Bella only realized it too late that everything was a lie. She wished to the falling stars for a second chance. And then she found herself back in her room, months before it happened, the day after he left her. Time Travel AU.
Fontina Ori-chan: I don't own Twilight! and I love the wolves. Also, this is a rewrite, the previous chapter was... hm, let's just say that the grammar was a mess, and the story was messy, which means I need to do it all over again. I'm not sorry if there are OOC out of the characters, it's my fiction, my story to mold, so shut up if you say anything about that. Not that you have any, right? Hehe. :)
Another warning... When I do a rewrite, it usually is 35% different from the original.
Chapter 1: Prologue
Bella looked back on her past decisions, and she was regretting it all. Her situation was stressing her, something that was not good for her pregnancy, her few weeks old pregnancy, but she believes she was about to go labour sooner rather than later, the baby was growing faster than normal babies.
The stress was a given, too. She couldn't help but stress over the fact that this was not what she wanted.
Bella remember wanting to stay with the wolves. To stay with Charlie. To stay with... everyone. But somehow it all crumbled on her like a building that collapsed because of an earthquake. Suddenly, her choices didn't matter anymore.
Charlie was dead. They killed him. Emmett and Rose and Jasper was dead. They killed them. It may looked like it was an accident, but she know it wasn't. she's not stupid. Bella know that it was her shield that started to become a protection from the leeches, the real leeches. Bella can't — refused to — see them as vampires, she know that they are leeches, sucking up everything just for their benefit, ridding everything that was in their way. Including her dad and Rose, Emmett, and Jasper.
They forced a marriage on her. Dragged her on a honeymoon she didn't even want — not that she wanted the marriage — and forced themselves on her. Even when that part was more on Edward, but they planned it together — she was sure they did — and Edward forced himself on her. Claiming love when it was just his obsession with Bella's blood and control. Then while they were on their 'honeymoon', she got pregnant. And Bella know then and there that they already know this was going to happen. No way Alice didn't see this coming. She refused to believe that, and she know she's not wrong on that. The pixie know. Bella heard her and Eddie talked about it, ha! They think the venom James injected in her didn't go further, but Bella know better, it was effecting her, and Edward's piss poor job at getting it out and pushing in a small amount of his own was just for a marking. They think it was just that, but she was the one feeling its effect, she knew it did something. And that something enhanced her senses, which was something they tried to shut down, something that was impossible to do as her shield were working its wonder in protecting her from them.
Bella only got the word of Charlie's death from Jacob, who tried to 'get her back'. If only Jake could see it, if only the pack could see that she was trying to break free of her shackles, if only they could see it! If only they know the truth.. If only!
Rose saw through her. She could do it. But she died. By Carlisle's hand. Emmett attacked Carlisle, Esme fought him, he was killed by Alice. Jasper was not fast enough to get to him, he tried to get Bella away, but Edward got to him and killed him. They were weak, all because of the blood they consumed for decades. She knew that there was a side effect from what blood you drink. The animal blood was keeping him weak, easy to deal and dispose.
They all died. All because she was a weak little human, who was caged in this supernatural thing. Something that she didn't know what to call. Her dad died, Esme faked his death, Bella knew that Esme was the one who killed Charlie. It had something to do with pushing his car off track when Charlie was about to go to La Push and Charlie died because he hit his head on the steering wheel too hard. No way that happened, something else entirely happened. She knows that Esme drank his blood and pulled the venom out before harlie could change. Just like how Edward did with her on that ballet studio.
Jake was fooled. Along with the other wolves. Other than Embry, she got no news about him. Gosh, Embry. She didn't get any news about him in weeks. Bella was worried for him the most now, somehow, first even before worrying about herself. What if they did something to him? What if- what if Embry's dead? Oh. Oh, she can't even stand the thought of him being dead. She hoped he was alright out there. She hoped that Edward didn't do anything to Embry. Because Embry had been away since her wedding with Edward. His face when she told the pack about the news was heartbreaking, she could feel his heart breaks into pieces. And she wanted to say something, shout out that she was in need of help, she needed him and the pack, she needed someone to listen! But no one did. They didn't realize how she was always cut off whenever she tried to say something, to say that she needed their help.
The leeches watched her like a hawk. Their intention was clear for her to see, they wanted her baby, wanted it to get out and then Edward was going to kill her by turning her into one of them and use her as a weapon. All because of her powerful shield. And her baby, gosh, her baby was going to be an immortal child, and they were going to use her baby as a weapon, too. This is something she didn't wish for her baby, her unborn baby.
And they were getting impatient. She was pretty sure they're going to force her to labour in a few days. That thought make her want to let out a scream. But she couldn't. Because even if she did, it'd be useless anyway..
Sighing.. Bella stood up from her bed in Edward's room — read: Bella's Prison — and walked towards the window. It was facing the forest. And she couldn't see anything down there, but up in the sky, she could see the sky was clear for once. That was rare, it was Forks, clouds tends to cover the sky, so tonight was pretty special. Nothing good, though. She mused miserably.
The Cullens was away except for Carlisle, and the wolves had been taking shifts, just an incase. Well, it was more to Jake's pack, rather than Sam's. And Bella felt guilty, she had make the pack divides between themselves and forced Jacob to take the mantel of Alpha, even though Bella knew he didn't want it.
It was midnight, she couldn't sleep, that was why she had been awake at this hour.
Bella put a hand on her swollen belly, where her baby was. Thinking about it again... Bella never would have guessed that she would be wanting a baby this badly. There was a time before now, where she thought of having a child as an inconvenience. She didn't want to have babies, that fault goes to her mother. Renée. The woman was basically an adult-child. Bella was the one who raised her, it felt like that, and was more of a friend rather than a mother. Charlie was the only parental figure she had since she was a child, though she didn't like living in the rainy town with him... Forks was more a home than Phoenix ever was. Than anywhere, really..
She reminisced many things in that short hour, before she spotted a star in the sky. The star was close to the moon, and suddenly, she saw a glimpse of a meteor passing by. Then more started to appear. It took her breath away. The view was simply a beautiful phenomenon. A meteor rain, something she rarely seen, even in Phoenix where clouds were a rare matter to see in its sky. Besides, meteor rain isn't something you see everyday.
A memory suddenly come forth to the front of her mind, it was of her mother and her, sitting on a roof in Phoenix, Renée had gotten news that that night, a meteor was about to pass their part of sky, and had dragged Bella to an open space, Renée take the roof as a good place to watch it, and Bella admits at that time, it was, and it still is.
But it wasn't that that was taking her mind, the memory was about what Renée said that night.
"Did you know, Sweetie? If you wish on a falling star, you can make a wish and it will come true!"
Bella never believed her, though. But at the thought of it, she began to feel a useless hope. It and been long since she ever feel something like hope. And she clung on to it. Holding her swollen belly, where her baby kicked at her hand, she started her prayers.
"I wish to whoever is listening, to the Spirits, the stars, Nature... I hope you hear my prayer.. My wish... I wish to end this misery of mine and my baby. I hope I can fix my mistakes, in anyway you will it. If possible, I wish to travel back in time, to where it all started to go wrong. Where I started to feel like I was dying slowly, day by day."
She closed her eyes, her baby was kicking where her hand rested on top of her belly. But nothing happened. And she can feel her useless hope flew away along with the stars.
What she failed to notice was how everything around her seemed to hummed at that moment. How the world seemed to light up, how the earth seemed to glow. How at that very moment, the world was in an uproar by this very phenomenal.
Of course, she did not know, the leeches did not let her get in touch with anyone but them, not even with the pack that was patrolling the area. And the next few days, instead of peace, all she got was torture.
They took her to the basement, where Carlisle started to experiment on her. Opening her up, slits her skins, let her blood flow out and drunk it along with the other leeches. She was getting weaker as minutes passed by. And she was barely alive at day five.
But when day six came, something happened. The leeches didn't know what happened to her, but she was suddenly feeling pain in her heart and body. She was screaming her lungs out as the feeling of dread and agony filled her whole being. And that was weird and making others panic, Bella Swan does not scream, not even when Carlisle was torturing her, she refused to give in to them, but this feeling of full agony filled her, she couldn't find it in herself to hold back her pain.
She was about to die, Bella knows that. And at that moment, she welcomed death. She let herself slip away, even when the leeches tried to 'save' her by injecting venom in her heart. It won't work, and she was feeling triumph at that.
But more dread filled her when she realised that her child was going to live anyway. She can't let that happen. But she doesn't have the heart to kill—
More pain filled her when something sharp goes through her, her belly, and she could feel her baby's life force leaving along with her own. Her child was dying and Bella was dying. They were dying. Fast.
She heard commotions coming from every direction, before everything snapped like someone had pressed the off button on a remote to a TV in her mind. And everything was blank.
She cried out from her sleep. The pain was starting to dull away, but she could feel it being there. It wasn't going to disappear anytime soon..
She panted heavily, eyes flitting to every corner in the room she was in. And she finally noticed that she wasn't in the leeches house's basement. It was her bedroom in the Swan residence. And she was sitting on her twin-sized bed, with it's sheets being the old pruple that she had since she was six years old. And everything was the same.
What's happening? Is this a new way to torture her?
Bella couldn't believe that she was here. No way. It must be some sick way- wait.
She reflexively went to grab her belly, where her baby should be. But she couldn't feel anything. Her stomach is flat. Baby! She lifted her clothes, but she find nothing like a big gush or some short. This stunned her. And she was starting to hyperventilate. But her head could still think normally. She started to check herself. No bite. No red slits mark. No, nothing.
The next second, she heard someone screaming. The scream was full of agony and terror. And it was filling the air around her. She quickly put her hands on her ear in an effort to block the scream. But it was a futile effort. The scream wasn't muffled, it was getting louder.
She heard a loud bang far away from where she was. And the scream got louder. She sees nothing, everything was blurred. Then her vision darkened, and she feels arms around her. Someone pulled her closer to them and she finally realized that the scream was coming from her. And she was crying.
Then she heard someone whispering to her, "Shh, it's fine, Bells. Everything will be alright. I'm here." She started to calm down, little by little.
Someone started to wipe her tears with their finger, and that was when her vision became clearer and she sees a familiar flannel that belongs to her father and the smell of her dad's cologne as she breathed air.
Her eyes widened and she looked up to see the person who had calmed her down. And she can feel her heart aches when her brown eyes was meet with another brown orbs of the person she had hold dear to her and thought she won't ever see again. Yet, here he was, standing in front of her, comforting her. And after seconds, she finally let out the word that had been stuck in her throat; "Daddy?"
Charlie's heart aches when he heard his daughter's voice that was filled with sorrow and fear. Is she afraid of him? No, was it abandonment? Was it because of those Cullens? They did left without saying a word.
He decided to ask and think about that later. Right now his daughter is in need of her dad.
He kissed her forehead, "I'm here, my Baby. I'm here."
Her breathes started to pick up again, and she started crying again. This time, she throw her arms around him, hugging him tightly and he know she won't be letting go of him anytime soon. Charlie warped his own arms around his daughter and cradled her. With a show of strength, he stood up with her in his arms and sit down on her bed. She still had her arms tightly around his torso, might as well get comfortable.
Bella wasn't planning on letting go of him, just as Charlie suspected. She didn't care if he had work. Bella was afraid he would be gone if she let go of him, and she wasn't ready to let him go. Not when she wasn't even sure if he was real. She will clung on to him tightly. She won't care if she looked like a clingy koala at that moment.
Fontina Ori-chan: A rewrite, how is it? I decided to do it. Sorry about chapter 12. I think I'm going to do a rewrite before updating that chapter. Since I need to get this straight first. The plot was too messy. I realised that only after reading it myself.