Title: No Vox no Machina

Yusuke Godai: A special Red Dragonborn Paladin with horns that glowed in the five different hues of the Metallic Dragons who strives to better himself while retaining a smile and a reasonable optimism. After becoming Kuuga and gaining an understanding of his standard forms, Godai met up with Vox Machina a week before they were kicked out of the last bar in Tal'dorei to act as insurance in case Pike and/or Grog were ever out of commission. During their first encounter with Brimscythe, they were able to injure him slightly before finishing him off the day after. A day later after dinner, he was able to question Allura alone, asking if she saw anything suspicious besides Percy's outburst. Afterwards, Vox Machina got into a fight with the Briarwoods and a turtle Gurongi named Go Gamego Re before the three escaped. Unfortunately before they could go after them, they were put under house arrest and attacked by three Wraiths and two Gurongis, Me Vagis Ba and Me Byran Gi! After arriving in Whitestone, Vox Machina began to dismantle the Briarwoods hold on the town, during which Percy and Yusuke were able to find the formers sister, Cassandra, and remove the charm that Sylas placed upon her while the latter worked on a very crude grenade version of the Protection from Evil and Good spell during the fight with Professor Anders. After they defeated the Briarwoods and Go Gamego Re, he stayed behind to help the now liberated Whitestone recover while Vox Machina. Unfortunately the peace didn't last long as Emon fell to the Chroma Conclave, forcing the gang back together. Afterwards they began their journey to find the Vestiges of Divergence while he trained to use the Golden Power he acquired. After escaping Umbrasyl, everyone was scattered with Vex, Vax, Keyleth, & Percy in the Fey Realm, Scanlan, Pike, & Grog back in Tal'dorei, and Yusuke in the realm housing Bahamut and the All-Hammer. During his 3 month stay, he underwent a trial that allowed him to use the Golden Power indefinitely and was given Honor's Last Stand, a suit of Platinum Scale Mail armor, a Crystal Longsword, and a Topaz Annihilator. After returning to Whitestone with platinum scales now appearing on his skin on every other spot, he discovered that he was gone for only three days. Almost three weeks later, Vox Machina was reunited and were able to kill Umbrasyl!

Cassandra De Rolo: One of the surviving members of the De Rolos family, she was charmed into being loyal to the Briarwoods until Godai used a real Protection from Evil and Good spell. After assisting in vanquishing the Briarwoods, she and Godai stuck around to help the people of Whitestone recover. During Vox Machina's journey to Vasselheim, Cassandra began to look into the Gurongi and if there were other Arcles. A few weeks later, she and Godai, after he returned, were able to find a tomb with an Arcle! However, it was discovered to be a prototype and was missing an Amadam. Eventually though, Cassandra and her brother, Percy were able to craft a substitute that would diminish the side-effect of going berserk, but not fully neutralize it.

N Daguva Zeba: One of the two leaders of the Gurongi, he and Gamio were ancient warriors who were sealed by the previous Kuuga, alongside the other Gurongis, in order to stop their massacre. Centuries later, they were freed by a ritual to initially summon the Whispered One days before the solstice. Afterwards, they rallied the remaining Gurongi for a new hunt. Later, they approached Thordak and formed an alliance after they showcased their powers to him. After hearing about the fall of Vorugal and Gamio deserting the fight, he decided to do the same before Vox Machina arrived to defeat Thordak. Eventually, after all of the Gurongi, besides himself, were destroyed, he decided to challenge Kuuga to a final duel on top of the highest mountain in all of Tal'dorei.

N Gamio Zeda: One of the two leaders of the Gurongi, he and Daguva were ancient warriors who were sealed by the previous Kuuga, alongside the other Gurongis, in order to stop their massacre. Centuries later, they were freed by a ritual to initially summon the Whispered One days before the solstice. After teleporting away, they rallied the remaining Gurongi for a new hunt. After forming an Alliance with the Chroma Conclave, Gamio joined Vorugal in gathering loot while the latter courted a mate. After the fall of Chroma Conclave, Gamio prepared to duel Kuuga as he began to achieve his final form as they went to face Vecna.

Opening Preview

Track playing: Kamen Rider KUUGA Kamen Rider Kuuga by Masayuki Tanaka

Inside a damp, ancient ruin, Godai was standing in front of a cracked sarcophagus with Kuuga's symbol on it.

(On a desolate planet, history begins anew.)

Preparing to leave, he noticed a golden thread of string leading outside.

(Legends are meant to be rewritten.)

In another ruin, Cassandra and a handful of human guards were surrounding an opened coffin as she had reached in and carefully pulled out a prototype Arcle.

(It's time to cut loose with the accelerator!)

In a third ruin, inside a secret lower level of the ziggurat, Daguva and Gamio stood back-to-back, surrounded by hundreds of Gurongi!

(Kuuga, reviving in a blaze!)

Later, in Whitestone, Godai and Cassandra were looking over the prototype while now in the dining hall.

(Kuuga, the energy of pride!)

Days later, they were sparring in a nearby forest, both as Kamen Rider Kuuga in Mighty and Growing forms respectively.

(Kuuga, to stay strong!)

Afterwards, Godai was now standing on one of the walls of Tal'dorei with Vox Machina beside him.

(No fear! No pain! When you defend the things you care about…)

On a barren battlefield, Kamen Rider Kuuga charged into battle on an armored black horse against a group of Gurongi from various tribes!

(No fear! No Pain! There's nothing to be afraid of!)

In Rising Titan From, he and Grog struck down Go Jiino Da before Kuuga switched to Rising Pegasus Form and shot down Me Vagis Ba with Percivel's assistance! Afterwards, Kuuga changed to Rising Dragon Form and disabled Me Galme Re before Kelythe tied him down with thorny vines and Vex'ahlia fired an enchanted arrow into his neck!

(On a solo charge, I'll clear any obstacle!)

Upon the ruins of Tal'dorei, the Briarwoods, Vecna, and the GreatWyrm, Thordak, were right behind N Daguva Zeba and N Gamio Zeda as Vox Machina stood against them a mile away.

(Chou Henshin! Kamen Rider Kuuga!)

As he clasped the sides of his Arcle as it turned gold with a black core, Godai transformed as he was engulfed by fire, concealing most of his Ultimate Form as his symbol appeared!

Writer for Story: N/A

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