Chapter Twelve: The Wolfman in the Mirror

Like fabled Alice, Alexa coughed herself awake in a world much different than her own and so much more curious. Shaggy patted her back as she coughed up the last of the salt water.

"Easy, easy," he said. "Breathe in and out slowly. In...and out. In...and out."

Alexa's breath became more steady. But given the cold of the ocean they had nearly drowned in, she was shivering from her wet clothes. Shaggy noticed this and took off his shirt. He growled and gritted, getting his emotions to alter his body to its partial form. Fur began growing on his chest and arms.

"You...need to get warm," he said in a growl.

"W...what a...a...about...?"

"The gruesome twosome are still out of it and tied up," said Shaggy, motioning to the two unconscious hunchbacks restrained by an orange tape.

"A little thing Fred gave me a while back," said Shaggy. "Easy carry expandable trap tape. Strong as tensile steel. Never leave home without it. They'll be out of it for a while. No idea where that Mirror Monster is or what it looks like. But like that's not important. We need to get you warm."

"W...what about you?" Alexa asked, hugging herself.

"I'm not too bad," said Shaggy. "You're good to catch cold if we don't get you know."

Alexa nodded, and set down her mask from where it was tied to her side and began to undo her outfit. Scooby-Doo, having shaken off much of the water he was in, came up to the two of them. Both Shaggy, partially furry as he was, and Scooby, enveloped themselves around Alexa to share their body heat with her.

"Your sister is going to kill me for this isn't she?" Shaggy asked.

"N...not before she teases me to death about it first," Alexa said, still shivering.

Shaggy held her closer, his hand caressing her back, where he felt a scar. Something that would have likely be made by a blade.

Aquaman had managed to finally best the ghost pirates, but they had vanished as the explosions of the facility rang out. Securing his wife and his allies, Aquaman brought them all back to the sub, and from there the surface.

"We have enough raw samples of the crystals that we might be able to fashion something out of them," said Vulko. "It won't be much so we should be sure of what we should fashion them into."

"A weapon," said Aquaman, holding up his trident. "Simple and elegant. Can that work?"

"It can," said Vulko. "I'll return to Atlantis and have the forgemasters work their craft."

"Make sure they work fast," said Aquaman. "We might need it soon."

Mera went along with Vulko in the craft to return to Atlantis and begin the work on the crystal weapon. Leaving the King of Atlantis to confer with the others.

"We're missing a few," he said.

"Alexa gave us a hint that they were escaping," said Diana. "The mirror world, which we already believe is being used to allow our enemies to escape."

"That's not much of an escape if they're in the bad guy camp," said Aquaman.

"It's better than drowning," said Diana. "We need to meet up with Flash, see if he's managed to get Mirror Master's equipment."

"Does he even know how to work the damn thing?" asked Aquaman.

"After fighting him all this time we can only hope so," said Diana.

Aquaman looked back out into the sea, perturbed by all that had occurred.

"What the hell was with that place?" asked Aquaman.

"They were mining the crystals secretly," said Diana. "Likely to destroy them so they couldn't be used against Revolta. When we found it after it had been abandoned our enemies must have feared there would be intelligence there that we could use to find them. Or perhaps that there was still an active vein in the mine."

"I'm getting really tired of this shit," said Aquaman. "We need to get on the offense now."

"Once we have ensured the safety of our friends," said Diana.

Aquaman nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in his longtime ally's words.

"Alright," said Aquaman. "How do we do that?"

"Flash will have the Mirror Master's technology," said Diana. "That should give us the means to get to them."

"But to find them?" asked Aquaman. "We've both tangled with Mirror Master when he rolled with the Injustice Gang. That mirror world is big as hell."

"It's at least a start," said Diana. "Now let's get hunting."

Diana looked out at the horizon and saw that the sun was going down.

"Bats is rubbing off on you," said Aquaman.

Diana cocked her eye to Arthur as if in confusion. A faux confusion at that.

"We all know," said Aquaman.

"How?" asked Diana.

"Clark," said Aquaman. "Well actually Barry kind of deduced it, his word, when he saw Clark give a light smirk when he looked at you and Bruce coming in on a meeting. It was subtle enough but Barry guessed Clark heard something in either yours or Bruce's heartbeats. He told Hal, Hal told me and of course J'onn had to lecture us on respecting your privacy."

"And I'm guessing Bruce already knows you know but...we should get back to the matters at hand," said Diana.

"We're all happy for you," said Arthur. "Honestly I think you're actually making Bats less of an asshole so it's working so far."

Diana gave a light smile with perhaps a bit of a blush.

"Thank you Arthur, but...don't expect double dates with Mira," said Diana.

"That's what Barry and Iris are for," said Arthur.

"And I was looking at the sunset because if Alexa is keeping track of the time, she'll be able to use her mask," said Diana. "And by that her powers. That's something to help them survive until we find them. I hope."

Diana's hope was true, Alexa had been sure to keep the time. Once she had been warmed enough, she donned her mask.

"Hecate, Hecate, Hecate," she said, repeating the name of the goddess of witchcraft thrice.

Purple flames erupted and she was donned in the suit and cloak, the twin torches in her hands lit with purple flame. She had become what she had earlier decided to dub Theurgy.

"A most impressive transformation," said the now awake hunchback Brunch.

Theurgy turned towards the bound hunchback, pointing one of her torches at him threateningly.

"Oh come now child, you're still so fresh at this," said Brunch. "Besides I'm sure you know interrogation can be...messy."

Shaggy and Theurgy recalled what they were told about the cat-lady and the amalgam creature they had fought earlier. Still there was likely a way there could be information taken from these two.

"Like just get us out of here alright," said Shaggy, picking up Brunch and Crunch with one hand. "Or is that...Mirror Monster going to get us?"

"The Mirror Monster isn't the issue," said Brunch. "Not for you at least. Ta-ta for now old boy."

"Like what do you..."

The skin beneath the Hunchbacks began to move and Shaggy tossed them up just as the spiders began bursting forth. Theurgy loosed a torrent of purple flames upon them, destroying them, but leaving the three of them alone in a dimension without end.

Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice, the Flash had set up an array with Mirror Master's equipment and a large mirror as part of what was now to become a rescue mission.

"So Mirror Master willingly gave you the instructions for his equipment?" asked Velma.

"Scudder took it as a professional insult that someone else was using the mirror dimension as part of their racket," said Flash. "So in exchange for his instructions I agreed to speak up for him the next time he's up for parole. And I have to bring beer for him and the rest of the Rogues every other Sunday."

"Seriously?" asked Velma.

"They're big Shawshank fans," said Flash.

"But you're sure he was truthful?" asked Artemis.

"The Rogues are usually upfront with me," said Flash. "Now let's get cooking."

He activated the machinery and the mirror began shimmering. Three shapes came into view and three figures came out of the mirror.

"Sister," Artemis said, throwing her arms around her sister. "Thank Hera you're safe."

"That was lucky, usually it should take a while given how vast the mirror dimension is," said Flash. "But hey, you know what they say about looking a gift horse in the mouth."

As Artemis drew from her sister she noticed something she had failed to see before. In her usual dress Alexa had embrodiered a golden line down the left side of her top and her right shoulder was left bare.
But standing before her was an image of Alexa inverted, her clothing on the wrong side.

"It's not them," she shouted as her false sister reached for her, shards of glass erupting from her flesh.

Theurgy sat hovering in air, her legs crossed in a meditative position while the torches hovered by her. From the purple flames came to streams which formed in her hands into the shape of a book.

"Like, do you have a plan?" asked Shaggy. "Because frankly I got nothing."

"I am using the magic of the goddess to bring forth memories of what I've read back to me," Theurgy said. "Despite this power, I am relatively untrained as a sorceress. What academic knowledge I have can only serve us so far. But I believe I do have the knowledge to perform at least a simple scrying spell."

"And like that's good?" asked Shaggy.

"It means I will be able to get a message to our friends," said Theurgy.

"Like if we had a crystal ball," said Shaggy, beginning to understand.

"Essentially," said Theurgy. "Please, bring me a mirror. Any one will do."

"Like no problem," said Shaggy.

It didn't take long for Shaggy to get a mirror, there were millions hanging freely in this mirror world. He brought one to Theurgy and she began to work her spell. Shaggy and Scooby sat before her waiting. The former pulling forth a few Scooby Snacks and sharing them with the dog.

"Do you still not regret it?" asked Shaggy. "Hitching along with all this? You could have stayed at the museum. Read to little kids, taught your histories, and maybe even be able to go home again. Now you're like part of a little war against some evil cult headed up by a giant spider witch alien goddess monster. Wearing the mask of a witch and trapped in another dimension with a werewolf and his dog."

"A very good dog," said Theurgy.

"Ah," Scooby sighed.

"Still, doubt this was the last thing you wanted out of life," said Shaggy.

"I used to only ever want to live in books," said Theurgy. "But...certain experiences made me think there was more."

"Is that where you that scar?" Shaggy asked. "I felt it on your back when we...when we went to get you warm."

Theurgy put her hand on her chest, where indeed there was a scar. A wound left to her which she had tried often to ignore. A wound left by betrayal.

"Do you know the story of how Diana came to Man's World?" she asked. "Or even the story of the Amazons and why we left Man's World to begin with."

"I've heard a bit," said Shaggy. "Old soldier's legends mostly. About how Wonder Woman first appeared in World War One. Accompanying a soldier called Steve Trevor and fighting to stop the release of a deadly chemical super-weapon. After that she vanished and became a legend because of it. Then the Mystery Men who would form the Justice Society came when the next World War happened. The Wonder Woman of World War One almost forgotten until the Imperium invasion which led to the formation of the Justice League. Surprised she never tried to sue for the title of First Superhero."

"Diana is not one to crave glory," said Theurgy. "Humility is an Amazon virtue. The lust for glory is often seen among us as a weakness of men. Men like King Eurystheus, who commanded Hercules on his Twelve Labors. Eurystheus saw the strength of the Amazons as a threat to his own ego. Thus he sent forth Heracles to 'tame' us."

"I thought it was Hercules," said Shaggy.

"That's the Roman name," said Theurgy. "Heracles set out and wrestled with Queen Hippolyta. But the Queen was able to defeat him in their initial bout. So impressed with her strength and courage, Heracles loved her. And she loved him as well. But Heracles was doomed, for because of the contract he held with the Gods to obey Eurystheus in all commands for his Labors, to atone for his past sins, he had to betray the Queen."

"Like zoinks," said Shaggy. "And like I always thought he was a good guy."

"Heracles had many valiant attributes," said Theurgy. "But again, he could not go against his contract with the gods. Once he left with the queen's girdle, and leaving her in chains, we were under the command of a supposed general of Eurystheus. This general was in fact Ares, the God of War, who had whispered into the king's ear, and thus the true architect of our slavery. We suffered much humiliation until our Queen was able to rally us once again and we warred for our freedom. In the end, after much bloodshed, and sacrifice, Ares was the one left in chains. By demand of Zeus we could not take his life but Hera allowed us to be his jailers. And she and the other goddesses led us to our island where we could regain our purity of spirit. But in doing so we left the ancient world without its peacekeepers. Thus for centuries we stayed on that island until the Great War. When the man Steve Trevor landed and told us of the Great War, it was decided that a champion of the Amazons needed to be sent out to attempt to quell this rage among men. Diana, born after the arrival to the island, and a grown woman by the time Steve Trevor came, had been forbidden by her mother to compete in the competition to decide our champion. Instead she was to join another Amazon, Persephone, in guarding Ares. I noticed how Diana had already been developing an attraction to the man Steve Trevor. As such, I offered to take her place and gave her my combat helmet. This left me alone with Persephone who...stabbed me."

Theurgy touched her abdominal region, remembering that horrible day.

"She had been seduced by Ares, whom she released and who then attempted to smother me," she said. "The only way I was able to survive was by the use of an ancient meditation technique which allowed me to feign death. Slowing my heart and using minimal breath. When the others found me I was almost too far gone. I was in a coma when Diana had to leave, stopping Ares from taking command of the Great War. But not before he made sure to whisper in the ear of one young German soldier, who would go on to start an even greater war."

" that's...heavy," said Shaggy.

"Yes," Theurgy said. "It was. It took me...time to recover. Not just physically but...spiritually. I suppose that's why I wanted to go with you in the first place. I didn't want to be...left like some broken thing while the world went on without me. I wanted to take charge of my life again."

"To be the hero instead of the victim," said Shaggy. "Like yeah, I know what that's like. But I think you've got a better chance at being a hero than me. When I saw that...iron faced bastard...saw those eyes...I knew him. My first monster first transformation. I think...I think I remember it a lot better now. Or at least I'm...I'm getting little flashes of it."

Theurgy was about to speak, to offer comforting words, when the mirror she had been focusing on began to shimmer. An image began forming, although not one she recognized.

"Who...who are you?" she asked the figure in the mirror.

An older woman sitting at a table lit by candlelight chuckled as she laid out a pot of tea.

"A fellow sister of sorcery my child," said the older woman. "I'm afraid your scrying skills need a bit of work. Now why don't you and your friends come on and enjoy a spot of tea. It's quite safe I assure you, I swear by the goddess and by the eternal Zeus all guest rights shall be observed."

Shaggy took to his feet and walked over to Theurgy.

"Think she's Kosher?" Shaggy asked.

"The rights of guest are not invoked in vain," said Theurgy. "And at any rate we'll be back on Earth. We'll be able to get in contact with the League."

"I've also baked a fresh batch of fudge brownies to boot," said the older woman.

Shaggy was silent for a moment.

"Worth the risk anyway," said Shaggy. "We're on our way Miss...?"

"Grimwood," said the older woman. "Gertrude Guinevere Grimwood."

The glass sprouting impostors did not maintain the form of missing friends. Instead Diana and her allies fought their own reflections, although they appeared cracked with shards of glass sprouting from their bodies.
No mere glass of course as they did not shatter upon catching Artemis's axe. Flash had taken Velma out of the room and isolated the chamber Diana and Artemis fought the creatures in. Per Diana's own instruction, as to not risk the cracking creatures taking on new forms.

"" Artemis yelled as she deflected blow per blow her doppelganger which originally held the form of her sister.

The Mirror Monster only screamed a horrible sound, as other twisted reflections began to pour through the mirror.

"Enough of this," yelled Diana, throwing off three twisted reflections. "Artemis."

A glance told Artemis all she needed to know. She threw off her double and leapt behind Diana, who in one fluid motion, slammed her bracelets together, unleashing a powerful shockwave of divine energy which shattered the Mirror Monsters. Sadly this also ruined Mirror Master's equipment and the original mirror. Artemis looked over the shards of glass and the wreckage of machinery. Her hardened warrior heart sinking with fear and sadness for her sister. Diana shared Artemis's fear and worry, as well as frustration as another means of locating their enemy was denied to them.
The door opened and Flash came in, followed by Velma who looked at the mess with as much dismay as Artemis.

"Scooby-Doo where are you?" she bemoaned.

In the Norwegian caves, the men often referred to as the World's Finest heroes led Daphne and Fred down into the caverns. By now Batman had shared his theory, that their enemies were hiding in some subterranean dimension from which wolves may have evolved into a kind of man-form and through breeding with humans, helped shape the werewolf concept.

"Assuming that you're right Batman how did these 'evolved' werewolves come out?" asked Daphne. "And what's different from a supernatural werewolf?"

"It might not be that there's much of a difference at all," said Batman. "It might all have to go back to the Annunaki in the end. Careful eugenics and experimentation, a mix of science and magic, to create humanoid animals to act as Avatar vessels via the controlled evolution. The ability to revert a built in genetic defense mechanism activated by stresses."

"That's a hell of a guess," said Fred. "How could a man even evolve from a wolf and not from an ape?"

"I've seen a lot of alien races which appear humanoid but have evolved differently," said Superman. "Starfire of the Titans, her people evolved from felines."

"As for the difference between these evolved werewolves and supernatural werewolves. Likely the latter developed out of attempts to recreate the original concept," said Batman. "The fact that Rogers seems to be able to change with enough stress regardless of the moon suggests that he is indeed among the former. The full moon being a concept so ingrained in our collective conscience in the mythology about werewolves that he would logically associate his transformations only being part of the lunar cycle."

"It's still a thin theory," said Fred.

"But as far as Shaggy and Albert have been able to tell their family has always had natural werewolves," said Daphne. "And Shaggy's never bitten anyone so we have no idea to tell if it's something to be transferred via a bite."

Fred said nothing, not being able to find a good argument. Because if indeed this were not a curse or a disease, then there was no way for his friend, his brother in all but name, to be free of the wolf.
While he was stuck in these thoughts, he wasn't so stuck as to be unaware of a rising scent.

"You guys smell that?" he asked.

"Geothermal gas?" asked Daphne, prepping her respirator.

"No it smells more like..."

"Tar," yelled Batman, as a wave of hot tar erupted their way.

Superman acted fast and with his freezing breath, halted the hot tar. The entire cavern began to shake as if in furious response. Hot tar began erupting out of all directions. A burst of hot tar blew out headed straight for Batman. Acting on pure instinct, all his distrust for masked men forgotten in the moment, Fred Jones pushed the Dark Knight out of the way of the erupting hot tar, which struck his arm. The pain was intense and crippling, forcing Jones to the ground where Daphne cradled him. More jets of tar began to burst, Superman flying at top speeds to intersect them before another person got taken down. Batman covered Blake and Jones with his body and cape, the edges of which embedded in the ground, predicting what Superman was doing. The Man of Steel's movements became a subterranean tornado, pushing away the hot tar, forcing it to stick to the cave walls.
Once he was sure he had beaten back the tar, Superman picked up his exploration party and carried the out of the cave and back up to the surface at top speed.

"Superman to Watchtower, we need an emergency teleportation with a full medical team on stand by," Superman said into his earpiece.

Sword in hand, Shaggy found himself leading the charge through the mirror, out of the mirror world, and into the parlor of the mysterious Ms. Grimwood. Immediately Shaggy and the following Scooby were disarmed by a powerful overwhelming force. That force being the smell of fresh baked brownies. Said brownies were on a plate before a pot of tea on a table where their enigmatic savior sat sipping a cup.

"Welcome, please boys help..."

Shaggy and Scooby immediately began to devour the brownies. Theurgy made a noise as if clearing her throat which gained their attentiong. The glare she gave got them to sit properly. She also gave Shaggy a napkin to wipe his lip, which he did sheepishly under her gaze.

"How wonderful you've already gotten them trained," Ms. Grimwood said with a chuckle.

"We apologize for being so rude," said Theurgy. "Don't we?"

"Like yes, ma'am," said Shaggy.

"Yes, ma'am," said Scooby.

"Oh posh, I knew it would happen," said Ms. Grimwood. "Oh and don't worry about vase."

"What vase?" asked Shaggy.

"You'll see in time," said Ms. Grimwood. "And again, fret not, this is a safe place. By our shared patron goddess I do so swear. You may remove the symbol if you'd like my dear. And I've already sent a message which will be meeting the Justice League quite soon. In time, please, make yourself comfortable."

Theurgy hovered for a moment, as if contemplating, before removing the mask and becoming Alexa once more. She sat next to Shaggy and Scooby and offered up her cup.

"Wonderful," said Ms. Grimwood. "Quite showy, I do believe our goddess is having some slight Nabu envy. But who can blame her? Dr. Fate is quite a flashy image, good publicity for us magic folk."

"Like yeah, he's cool," said Shaggy. "But like...can I ask..."

"Who I am yes and why I sought you out? Of course," said Ms. Grimwood. "Unless you were going to ask how did I find you in the mirror realm? That one's easy, magic mirror. As for you specifically a gift of mine which I'm sure you can tell by now."

"You're an oracle of sorts aren't you?" asked Alexa.

"Oracle, seer, diviner, all the fine titles," said Ms. Grimwood. "Some years...or was it decades...either way...I foresaw the coming of a terrible threat. The realization of a dark desire born of unholy love and desire."

"You mean the entity called Revolta?" asked Alexa.

"I do," said Ms. Grimwood.

"Then like, why didn't you let guys like the Justice League know before hand?" asked Shaggy.

"It is not my place to act my boy," said Ms. Grimwood. "I often have acted as medium, advisor, and teacher. It is my role one might say. The responsibility of taking action falls onto shoulders such as yours Mr. Rogers. Or yours my little Amazon. Especially now that you've been blessed by our patron goddess. You have the knowledge in your head that is of no question. But proper mentorship is required for you my dear. If you are to fulfill your ultimate destiny."

"My destiny?" asked Alexa.

"Oh dear have I gotten ahead of myself again?" Ms. Grimwood chuckled. "We can discuss that as we begin your lessons."

"Lessons?" asked Alexa.

"Indeed," said Ms. Grimwood, sipping her tea. "And fret not about time, it's all relative anyway and we can begin immediately. In the mean while, Shaggy and Scooby, would you boys mind tending to my garden? I'm afraid I let it get a little out of control and it needs weeding among other things."

Shaggy and Scooby looked at each other and then towards Alexa, who simply shrugged. If nothing else the three silently agreed it was at the least the polite thing to do for the woman who had helped them out of the mirror dimension.

The shattered glass on the floor was almost a perfect representation of Artemis's hopes for her sister's safety.

"Mirror Master's gear is totaled," said Flash. "I can try to fix it."

"Thank you Flash," said Diana. "Do what you can. We can only hope that Alexa and the others can last a little longer. And perhaps we were fortunate enough to destroy the source of our enemy's ability to travel."

"But now we are without any means to get to them," said Artemis. "And we are not even sure what these creatures were. We have no answers, no clues, we have nothing. We have..."

"Mail," said John Constantine, entering the room holding a letter.

Constantine, a key figure in the Justice League Dark, a subdivision of the League which dealt in supernatural cases. Currently helping in the examination of the Black Knight and assessing his lover Zatanna.

"We get mail at the Hall of Justice?" asked Flash. "And shouldn't you be up in the Watchtower?"

"Came down from up on high to tell you lot we've got some major goings on with our ghost man in the tin can," said Constantine. "And our little catgirl of a corpse. But as I beamed down from Deep Space Nine for this I found to some small surprise your post came in. But not by the jolly old postman."

As if on que, a small reptilian creature crawled up from behind Constantine's back.

"Great Hera," Diana said in surprise.

"Yeah, someone seems to have gotten their Harry Potter lore a little off," said Constantine. "That someone being Ms. Gertrude Guinevere Grimwood."

Constantine handed the letter to Diana, who saw it sealed with wax. She undid the seal and from the envelope words literally lit up and flew into the air.

"You Amazon sister Alexa, as well as the Annunaki descendant Scooby-Doo, and Shaggy Rogers the Reluctant Werewolf, are safe and sound in my home as of now," the words began to speak as they formed. "If I have predicted events correctly Mr. John Constantine, ever the petulant rogue, will have met Matches. Do keep him by and when you find the time come to the house for a cup of tea and to collect your friends."

With that the words evaporated into nothingness. Though before they evaporated entirely they left an address. 1469 Birdmocker Place, Coolsville, Ohio.

"That was...odd," said Flash.

"Perhaps, but it's legitimate," said Constantine.

"You know this Grimwood?" asked Artemis.

"Only by reputation," said Constantine. "Grimwood's a powerful seer and sorceress. But rather than meddle in events she prefers to select and train others to meddle. Classic mystical mentor racket mixed with unhelpful oracle. But she's got a great reputation as a teacher and if has to will defend her charges under her roof with all her power."

"Then let's go at once if she is indeed a friend," said Artemis.

"A moment sister," said Diana. "John, you said you've made progress with our...Black Knight?"

"Not much really," said Constantine. "That bugger's just not right. I can tell you right now this thing, this Revolta, isn't going to be easy. I can tell that there is a soul of a good man under that armor. But to trap a soul and pervert it like that against its will is something not even high level demons can do in so short a time."

"And Zatanna?' asked Diana.

"Z's strong enough to try but she's wary of facing that thing's power again," said Constantine. "Even Fate's wary, especially since Annunaki tend to be right up there with the Lords of Order and Chaos, if not beyond. But we think we might be able to try and break that soul free. Especially since we've been able to determine that there is something other than the old black magic in it."

"Like what?" asked Diana.

"Can't rightly say," said Constantine. "But I'm having Mr. Terrific call up every other spare sorcerer on the League's roll and more. Even gave him a rundown in case some daft fool decided to mix magic and science."

"Given what we know of this Phibes that might be the case," said Diana. "And you mentioned the corpse of the catgirl in our morgue on the Watchtower?"

"Yeah, little Miss Kitty ain't there no more," said Constantine.

"What?" Diana asked in shock, the others sharing her disbelief.

"Jason kept a right good eye on it all this time," said Constantine. "Even when that Space Kook tried to knock us out of bloody orbit. With all that's been going on Jason wanted to be sure there wasn't any funny business with the body so he opened the drawer. And she was gone."

"How?" asked Artemis. "In a locked box there would have been no light to cast a reflection. And what good is a corpse?"

"Assuming it was still a corpse," said Velma.

All eyes turned towards her as she adjusted her glasses.

"Schrodinger's Cat," she said.

"Bless you love," said Constantine sarcastically.

"She means the quantum mechanics thought experiment by Erwin Schrodinger," said Flash. "That supposes a cat, a flask of poison, a radioactive source, and a Geiger counter are in a sealed box. If the Geiger counter senses any change in radiation, like a decaying atom, the flask will shatter and the cat will die. That in that time that the box is sealed it is superimposed that the cat is both alive and dead until opened in which it will be one or the other but not both."

"But the corpse was dead when the drawer was sealed," said Artemis.

"It's just a thought exercise to try and explain a paradox," said Flash.

"But what if indeed the cat-creature was while she was in the drawer both alive and dead?" Velma supposed. "There and not there until the drawer was open again and it was decided she was not there?"

"Schrodinger's Were-Cat," said Flash. "I'm loving this case more and more by the minute."

"There's more, almost forgot," said Constantine. "Bats and his party came back. Things went south, one of 'em's in the Watchtower med bay."

"Which one?" Diana asked, her well toned control keeping her from showing more concern than needed.

"One of you Mystery Inc. blokes, Jones I think," said Constantine. "Got hurt pretty bad."

Velma gasped and Diana felt ashamed at her own sense of relief.

"Artemis, go to the address this Ms. Gimwood gave us," said Diana. "Dinkley and I will go to the Watchtower. Join us when you are re-united with Alexa's group. Hera help us we're in desperate need of a new plan of attack."

Long nailed metallic fingers traced through page after page in a book so often studied and scribbled in. Alphonse Murnau Phibes stood amidst his recovered collection of stolen artifacts and papers.

"Almost a full century of having to scrape and scurry to rebuild my research," he said. "To rebuild from scratch...with so much pain."

A long spider leg draped down from the dark above to caress the hideous silver cheek of his monstrous mask.

"Even without the scroll I have the young princess none the less," said Phibes. "But I must be sure that what we seek to create will be able to house all your magnificent power. A true avatar form. One you will never have to relinquish. Your own glorious form as is has held your consciousness. But for your full power the human half must be able to contain the kinds of power you are accustomed to. And these constant interruptions from the Justice League and Mystery Incorporated are not helping."

"Then we must make them help us my love," an eerie voice said from above. "Does that mind of yours not see potential among them?"

"The wolf and the dog will be good study, yes," said Phibes. "And now that this new Amazon has...Amazon? Oh of course my darling, the answer was there all a long. You you ever were...a wonder."

Author's Note: Wanted to try and have an update out by Halloween and to celebrate the death of Velma but it didn't take. But now I not only celebrate the death of Velma, but the birth of the DCU with Creature Commandos. The latter of which featured a surprise cameo from Shaggy, which fits considering James Gunn wrote both live action Scooby-Doo films.