Thank you to everyone who reviewed my first-ever iCarly/Creddie story. I hope this story makes at least one person laugh.
If Carly was thinking about anything, it was Freddie and his hand resting on the small of her back, and how his other hand was traveling up to unhook her bra, while he kissed her. Something she was sure she would never get used to (in a good way). They'd been planning to sleep together for a while, and finally, the opportunity had presented itself. Lewbert and Freddie's mom were gone for the weekend, and Millicent was out with Jacob, with plans to sleep over at another classmate's house afterward.
It was going to be perfect.
Not that she'd spent much time thinking about it.
Freddie switched from her lips to her neck and she sighed a little.
Okay, so maybe she had thought about it a lot even before they had gotten together.
"Is this good for you?" Freddie asked.
Before Carly could answer, there was banging on the door, and then Jacob stumbled through, followed by a very green Millicent. Carly and Freddie separated like they were two teenagers caught by their parents and scrambled to sit down on the couch like it was just another casual Friday night at home.
"Hi, guys! Is everything okay?" Freddie asked casually as he brushed Carly's hair away from her face and draped his arm around her.
"Millicent feels like she's going to throw up," Jacob announced unceremoniously.
Freddie and Carly both jumped to their feet simultaneously, straightening their clothes and trying to appear unsuspicious to the two pre-teens standing in front of them.
"Oh no!" Carly said. "Are you okay, Millicent?"
"No," Millicent replied miserably, her eyes widening as she covered her mouth and ran for the bathroom.
"I'll go and be with her," Carly told Freddie.
"Thank you," Freddie replied and turned off the music before starting to clean up the wine glasses and clear away the chocolate cake they had been sharing while Jacob hovered nervously in the background, holding a box of pizza. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"
Jacob shrugged. "She was fine until…" he suddenly paled. "Do you mind if I use your other bathroom, Mr. Benson? I think I'm going to be sick too."
Freddie sighed, thinking about how his night with Carly was probably completely over now. "Go ahead," he said, taking the box from him. "I'll call your mother and have her come get you."
"I'm sorry for ruining your date with Freddie," Milicent said as Carly held a cool washcloth to the back of her neck.
"It's okay. There'll be other nights," Carly assured her as she put the washcloth on her neck and started to hunt for a scrunchie for Millicent's hair. "Do you feel any better?"
In answer to her question, Millicent threw up again. Carly waited until she was done, then pulled her hair back and wet the washcloth again with more cold water.
"Sorry," Millicent said again.
"Jacob's sick too," Freddie announced as he came into the bathroom with a pair of pajamas for Millicent.
"It must have been something they ate," Carly said.
"The froyo did taste kind of funky," Millicent told them, shuddering a little at the thought of food and the amount she and Jacob had consumed.
"I'll call them in the morning and see if anyone else called and reported sickness after eating at the froyo place," Freddie said. "Meanwhile, I'll run to the 24-hour superstore and get some crackers, ginger ale, and Gatorade for when you're feeling better. If that's okay with you, Carly."
"Of course it is," Carly replied.
Freddie kissed Carly and then leaned over to pat Millicent on the head. "Jacob's in my bathroom but his mom should be here to get him soon."
"I'll go and check on him," Carly said, sighing a little bit as she watched him go.
"Are you sure we didn't ruin your night?" Millicent asked.
"No. Uh, we were just listening to music and eating dessert," Carly replied. "Trying to decide if we should watch You've Got Mail again or something else. Why do you care if you ruined our night or not?"
"It must be the sickness talking," Millicent answered, lurching for the toilet again.
Carly waited until she was done and then quickly darted out to check on Jacob, who almost looked worse than Millicent. Before she could ask if he needed anything, his mom was knocking on the door and escorting him out of the apartment, throwing an apologetic look at Carly before she closed the door behind them.
Millicent appeared in the living room after that, looking pale and queasy. "How's Jacob?" she asked.
"He didn't look that good," Carly answered. "He just left. You can call him tomorrow and see how he's doing. How about we watch a movie for now? Do you feel like you're going to throw up again?"
"Not yet," Millicent replied cautiously.
"I'll go get a bucket. You make yourself comfortable," Carly said.
They'd just started You've Got Mail when Freddie got back with the promised necessities for Millicent post-food poisoning.
"Do you want me to go home?" Carly asked as she went into the kitchen to help him unpack.
"You're more than free to stay the night," Freddie replied. "I'm sorry though. I don't think there's going to be any funny business tonight."
Carly looked over at Millicent, who was half asleep on the couch. "I didn't think there would be," she said. "We can put a pin in it for… say, 48 hours?"
Freddie grinned and leaned over to give her a quick kiss. "I'm looking forward to it."
"I think I found the source of the food poisoning," Freddie said, holding up the empty takeaway box from the pizza parlor Millicent and Jacob had eaten at two nights ago.
"Ugh! Don't even mention pizza!" Carly groaned as she clutched the toilet miserably. She looked at him sadly. "I'm sorry for ruining the night."
"Did you know the pizza was bad?" Freddie asked.
"No," Carly said in a small voice.
"We thought it was the frozen yogurt, not the pizza. Our night isn't ruined at all," Freddie replied, tossing the box aside and sitting beside her on the floor. He rubbed her back comfortingly. "You know I've wanted to be with you for a while. I can wait through food poisoning, or however long you need to."
Carly smiled at him and then suddenly frowned. "Babe, I think I'm going to be sick again."
"Alright," Freddie said, leaning over and holding her hair back. "I'm here."
"Just leave me here to die," Carly moaned. "I don't want you to see me like this."
"I've seen you like this lots of times," Freddie said, thinking about the other time that she'd had food poisoning and the handful of times she'd been drunk.
"That was before when we were just friends!" Carly retorted. "We're dating now, I'm supposed to be mysterious and sexy. Not puking my guts out because I ate bad pizza."
Freddie laughed. "Even then, I found you incredibly alluring."
Carly blushed and then started to fumble with her sweater. "Could I borrow a t-shirt? I feel like I'm burning up."
"Sure! Will you be okay?"
Carly nodded, shrugging off her sweater and sitting cross-legged on the floor in her skirt and her sheer jade bra.
A few seconds later, Freddie returned with a white t-shirt and plaid boxers.
"Help me?" Carly requested, lifting up her arms.
"Of course," Freddie complied, kneeling down in front of her and pulling the shirt over her head.
"Did you look?" Carly asked as she gave him a watery smile and reached for a hair tie to get her hair out of her face.
"Are you flirting with me?"
"Maybe…" Carly trailed off and held up a finger. "Hold that thought."
Freddie wrinkled his nose. "Are you okay over there?"
Carly nodded and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "I think that was the last of it. There's no way I can throw up anymore than I already have." She stood up shakily and took off her skirt. "Shorts?"
Freddie helped her get into the boxers. "Can I get you anything else?"
"I just want to brush my teeth and go to bed," Carly replied. "Do you mind if I spend the night? I don't think I have the energy to go home."
"Carly, you know you don't even have to ask if you can spend the night," Freddie told her. "I'll go get the bed ready while you get cleaned up."
"Will you come to bed with me?" Carly asked as she rummaged around for a toothbrush. "Not for that, obviously. We can just watch movies and cuddle."
"Of course, I'll be right there if you need anything at all."
A few minutes later, Freddie returned dressed in pajamas and swept her up off her feet bridal style, and carried her into his room.
"You don't really have to do this," Carly told him but hardly meaning it because it did feel good not to walk when she felt so weak on her feet.
He put her down gently in bed and got in next to her. "I took the liberty of queuing up The Ghost and Mrs. Muir," he said. "I know how much you like it when you're sick. I also got you a cup of ice chips."
Carly took the glass and snuggled into his side. "I really am sorry," she said again. "Were you really looking forward to tonight?"
"I won't lie and say I wasn't looking forward to it," he took her spoon and fed some ice chips. "But there's plenty of time to… do that."
She kept down the ice chips and fell asleep on Freddie's chest towards the end of the movie where Rex Harrison was telling Gene Tierney everything that had happened between them was just a dream.
Carly woke up the next morning to toast and a glass of blue Gatorade with ice. She could hear Freddie in his bathroom cleaning it from the night before.
"I could have done that," she called to him from the bed as she took a slow sip of her drink.
Freddie poked his head out of the door. "You're just going to take it easy today, honey. I don't mind," he replied.
If Carly had been looking forward to sleeping with him already, this whole ordeal only made her want to do it more. She leaned back on her pillows and sighed half in frustration, half sleepily. She couldn't get better fast enough at this point.
They hadn't had a lot of time together alone since her bout with food poisoning. In fact, this was their first night completely alone in a week. They'd had dinner and gone to see a movie, and now…
Now Freddie's hand was halfway up her shirt, grazing her waist while they kissed. She mentally tried to remember what bra and underwear she'd put on in the morning, realizing it wasn't the cutest and it probably didn't match. She had no idea this is where the evening would end up. She still had a shaky stomach (and she didn't want to eat pizza again. At least for a while). She hadn't even been sure they would be alone, it was all very last minute.
She hoped Freddie wouldn't care that she was wearing Sunday underwear on a Friday, or that she had an old sports bra on.
"Should we take this somewhere a little more comfortable?" Freddie asked flirtatiously as he pulled away from her and took his key out.
"Sure," Carly replied, smiling at him in a way she hoped would say come hither.
Freddie eagerly unlocked the door and spun her around once they were inside. Leaning her against the door to kiss her again.
"Oh my gosh!"
"What?" Freddie asked, pulling away. "Carly? Are you okay? We can stop if you want—"
"It wasn't me," Carly answered weakly.
Mrs. Benson jumped up from the couch. "It was me! I'm so sorry kids! I thought you'd be out longer. Lewbie and I were just watching Dateline but we can leave if you'd like. You know, go and get some frozen yogurt or… just make sure you're safe!"
"Mom!" Freddie groaned.
"Don't make me a grandma again," Mrs. Benson prattled on, laughing a little bit. "Or do!"
"Freddie and I can just go!" Carly interjected, deflating like a balloon suddenly embarrassed to be standing in the same room as Lewbert and Mrs. Benson and knowing they both knew what they were going to do.
"Are you sure honey? It's really not a problem if we leave! Right, Lewbert?"
"I'm sure!" Carly said, suddenly wondering if he actually wanted to go with her back to her apartment or if it would be too awkward when they were alone because his mom had caught them about to have sex. "Freddie… Well, you don't have to come with me. I'll just talk to you later."
Mrs. Benson looked at Freddie after the door closed. "Well, I hope you're going to go after her Freddie."
Freddie rolled his eyes. "I am!"
"You have nothing to be embarrassed about," Mrs. Benson continued. "It's perfectly natural to consummate your relationship like that. I'm just surprised you haven't done it sooner—"
"MOM!" Freddie said.
Mrs. Benson held up her hands. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry!"
Freddie sighed. "I better go talk to her but it's safe to say the night is effectively ruined."
Mrs. Benson shrugged. "Whoops. Well, there'll be other nights. Maybe just make sure I'm not around when it happens."
Freddie just rolled his eyes and hurried after Carly without responding. Harper let him in when she got there.
"I was waiting for you to get here," she said, smirking. "Carly's in her room. The night didn't go as planned, did it?"
"As much as I'd like to sit around here, talking about what Carly and I aren't doing, I think I should go and see Carly right now!" Freddie answered.
"Go ahead," Harper said, stepping aside, her lips twisting like she was trying not to laugh.
Freddie shook his head and went to Carly's room. He knocked on the door. "Carly, it's me. I think we need to talk."
"Go away, Freddie!" Carly answered.
Freddie knocked again. "I'm not going away! We can't just pretend this didn't happen!"
The door opened and Carly pulled him inside without fully showing her face to him or Harper. She sat on the edge of her bed without meeting his eyes. "Did you come to mortify me some more?"
Freddie sat down next to her and lifted her chin so they could look at each other, suddenly seeing the humor in the situation. "I mean come on Carly. It's not like we have the most ideal living conditions. We live with our family. We're bound to get caught at some point."
"This was your mom though… and Lewbert! I can't think of anyone worse to catch us, aside from maybe Spencer… and Millicent…" Carly rambled. "I really wanted everything to be perfect too. But I wasn't wearing matching underwear as it is and I'm pretty sure there's a hole in my sports bra… and your mom knows I want to sleep with you. She's known me since I was 6—"
"She knows I want to sleep with you and she's known me since I was born," Freddie reminded her. "We're just going to have to get over the awkwardness of that part of our relationship. At some point, I'm going to make love to you and everyone will have to get over it."
"So you don't want to do it tonight?"
"I know all you'll be able to think about is how my mom knows or is thinking about what we're doing and it won't be very enjoyable for you," Freddie answered.
Carly sighed. "I'm sorry."
Freddie pushed her hair away from her face. "I really wish you'd stop saying that. None of this has been your fault."
Carly leaned in and kissed him. "Well, I am sorry I ran away. I thought… you wouldn't be able to look at me after what your mom said—"
Freddie cut her off with another kiss. "I told you to stop saying sorry, Carls."
"Alright, alright.." Carly held her hands up in surrender. "Even though we're not doing that, would you stay the night with me?"
"Of course," Freddie answered.
"I think we need to get everyone out and away from the apartment for the weekend so you and Freddie can be completely alone," Harper said. "Or the two of you could go away for the weekend. Somewhere really romantic and secluded without any of us there to interrupt you. I'm sure Tinsley could hook you up!"
Tinsley nodded eagerly in the background as she scrolled through her phone. "I have just the place! A lovely little cottage in Cape Cod!"
"I don't know about going somewhere that we've never been before just so we can sleep together," Carly said. "It might be uncomfortable…"
"Carly if you don't, Jacob and Millicent might set the house on fire the next time you try to sleep with Freddie!" Harper protested.
"I've already told Daddy that you're going to use the house and the jet for the weekend!" Tinsley added. "Now all we need to do is pack a killer wardrobe for you."
"If Carly's lucky she won't need that many clothes!" Harper said gleefully, smirking.
"You didn't tell your father what we're going to be doing there… did you?" Carly asked almost anxiously, ignoring Harper.
"No.. why?"
"Never mind," Carly answered, looking at her nails.
"I'm calling my personal shopper right now," Tinsely announced, tapping her phone. "I'm thinking romantic and sweet. Nothing red or too complicated. You two don't seem like the type."
"My clothes are fine," Carly said.
"Not your clothes Carly," Harper told her.
Tinsley shook her head.
"Oh… well, those are fine too!"
Harper looked at her incredulously. "Your underwear has teddy bears on them, Carly!"
"I won't bring those—" Carly paused. "I mean that is if Freddie even agrees to go with me."
Tinsley and Harper both broke into high-pitched laughter.
"Honey, he's going to agree to go with you!" Tinsley assured her.
A few days later, they were in Cape Cod. It hadn't taken much time to convince Freddie to take a romantic vacation with Carly far away from everyone.
"This is not a lovely little cottage," Carly said as they dropped their bags in the entryway. "This is a mansion! Oooh look at that TV! It's bigger than my living room! I wonder what shows look like on that."
Freddie raised his eyebrows suggestively. "We could find out."
"I'm game if you are!" Carly replied. "Race you to the couch!"
They scrolled through every streaming service Tinsley's dad had subscribed to before landing on Max and looking through the crime genre.
"I hear The Mentalist is good," Freddie said, hovering over it.
"Is that the one where his wife and daughter die and he's looking for their killer?" Carly asked. "And he winds up falling in love with the detective working on the case?"
"I think so," Freddie answered.
"Okay! But just one episode while we settle in," Carly replied, smiling at him as she nestled in beside him and he pressed play.
Except they were so hooked after the first episode that they decided to watch another one while they ate lunch.
"Besides," Carly reasoned as she stole one of Freddie's French fries. "It's still the middle of the day, there'll be plenty of time to do it later."
Her phone buzzed.
"Let me guess, it's Harper," Freddie said.
Carly glanced at her phone. "You guessed right. She wants to know how…" she blushed. "The sex is." she threw the phone across the room. "I won't answer and I'll just let her draw her own conclusions. Play the episode?"
"Playing," Freddie said.
Before they knew it, they'd gotten through half the season.
"Well…" Carly trailed off as Freddie shut the TV off. "Harper's going to kill us and Tinsely's probably going to help."
"You don't have to tell them that we half-binge watched a crime show you know."
"I know! But Harper will know! She always does!"
"Well, Harper's worrying way too much about what we're doing. Or not doing in this case," Freddie said, taking Carly's hand and rubbing it. "Now, we've been given a whole weekend to do whatever we want without any of our friends or family interrupting us. Including watching 12 hours of television without stopping."
"Tinsley spent a small fortune on my wardrobe for this weekend," Carly said, blushing. "My suitcase, it's mostly lingerie. Expensive lingerie… I probably couldn't afford it even with a sponsored iCarly video."
Freddie slid his hand up her shoulder and slipped a finger into her shirt, pulling at her bra strap. "Are you wearing one now?"
Carly giggled. "No," she answered.
"Ah well…" Freddie leaned in and kissed her. "That's too bad."
Carly yawned mid-kiss and she blushed again. "I'm tired," she explained. "But we can still have sex if you want."
Freddie shook his head. "No, that's okay. If I'm being honest. I'm tired too. I've told you that we don't have to rush anything. I'm not in any hurry."
Carly put her arms around his neck and kissed him for a long time. "Just for you to know, I have been thinking about it. A lot. And I do want to be with you… a lot—"
"But there's been so much pressure to have sex," Freddie finished for her. "Right? I mean I hope that's it because that's how I've felt lately. Not from you though, never from you."
"That's exactly how I feel!" Carly assured him. "I mean, I am a little embarrassed because we're adults and we probably should have slept together by now. But I don't know. How about we just spend the weekend together? We can finish the rest of The Mentalist tomorrow and just have a break from everyone in Seattle."
"That sounds good to me," Freddie said. "But, uh, you could wear one of those expensive bras if you wanted to."
"Oh, I could. Could I?" Carly teased.
"I have a great imagination," Freddie replied.
Carly laughed. "I'm sure you do."
Freddie stood up and helped her to her feet, putting his arm around her and leading her to the bedroom. "Come on, let's go and get some sleep."
"Did you do it?" Harper asked eagerly as she came into Carly's bedroom while Carly unpacked after she'd gotten back from Cape Cod with Freddie.
Carly shook her head. "We decided that we wanted to spend time together just the two of us without worrying about that. Everyone's been around since we got together, we really haven't had a second alone."
Harper nodded. "Yes. That was the point of the trip Carly. You had him all alone, nobody could interrupt you."
"We had a nice weekend," Carly said defensively. "I liked spending time with him without everyone around. We watched a show and in the morning—"
"You made out in bed?" Harper guessed.
Carly ignored her. "When the time's right, it'll happen."
"Just make sure you tell me about it when it happens!" Harper said.
"Wow!" Carly said as she caught her breath. "So, that's what I've been missing out on all of these years. If I'd known… I would have—"
"Fallen in love with me sooner?" Freddie asked, almost jokingly as he rolled over to his side and looked down at her, propping himself up on his elbow.
"No!" Carly answered. "I've been in love with you for a long time, Freddie. I was just… so stupid about it and we both could have been doing this for a long time. But not just the sex… everything—"
"I was stupid too," Freddie told her. "I never noticed that you were in love with me."
"I was good at hiding it," Carly said, she frowned. "Is this the wrong time to talk about it? We just had sex for the first time and I didn't mean to make it serious. Even though it's kind of serious isn't it? We're two best friends—"
"Who are in love with each other," Freddie added.
"And just slept together…"
Freddie lay on top of her. "It was bound to happen eventually. You did want it to happen. Didn't you?"
"You know I did… oh!" Carly closed her eyes as Freddie's lips found her neck and his hand grazed her navel. "Are we doing this again?"
"Do you think you can turn off that adorable little brain of yours long enough to do it?" Freddie asked.
"Hey!" Carly feigned being offended. "Oh! Do that again!"
There was a knock on the door.
"Freddie!? Carly!? Are you in there?" Harper called.
The End
Author's Note:
Harper interrupting them came out of the blue. I hope the last two scenes didn't interrupt the flow of the story and that you'll tell me what you think. I've never really written anything like this before, so I'm nervous about it. If anyone liked this, please tell me what you think in the reviews!
I'll probably most likely be back with another one soon.
Until next time!