Nikkes: Humans in disguise

Chapter 1: Redemptions end brings new beginnings.

"You're all mine, Unicron!"

Starscream fired his proton cannons up into the sky, hoping to finally give Galvatron a reason to work with Optimus Prime. He screamed at the stars as Unicron sent a blast of electricity down that caused him to be obliterated to smithereens. Optimus, Galvatron and Swindle watched in horror as Starscream was completely destroyed and his final attack being futile for it could not reach Unicron at all. All went dark for Starscream as his time finally came. He died the proud warrior he always wanted to be and hopefully was able to get the Autobot's and Decepticon's to work together. He could now rest easy knowing the universe was in safe hands, or would he?

System rebooting. Sensors activating.* Starscreams systems began to go on again as he found himself staring up at the sky, earths sky to be exact.

"Is this earth but how could I be on earth? I thought that I was just destroyed by Unicron on Cybertron?"

He got up to find himself in a destroyed city scape. There no was no sign of any humans anywhere. Just destruction everywhere he looked.

"What happened here? I could swore that earth was fine when we left for Cybertron".

He heard the sounds of explosions and gunfire in the distance. He looked towards the direction and transformed into his jet form and flew towards the battle. He looked to see what appeared to be a group of humans engaging in battle with what appeared to be machine like creatures. He couldn't tell if they were Transformers but he knew they were a threat to the humans. He flew in at top speed and did a fly by run with his blasters as he destroyed a few of them. The machines and humans were confused because there weren't supposed to be anymore aircraft on the surface. The machines quickly diverted their attention to Starscream as they began to try and shoot him out of the sky.

He avoided their fire until a large blast echo'ed through the air and hit him. He began to fall down as he transformed and skid across the ground.

"Did that jet just fucking transform?!"

One of the humans screamed as she fired grenades at the robots. They ran forward ready to shoot Starscream but he ran back, pulling out his wing sword he began to cut the robots apart. In the midst of the chaos, a menacing figure appeared from the shadows. It had 4 legs with a large upper body that resembled a mushroom. It was covered in various spikes and mantis like claws and had two large guns on its sides. It marched forward and began to fire upon the humans and transformer. Starscream, not wanting the humans to be hurt, jumped over and grabbed them as he hid behind a building.

S: "You humans should be safe here. I'll go take care of that rust bucket while you all get out of here"

?: "Now you listen here tin head" the one with the grenade launcher spoke up. "The only human here is him" she pointed to a man in a military uniform. "Me and Rapi here are Nikke's. Weapons made to fight the Raptures. We can handle ourselves just fine".

Rapi: "Don't worry. We have engaged many Raptures before. We will be fine"

He decided to scan them to see if they were telling the truth and they were right. Inside their human bodies were machinery. Everything was machine based except for their brains. They had human brains? But why?

S: "Alright. I'll take charge and you all cover me"

They set out for the battlefield as the Blacksmith waited for them. Starscream rushed forward as Rapi and Anis provided cover fire for him. Blacksmith fired its massive guns at Starscream but her gracefully dodged as her boosted himself forward and cut one of Blacksmiths guns as it hit the ground and exploded as the monstrosity let out a roar of pain.

Anis: "That was fucking awesome!"

The collector turned towards Starscream and launched two cables at him. He used his sword to deflect the cables as they flew back into the beast and stunned it temporarily. Starscream used this opportunity to fire his proton cannons at the beast, the impact causing a large chunk of it to explode. Rapi took this opportunity to jump onto it and begin firing upon its exposed insides. It began to flail around from the destruction as Anis fired a grenade at its legs and caused them to give out. Starscream gave the final blow by stabbing it in its mouth jewel thing. It let out a shriek as it died out where it stood, dust filling the area.

Rapi: "I'll check for survivors" she approached the wrecked beast and began digging though it's insides, pulling out multiple mangled bodies. "No survivors from the vanguard. All the parts have been ransacked "

Anis: "What about Marian?"

Rapi: "Still alive"

There laid the so called "Marian". Her body was badly damaged, she was missing an arm and a leg.

Starscream: "What happened to her?"

Rapi: "That Rapture is known as a Blacksmith, it collects Nikke's and breaks them down for parts"

Marian: "Over… here. Here…"

Anis: "This is bad. Her brain has already been corrupted."

Rapi approached the commander and put a pistol into his hand.

Rapi: "This pistol is for when me must self terminate but humans can use it as well. Just… get in close."

Anis: "Maybe I should do it?"

Rapi: "No. We Nikke's cannot execute our own kind"

Starscream would watch the commander would walk up to Marian and put the gun at her. He hesitated at first but the she then grabbed it and put it against her head. Thanking him before finally pulling the trigger. The commander would then wrap a bandage around her head.

Anis: "So. Who are you exactly?"

Starscream: "My name is Starscream"

Rapi: "Are you a Rapture"

Starscream: "No. I'm a Transformer"

Anis: "A trans what?"

Starscream: "A Transformer. We are beings who hail from the planet Cybertron"

Anis: "Ok so you're a robot and you came from space. Are you sure you aren't a Rapture?"

Rapi: "No. he doesn't appear to be made from Rapture technology.

Starscream: "Do these Raptures hail from space too?"

Rapi: "Yes. During the first Rapture invasion, they began to appear by falling from orbit."

Starscream: "Hmm. Where will you all go now? There doesn't appear to be a safe place up here"

Rapi: "We will return to the Ark. They have requested us to bring you along"

Starscream: "Why?"

Rapi: "They believe that you are Rapture. A friendly one at that. One that will save humans from other Raptures."

Anis: "They'll probably experiment on you seeing how irregular you are compared to the other Raptures"

Starscream: "For the last time I'm not a Rapture"

Starscream thought about it at first. He felt as if he didn't belong among humans but he thought of Brad, Carlos, Alexis, Billy and Fred. The only humans he knew. His friends… his friends who believed in him, even though he betrayed them.

Starscream: "Alright, I'll go with you."

So our heroes set forth on their journey to the Ark. not knowing what twist and turns awaited them in the future.