Our heroes have made their way to one of the Ark's various elevators. They had to have gone to one of the freight elevators because Starscream's L*W*H did not match that of the normal elevators.
Starscream: "So you all really do live underground."
Rapi: "Yes. Humanity was forced to live underground due to the Rapture's invasion."
He wondered if this was what it was going to be like if Megatron has won the war but knowing Megatron, he wouldn't have let any humans live.
Anis: "Yeah that's pretty much our lives. Living in a big hole in the ground and waiting for the Raptures to finish us off"
Starscream: "How pessimistic of you."
Anis: "Hey, I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist. I just say how things really are. It's better than pretending like there's no issues in life."
The elevator stoped as the door opened up to reveal several soldiers being led by 3 women, one with blue twin tails, one with shark teeth and a child. They all had their guns pointed at them, well mainly Starscream that is.
Anis: "What the hell is this?"
Privaty: "By order of the central government-", the bluenette began to speak. "We are to take the possible Rapture like entity into custody."
Anis: "Custody? But he saved us, he's not a threat."
Rapi: "Indeed. He even came with us willingly."
Privaty: "Stay out of this Rapi, we'll settle our score later"
Rapi: "Our score?"
Starscream: "It's ok everyone. It's no surprise that they don't trust me. I'll go with you, just don't hurt these 3"
Starscream would say goodbye to his new friends, their protest falling on deaf ears as they began to walk away. He followed Triangle to a large Vehicle.
Privaty: "Please get inside, we don't want to scare the citizens of the Ark with your appearance"
He would get inside as they began to drive off. It was an awkward drive as they made their way to their destination. The truck suddenly stopped as the door opened up. He got out to find himself in a large facility.
Starscream: "where are we?"
Privaty: "We're in a central government facility. We were told to bring you here until the higher ups find out what to do with you"
Yulha: "They're probably arguing over who gets to experiment on you"
Starscream: "Great, I get invited here only to end up as a lab rat"
Admi/Privaty/Yulha: "You get used to it"
After a few minuets of waiting, the doors opened up as a large group of people walked in consisting of 2 men and 11 women. They all gathered around Starscream in awe.
Starscream: "I assume you're the ones who wanted to meet me"
Anderson: "Yes, I am deputy chief Anderson, it's nice to meet you I assume?"
Starscream: "Yes that's me. So, what do you want to know?"
Anderson: "Well first I think we should all introduce ourselves"
A stern looking women in a military uniform approached him.
Ingrid: "My name is Ingrid, the CEO of Elysion. We have the greatest military might in all the Ark."
She seemed like a serious women who was in charge. She reminded him of Megatron but hopefully she was kind to her troops.
Suddenly a small women, perhaps a child? Wearing a long coat approached him.
Syuen: "Listen here scrap heap cause I'm only gonna say this once. I'm Syuen, the CEO of Missilis, the greatest and most technologically advanced company of all the Ark and home of Matis, the worlds most powerful Nikke's"
This woman, he did not like her. She was just like a Decepticon. Her attitude made him think of Cyclonus and Demolisher.
Insert BGM EEEEEEEEE-ntertainment*
Starscream began to hear music out of nowhere.
Mustang: "I am the CEO of Tetra-Line. The greatest showman on the entire Ark! Mustang! Allez! Repeat after me! Entertainment! Eeentertainmento!"
Starscream: "…". He was at a loss for words. Starscream had never met a Transformer, let alone a human who acted like this.
Syuen: "Great Mustang, you broke him."
Starscream: "I-im fine. Im just… taking this all in"
Anderson: "We should be the ones saying that. After all it's not everyday something like you appears."
Ingrid: "Indeed, a sentient machine with advanced weapon technology that can destroy raptures"
Suyen: "That kind of technology would really benefit Matis"
Starscream: "So, who won?"
Ingrid: "Won what?"
Starscream: "You know, to experiment on me"
Anderson: "Well we couldn't come to an agreement so everyone agreed to draw straws-"
Syuen: "And I was the one who came out victorious. You Starscrap are now my property~"
Starscream: "And if I refuse?"
With that question, all the Nikke's in the room began to cock their weapons. He wasn't sure if they could beat him but his battle along side Rapi and Anis showed him that these Nikke's were strong opponents. 2 were one thing but 12 of them would be a gambit to fight. At least he thought that these 12 women were Nikke, that made him think.
Starscream: "Are all Nikke's female because I've yet to see one man?"
Anderson: "Yes. Women are the only ones who survive the Nikke making process. There's also more women than man in the Ark due to the countless wars to reclaim the surface."
Syuen: "Enough with the history lesson, you're coming home with me. Now get back in the truck!"
Of all the people he had to get stuck with, it was her. He complied and got into the truck as it began to drive away. He waited again for the trip to end as the truck finally stopped. He got out to find himself in a different facility now, one highly advanced and full of people who were shocked to see him.
Syuen: "Alright everyone, this large hunk of junk you see here is to be prepped for study immediately. Get to it or else!"
Everyone began to get the equipment ready. They would attach multiple devices on Starscream and began to scan him.
Maxwell: "This is amazing, the metal substance he's made of is nothing we've ever seen before. Tell me what are you made of?"
Starscream: "That depends, we call it living metal but it also goes by many other names such as bio-chanic, prottomatter, technomatter, sentio-metallico, birth metal, cyber-matter, sparked metal, elemental metal and Trasnformium."
The metal legged Nikke rapidly wrote notes in excitement at this new information.
Maxwell: "You're not a Rapture are you?"
Starscream: "No, I'm a Transformer, from the planet Cybertron."
Maxwell: "OMG! An actual alien lifeform, this is the greatest scientific discovery of all time and I beat Ether to it."
Starscream: "Is she always like this?"
Syuen: "Maxwell takes her job very seriously. She's one go the best inventors in the Ark. I wonder what kind of secrets she'll be able to get from you"
As they talked the shortest of the group approached the Transformer.
Laplace: "Tell me Starscream, are you a hero?"
Starscream: "A hero?"
Laplace: "Yes, do you fight for the weak and all things justice?"
Drake: "He's obviously a villain" The whitenette chimed in. "just look at the symbol he has there, it's so oppressive and oozes villainy". She walked up and knocked on his Decepticon symbol.
Maxwell: "Could you two please not do this during my greatest undertaking."
Starscream thought about it. He has been a Decepticon ever since he was created on Cybertron. Perhaps he was a villain but yet again, he also joined the Autobots but also betrayed them but in the end, he sacrificed himself so that both sides could come together for a better tomorrow.
Starscream: "Honestly, I'm not too sure what I am either."
Laplace: "I see, so you're a hero who's conflicted on wether or not he still has the ability to do good"
Drake: "Or. he's a villain who's developed feelings and doesn't know if he can continue to be evil"
Syuen: "Will you all shut up already. We can discuss his moral compass after we finish these test. With him, we'll have a breakthrough that will put us above the curve. We'll fly straight past the peak and into the atmosphere while everyone else is still trying to climb the base"
Starscream: "So, are you going to kill me?"
Syuen: "I thought about it but I feel like you'll be much more useful under my command. From this day forward, you'll be Missilis properly, a member of Matis. You'll answer to only me and do as I say"
Starscream: "I guess it's better than being out under a can opener"
Syuen: "being put under a can opener, why didn't I ever think of that one" She proceeded to write that down.
After the initial testing was over, Starscream was brought to a large empty room.
Syuen: "Alright then. Now that we're finished running diagnostics, it's time to see what you're truly capable of. This is the simulation room, we use it to simulate almost real battles with Raptures. So don't be afraid that you'll die or anything."
Everyone would proceed to leave Starscream alone in the room. It was quiet until the system began to activate and reality began to warp until the room had transformed into a derelict cityscape.
Syuen: "Let see what they can do~"
Starscream looked around him, everything looked real and even felt real as he ran his hand against a lamp post.
His train of thought was cut off as he heard the robot screeching of the Raptures. They all scurried their way towards him, running around, over and through any obstacle in their path. He began to fire his machine guns at them, the much smaller ones went down with a few hits as the larger ones took more bullets to destroy. As he fired at them, large balls began to fly at him from the sky. He dodged them and looked up to reveal raptures floating in from the skies.
Starscream: "They can fly?!". He ran behind a building as they continued to fire upon him.
He would occasionally peak around cover to fire at the Raptures. A few of them would go down as he ran forward and continued to fire. He would pull out his sword and cut a few in twine. The simulated Raptures were confused, they weren't used to enemies using melee attacks but none the less they fired upon Starscream as he felt real pain from their attacks.
Starscream: "I wish that brat would have told me that their attacks would feel real. I have half a mind to punt her like a football". He would cut down a few more until the "boss" Rapture spawned. It looked like a pair of lungs and began to spew out nerve gas that didn't affect Starscream at all due to him being a robot. It just stared at Starscream not knowing what to do, so Starscream simply fired his proton cannons at it and it exploded.
The simulation ended as the room returned to its featureless state. The door opened as Syuen and Matis entered excitedly to talk to Starscream about his results.
Syuen: "Well well well, I must say I'm impressed Starscrap. You exceeded my expectation, those Raptures didn't even stand a chance against you. I heard that melee weapons were ineffective against Raptures but you have proved that notion wrong in one simulation alone. I knew I made the right decision by keeping you alive, you'll be a valuable asset to Missilis and a powerful member of Matis."
Laplace: "Your skills were absolutely incredible Starscream. I know that you'll be a powerful hero of justice just like me."
Drake: "The way you fought those Raptures was brutal. You'll make a fine villain for me to mold"
Maxwell: "Your weapon technology is beyond what even we have. I know that you and me are going to get along just well. I can't wait to run so many experiments on- with you."
It looked like I was a member of this "Matis" now. My life here in this new world was a bit rough at first but I know that I'll be able to make a difference for these humans. If not, they will be exterminated by these Raptures and I'm not going to let that happen.
Epilogue: A large mechanical beast stood over a mountain of Nikke's. Its massive arms and stature made it resemble a gorilla.
Chatterbox: "I see. There's another now just like me. I wonder how he's going to fair in this world? I hope I get to meet him soon, I'd love to tear him apart". It said as it grabbed a smaller Rapture and began to feast upon it like an apple.