After his return and examining the current state of the Dream, the Hunter had chosen to lay amongst the field of lilies to sort out his thoughts and to observe the night skies. The moon still remained a prominent figure within the Dream, yet now he observes the moon with a peace of mind unlike the sense of foreboding he once had.
As the Hunter recalled, he had succumbed to blood loss from the accumulated injuries he received from Kuyo, which occurred after he gave Moka his blood to counteract the effects of the Holy Moonlight Sword. Although he wondered why he did such a thing. As a Hunter, he should be hunting all those who came under risk of beast-hood, such as those who came in contact with the healing blood, to be thorough in preventing another. Yet still he chose to give Moka his blood before he died regardless, was it perhaps his new life influencing him?
Regardless, the reason he had to recollect his thoughts, was that when the Hunter struck Moka under madness, he unintentionally bore witness to some of her childhood memories from her perspective. At that time, the Hunter saw a young Moka crying in a church for her mother. However, upon his return to the Dream, it was as if these childhood memories became more prominent in his mind for reasons unknown to him.
The most significant of memories which flowed through his mind were the visions of a younger white-haired Moka, without her Rosario to seal her, who had seen only a mere ten winters. He bore witness to her birthday celebratory banquet held within the family castle estate, filled with an abundance of vampires whom the Hunter could only presume to be acquaintances, relatives, or others. The Hunter imagined this would have been similar to the atmosphere of Cainhurst Castle, had its nobles not been executed by the Martyr Logarius and his legion of Executioners.
But the most significant detail he bore witness was the mother, Akasha Bloodriver, the mother whom the young pink-haired Moka yearned for within the church, was that she held an uncanny resemblance to the current pink-haired Moka. From appearance, down to personality, it was as if Moka was an exact replica of Akasha Bloodriver, even wearing the Rosary worn by the current Moka. It gave the Hunter a strong sense of déjà vu upon examination.
And he witnessed the mother's bisection by the eldest step-sister, Akua Shuzen. It was also then that he bore witness to... that. An amalgamation of numerous beasts which had emerged from the family estate, awoken by the distress of the young Moka witnessing her mother being slain in front of her eyes. The beast had ensnared the young Moka, intent on consuming her to satiate its hunger, until her mother came to her rescue.
Akasha had displayed a feat of near immortality, one which to the Hunter reminisced of the Vileblood Queen Annalise, regenerating from her body being split into two. Akasha possessed overwhelming strength, much more powerful innate strength than the current Moka, taking little effort to deal with the tendrils aiming to devour her and her step-daughter.
Yet defeating the beast amalgamation, whose name was revealed to be 'Alucard', was not the mother's intent, instead she wished to give her Rosary to her daughter. It was here that the Hunter was exposed to existential details about Moka, as well as the condition to remove said Rosary, for someone who truly cared for Moka who meant her no harm.
The echoes within the blood does not tell false details, the concerning revelation that the Hunter felt he was not privy to yet was given knowledge of, from the words of Akasha herself, was that Moka was the true Moka, while 'Moka' was a personality duplicate of Akasha depriving from the Rosary.
The secondary function of the Rosary, now worn by 'Moka' to seal Moka was to suppress this... 'Shinso' blood, to prevent the 'Alucard' beast from pursuing Moka for her blood. The Hunter also learnt that Moka nearly died after her birth, and that Akasha willingly transferred her special 'Shinso' blood so Moka may survive, thus making Moka a 'Shinso' vampire.
Now the memory returns to the false Moka, the first memory the Hunter ever saw, of Moka yearning for her mother in the church, not recalling the events in the family estate.
As a Hunter, it was always a common occurrence in Yharnam to bear witness to the memories of those he slain through their blood, whether it was a small portion or their entire lifetime, the strongest emotions being fear and agony from being hunted by his own hands. Yet the Hunter felt uncomfortable to witness the childhood memories of his student, especially one which revealed her falsehood. He could feel the sorrow, the rage, all the emotions Moka had felt at that moment when her mother disappeared as if it was his own, and it made the Hunter feel empathetic.
Although, it was quite strange to recognise the commonalities between him and Moka. Both had their memories erased at a certain point in time, yet unlike him, Moka held a possibility to regain said memories. The Hunter was also certain the current Moka herself was unaware of her past, as well as her unique blood even amongst her kin, perhaps due to being sealed.
He felt a slight sting on his neck, pulling down his mask to see two prominent bite marks at his neck, he did not notice earlier as his return to the Dream also mended his attire to pristine condition, but to see the bite marks was a cause of concern. He could only surmise Moka made an attempt to resuscitate him through transferring her blood to him, much like her mother did for her after her birth, after he lost consciousness due to anemia. Perhaps this was the reason why those childhood memories became more prominent?
The Hunter could only assume the attempt failed, as he was within the Dream instead of the waking world. Does it mean 'Shinso' blood now flows through his veins from the attempted resuscitation?
If so, the Hunter could only hypothesize the reason the attempt failed. Within his blood, amongst many others including the blood of the Great Ones, contains the blood of the immortal Vileblood Queen, Queen Annalise, which he received for his brief servitude as a Vileblood, and the blood of the immortal Queen Yharnam, which he also contains within him, flows through the veins of the Vileblood Queen. He still held the stone after hunting the former within her fallen kingdom, her spirit still lingering within said stone. While the latter still remained alive even after being grounded to a bloody pulp.
From the little context clues given from Moka's memories, the Hunter surmised the 'Shinso' vampire were the upper echelons of vampires, whom themselves are the upper echelons of amongst the beasts in this waking world. The similarities between the two Queens, and the 'Shinso', was too uncanny for the Hunter to dismiss, at the very least in terms of durability, and that it stems from their blood.
While the 'Shinso' was capable of healing without any third-party assistance as he saw via Akasha, unlike the Queens, where he brought Queen Annalise's flesh to the altar where he found the Great One Ebrietas, the primary source of the Healing Church's Healing Blood. And where Queen Yharnam transferred her consciousness into the stone. The Hunter believed this similarity is likely the reason the resuscitation attempt failed, their blood was too similar, and thus anymore was redundant.
Even then, the Hunter was unsure whether his... unique circumstances, may affect how his blood would function within Moka. Was his blood still considered human blood, or was it considered the blood of a Great One? If so, would it turn Moka into a stronger beast if left unchecked? Or would her 'Shinso' blood counteract his blood?
The Hunter shook his head, even if the similarities was of great interest, whether his blood may affect Moka, or the possibility of the 'Shinso' blood unknowingly given to him were all worth an investigation. He had bigger concerns to worry of, the Hunter turned to the Workshop...
Or where the Workshop should have been, for both the Doll and the Workshop was gone.
It had made some sense with a moment of thought once all possible explanations were made in his mind of their disappearance. After all, the Dream was no longer connected to the waking world of Yharnam, where the true Workshop which served as the basis for the Workshop in the Dream was located, thus it would have no longer been used to form the construction of the Workshop within the Dream. This included the Doll, whose physical body within the true Workshop had served as her basis in the Dream. Yet the thought did not ease the Hunter, had he had known this issue would occur, would he have still made the plunge even after the Doll's insistence?
At the very least the chest storage still remained, thus he still had access to his vast arsenal of weaponry and tools gathered from his venture throughout Yharnam.
Grey fog manifested itself next to the Hunter, revealing four familiar entities to him. His Messengers, who had revealed themselves to him after seemingly sensing his concern. It has been so long since he last saw his Messengers, or as the Doll called them, 'the little ones'. Each adorning their own individual ornament he had found during his venture in Yharnam. Their malformed appearance was once a great discomfort, yet now he finds their presence endearing, and another source of comfort.
Just as the Hunter, his Messengers were also glad to see his return after the long absence, nuzzling themselves against him. Although when he asked them of the whereabouts of the Doll, they were unable to provide an answer. It seems there was no other options left, while unfortunate about the state of affair of the Doll, the Workshop had to be re-established.
But first, there was something he must do. Standing from the field of lilies, the Hunter begun marching towards the Bath Messengers.
Presenting to them the badge formerly worn by Gehrman, dropped after he had been freed from the Dream by the Hunter. The Bath Messengers instinctively knew what the Hunter desired, and they sunk into the bath, eventually re-emerging as a collective to pull out a weapon, presenting to the Hunter an all too familiar blade.
The weapon used by his former mentor, the Burial Blade.
In a brief moment, the Hunter silently mourned the loss of his mentor, having not been given the chance to do so when Flora immediately made her presence after he had slain Gehrman, and for only he was now capable to mourn for him at present.
The legacies left behind by distinguished hunters of old, as well as the burdens they presented, now they were all in his possession.
The Burial Blade, once wielded by Gehrman, the First Hunter, and his mentor, who had wished to set him free from the Dream. The mantle of the last Hunter of the Workshop naturally passed to him upon being set free by the Hunter. It would have been this very weapon which severed his connection to the Dream had he not denied the offer.
The Blades of Mercy, once wielded by Eileen the Crow, who wanted to free her fellow hunters from the madness and intoxication of the Hunt. The mantle of Hunter of Hunters was passed down to him after slaying her would be successor turned traitor, a work without honour, but a burden he had to carry for the sake of freeing hunters from succumbing to madness and taken to the Nightmare.
The Holy Moonlight Greatsword, passed down to him by the once renowned Ludwig of the Holy Blade, after returning to him his honour as a human in a bloody skirmish. His fame amongst the Yharnamites, as far as the Hunter knew, Ludwig was the most earnest of the damnable Healing Church, holding genuine intentions to save the populace from the beasts roaming the streets of Yharnam. However, the sweet whispers from this weapon was what eventually lead Ludwig to become blood-drunk.
The Rakuyo, thrown into a well by Lady Maria, his senior and fellow apprentice of Gehrman. This weapon was once the source of pride of Lady Maria for the lacking usage of blood as other weapons of Cainhurst, now it acted as reminder of the atrocity she committed in the Hamlet, which lead to the creation of the Nightmare. The amount of pain he had to suffer to retrieve it was quite harrowing to recall. Although he wondered why the Rakuyo which was wielded in their duel had the capacity of bloodtinge. Now he lived as the final apprentice of Gehrman after he had slayed both mentor and apprentice, the sole inheritor of the cursed legacy.
The Bowblade, wielded by Simon, who had strived to free the hunters from the Nightmare. All Hunters, especially those who succumb to blood-lust were fated to be taken because of the actions of their predecessors in the hamlet, and he would have been no exception should he succumb to bloodlust. The Nightmare was the antithesis of the Dream, acting as a place of damnation where Hunters wander aimlessly in a blood-drunken state. He had fulfilled the old Hunter's final request, given to him with his dying breath, having ended the Nightmare with his own hands and the fate of blood-drunk Hunters now severed.
All distinguished Hunters of old who had faced tragedy, now only he was left behind to carry their burdens and their legacies, to the very end. But the Hunter was unsure whether he could carry on such burdens, nor was he capable to do so. Yet he must.
With his Messengers returned to him, the Hunter allowed them to take the Burial Blade to whichever void they inhabit, so he may call upon it should he desire to do so.
Before leaving, the Hunter made sure to restock on the necessities and conducted one more thorough search of the Dream. As suspected, the tombstones still did not hold the various locations where he had traversed in Yharnam, confirming to the Hunter that he indeed can no longer return to Yharnam. Yet it still inscribed the Japanese characters from when he re-awoke after hunting Flora.
妖怪アカデミ, the Kanji and Katakana which the Hunter now recognised as, 'Youkai Academy'.
He still wondered why this waking world beckons for him, as far as the Hunter was concerned, this waking world has little need for a Hunter at the current moment, yet his presence spoke otherwise. Admittedly, he has grown accustomed to his new life as an educator, even if it was an unexpected one. Perhaps the large amalgamation called Alucard was the reason for his beckoning to this waking world?
... was what would have been his question had he not seen the Headmaster within Moka's memories.
In the background of the Church while Moka cried for her mother, the Headmaster could be found in conversation with the priest who would become the adoptive father of Moka. It seems the Headmaster knew Moka and her mother, with a deep bond shared with the latter as he was the one who appeared to retrieve Moka after the incident with the 'Alucard' amalgamation. Recalling their first meeting, it was as though the Headmaster was expecting his presence. Yet why he was so expectant of him was unknown to the Hunter, perhaps he must press the Headmaster for answers upon his return.
Regardless, it was time to return now. However, with no lanterns yet to be established for him to return, thus once again the Hunter must return through the unconventional method. Standing once again at the edge, the Hunter took a glance at his Messengers, who took it upon them to place themselves upon his shoulders, giving them a nod. The Hunter once again, took the plunge over the cliff's edge, and once again he disappeared into the cloudscape, his consciousness once again slipping into darkness.
"Ooh, what's that smell..." Father Gascoigne muttered in the midst of their battle. "The sweet blood, ooh, it sings to me! It's enough to make a man sick."
Once again, the Hunter begun to relive his encounter with Father Gascoigne. A skirmish between a seasoned Hunter against a fledgling Hunter was usually a predictable outcome.
But the Hunter was not there to combat the Father, he was there to try to bring him back to his daughter, who awaited for the return of her mother and father.
He tried his absolute to being Gascoigne back to sanity with the music box.
Yet it caused the Father great pain when he heard the tune from the music box, as if the returning memories was too much to bear.
The Father finally snapped, transforming into an erratic beast. And it became a desperate struggle of survival for the Hunter. The once refined movements of an experienced hunter of beasts devolving into one ironically of an instinctual beast, showing to the Hunter the true dangers of the healing blood, the same blood which flowed through his veins.
Until finally, the Hunter emerged victorious and dealt the final blow to the Father.
With his dying breath, the Hunter could hear Gascoigne gurgle his final words, despite his current state.
'Forgive me...'
The sunlight shone upon his eyes, indicating his arrival back to the waking world. Once again, the Hunter awoke within the forest located close to the Academy, recognising the disfigured trees. With his arrival certain, the Hunter begun staring into the distance to once again sort out his thoughts.
His dreams of his Night of the Hunt becoming frequent was not something the Hunter appreciated, even when he was not asleep.
Gascoigne was wrong.
It was not the former Father who should ask for forgiveness, but it was the Hunter himself who believed should be the one asking. Because of him, the bloodline of Gascoigne was all but extinguished. It was later after the encounter the Hunter saw Viola already died, and Gascoigne's final words implying it was he who had slain his own beloved wife. His two daughters... the Hunter already displayed his trauma in the situation with Yukari when she was assaulted by her former class president. He did not need the reminder.
The Hunter stood from the tree, wishing to forget about the dream. At the very least, it was reassuring to know his Messengers were still with him the second time around, their presence on his shoulder bringing him calm.
The sound of an object hitting the ground startled the Messengers, causing them to willingly dissipate in hiding, indicating a presence in the vicinity. A familiar shade of pink catching the Hunter's eye.
Moka stood agasp, as if in disbelief of the sight of his presence. She had dropped her bag to free her hands, rubbing at her eyes as if she was uncertain whether she was hallucinating his presence. The emotions she felt easily displayed through her expression; confusion, uncertainty, and most importantly, hope. She seemed considerably dishevelled, appearing significantly lighter than the last time he saw her.
The Hunter was conflicted, the guilt of having struck her while under intoxication of madness still lingered within him. Yet knowing that Moka was the true Moka was also affecting his perspective on Moka.
The uncertainly in Moka became absolute certainty when she realised the Hunter was in fact present in front of her. Even the absurdity of the situation did not seem to mind Moka, despite witnessing his 'death'.
"Mr. Syn!" Moka cried, throwing herself at the Hunter.
The Hunter felt himself stagger from the suddenness of Moka's actions. It seems even with the Rosary worn to seal her true self, Moka was still a vampiress. Despite her small frame, she held a firm grip, as if she was afraid he may disappear if she let him go. Was it because he 'died' in front of her eyes which caused such a strong reaction?
The Hunter could hear Moka attempting to speak, yet he was unable to make out the words spoken.
"Miss Akashiya." The Hunter gently removed Moka off of him. "I cannot hear if you conceal your mouth."
Moka took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down, while rubbing her eyes to rid of any potential tears.
"What happened back there Mr. Syn...? I saw y-..." Moka begun, gulping down her throat as she recalled the events of that day. "I saw you... die."
The Hunter had already expected this question to be asked, yet he does not know how he can explain his unique circumstances. If he say he was capable of resurrection, it would be considered nothing more than ramblings of a madman. Yet Moka pleaded for an answer to what transpired after that incident.
"It matters little now." The Hunter deflected. "After all, I must take care of the aftermath."
"...? Mr. Syn, it's been two weeks since what happened with the Public Safety Commission." Moka revealed.
"...!" The Hunter momentarily paused. 'Two weeks?'
"Are you certain, Miss Akashiya?" The Hunter grabbed Moka by her shoulders. "Was I truly gone for two weeks?"
Moka nodded in response, confused by the Hunter's insistence.
The Hunter paused, unsure how to proceed with the revelation. He had been deceased for two weeks, without awareness of such passage of time occurring. Time held no dominion within the Dream, it was a place where one who may experience a passing of a year within the Dream would find time within the waking world in all regards would have not passed, where he should have resuscitated instantaneously as if his cause of death was a mere bad dream. Was it due to his incomplete... 'condition'?
The Doll did mention his presence was what manifested the Dream after he had hunted Flora, a Great One of one of the highest caliber, thus in turn meant his pseudo-immortality was also maintained by Flora. Yet now Flora was no longer maintaining the Dream, he was.
"... Who has tended to my lectures?" The Hunter asked Moka, hiding his concern, despite many questions lingering the mind of the Hunter.
Moka stared blankly at him upon the question, until she let out a small snort. "You were gone for two weeks and that's what you're worried about, Mr. Syn?"
"... I suppose it would be a strange thing to ask."
"But..." Moka continued. "I don't know who covered for you in the first week..."
"...? May you elaborate?"
As Moka explained, after the incident with the Academic Public Safety Commission, the members were all punished with severe penalties ranging from suspension to expulsion, and Tsukune's humanity was successfully kept a secret. It was believed that the Hunter had a hand in disbanding the Safety Commission after they made a scene trying to accuse him of being human, which was why he was absent for two weeks. Of course, only Moka and Yukari knew the truth of the events that transpired.
But the following week after his 'death', both Moka and Yukari did not attend their classes. As after that day, they begun suffering from night terrors of the incident which lead to his 'death'. A concern which he would have dismissed because of his resuscitation, yet he understood that the idea of resurrecting after death was a common sense only to him, it was strange to see Moka not being more cautious of his reappearance at the current moment.
It was only after a week had passed were the two able to become somewhat stable to attend classes and their club again. With closer examination, the Hunter could see the sleeplessness within Moka's eyes, eyebags prominent yet it did not detract much from her natural beauty. Now it made sense why Moka seemed lighter, she was also neglecting her personal health because of the experience.
"It is worrisome to neglect your health, Miss Akashiya." The Hunter lightly reprimanded out of concern.
"I know..." Moka acknowledged. "But that's not all..."
The Hunter kept his silence, allowing Moka to let her words out.
"My other self hasn't talked in a while..." Moka stated, clutching at her Rosary in concern.
The Hunter momentarily paused at the statement, still uncertain on his conclusion in regards to Moka and her personalities. Other than that, it made some sense for Moka to become reclusive after that day. It would have been Moka who transferred her special blood to his lifeless body in the effort to bring him back to life. When it failed due to his unique blood composition forcefully assimilating the 'Shinso' blood into itself, perhaps it was possible Moka blamed herself for the unsuccessful attempt.
"It is alright, Miss Akashiya." The Hunter tried to reassure the true Moka within the Rosary, his hand hovering over his neck to emphasise. "I am alive."
"... Just don't do that again..." Moka said within the Rosary.
"Of course." The Hunter presumed Moka referred to him forcing his blood onto her to reverse the side effects of the Holy Moonlight Sword, even if it costed him his life.
Although upon observation, it seems like his blood did not have much of a negative impact upon Moka, was her 'Shinso' blood counteracting his own blood?
"I do believe it is time t-."
The Hunter stumbled mid-sentence, as if someone intentionally ran into him. The Hunter heard the sounds of sniffling beneath him, the familiar dark-haired Yukari, her signature hat flew off her head when she ran to him, yet she did not pay it any heed. The Hunter heard muffled sobbing against his coat, along with what he believed to be questions regarding him.
It was strange experience for the Hunter, for such concerns to be directed towards him, much less from those not considered humans. It was certainly much unlike Yharnam, where showing concerns for another typically would lead to one's own demise, with the only one who ever gave him this much concern being the Doll. Regardless, the Hunter did not know what he should do to calm down the crying Yukari.
"I am here, Miss Sendo." The Hunter ruffled Yukari's hair, placing her hat back afterwards. "I apologise for causing you great distress."
He would remain in place, allowing the young witch to release all her pent up sorrows.
"Are you calm now?"
"Mhm." Yukari replied, still sniffling slightly.
"That is good." The Hunter spoke softly while ruffling the young witch's hair again, before turning to Moka. "I hope the same goes for you as well, Miss Akashiya."
"Yes." Moka replied. "I'm just glad you're still okay."
The Hunter nodded, observing the vampiress. He still conflicted of how he should perceive Moka after the revelation, much like how she has questions for him, so to did he for her.
"I-is there something on my face, Mr. Syn?" Moka asked the Hunter with worry, after noticing the prolonged staring.
"... No, there is nothing." The Hunter shook his head at both Moka, and the thought.
"Speaking of faces. You should finally stop wearing your mask!" Yukari exclaimed, now back to her old enthusiastic self. "Have more confidence in yourself! You should know how handso- mrmhh!"
"Yukari!" Moka covered Yukari's mouth, dragging the young witch to the campus. "Syn-sensei might not want to show his face to anyone!"
"... I will think it over." The Hunter muttered out of earshot, the two must have saw his face when Moka tried to resuscitate him if Yukari made mention of his face.
... Did they witness the state of his body also...?
He expected for Moka to have many inquiries for him, questions of which he cannot answer. As far as he knew, only the Headmaster and Moka knew he was 'human', yet the latter witnessed his resurrection which would in turn question his claim to his humanity. But still she chose to not pry, something which he appreciated.
Watching Moka and Yukari walk ahead of him, the Hunter made a decision.
Just like how the Doll was not Lady Maria, Moka was not her mother despite her circumstances, she had lived her own life for the past six years, and thus was her own person. She was the first person he ever knew in this waking world, and she has been nothing more than helpful in much regards.
And so the Hunter decided it best to bring this secret, among many others he held, to his grave.