(This takes place after Ch. 31: Pacifista)

*Breaking News*

Welcome to Marineford Daily, your best and only source of accurate and unbiased truth.

Our society suffered an unspeakable loss yesterday. Amidst the chaos and unrest caused by a pirate uprising on Sabaody, one of the divine celestial dragons was treacherously assassinated while on his way home.

The family of the late saint had the following to say:

"Our son was a gentle and kind soul, generous to his peers and always happy to honor his lessers with his presence.

Growing up, he had been a happy boy with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Even from a young age, he showed a proclivity for biology. Some of his favorite hobbies entailed gathering different bugs in an enclosed space in order to observe their interactions.

In particular he was a great believer in the theory of evolution. So much that he attempted to prove it by showcasing the principles of the survival of the fittest and the propagation of genes to the next generation in his experiments.

Even on the day of his untimely death, he had been doing his best to inspect lives of the ungrateful bugs, who didn't lift finger in his defense.

The world is a lesser place for his passing and science and progress has lost a bright star.

That he was taken from us by such despicable means fills us with sorrow and the determination to see justice done.

We shall spare no expense to see this revolt against the natural order crushed."

In the aftermath, three thousand former citizens from Sabaody were arrested and escorted to Mariejois to face divine judgement. Their crime was the audacity to dare not to throw themselves into harm's way to protect the sanctity of the late saint's wellbeing.

The marine investigation found that the pirates responsible for the heinous act were "Red Flag" X-Drake, "Mad Monk" Urouge and Bellamy "the Hyena".

Thanks to our brave marines, two hundred of their underlings were arrested and summarily executed.

Unfortunately the cowardly criminals fled and for now remain at large.

They are armed and dangerous and citizens are encouraged to not engage them and instead report hem to the nearest marine base.

This was Marineford Daily reporting.