Introduction: Read This First
Hello Readers!
I've had a couple messages come across asking about the story of Harry and Snape in the AU world and decided to put together the AU memories from The Choices We Made into one "story" to create a better image of what their life was like. Unlike in Choices, these are done chronologically based on the AU timeline rather than jumping they did in the main story. Each chapter is a single memory with the month and year as the title and as a reminder, they are all written in Snape's POV.
To anyone who hasn't read The Choices We Made, I highly recommend starting there before reading these. For one, when I wrote Choices, I paired the memories up with what was happening in the chapter they were introduced so it's relevant to the story. But the most important reason is because there will be huge spoilers to Choices if you read these first.
Often I get messages asking if I plan to write a prequel to Choices from the AU POV or if I'll write one of canon Snape arriving in the AU universe (the reverse side of Choices) and the answer to that is no. For the AU version alone, I found it hard to be engaged in knowing how Harry's fate ended already. For the canon Snape one, before I started Finding Common Ground and way before committing to Smoke and Mirrors, I attempted to write the story of canon Snape ending up in the AU the day after AU Harry's diagnosis but it only made it two or three chapters because I felt like I couldn't capture canon Snape right. This will have to do.
Finally, for those waiting on Smoke and Mirrors, I'm making some solid progress and hope to have a new chapter out soon!
Disclaimer: Since these were taken from the Choices chapters, there was little additional editing done to them. I ran an extra spell check since a lot of them were done before my Google Doc transfer, but nothing more than that. Also while I tried to be careful about continuity when I originally wrote them, I cannot guarantee that they make total sense as a stand alone series.
I've created a Discord server for anyone who'd like to chat about the Choices universe or any other HP related things. You can go here (remove spaces) for an invite. discord . gg / WrehAdBaYx Just a heads up, as a pretty introverted person I can't guarantee I'll be the chattiest person on there.