Chapter 13: The arrival and warning from the Exorcists
Pure, undiluted anger surged through Kiba's entire being as his grey eyes burned with intense rage. The stray exorcist, Freed Sellzen, had returned; this time, he had one of the Holy Swords of Excalibur. The psychotic former priest chuckled menacingly at his handiwork of killing the priest while waving his glowing sword in the air. As the rain continued to pelt down on them, the two immediately started exchanging blows, with Freed leading the initial attack.
"Time to die!" Freed, sadistically said. Kiba narrowed his eyes, feeling his blood boil as he and the psychotic traded blows with one another. The more their swords clashed against one another, the more Freed seemed to enjoy it and started taunting Kiba for his angry expression. "Oh, boo. Has anyone told you to mind the faces you make?" Freed commented. "It looks almost suitable to become prey to my Holy Sword Excalibur!"
"Don't fuck with me, you freak!" Kiba yelled, pushing Freed back some. Freed landed on the ground with a sadistic expression aimed at Kiba.
"I never expected something so crude to come out of that pretty mouth of yours. Nice work!" Freed said, sticking his tongue out and laughing.
"Holy Eraser!" Kiba yelled as his anger surged. Out from his sword came several dark beams. Each made their way to the Excalibur sword in Freed's hands, grabbing onto it. However, the beams were destroyed instantly when the sword glowed bright orange-yellow.
"That was a nice attempt. You win some, you lose some," Freed taunted and continued chuckling. "Nice try, kid."
"Tch," Kiba clicked his tongue. "I was just testing to see if that sword was real or not. Now that I know it's the real thing, I can destroy you and it without reservations!" Kiba declared, launching himself at Freed while slashing his sword against the man's sword. Freed, however, was unconcerned and deflected each of his attacks with ease.
"Ooh, that's the spirit. You'll have to do better than that, though," Freed replied, parrying Kiba's strikes at him. Seeing his foe being consumed by his rage, he moved in, slashing his sword at Kiba's arm. Kiba screamed in pain, falling to his knees while holding his wound. Freed only looked at him with a sadistic smile. "Seems like someone forgot to warn you. This Holy Sword absolutely despises Devils. Too bad for you. Phooey!"
"Shut up," said Kiba when Freed stepped toward him. His eyes continued to burn with anger. "I know. There is no way I'd forget!" he seized the opportunity to kick the exorcist's feet right out from under him.
"That's cheating!" Freed angrily said after falling on the wet street.
"I'm a Devil, remember?" Kiba moved in to slash at Freed. Only for Freed to get back onto his feet and evade the incoming strike.
"Good move, kiddo." He was prepared to continue the battle, but his expression changed as soon a Fallen Angels magic circle appeared by his left ear. "What—?"
The next second, it was gone when he dodged a thrust from Kiba's sword. "Ah, sorry. I hate to cut this short, but someone important has called me. That's all for now!" He took out a small flash grenade and threw it onto the ground. Kiba covered his eyes when a blinding white light appeared, and Freed disappeared.
Kiba simply stood there, looking at the place where Freed once was. Several thoughts ran through his mind, most of them about vengeance. 'I will destroy all of the Excalibur fragments—even at the cost of my own life!' Swearing to himself.
The next morning, when Issei started to wake up, he noticed two things. One: His body felt slightly heavier. He remembered what had happened the night before. Lowering his eyes, he saw Rias and Asia lying on top of him. Rias had her head on the side of his chest while Asia used his arm. The two Devils had decided to use him as a pillow, not that he minded. Two: His blasted alarm then went off.
Oh, how he detested the thing but knew it was important that he had one. The sound of his alarm woke up Rias and Asia. Rias's eyes fluttered open, meaning she was now awake. Then, with a gentle smile, she greeted him. "Morning, Issei," she said, sitting up.
"Good morning, Issei-san," said Asia, who woke up next. A light blush appeared on Issei's face when he suddenly remembered they were naked.
"Morning, Rias, Asia. I trust the two of you slept well?" Issei inquired.
"We sure did," Rias replied with a smile. "Your arms made great pillows for us. . ." the crimson-haired girl explained. Rias grabbed the blanket off the bed to wrap around herself. She kissed Issei on the cheek. "I'll prepare your lunch for the day. Come on, Asia-san. It's time to go make breakfast."
Asia repeated what Rias did and kissed Issei's other cheek. "Yes, let's go," she grabbed her nightgown that was on the floor and put it back on. "It was nice of you to let us sleep in here last night. Thank you," Asia said. Then, she followed Rias out of the room to give Issei time to get ready himself.
Issei laid back on his bed with a few things running through his mind. "I swear I will never understand the way a girl's mind thinks. It's not that I do not like them, but. . . what's with the change in attitudes? Rias, I understand the best because we've known each other for years and are now dating. Though, Asia. . .she's a different matter."
(It might have something to do with you saving them) Ddraig said. The green jewel of Issei's Boosted Gear appeared on his hand. (Remember what I said about attracting others and that you have other qualities that they find appealing).
"Oh, hey, Ddraig. Glad to see you're up as well," Issei said to his ancestor. "So what's up? I take it you have something important to say?"
(Correct. A few things, really) from Ddraig's tone, Issei knew he was serious. He continued when his host nodded. (You will have to be more careful from now on. I felt a strong presence in the town that made it hard for me to sleep).
"This town is popular for the supernaturals," Issei quipped, attempting to brighten the conversation even for a second. "Do you think it has something to do with the Vanishing Dragon? Is he here?"
(I do not know. Though, I suspect the White One will show up sooner than later. . .) Ddraig explained why he should air with more caution.
"That means I should be prepared," Issei mused. He knew that whenever Ddraig was concerned about something, it would be best to stay on guard.
(Indeed. The Twin Sky Dragons have been fighting for years. Anyone in possession of the Twin Sky Dragons is fated to meet and fight one another).
Strangely, Issei seemed composed. This was hardly surprising information to him, as he'd known for years that he would come face to face with the host of Albion. However, he did not think it would be this soon. While Issei did not know the identity of the current Vanishing Dragon, he knew that, unlike his Boosted Gear, which could boost his power and transfer it to something. The host of the Vanishing Dragon's Sacred Gear was Divine Dividing. It halves the opponent's attack; then transfers it to themselves. "Whoever they are, I will deal with them when the time comes."
(Just be careful, all right. I would hate to have to explain to Gourou what has happened should you fight and lose to the White One). Ddraig chuckled. He believed in his descendant.
"I will, Ddraig," said Issei, and the conversation ended with Ddraig going back to sleep.
Issei stood up from his bed and grabbed a change of clothes and a towel before heading to his bathroom for a quick shower. Once he was done, he went downstairs to let Asia and Rias know that the bath was all there. Asia volunteered to go while Issei helped Rias set the table. Behind her smile, Issei could see she was sad and deep in thought. Issei approached her from behind as she pulled the chair out to sit down and wrapped his arms around her waist. That had caught her off guard.
"I'm worried about Kiba as well," Issei began, causing Rias to blink at what he said. "There's no need to worry; he will be back. Of that, I am sure."
Rias leaned back into his chest. "I hope you're right. The Holy Sword Project and Excalibur had left a deep scar on Yuuto, and I worry his quest for vengeance will get him killed."
"If I know Kiba, and I do, he will indeed be back," he said, comforting her. "For now, we will have to be patient and trust in him."
"Thank you, my Issei," Rias replied.
After all three of them had their showers, they sat at the table having breakfast. They then left for school.
Classes came and went for the day. Issei went to the Athletic field to lay on the grass and stare up into the sky while thinking about the news his familiar had shared with him. A moment ago, Cadmus returned from searching the town for Kiba only to find nothing except for a faint trace of his Demonic signature, traces of a recently deceased priest, and two Holy Sword users. The last two things definitely caught his attention, as the aura of an Excalibur sword was on the spot where the priest was. The two members of the church had Excalibur swords, though their auras were different from the one that claimed the life of the priest.
So, it can likely be assumed that the Excalibur sword users were not the ones responsible for the death of the priest. But this did raise questions. Who did kill the priest? Why would two Holy Sword users come to this town, and why now? What was going on? Thinking to himself for a couple minutes, Issei resolved to call Sirzechs-sama about the matter. . .but only after he got more information. For a strange reason, he felt the two would show themselves very soon.
Issei was pulled out of his thoughts when he sensed Asia was nearby. He lifted himself up to see her approach with a smile. "Hey, Asia. Did you enjoy yourself today?"
"Yes, I did," she replied. "What about you? Did you eat all of the food Buchou prepared?"
Issei could only smile at her. He could tell she was a little upset that Rias got to make his lunch instead of her. Standing up, he walked toward her and touched her shoulder. "You know, I enjoy your cooking, Asia. Being part dragon means I have a large appetite. So I will not object if you help make my lunch."
That perked the blond up a little. Asia smiled and immediately clung to his right arm. Since this made him happy, he didn't object, and the two walked to the Old School Building. Rias and the other members of the ORC should already be there. They were surprised to see how clean it was when they entered the building. The entire building had been cleaned from top to bottom; the floor was so clean they could see their reflections.
"Wow! It's so shiny!" An amazed Asia looked around the polished floor.
"Yeah, the student council did an awesome job," Issei agreed with her, and the two continued to walk down the corridor. The rumors surrounding Kaichou's peerage taking its duties to the school seriously were probably true.
Asia stopped in her tracks upon seeing a mysterious locked room at the end of the corridor. The yellow tape on the double doors that said, 'Keep Out' and there were chains on the door handles with a padlock that locked them in place. Issei could sense there was a presence inside the room, and it was powerful.
"What's that room in the back?" Asia asked, wondering why that room was sealed up.
"According to Buchou, that is the 'Forbidden Room,' and no one was allowed to enter. Yet, there is something powerful behind that door. Whatever it is, it must be very important to have been sealed away," Issei responded. The two proceeded toward their clubroom, where they found only Buchou and Koneko-chan inside, sitting on the sofas.
"They did a really good job; it feels like we're getting a fresh start," said Rias as the two walked inside. "I'll have to thank Sona the next time I see her."
"Mmm. Where's Kiba at?" Issei asked, wondering where the other members of the ORC were.
"Yuuto is. . ." There was a touch of sadness in her voice.
"Yuuto-senpai decided to take a day off from school. Lucky," Koneko finished for Rias and proceeded to eat her apple.
". . . Why would he do that?" Asked Asia.
"It has something to do with the Holy Swords of Excalibur, doesn't it?" Issei asked in an even voice. "There is more to what happened with the Holy Sword Project and Kiba becoming Devil of the House of Gremory, isn't there?"
Rias sighed a bit as Asia sat beside Koneko, and Issei remained standing. "I told you about how Yuuto was a survivor of the Holy Sword Project, right?" Rias started. "Other than Yuuto, several more children were involved—for the sole purpose of being raised to be compatible to wield Excalibur. They were nothing more than test subjects." Asia gasped and went stiff. "Right now, Excalibur is not one sword, but seven. The original Excalibur was destroyed during the war, and its pieces were scattered. The church recovered the fragments of Excalibur to later create seven new swords."
"Let me guess, none of them were able to wield Excalibur," said Issei.
"Correct. Yuuto and the others trained. . .were incapable of adapting to Excalibur. The whole project ended in failure. And the leader in charge of the project chose to dispose of them."
Issei's eyes hardened at what Rias said. "They were killed as if they were nothing but broken toys," the edge in his voice could be heard.
"Nearly all of the trainees were killed," Rias confirmed with a nod. "All but one—Yuuto Kiba. He managed to escape but was near death in the snow when I found him. His motivation to stay alive to seek vengeance against Excalibur was a promise of determination. I wanted him to use his passion in a meaningful way as a Devil."
"So that's why Kiba became a Devil in the first place. That's why when he saw the picture, his demeanor changed. This also explains the sudden appearance of three of the Excalibur's Holy Swords."
"What do you mean?" Rias immediately became alert and gave him an inquisitive look.
Issei explained what Cadmus had shared with him about the dead priest and the recent arrival of two church members in town. Both were carrying Holy Swords. "I don't like where this is going. . ."
"We'll just have to wait and see what happens," said Rias with a smile, though Issei could tell she was forcing herself to stay positive by the look in her eyes and posture.
The main door to the clubroom opened, and Akeno stepped inside. "Ara, you're all here," she began. "We have guests who want to discuss important business with you, Buchou." The Kaichou and Fuku-Kaichou entered the room after her.
"Excuse the interruption, Rias. But will you come with me to my house right now? No one will be able to intrude or interfere. There's a matter that we need to discuss," said Sona. That caused Rias to narrow her eyes at what her friend said, and her tone indicated that this was indeed urgent.
"It sounds like it's very complex," Rias shrewdly commented.
"Yes. It is," Sona confirmed.
"This has something to do with the two Holy Sword users from the church, am I right?" Issei voiced. That caught both Sona and Tsubaki off guard. The former blinked in surprise at how he knew about the arrival of two people from the church.
Rias quickly added. "Issei had informed me of their arrival in this town along with a dead priest moments ago. The two people from the church were carrying Excalibur Holy Swords, and the priest was killed last night by another Excalibur sword."
Sona's lips formed a smile as she looked at Issei. "I am both impressed and surprised by how you knew of their arrival. Moreover, a priest had become the victim of someone who could wield an Excalibur Sword. That was something I did not know. So how is that you were able to find out?"
"Before Buchou, Asia, and I left for school today, I sent my familiar to search the town for Kiba," he answered honestly. There was no point in keeping this information quiet. "Kiba has. . .issues. He needs to work out," being careful with alluding to his friend's past with the Holy Sword Project and the Excalibur swords.
"We'll give you, Buchou, Akeno-san, and Tsubaki-san some privacy. Koneko-chan, Asia, time to go," Issei said in a firm voice.
The two got up from the sofa and followed Issei out of the room.
In the underworld, Rias, Akeno, Tsubaki, and Sona used a magic circle to transport themselves to the Sitri family stronghold. The four changed out of their school uniforms and went to the large sauna room, wearing towels. "Haven't been here in a while," Rias replied, looking around the familiar room. The House of Sitri—particularly Sona—had good taste when it came to designing home decors. They had a good lifestyle.
"Really; did you come here often?" Akeno asked as Rias removed her towel. Removing her's as well.
"In the past, Rias and I often came here to tell each other secrets." The two turned around to see Sona, who removed her towel and handed it to an already naked Tsubaki. They then sat down, and Sona explained further. "This sauna was installed for my personal use."
This space is directly connected to Sona's stronghold, so if the space is closed, no one can interfere," Rias added.
"Quite convenient, the two of you have a place where you can tell each other secrets," Akeno mused.
"All I did most of the time was complain about getting in trouble with my mother. Stuff like that," Rias remembered her time in the sauna with Sona. "I remember Sona complaining about her sister."
"Ara, ara. . .I never realized the two of you were so close," Akeno giggled.
Sona then spoke. "If memory serves right, you used to talk about the times you and Issei-san would often spend together. Even back then, you were practically in love with him," a knowing smile tugged at her lips. A light blush appeared on Rias's face.
"Did you also know Issei-kun when you were younger?" Akeno asked with mischief forming in her eyes.
Sona shook her head. "No, but Rias did, and from how she spoke about him, showed she had feelings toward him." She then turned to Rias. "You chose right when you made him a part of your peerage, and his duel with Riser was impressive. Would I be right to assume that he fulfills his roles as a servant of Gremory and your lover well?"
"Of course," Rias replied, thinking about the number of contracts he'd already earned in a short time, including their first date and the few they had afterward. "Issei fulfills both those roles very well. He certainly exceeds my expectations and has helped others and myself grow in more ways than one. In addition, he treats me like I am an actual person—not as an heiress to Pureblood Devil House or a prize, but as an actual person."
Her demeanor then changed to a slightly more serious tone. "So, what did you want to discuss? Something tells me this will be rather interesting."
For a moment, Sona did not say anything. "Much like what you heard from Issei-san earlier," she said. That got Rias and Akeno's attention. "This morning, two people from the church contacted me."
"Contacted?" Akeno asked.
"It has been a while since they've come to this town," Rias commented. "Did they tell you what they wanted?"
"Yes. Rias, they said they wanted to speak with you and that it was of the utmost importance," Sona replied.
"Is it quite unusual for members of the church to want to speak with a Devil?" Rias asked in a surprised tone of voice, taking a few seconds to think. "From what Issei said, they both have Holy Swords. They have no reason to be here unless to stir up trouble. What did you say?"
Sona removed her glasses and used her magic to clean them. "I accepted their request and told them where they could find you. After school tomorrow, they'll be arriving in your clubhouse to speak with you."
Tsubaki then spoke up for the first time since the conversation began. "You should also know that one of them appeared to be exuberant about being here. She mentioned growing up in this town and had a good friend who she used to play with."
"A member of the church was born and had a friend here. . .?" Rias then remembered the photo Issei showed after they disposed of a rogue Devil. It was him, another girl with video games, and a Holy Sword behind them. "No way! It can't be." Becoming alarmed. Was a member of the church looking for him as well? If so, then Issei and Asia-san could be in danger.
At the Hyoudou residence, Issei was in the kitchen making dinner while Asia was sitting on the sofa watching something on TV. However, a sudden shiver ran down their spines. . .Asia gasped while Issei narrowed his eyes. Two people from the church were approaching his house. Acting quickly, he activated part of his balance breaker to which his red armor covered his chest all the way down to his stomach. The armor remained hidden behind his shirt. As he turned off the stove, Issei felt a distantly familiar presence from outside. He had not seen this person in years.
Knock Knock Knock
Someone knocked on his door. Issei thought quickly upon seeing the nervous expression on Asia's face. "I will be there in a minute," he said, then turned to Asia. "Asia, head to my room and lock the door. Do not come out until I say otherwise."
"Y-Yes. Please, Issei-san, be careful," she pleaded. Issei nodded his head and watched as she hurried up the stairs.
Knock Knock Knock
"I'm coming. I'm coming," he said, moving away from the kitchen to the front door. Taking a deep breath, he came to the door and opened it to be greeted by two individuals in white church robes. "May I help you?" Keeping his voice neutral and pleasant.
The person in front removed their hood, showing her face. Her familiar eyes and chestnut hair, which was now long and tied in twin tails, were a dead giveaway. Yes, there was no mistaking who this person was. Shidou Irina. The same person from his picture that was taken years ago. There were two pictures that had been taken that day several years ago, one for each of them. "I-Irina-san."
The chestnut-haired girl smiled. "Hi, there Issei-kun. It sure has been a while, huh?" She then threw her arms around him and embraced him in a warm hug. Momentarily stunned, he got over it and hugged her back. The person who stood behind her kept their hood up and narrowed her eyes. Almost like they were calculating and disdain.
"Dang, Irina-san. You sure have changed," Issei said when she pulled away. He got a better look at her and felt an unpleasant aura around her left arm. "So you finally achieved your lifelong goal of becoming a member of the church and a Holy Sword user. Congratulations. Come on in," stepping aside to let them both in.
"Thank you, Issei-kun," Irina replied while her friend remained silent. They moved to the living room. When they sat on the sofa, the second one removed her hood, showing her sapphire hair and a green bang. She said nothing, but her brown eyes narrowed at Issei like she was evaluating him. "It sure has been a while since I've been in this house."
"Sure has," Issei said, sitting in the chair opposite of them. "The last time we saw one another was when you were leaving with your parents to go to England. I never expected you to return."
"I haven't officially returned; I'm here on a mission," she corrected. "Anyway, I just wanted to drop by and see how you were doing. Also, I love reunions. You never know what's going to happen," her happiness radiated from her.
"That's true," Issei replied. "Would you two like a drink or something while you're here?" He offered.
"No, thank you," Irina replied while her sapphire-haired friend stayed quiet. Irina's expression soon became serious. "Anyway, I want to ask you something, and I would appreciate if you answer me honestly." She leaned forward and stared imperiously at her childhood friend.
"Okay, go ahead," Issei beckoned her to continue. "You know I have never lied to you and will not start now."
"Glad to hear it," she leaned back with a slight amount of ease though her eyes were still narrowed on him. With a deep breath, she spoke. "I heard a rumor about you being a part of a Devil house. Is it true? Are you a Devil now?"
Issei mentally sucked in a breath as he had a feeling that question would come up. "Yes, it's true. I am indeed a Devil."
"Oh, Issei-kun. How could someone like you stoop so low to become a Devil?" Her expression became a mixture of sadness, surprise, and bewilderment. She became very emotional, shedding her white church robe and the rope from her forearm. The rope morphed into a katana. "Oh, what cruel fate the lord has imposed upon me. To think I come back to my home country to see my childhood friend only to find out that he is a Devil. This must be a trial god bestowed upon me to overcome."
"Irina-san, what are you going on about?" He gave her a confused.
"This is too cruel! Don't worry, Issei-kun, God forgives all sinners. So I will strike you down so that way you won't have to worry about—"
She didn't get to finish as Issei karate chopped her hard in the head. "That hurt," Irina winced as she rubbed the part of her head he had just hit. "What was that for? I was trying to help you see the error of your way."
"Would you settle down, please?" Issei asked in a cool, even voice. She may have grown up, but Irina was still Irina. "Listen, Irina-san, let me ask you this? Do you still respect me?"
"Of course I do. Even if you've fallen to become a Devil, you are still a treasured friend," Irina answered.
"Then will you at least listen to what I have to say first?" He asked. Issei could see that she was struggling on the inside, trying to decide on her next course of action. "Irina-san, I have not lied to you, nor will I ever lie to you. I just ask that you hear what I have to say. Will you do that for me?"
She backtracked. While he admitted to being a Devil now, Issei was still a good person and her childhood friend—the only real friend she had as a child. If anyone deserved a chance to speak for themselves, then it would be Issei. Even though she would act like a tomboy, he never questioned it and respected her. In a swift motion, she turned her sword back into a piece of rope and reattached it to her arm. "I will listen to what you have to say," sitting back down.
He gave her a curt nod. "Okay. Yes, I am indeed a Devil, but only part Devil, as I am also part dragon," materializing his dragon tail to show them. "I can probably guess that you were taught to think that all Devils were evil, and while there are Devils that are evil beings. Not all of us are. Look at me. Am I evil?"
Irina shook her head. "But you never said you were a Devil-Dragon hybrid."
"Evil incarnate!" The person beside Irina said.
"Don't be rude, Xenovia-san," Irina scolded, giving her friend a hard look. "Issei-kun may be a Devil-Dragon, but he is still an old friend and has been civil. The least we can do is return the courtesy."
She turned her attention back to Issei. "If you weren't human, why hadn't you said anything?"
"You never asked me if I was human or not, and would you have believed me had I told you I was part Dragon and part Devil?" Issei pointed out. Irina looked at her lap in shame. He released a breath and continued, "Look, Irina-san, just because I am a Devil and you're a member of the church does not mean we cannot be friends. Besides, I would rather have you as an ally rather than an enemy."
"I feel the same," she responded. "In truth, I do not wish to fight you," she laughed, and so did Issei.
Irina and the one called Xenovia stayed in Issei's house for a few minutes to discuss a few more things until the two stood up and took their leave. Issei remained in his seat, thinking about what they said. "Tomorrow, huh? How interesting," he pondered what they wanted to meet with Rias about but could tell it was undoubtedly important. Relaxing his shoulders, he stood up. "All right, Asia, you can come out now!" He called.
Two minutes later, Asia came downstairs to see that Issei was the only person in the room. The people from the church had gone and left the house. Before she could say anything, a red magic circle appeared in the center of the room, and out came a worried Rias, who pulled them both in a tight, comforting hug. "I'm glad both of you are safe," she said. Relieved they were unharmed.
"There's no need to worry, as Irina-san and her fellow church member did not come here to stir up trouble," said Issei, putting her mind at ease. Rias pulled back, and he explained further. "Irina-san said they were here on a mission but didn't go into detail, and they wanted to meet with the rest of us tomorrow after school in the clubroom."
Rias's demeanor grew serious. "Sona said as much when Akeno and I joined her and Tsubaki-san. I honestly do not know what they're planning, but perhaps we can ask tomorrow."
"According to Sona, they were sent by the higher-ups. Apparently, trouble is brewing, and they are under pressure. I have a bad feeling about this. Much like you said earlier, Issei, the priests who were sent to this town have been found dead." Rias's eyes became sharp, showing she was deeply thinking about the situation.
"We will have to proceed with more caution from now," Issei said.
"Right. I smell trouble coming, and whatever reason members of the church are here is likely tied to it," concern mixed with curiosity dripped down Rias' voice.
After dinner, Issei left to meet Azazel. The man had sent him a summons requesting a fishing partner; he grabbed a fishing pole out of the closet and used a magic circle to travel to the meeting place. As the two of them sat on some brick stones fishing in the stream near the bridge, Issei started filling him in on what was going on. ". . . To think that another friend of my past has become a Holy Sword user is surprising, to say the least. But what concerns me more is the sudden arrival of three of the Excalibur Holy Swords and the dead priests. Does that mean anything to you?"
"Afraid not, Devil boy. Though I do have my suspicions," Azazel casually said. "You said they were sent by their higher-ups on a mission, but you wouldn't go into detail about it. And the sudden deaths of the priests make whatever the Angels are up to be quite serious. I wonder. . ."
"Azazel-sama. . .?" Issei looked at him questioningly.
"I want you to find out all you can about their objective when you meet tomorrow and report in. Meanwhile, I'll contact Sirzechs and see what he knows," Azazel said in a firm voice. "The more we know, the better we can proceed."
"Consider it done," Issei replied.
Azazel's expression changed when he saw the line on Issei's pole being pulled. "Oh, you got a bite! Better reel it in before it gets gone."
"Woah. I got it. . ." Issei reeled in his hook to see what he caught. Out came a Bass fish.
"Looks like you got a big one. Not bad, Devil boy," Azazel praised. Issei removed the hook from the fish's mouth and placed it in the large water-filled fish tank Azazel brought. A moment later, Azazel also caught a Bass fish and, like Issei, put it in the container. He used magic to enlarge the tank to give the two fishes more room to swim. "Let's see which of us can catch the most fish within the next half hour."
A half-hour passed, and each of them caught two more fish. "It looks like a tie," Azazel began. "Well, this was fun. Thanks again. Remember what I said about those two Holy Sword users." Issei nodded and accepted the role of money handed to him before leaving through a magic circle.
"A dead priest, three Excalibur Holy Swords, and two church members suddenly arriving in town is vexing. So you have finally resurfaced after all these years. Kokabiel, you better not be doing what I think you're thinking. . ." Azazel said to himself.
Opening a dimension storage space, Azazel put his fishing pole inside and picked up the large tank full of Basses. "Hello, dinner for the next two days," creating a magic circle, he teleported home.
Upon returning home, Issei found Rias drinking a glass of water in her nightgown. Her expression showed that she was having a hard time falling asleep. "You're worried about Kiba and thinking about the meeting tomorrow."
"Am I that transparent," she quipped with a small smile.
"Sometimes," Issei answered with a smile. "There are times when you leave me at a loss for words."
"Then it appears I am doing my job." Issei handed her the roll of money, which she separated, and gave him back his earnings for the night. "After all, I am a woman. We enjoy keeping men guessing. Why do you find it attractive?"
In response, Issei leaned his head down, planting his lips on hers in a soft kiss. She happily reciprocated. Then, pulling away to look at her. "I say it makes you more attractive."
"Good answer," she replied. "We best get some rest for tomorrow's meeting." The two then went upstairs to Issei's room, where Asia was already asleep in his bed.
The next day after classes, everyone, minus Kiba, who again did not show up to school, was present and waiting for the church members. Koneko, Asia, Issei, and Akeno were standing behind the sofa Rias sat on when the door. In came the followers of God, who sat on the sofa opposite of them.
"Issei-kun," Irina greeted her childhood friend with a nod.
Issei returned the gesture. "Irina-san."
"Ara, you two know each other?" Akeno inquired, looking from Issei to the Holy Sword user.
"Long story short. I met Irina-san after my father brought me to the human world. We would often play at each other's houses, but that was before she moved to England with her parents," Issei explained. He pulled out his picture of the two of them when they were younger, as did Irina. Their photos were the same. "Anyway, let's get down to business."
"Agreed," replied Rias.
The one Irina identified as Xenovia began. "Thank you for agreeing to speak with us today. My name is Quarta Xenovia," she said in an even voice.
"And I'm Shido Irina.
"I wonder why followers of God would want to meet with a Devil?" She spoke in a diplomatic voice.
Irina answered. "Of the six Excalibur swords with known whereabouts, three still reside with the church, but the other three were stolen by Fallen Angels." Rias and the others' eyes widened in shock at what Irina said.
Xenovia then added. "The ones we have are from the ones we have left. . . The Excalibur I hold is "Excalibur Destruction". It's one of the seven Holy Swords created by alchemy. The Catholic Church is responsible for this one." The sword in her hands was wrapped in white cloth.
"The one I have here is the Holy Sword of Mimicry, "Excalibur Mimic". I can change its shape into anything I want, so it's really useful for carrying around. Just like this, each Excalibur has its unique ability. This one is in the possession of the Protestant Church." Irina said with pride as she removed the rope from her forearm. It then turned into a katana.
Xenovia voiced her annoyance about Irina revealing her Excalibur's ability. "Irina. There's no reason to tell these devils the ability of Excalibur, is there?"
"Calm down, Xenovia-san. Even if they are Devils, we can still form a trustworthy relationship with them in this situation. Besides, I trust Issei-kun. Devil or not, he is still my friend. And it is not like revealing my sword's ability will make me fall short."
Xenovia then continued speaking. "The Catholic Church was in possession of two Excaliburs, including mine. The Protestant Church also had two. Also, in the Eastern Orthodox Church, there were two. The last one went missing in the previous war between God, Devils, and Fallen Angels. One Excalibur was stolen from each Church. The ones who stole them escaped to Japan and brought them to this town."
Issei thought to himself as this situation was deteriorating. Three of the Excalibur Holy Swords had been stolen. Stealing one was bad. . .but for someone to steal three was worse. Those swords were highly valuable to the church and would constitute an act of war. But who would be brave enough or foolish enough to attempt such a thing?
"Do you know the ones responsible for stealing the Excaliburs?" Rias cautiously asked.
"The ones who stole them were the Grigori." Rias and Issei's eyes widened at the surprised answer, though Issei felt his anger rising. "The Holy Swords were taken by an organization in the Fallen Angels. It's not a matter of mistake. But certainly, it would be the Fallen Angels when it comes to stealing them. The Grigori, Kokabiel, is the main culprit who stole the Excaliburs."
Issei's aura started to flow off him, getting everyone's attention. "When I get my hands on the murdering bastard, I will tear his wings off and make him experience what the true gates of hell have to offer."
Rias was instantly on her feet, placing her hands on Issei's shoulders. "I know this is personal, and you want revenge for what Kokabiel did. But try to keep it together." She watched him take several deep breaths before turning her attention back to Irina and Xenovia.
"I-Issei-kun. . .what was that about?" A nervous Irina asked why he became so angry at the mention of Kokabiel.
His anger was still there, but Issei managed to calm himself down enough to respond in an edge-filled voice. "Kokabiel is the person who took my mother from me years ago."
Irina gasped as her eyes widened in horror. "Oh, I am so sorry, Issei-kun. I didn't know."
"What do the servants of God want from the Devils?" Rias's question was cautiously shrewd.
"This matter is between us and the Fallen Angels," Xenovia said bluntly. "We don't need the Devils in this town to get in our way and interfere."
"That sounds like an accusation. Are you implying we'll side with the Fallen Angels and keep you from obtaining the Holy Swords?" Rias retorted.
"We know that a Holy Sword is a detestable thing for Devils. Wouldn't it make more sense for you to support the Fallen Angels?" Xenovia casually retorted, not caring about Rias's withering glare. Her eyes changed from blue-green to the same shade of color as her Power of Destruction. She was pissed. "And if that were to happen, then we would have no choice but to annihilate you. Even if you are the onee-chan to the Maou Lucifer-sama."
"If you already have me figured out, then let me share something with you: There is no way I'd consider forming an alliance with the Fallen Angels. I would never do anything to besmirch the name of the House of Gremory nor our Maou," Rias declared with a smirk.
Xenovia grunted and relaxed a bit. "It's enough for me to hear that," she also smirked. "I was only relaying the message from our leaders at headquarters. I didn't think the onee-chan of the Maou Lucifer-sama would ever be so stupid."
"You should also know I will not aid your side either, right?" Said Rias.
"Of course. I'm fine if you promise not to involve yourself in this matter," Xenovia replied.
"I understand," Rias said with a smile.
"Then our business here is concluded," said Xenovia as she and Irina stood up. "Thank you for taking the time to speak with us."
"Would either of you like some tea before you go?" Rias offered.
"No, thank you. I did not come here to make friends with Devils," Xenovia dismissed the kind offer for something to drink. Meanwhile, Irina looked at Issei with sadness.
As she turned to leave, her eyes fell on Asia. "I was suspicious of someone else in Hyoudou's house last night. Though you were not present in the living room, I could tell you were near. Are you the Witch known as Argento Asia?"
Asia swallowed hard at what Xenovia called her. "U-Um yes. . ." she timidly responded.
"I never expected to meet a witch in a place like this," Xenovia said. Asia immediately felt cold, and her body shook under the girls' piercing glare.
"Oh my, you're the nun who became a witch?" Irina asked, getting a proper look at the former nun. "I heard you were excommunicated because you had the power to heal Fallen Angels and Devils, right? And that one time you actually did heal a Devil! I didn't know you'd become a Devil yourself."
"U-Um, I. . ." A perplexed Asia continued to look down at the floor while gripping her skirt as she struggled to say something.
"But to become a devil. The one who was called a "Holy Maiden". You fell to the lowest place you could. Do you still believe in our God?" Xenovia spoke in a condescending voice that was filled with disgust.
"I suggest you back off and choose your next words carefully," Issei said in a cold, dark voice as he stood protectively in front of a crying Asia. His eyes burned with fire as his tail materialized.
"Issei-senpai. . .please do not do anything to make the situation worse," Koneko pleaded to him.
'Shit she's right. . .However, these two have no idea of the pain Asia went through nor what Freed and those Fallen Angels intended to do to her,' Issei mentally said.
Ignoring him, Xenovia asked her question again. "Do you still believe in our God?"
"Xenovia-san please let it go. . . There's no reason to press the issue since she became a Devil," Irina tried to dissolve the rising tension by getting her friend to back off. Though it seemed her words fell on deaf ears.
"Call it a sixth sense, but I can feel that you are one of the individuals who betrayed the teachings and have chosen to live in sin but have yet to completely cease their faith in him. You haven't lost your faith, have you?" Xenovia's eyes sharpened as Asia trembled even harder, and a tear ran down her face.
". . .I-I can't." She was struggling to speak but managed to nonetheless. "I could never abandon my faith in God. I believed in it for my whole life."
"Is that so? Then it would help if you let us kill you," Xenovia bluntly said. She removed the cloth from her sword. "In the name of our God, I will strike you down, and he will forgive you."
Issei materialized his Boosted Gear (Boost); having heard enough, he aimed straight at Xenovia's face. "You will have to get through me first."
Issei brushed off Koneko's and Akeno's words. He only lowered his gauntlet. "I never knew the servants of god were such self-righteous hypocrites."
"What did you say?" Xenovia's eyes narrowed dangerously at Issei as Irina gasped.
"You so-called followers of God banished one of your most faithful followers because she healed a Devil and then sent her to this town alone. That person you sent her to had formed an alliance with the Fallen Angels Raynare, Mittelt, Kalawarna, and Dohnaseek. Freed intended to rape her, whereas the Fallen Angels wanted to kill her so they could steal her Sacred Gear. Buchou, Akeno-san, and Koneko-chan can confirm this because they were there when we first encountered the psychotic bastard."
"What Issei says is true."
"Completely true."
"Not lying."
"There you see?! Freed Sellzen, the person you arrogant fools sent her, never had any intentions of helping her be redeemed. He and the Fallen Angels only intended to cause her harm. Since you were the ones who sent her here without properly verifying that he was actually still a member of the church, it is on your heads. Seeing as how y'all knowingly sent her here and have done nothing but insult her tells me you wanted her to be raped and killed. We may be Devils, but we understand loyalty. In contrast, you church hypocrites were too happy to exile and toss her aside," Issei argued.
"Issei-kun, I assure you that neither we nor I knew anything about Freed's collaboration with the Fallen Angels," Irina honestly replied. "The news of Freed Sellzen being a Stray priest is widely known, but we had no idea of his intentions or the pact he made with the Fallen Angels until recently. The same is true of Asia-san's status as a Devil," she explained.
"Worry, not Irina-san, as my anger is not directed at you but at your comrade here and some of your higher-ups who failed to do their diligence," said Issei. Irina might be a little naive regarding certain matters, but she is not a liar. Issei's eyes were on Xenovia, who held a blank expression. "Know this: If you or any of your people attempt to kill Asia, you will have not only me but the entire race on you and Sirzechs Lucifer-sama on your hides."
"I'd listen to Issei-kun if I were you," Akeno said with a subtle thorn laced in her voice. "Sirzechs-sama is a close friend of Issei-kun's and is very fond of him."
"And what's that you called her a witch?
"I believe the name fits for her current status," Xenovia met his gaze with hers.
"Well, if you choose to call her a witch, then that would make you nothing more than a tool and a hypocrite. It's pretty funny how you guys can easily label people and not take responsibility for your failures and mistakes," he argued. "Just a moment ago, you called her a saint! Well, if she was a saint, then where was your God?! He didn't do shit when she was in danger! None of you did! You just threw her to the wolves to defend herself. She was always alone."
"A genuine saint can survive on the love of God alone," Xenovia casually replied. "If she were to make sacrifices for the love of anyone but God, then she was never a true saint. That is what we at the church who follow God were raised to believe." A smirk crossed her lips.
"Too bad your precious God is not here to say that personally. So that means one of two things: A) He, like your higher-ups are arrogant, self-righteous hypocrites who are incapable of making amends for mistakes you've made. Or B) The followers of God are really not as holy and pure as they portray themselves to be. Your faction is nothing but a front to cover up your mistakes. My guess is. . . Option A."
"That's enough, Issei," Rias said, attempting to resolve this dispute without any bloodshed.
"That's some big talk for a Devil," Xenovia said, curling her lips into a smile as her eyes burned. She was ready to fight. "Perhaps you need a lesson in how strong the followers of God are. My Excalibur sword should help prove which of our groups is more justified."
"That sounds perfectly reasonable to me," a different voice said. Everyone turned to see Kiba leaning against the door with his arms folded. "I'll be your opponent," he said, looking at Xenovia.
"Who are you?" Xenovia asked, looking at him with zero interest.
"Your senior. Nice to meet you," Kiba replied, though the tone in his voice indicated something else. . .almost like a veiled threat.
Rias looked at her Knight with sadness in her eyes. "Yuuto. . ."
Soon, they were all outside in the back of the Old School Building. Issei and Kiba stood side by side while Rias and the rest of her peerage stood back. Before, the two men of the Gremory peerage were Xenovia and Irina. Xenovia would be Kiba's opponent, while Issei would face Irina. "Well, let's begin," said Xenovia. She and Irina removed their church robes, revealing their church black combat uniforms. The uniforms consisted of a black, skin-tight, short-sleeved leotard with pauldrons, matching fingerless gloves that extended to her biceps, and thigh-high boots, all adorned with straps.
"Is this okay?" Akeno asked. She didn't seem entirely comfortable with what was about to happen. Issei and Kiba were about to face off against two Excalibur Holy Sword users. "Fighting with people from the church without permission. . ."
"This is nothing more than an unofficial sparring match," Rias stated. Truthfully, she was a little nervous on the inside. Issei would be fine; of that, she had no doubt about. But Kiba was another story.
"'Cause if the higher-ups found out, then we all would be in trouble," Irina said, pulling the string off her arm, and it instantly turned it into her Excalibur Mimic.
"This can be considered a drill. No killing," Xenovia used magic to remove the bandage from her Excalibur Destruction. Her sword was big, long, and really sharp. A two-handed sword; above the grip was an axe-like guard and a second grip with a chain-like form connecting the guard with the blade. It was for those who were more power-based. Her prideful smile vanished when Kiba started laughing. "You find this laughable?"
The smile on Kiba's face was not one of charitable or pleasantness, as the atmosphere around him became cold. "Because the one thing I always wanted to destroy more than anything has appeared willingly before me," he answered. Several swords sprouted up from the ground around him.
"Sword Birth, huh? I remember hearing that one test subject managed to escape disposal during the Holy Sword Project."
Instead of responding, Kiba directed his killing intent to her. There was nothing but anger and rage in his eyes.
"Issei-kun!" Irina called out. Her eyes sparkled at him.
"Y-Yes, Irina-san. . .?" A perplexed Issei asked, wondering what was on her mind. His Boosted Gear was still activated.
"I cannot believe that after returning to my home country after so many years, I would have to face off against my childhood friend! On top of that, he was a Devil all along. I feel like fate is making fun of me right now. My one goal in life was to learn how to use a Holy Sword and help everyone around me, and now I am confused! God must be testing my will to see if I am truly worthy of being a follower of his. Choosing between either using my sword to punish those who have sinned and harming a dear friend! If I complete this trial, I will be one step closer to Him," Irina passionately said.
Issei only laughed. "Yeah, Irina-san, you are definitely the same as I remember you to be—always up for adventure and passionate about her ideals."
"Please know, Issei-kun, that I bear no ill will toward you for being part Devil, as this hurts me more than it will hurt you."
"I feel the same, my friend. You may be a follower of God, but you are still someone I consider a friend," Issei said, getting into a fighting stance, as did Irina, who held her sword up. "May the better fighter win."
(Boost) Ddraig said as the green jewel on Issei's Boosted gear glowed, doubling his power.
"Hold on. Before we begin, I want this to be a fair fight," Irina said before they started. She then continued. "We are to only use whatever hand-to-hand combat skills we've obtained thus far and the abilities granted to us by our weapons—your Boosted Gear and my Excalibur Mimic—there is to be no use of magic. Nor are you allowed to use your tail and wings."
"That is good enough for me," Issei replied.
A/N: Understandably, Kiba is angry about the Excalibur swords, given what happened in the past. Xenovia and Irina have arrived at Issei's house. The latter is happy to see her old friend again but is surprised to learn that he is not human but part Devil and part Dragon.
The next day after school, the two meet with the ORC in their club room, where they inform them that three of the Excalibur Holy Swords have been stolen by Kokabiel. They (namely Xenovia) warn them not to intervene, citing that this was a matter between the followers of God and the Grigori of the Fallen Angels, Kokabiel. Xenovia has to learn to stop being so blunt and work on her delivery. It has always bothered me that the church had just sent Asia to a country without an escort and never did its proper research regarding Freed Sellzen. What's worse is that they try to save face by covering up their mistakes and tossing aside those "they" deem a threat to their system. Talk about hypocrites.
Next Chapter: Collaboration with the Holy Sword users