Chapter 2: Meeting the Devils. Punishment or no?

On Sunday Issei got up and did his morning workout routine, showered, then dressed for his outing with the fallen angel, Raynare. Instead of his usual Kuoh school attire, he dressed in a dark red shirt, black leather jacket, and dark jeans. Hopefully, things will go as planned. His orders were clear. He could do what he wanted with her only after getting the information needed about her comrades. Exiting his house, he walked to the town center, where he was supposed to meet his so-called "date." All the while mentally speaking with Ddraig, his ancestor had been on his case about using caution since he woke up. The duo sensed the fallen's true intentions when they first met, and it took all of Issei's will not to end her life on the bridge. That would have caused some major issues. It would also alert the others that he knew who they were and that he was hunting. Meaning he would lose a golden chance to learn about their plans.

Arriving at the destination, he took some time to familiarize himself with the area as he had only been in this area a few times. Checking his watch to see he had ten minutes before she had to arrive, his senses told him a familiar was approaching. "Here, take a flyer," the source of the noise placed a flyer in his hands.

Then turning his head, he saw a teenage girl with short brown hair dressed in a red cosplay outfit with black accents on her shoulders that hugged the top of her body, showing a decent amount of her breasts, and a white mini-skirt that showed her smooth legs. "One wish will be granted to you," was all she said before turning and walking away.

Already knowing she was Rias familiar, the demonic signature from her, along with the flyer, which had the crest of the House of Gremory, were dead giveaways. 'What are you up to, Rias? You must have figured out who I am by now. I do not know if you're close, but you should really do a more thorough job of looking for potential candidates.' Pocketing the flyer, he continued to wait for the fallen angel.

"Issei-kun," the voice of Yuuma (Raynare) broke him out of his train of thought. He saw she was running to his side, breathing a little heavily. Finally stopping, her cheeks were as ripe as a tomato. "I hope you didn't have to wait too long," she enquired, though Issei knew the sympathy in her voice was fake.

"No, not at all. I only just arrived a few minutes ago myself." He replied while scratching the back of his head. 'I know your game. One way or another, you will give me the answers I want!' "Anyway, shall we go?" Extending his elbow for her.

"Of course," taking his offered arm with delight and a big faux-smile.

Together they spent the rest of the day going to different shops, mainly clothing stores, where she would try on different outfits and giving Issei a good view of her body. Issei, however, tuned her out for the most part as his thoughts were more occupied with Rias and the number of people in her peerage. Whenever would Yuuma ask him whether he was enjoying himself or what he liked to do during his free time? He would give her an honest enough answer. During lunch, they would talk about their hopes and dreams; in his case, he would make it up and allow her to take control of the conversation.

Then after they ate, the two went to the arcade, where he won her a prize at one of the games and commented on how beautiful she was. She obviously believed him as her face became beet red. Next, they went to a jewelry store, where he bought her a necklace that matched her eyes. This is what he wanted. Her off-balanced and distracted.

"Sun's going down. Do you want to head to the fountain?" Issei asked, watching as the sun started to set.

"Yes, of course," Yumma wrapped her arms around his right and clinged to his arm, pushing it deeper within her breast. "When we get there, there's something important I need to ask you."

"I can hardly wait," feigning innocence. Still, his mind was elsewhere as he missed the evil look in her eyes. If possible, her smile grew as this had turned out even better than she had hoped.

And so the two walked to the center of town, sharing a quiet conversation about the possibility of future dates. The two certainly seemed happy, but it was all a front, as they had different agendas in mind. Raynare could hardly wait to kill her prey, as he would be one less obstacle to her goal. Kokabiel will be very pleased, and Azazel-Sama will understand what she did today. However, first, she'd have to inform her comrades Dohnaseek, Kalawarna, and Mittelt that the first part of their plan had been completed. After that, she could set her sights on the nun that was due to arrive soon. That naive bitch's power will soon be hers.

When the two eventually arrived at the center of the Kuoh shopping district, Yumma walked closer to the fountain with her back toward Issei, taking in the scenery. "I had a lot of fun today, Issei-kun. Hopefully, we can do it again soon," she began, though her voice appeared to be genuine and innocent, a hint of malice intent edge in her words. "Before we go our separate ways, I need to get something off my chest."

Whirling around with a big smile, she took a step toward him, "in honor of our first day together. I'd like to ask you something important. . .so I can remember this day."

"What would that be," hardly acknowledging what she was saying. He was so lost in his thoughts that he failed to notice she closed the gap between them.

The innocent smile that was once on her face became devious, almost murderess. "Would you die for me?"

"What can you say that ag—," he could not finish his question as a light spear was jabbed into his lower right abdomen, creating a gash that leaked some blood.

Yumma, who jumped back as he fell to one knee. Before his eyes, her entire appearance changed as she no longer looked like a naive teenager but now a mature woman. As she discarded her clothes, a pair of fallen angel wings emerged from her back. The rest of her attire now consisted of a black strapped bra that covered her enlarged breasts, a matching pair of thongs held around her hips by three thin straps, gloves that ran right up her arms with small lengths of chains hanging from them, shoulder guard-like objects on her shoulders with three large spikes sprouting from her right shoulder, and black thigh-high heel boots. This was her true form. Though to Issei, she looked like one of those late-night prostitutes.

As she was about to summon yet another light spear, her violet eyes carried nothing but delight as she saw her prey so vulnerable. "Why don't you look so pathetic," enjoying the sight of seeing him in pain. "If you want to be mad at anyone, then blame the sacred gear that's in you. Azazel-sama is quite concerned about its power as it could be potentially dangerous to us. Sorry to say, but he wants you out of the way."

Issei knew it was a lie as Azazel had a thing for collecting and studying wielders of scared gears. Aside from that, he was mentally scolding himself as he should have been paying more attention. Also, while he might be part Dragon, he was still a Devil. Light attacks and weapons may injure him, but they won't finish him. However, it will take a lot more than some spear to finish him, though he still needed information. So, deciding to play the part of someone injured, he listened.

"In all honesty, I did enjoy myself, and I will keep your present as a memento of our time together." That part was the truth. "This was never personal. . .I just had orders. Any final words?"

"Just this. . ." the pained look on his face morphed into a smile, ". . .thanks for the information bitch," standing at full height.

A thoroughly shocked Raynare gasped. "What? How are you able to stand up? Devils are vulnerable to light magic!"

"You're right about that part; however, I'm not completely a devil. Let's do this, Ddraig." A red dragon-like gauntlet with a green jewel in the center and 2 golden spikes appeared to cover his left hand and extend to his forearm. "Boost four times!"

(Boost) (Boost) (Boost) (Boost) The green jewel glowed a couple of times.

"No, it can't be. You can't be the wielder of the boosted gear," Raynare exclaimed in both fear and anger. "Die," throwing her spear, which he easily knocked away. "No, stay away."

Before she could summon another spear, he dashed forward to deliver a hard punch to her stomach, knocking the wind out and making her cough up some blood. Then, seizing the moment, a long red dragon tail appeared from Issei's back to wrap around Raynare's entire body. "You-You're a dra-dragon," she struggled to breathe as he tightened his tail around her, conscripting her ability to breathe.

"Very observant." He drawled with a dark smile. "Did you truly believe I didn't know what you were? I've had you pegged since that day on the bridge." She was shocked that he knew who she was from the beginning. "Make no mistake, you're dying tonight. Though, how depends on how well you answer my questions."

"Go to hell," she managed to get out.

In response, he punched her in the face with his right hand and then slammed her on the ground. Not a second later, he flipped her so she was on her stomach, grabbed her wings in both his hands, and ripped them from her back. She screamed in absolute pain as blood started coming out. Once again, he wrapped his tail around her to bring her to eye level. The sadistic smile that was once on her face was replaced with a look of fear and pain.

"That was just a taste of what's to come," the dark edge in his voice made her blood run cold. "As for your boss Azazel. . .well, here's something you were clueless about. He and I are quite close. You can say he was a teacher of sorts to me. So do not even try to blame him for this unprovoked attack, as he would never assault someone with a sacred gear. To him, you are a rogue element that no longer has a right to be in his faction."

"Now, what's your business in this town?"

Overcome with fear, she replied, "my comrades and I want to seize a unique power from an excommunicated nun. She's due to arrive in this town soon; from there, she was supposed to get to the church where we would take her sacred gear."

Issei could barely hold back his disgust. "How many other fallen angels are involved?"

"My friends Mittelt, Kalawarna, and Dohnaseek. Along with that crazy stray exorcist bastard Freed Sellzen." Issei's brown eyes became bright green as his dragon aura started leaking when she mentioned that a stray exorcist was involved. Particularly Sellzen. That rotten murdering bastard was a complete psychopath who delighted in causing pain and suffering to devils. The man killed for pleasure; that's why the church exiled him, for he had no honor or any shreds of decency. "He and a handful of other stray exorcists are also present."

The rage Issei felt was so abundant as every word she spoke angered him. Each time the green jewel in his gauntlet flickered on and off, increasing his power. Luckily he spent a lot of time controlling his emotions courtesy of the training he received from his dad and Azazel. These people. No, these animals would kill an innocent girl to acquire her powers.

"What is her name?" He slammed her on the ground a few times when she didn't speak. "The nun. What is her name?!"

"A-Asia Arg-Argento," she finally croaked.

Then slamming her on the ground again, he unwrapped his tail from around her. "Goodbye," extending his left hand, a demonic ball of red energy extended from his gauntlet. (Explosion) "Dragon Explosion," he called out as he punched the ball of energy toward the screaming fallen angel. She was so terrified that she couldn't even move out of the way to dodge. When his attack hit its target, she screamed in agony as the ball of energy exploded, disintegrating her and leaving only her wings in a pool of blood.

The move he used was a different version of the Dragon Shot he developed during his training when he was younger. Instead of becoming a beam of energy, it would keep its form until fired and explode.

(Ahem) Ddraig cleared his throat (did you forget? You were supposed to get information on Kokabiel.) Reminding his partner.

"I forgot to do that," apologizing, forgetting that key detail.

(That's not the only thing, either) not at all happy that the boy let his mind wander at a crucial time. (It doesn't matter. For now, return home and get healed. We will be having a long talk later.)

Issei groaned as this was going to be another scolding session. But Ddraig was right about one thing: he should leave as enough had happened tonight. Materializing his dragon wings, he leaped into the air and flew off into the night.


In the ORC, a worried Rias Gremory was pacing back and forth. The flier she sent her familiar to deliver to Issei earlier today should have alerted her by now. Her anxiety was abundant as she wondered what could have happened. She didn't want him killed, but she couldn't go after the fallen angel without just cause, as it would have sparked another war. Though that hadn't made her decision any easier or right. Just when she was about to release a frustrated sigh, her breath got caught in her throat, and her heart felt tight. She felt drawn to Issei for some unexplained reason, and Akeno's teasing wasn't helping things either.

"Ufufufu Rias, are you perhaps worried about him," Akeno teased. "Or are you wishing you were the one who was out with him?"

Ignoring her queen, the crimson-haired teenager decided enough was enough. "I'm tired of waiting. The flier should have alerted me by now."

"Ara ara, you like him," Akeno giggled. "Though I cannot say I blame you as he's easy on the eyes and handsome. I wonder if he's hiding anything behind his pants."

"Get those thoughts out of your mind, and I am only concerned for him," Rias attempted to justify her concern.

"Why don't we go see what happened," Kiba closed the book he was reading and got up from his seat on the couch. Koneko joined him after finishing her chocolate bar.

A magic circle appeared below their feet to teleport them away from the clubroom. In a fraction of a second, they were near the fountain to see a pair of black wings lying in blood. "Looks like we're a little late to the party. Seems like our little Kouhai had a good time with his date."

"Though it begs the question of where he is," Rias looked around only to spot a few drops of blood inches away. "If the fallen angel is dead, then where is Issei?"

Something wasn't adding up. If the fallen angel was dead, then where did Issei go? He couldn't be dead, as his body would still be present. Her train of thought was interrupted by Koneko.

"There's an unusual scent coming from near the wings. Whatever it is, it has a mixture of Dragon and Demonic wrapped around them," sniffing around the area. "Is it possible that they both are dead?"

"No, he's not dead!" Rias immediately answered. She couldn't nor wouldn't believe he was dead. Despite what it looked like, she was sure Issei was still alive. "That's enough for the day. Let's head out and see what happens at school tomorrow. If he doesn't show up tomorrow, I'll request Lord Lucifer to see if he can send someone to help."

"Yes, Buchou," they all said in unison.

As they went their separate ways, Rias and Akeno used a magic circle to teleport to their apartment. After arriving inside, Akeno flipped the switch to turn on the lights and went to the kitchen. "What do you want for dinner tonight?" She asked, putting on her apron.

"I think I'm just going to take a shower and go to bed," not feeling hungry, she went to the closet to grab a towel.

Sleep did not come easy for her as she tossed and turned in bed. Whatever it was, something about Issei Hyoudou spoke to her. As if like some imaginary rope had connected her to him. Then there was what Koneko said about an unusual smell. A scent comprised of Demonic and Dragon was unusual and very rare. This only left her with more questions than answers. Unfortunately, she was not the only one who had trouble sleeping that night. When Issei got home, he went to the bathroom and pulled out a special box from underneath the sink. Upon opening the box, he found only one phoenix tear vial left. Acquiring phoenix tears was anything but easy, as it usually took a couple of weeks, not to mention they didn't come cheap. Luckily he had a contact or two that could make the process much quicker. Making a mental note, he used the last vial he had on himself, made dinner, delivered his report to Sirzechs and Azazel, and headed to his room where Ddraig spent a good hour scolding him for allowing his focus to waiver. Finally, after being chewed out, he fell asleep. But unbeknownst to him, Ddraig sent a mental message to the boy's father about what's been going on. Not that Issei knew, but some additional people will come to his school tomorrow.

The next morning Issei got up like he normally did at the sound of his alarm clock; however, instead of doing his morning runs, he did fifty sit-ups and pushups before grabbing a shower. When done, he dressed in his Kuoh Academy clothes and made breakfast. Through that period, he pulled out his phone to see if there were any new emails. He found two of them that had been sent. His payment for completing his assignment; the other was a confirmation that the bike he commissioned had been delivered to his house. Heading outside, he went to confirm that the motorcycle had been delivered. To his immense satisfaction, an Aprilia black RSV4 1100 Factory was parked in the driveway with two helmets attached to one of its sides. Retrieving one helmet, he found the bike's key and put the helmet inside, then went to make his lunch.

Gathering everything he needed, he finally left the house, hopped on his new motorcycle, and rode to school. The only thing was that the engine was louder than any normal motorcycle, but overall it was fast and handled like a charm.

Thanks to the engine, several of the students on the school grounds heard him coming. They watched with amazement and a little jealousy, wondering who that person was. Several of the boys were gapping like a fish out of the water while the girls stared fondly as Issei parked his bike in the parking area and removed his helmet. Then, silently ignoring the stares and comments sent at him, he tied his helmet to the end of his bike and strolled inside. "Wow, Issei-kun got a motorcycle," one of the girls said.

"Damn, you Hyoudou," a handful of the boys groaned as they believed that with Hyoudou around, all of the girls would be taken. The school already had one prince charming, which was bad enough, but now there were two.

Once he reached the main office, he registered and got a permit to avoid any problems from the teachers or student council. The last thing he wanted to deal with was having a vehicle on school grounds with no permit. After placing the tag on his bike, he went to take his seat in homeroom, where a handful of the male students glared daggers at him. The perverted duo Motohama and Matsuda were especially peeved as their jealousy overruled their rational minds. Walking over, Motohama reeled his fist back, expecting to punch Issei in the face, but it was caught in a vice grip.

"It's not wise to attack someone who's had training since they were young," standing up, he delivered a swift kick to the boy's groin, making him scream in pain as he held his injured private part. "Do you want to be next baldy?"

Matsuda furiously shook his head, not wishing to be kicked in the same place as his friend. Then, he helped a struggling Motohama up to his feet and dragged him away.

"Smart move; looks like you do have a brain in that skull of yours," sitting back down.

Sitting behind her desk in the clubroom, Rias was visibly happy to hear Issei was alright. The commotion from the students could hardly be ignored, so she sent Kiba to confirm he was indeed at school. When he saw him in the Academy's office to get a permit for his motorcycle. It was after hearing he was okay that she, without hesitation, told Kiba to bring Issei to the clubroom. The time to reveal herself was now.

Later that day, at the end of school, the door slid open when the students were talking. The girls automatically flocked to him with stars in their eyes when the blonde prince of Kuoh entered the classroom. "Hello, is there an Hyoudou Issei-kun in here?"

"That would be me," came Issei, who leaned against the window, his arms folded across his chest. "Can I help you with something?"

(He was sent here by his master. I'm almost sure of it. Looks like the time has come.) Informed Ddraig.

"I came here on the request of Rias Gremory-senpai," he responded. "Would you mind coming with me?"

"Of course. Lead the way," replying in the same tone of voice.

They walked out of the classroom as many girls wondered if they had something going on or if something else was at foot. Either way, it did not stop them from thinking if they were more than friends. Issei followed Kiba to the entrance of the old school building, where he stopped in his tracks.

"Is there a problem, Hyoudou-Kun," Kiba asked, still smiling.

"It's fine. No one's around except for the other three Devils in there," Issei began, his voice neutral. The smile on Kiba's face vanished as his eyes snapped open. He got into a defensive stance as a magic circle appeared in his hands. Then raising his own, "easy, Yuuto. I do not want to fight, nor do I have any desire to harm your master or any of your fellow comrades."

Judging his words to see if there was any deceit in his words, a minute later, he relaxed. "Sorry about that. I wasn't expecting you to know anything about us," Kiba apologized.

Issei waved it off, taking a couple steps forward, "let's start over. I'm Hyoudou Issei, but you can call me Issei," giving a friendly bow.

Accepting the gesture, he also bowed, "it's nice to meet you, Issei-kun. My name is Yuuto Kiba; I am in the service of Rias Gremory-Senpai. You may call me Kiba. Pardon my rudeness, but we should continue inside. Buchou and the others are waiting."

Walking inside, they stopped at the wooden double doors, "Buchou, I have brought him," Kiba announced.

"Good. Come in," Rias-Senpai's voice granted them permission to enter, which they did. Opening the double wooden doors, stepping into the candle-lit room to see the school's mascot Toujou Koneko-chan on one of the two couches, quietly eating yokan.

Kiba introduced the petite first-year girl. She gave him a courtesy bow and then returned to her snack. So the rumors about her not talking much and having a stoic expression at all times were true. I then heard some running water coming from the other door, assuming that either Himejima-Senpai or Rias-san was having a shower. The first to step out of the refresher was the former, with violet eyes, dressed in her school uniform, and a ponytail held together by an orange ribbon. There was no question about who she was, and he could tell she had a decent amount of magic within her though there was something else.

"Ara my. . .so you must be Hyoudou Issei. You are the new club member, right? Please to meet you," She approached him. "My name is Himejima Akeno. Please take care of me," after introducing herself, she gave a respectful bow.

"I am Hyoudou Issei; it's a pleasure to finally meet you. Please take care of me," returning the gesture. "From what I hear, you are one of the two Great Ladies of Kuoh Academy, though the title does not do you justice. For you are more attractive than what the students have described you."

"Ufufufu, well, aren't you the charmer. I can see why the other girls like you so much. Maybe you and I can get some alone time in the future. That way, we can get familiar with one another." Issei couldn't tell if she was being serious or not. His dragon side roared inside, telling him to pursue her. He remembered what Ddraig said about dragons. Considering the amount of power they had, it would usually attract attention, making them desirable.

Before his inner dragon could speak, the person he'd been wanting to meet finally came out with a towel drying her hair. "Sorry for the wait; I had to freshen up. Hope you weren't waiting too long."

"No, not too long," he waved it off as his senpai went to stand next to her. "Me and Himejima-senpai just finished introducing ourselves. It's certainly nice to see a familiar face. Despite the number of years that have gone by, you are even more beautiful than I remember."

That caught Rias off guard, "u-um have we met before?"

"I'm hurt you can forget me so easily, though it's partially understandable given we haven't seen each other for a while. Though we do have a history."

Akeno giggled as it was rare to see her friend surprised. "Ara, ara Rias. You never told me you had a relationship with Issei-kun."

"I think there's been a mistake," unable to stop her cheeks from turning scarlet. "This is the first time we have met. . ."

"Buchou," Kiba got her attention. "He knows we're devils."

"Indeed I do. Allow me to prove it as I am not human," a pair of dragon wings manifested on his back. Under them were a pair of devil wings and his tail.

"Yo-You're a Devil-Dragon hybrid," the members of the Occult Research Club were shocked.

"Perceptive high marks," he jokingly quipped.

Quickly composing herself, she narrowed her eyes a bit. "How is this possible? Dragons are notorious for keeping to themselves. Most of them live at Dragons Mountain in the underworld. They hardly ever mate with others outside of their species."

Rias tried wrapping her head around this new information as Hyoudou-san was, in fact, a Devil-Dragon and not a human. Moreover, he acted like they should know each other. So she needed answers, "can you tell us how you and I are supposed to know each other?"

"That is pretty obvious. . ." the grin on his face turned into a smirk, ". . . Dragon Princess."

"No one has called me that since. . ." her blue-green eyes became big as tears formed. Standing before her was the childhood best friend she hadn't seen in years. "I-Ise."

Chuckling as she finally put the pieces together, "you remember me now, huh?"

"Ise!" Rias ran and grabbed him in a big hug. "I've missed you so much," tears started to come down her eyes. He returned the hug rubbing her head.

"It's good to see you too," then looking at the others. Koneko-chan's stoic expression changed into one of surprise as she put her snack down, Kiba gave him a thumbs up, and Akeno-senpai placed a hand on her cheek and giggled. Then, returning his gaze to her, "we have some catching up to do."

She reluctantly pulled back, and he wiped the tears from her eyes with his thumbs. "You're a lot more beautiful when you are not crying."

Attempting to regain herself after letting go, "it's been so long since we've seen each other. I'm sorry for forgetting and not keeping in touch."

"There's no reason to dwell on it, as I had this as a reminder," reaching into his pocket and pulling out a photo.

Gently taking it, she released a small gasp. "I remember when this was taken," staring at the picture of them when they were kids. "It was taken a couple of day before you left. When I asked onii-sama why you were leaving and if I would see you again, he wouldn't say.

"That is a long and rather sad story," Issei replied. "However, there is something I want to ask you. . . Why did you send your familiar to give me a flier instead of telling me a fallen angel was lurking around?"

"That is what I would like to know," a different voice came. The crest of the Gremory appeared behind Issei, and out came Lord Lucifer and Gourou Hyoudou.

Similar to Rias, Sirzechs had shoulder-length crimson hair and blue-green eyes. What would strike anyone was how young he looked, as no one from the human world would suspect him of being the Devil King. Usually, his expression was carefree, but not this time. Instead, this time it was mixed with seriousness and disappointment. As for Gourou, he may look like a middle-aged man, but the group could see where Issei got most of his looks from.

"Onii-sama. . ."

"Father. . ."

They said in unison while the others took a knee before Sirzechs. "Father, what are you and Sirzechs-sama doing here?" Asked Issei.

"Can't a father come and see his favorite son once in a while," he affectionately ruffled Issei's hair.

"Only son," he replied before looking at his left hand. "You had something to do with this, didn't you, Ddraig," his voice was laced with irritation.

(Don't get an attitude with me. You were the one who was reckless yesterday.) The green jewel appeared. (I have said it before do not let your focus waiver, and always keep your guard up.)

Inwardly groaning, "I'm alive, aren't I?

(You will be dead if you keep making such foolish mistakes.)

Meanwhile, Sirzechs narrowed his eyes at his sister. "I am very disappointed in you, Rias," he began. "You not only failed to report on the fallen angels and stray exorcists in this town. You also put your friend in danger and would have risked a conflict between the Devils and Dragons," there was no warmth in his voice. "I'm sorry to say this, but because of your foolishness, I will take your peerage away."

"Wait, onii-san, please do not take my peerage away," she begged as tears started to well up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Rias, but you must be—"

"Now hold on, Sirzechs," Issei cut in. "I do not deny what she did was wrong, and while I do respect you. However, I must ask that you leave her with a warning. After all, the blame is mostly on me."

"How so?" He asked, with everyone looking at Issei.

"Had I told her who I was after my first day at the Academy, this might not have happened. In addition to her station as the overseer of this town along Sitri-senpai, she didn't know that the fallen angel Raynare and her friends went rogue." Issei reasoned. "Had she did intervene before I went out with her, that might have sparked another war, and we would never have learned what they were after."

"And I'm sure Rias-san is sorry. Right?" Turning his head to her.

"Very," furiously nodding her head. "I won't do it again, I promise," bowing her head in shame.

(My partner is right, Lord Lucifer) Ddraig said. (This incident is mostly on him rather than your sister. I'll be sure to give this one another severe chewing out later.) He promised.

Releasing a tired sigh, "be that as it may, it does not excuse what my sister did."

"Cut the girl some slack. Look, I'll make you a deal. In exchange for three favors, the Devil community and House of Gremory will be forgiven for yesterday's events." Trying to bargain with his old friend/mentor.

Sirzechs looked at Gourou, who nodded in agreement, his pleading sister for a second chance, and then at Issei. "All right, I'm listening."

"One: I want a new batch of phoenix tears. Yesterday, I used my last one."


"Two: You let me come play with Millicas this weekend."

"My son does need a playmate when he's not focusing on his studies, and Grayfia could use a break. Accepted."

"Three:. . ." a pregnant pause to build up suspense from the other devils. "You come by for dinner Thursday."

"Hmm. That does seem fair," Sirzechs thought out loud. "Gourou, is he a good cook?"

Mr. Hyoudou nodded, "that he is. But try his food and see for yourself. Issei. . ."

Taking that as his cue, he put his bag on the table and pulled out three containers and a pair of chopsticks. He then passed one of the box containers and the chopsticks to the Devil King. Then, removing the lid, he saw beef curry. It definitely smelled good, "here goes nothing."

He took a bite of a beef strip, and instantly his eyes filled with stars as a burst of flavor consumed his mouth. "In the name of the Marquis of Gremory. This is amazing," he exclaimed like a child eating some more. Though he quickly composed himself and looked at Rias. "You are lucky!" He then looked at Issei. "I will be over Thursday. Would you mind if I bring Millicas?"

"Be my guest," replied nonchalantly. "Just come hungry."

"Well, Gourou, I think our business here is done. Issei, I will have this box returned to you tomorrow," and with that, the two disappeared via magic circle.

"Glad that's over with," he breathed a sigh of relief. The last thing he wanted was for there to be some conflict between the Devils and the Dragons.

"Thank you, Ise. I—"

"Do not get ahead of yourself, Rias-san. You and I are not square yet," he said, leaving her at a loss for words. "I said I forgive the Devil community and House of Gremory, but not you."

She knew what she did was wrong, and whatever punishment Issei decided for her would be justified. "What's my punishment?"

"Remain still and close your eyes," he instructed. Doing what he said, she complied and closed them. Whatever he was going to do, she didn't expect a flick to the head.

"Ow." Opening her eyes and rubbing her forehead.

"Alright. I'm satisfied, "moving past her, he took a seat next to Koneko-chan while Akeno-san and Kiba looked amused.

Spinning around in both confusion and a little embarrassment. "What, that's it? A flick to the forehead? I thought you would demand something from me or do something else?"

"That is not who I am. Besides, as I said, last night was mostly my fault; even without your warning, that bitch couldn't generate enough power to finish me. Light magic or not, dragons, especially hybrids, are not so easy to kill."

Then looking down at the table, he found the other two box lunches he had packed were empty. "Woah! Where did—" turning to the left, he saw Koneko-chan patting her lips with a napkin. "I take it you were hungry."

"You are an excellent cook," she replied in a monotone voice.

'How can a little girl like her eat so much food and not have an ounce of fat on her. Her piece whatever it is must burn a lot of calories. Either that or she has a high metabolism.' "Something tells me that I will be cooking for you in the future."

"Uh-oh. Better be careful, Issei-kun. Koneko-chan might not be a dragon, but she has quite an appetite," Kiba smiled. Her short stature aside, she always had a snack or two with her.

Akeno brought him a cup of green tea, "thank you, senpai." Accepting the drink, he took a sip, "this is really delicious."

"Why thank you, Issei-kun, and please call me Akeno," she requested, giving him a genuine smile. He returned her smile with a polite nod.

"So, is there anything else we need to discuss, or can I leave?" He asked.

Rias perked up, "actually, there is something," she confirmed, hoping he would say yes. "As you no doubt already know, Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko are part of my peerage. And I would like to extend that invitation to you. Ise, will you please join my house and become a member of the Occult Research Club?"

Issei sucked in a breath and leaned back in his seat, "a tempting offer though I would like some time to think about your first offer. For the second one, however, I will be happy to join the club. I can use something to do during my free time."

"That's great. Welcome to the Occult Research Club, and take as much time as you need to decide about joining my peerage." Rias was glad he didn't reject her offers to join her peerage or the ORC. While he did not agree to serve under her, it was better than a no. Oh well, one step at a time. There was also another reason she wanted him to join, as she wanted to reconnect with him after so many years.

The others welcomed him with open arms. From there, Issei spent the rest of the day getting to know them as individuals. He had to admit that spending time with them was pretty nice and soothing. After an hour, he said goodbye and left to go home. "Um, Ise, would you mind holding on for a minute?"

He stopped at the door, turning his head to Rias. "Might I ask you to go hand out some fliers? As a devil yourself, I'm sure you understand the significance of why we form contracts with humans."

"The Great war between the three factions nearly brought the devil community to the brink of ruins. Out of the 72 pillars, only 34 remain, which is less than half and a serious blow to us, hence why we need humans to help us survive and improve our overall rankings." He heard the story several times courtesy of his mother as she made sure he knew their history. Holding his hand out she took that as a sign.

Summoning a satchel full of fliers and handed it to him. "Thank you, Ise."

They watched him leave the clubroom. Rias couldn't explain it, but she was very happy to have him back in her life.

A/N: Look I know I am not good at this whole honorifics things so I ask you the viewers to be patient with me. Issei had his so called "outing" with the fallen angel Raynare. She thought he would have been an easy mark, but found that to be a mistake and paid the price. Truthfully, while I admit that what Rias did was wrong she never harbored any ill-intentions towards Issei. She was just desperate. Desperation makes people do a lot of things and she clearly cares about him, both as a person and a member of her peerage.

Their journey together has just begun as there are many more things to come. Watch as how Rias and Issei grow closer together. Please if you like this fanfic then follow it through until the end.

Next Chapter: Devil work and meeting the nun