Chapter Ten: The Depths of Mystery
The Atlantean geological team came up to the coordinates provided by their king. In their mobile laboratory made in the fashion of a great white whale, the team went down to the depths close to Crystal Cove.
"Sire, we're approaching the Midnight Zone," said Vulko, referring to the depth where all is darkness. "Early probe drones are returning with samples."
"Great, we'll look over those before going any deeper," said Aquaman. "I don't want us on a wild goose chase down here. And we've got nothing on radar yet?"
"No hostiles detected as of now sire," said Vulko.
"Cool, keep an eye out though we're due any minute," said Aquaman.
Flash and Velma were joined by Shaggy, Alexa, Diana, Artemis, and Scooby in returning to Crystal Cove. Shaggy wanting to show something to Alexa which he said she would find helpful given her new abilities.
Once on the ground they split from the others, leaving the others to make their way to the Crystal Cove Burlington Library where all the geological and historical records were kept. In addition to the geological records they would look into the Egyptian scroll Fred had recovered from Gotham.
"Not going with them sister?" Diana asked, an eyebrow raised along with a smirk.
"I've teased her enough for a while," said Artemis. "Besides, she's getting him quite well trained. I'm thinking of giving her a collar to put on him."
"You're joking right?" asked Flash.
Diana and Artemis both shot a look which answered for him.
"Please don't give Iris ideas," he said.
"Depends on the next lady's night out," said Diana.
With that the group went into the building, aware that they might not be entirely alone while doing so.
"There's definitely a high crystal element in the minerals and waters around this area," said Vulko.
"And the crystals are something else," said Mera.
The two looked over early samples of the minerals and waters around Crystal Cove. All data being forwarded to the Justice League computers at the Hall and Watchtower respectively.
"Something else in a good way or a bad way?' asked Aquaman.
Her tattoos glowing as she held her arms over the a container of silica pulled up from the sea floor Mera sighed. The traces of crystals glowing slightly.
"They're reacting to my magic but so far I'm not feeling any negative effects," said Mera. "If these were part of a prison to contain this Revolta entity then they're tuned to the entity's brand of energy."
"Maybe we can use them to help that ghost guy we've got," said Aquaman.
"That's another thing that's got me worried about this Arthur," said Mera. "This thing can enslave spirits. That shows tremendous and sinister power."
"It corresponds with some of the references to the Annunaki I was able to find in our records," said Vulko. "You were right even we had influence from these beings before we sank. Even sometime afterwards, through the forms of sea animals."
"Definitely, the energies are familiar at the least," said Mera.
"So they may have helped us develop the Atlantean brand of magic?" asked Aquaman.
"Or an early form which we've since developed over the centuries," said Mera.
"Can you work with it?" asked Aquaman.
"I should, especially if Batman's thinking we'll need to remake the prison," said Mera.
"If that old man's art is anything to go buy we're definitely going to have to rebuild it," said Aquaman. "It could..."
Aquaman went silent, his eyes turning towards the porthole.
"Arthur?" asked Vulko.
"The sea creatures," said Aquaman. "We're not alone alone in the water. I want everyone at the ready."
"Sire, we have Flash and Wonder Woman requesting contact from the surface," a communications officer said.
"Put 'em on speaker," said Aquaman. "Barry, Diana, just so you guys know I've got an early warning. We might have some action down here."
"Do you need help Arthur?" asked Diana.
"I've got my royal guard and Mera down here," said Aquaman. "I like my chances but Vulko will stay aboard and let you know. So far we're good but I've been told we're not alone. And I don't mean the fish. We've got crystal traces in the silica down here. From what Mera can tell it's definitely something else."
"Crystal Cove is known for all natural mineral waters," said Velma Dinkley's voice, Aquaman guessed, coming through.
"So that confirms Batman's theory?" asked Barry.
"As far as we can tell, we'll go down to dig further in see if we can get bigger crystals," said Aquaman. "I've got a full team down here ready to excavate. We're entering the Midnight Zone, where all light vanishes. Dink, anything we should expect down here."
"Don't call me Dink," said Velma. "But according to Crystal Cove's historical records an entire portion of the original town fell into the ocean in the 1600's. The populace was saved though thanks to the efforts of one Friar Sera, who claimed an angel spoke through the voice of his faithful donkey Porto."
"Guessing another Annunaki," said Aquaman. "Those names sounds Spanish though. Wouldn't Massachucettes have been an English colony at the time?"
"Yes, but Florida was under control of Spain," said Velma. "Friar Sera traveled up from there most likely. And as a man of the church he still would have been respected in spite of his nationality."
"Okay, history is satisfied So there's a sunken part of the city down here then," said Aquaman.
"The meteor impact prior could have made certain parts of the surface unstable and with time a portion of the land gave way," said Vulko.
"The land survey records agree with you Vulko," said Barry. "We've also got records from some of the Native tribes which left artworks depicting a meteor falling around the area. As well as stories of animal spirits advising them of the coming of the original Crystal Cove settlers."
"So the Annunaki definitely wanted to keep an eye on the crystals here," said Arthur. "So did they..."
Aquaman stopped mid-sentence.
"Arthur? What's wrong?" Diana asked.
"They're coming," said Aquaman. "All hands to battle stations."
"We're on our way," said Diana.
"No, you guys stay together," said Aquaman. "As above so below. If I'm getting attacked here you guys might be getting soon. Get away from civilians and find somewhere close to the sea. We'll rendezvous once I get my people out of this.
The line cut as the Atlantean sub was met with its attackers. Swarms of World War II era robots, led by the glowing wreck of an old Pirate ship, captained by a red-beared ghoul and a specter in a diving suit.
Whilst Aquaman was about to engage in an underwater battle and the others of their squad looking through records, Shaggy had taken Alexa to a storage unite he rented.
"Like, during all our mysteries the gang and I ran into a lot of pretty far out people," said Shaggy, fiddling with the lock. "One of 'em was this old actor Vincent Van Ghoul. Like the best B-movie horror actor the world ever knew. He was being haunted by what seemed like his old characters. It was an insurance scam run by a gold-digging younger wife to try and have him die of fright or be driven mad, either way she'd have gotten the money."
"But you stopped her," said Alexa.
"We did," said Shaggy, opening the door. "But the thing is Vincent, was a very method sort of guy. He did all these roles with warlocks and witches and he wanted to know everything about it. So he went in depth and apparently collected some groovy kind of magic junk. Like real magic, actual tomes and items. Turns out he did have a bit of Homo Magi in him. Couldn't do anything big but still it was pretty far out. He and I became friends and...when he passed he didn't have any family so he left everything to me. Quite a bit of cash safe in the bank but I locked up his collection here."
Shaggy opened the door and let Alexa on in. He turned on a light revealing various old tomes and objects of occult nature. Alexa poured through them with remarkable speed but also due care.
"These are true tomes," said Alexa.
"Yeah, well I figured you haven't really had anything good to read since we kind of...shanghaied you into this," said Shaggy. "And now that you've got like some mojo of your own to work with I think these should go to someone who can actually use them."
" really wish to entrust me with your friend's collection?" Alexa asked.
"Yeah," said Shaggy. "You're like...special you know. And like I'm sure those guys like Dr. Fate and Zatanna have enough. No reason the new magic superhero on the block should be left behind. I mean, like that's if you really want to be one."
"I...I do," said Alexa. "It's strange, for so long I avoided the battlefield. I didn't really want to be a great warrior like my sisters. But...but now I have been tasked by the goddess Hecate. I have a means of my own to fight which I can say make me stand out from my sisters. And for so long I've wanted an adventure of my own. More than the ones I've read in books. It's been frightening so far and yet...yet I'm glad because now I've met...I've made new friends."
"So what will you be called?" Shaggy asked. "Wonder Witch?"
"I don't think so," Alexa said with a chuckle. "Besides I don't want to simply be compared to Diana. Or to Artemis in that sense. If the superheroes of man's world name themselves to represent who they are in a sense then I should too. As such...Theurgy I believe is appropriate."
"Like what?" asked Shaggy.
"It translates to 'Divine Magic'," said Alexa. "The invocation and evocation of a divine entity. As an agent of Hecate on Earth I believe that this is most befitting. Do it?"
"It's groovy," Shaggy said.
A subtle shift of the wind from the open door disturbed a stack of books and from the top a crystal ball fell. Both Shaggy and Alexa reached for it, their fingers touching as they caught the ball.
Bringing it closer, they looked into each other's eyes. Alexa could indeed see there were the shades of the wolf in him. But not a savage beast as he feared but a noble and even gentle protective figure.
"I...for all my inexperienced in certain matters," Alexa confessed.
"And I...I like do have at least a history," Shaggy sputtered. "But like aside from the werewolf thing I'm like totally clean."
"Clean?" Alexa asked.
"Oh you see..."
"As much fun as it is to listen to you two dance around the issue, we need to meet up," Artemis's voice rang through the com-links provided to them by the League.
"Sister? Have you been listening in on us?" asked Alexa.
"Not all the time, Theurgy," Artemis said with a laugh. "The Aquaman is engaging an enemy and we're gathering at another location. We need to go over the Egyptian scroll and we've gathered as much on the geology and history of the local area as we can. We're moving close to the shore. An old lighthouse Dinkley is leading us to."
"I know where that is," said Shaggy. "Like, we're on our way."
Shaggy gently motioned Alexa and dug through the collection until he pulled out a long box. Opening the box revealed a white sheathed Japanese katana.
"Another little something I picked up," Shaggy said, holding up the blade.
Atlantean guards battled the robots while Aquaman and Mera took to the phantom ship.
"Ghost pirates," Aquaman muttered. "Can't wait to tell Junior."
The King of the Seas took to the ghost vessel and immediately met the sword of the red-bearded captain. The green glowing ghoul in the diving suit attempted to swipe with a harpoon but a tendril of mystic water pulled him back and flung him off the ship. Mera formed a water kraken and began swiping at the various other ghost pirates and robots which were around the ship.
"Vulco, take the ship down," Aquaman said into his comm. "These guys came from somewhere and they're guarding something. I'll cover you and keep these guys busy but we need those crystals."
"Yes sire," said Vulko.
The whale-like ship continued downward whilst the Atlantean guard covered it. Aquaman continuing to clash with the captain. His spectral sword a seeming match for Aquaman's mystical trident.
"Gotta admit, not a big fan of pirates," said Aquaman, blocking a blow. "Can't say the ghost variant is any better."
Red-Beard drew back and the two continued their duel. Of course as they fought more ghost pirates and apparent skeleton men began to rise from the deck of the ship. Some manning the canons and aiming for Mera. As she was distracted by helping her troops with the robots, she didn't notice their formations. Aquaman however did and just as several canons released a volley at Mera's direction he shot out at twice the speed. With his tremendous strength he swatted the cannon balls away from his wife with his trident.
"There's gotta be something down there for them to attack like this," said Aquaman. "Go with Vulko, the guards and I will handle them. Especially since you took out the bots."
"Arthur you..."
"I'm not alone," said Aquaman, as the vast predator legions of the sea congregated upon the scene. "But we need to know what these guys are trying to keep us away from. If there are crystals that can keep that Revolta thing contained we need them or we could have big trouble for Atlantis and the rest of the world."
Mera realized that her husband's logic was sound. She gave a kiss upon her husband's lips and then quickly swam down to join the sub. The pirate ship began to turn as if in pursuit.
"Oh no you don't," said Aquaman.
He quickly dove down and turned up, grabbing the bottom of the ship. For a ghost ship it was remarkably solid. With all his might he pushed the ship upward, his soldiers and the summoned creatures of the deep clearing out the final robots.
Shaggy, Scooby, and Alexa came to a lighthouse on the edge of town by the sea where Diana, Artemis, Velma, and Flash were gathered.
Or rather they had gathered at a sea-side restaurant next to the lighthouse.
"Aquaman has engaged an attack force," said Diana. "He's as of now not requested assistance and that we get somewhere away from the town in case we ourselves became targeted."
"And while we're here might as well go over the scroll Fred secured," said Velma.
"And hopefully some lunch while we're at it?" Shaggy proposed.
"I second that," said Flash. "Thankfully the owner's a stubborn old bastard. Refused to leave when we told him we might be attacked."
"Skipper Sheldon's still here?" asked Shaggy.
"He is," said Velma. "The old Squid's no stranger to action."
"Groovy," said Shaggy.
Shaggy, Scooby, and Flash went to get their food, which was indeed more for them than anyone else as the others had deduced by this point. Leaving Alexa and the other three women to look over the scroll.
"A child princess, perishing at an age far too young," Alexa read from the scroll. "But reportedly blessed with tremendous potential as a magician. Not truly born of royal blood, as she had been discovered by the great conqueror, Alexander the Great."
"Directed by his dog...Peritas, his favorite dog who accompanied him on...all of his conquests," Velma translated. "Jinkies, Peritas was an Annunaki. That's...double Jinkies."
"Do all of you people have nonsense words?" asked Artemis.
"Everyone but Fred," said Velma. "But...Shaggy's family on his father's side has had the same family of Great Danes for centuries. Tracing back as far as he could tell Medieval England but...but I did more digging and I think the family went back further."
"Alexander never had heirs," said Diana.
"Doesn't mean he didn't have some fun," said Artemis. "So...Rogers and Doo..."
"Might be descendant from Alexander and Peritas," said Alexa.
"Following to here, where remnants of a prison of a rogue Annunaki may be buried," said Diana. "A town partially established by Annunaki. These are too many factors for a coincidence. These are motions made long in advance. What else is in Roger's family line?"
"Shaggy comes from a long line of ace detectives, soldiers, explorers, and survivalists," said Velma. "On his father's side at least. On his mother's..."
"Werewolves," said Alexa. " the result of a centuries long breeding program subtly influenced by the will of the Annunaki. With the stock of great warriors, all exposed to centuries of Annunaki energy. And with his mother's lycathropy heritage, he can transform partially into a beast and..."
"Become an Avatar," Shaggy's voice said, cutting through the tension that had build between the four women, holding one large platter of clams. "Zoinks."
Mera was unhappy in leaving her husband but she understood how gaining materials to use against the enemies that they were facing now was of chief importance. She led the descent downward and to her surprise she saw what the enemies had been guarding. A massive station built into an underwater cliff.
"Break off a troop and follow me we're going into that structure," said Mera. "Vulko keep the ship at this distance and call my husband's allies and give them our location."
Mera swam down with a small contingent of troops and entered the strange structure via a port meant for submarines. She was able to force it open and she and her troops entered. Accustomed to the depths of the ocean Mera and the others had no issue in seeing in the dark.
"Stay alert, we might not be alone," she commanded.
Walking through the dark corridors she and her troops saw various chambers filled with mining equipment. Examining it closely she could find remnants of the same crystals.
"Vulko, can you still hear me?" she asked.
"Yes my queen, are you alright?" the advisor asked.
"We're alright for now," said Mera. "This place is a mining outpost. Whoever held it was mining for the same crystals we were looking for. They were here for a long time, decades even. The equipment is old and out of date, by surface terms at least."
"Surface world government or corporation?" Vulko asked.
"Not with the attack we just had," said Mera. "These people...the ones Arthur is fighting against now, they were here. I'll go on and see if I can at least find some information Arthur and the League can use. Has he been in contact with you?"
"He has not but do not fear my Queen, that boy is too stubborn to die," said Vulko, his familiar tone well earned.
"He knows if he dies I'll kick his ass," said Mera.
"I'll pass on what you've learned to the Justice League, along with your coordinates," said Vulko. "Princess Diana will likely be requesting to teleport to your location."
"She's more than welcome, I'd rather have more allies down here," said Mera, as the station groaned. "Though tell her she better be ready an emergency teleport. There's no telling how long this old place will hold."
As Vulko relayed his Queen's coordinates, Mera and her squad held position, within moments Diana, Artemis, Alexa, Shaggy, Scooby, and Velma were at their location.
"So that's the werewolf and dog?" Mera asked, motioning to Shaggy and Scooby.
"Hello," Scooby said. "You smell like sushi."
"I'll take that as a compliment," said Mera, extending a hand to Diana. "Good to see you Diana."
"You as well Mera," said Diana.
"What is this place?" asked Alexa.
"And how the hell did we not know it was so close to our town?" asked Shaggy.
"At these depths it'd have been hidden quite well," said Velma. "Sounds of mining equipment wouldn't have reached us and we're not close to regular Naval routes so it's relatively easy to hide such a facility. Although what's troubling is the implications considering the ease of which enemy combatants were able to rise up to defense. Suggesting that this is not friendly territory."
"So this could be an enemy base?" asked Alexa.
"It's too out of use," said Mera. "But there is mining equipment. They were looking for the same crystals Arthur had us looking for. They must have thought they tapped it out."
"Why look for the thing Revolta was imprisoned it?" asked Shaggy.
"Securing her weakness," said Diana.
"The Crystal Mines were supposedly tapped out," said Velma. "At least on land where the town is. They must have tapped it down here too. Still there could be something we can use down here. So we should..."
"I know, I know," said Shaggy. "Scooby and I will go that way, you guys can figure everything else out."
"I'll go with you," said Alexa.
Shaggy smiled lightly and he, Scooby, and Alexa went off.
"Keep in contact," said Artemis. "And clothed."
"Do you really think this is the best time to tease your sister?" asked Mera.
"After watching her spend centuries with only books in her bed I am well past due on the right to tease her for finally showing interest," said Artemis. "Even if it's with a man. Or in this case a wolf man. Whom she totally did in that ghost town."
"My younger sister did the same when I came out," said Velma. 'Somehow that was worse. Anyway, Shaggy's right, we should split up and look for clues. Queen Mera and her soldiers while I go with Wonder Woman and Artemis."
"That works well enough," said Diana. "Mera?"
"Works for me, I'm patching into Justice League comm channels," said Mera. "We should rendezvous here quickly though if we don't find anything. But be careful, this place is old and could go before we know it."
"Agreed, good hunting," said Diana.
The hull of the structure groaned.
"Quick hunting," said Velma.
Back at the Hall of Justice, Batman looked over the data coming in from the various investigation teams looking for a lead on the enemy location.
"Anything promising?" asked Superman.
"Not really," said Batman. "Phibes has ensured that the use of folklore and legend keep his activities and those of his customers and direct servants well hidden. I almost admire him for that. Almost. Diana and Arthur's groups are coming together so we might have a stronger lead soon. Flash is going back to Central City to try and get access to Mirror Master's technology so we can counter their own reflective escape methods."
"Do they need help?" asked Superman.
"I doubt it," said Batman. "Besides you're about to take Jones and Blake with you to look into the last known location of Bascome correct?"
"And likely rouse his ghost for round two," said Superman. "Jones used the transport to get the location from Sam in person."
"I'd be wary around Jones," said Batman. "He's got a chip on his shoulder that could be a detriment to the mission."
"He certainly doesn't like us," said Superman. "Considering what his father did and the kind of cases he's worked I can't blame him. But so far he's put the mission first."
"Because he wants to find a cure for his friend," said Batman. "Assuming there is one."
"What did your tests say?" asked Superman.
Batman raised a brow.
"Like you didn't take samples from Rogers while he was here," said Superman, crossing his arms.
"I may have," said Batman. "I've had the blood looked over by several experts in mutation, biomedicine, virology, and evolutionary biology."
"Evolutionary biology?" asked Superman.
Batman typed up a command on the computer and brought up a Norwegian news article.
"A Norwegian paleontologist's discovery of a series of unusual bones in a cave recently unsealed by a minor earthquake in the area," said Batman.
Images of the bones filled the screen.
"Mammal that's for sure," said Superman. "Looks bi-pedal from what I can tell."
"Now you're a paleontologist?" asked Batman.
"You learn to identify bones really well when you have x-ray vision," said Superman. "But that skull it''s...I can't tell what it's supposed to be."
The skull in question had the eyes and rounded head of a Homo Sapien skull. But the nose-hole and teeth were oddly shaped.
"They look...canine," said Superman. "A werewolf skeleton?"
"Not the mystical kind of werewolf at least," said Batman.
"It's genuine?" asked Superman.
"It's checked out," said Batman. "And it's sparked some interesting ideas and reinvigorated some rather obscure theories. Some of which have been credited as nonsense in the past."
"Like life on other worlds?" Superman asked. "Or time travel? Or Atlantis?"
"Possibly," said Batman. "It's a theory that there are species of people who may have evolved from other animals besides an ape."
"Wolves," said Superman. "But if that's the case how could they change back? For the most part human beings don't revert to apes. At least not without help."
"For the most part yes," said Batman.
"Are you sure this is related to what we're working on now Bruce?" asked Superman.
"Ancient Norwegian vikings had legends of entire tribes of warriors who could become bears or wolves called Berserkers," said Batman. "The vikings pillaged far and wide along Europe. These Beserkers part of some of those tribes, raping and pillaging. Imagine some descendants remained in mainland Europe. Perhaps as time came along they became part of notable families. Such as the Fangsworth family, later taking on the name Shagworth."
"An interesting theory Bruce but you don't rely on theory alone," said Superman. "Also, how did that skeleton get down there if the cave had been sealed up for what could be millions of years?"
"That goes back to those, wild theories I mentioned," said Batman. "Have you ever heard of the Hollow Earth theory?"
"The disproven theory that the Earth had vast hollow pockets beneath its crust," said Superman.
"Which we've found to be not entirely untrue as thought," said Batman.
"Skartaris," said Superman, recalling the home of the heroic Warlord. "But that's a parallel dimension."
"Accessible through a cavern in the Earth," said Batman.
"You think it might not be the only one?" asked Superman.
"As you said, it's a theory," said Batman.
"But one I'm beginning to get with," said Superman. "The spider shedding from the old carnival barker. The Revolta skin, that had to be some kind of prehistoric cave spider?"
"I've sent the image to some experts on my payroll," said Batman. "Along with samples of the spiders we have seen. Nothing seen like them for millions of years."
"The impact of her half of the crystal meteor would have had to have lodged her deep," said Superman. "Deep enough into the Earth to maybe find a pocket portal just like Skartaris. She takes a host, a giant prehistoric spider, comes back up and began to subtly grow power on Earth. Perhaps even hiding in that same pocket in times of turmoil. And if she and Phibes are closely linked then..."
"Then our enemy isn't on the surface of the Earth," said Batman. "They're essentially beneath it, using a variation of mirror travel to move their people across the globe, using Revolta's ability to see through spiders to spy on anyone, and establishing a vast criminal network in the fallout of the end of the Third Reich. All the while being able to avoid detection."
"It sounds good but know you it's still a theory until we get more solid evidence," said Superman.
"Correct," said Batman. "And so far other leads are turning up nothing. Vixen looked into locations where the Jaguaro was supposedly to reside. She did find evidence of illegal mining for gold and oil in the past. As well as several smuggling operations."
"Operating under the protection of a monster," said Superman.
"She's currently working with Brazilian authorities on crushing the matter now that Jaguaro is in our morgue," said Batman.
"It is still there isn't it?" asked Superman.
"Along with the supposedly immortal cat-woman," said Batman. "When it became possible that mirror travel was an option for them, I ensured for a total blackout to remove all reflections. I've also had monitors placed in her shelve in case of revitalization. So far nothing as of now."
"And tracers in case she does," said Superman. "You're getting predictable Bruce."
Batman said nothing and simply scowled while Superman smirked proudly.
"Once Jones gets back and you go off to search Bascome's last location let me know if it's close to any cracks in the Earth," said Batman.
"Will do," said Superman.
Shaggy was oddly quiet while searching through the compound along with Scooby and Alexa. The latter believing revelations that he was the result of centuries of selective breeding conducted by the Annunaki was no doubt weighing on him.
"Shaggy," Alexa said, causing the group to stop, Shaggy's back to her. "I know that what we...determined must be weighing on you. But please don't let it bring you to despair. We Amazons long understood that we all, even the gods, are but pawns in the games of fate. I know it is not much of a comfort but it does nothing to take away from who you are as a person or what you have done in your life. Your choices are still yours no matter what you..."
Shaggy turned, a quizzical expression on his face as he was apparently chewing on something.
"You have been eating this whole time we've been walking," Alexa said.
"Sorry," Shaggy mumbled before swallowing. "Were you saying something?"
"Only realizing a frustrating aspect of men that I forgot," Alexa said with a sigh.
Scooby-Doo chuckled at the both of them.
"But, truthfully, I know that this must all be difficult for..."
"Oh, you mean the Annunaki like setting things up to make me...well that thing?" asked Shaggy. "Like no biggie."
"No...biggie?" asked Alexa.
"Like I mean, sure when you first said it I was like, zoinks," said Shaggy. "But then I figured, well like that's it. Like, yeah it sucks that these semi-divine alien entities didn't like tell me or Scoob about any of this but I guess that's what semi-divine alien entities do."
"From what Diana has told me of her experiences and with my own experience with the Gods, I'm afraid yes," said Alexa.
"But, I don't know I guess I've been thinking a lot about...everything," said Shaggy. "Ever since the desert. Ever since I heard the call of that young wolf. Till then all I was thinking was getting a cure but...but I can't get her howl out of my head. I could...understand it, there was so much sadness and...pain."
Alexa could hear a faint growl in Shaggy's voice as he spoke.
"Suddenly a cure wasn't the biggest thing in my mind," said Shaggy. "So I don't think I can mind being a monster a little bit longer."
Alexa put a hand to his cheek and looked him in the eyes.
"You are no monster," she said. "The wolf...the wolf has only ever appeared in full I believe because it was trying to defend itself and its pack. Your sister, Scooby-Doo, your mother and home..."
"I almost attacked you," he said.
"The wolf barely knew me," said Alexa. "And it was still agitated from the battle it had just fought. But I don't believe it would harm me if it came out again."
That brought a notion to Shaggy's mind.
"Exactly, how did you...handle me when I know?" he asked.
She merely smiled coyly and Scooby-Doo snickered again.
Elsewhere in the facility Velma, Diana, and Artemis came across a sifting chamber where they beheld a despairing sight.
"Great Hera," said Diana.
Skeletons lay all over the floor, appearing chained at the ankle.
"They had slave labor sifting the crystals from the silt," said Velma.
"Who were they?" Artemis asked angrily, memories of her own time as a slave in her mind.
"Hard to tell," said Velma. "But if Phibes has built such a criminal empire after surviving the fall of the Nazi regime he could have had more than enough resources to ensure the capture and enslavement of scores of people over the decades."
"And he just left them when he believed that they were no longer of use," Diana said in disgust.
The three women turned to exit, not noticing the red mist beginning to billow around the floor of the facility. Causing the skeletons to twitch.