desk. As he shed his jacket, his eyes were drawn to Bella, watching as she took off her shoes and laid down her purse, making herself comfortable. He placed his jacket over the chair, rolled up his sleeves, and followed her gaze out the window onto the field.
Bella stared out the window, awestruck, taking in the lights as they danced across the sky. Edward was right. It was an extraordinary view. She could feel his stare searing into her with every move she made. It ignited something within her, bringing old feelings and desires back to the surface, ones she thought were dormant. Bella took a moment to embrace those feelings, even the ones that hurt. The anticipation the moment brought somewhat overwhelmed her. She knew he wanted her just as much as she wanted him. The question was…who was going to make the next move?
Running his hands through his messy hair, Edward blew out a shaky breath. It'd been a while since he had been with a woman, true, but she was Emmett's sister-in-law. He would be a fool to fuck up anything between them. What the ever-loving hell was he thinking?
He wasn't into relationships at that point in his life; he knew that. The last one, with his college sweetheart, ended so badly it completely wrecked him. He carried so much guilt from that. He just couldn't meld baseball and a relationship at the same time. He was too focused, and it always muddied everything else he touched.
He knew what he had to do, even though he desired the beautiful woman in his room so much he ached.
When he turned around to find Bella, he realized she was standing right behind him, waiting.
"See something you like?" Bella purred as she stared with a seductive grin on her face.
"Pardon?" Edward looked at her inquisitively. His long fingers gripped his glass harder than he needed to, but in the moment, it grounded him.
Bella moved closer to him and reached out to grab the sides of his tie. Twisting them around her fists, she pulled him to her. "I asked if you see something you like. And by the feel of you" —she swirled her hips into his— "I can tell that you're…shall we say…happy to see me." She nipped his earlobe with her teeth and began to take a step back as she heard him moan a quiet "fuck."
Edward instantly moved his arm to wrap it around Bella's waist, holding her steady against his body as his breathing accelerated. His fingers slightly dug into her side. He pulled his face away from her, and saw her desire matched his own. He knew there would be no turning back if he tasted her one more time, felt her gorgeous ass he thought about so many times tonight.
Bella looked at him and saw his Adam's apple bob up and down as he fought what was inevitably about to happen. Not breaking eye contact, Edward took a slow, deep swallow of his drink. Before he could move to place it on the table, Bella took the glass from him and took a swig of her own. He watched as she swallowed, mesmerized by her tongue as it peeked out to taste her lips. Absentmindedly, Edward dragged his own thumb along his bottom lip as he let out a hushed groan.
He took her hand and led her to the wall of windows overlooking the field. The lights were still on, the field on display, and in that rare moment, Edward wasn't looking at his chapel, he was looking at the women before him. And he knew he couldn't hold back any longer.
AN: Y'all, the view of his chapel from this balcony is extraordinary. The room goes for about $1,600 a night. I checked. So are we feeling the chemistry here?
I would love for you to share your thoughts with me. Reviews are life, so let me know how you're feeling.
The Braves won their game last night against the Cards 8-4. No hating here. I love my Cards fans.
** This starts the every other Tuesday posting. Thank you again for the amazing reception.
You can always follow me on my FB profile Pamela Lorraine for any updates and pic teases, and also in the group For the Love of Sports(ward).
Be happy.
Be kind.
Be blessed.