"Don't look back! Don't look back!"

"They're getting closer!"

"It'll be okay!"

"I'm scared!"

"Just hold on!"

The older girl turned a sharp right and jumped over several scattered boxes sprawled out. Sounds of water splashing and loose gravel scattering flooded the ears of the girls as the younger one held on for dear life. The sounds were replaced by yells and jeers of several men shouting at them to stop and return to them.

"DUCK!" The younger one screamed as the older girl did just that a garbage bin flew over her head at lightning speeds. No doubt the brute was the one who chucked it at them.

"No matter how many times you run, we always catch you! Give up now and we'll make sure Eri isn't punished as much as she already will be!"

The blood in the eldest girl's veins boiled. Eri was defenseless and torturing her was their way of disciplining them both, mainly her though.

Picking up extra speed from fear of being caught, the elder sister sprinted down the alleyway and into a public area. Ignoring the looks of the startled onlookers, the elder sister runs into a nearby park and into several thick trees to act as cover. Using her arms to cover Eri, the elder sister feels the many thick and sharp branches slice and whip her skin but she ignores them as the pain is nothing compared to what she has suffered through. There was no slowing down for her and her sister as she kept running past everything. They had to escape; they just had to.

"You're saying they went that way?"

"Y-Yes! Miss Midnight!"

Nemuri Kayama, aka The Rated R Hero: Midnight, took note of the sudden young girls sprinting down the street and through oncoming traffic. What made the situation more suspicious was where they came from: an alleyway. Nothing good ever comes from seeing young kids running out of there especially when they disregard their own safety.

Midnight did give chase and called out to them but the teen was surprisingly nimble. She was quick, agile, and from what Midnight could tell, sprinting at inhuman rates. Was her quick something related to speed? Probably. But whatever the case may be, Midnight was outran but not out just yet. She called on the help of the locals who were nearby and they were very supportive of her quest.

Especially the men. Oh how very thorough they were in explaining where the girls went.

Midnight looked at the young man in front of her and gave him a signature smile of hers that always tugged on the heartstrings of everyone.

"Thank you very much, you have been very helpful." Midnight purred as she just adored the reactions the young men gave her whenever she caught them in a trance.

"M-M-M-My pleasure!" The young man said with red all over his face and hearted eyes.

Midnight walked over to the trees and saw the trail of footprints as well as broken twigs everywhere. There was plenty of debris on the floor, and from the way the trees looked, this would have hurt plenty. Midnight could sense this was something more than what was being let on. Were they running away from something? Was someone chasing them?

Midnight looked around the park momentarily. No one seemed out of place. Everyone looked like normal everyday folk. Even with her sharper senses due to her experiences, Midnight could never tell who was a villain and who wasn't. If Midnight could tell her job would be so much easier. But then again, it could be just as frightful because then she would know just how many villains truly live among them.

Going back to the task at hand, Midnight crouched and ran through the broken path. Midnight would normally call for backup, but that would mean having to call in Death Arms, Mt. Lady, and Kamui Woods. Midnight liked working with Woods as he was a true professional while Death Arms was a bit of a showoff and a pervert towards her whereas Mt. Lady…well…Mt. Lady was ten seconds away before getting flogged into oblivion. Bet that would make records on some naughty websites.

Continuing, Midnight ran until she was in the clear and was immediately blindsided by what was happening before her! In front of her were the young girls she was tailing but so was a villain attack! A green-haired child was being suffocated by some slime monster under a bridge!

"Let go of that child you wretch!" Midnight growled as she ran past the girls, who were being held by their feet by some slime, and ripped a portion of her clothes off her arm to release a pink mist.

A single eye appeared on the slime and looked directly at Midnight.

"Oh my, what luck! I find myself courting the attention of Miss Midnight herself!" The villain joyfully said as he whipped a wave of sludge at the hero. Midnight ducked underneath the sludge and barreled rolled in front of the villain. Midnight grabbed two large chunks of the fabric on her arms and ripped the sleeves clean off to release a large portion of her quirk.

The sludge villain did not panic to Midnight's dismay as he grinned viciously at her. "Looks like your beauty doesn't match your brains! I have no nose, meaning, I can't breathe in your quirk! If you were just here one minute later, then it would have worked!" The villain said as he tried to catch Midnight again with the hero just barely dodging the sludge being thrown at her.

Midnight had to call the trio for backup! This was an emergency! "Hang on, children!" Midnight shouted to the girls and the poor boy being suffocated, "You'll all be rescued soon enough!"

As if on cue, a loud thud and sound of smashed concrete echoed loudly on the opposite side of the tunnel.

"She is right!" A loud booming voice spoke that Midnight was well aware of and certainly pleased to hear right now, "I am here!"

Standing several feet away dressed in civilian clothing with a grocery bag in hand, funny enough, was none other than the number one hero himself: All Might!

The villain looked on in horror as the legendary hero himself was here! Of all places All Might could be, why did he have to be here?!

The terrorized and tired look in the green-haired boy's eyes turned into hope moments before they shut. "All Might!" Midnight shouted, "Save the boy! He's being suffocated!"

All Might, with his everlasting smile, already knew what to do. He'll end this with one punch! Dodging several wild attacks from the villain, All Might reeled his fist back and prepared one of his trademark moves. "Texas Smash!" All Might shouted as All Might's fist collided with the slime. Although it was nowhere near the body of the villain nor would the impact of All Might's fist do any real damage, it was the wind pressure that All Might was going for. The pressure of the attack would cause a whirlwind strong enough to splatter the villain everywhere, and more importantly, rescue the boy who was being held hostage.

Just as the number one hero predicted, the villain indeed was sent splattering everywhere as the unconscious child was freed from the clutches of the villain. Midnight scurried and caught the boy before he hit the ground.

"Awww he's kinda cute," Midnight quipped before laying him on the ground gently, "But it would be better if he was awake." Midnight said as All Might sped over to the duo.

"Want me to wake him up?" All Might asked.

"If you mean slapping him until he wakes up then no," Midnight smirked as All Might took the verbal blow without a flinch.

"Well seeing as you are here, I'll make my…" All Might's voice trailed off as he turned around and saw two young girls running away.

"Can you stop them? I've been chasing them for a while but the older one is faster than me. Thanks, big guy," Midnight said as she was examining the child for any injuries and for a pulse, "Oh good, he's still alive."

Without another word, All Might ran in front of the girls as they both gasped in shock and slight terror. "Hello young ladies, I-"

"GET AWAY FROM US!" The older sister roared and jumped back, clutching the younger girl in her arms and against her chest in a protective manner.

All Might was stunned by this reaction! These two were acting scared of him! Were they in cahoots with the slime villain? Maybe, but they looked ragged and tired, so possibly against their will?

"Calm down, young lady, I mean you no harm," All Might spoke as gently as possible, "Did that villain keep you captive?"

The elder sister thought for a moment. She looked down at her younger sister and cradled her more to keep her comfortable and feeling safe.

"...Yes." The elder sister said, her voice sounding strained and parched, "He…kept us."

All Might kept his smile on, but inside, he was fuming. Using these two innocent girls for his own wicked ways, including a child who looked no older than eight years old. How sickening!

"You are safe now," All Might stated firmly, "I'll ensure he will be put away for his crimes and see that you are delivered the justice you deserve."

The older sister said nothing and only eyed All Might more with distrust.

All Might was used to cases like this. For as recognized as he was worldwide, All Might has come across people who do not know him whether it be through willful ignorance, isolated individuals, or worse, hostages.

"My name is All Might, I am a hero, and you have my word that I will protect you as long as I am here." All Might said knowing he couldn't leave these two alone with Midnight as she already has her hands filled with the boy. "If you don't mind, may I ask for your names?"

The sisters looked at All Might with the same expression but they had softened a little. All Might knew gaining their trust would be difficult but getting their names would be the first step. All Might noticed that the elder sister began to sniff the air as if she was picking up a scent. Suddenly, she began to growl loudly and her head snapped to the left as she began to back away from the bushes. All Might peered towards the bushes and noticed several individuals hidden within.

All Might glared at the bush and was about to dash toward them when they ran away. All Might huffed and kept his glare focused on the bushes. It seems the slime villain isn't the only one these girls were having to deal with. Not wasting another second, All Might glanced back at the girls and smiled genuinely, "Please, come with me, I will take you to the police station. You'll be safe there."

"Will…will he be okay?" The little girl spoke in a soft and gentle voice that made All Might's heart melt with how pure she sounded. "He…he pushed us when the slime monster was about to attack us…"

"Attack you?" All Might wondered. Why would the villain attack his own hostages?

"It was a trap…" The elder sister spoke, "Use us as bait then attack…"

Something didn't sound right about this to All Might, but the story would have to wait. Right now helping the kids was the main priority. All Might pulled out his phone and sent a message to Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi to come and pick up the girls for both safety and questioning. All Might didn't think the girls were up to no good, but he can pick up a lie.

"Why don't we go check up on him?" All Might answered Eri's question as the three walked back towards Midnight who had almost successfully awakened the kid.

"Wake up sleepyhead," Midnight gently said as she rested the teen's head on her lap, "I know you're comfortable but you need to wake up." Midnight knew the teen wasn't faking his drowsiness but felt it was appropriate now to tease him.

The kid groaned and sat up as he sucked in a large amount of air, "I'm…I'm alive?"

"Right, you are, young man!" All Might boomed as the women jumped a bit at All Might's sudden explosive voice, but as for the young man, he went into near shock at the sight of All Might!


All Might laughed and helped the young man up and onto his feet and dusted off his clothes, "I apologize for getting you involved in my villain fighting, I don't normally make mistakes like that, but I was in high spirits on my day off in a new place!" All Might noticed a notebook that was laying randomly discarded nearby and grabbed it. "Is this yours?" All Might asked as all the boy could do was nod frantically. All Might flipped to the last page, pulled out a marker from his pocket, and signed two empty pages. "This won't make it up to you, but it's the least I can do for you!"

"ALL MIGHT IS SIGNING MY NOTEBOOK!" The young man shouted in ecstasy as if the world was about to end. Midnight was used to this reaction from fanboys of All Might and found it rather adorable when it was from the younger audience. However, she also found humor in how confused the sisters were before the humor was replaced by a depressed look. They really didn't know All Might, meaning they had no access to the world. It didn't take a detective to figure that out.

Before anything else could happen, Midnight felt her body being wrapped in slime.

"Did you forget about me?!" The slime villain shouted as everyone looked at Midnight in horror.

"Midnight!" All Might shouted and was ready to pounce on the villain once more! Agh! How careless of him to not put the villain away in a secure object!

Midnight; however, wasn't in a panic. In fact, she was smirking. "All Might, dear, it's fine. I got this."

The slime villain couldn't help but laugh at Midnight's confidence, "You stupid hero! Did you forget that your quirk doesn't work on me?!"

"From the outside, yes, but on the inside…" Midnight shoved her arms deep into the slime and unleashed a large amount of pink mist into the slime. The slime villain began to hack violently and opened up himself to try and air out the mist, "Your body would just absorb it, but also, your lungs would be in there somewhere! Your body may be slime, but your organs are still part of you! Thus meaning you still need oxygen! And since you need air, that means you are still capable of breathing, just not from the outside!" Midnight pridefully stated as the villain slowly began to lose consciousness as Midnight effortlessly pulled herself out of the slime.

"How…dare…you…" The villain said weakly as Midnight scowled at him.

"That was for being a horrible person who uses others for their own benefit," Midnight said as she overheard the girl's story with this person, "And this…" Midnight kicked the eye of the villain as he yelled out in pain, "That was for calling me stupid!"

The villain's screams were quickly silenced as he fell asleep in a big goop of his own sludge. "That should keep him down for about an hour," Midnight wiped some of it off of her shoulder as the young boy sounded off.

"That was amazing, Midnight!" The young man shouted as Midnight smiled at him. Compliments are always accepted. "The way you strategize against the villain! I remember you trying to use your quirk earlier but it didn't work because the villain has no nose to breathe through! That meant you had to use your quirk inside of him! Of course that makes sense, he still had lungs! He had to have lungs because he needed to breathe, but what if he didn't have lungs? Would that mean he was just a sentient form of sludge? But that would…"

"Young man, please," Midnight stopped the boy before he could go on a mumbling spree. She has been here before with other people and although it was funny at first, it has become a secret pet peeve of hers.

The green-haired child looked embarrassed as rubbed the back of his head, "S-sorry…" He apologized then noticed the two girls looking at him, "Are you okay?!" The boy ran over to them as the girls stepped back with the younger one being startled and the older one glaring at him. The boy stopped in his tracks but pressed on with concern, "He didn't hurt you, did he?"

"N...no," Eri spoke, "Are….you okay?"

The boy smiled and gave the small girl a thumbs up, "I feel great! Thanks to All Might and Midnight, we're safe now!"

"I'm…glad…um…" Eri's voice trailed off as she didn't know his name.

"Midoriya Izuku," Midoriya introduced himself

The elder sister nodded her head and mumbled, "Thank you…Midoriya…"

Midoriya barely heard her and could only smile a little more, "It's what any hero would do."

All Might and Midnight were impressed by the young man's words and actions. If everything was true, Midoriya put himself in harm's way to 'save' them. Trapped or not, Midoriya jumped in front of them and risked his own life to save them.

"Say…young man," All Might said, "What's your quirk?"

At this point, the atmosphere suddenly fell and so did Midoriya's smile.

"I….I don't…" Midoriya sharply inhaled, "I don't have a quirk!"

Now that was a shocking answer! Midnight's jaw dropped as All Might suddenly felt a huge wave of mixed emotions overcoming him.

Eri and her sister were also stunned to hear the news of Midoriya being a quirkless individual.

"You're…quirkless…" Midnight mumbled, "And you just…risked your life for them…?"

"My legs just moved on their own," Midoriya said as All Might felt a pang in his heart. That hit too close to home for All Might. "All my life, all I wanted was to be like you, All Might! I want to be a hero; a hero who smiles and saves everyone! A hero who people can look to and feel safe because I will be there to protect them and save them from any danger that may come their way whether it be a person, a burning building, a wild animal, or even a whole army of villains!" Midoriya said as tears of passion and pain fell from his eyes. "I want to be like you and Midnight! I want to be a hero! Even if I don't have a quirk, that doesn't mean I can't be a hero?! Right?! Even if I don't have a quirk, can I become a hero?!" Izuku shut his eyes as his body quivered tensely. This was the moment he was waiting for; all Izuku's life he was waiting for All Might to tell him whether or not he could be just like him! It was right now or never and this moment will decide everything Izuku has ever fought for!

Midnight was heartbroken. This boy has a dream, a dream just like hers. To be a hero. Maybe not a hero who flaunts, but a hero nonetheless. Midoriya was admirable and his words were true. Midnight didn't see it, but she believed Midoriya's legs moved on their own to save the sisters. The situation didn't matter, his quirkless status wasn't accounted for, and the people he was going to protect, whether he knew they were part of the plan or not, just didn't matter to him. In Midoriya's mind, he knew what he had to do. He was going to save them no matter what, even if he died for it.

That's what made this so much harder on Midnight.



Izuku and Midnight stared at All Might and were speechless.

"Young Midoriya…you said your legs moved on your own," All Might knew this wasn't the right answer. To any reasonable person, this was the wrong answer. But All Might had something that none of them did, he just needed to find the one, and this young man was the one. "From the story I have gathered, it was you, these two young ladies, and a villain. Without hesitation, you acted with ill regard for your own self-preservation. Top heroes have stories about them from their school days, and most of their stories have one common theme: Their bodies moved without thought."

Midoriya's body began to contort as he kneeled over with his hands clutching his heart. As All Might speak, and Midoriya was listening to every word, he couldn't help but remember everything he was told about giving up on his dreams.

"And your body moved on its own. That is true for you, isn't it?" All Might continued not minding what Midoriya was doing, "Young Midoriya, you can become a hero!" All Might shouted as his voice echoed in Midoriya's ears.

Midnight was horrified! She didn't agree; she outright couldn't! Why is All Might doing this?! This is wrong! He can't be serious! But what is she going to do right now?! Her words were stuck in her throat and even then Midoriya wouldn't listen to her as Midoriya wanted to hear it from All Might! Midnight wanted All Might to stop; she knew it was going to crush the boy's dreams but at least he would be able to live! Right?!

Midoriya couldn't help but sob loudly and fell to his hands and knees as his prayers were finally answered. Finally, he found someone who would believe in him, and it wasn't just anyone. It was The Symbol of Peace, The Greatest Hero of All Time, The Number One Hero: All Might!

Eri and her older sister remained quiet but felt the dramatic weight of this situation. They just witnessed something magical, something that seemed hopeless but was turned around and given life. Eri thought Midoriya was upset when he began to cry but quickly found out that he was not sad but…the opposite of it. They were tears of…not being sad. It was like Midoriya was…was…what was the word…

Whatever it was, Eri could feel Midoriya's emotions as Eri herself began to tear up, "I…I know you can be a hero!" Eri shouted to Midoriya as Midoriya looked up at Eri with Eri's sister eyeing Eri in astonishment, "You saved me and my big sister! You didn't have to but you did! You're my hero!"

That meant just as much to Midoriya as All Might's words did just now. He was someone's hero. After all the people he put himself at risk for against Kacchan and his friends, everyone called him stupid and a fool. But this little girl saw the person Midoriya knew he always was. A hero.

The elder sister didn't object to Eri's words nor did she have any feelings towards the situation. She was way over her patience right now if she had to be realistic, but considering none of Chisaki's men showed their faces meant that All Might was the real deal and this was the safest place to be right now. So the elder sister stood and glanced towards Midnight who seemed to be having a meltdown internally.

Midnight couldn't understand this. She just wanted to scream and berate All Might for his carelessness. This world is going to kill Midoriya! And even then, it's not like any reasonable hero school would accept him! Not even U.A. would! Izuku could pass the written exam, but once the physical exam kicks in, he'll get a rejection letter! And Midnight can see it; she can clearly see the look in the boy's eyes. He'll become a hero one way or another, and that was dangerous! This could lead to him doing something completely reckless such as vigilante work or cheating his way through a lesser hero school to earn a license! Or maybe something else entirely, but the fact is that Midoriya can't be a hero! Not without a quirk! It's just too dangerous!

All Might walked over to Midoriya and handed him his marker, "Write down your address on a piece of paper and lend it to me, Young Midoriya. You are a special case given you are quirkless, and I would like to have you meet someone who can help you." That person was himself, Toshinori Yagi, but All Might will save that surprise for later as well as his secret about his quirk. All in due time.

Frantically, Midoriya wrote down his address and ripped the paper out of his notebook. He couldn't believe what was happening! All Might was going to his apartment! HIS HOME! Did he actually die and was just dreaming of this in his final moments before his brain completely shut down?! If he did, then this was the best final dream ever as bittersweet as it may be!

Placing the paper and marker into his pocket, All Might could hear sirens approaching. Detective Tsukauchi must be here now. "Young Midoriya…no matter what anyone tells you, you will become a hero and I cannot wait to see you grow into a hero the world will be lucky to have. Until then, take your vitamins, say your blessings, and start training harder than you ever have! I will see you soon! Farewell!" All Might said he dashed towards the police and jumped over them high into the sky. Everyone around the block started to cheer and chant as All Might waved to them in the air before disappearing into the city.

Midoriya couldn't believe this was a reality. After Kacchan told him to take a swan dive off a roof, after being nearly killed by a villain, All Might himself said he could be a hero as well as the little girl he saved admitting he is her hero. Midoriya stood up on his two feet and tightened his feet until his knuckles were white. This was the beginning for him!

This is where Izuku Midoriya's story of becoming the next great hero begins!

Eri sat on the lap of her elder sister as they were given new clothes to wear, a blanket to share, and a meal to dine. They were at the police station waiting for Detective Tsukauchi to interview them in a regular office room. The building looked busy as many people were moving back and forth, phones were ringing nonstop, and nobody eyed them for a single moment. The chaos somehow felt calm to both girls. Maybe it was because both of them were not the center of attention.

Eri felt a peck being given to her on her head as she looked up at her elder sister. "Laura?" Eri asked, curious what that was about.

Laura smiled lightly at Eri and stroked her hair, "I told you this would be the one."

Eri rested her head on Laura's chest, "You always said that."

"But was I wrong?" Laura cuddled Eri closer to her and fixed the blanket to keep her warm.

"No," Eri replied before feeling another peck but this one was on her cheek. Eri smiled a very thin smile as she felt secure in Laura's arms.

The small moment was broken as Detective Tsukauchi entered the office with Midnight in tow. Detective Tsukauchi offered to do this alone, but Midnight wouldn't hear it. She was adamant about being in the same room as the two girls and had the faintest idea that the slime villains weren't their legal guardians or whatever. Speaking of that villain, Midnight found it rather humorous that a water bottle was used to imprison the villain. Officer Tamakawa wasn't too happy about his bottle being used but Midnight promised 'Officer Kitty' that she would get him one of those thermal ones. Officer Tamakawa wasn't pleased about the nickname but accepted the deal.

"Hello, my name is Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi, but you can call me just Tsukauchi," The detective introduced himself with the nicest smile he could muster, "I'm a personal friend of All Might's and he asked me to personally review with you two about the events that transpired." Detective Tsukauchi closed the door and sat in a chair in front of the sisters as Midnight sat in another chair. "Now…how about we start from the beginning?"

Laura went on to explain what happened. What really happened. Laura knew that Midnight was tailing them as she could pick up her scent as she was running through the trees. Any lie that Laura told would be picked up by Midnight and contested. It also didn't help that Laura didn't have a leg to stand on and had to tell the truth, but just because she had, to tell the truth, didn't mean she had to tell them what happened to Eri and herself throughout the years with HIM.

Detective Tsukauchi listened carefully and was secretly using his quirk to spot any lies. His quirk was very handy for his profession as it was a lie detector. He could tell when someone was lying to him, and right now, there was nothing going off which was very surprising. They were telling the truth which made this case so much easier for Detective Tsukauchi but also very suspicious. He was grateful, sure, but there's always a catch with people who are too honest. It sucks, but when you are a detective, you learn to always leave a little room for doubt in people because although their words may be true that doesn't mean their intentions are pure.

"I see…" Detective Tsukauchi mumbled as he wrote everything down on a notepad he had on him. "So you and your sister weren't being held hostage by the villain, nor did you have any relation to him. You just happened to show up there at the wrong time, but luckily, Izuku Midoriya saved you despite him risking his own life." Detective Tsukauchi didn't know the kid, but he did earn his respect and admiration. Anyone who is willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others always earns a spot on Tsukauchi's good side. It was a good thing both Midnight and All Might were able to save them.

"Yes," Laura replied as Eri struggled to speak up.

"He's a hero," Eri said as her anxiety was set aside to speak these words before clamping her up again.

Detective Tsukauchi smiled at Eri and nodded, "Indeed he is. I hope to see him on the field someday." Truthfully, that was a lie, but he didn't want to ruin the little girl's mood and something told him the elder sister wouldn't take that lying down even if she was in the middle of the police station.

"Now, I must ask for your names," Detective Tsukauchi said.

"Our…names?" Eri quietly said and looked up to Laura for answers.

"Laura and Eri," Laura spoke.

"Nice to meet you both," Detective Tsukauchi said, "Last name?"

Laura and Eri remained silent. Laura looked down and frowned as she tried to remember their last name. It was foggy and nothing came to mind. She was having trouble remembering who their mom and dad were.

Detective Tsukauchi has seen this before, and every time, it was a sad thing to see. For Midnight, this was cruel and downright repulsive. It brought tears to her eyes seeing Laura struggle to remember. How long were they in the dark? How long were these sisters held captive against their will to the point where they couldn't even recall their last name, the name that was passed down from their parents?

"I…" Laura spoke and looked at the detective, "I don't know."

Detective Tsukauchi gave Laura a soft expression, "It's okay. But do you know who your parents are?"

Again, Laura's eyes fell to the floor as Eri's eyes began to water up.

"I…we…" Eri sniffled, "We don't have a…"

Laura began to rock Eri lightly and held her head closer to her chest, "Shh…it's okay…it's okay…" Laura soothed Eri as she whispered into Eri's ear something inaudible.

That tugged on the heartstrings of the two adults. They don't even know who their parents are. These bastards took them from their homes and traumatized them to the point where they couldn't remember their past. Monsters like these are just some of the many reasons why Tsukauchi and Nemuri are what they are.

"Can we have a minute?" Laura spoke as Eri began to silently cry into Laura's shoulder. Without another word, the two adults got up and left the room to let Laura soothe Eri privately.

Closing the door, Detective Tsukauchi turned his attention to Midnight, "No last name, no parents. It will be hard to track down a relative to take them in."

"What if you can't find any?" Midnight asked.

"Then we'll have to put them in a foster home or an orphanage," Detective Tsukauchi answered, "There will be a special order on them to keep them together, but those are the routes we will have to take if no one can claim them as a relative."

Midnight frowned at this idea, "What if the people who kidnapped them try to claim them?"

"Then I would see right through it," Detective Tsukauchi said and readjusted his hat, "If they have the audacity to try, I have All Might on speed dial." Detective Tsukauchi joked even though that was technically true.

Midnight smirked at the joke then became serious, "And what if they come for them after they are claimed?"

Detective Tsukauchi eyed Midnight with concern, "You really think they would do that?"

Midnight nodded, "Yes. When I was trying to revive Midoriya, I could see All Might and Laura eyeing a bush rather angrily. If I had to guess, someone was following them and I have a good feeling it was the kidnappers."

"That makes everything more complicated," Detective Tsukauchi didn't think the villains would follow Laura and Eri after losing them, but if they were stalking them, then that means the sisters are not safe just yet. "We'll have to put heroes on patrol, get a schedule for them, and…"

Midnight zoned out as Detective Tsukauchi was explaining his plan. She looked back into the room through the large window and watched as Laura was now playing with Eri. Behind that cold exterior, one Midnight couldn't blame Laura for having, Laura truly did love her little sister and seemed willing to do anything for her. As for Eri, the little angel looks like she would fit right into the first year of elementary school. Sweet, innocent, yet someone who has seen enough horrors. Midnight could hear Laura telling Eri something, although it was muffled, it seemed to make Eri smile and laugh as Laura began to tickle the little girl with Eri laughing out loud. The two then hugged tightly and nuzzled each other's heads with Midnight barely able to pick up what was said next.

"No matter what happens, I'll always be here for you, Eri. I love you, and I will never let anyone hurt you again."

"I love you too, Laura."

"Midnight? …Midnight!"

Midnight snapped back into focus and inhaled sharply with her eyes seeing Detective Tsukauchi's, "O-Oh..um…yeah?"

"Are you okay with that idea?" Detective Tsukauchi asked.

"Um…could you repeat that?" Midnight sheepishly asked.

Detective Tsukauchi repeated himself, "Until we find qualified suitors or any relatives, would it be okay for the sisters to stay with you? You are a pro hero and you can protect them at any time. Plus, being a U.A. teacher has its benefits that no other hero has outside of the Top 10."

Midnight blinked and stared at Detective Tsukauchi. This was an unexpected request. Her? Midnight? The Rated R Hero who flaunts herself and teases everyone to no end, who has a massive fanbase based on a rather particular crowd, and a hero who is described as being not child-friendly due to her actions, the caretaker of two traumatized kids?

"I…." Midnight was stumped and glanced towards the floor, "I don't know if that's a good idea."

Detective Tsukauchi signed. He knew it was a long shot but he had to ask anyways, "I know, it's a lot to ask from you. It's not easy to take on kids with how full and dangerous your life already is."

Midnight glanced back at Laura and Eri as Eri was now asleep peacefully in Laura's arms having been fully calmed down and put to sleep. Nemuri smiled and began to think. At some point, she did want to have kids, but with how her life was, she never found the time to settle down. It also didn't help that she could never find the right man either. All the men she has dated or entertained the thought of dating seemed more interested in Midnight rather than Nemuri Kayama. They were trying to get to the woman under the clothes, but not in the way Nemuri wanted. At some point she had given up on the idea, but now…here was her chance. Her chance to prove to herself and to everyone that she can raise kids! That she can be child-friendly and that she isn't just some strutter who messes with the emotions of male teens and men for attention!

Here is Nemuri's chance to have a family to call her own!

"Wait…" Kayama said, "Is it possible for me to…adopt them?"

"Did you just-"

"I know, but Detective," Kayama looked at him with pleading eyes, "I just need to know if I can. I don't care how much legal process I need to go through, how much paperwork this will take, or even how much money I will need to fork over. I just want to know if it is possible for me to adopt them?"

Detective Tsukauchi placed his hands on his chin and began to think, "I mean…I wouldn't see how you couldn't. They technically don't have last names, and we can't just give them to anyone who claims to have been missing a 'Laura' and 'Eri' in their family. And if my memory is right, I never even heard of these names ever being reported on a 'lost' case. Considering how young Eri is, the case would have made some rounds." Detective Tsukauchi smiled at Kayama, "Just give me some time and I'll see what I can do." Detective Tsukauchi grew serious, "But…I have to ask if you are sure. Don't make this decision on impulse; you need to be sure of this. These kids have been through enough and for them to be given up could do irreversible damage to their psyche. Are you sure you want to become their legal guardian, Kayama?" To express how serious Tsukauchi was, he used Midnight's real name. Two lives were on the line here, and the detective needed to know if Kayama was thinking straight.

Kayama nodded as firmly as ever. She was dead set on this. Whether she was ready or not, Kayama wanted nothing more than to have someone or someone to call her own. These kids needed a family, and so did Kayama. She may not be the most suitable one, and she is carrying a lot of baggage based on her reputation alone, but that didn't deter Kayama. She wanted to give the two a home; a place to feel safe and loved. A chance for Eri to live a normal life and to give Laura a second chance at life. Kayama knew this was more than just about her personal feelings, this was about two kids who needed a mother.

And Kayama is going to be that mother even if the world says she can't be!

Author Notes:

My newest fanfic. Try to guess the theme of this story!

Spoiler: Bones by Imagine Dragons.

And I may do that meme at some point in the story. Maybe.