Christmas double special
Saturday rolled around game day as they were in a fancy Gondola taking a ride into the sky. Off in the distance, they could see a massive island above them that they were going towards. The floating city in the sky Agreas. Powerful magic is used to keep it afloat and in one position. Ran by Ajuka Beelzebub and his servants as other things happen there as well.
"It does float." Issei was surprised out of all of them as he saw it
"Out of everything you've seen in this world so far you're surprised about an island floating." Azazel asked as waterfalls could be seen flowing off the sides.
"I mean there's dragons, magic, and magical strippers. But it's not every day an Island floats like in anime." He had a point as there were three ways to get into the city. First was teleportation and that was off-limits. So Rias gave them a choice of airship or a Gondola and there was a collective pick of the slower gondola. For the most part, it was a nice day as they could see the landscape of the area all around them.
"This stadium was the backup. There was a dispute about where to hold the match." Rias shook her head at that as Azazel told them. "The Maou faction wanted the game to happen in Gremory of Maou territory. But the Bael faction argued that lineage is more important and Bael's always come first. Typical Devil's infighting over the dumbest things. It's a rather sad thing as it explains most of their history."
Issei looked at Rias "Yes that's true. That's why lord Agarees stepped in and said it would be hosted in his territory. Even tho his own daughter's game took place this morning."
"The Arch-Duke Agares seems to be the only one with a brain in his head."
"So this match is a war between the Maou and Great King Bael."
Azazel nodded hearing that from Yumi "Basically, Many see the match as Oppai Dragon and Switch Princess against the Strongest Youth Sairaorg and the others see it as a proxy war between two political factions. If you were to lose in the game it would be no skin off Sirzech's back, however, if the Bael faction were to lose. Well, that's another story there would be plenty of trouble with those Backing Sairaorg."
"Of course, somebody is backing him, why can't this just be easy."
Azazel laughed at that "If only it was that easy. But in this world, somebody has to get something. Doesnt matter how much blood they have to squeeze from the stone. Whatever happens, just don't worry about it and fight with your full strength. If you don't you will lose to him and restart with your goals."
Yumi thought about what was being said "Sairaorg Bael's dream, one where devils can surpass their social status."
"And do you think the Great King will allow that? Is it a faction so stuck with their importance on a ladder that over half of it is rotten? It's cooperation till there's a time to strike back. Sairaorg is a tool to them and he's aware of it. It's why he's risen to the top of what is essentially a corrupt system."
"What of the Hero Faction?" Akeno asked him.
"I wouldn't worry about them. There are far too many people here who would be a serious threat to them. The Stadium is already on high alert so not much will happen on that end."
"How can you be so sure about it?"
Azazel reached into his coat and pulled out a piece of paper. "Receive this from Va. She's quite interested in watching this game." He looked at Issei "Dont know how you did it but that girl is interested in something that isn't fighting for once. Tried for years to set her up with Penemue to maybe take an interest in clothes, jewelry, makeup something girly. But no, you roll along and she almost head over heels for you."
Issei could feel the eyes on him "Not my fault I have a magic penis."
"That's the fucked up part, you never even touched her." Azazel laughed at it. "It's not even that she wants to fight you. You turned her down and she gave up on it. She might take you up on that offer, though be careful she might be able to find one of your limits. To think that the wielder of White would be interested in something aside from Fighting Red."
Issei shrugged "Eh I'm down she's hot" A lightbulb went off in Issei's head and they all saw it. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone he started tapping away as he was sending a text message.
"What are you doing?" Rias asked as they could see that the Gondola was about to reach the station and disembark.
"Pervert brain turned on with an idea. Need to write it down before it gets lost." His fingers sped up as he had some spelling errors but it got the point across for when it could be refined later.
The gondola shook as they reached the top and the doors opened. As they got off they followed Rias out and cameras flashed and voices were shouting at them for Autographs to questions but there was no time for that. They were escorted by security through the crowd as they got to the road there was a black limo waiting for them the door popped open and they saw Ravel sitting there "I've been waiting for you" She said as they got in.
They quickly piled in and closed the door as the limo drove off. "You kids need your managers. Rias and Issei the most as your fame is about to skyrocket. And what you saw outside will be the norm for any one of you." A smile crept on his face. "Say, Ravel, what about being Issei's manager? He's a massive pervert but…" He was quickly hit in the face by Akeno with a large paper fan "What the hell was that for?"
Akeno only smiled at that "There is no need to push such an innocent girl into new a job"
"Sure whatever," He said rubbing his face. "You kids can't rely on Grayfia to schedule your stuff forever. She already has a hard enough time dealing with Sirzech's schedule."
They were driven around the city to a large hotel next to the stadium. A Luxurious hotel was the waiting place for all the important people who were going to be in the match and watching it. A spacious lobby with a mirror-like finish on the floor as they were guided by one of the bellhops to where they were going to be waiting for a while. Issei's perversion got the better of him as they walked through the halls he looked down at the floor only to be greeted with the image of skits and colorful panties. That much made him happy and it didnt take much.
As they walked through the walls they felt a cold atmosphere coming towards them. They saw a few people with long robes and hoods covering their heads. The robes covered their feet and the hoods were black. The one in the center looked like he was a priest as he was adorned with jewels and a fancy outfit. Issei looked once again and saw that the priest had no hood on but he was nothing but bones there was no skin. There were no eyeballs but a light shined from the socket. "Well, the Crimson Princess Gremory and the Governor of Fallen." The mouth opened and a voice came out.
Azazel however only smiled at that "The bag of bones Hades. What brings you up from your pit in the depths of hell? I thought you hated dealing with the Devils and Fallen?"
"You know for a crow you sure do have a way with words."
"Yet you're the only one from the Greeks who are uncertain about an alliance of factions."
"And? Am I not allowed to have my reservations? Or are you going to get rid of me like you did Loki?"
Azazel smiled at that "That depends on you, are you going to act like Loki and attack us? Because if you are then we can deal with that. If not you can open that brain of yours and think about it. Nothing but bad rumors comes from you and your reapers."
There was a burst of laughter from Hades "I heard you crows and bats are making some noise up here. Figure I would see why you're shaking the halls." The glowing eyeballs moved passed Azazel and looked at Issei "Ahhhhh the Welsh Dragon, brings back memories of when you and Vanishing caused a shit storm. That was rather good for business at the time. But I've had enough fun for today. I'm not here to take your souls… not yet at least." His mouth closed as he walked past them.
Once he was far enough away Rossweisse spoke "I heard about him when I was a Valkyrie. He sure doesn't feel alive when you're around him."
"Scary" Gasper moved behind Issei
"Not surprising," Azael said "He's always been like this."
"Is he.."
"Yes," Azazel answered as he knew what Issei was going to say. "He is. Hade's and his Grim reapers are something you don't want to mess with."
"So he's an evil god then?"
"Evil? No, he just hates Devils and Fallen. From what I've heard the other gods get along with him well enough."
They started to walk towards the room they heard something else coming as they heard Laughter "Azazel my boy!" They heard a deep and heavy voice.
"We have come!"
Two large men with massive mustaches came and picked Azazel up "Geez, Zeus, and Poseidon. I guess this is better than Hades"
The two of them laughed. Hearing that "Azazel my boy, when are you going to find yourself a woman."
"Look even the Red Dragon has." He looked at them "Even he has eight. You need to step up your game and find a girl."
"Single life is quite cruel."
"You jackasses," Azazel said looking at the two of them "You don't have to worry about such things.
"About that" They carried him away "You seriously need…" was all they heard as they dragged him away.
"The hell." Was all Issei could say seeing Azazel get picked up and tossed around like a chew toy for a dog.
"I see you are all here." Issei heard that familiar voice as he saw a little dragon flying towards them.
He flapped his wings as he hovered near them "Old man you're here. You're so small… you remind me of Asia's familiar that wants to murder me."
Tannin laughed at that. "My normal size would be hard to move around in all these buildings. "You're facing Sairorg Bael the strongest young. I look forward to seeing you all fighting out there."
"Odin!" Rossweisse shouted as she watched as the old man was walking around She was about ready to fly at him as she made noises that only a crazy person could make. "It's my luck that you are here. And this new floozy with you." She lept at him wanting to strangle the old man.
Rias sighed at that "Issei, Yumi, Xenovia. Go get her before she kills him."
"Seems that your group is full of nothing but excitement." Tannin said as the three of them wrestled her away.
"It's fun" Rias said shaking her head.
They were led into a private room as they took Rossweisse into it. It was their private room for them to relax and unwind. Some snacks and tea were already out and it was large enough for them to have some warmups. They still had a few hours before the game was scheduled to begin. After a while, they heard a knock on the door "Pardon the intrusion" They heard as in came a familiar face.
"Riser?" "Brother!" Rias and Ravel said as they were surprised to see him.
"Yes, I've come to observe." He said as he took a seat in one of the empty chairs. "Seems you are doing well Ravel." He looked at Rias. "I figured I would talk about today's game. It's fielding plenty of attention, the same levels that we see in the professional circuit. This will be no different than how it will be in the future, the big stage. Power alone for your team is a large contributing factor to your ratings. This is crucial for you all." Riser said as Akeno poured him some tea.
Rias however was another story "I'm not Sona, I'm not a tactics person and I don't have the power Sairaorg does. But I have my servants with me."
"Tactics and strategies will come with time. You all seem to do that thing I hate, working hard. You're all at a level where you can grasp power. Yet Rias you attract those with different skills. It seems like it was fate to draw these people around you." He sighed hearing that " It was fate that you would meet the Red Dragon. Something special that drew you to it. Have confidence Rias." He looked at Rias believing in his words. "Even if it was fate that you met him. He attracted the others to you. Be proud that he is yours and those he brings to you.
It was weird hearing Riser being positive after everything that happened. "I guarantee it you kids are already fighting at our pro level. If you were to fight my team and the surrounding teams you would beat all of us with ease. The same goes for the Bael group you kids are something else." He got up from the chair and looked over at Issei "Red Dragon Emperor" He clenched his fist "That fist of you, it's a strike I can't forget. A punch that aims for the top. Come quickly to our stage so we can fight once again, I will show you the horrors of the professional games."
Issei scratched his head "I fought Loki… you know I look forward to punching you again."
He smiled at that "I leave Ravel to you, she is just as spoiled as Rias. But if you make her cry I will burn you."
He was acting as the older brother "That's none of your business." Ravel shouted at him.
"Seems I am getting old then." He laughed at that.
"Hey, I got a question." Issei looked at Riser. "Knowing what I know now. Is it really your harem or is it hers?"
Issei was quickly hit over the head by Ravel "I'm not even going to justify that." Riser shook his head "Seems she found another one of hers, explains way too much." Riser could feel eyes drilling into him "My mouth is shut." He pointed at Issei "However there is something else, Sirzechs has requested your presence in the VIP room on the top floor. Seems he wants to speak with you. "
After a bit, Issei made his way up the the VIP room, as he approached the door opened itself as he walked through it. "Ah, Issei" Sirzech called out to him as inside he was in a large room that for once in the underworld wasn't gaudy and looked like a nice place. "I'm sorry to bother you before the match."
"We still have plenty of time, so Riser said you want to talk?"
"Yes quite so" Sirzech's smiled as he looked over to the TV. "Some of your fans have sent you something. I wanted to show you it." In front of the TV, there was what looked to be a DVD player that was mixed with a record player connected to the TV. "Think of it like a video letter."
Sirzech waved his hand as it started to play. On the TV, a boy was looking at a camera "Oppai Dragon hello!" He waved as he was holding up a toy of Issei in his balance breaker "I can't come to the stadium to watch the match, but I will watch it at my house. So please win the game." He was smiling from ear to ear. There was a transition as a brother and sister appeared as they were dancing like it was the intro to the show. "Oppai Dragon Oppai Dragon!" It flipped to a mother and daughter the two of them waving as the daughter had figures of Issei and Rias. "Oppai Dragon and Switch Princess we will be cheering for you." It kept going rotating between new messages that weren't that long.
"The match will be broadcast through the whole underworld. Many children will be watching on TV." Sirzechs said as he picked up a box and opened it up. Inside issei saw letters that were crudely written and poor drawings. He couldn't fault them as they were kids and he understood. "The children of the underworld are the future. Some don't see it like that. That's why there are plenty of adults getting involved with politics. You don't have to worry about such things. But you need to win this match for those kids, show them that their dreams can become true."
Issei nodded at that "I can do that."
"Perfect" Sirzech smiled at that. "Oh and one more thing." Issei was curious at that "I want you to show that off."
Issei thought about what he heard "No, no way not her." He was adamant about it "She will beat my ass if I do that. Nope, not interested in that. Well maybe if… no no not going to risk it."
He shook his head at that. "Not that, the other thing. Many will be curious but it's time we revealed it."
"Right," Issei thought about it. "I'm going to get going then, preparations will be starting soon." He said as he left the room.
Sirzechs looked behind him as he watched as Grayfia appeared. "Is it ready?"
"Momentarily, Once you move the to stadium I will do it." He heard from her and nodded.
Back on Earth Katerea walked back into the house with three girls in tow. "You want to know what happens with the dual lives. Then today you will learn, turns out Issei isn't all but a stiff dick and a good fuck. Keep your mouth shut about that other half of him." Once the three girls were in the house the door shut and locked as they headed downstairs they saw Grayfia there awaiting them.
"Your on time I see." Grayfia said as she had two others with her.
"I can do that when I wish it."
"I'm sorry but what is this all about?" Gorou asked, "In the basement of all things?"
"Sirzech's will explain in a few minutes." Grayfia said to him.
Katerea looked at the girls "And whatever you do, don't say shit about somebody's looks or clothing. I don't need my ass handed to me already more than it is."
Game time approached and they were taken to a locker room in the stadium to prepare. They were given new copies of their uniforms as it was an upgraded version made for the game. Made to be of a higher resistance to the elements and slash and punctures. Xenovia was given a battle suit that was done the same way as wa11111s Asia with a nun outfit without the crucifixes. The only odd one out was Rossweisse as she had her Valkyre armor.
"Everyone," Rias said getting their attention as she finished buttoning her outfit. "This match isn't a real fight. Rating games have a serious atmosphere that mimics the battle. Many will be watching us but don't get caught in the trap of thinking anything less from it."
{And now out of the East gate, Sairaorg Bael's Team} They heard an announcer call out the stadium rumbled from the cheering.
"We have come this far, only one more step." She said as she walked to the door.
{Out of the West gate. Rias Gremory's Team} They stepped out into the stadium and saw a massive crowd as there was at most one person missing from the stands and they were probably getting something to eat before the fights started. {Please take your seats in their respective areas}
Hovering around the pit in the center there were two large circular areas with seating. They walked into there and across the way they could see a matching area only it was filled with Sairaorg and his team.
{Hello everyone, It is I, Naud Gamigin of house Gamigin, one of the former members of the 72 pillars who will be announcing this game for you. Our first order of business is the Arbiter of this game, Rudiger Rosenkreutz!} On one of the many massive screens they saw a man with slicked-back hair and a Black hairband holding his hair back. Women were screaming as they saw him.
"Rudiger Rosenkreutz is a reincarnated devil who is an Ultimate class devil. He ranks 7th in the games." Koneko said hearing that, Issei however was surprised that somebody like that would be watching over the games.
{But I have something even better a special guest commentator. The Governor of the Fallen Angels, Azazel! Governor welcome, to the booth.}
{Ah the booth, I look forward to being here.}
{So Governor Azazel, you're said to have a good relationship with Sirzechs Lucifer and Various other factions along with being the leading expert on Sacred Gears. With today's match how much Coaching have you done with Rias Gremory's team how do you look at this game?}
"{Interesting? The question is always can each side release their full power?} They saw a smile on Azazel's face as the camera panned over to the other side.
{Ah yes our second announcer, The Current champion Emperor Diehauser Belial.}
The stadium shook at the announcement of Diehauser Belial. {Hello everyone, I'll be commenting on this match today.}
{Yes, today we have both team's advisors in the booth. So gentleman, what do you think about today's game?}
{Interesting} Diehauser said.
{Like I said it should be good if they can produce their full powers.}
{Well let's get this event started. As you all know, there have been some issues with Pheonix tears as of late. But the Pheonix family has been gracious to supply us with two Pheonix tears for the match.}
Yumi sighed upon hearing that "Seems we have to defeat Sairaorg Bael twice."
{The rules of this game will be announced now. But it requires some explanation. This game will now be one where all the teams will be on the same field but we will be seeing a match-styled game. This is done to keep the idea of a Blitz match to keep the excitement at an all-time high. Even if this is a match between youths we are treating this like a match of professionals. Now for the special rule the one that determines the matches.} Naud opened an envelope and looked at it for a second as he turned it around for everyone to see. {We have a dice game} As he said that a pillar came out of the ground and a bowel was onto it. {There is a single die for each team, the key for the Ratin game today. Quite a popular one might I add.}
{Each Chess Piece has its value, Pawns being One, Knight's and Bishops Three, Rook's Five, and Queen's Nine. Each King will roll their die and the two values will be added up and that will determine who or what combination of players each side can send out. Issei Hyoudou the Red Dragon took 8 pawn pieces so he needs a minimum of eight to be rolled before he can fight. But I can hear you already, What of the Kings? Well, the game committee has determined a value for them." He opened another envelope and looked at it and turned it around again for everyone to see. "Sairorg Bael has been assigned a Twelve and Rias Gremory an 8. Rough numbers for both of them as they are on the higher end of the spectrum."
"If a twelve is rolled will he even come out?" Issei asked.
"Hard to say," Yumi said thinking about it. "If it's early on then it might not matter. There's far too much on the line for the King to come out and destroy it all in one run. I think there will be some time before he even thinks about coming out if the magic number is rolled."
{One more thing, combatants need a minimum of 1 round between matches before being able to participate, that includes Kings.}
Rias shook her head hearing that "That confirmed it, Sairaorg won't appear on the first or continuously then, he will form divisions and fight us by the numbers. Considering this game Asia there's no way I can send you in there. It would be better to have you heal people after the match, this is one advantage we have."
"They must know that" Yumi said.
"Yes I figured as much" Rias nodded hearing that . "That makes it eight on nine"
{Both teams get ready for the first Die roll as this match will now commence!} The crowd went wild once again as the hype was building.
In one of the many VIP rooms, there was a group watching. "I'm sorry so you are all devils? Like the demons." They heard Gorou as he was trying to wrap his head around everything.
"Yeah, that sums it about up." Sirzechs nodded at it as he looked at the two of them as next to him was his son Millicas. "You're taking this better than I thought." He looked at Miki as if she was calmer about it than expected.
She shrugged hearing that "I read about that book of names when I was a kid, your name sounded familiar so I didnt question it. That and Issei found somebody so I wasn't going to ruin a good thing." She had to lie to keep the facade up knowing everything that happened.
Gorou scratched his head at that "I guess I can't be too surprised. And the four of you?" He looked over at Katase, Murayama, Kiryuu, and Katerea.
"Fuck buddies and a Princess." Katerea didnt care that there was a younger one around much to Grayfia's displeasure.
"Princess?" Sirzechs asked as he wasn't aware of this new development.
"That's Issei's thing, he's a weird ass kid." Miki said hearing that "Can't say I'm surprised considering Oppai Dragon."
Katerea looked at the humans "This is one of the many things of the Underworld."
"The first match is about to be decided. Let us watch the festivities." Sirzechs said as they looked out of the massive windows as magic circle provided other viewing angles.
Far away in a dark room, someone was sitting around a couch watching the game about to start. It was Vallia of all things "Kuroka can you answer something for me?"
"What?" The cat rolled over to her.
"Why is it like that?" Vallia asked as Kuroka shook her head.
"Ask yourself."
{Kings make the first roll!} Naud commanded as Rias and Sairaorg took the die and rolled it in the cup.} The two of them rolled the dice as they backed away an image was put on the screen looking down into the bowels. {Rias Gremory Two and Sairaorg Bael One Total of Three.} Naud said as the lights around them dimmed as a barrier formed around their little staging area. {You have fine minutes to decide, Pawn promotion is available once they arrive on the game field.}
"Soundproof barrier," Yumi said looking at it. "Seems they are pulling out all the stops. That and look at the monitors, Anti-face and lip reading magic."
"Ohh fancy," Issei said as he looked at Rias. "Well?"
"Not much of a choice in the matter, It's Yumi or Xenovia and I'm leaning towards Yumi on this one. She's the practical choice when we don't know what is coming."
"I understand. A technique user would be better off in the start." Yumi nodded following Rias' logic.
"Xenovia has a high chance of winning, but we can't afford to use such a power in the first stage."
"Seems to be a reoccurring theme of blowing her load early." Issei said as Xenovia looked at him.
"Hey Ise" She glared at him "You don't think I use my brain as well"
He shook his head "I never said that, only that you blow your load early. "
{Time is up Please send your combatants forward.} Hearing that Yumi stood up and moved over to the teleportation circle as she disappeared. "First to appear on the Battlefield is… From Rias Gremory's team. Her Knight is a young noblelike woman who has the speed of the gods. Combatant Yumi Yuuto.} The crowd was popping as they saw Yumi's men and plenty of women were in love with her as the popularity was there. {And across the field is also a Knight of the Bael group Beluga Furcas}
The battlefield was a large green field and Yumi could see her Opponent across the way from her. There was a man in armor riding a horse that had blue flames coming out of its body. "I am Yumi Yuuto, Knight of Rias Gremory." She said as she gave a quick bow.
"Beluga Furcas, It is an honor to be fighting the Holy Demonic sword wielder in the first match of all things." He said as he tipped his visor on his helmet.
{That is quite an interesting horse that young man is riding.}
{A Pale horse from Cocytus, The horses of legend that Grim Reapers are said to ride. It is no easy task to gain its trust let alone ride one. Failing any one of those the horse is said to throw you off and trample you to death. This young man has quite a bit of talent when it comes to horses.} Azazel informed them.
"This is Altobrau and she moves at the speed of Gods. I wish to have a serious fight with you." He extended his arms out as two massive lances appeared.
{This match may begin.}
Yumi reached down to her hip and drew her sword ready for combat. She watched as the horse reared up and then disappeared. She swung her sword like she put up a block when metals clashed as Beluga's spear hit her sword. She hopped back making some space as the two of them disappeared things time metal was heard clashing and sparks fell to the ground lighting some of the grass on fire showing where they were."Most impressive to keep with my horse. But can you go faster while dealing with more?"
"I believe I can keep up with a horse." She said as blades came out of the ground littering the area around them. Beluga jumped over them as he soared through the skies right toward her. Seeing that she dropped her sword and ran forward, for her the blades parted as she ran towards a singular one. When she grabbed it her body was enveloped in a white light as she jumped into the air.
"Balance break, Glory Drag Trooper" Her body took on a new shape as it was a toned body like hers yet had silver and blue armor around it with dragon scales on it. As she flew through the air she slashed at the back of Beluga breaking his armor. There was a second swing and a crack was heard as a bolt of lightning came down hitting him.
She touched down before he did and looked as the horse turned towards her. "Well played miss seems as if I must bow out here." He said as his body started to fade away. "A Second Balance breaker."
{Combatant Knight Beluga Furcas retires. Match One Winner Yumi Yuuto, Point Rias Gremory!} They heard from Rosenkreutz.
{I'm sorry a second balance breaker?} Naud was surprised to hear that.
{Sure} Azazel shrugged at it. {Her normal sacred gear is Sword Birth, and that Balance Breaker is that signature Black and Red sword that you are all familiar with the Holy Demonic Sword. The thing is Sword Birth is an extremely Common Sacred gear and its counterpart Blade Blacksmith as well. The thing is if you have one it's highly likely that you have both. And if you don't well you most likely have a stronger base version of whatever you have. Blade Blacksmith is the same thing as Sword Birth yet holy in nature and its Balance Breaker is Blade Knight mass, an army of Holy Sword-armed knights. But Glory Drag Trooper a subspecies, seems she tweaked that formula just a bit to her liking. Maybe some of you in the crowd want to think about that.}
Issei shook his head hearing that from Azazel, Yumi returned as she sat back down. "Didnt think that was going to be revealed so soon."
"Yeah, I wasn't expecting his horse to be that fast. Figured I would end it now then draw it out and waste energy."
{Very well then, let's get the next match chosen. Kings if you would please Roll you die.} Rias and Sairaorg did as instructed as they rolled their respective die {Gremory Rolled a six and Bael a Four. That is ten, please pick your next fighters.}
The magic went over them again "Akeno is a possibility as she is worth nine, But this fight looks like a two-on-one situation. So how about… we go with Rossweisse and Koneko? Rooks are worth five and we have ten to play with. Koneko can be the assault and Rossweisse the support?"
"Sure," Rossweisse thought about it "I can use defensive and offensive magic to help her.
The two of them got up and headed towards the teleport. They appeared out on the other side into a dimly lit room with concrete pillars that were toppled over and the space for an altar deep within the area as it looked like it was possibly an abandoned church or an area where they did old satanic rituals. Across from them, they saw a blonde-haired man wearing what looked to be leather armor over the top of a blue shirt and pants. "I'm Liban Crocell." He pointed to his partner in crime next to him a large man wearing only pants but he was a wall of rock shaped into human form. "And this is Gandoma Balam."
{Team Rias Gremory has Fielded an interesting setup of Double Rooks consisting of Koneko and Rossweisse the Valkyre. Team Bael went with a Knight and a Rook, Liban Crocell and Gandoma Balam.}
{The second match may now Begin!}
"Wait so is he a rock man of sorts?" Issei asked seeing him
"The Balam clan trait is superhuman strength." Rias told him.
As the fighting started Koneko's body started to glow green as her tail came out. The crowd was cheering as they saw it but then it hit them as a second one came out. It was an explosion of strength for her body as she lept forward at Balam. The man of Rocks was priority number one for her so she started punching him. Each of her hits connected as it looked as if she was punching a mountain as he stood there looking down at her. Whatever in his mind clicked as he moved his arms swinging them around like they were wrecking balls. Rossweisse assisted Koneko as she fired her pattened magical array at him.
"His magical resistance is far too high" Rossweisse shouted as she was reminded that this fight was a two on two.
The floor cracked around her as the area started to warp. On the cameras, there was a noticeable blur for them as well. "You're forgetting about me." They heard Liban as the floor caved in and Rossweisse was forced down into the ground.
"Gravity magic" Rossweisse figured it out as she looked up and saw his eyes. "Sacred Gear. " She went to move her hands.
"How about let's freeze your hands and feet." He pointed at her as Ice formed around her hands and her feet locking her in place.
"You're a magical swordsman if I remember correctly." She smiled at him as he drew a sword.
"I am a Crocell and a mage of mixed blood. But I happen to be a good swordsman. But you should know that the power of Gravity comes from my sacred gear, Gravity Jail."
'It's vision based' Rias said as they heard over their earpiece.
Her hands were free to move her fingers around as she flexed them. The ice shattered as it was turned into glass. It started to Reflect light as he held his hand out "You naive! Mirror!" In front of his hand, a mirror appeared as it reflected everything Rossweisse tried. "You're going to need to try harder. I covered those weaknesses long ago." He smirked at that.
What he didnt see was her feet were building up magical power. It broke as she started to glow. All that light went into the mirror and struck the rock man Balam. The two of them switched places. The man of rocks was stuck in ice and pinned to the floor and She was where he was. "Did your attacks go through?" Rossweisse asked Koneko.
"Perfect" She held her hands up as a large magic circle appeared over them. Beams of light started falling on them as it looked like something out of an eighties mecha anime of lasers pelting the ground. The smoke cleared as she looked around seeing that Crocell was on the floor and the Rockman was missing. "Where did he go." She threw her arms out as a circle extended around the two of them.
"You're too slow" Liban said as he was looking at her as his eyes were glowing.
Rossweisse and Koneko were forced into the ground again as they heard glass shattering. Rossweisse's barrier broke and they soon saw Balam appear before them ready to swing. A large magic circle appeared in front of the two of them she was able to flex her fingers and cast it. Balam swung his arm and smashed it hitting Koneko as she took the rest of the hit holding onto him. Balam was in no better condition as that attack caused his wounds to open up as blood gushed out. "Do it"
"I'm sorry Koneko"
With her left hand, she moved her fingers as the ground was pushed up blocking Liban's view. Once they were free of his Sacred gear she pulled something out of Issei's book. She flicked her right hand over and a magic circle appeared a large ball came out and it exploded like a shape charge hitting the two of them.
{Combatant Koneko Toujou and Gandoma Balam have retired.}
There was still one more for her to deal with. She shoved her left hand forward as the rock wall was shoved forward pushing it towards Liban. She walked over to him as he was pinned on the ground. "I am still a rook," She said as she walked over to him reeled back her right foot, and kicked Liban in the ribs. He coughed up some blood as he faded into a blue light.
{Combatant Liban Crocel has Retired. Match two goes to Rias Gremory}
"You did better than I expected." Yumi said as she looked at Issei "With Koneko being retired like that."
"I'm trying," He said as Rossweisse returned to them. "I can deal with that frustration later."
{Please roll for the next match.} They heard Rossweisse sit down next to Asia as she patched up any wounds she might have had. {A Four and a Four for a total of eight.}
"We will be sending our Bishop Corianna Andrealphus!" Sairaorg shouted as a blonde woman with long hair in a business suit.
{A declaration from Combatant Sairaorg?}
"How can Issei Hyoudou respond to somebody who can nullify his technique of perversion." The crown got hiped hearing that.
{Ah yes the Dress break and his Bilingual technique.}
{mmh yes} The emperor was amused at that {He comes up with new techniques each time.}
Azazel laughed at that {Yeah he's like a sponge, one very dry sponge. Nothing but perversion in that head.}
"Sponge Dragon!" The crowd chanted hearing that from Azazel as he was laughing hearing that.
Issei stood up as if he was going to accept the challenge. "You know this is bait right?" RIas told him.
He looked at her his right hand came up and his index finger curled like a hook and snapped into his mouth like a fish being dragged to the teleport. "Help the bait has hold of me"
"Fine deal with it." Rias shook her head.
"OPPAI OPPAI!" The crowd shouted.
{Seems the Oppai Dragon is going to take the challenge set for. The children of the underworld are ready to see their hero!}
He disappeared appearing in a massive field. Was a field of flowers as he looked around for his opponent. In front of him, he saw the blonde not far away from him.
{Match Three, Bishop Corianna Andrealphus Vs Pawn Issei Hyoudou begin}
Corianna held her right hand out as a spear of ice shot at him. Issei was unarmored as he reached forward and grabbed onto the spear as it passed him. "Snatch pebble from hand." He laughed at that as he twirled the spear around. He held the spear up with his index and middle finger on the side of it. "So let's see what this is all about."
With a little demonic power, he spread out his power her heard a voice 'Strip, first comes the jacket.' In front of him, she opened up her suit pulling the jacket off revealing a bright pink undershirt. "Skirt' Tossing it to the side she slid her hands to her skirt. Hands slid around as she reached for the zipper and pulled it down. Her skirt dropped to the ground as they saw that she was a girl who matched as there was a pair of white and pink panties that were extremely skimpy there was enough frontal coverage but little strips of cloth rolled behind to who knows what was back there.
'Next my shirt' Her hands ran up as she squeezed her breast groping them. She teased him as she twirled showing that she was wearing a thong as she started to unbutton her shirt. When she got it unbuttoned she pulled her shirt open thrusting he breasts out. She pulled the shirt off tossing it to the side 'My thong' Hearing that Issei was confused but curious as he squatted down. Her hands went to her sides and her thumbs reached into the side as she turned around. She spread her legs out as she bent over making a reverse L as she pushed her thong down and dropped down to her ankles.
"Issei are you going to deal with her?" Issei heard in his ear as It was Rias.
"No, not yet atleast." He said as she reached down and grabbed her thong off her ankles. He saw everything. She shaved and could tell that she was a virgin and that a toy at best at gone into her but not much more than that as she still had that perfect look.
She spun it around her finger a few times as it glowed pink for a second and flew at him. They landed in his hand almost as if was a gift for him. He stuck his index fingers on the bands as he held them out. 'Next your favorite.' She reached up and groped her breasts then her right arm covered it and then her left went behind as she unhooked her bra as the straps sagged. When she reached back around she knocked off the right strap arms swapped sides as she knocked off the left strap. She held her her cups with her hands as she pulled them away and lifted her arms showing them all off She dropped the bra to the side.
Issei hooked his right-hand thumb into her panties as he stood up he extended his left-hand finger together and was stiff as with his right hand he rapidly clapped his hands congratulating her. "Well played" Issei smiled at that. "Before I say something about it, PLEASE tell me that was censored for everybody."
{It was}
"Oh good" He was happy hearing that from Naud. He hooked his left thumb in the left side band holding them up "So do you want them back? I mean these aren't bad looking, I've seen better, and worse."
"You can keep them, it's a gift."
"AH yes, a gift" He smiled at that "Well let me give you one as well. I give that show a solid 7 out of 10. You could have danced more, but more importantly this…" He held her thong back up and dangled it around."this comes off last in every show. You are a woman you should know why. You should be hiding what these cover, showing me your breasts is another story but you're downstairs first?" Issei shook his head. "Nope try again." He tossed her thong in the air as he flexed his right hand. It glowed red as a black blade appeared and he swung it slicing her thong up. If eyes were not on the strip tease then they were on the sword Issei was holding. "So Sairaorg said you could nullify my ability. Fortunately for you did none of that, you just lack shame."
She held out her hand as she shot an ice spear at him. Issei swung the blade as it shattered the spear sending flakes of ice in the air. Issei took off in a full sprint at Corianna as she threw a volley of spells at him, flames, ice spears even a bolt of lightning. Issei dodged two of the attacks as he swung Judecca at the flames they were pulled into the sword. The blade glowed a little Red as he gave a horizontal slash throwing the flames back at her.
Corianna extended her wings as she took to the sky to avoid her attack coming back at him. "What is with that sword, you don't swing swords. You're a pervert."
"And you're not? The funny thing is I don't have to punch people, it's just much easier." He asked looking up at her but he held up the sword "No doubt they're talking about this sword. Judecca, but she's mine now. Under the great law of Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers."
"You sound like a child."
He pointed the sword at her "You do know that you are not safe up there right? Here let me demonstrate." Devil wings shot out his back as he took to the air. He zipped past her getting behind as he swung the blade at her. Right before it hit he turned it around as the flat of the blade struck her ass. It made a loud crack as her ass jiggled as she yelled out in pain as she faded into a blue light. Issei tossed the sword to his left and as the Boosted gear appeared the sword disappeared. "Rather sad that's all she had, I think I'd rather deal with that Agaras lady rather than her."
{Bishop Corianna Andrealphus has retired. The winner is Team Rias Gremory!}
When Issei returned to the group they were looking at him. "That has to have been the worst match in the history of the games." Yumi said as she looked at him as he sat down.
"Look I'm not the one who decided it was a great idea to strip in a fight."
"You still let her do it." Rossweisse said to her.
"And? I used as much energy as I was willing to deal with her. I fought a stripper."
"You spanked her." Gasper said as Rias went over and rolled.
{Bael Six, Gremory Two Total of Eight again.}
As the barrier and communication blockers formed Rias looked at her team. "Eight again, Issei can't deal with it."
"I'll go," Xenovia said getting Rias' attention. "We're at the halfway point."
"Okay, that still leaves us with five to spend. Yumi and Rossweisse would be good choices."
"I…I can go" Gasper said getting all of their attention. "Yumi and Rossweisse could be better used later."
"Are you sure Gasper? You want to support Xenovia with your eyes?"
Gasper nodded at that "Yes I'll do it. I have to do something."
"Okay then, you two deal with it."
The two of them went to the teleporter as they disappeared onto the battlefield. {The Gremory team has chosen their combatants. Knight Xenovia Quarta, the wielder of the Legendary Holy Sword Durandal, And the bishop Gasper Vladi.} Hearing Gasper's name a bunch of girls were screaming as they had just seen their first new hug toy that they were to sexually harass. Xenovia had her fair share of fans from women as well. {The Bael team has chosen its members as well. Rook Ludora Bune and Bishop Misteeta Sabnock a descendent of an extinct house.}
Azazel was different from Naud {Seems that Gasper and Xenovia have quite a bit of female fans. As for Sairaorg Bael… seems he might disagree with that Extinct comment. They sure don't look dead to me. They are there and alive and don't match the definition of extinct.}
They heard a laugh from Diehauser {Yes that is true, your eyes do not deceive you.}
In the area, there was a large field surrounded by mountains and a large crater in the center. Ludora Bune was a tall lanly man who looked up "Our Master Sairaorg welcomes everyone."
"Gasper, transform into your bats and support her. Xenovia go wild and defeat them." Rias said to them.
{Match Four, Rook Ludora Bune and Bishop Misteeta Sabnock vs Knight Xenovia Quarta and Bishop Gasper Vladi may begin."
Hearing that call Gasper's body turned black and scattered out as a flock of bats flew to the sky. On the other side of the battlefield, there was a beam of ice that was shot from Misteeta Sabnock while Gasper was able to dodge it. "Ladora, We deal with the Swordswoman, orders from Sairaorg."
"Right," THe lanky man nodded hearing that as he crisscrossed his arms and his hands reached back to his shoulders. His body started to bulk up as out of his back wings and a tail sprouted. His hands bulked up as long nails appeared and fangs. His body shifted as he got on all fours as he went from humanoid to a large maroon dragon.
"Bune clan are devils, devils that rule Dragons. Only a small group of their clan can perform a transformation seems that he is one of them." Rias said to them.
Xenovia knew what her first target was going to be. A target that was now much larger in size and prime for long-range holy attacks. She got to work swinging Durandal "Gasper buy me some time so I can take him down." She swung Ex Durandal as a Holy Wave fired off it.
"No!" Misteeta shouted as a staff appeared Xenovia glowed a purple light her body had markings crawl up from the ground covering her body. "Your powers will be sealed."
Her hands trembled as she tried to hold up Durandal "What is this" She put a large amount of strength into lifting Durandal "It's not"
{Ohhhh?} Azazel was curious at what he was seeing {Seems the Sabnock boy has the Sacred Gear Trick Vanish. They can seal away a user's ability but it costs the caster a large quantity of power to keep it sealed. The power of the Bishop piece helps with volume and efficiency.}
Xenovia was able to lift the blade as she lugged it into a hiding spot. Gasper found her as he changed back from his bats. "I'm kinda useless now."
He shook his head "No" he reached into his little bag and pulled out a vial of red liquid. "I carry around a few vials of Issei's blood." The ground shook around them as an explosion went off.
"Come out Come out wherever you are."
"Gasper, can you do it?" Rias asked him
"I can" He put his right foot forward as a magic circle appeared under her. He dumped the Vial as it glowed red. "Mixing Issei's blood with the Magic circle will dispel the curse, it will take some time but it should do the job."
"I can smell you, vampire, You're around here." The heat was kicked up as flames surrounded the area. What little cover they had left disappeared as it was blown away.
Gasper dropped the bottle as he took the sky. The massive dragon swatted Gasper out of the sky. He tumbled around on the ground as there was a flash of panties. There was a squeal from the girls in the crowd as they saw a little bulge with a dark pink was all that was seen. Gasper got up and started down the Dragon. "Respect that you are standing up to me. But you can win this fight." Gasper tried to get away as he reached into his bag again and grabbed another Vial. He quickly shoved it into his mouth as the Dragon smacked him. The glass shattered, and blood dripped out of his mouth. "Where is she?" Gasper was on the floor once again as a claw smashed him. He cried out in pain, his eyes glowed as he froze part of the Dragon's body. That didnt help as the other half had him pinned squashing him into the ground.
"I'm not going to tell you" Gasper howled in pain. Rias couldn't watch what gasper got injured. "It hurts" He cried "but it doesn't matter, I have to protect the girls!" He grabbed onto one of the toes and tried to push it away. The foot stomped back down on him again. "I will protect her!"
Xenovia stood up as part of the runes on her had burned away as there were a few left. She grabbed onto Durandal as she swung it and the area lit up white. There was an explosion as they were hit by the shockwave.
{Bishop Misteeta Sabnock has Retired.}
The Dragon looked back and saw Xenovia standing there. "So you broke free from the curse and you beat him."
Xenovia walked towards them and Durandal started to glow as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "I know what I was lacking, determination. I can't forgive myself for that." She held Durandal up "Gasper."
"Do it!" He shouted as Ludora tried to move but half his body was still locked down. Ludora stomped on Gasper as he cried out in pain.
Xenovia swung down as there was another flashbang that radiated from her sword. As the blade touched the ground a massive cone of Holy Energy fired out engulfing them. Ludora took the brunt of the as the energy peppered his back as there was nothing but white. The explosion rocked the dimension as the dust that was kicked up ruffled her hair.
{Rook Ludora Bune Bishop Gasper Vladi Both Retired. Winner Team Rias Gremory!}
As the match ended Rias understood what they had been saying. It was a fight for a win and they were going to do whatever they needed to win. Her ideas of victory were naive. She had lost Koneko and Gasper to the fight for a trade of six of Sairaorg's so far.
{Welcome to the midpoint of this game. Sairaorg Bael has three members left while Rias Gremory has the advantage of having Seven of her team left. The Bael team is quite powerful but will the Gremory Team be able to wrap it up?}
Rias and Sairaorg were rolling the Die. "Hey, that pawn is worth Seven right?" Issei asked Yumi
{Bael 1 Gremory 4 Total 5 Roll again.}
"Yes, seven, nine, and twelve are the only battle numbers possible." Yumi confirmed.
{Bael 3 Gremory 3 Total Six Please Roll again.}
"I don't see that pawn fighting."
{Bael 5 Gremory 1 Total Six. Come on you two, you have over a fifty percent chance to roll a number high enough.} The rolled again {Bael 3 Gremory 2 Total 5} Naud sighed as he read it off.
Azazel however was another story as he was laughing. {You kids are cursed with dice rolling. Just never go to a casino and play dice games.}
{Bael 5 again and Gremory 4 Total of Nine! We fight ready to go!}
The barriers went up as Rias looked to the team. "Only two people can fight on his team, and I agree with Yumi. That pawn doesn't seem like it's coming out, nothing is known about that person. The one chance so far of using it has been passed upon. I think we only have one realistic opponent."
Akeno smiled at that "Then I will deal with his queen"
Rias was surprised to hear that "Are you sure? You know that she is of the Abaddon house, she is quite a formidable enemy."
Issei looked at her "You know I can deal with her."
Akeno shook her head hearing that "You should save that power, it's not something you should show off yet. That needs to be in the final act. I can deal with this, also we don't need you spanking her."
"Deal with her then."
{Match Five, The Blonde Queen of Bael Kuisha Abaddon vs The Black Haired Queen Akeno Himejima of Gremory BEGIN!}
Once the signal was given the two of them took to the air and started throwing elemental spells at each other. Akeno started with a large volume of water and tossed it at her mixing in some ice as well.
The Ice froze the water as it fell on the b buildings as it shattered. What little was left Kuisha flicked her hand sending it away with a little power of wind. And with her other hand, she put a flame to the wind evaporating all the water and removing it all.
Akeno held her hands up as the skies darkened and buzzing was heard. With lightning in hand, she threw it at Kuisha as the sky followed adding more to it as there was a massive lightning bolt heading towards Kuisha.
However, Kuisha could see this for miles upon miles as this was more of Akeno's signature attack that had been seen by everyone. In response, she opened up the Abaddon signature ability Hole around her black voids appeared. Akeno's attacks were drawn into the Holes. Seeing that Akeno threw more at Her as she upped the density of the attack making it so that when it was cast from the cloud the building cracked below them. The Holes just kept devouring more and more of the attacks as they stored a massive quantity of energy. Kuisha smiled seeing that Akeno was still unskilled with her abilities. "You see that I can keep making more and more of my holes divert your attacks." The holes around her disappeared and reappeared around Akeno surrounding her "And I can redirect those attacks where I see fit. I can also do whatever I want with the energy inside of it." Out of all the holes, her energy was seen ready to let loose. "I can even strip elements apart, such as your holy and Lightning." She snapped her fingers as out of the holes light fired out striking Akeno It didn't take long as Devils and Light didn't mix and Akeno faded into a blue light
{Combatant Rias Gremory's Queen has retired.}
Issei sat in silence at what he had just seen. "I didn't expect it to be used as a counter so effectively." Yumi was just as surprised as everyone else.
"It's… the end game… we can't be relieved yet." She said as she went to Roll her die.
{Bael Six Gremory Six Total Twelve! That's it we finally can see a maximum potential match.}
The crowd was whipped into a frenzy hearing that as Sairaorg took off his shirt. All they saw was a tight black shirt that might as well have been a leotard at this point as he looked over at Issei. Issei was ready to stand up as he was pushed back down by Yumi and Xenovia. "This is our fight." Yumi said "We will fight him the three of us.
"I" Issei tried to say something but she cut him off.
"We will try to wear him down so the two of you can win."
Rias looked at them "Are you…"
"Yes, we know we can't win. We understand that, but this is what we have to do."
"If you and Issei…"
Yumi shook her head at that "No, we will deal with it. It is not his time yet. He can deal with the queen. We will force him to a state where he can beat him."
Rias sighed hearing that as all the pieces fell together. "You've been thinking about this for a while now haven't you? Have Issei fight the Queen, Send Asia against the pawn retire her, so Issei can fight Sairaorg."
Yumi nodded hearing all of that. "This is the tipping point of this match where we can wear him down. If we can defeat him we will."
"Go" Was all Rias could say as Yumi, Xenovia, and Rossweisse headed to the teleport.
When they arrived on the battlefield they were on a rocky island in the middle of a lake and off in the distance was nothing but trees. {Match Six begin}
Sairaorg watched them as he stood there. "Is this Rias' plan?" There was no response from the girls as he loosed up. "I see, maturity. You know you can't win this fight?"
"We don't plan on losing so easily. You will be seeing the Red Dragon Emperor in a state we dictate." Yumi said to him.
"Very well then, let's see that resolve." As Sairaorg said black marks on his limbs appeared "These restraints put weight onto my body at all times. You will be fighting me with your full power." The marks on his limbs shatter as a gust of wind emanates. The ground shook and the water had large waves on it. His body started to give off a white glow outline.
{Wow, a devil using Touki. Color me surprised, don't see that ever. And it has such a good density to make it visible.} Azazel said seeing that.
{Are we missing information on this?} Naud asked as papers were being shuffled around.
Diehauser was another story {He has not learned Senjutsu as the girl of the Gremory team can use. This is his body's pure power what one gains when you lack demonic power and search for an alternative. Raw power is what they would call this.}
"Come," Sairaorg said with a smile "Show me your resolve." He stepped forward as he disappeared.
Rossweisse was the first to make her move as her magic circles went out around them as they started to fire off in all directions. Yumi spotted Sairaorg through it all as Rossweisse's attacks narrowed down as they were shooting at him. Xenovia swung Durandal as she swung a few waves of holy energy at him. They heard them colid as there was a thud each time it hit. The problem was it wasn't him they were hitting it was his fists as he punched the holy waves shattering them.
"Split" Yumi said as the three of them made room between each other.
Somebody was getting singled out and that person was Rossweisse as he chased her. He swung at her as she put her hands forward forming a large red defensive barrier. Sairaorg's fist however didnt care about it as he hit it shattering it with ease it followed up hitting her in the stomach and she was soon sent into an orbital trajectory.
When he looked up he saw her in a blue light and turned his focus to Yumi and Xenova. "One down two more left." He did his disappearing act once again as Xenovia was the target this time. She swung her blade at him and missed but it soon quickly turned into a game of twister as he kicked her and she arced her whole body to avoid it.
"This is bad," Xenovia said as Yumi ran and swung her blade at him.
Sairaorg put up his right arm as her blade hit it and she struggled to go any further. "It is what we have to work with. If we hold back then we lose."
"Good" Sairaorg was happy to hear that as he swung his left fist at her forcing her to drop her sword as a wall of holy swords shot out of the ground. His fist hit the metal shattered it and was sent flying into the air as it rained down. He chased her as she crafted a rapier-like holy sword but thicker and swung it at him. That sword also shattered as it bounced off his fist. "You need to polish your technique a bit more for that to work on me. I am quite jealous of that yet you're lacking in defense." He got ready to punch her at point blank and would send her out of there.
Xenovia flew in as she swung Durandal at him. He reached out with his right arm and put up a block. The blade smashed into his arm as that thin white layer blocked Durandal from his skin as it slid off. "What a monster not even a scratch." Xenovia was in awe of what she had just witnessed and she did nothing to him.
"Xenovia that," Yumi said as around her knight appeared they reached to their side and pulled out a thick pure white blade.
"Oh this, interesting." Sairaorg looked at them as they came at him. Five in total he waited a moment for them to get close. A punch for the first one and it shattered like sugar glass, he kicked the second and third ones as they disappeared. The Fourth one swung its sword at him as he punched the blade shattering it instantly and the knight was sent flying into the fifth one and they broke. "Fast but not durable. They lack hardness to be of use."
Xenovia was able to get in there as she swung Durandal once again this time he got cut in his chest ripping his shirt but she was swiftly kicked away and he ran over to Yumi hitting her. She slid back some as she tumbled around. She was on the floor breathing heavily looking at Sairaorg. "To think that Issei took this before and still fought." She said as she slowly got back up. "Xenovia we still have more to do."
The water shook as the lake started to turn to steam. Out from it, Rossweisse rose from the water as she was carrying a massive red ball of energy in her right hand. "You let your guard down." She flicked her wrist as the ball was around the size of a building was sent flying towards them. It cut itself into pieces making long hexagon spears and started pelting the area Sairaorg was in. It was quickly covered in smoke and dirt flying into the air as Rossweisse could be seen with a thin white and gold blade in her hand as she got to land near them.
As the dust settled Sairaorg walked out of the crater, his arms and a little bit of his chest with some knicks and cuts as there was some blood on him. "I was suspicious to see you disappear and there was no call from the arbiter. But the three of you have been most impressive in this match."
"Xenovia it's time!" Yumi barked out her orders. Sairaorg however punched the air towards Rossweisse. The air pressure hit her as a large cone of force hit her sending her flying.
{Rook Rossweisse has retired.}
The two others stepped up to the plate as they rushed him swinging their swords at him. They picked his right arm Yumi's Holy demonic sword smashed into it. Xenovia followed suit and slammed Durandal onto his arm. Sairaorg's toukai was the only thing that was preventing it from being cut off as he focused on repelling them.
Yumi's blade shattered so she tossed her sword aside and grabbed onto Durandal. The two of them funneled all their power into the blade as they pushed. It was a struggle as he pushed back and it became a power struggle. The ground cratered around them as Durandal slowly started to push through the white layer, as it broke past the last layer it sliced clean through his arm as it dropped on the floor.
Sairaorg was surprised to see that his arm was on the ground. "Most impressive, you cut through my arm. Forcing me to use the Pheonix Tear not going into the final battle without it." He extended his right leg as he kicked Xenovia in the gut sending her fling as she disappeared.
Yumi still had Durandal as she was holding onto it ready to attack. "We have completed our goal." Sairaorg with his left hand lunged forward and he grabbed her onto her face as he slammed her into the ground. "It's up to Issei and Rias now." She said as she faded away.
{Knights Xenovia Quarta and Yumi Yuuto retired. Winter is Sairaorg Bael}
He grabbed his arm off the ground as he teleported out of the room. Once he was back in his area he took the Pheonix tear out and poured it on his arm as he reattached it. He flexed his fingers as he made sure everything was reconnected.
Rias went over to the bowel and rolled her die as did Sairaorg. {Bael Four, Gremory FIve. Total nine.
Issei stood up hearing the total "Be right back" He said as he stood on the teleporter. They caught a glimpse of his face as a normally happy kid who only had a blank expression on his face. "Issei is," Aisa said as he teleported.
"Not happy that is easy to see."
He appeared in the middle of a colosseum on one side of the area as all around him there was setting but nobody around to watch. Across from him, he saw Kuisha Abaddon.
{Match Seven Starts now!}
Issei exhaled upon hearing that. "My master wishes to see your full power. As his Queen, I will make that wish come true. Get into your Balance Breaker and fight me seriously." He heard Kuisha tell him.
He raised an eyebrow hearing that "Full power?" He asked hearing that as her dedication was admirable. "Are you secretly a god of some sort? One of those shapeshifters or body stealers?"
"Okay, so you're not like Odo?"
She shook her head "Do I even want to know what you're blabbing about."
Issei waved his right hand around. "These kids don't know what it's about, but some of the adults would if they watched enough Human TV. You know…" He waved his hand about making a grand spectacle "The Final Frontier!"
"Are you going to fight me? Or are you no longer interested in that a woman is standing before you?"
"Fiesty one, getting mad that I'm not giving her what she wants." Issei held his hand out as the boosted gear appeared on his hand. "Listen as long as you don't get your panties twisted up, I will show you the error in your ways. Your little suck power up and throw it back at them has a glaring flaw. Something I don't even need my full power to exploit. That and my full power would kill you so let's not go there."
"And you think you can exploit a weakness?"
"Sure" [WELSH DRAGON BALANCE BREAKER] He pointed at the wall behind her. "You about to get real intimate with that wall behind you."
As she saw his armor around him it soon shrank. [Welsh Sonic Knight]. He shrank down to the point that it was almost like a catsuit. He ran at her but disappeared from her sight. She spread her demonic power out trying to block whatever he was going to hit her with.
Then she saw the red blur and it was far too late. He already turned to his side putting his right shoulder out as he smashed into her chest. She was sent flying backward into the wall. She hit it like a cartoon character creating a person-sized shape in it as concrete dust flew out of it.
{Queen Kuisha Abaddon has Retired! Winner Team Gremory} They heard as Issei's armor reforged back to his normal status.
Issei appeared on the other side back in the area as he dusted his hands off. Sairaorg was another story as he watched his queen get blitzed in one hit. "And you call that holding back?"
"You see people don't ever seem to listen to me. Only a handful of people get it." Issei said to Sairaorg as his helmet disappeared. "I fought Cao Cao last week and Loki last month."
Sairaorg smiled at that "Seems it would be foolish to let him fight under the rules they have placed us under. There is a reason I asked for no rules after all. So, I wish to fight the Red Dragon and Rias Gremory in the next and final match. All or nothing." The crowd was hyped to hear that as it was eluded that this fight was going to happen and yet luck required it to happen.
{What an interesting suggestion.} Naud was one thing.
"I'm down" Issei said hearing that.
{Sure let them do it} Diehauser was another story {Everybody is here to see the two of them fight.}
Azazel laughed at that {They did bill the match as such it would be a shame to deny such a fight. Makes you wonder if you got scammed if the fight never happened and you paid for the tickets.} He knew exactly how to stir the pot.
{Alright alright hold on here} Naud calmed two of them down {I've already relayed a message up to the control staff. Let's just hope they make their minds up sooner rather than later.}
They waited awhile, Issei stood there as Rias was in front of him and he put his arm over her shoulder. For five minutes they stood there waiting for news.
{LADIES AND GENTLEMEN BOYS AND GIRLS OF ALL AGES, THIS LAST BATTLE WILL NOW BEGIN! Sairaorg Bael and his Mysterious masked pawn Regulus and on the other side the Switch Princess Rias Gremory and the Hero of children the Oppai Dragon Issei Hyoudou the Red Dragon Emperor!}
"ZOOM ZOOM IYAAN!" "Oppai!" They heard the kids in the crowd shout out.
They teleported onto the battlefield as they separated from each other. They were in an area that looked to be above the clouds as they were at their feet and there were stars around them. Issei tapped his foot on the ground feeling the ground as it was solid and not just clouds messing with him.
{This team battle may begin.}
Issei swiftly promoted to Queen as he heard that knowing there was no other choice for him. Sairaorg however looked at Rias "Rias I have something to say before we start. You servants have been quite wonderful to fight. They are all strong opponents. In the end, it has come down to a King and their Pawn. This is it Issei Hyoudou."
"Yes, finally that fight with no limits," Issei said as Sairaorg's body started to glow. The slats on his back opened up as they started to glow green. "Excuse me," He said as they let loose rocketing him forward.
The two of them clashed instantly as they started punching and kicking each other. The clouds that decorated the floor were pushed away by the shock waves they could see blood staining them as blood shot out from the two of them. Issei's helmet was broken with a few punches and Sairaorg's nose was leaking blood.
Sairaorg laughed at this "Seems I was wrong to send Kuisha to fight you and bait out your new ability. Even with this base level of the Balance Breaker, your power is well off the charts.
[Training every day what an interesting Devil.] They watched as Issei threw up his right arm blocking Sairaorg's punch knocking it away as he punched him in the ribs. There was nothing but laughing coming from Sairaorg seeing how well Issei was fighting.
This however was a two on two match. Sairaorg's pawn Regulus pulled his mask off as he had a large smile on it. He was a boy maybe the same age as Issei at best possibly a little younger. But he held his right arm out as it twisted and exploded growing massively in size and golden fur. His hand turned into a paw his mouth ripped apart as teeth appeared and a tail. It was soon changed as his face grew a massive golden beard. His body twisted a bit more as he got down on all fours and morphed into a massive Lion.
{A Lion? The Bael Team's pawn is a lion} Naud said seeing the massive lion on the screen.
It let out a massive Roar. {That's no normal Lion, That's the Nemean Lion}
{I'm sorry what?} Naud asked Azazel
{The Nemean Lion, the Lion Hercules faced in this trial. God of the Bible captured it and turned it into a sacred gear, one of the Thirteen Longinus to be exact. Said to be able to split the world in half if mastered. Regulus Nemea can protect the user from Projectiles and even turn into a large axe. But last I heard the possessor of it was missing, to think that it is now the pawn of the Bael team.}
Sairaorg shook his head at that "No, when I found it the possessor was dead. He was killed by somebody, but only the Axe remained. That Axe turned into a Lion of its own will and killed everyone that was left."
{Hummmmm yes that is possible, Longinus can take hold of something, the current Dragon Emperor and Empress have demonstrated that temporary possession is possible. Explains a few things with such a rare phenomenon. Bring it by the lab sometime there is much work that needs to be done}
Rias however held her hands at her side as they were coated with her power of destruction "So be it, my opponent is a Longinus." She took the air and started throwing her power at the Lion.
Issei however got back to work as they started punching each other again. His main focus was the right arm as there was only so much a Pheonix tear could have done to as that was his focus. With each swing, Issei made they heard that all too familiar call out [BOOST]. Seeing that Issei was generating a large volume of power Sairaorg swung for Issei's head but was soon matched by Issei as their fists collided. With his right hand free he shifted his power around.
[Welsh Dragonic Rook] His armor hardened and bulked up. He swung giving Sairaorg a massive uppercut sending him into the air. The pieces changed once again [Welsh Blaster Bishop] His armor shedded as two massive cannons came over his shoulder and the space around them turned green and there was a hum. Sairaorg straightened himself out in the air but it was far too late as all of the energy was immediately dumped out of the cannons and into Sairaorg. "DRAGON BLASTER!"
Sairaorg was hit by the attack as he descended to the ground, the two of them were breathing heavenly from the large use of power and defending from it. Sairaorg had wounds on his body from the attack "To think you are this strong."
Rias screamed as he looked over and saw she was flying away from Regulus her arms were cut and she was bleeding out. Issei ran over to her getting her out of the way. "She will be retired from blood loss." Issei was surprised to hear that the Lion talked. Issei reached into his pocket and pulled out the vial.
"To think that I am a restraint on your fight." Rias was frustrated as she was effectively useless in this fight in her mind.
Issei pulled the top off the vial and he dumped it on Rias as her wounds closed up. "It's okay, it could be much worse." A slat on his helmet opened up revealing his eyes as he held his right hand like he was holding a green orb. "It's time" She nodded seeing the glow as he closed his hands.
"Use me, The Balance breaker will take you to another level. With that power, we can win defeating the Red Dragon."
"ENOUGH!" Sairaorg shouted at the Lion while Issei was surprised to hear that there was a wearable Balance breaker. "That power is something that will only be used in a crisis. I will fight him with my body."
Issei stood up and looked at Sairaorg "Use it, there is no point in this fight if you are not using all of you. Worked day in and day out to reach this level just to see that it was for nothing."
Sairaorg smiled hearing that, Rias however was another story "You're an idiot you know that right?"
Issei chuckled at that "Nothing I haven't heard before, still isn't stopping me."
"Fine, I guess I don't have a choice then. Will there ever be a fight like this again? Regulus! Come, let us show the true might of power." He held his arm out "My Lion King of Nemea. Answer my call and become my armor." There was a Howl as the Lion lept towards Sairaorg as he was covered in golden particles the ground started to shake as it turned to the sky. The dimension they were in was shaking apart as the clouds were blown away revealing a perfect white floor. "Balance Break!" Golden light spread out as they saw he was coated in armor like Issei's but on his chest, there was a Lion's head and an open face helmet that had long golden hair. "Regulus Rey Leather. I will reward you with that first hit from that Rook form of yours."
It was painfully obvious that Sairaorg was now massively stronger and he knew. [That form of his is perfect for dealing with close and ranged attacks.]
[Welsh Dragonic Rook!] As his armor bulked back up he realed his right arm back as he swung [Change Solid Impact!] His attack connected with Sairaorg's hand as he grabbed it, it was a two-hit attack as the fist connected then a secondary slam.
"So that is your power limit." He pulled Issei's arm towards him as he swung his right fist planting it into his gut. Issei coughed up blood as his armor was shattered returning him to his base form. "I expected more from that form."
Issei was breathing in heavily hearing that as he was spitting out blood staining the white floor red. As he slowly stood up he saw that in Issei's right hand, they saw something that wasn't normal for him. His hand had a glowing red energy emitting from it. His right hand covered his right eye as the red started to shine more. "I who is awoken, The Red Dragon Emperor who has discarded the Principles of Domination. I walk the road of righteousness with infinite hopes and dreams. I am the King of Crimson Dragon and I will show you the future that shines in Crimson." The energy in his hand changed from Red to a deep Crimson as he rapidly slashed his hand from one side of his face to the other.
There was a massive explosion of energy coming out of him as he was engulfed in that crimson energy. Inside him, there was a massive argument /There is only the destruction of the Juggernaut Drive.\ 'Enough' Issei shouted at the ghosts of the past. 'This is my life, I will not be bound by your hate. You can wallow in your suffering alone or join me on this ride.' /These bras look much more interesting than in my time.\ Issei laughed hearing that 'I'll let you girls reason with the others as I have something to deal with.'
Outside of the madness, the light shrunk back into Issei's body. They soon saw that his armor had been reforged only this time it was different from the Scale Mail. it was a bit bulkier and not as form-fitting as the base form and now was much more jagged like that of a dragon. Out of his back were two massive dragon wings that looked like Vallia's as they emitted a pinkish light compared to the deep red of the armor. "Ise that" Rias was in awe of what she saw as she was glowing the same color as he was a deep Crimson as she was part of the light for a while.
[Seems as if you did it. You were able to use the Queen piece and released all of that power.] He heard Ddraig. [This color, I can't say I'm surprised after all. It is the same color as her, the woman you fell for.] Issei moved his arm looking at the armor as it wasn't the same as his normal red armor but now the same color as Rias' hair. [Only something an idiot like you could do.]
Sairaorg smiled seeing the transformation. "Cardinal Crimson Queen. The same color as the Maou and Rias' hair."
Issei exhaled as out of his mask there was a haze of heat that came out. "Rias Gremory is the woman who I am in love with. At this point, none of us can say we are surprised by this?"
Sairaorg howled in laughter upon hearing that. "No, we aren't but I will defeat you here."
Issei flexed his fingers balling them into a fist as he took off flying at Sairaorg. [Star Sonic Booster!] Issei took off with great speed as for him the peripheral vision started to blur. He closed the gap as Sairaorg's body was covered in a white aura again. When he got close he needed offensive power and the choice was the Rook. [Solid Impact Booster] His offensive and Defensive spiked as his his arms thickened up but there was no extra noticeable weight behind him as if those limits were gone. He swung his fists as left, right, left, right just pelted Sairaorg starting with his face and working his way down. Sairaorg's armor chipped away with each hit as did the dimension around it shook as it was clear they didnt account for these two kids to output so much power. Rias had gotten up as she had a magic circle in front of her blocking the shockwaves that were tearing the dimension apart.
{Technitions get to work repairing the dimension, this is only going to get worse.} They heard not anyone in the booth but Rosenkrutzer called out as the match continued.
{WHo cares it's a fistfight!} Naud shouted seeing the fight going on {A classic fistfight! No tactics no demonic power. Everyone is on their feet cheering and boy are we lucky to be in a sound-dampened booth.}
(Sairaorg! Sairaorg!) (Oppai Dragon! Oppai Dragon!) The crowd was booming seeing the brawl.
[Carefull, this form isn't perfect yet. I can't see when or how long you have in it yet.] "I will defeat you today."Issei was unsure of what was to come hearing that so he morphed only his right arm into the large form before his transformation. He sunk his fist deep into Sairaorg's gut as a large piston slammed forward after the attack releasing a secondary hit.
Sairaorg's body shook as his legs for the first time were like jello as they shook. "My legs why do they shake, we just started!" He shouted as he made sure the Touki aura was rebuilt around him. But to Issei, it was much thinner than he had shown it. "My body will endure. I am the Heir of the house of the Great King Bael!" Issei had done damage to him most likely he was the first to do so.
Sairaorg swung at Issei but he blocked it. His left leg was extended through his punch so Issei did the same this time he kicked Sairaorg's right leg and it shattered the armor on his calf as blood squirted out as the armor cut it. The right arm hit square in the gut sending Sairaorg into the air. Issei's wings expanded out and on the tips they started to glow green as his canons appeared as they were a part of the wing structure on his back. The energy pooled rapidly as he quickly dumped it and the white area turned green as it fired. "Crimson Blaster!" The energy detonated as it hit him as they were soon hit with a massive shockwave.
When the smoke cleared there was a massive hole in the ground Sairaorg was lying in it. It was a large percentage of damage that he took from the successive hits. Issei looked down in the crater and blinked a few times as he saw a white figure sitting next to him. "Up" he heard the female voice "You need to get up Sairaorg" His body twitched hearing the voice. " You promised me that you would be stronger than everyone." His body started to move as he got up. "Now go my son." She said as she disappeared like dust in the wind.
Sairaorg however was not in a good spot. His body was battered, blood everywhere coming off him and pooling on the floor. The lion let out a Roar as it bounced around echoing everywhere. "Issei Hyoudou!" Sairaorg shouted "I will not lose! There is a dream I need to fulfill!" His body was beaten but still moved as he ran at Issei.
The two of them went back at it hitting each other. What parts of their armor weren't broken now were as they poured everything they had into it. The head, chest, legs, and ribs all were targets for repeated impacts. Issei chose the face and hit it repeatedly trying to knock him out but Sairaorg had his power of destruction, unlike Rias and Sirzechs. The Spirit was willing to go as far as it was needed as the two of them were almost out of their armor as it was chipped away. "I… will… be the… ultimate pawn." Issei was breathing heavily as his body was giving out as he put a final hit into Sairaorg.
(Red Dragon) Issei heard the lion speak (My master… he) Issei looked and saw Sairaorg's eyes and rolled back as he fell to the ground. (He already lost consciousness before you hit him)
Issei lifted his right arm as what armor was left disappeared and his arm was shaky even lifting it above his head. "That… was fun" He said as he fell to his knees and quickly to his side as he was on the floor
{Team Bael has been knocked out. The winner of this game is Rias Gremory's Team!}
After the match ended there weren't many people for reporters to speak to as the combatants were off limits as they were all in the hospital. So they went to Emperor Diehauser who was one of the commentators. "Excuse me Emperor but don't you think it would have been a good idea for Sairaorg Bael to order his pawn to take down Rias Gremory and end the match?"
Diehauser smiled upon hearing that. "And where is the fun in that? Sure he would have won, but he would not have gotten to fight the Red Dragon Emperor in the process. If the rules said both members needed to be knocked out then maybe. But let me ask you this one. Would the match have been as interesting as if your question happened? Because I saw a match that everybody was excited to see." No more questions were heard that came from him.
An hour or so after the match Issei woke up to that odd smell. He looked around as he made groggy noises and his vision was hazy and he saw bandages on his wounds. "You're awake." He heard Sairaorg as he looked over and saw that he was in a bed next to him as he was bandaged up as well. He blinked a few times seeing Sairaog making sure he wasn't on a carriage heading down a hill.
"We're in the same room?" Issei was confused to hear that.
"It was Sirzech's idea." Sairaorg said.
"Bingo" Issei looked over and saw Sirzechs sitting there in the corner.
"That was my first fight that I was happy about, I lost… but the fight was something else."
Issei tried to sit up as he groaned in pain. "Going to be stiff for a while and not the stiff I enjoy."
Sirzechs laughed at that."No doubt you are going to be stiff. That was an excellent fight, was it what the normal viewing crowd wanted to see? No, but I don't exactly care what they wanted to see. The two of you put on an excellent show showing off the power you two have. The stadium excitement was one thing no doubt the children were excited to watch a home. It's something we haven't seen in quite some time." When Sirzechs finished speaking he snapped his fingers as a barrier coated the inside of the room. "Now I have something else to say."
"Do I need to leave?" Sairaorg was quick to ask after hearing that.
"No" Sirzechs shook his head at that. "It's quite alright, this isn't going to affect you at all." he looked at Issei. "There's been plenty of talk about a promotion for a while now. And after this fight, they want to jump you right to High Class. Considering the circumstances I can't blame them for that. You, Akeno, and Yumi have all done terrific jobs in fighting off terrorists. The Evil God Loki, the incident in Kyoto. A promotion at this time is quite irregular considering your age and time as a devil." Sirzechs smiled the whole time as he said everything.
"A promotion" Issei groaned as he moved trying to find a more comfortable position.
"That's great to hear. You have earned it. You are the Hero of the underworld after all something that is needed." Sairaorg said to him as Sirzech's stood up.
"I'll have Grayfia deliver some documents once the official announcement is made." He looked towards Sairaorg before he got ready to leave. "Oh, and Sairaorg do come to me if you have any issues. I'm not exactly a fan of the games that are being played." He before he left leaving them alone.
Sairaorg looked over to Issei. "So about Rias…"
He waved at that "Don't worry about her. You should worry about Kuisha."
"Why? He asked
"Prety sure she gets her panties wet being with you."
"How do you…" Sairaorg was confused hearing that
"I'm an S-class pervert, I can see things."
"And Coriana?"
Issei shrugged at that "Don't know, ask her after you deal with Kuisha. Who knows you might have a few girls who like you. Just take it one at a time, that's how I found it worked best."
Two days later it was the school festival and the Occult Research club was a popular one. Rias, Asia, Xenovia, and Irina were dressed in purple waitress outfits as they were serving food to many of the students and taking pictures with the girls.
Issei was with Yumi getting dressed as they were going to deal with their duties for the day. "This is so embarrassing," Yumi said as she looked down at her panties and saw a bulge in her panties.
Issei reached over and tapped on it getting a little knock. "Listen all of you agreed to let me have a feast today. And I'm going to get everything out of it as you all have collectively told me no for the last few days."
Yumi pulled up a pair of black pants and she buttoned them up. "At home, it's one thing, but here and the cage is tight."
Issei looked down at her as he ran his hand over her groin feeling it out. "It looks fine so don't worry about it. The other girls are wearing skirts and in the same position as you. I'm super hungry and you all need to feed me some of that energy." Issei nibbled on her ear. "If you do everything right, I'll make up all my power off them and nobody will be the wiser."
"At least we made you wear panties today.." Yumi said as he shrugged hearing that.
"Yep nice and smooth, satin of all things, and super tight around my balls.." He kissed her. "Come on we have work to do." He took her hand as they headed out of the room and walked down the stairs to the first floor as that was where the activities were taking place.
A few girls saw Issei "It's Hyoudou, he's going to take out his fantasies on us! Deal with him now."
Issei shook his head "Only the biggest of dildos for your virgin asses." There was some screaming hearing that but it wasn't from them.
It came from another group of girls as they had gotten their hands on Gasper. Said vampire was dressed up like a vampire trying to act like a big tough vampire, the problem was it was making the girl's panties were most likely wet and not scared of him. Another problem was Gasper wasn't exactly sure if he was gay or honestly wanted to be a girl. So that didnt help their case of a vampire wanting to eat them.
Issei however was run up to and slapped across the face. It was Katase of all things as behind her it was Murayama. "You know what you did, degen."
"Yes, I know what I did." He looked over at Yumi "What did I do?" She only shrugged at that.
"Ravel said she needs more tickets, asshole." Murayama looked at him as she had to keep up the facade.
"Fine, geez." Issei shook his head upon hearing that. "Just make sure they don't rape Gasper. Not that they can just…" He walked over to the area where they were storing supplies and other things. He grabbed a roll of tickets and headed outside. Outside he saw Ravel sitting at a table they had set up. "Here"
"Oh, more tickets." She took the roll from him. "Good, I was running low." She got back to it as the line started moving.
Eventually, it got to the point where Motohama and Matsuda were there. "Bro let us in"
Issei looked at them "There's cost extra, make it double."
"What the fuck man. I just wanted to see the ecchi photo shoot." They were excited about that thought logic.
"Each one of those girls will break your dick if you even think about trying something like that."
"So can we…"
"No," Issei said as he pointed at Matsuda "If you touch Koneko, I'll beat the shit out of you after she does."
"Is he a…" Ravel had to think about it.
"A lolicon? yes… " Ravel shook her head hearing that.
"Does she have a sister?" Motohama asked Issei.
"Who knows." Issei shrugged hearing that "If she does she might hurt you" Off in the distance, Issei could see Sirzechs and Serafall being dragged around by Sona so they didn't cause chaos.
After a while, Issei was sitting on a bench talking to Azazel. "So that's how it goes in the devil world. Everything is like a rug at the end you have to change it so you don't get too dirty."
Issei scratched his head upon hearing that. "That explains what Sirzechs said but I didnt think that it would be that cruel of a choice."
"Sairaorg knew what was going to happen, it's the nature of this world. Why support the loser they lost and my extension so did they because of it. He's a good kid however he understands the value of hard work and what that will bring him."
"But still"
Azazel shook his head at that "Don't regret what you did. This is the world of Devils, only strength has value to them. Both you and Rias need to remember that. For now, the Heir status of the Bael family hasn't changed so it would be hard for somebody to challenge him for it. But they can't outright reject him as well as that would cause far too many issues."
"This world only gets weirder by the day."
"Say's the one working for Venelana Gremory's studio."
"Hey" Issei looked at Azazel "We don't talk about that."
He laughed at that "Oppai Dragon and Switch Princess, a love beyond another." He said as he stood up and saw that Koneko was coming towards them.
"Fun time…" Koneko said to Issei.
"Alright, we can go to the games." Hearing that from Him she nodded.
"Say where has Katerea been all this time." Azazel asked as she had been missing for some time.
"Helping with the cleanup of her mansion."
"Oh, you let her keep that." Azazel was surprised to hear that.
"She and I have made up."
"You got into her panties," Azazel said as Koneko jerked on Issei's arm dragging him away.
Later in the night, Issei found RIas in the club room alone staring out the window. "Hey, Rias."
She turned around to look and saw him. "Oh, Issei." She said as he walked over and saw that there was a large fire outside and kids were dancing outside.
"You want to go out there and dance?" He asked seeing what she wanted to do.
"No, it's quite alright." She shook her head. "I take it you would like to do something else anyway."
"Well," Issei thought about it as he looked out the window "I was looking to have fun with you."
"You.. have. Or did you forget all day?" She asked as her face was a bit red.
"Oh no, I haven't forgotten. I am quite hungry, however.
"Here" She turned to him grabbed his face and kissed him. The two of them swirled tongues as she took the lead. Issei put his arms around her holding her as his hands laid on her ass. "Ise" She pulled away from him "You have done everything and then some more for me. I can't even put into words how much you have done."
Issei however laid his head on her shoulder. "I'm doing everything I can for you. I will do everything I can for you my love."
"Thank you, Issei." She squeezed him.
The door to the club room slammed open. The two of them looked over and saw that everybody was there except Ravel. Akeno was the one in the front. "Are you hungry?" Akeno asked as she was wearing her shrine maiden outfit. Issei groaned at that as he reached over and a magic circle appeared on the floor near the couches as there was a circle for each girl. Akeno pulled on the sash on her robes opening it up. "Good, I have been horny all day because of this place. My panties are wet and I would have a boner all day if it wasn't for this wild idea of yours. No doubt all of us the same way."
Issei reached into Rias' panties and as his hand passed her plastic cage and he felt her vagina. "Yeah, she excited."
Rias' face was as red as she could be. "It's because of…"
"Yeah, my downright perversion and outright degeneracy. I've seen enough hentai and there are things I want to do."
Akeno took a spot on the couches as she pulled her panties down revealing the black cage. "So what did you want to do?" Issei snapped his finger as the cage disappeared and an erection started. Akeno reached down as she started to stroke it she wasn't too unfamiliar with it as she had used it a fair amount. "Maybe your ass?"
"I think he wants you to do that." Gasper said as they all took a seat.
"Maybe later" Issei snapped his fingers as the magic circle appeared under her legs out of it a tentacle of all things appeared as it pushed into her vagina as she felt a tongue lick her.
"Oh that's ohhhhhhhhh" She let out a moan as she tapped the couch. "Everybody take a seat…." She groaned as out of the tentacle it made a y split and out of the top came a second one as it latched onto her cock sucking on it. Her head kicked back as she let everything wash over her.
Xenovia pulled her panties down and took a seat next to Akeno. She got the same treatment as Akeno as the tentacle came out. "I thought it was fun."
"You find everything fun." Irina said as the rest of the girls did the same and started to drown in pleasure. "What about me?'
Issei looked at Irina as he pointed at the window, in it there was a chair. "Massage chair is the best I can do." Issei said as he pulled down Rias' panties and pushed her over the desk. Issei without a skipped beat pulled how his pants and swiftly got to work.
The door to the room opened a cart was pushed in as they saw a large cake on it. "I made cake." Ravel said as all eyes looked at her. "OH" She figured it out real quick. "You're doing that already."
"You're taking this quite well." Rossweisse said to her.
"This is the second one, I'm used to it. I saw plenty of things growing up."
Issei thought about it "Hey Gasper, I'm gonna need you to teach Ravel to art of the blow job."
"Okay," He nodded at that.
"I don't need such a thing, I"
Issei cut her off. "You gave me a lot of teeth last time."
Akeno laughed "Nothing wrong with practicing on a dildo. Took us a while to figure it all out and all of us have hit some teeth."
"I haven't" Rias held up her right arm.
Issei smacked her ass "Don't lie, I never said anything our first few times." He reached down and wrapped his arms under her as he picked her up and he sat in her chair.
"Since you two were a virgin was it magical?" Ravel asked them as she was curious.
Rias laughed at that. "It was awful. Issei fumbled around not knowing what was going on. I didn't know much as well. It's a million times better now. That's even with the fact that we do some… odd stuff."
Issei reached up and pulled up her shit revealing her red bra. Moans and other noises were coming from the other girls. "So do you not like having your own personal penis?"
Akeno groaned as they saw nothing but white enter the tentacle "I hate that you know how to flip every switch and then add more." She pointed at Rias "And you baby Rias far too much."
"That's Asia, yet look where she is." Issei told her as Akeno pulled the tentacle out as it and the cock disappeared returning her to normal.
"I think it's time she gets her just do." AKeno walked over to them as she pointed at the cage. "Take it off."
Issei did as asked as he pulled it off. Akeno got down in front of them as she got down giving her a blowjob. "Wait Akenooooooooooo" She tried to reach down and push her away but Issei grabbed her hands. Akeno had a black ring as she pushed it behind Issei's cock. She stuck a finger into Rias's pussy while she bobbed her head. She saw some of Issei's cum leaking down. "Akeno that's" Akeno pulled back as Rias's didnt last long she kissed Rias swapping cum.
"Your weak." Akeno taunted her as she lifted Rias off his cock. She looked at Issei as around his cock a black cage appeared around his dick. "You however we are taking over here."
"Ah, shit where did you find that experiment. I made that for Gasper."
"Change, and do not hide it." AKeno looked at the others. "Issei teased us enough today. Now is our time." Issei changed over to Isami as her clothes were off.
Yumi was the first one to pull the tentacle off her as she was rock hard. "That's good, the real thing would be better. Well as more real than this." The tentacles disappeared as Akeno threw Isami over the desk. "Gonna break your tight little pussy."
Akeno got to fingering her "It's not that tight anymore." Isami said as she wasn't going to explain if she had to.
"What about me?" Ravel asked as she was the only one who was left out of this.
"Mere" SHe waved her hands as Ravel walked towards them. Isami reached over lifted up her skirt and pulled the front of her panties down she tapped on the orange cage as it disappeared. Akeno's hand glowed as she smiled and smacked Isami's ass with the force of a car crash. The crack echoed throughout the room. "FUCK!" Isami screamed from the hit.
"Oh we're going to do that"
Isami's face was red as she looked at Rossweisse "Better than being drunk?
Meanwhile in the shadows around the School Azazel was at work doing whatever he felt like doing. He was meeting with one of the girls of the school, Aika of all things "So you think you can do that?"
"I can do it" SHe looked at Azazel "But you do understand how much chaos that's going to cause if I do it right?"
He smiled at that "You saw their lives, it's not that much Chaos compared to it. Plus this makes my job even better seeing those two look more like idiots together."
AIka sighed at that "Fine but I'm blaming you for all of this when it comes back to me."