Multiversal Tournament! DBS Meets DBM!

Chapter #1

Peace at last? A Mysterious New Arrival!

(Spoliers! This Story will contain content from both DBS: Superhero and the Manga arcs as well! You've been warned!)

(This is a crossover story that has the current world of Dragon Ball Super entering into the world of the current online fan-made manga series, Dragon Ball Multiverse! This is a story that I wanted to do after seeing that someone else tried to do the story, but haven't updated in…who knows how long.)

(For a side note, some of the Universe's within DBM will be replaced with the one's from DBS to make the incoming battles for when we get to the tournament to be both unique and fun!)

(All I simply ask is that I hope you guys enjoy the story being told and to please let me know what you guys think!)

(With all that said, enjoy!)

Universe 7…it is home to the likes of the most strongest warriors that had ever been seen throughout all Universe's. Whether it'd be the likes of Son Goku, having mastered the state of Ultra Instinct and even creating his own version of the form….Vegeta, taking the steps belonging to a destroyer and unlocking powers to help further his power beyond anything he had ever achieved…or Gohan, following his own path and thanks to a climactic battle against a foe of old, tapped into a new beastly power and may be considered to be the strongest of them all….

They have kept peace with their world and have taken down the likes of many dangerous foes, whether it be the likes of the former wizard known as Moro or the man wished to be the strongest in the world of Granolah, our warriors of the Universe will step up to take care of any one that would dare to break the peace they had worked hard to keep in check.

However...with the likes of a tyrannical ruler such as Frieza still running amok, now with an unfathomable power never before seen, a new challenge has shown itself for our warriors to face and prepare for what will be their most challenging battle yet to come.

Unknown to all of them, however…Universe 7's most powerful warriors were about to get a rather…unexpected arrival and would soon find themselves in what will arguably be the most massive tournament they will ever compete in!

How will this go? Find out…now!

-On Beerus's Planet…


The skies of Beerus's planet are quickly covered by a massive explosion as the very ground, water and even the massive tree of the area tremble from the power being shown as two warriors were currently battling at one another with the same ferocity they've shown for every battle they've had.

As the smoke clears, it would reveal to be none other than the Saiyan Warriors, Goku and Vegeta, both fighters in their Super Saiyan Blue states as it was clear that they were in the midst of a powerful sparring match.

Holding back a fist with his hand, Goku smirks as looks into the eyes of his rival, Vegeta, always excited to see the power being shown from the prince, "Man, Vegeta…I can't help, but always get excited whenever me and you fight!"

Having a completely different attitude, however, Vegeta, who was gritting his teeth, was more so focused on the fight as he quickly began to power up, "Focus on the fight, you idiot! If you have time to talk, then you have time to attack!"

The Saiyan just grinned, before he and Vegeta quickly got back into their battle as each attack that made contact with one another shook the very earth beneath them! However…it seems that someone down below didn't seem to mind it at all.

Watching from below, it is revealed to be none other than Broly, the Saiyan warrior who had once been used as a means for revenge from long ago, was now a gentle warrior who resided here on Beerus's planet in order to control the rage deep within his body and mind. He watched the fight go on between the two rivals and despite his gentle nature, even he couldn't help, but grin with excitement at the incredible spectacle before him.

It's amazing…I can't believe just how strong Kakarot and Vegeta have become…I hope I'll be able to reach that level with my own power…, Broly thought to himself, Mainly…controlling my power….

His hand gripped tightly, determined to control his power and hoping one day that he would never find himself going berserk again…especially for the sake of his friends.

Speaking of which…

"H-Holy crap! T-Those two just keep getting stronger, don't they?" A voice spoke up, sounding rather shocked.

Watching not far off from where Broly was and…also surrounded by a green barrier to keep the people within safe, one of the Saiyan's friends, Cheelai, was watching the spectacle up above with pure shock and disbelief!

She had seen what those two were capable of back then, when they had first fought Broly, but…now…it made how they looked back then seem like nothing!

Cheelai laughed nervously, not able to fathom Goku and Vegeta's powers being shown, "M-Man…I sure am grateful t-that they're not our enemies…"

Nearby, someone could be heard giggling as sitting beside her with a staff in their hand, Whis, who was the teacher of the two Saiyans and a certain God of Destruction, found Cheelai's comment to be rather hilarious.

"If you think their power shown here is incredible, you should see the power they took back on the Cerelian planet not too long ago," Whis told her, having one of his usual expressions as one would expect.

This….only got her to gawk in total shock! This wasn't even their full power!?



Everything immediately stopped as a rather annoyed voice was heard, making even Goku and Vegeta stop their fight as having arrived with an expression that said it all, Beerus…was…well…


Frantically, Goku shook his hands in front of him as Vegeta simply powered down and lowered himself back down to the ground, "S-Sorry, Lord Beerus! W-We were just showing Broly our power cause he asked us to!"

Leaving his rival to get scolded by Beerus, Vegeta went off to a separate area to meditate his mind as he still had his own goal to achieve, recalling back to previous events with a certain tyrannical ruler.

In the meantime, Goku's comment only seemed to make Beerus much more furious as the God of Destruction began to grit his teeth in frustration, "So what?! YOU COULD'VE TAKEN THIS ELSEWHERE! INSTEAD, MY PLANET IS GETTING DESTROYED BECAUSE OF IT!"

Goku let out a worried yelp as Beerus looked as though he was about to explode and unleash his wrath on them for ruining his nap!

However, quickly thinking ahead and at this point being able to move freely as Whis un-did the barrier, Cheelai quickly ran up to the God of Destruction and bowed before him, "I humbly apologize, Lord Beerus! It was my fault! Broly was just curious about how strong they were, that's all!"

As if flipping a switch upon looking over to see Cheelai before him, Beerus's eyes widened, blushing and letting out a choked yelp, before quickly calming his tone dramatically and letting out a small cough, "O-Oh, uh…no worries then. J-Just be sure to take it off my planet for next time…"

Cheelai frantically nodded, "O-Of course! It won't happen again!"

Seeing Beerus's attitude having calmed down, Goku let out a sigh of relief as he wouldn't have to face his wrath…for now at least as a simple glare from the God was enough to tell the Saiyan that this was FAR from over.

In the meantime, however, Broly stood up from his seated position, the Saiyan came over to Goku as a smile was clearly evident on his face, "That was…great battle…Kakarot."

Goku simply grinned, "Thanks, Broly! Just wait until you're able to reach our level! Then we'll have a proper battle between the two of us!"

The idea of this seemed to have the Saiyan even more excited, a glint seen within his eyes as he was much more determined to make their future battle a reality!

In the meantime, an exasperated sigh escaped Cheelai's lips as she walked over with her hands behind her head, "Man, I swear…you guys just LOVE to get into trouble, don't you? I don't know how you all have been able to get this far without getting killed!"

Having watched how things had gone down, Whis simply laughed as he joined Cheelai's side, "It's no surprise. Saiyans aren't the smartest when it comes to taking care of themselves."

Goku just chuckled, while Broly…looked a little hurt by the comment, but more so at himself, "S-Sorry…It's…my fault."

Looking over, Cheelai just sighed and tapped the Saiyan on his shoulder and let a smile show, "It's alright, Broly. You're still learning things, so it's not your fault that you've got such a curiosity!"

The Saiyan let out a smile, always feeling happy and at home whenever Cheelai was around…

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Till Broly began to blink in confusion as a new, yet…odd smell suddenly made itself known.

This caught Cheelai's attention as she remembered that the Saiyan had a rather incredible sense of smell, "What's up? Did something catch your attention?"

Broly turned to the woman, his expression showing the confusion he had, "Are those…bird things…usually here?"

"Hm?" Goku asked, cocking his head to the side, "What do you mean by…"

The Saiyan trailed off as not only did he notice the shadow appearing above them, but both Broly and Cheelai caught sight of something having appeared up in the sky of Beerus's planet, while Whis…seemed to actually expect this!

"Well…looks like they've finally arrived," Whis muttered to himself with a smile.

Up above in the skies of Beerus's planet, a strange, yet high tech looking ship had suddenly appeared from out of nowhere! Not to mention the massive size of it as well!

Who did this belong to?

-Earlier (On Earth)


"And…that should be the last of it!" A voice said out loud after placing down a box containing items within.

Somewhere on the peaceful planet of Earth, within the home of Hercule Satan's household, a young man wearing a white t-shirt with blue jeans had just finished unpacking their remaining stuff after a rather eventful few days involving the return of a certain villainous base.

Sighing with relief, the man wiped his forehead as he looked over to a mirror to see himself, revealing it to be the son of Son Goku, Gohan, who…quite clearly looked a bit frazzled as the Hybrid Saiyan had gone through…quite a lot.

Man…first all the events that occurred with the Red Ribbon Army returning…then that monster Cell Max…and…nearly destroying my own home by accident…, Gohan thought to himself, tear dropping as he recalled that last thought, having nearly destroyed his home due to the events that occurred.

He STILL remembered the scolding he got from Videl who was rightfully fuming both in confusion and fury. Though, he always appreciated seeing his wife looking so lively like that…even if she was mad…it just made him feel all the more at home.

Smiling at that thought, Gohan nodded to himself as he exited the room he was in, heading over to the living room as he could hear a conversation going on with people he was all too familiar with.

The first one belonged to his wife, Videl, who was currently drinking a cup of tea as she looked both relieved, while also feeling a bit bad, "Thanks for letting us stay here until our home is fixed. Sorry you had to make room for us to stay here, dad."

The second voice, which belonged to none other than Hercule Satan, Videl's father, quickly reassured her daughter about their situation, "There's no need to say sorry, Videl! You know full well that I'd do anything for my little daughter! My home will always be your home!"

Videl sighed at the little daughter's comment, but smiled nonetheless, "Thanks, dad. I appreciate it."

Not wanting to ruin a moment between father and daughter, Gohan decided to head outside to get some fresh air, being greeted outside to the sight of his daughter, Pan, playing with Mr. Satan's pet dog, Bee as the two were racing with one another and seemingly playing tag.

Gohan's smile only got bigger at the sight of his daughter and went over to stand aside, watching Pan having her fun…

"Finally finished?"

Only to jump as he failed to notice Piccolo, one of his closest allies and friend, who had been standing there with his arms crossed, having arrived not too long ago to speak with Gohan.

Sighing upon realizing who it was, Gohan calmed himself down and relaxed, "Oh, it's just you, Piccolo. I didn't realize you had shown up."

Joining his friend's side, the Hybrid Saiyan looked back to his daughter having her fun as the peaceful sounds surrounded them all, "So…what brings you here? Is something going on?"

Piccolo looked towards him, looking as serious as ever, explained, "You should know why I'm here. We have some training we need to do."

Taking a moment to realize why he was here, Gohan nodded, albeit a bit hesitant, "I understand…although it is gonna have to take place later, since I've still got that meeting to take care of."

A…very visible tick mark began to show itself on Piccolo's expression, clearly agitated that he STILL seemed to be interested in those stupid ants, "Are you serious?!"

Though, Gohan quickly reassured his friend, frantically bringing his hands forth, "It's only going to take a moment! No longer than perhaps…thirty or so minutes! We can get to training after!"

While…still visibly annoyed, Piccolo did seem to calm down a bit at what was said, "Alright…as long as you still intend on training."

The Namekian looked back to Pan as she had caught Bee into a hug, but…Gohan spoke up again, "Actually…after I'm done, I'll be putting my sole focus on training."

Catching his attention, Piccolo looked over as he was surprised to see his expression looked serious, yet worried at the same time, "After that whole battle against Cell Max…that new power that I had achieved during that…I tried to get a better feel of it and…it was unbelievable."

"I…felt…so much…primal emotions…it was as if I was an entirely different person whenever I tried to access this power," Gohan explained to Piccolo, "I can feel it within me…and its massive…even more when the Old Kai had unlocked my potential…if I don't train myself to control it…I can only imagine the consequences…."

Listening to his explanation, Piccolo's expression had calmed down greatly now and can fully see the conflict within his pupil. He was very serious about this…

Without saying a word at first, the Namekian placed his hand on Gohan's shoulder, catching his attention as Piccolo's face looked more serious and determined than it was earlier.

"Gohan…out of Goku, Vegeta or anyone else…you have the most potential to become one of, if not, the strongest warrior that this world has ever seen," Piccolo told Gohan, "The problem, however, is that you don't fully commit yourself to training your body and mind to stay as strong as you are."

Gohan stayed silent, prompting Piccolo to continue on, "Cell Max is a prime example of how important it is for you to keep with your training. Not just to control this new power of yours…but to protect those you care for whatever threat comes in the future in case Goku or Vegeta aren't able to do so."

Having a moment to take in his words, Gohan thought for a moment, before looking up to lock eyes with his friend's own, "You got it. This time, I won't hesitate any more. I'll make sure to continue keeping up with my training."

Piccolo let out a smile, looking satisfied with what he saw, "Good. Cause the moment you slack off, I'll make sure to beat some sense back into you."

His comment got a chuckle out of Gohan, before turning back as his daughter called out to him, "Look, Papa! I caught the doggy!"

"Hey! That's awesome, Pan!" Gohan told her.

Pan giggled, having been hugging at the neck of Bee, before said dog began to lick at her cheek, causing the girl to giggle happily at the affection being shown.

However as Pan continued to have her fun…both Gohan and Piccolo sensed something arriving at their location! The confusing thing about this was how…strange and odd these energies felt.

Especially for Piccolo as Gohan asked something that seemed to be on the Namekian's mind, "Piccolo…do you sense that?"

Piccolo nodded, fully aware of the energies he was sensing, "I do…and I didn't think I would encounter them here."

It was then that the sounds of jets slowly hummed up above as the two, along with Pan all looked up to see a massive ship that looked incredibly high teched arrive! This confused Piccolo greatly as he could recognize the design of the ship looked almost similar to the one that Kami had used to arrive here on Earth, long ago!

But…even then, the design of it was far too high teched for Namekian standards…just who did this belong to?

Well…they would get their answer as the ship landed nearby as the engines hummed into silence which prompted Gohan and Piccolo to go check it out, while Pan, herself, sneaked behind the two to see what was going on.

Appearing before the ship, the two watched on as a hatch slowly opened up and revealed who the people within were and both Gohan and Piccolo were genuinely surprised to see not just some bird-like aliens…but also, Namekians as well!

"Hello! I do hope we aren't barging into an important conversation between the two of you!" One of the bird people spoke up, walking forward to introduce themselves.

Taking the initiative, Piccolo walked forward as his face was very serious, "Who are you people? Why are you here?"

Motioning for one of his Namekian partners, one of them walked up and explained themselves, "Apologies for the sudden arrival. But, we've come here to ask you one simple question."

Stepping up as well, Gohan soon spoke up, "Before that, just who are you people? I don't recall ever seeing your species before."

The bird nodded with a smile, "Of course! I'd be more than happy to explain ourselves!"

-Meanwhile (Earlier on Beerus's Planet)

Watching as the ship slowly lowered down onto the ground, the trio was genuinely surprised by its arrival, not having ever seen such equipment before!

"Wow! That sure is a big ship!" Goku yelled out in surprise.

Even Cheelai, herself, was completely surprised by the design of the ship, "No kidding. The design of this ship doesn't even compare to the one's that Frieza's has!"

Broly…being who he was just looked on confused, but did point out the smell he noticed earlier, "That smell…it's coming…from that thing."

Even in the moment, Cheelai couldn't help, but smile at her friend after what he said, "Man, if there's one thing I can definitely say, that nose of yours is really impressive if it can catch a scent from within a ship like that."

The Saiyan smiled at the comment, all the while, Goku made his way over to the ship as he was pretty curious about who these people were. Especially considering they must've been special if they're able to appear on Beerus's planet without being noticed!

Although, it seemed that he wasn't the only one who's attention was immediately brought to the ship as already awaiting in front of it, Vegeta was already standing there with his arms crossed.

Being his casual self, Goku joined his side as he looked up to the ship, "So…what do you think's up with this ship?"

Vegeta, being the serious warrior he was, didn't break contact with the ship, simply explaining what he thinks of this vessel, "Clearly it must be important. I don't know if you noticed it, but I can sense the energies of Namekians within."

Goku nodded, " Yeah, I did. Although, I wonder how they're able to make a ship that can arrive here at Lord Beerus's place."

As if on cue, the hatch to the ship opened up as Vegeta replied back, "Well…looks like we're going to find out why they're here."

Once the door to the ship opened up, both Saiyans got a good look of the passengers as they saw some…bird-like people coming out, but also to prove the energies they sensed, Namekians as well!

But…what were they doing here in the first place?

Taking the initiative, one of the bird people walked forward and greeted the two with a warm welcome, "Hello, fellow inhabitants! I do hope we aren't disturbing your time and such!"

Goku, being the carefree and go-lucky man he was, just crossed his arms with a smile, "Nope! We ain't doing much right now!"

Vegeta, however, wasn't as carefree and got to the point, "Explain yourselves. Who the hell are you people?"

The bird was about to explain, but from behind the two, Whis spoke up as he had arrived as well, "No need to. I know exactly who they are."

Both Goku and Vegeta looked back at the angel with a surprised look as he continued on with a smile, "You people are the Vargas race from Universe 1, am I correct?"

And…well, upon hearing the mention of being from Universe 1….

"They're from another universe!?" Both Saiyans asked in surprise.

They were completely caught off guard by the revelation, which prompted the Varga to smile, "Oh, you know who we are already! That makes our job much easier then!"

Whis chuckled, "Indeed. Though I am quite curious as to why you would come to another universe unless for an important matter."

Now more curious than ever, Goku had his attention fully on the Varga and Namekians as he placed his hands on his sides, "Yeah! Why are you guys here in our Universe?"

The Varga nodded and got straight to the point, "Well, that reason is very simple! All of you have been invited!"

-Meanwhile (Back on Earth)

Upon hearing that they were invited for something, Piccolo was of course, very skeptical about all of this, "Invited? What are you people inviting us to?"

The Vargas and Namekians smiled, before revealing the grand reason they were here, "It's quite amazing! As you all have been invited to join us back to our Universe to compete in our Multiversal Tournament between all 20 Universes!"

"A tournament between all 20 Universes!?" Both Gohan and Piccolo asked out loud in shock!

Was this another Tournament of Power?!

To be Continued…


With the sudden reveal of these strange people to be known as the Varga from Universe 1 and having been invited to what may potentially be made as yet another Tournament of Power situation, how will our heroes react?

Will they accept the call to join this mysterious tournament? Or could this perhaps lead to yet another dangerous situation unlike anything they had encountered?

Find out on the next exciting chapter!


Next Time

Multiversal Tournament! DBS Meets DBM!

Chapter #2

A Brand New Tournament! Reuniting with Friends and Foes!