Fontina Ori-chan: It had come to this! passing ten chapters? So uncalled for me! Anyway. I think it's time for some people to show their importance. But, well, let's check it out! Idk what I'm doing, there would be time in the later future,aybe after i finished this one, that i rewrote this story. I mean, i wrote this when I'm 16 that's going to get 17 this year. Wish me luck on my exams!
Oh, this is also a time for that and a little something different about Quil :)
Chapter 11: Phase(2)
Jacob hadn't been feeling the best in a few days after his fight with Embry. He was burning up and his friends and family were worry for him.
Dad was trying to be though, but Jake know that he was worried and terrified, even though he couldn't understand why, he won't die, he will fight it, his dad still need him.
But the fever had gotten worse as days passes by. His temper was of no help at all. And he often came to regrets the choices of words he chooses. Especially when he talked with his dad, Bella, and Quil. Those three hadn't been anything but patiently waiting for him to get better.
Jacob frowned as he take a seat at the sofa in the living room. His dad was there, and so was Charlie and Bella, who were giving her dad a beer and his dad a beer, too. Then she gave him a glass of tea.
"That's chamomile tea, good for relieving the body. I heard that it relieved muscles pain, cold, soreness, and many other things. Though other often used it to get some good sleep, seeing as it also helps with the lacks of sleep." She rambled like she always do when she worries. Charlie was the one to calm her down and Bella sat down on a chair, letting Jacob have the couch all to himself.
He took a sip of the tea, the effect taking an immediate effect, it helped a little with the muscles pain, just like what Bella said. He drank it until there was no more left, then just lay there on the sofa while watching TV, which was turning on the sports channel.
He was really waiting for the fever to die down. But was it possible? His body feel so hot and he was suddenly having a growth spurt, nothing seems to fit on him anymore. And while Bella often laughed it off as 'typical boys growth spurts', he couldn't shake the feeling that it was something else.
Bella worriedly bit her bottom lips. Embry watched as she pace back and forth in his kitchen.
He know that she was worrying about Jake's phasing problem and were thinking how to make it faster without hurting Jake's feeling. And while Embry was Jake's best friend, he couldn't help but feel jealous that Jake was getting all of Bella's attention. It irritated him how Bella kept asking Embry himself how to make it less hurt so Jake can be comfortable in the last few days.
Embry let out an exasperating sigh, he walked up to his imprint and embrace her from behind, "Honey, don't worry too much, he'll be fine and you know it too." he said to her with his head on her right shoulder.
Bella relaxed and let herself melt in his arms like she always do whenever he hugged her. She chuckled, "are you jealous?" because she could feel his emotions and feel the jealousy coming off of him. Also, his tone was enough to let her know.
His grip on her waist tightened a little, "You shouldn't worry about, Jake." was what he said. And that make Bella laughed. His male pride won't let him admit it.
With a smile on her face, Bella said, "Alright, mister. First, let go of me, i need to make dinner." Embry didn't let go, he tilted her head to look at him instead and kissed her. It makes fireworks exploded in between them.
Embry pulled back before he did something he'll regret, "Jake's going to be fine, don't worry about him too much." Bella smiled softly at him.
"OK, Embry," she swat at his arms, "now let go or no dinner."
Embry let go of her reluctantly, because he also wanted dinner.
Bella laughed at the kicked puppy look he gave her, and then fly around the kitchen to make dinner.
Spirits, he love that woman. And her foods.
"Hey, bro. You okay?" Quil came in and asked. Just that. Really. But Jake wasn't in any mood for it.
"Well, I'm burning up, Quil. What do you think?" He snapped at his best friend. And he quickly regretted it, "sorry, Quil, it's just-"
"Nah, it's fine, bro." Quil stand awkwardly at the doorway. He didn't know what to do, afraid if he enter that Jake would get mad at knows that Jake didn't mean it, he had been on edge all this time. But he instinctively know that if he were to push Jake off the edge even more, something that he didn't want would happen. Besides, he was here without the chief knowing. If uncle Billy know that he was here, he wouldn't get scolded just by his mother, but his grandfather and the other adults as well. More specifically the council..
"I really don't get it why I'm so on edge these days." Jake sighed, "It's just- no one's here, the house were so quiet. Bells was probably going out with Embry and hooking up with him. I mean, yeah, i get it that i were giving her up now, but couldn't they make it less obvious and not rubbing it off my face every time? And Dad had been treating me like i was a ticking bomb! And even you need to sneak in when he wasn't here. Like-"
Quil. Is. Standing. Awkwardly.
Jake kept on rambling for ages. And then suddenly, a car was roaring outside. It alerted the both of them and Jake signaled Quil to quickly jump out of the window, which he did and he stayed there. He didn't know why he was there, though. He should be running back to his house right now, but he didn't and waited there. What are you thinking Quil?! He asked himself.
Then, he heard voices approaching Jake's bedroom. He should really go, but he didn't, he stayed and eavesdrop the conversation inside. It was Bella and Billy. But then he realized Sam Uley was with them.
Shite. He need to go, Sam was a variable. He noticed these things, too, as he watched Sam's gang once in awhile from afar. It was what his dad teached him before he passed away. "Watch the things around you, observed, remember that the walls listen, and you are also one of those called the 'walls'." This happen when he was nine yeas old.
Little Quil titled his head, a little confused, "But dad, I'm not a wall?"
His dad just laughed, "It's a metaphor, Son."
"But why do you want me to be a 'wall'?"
"It's a way for you to survive. Once you look around, open your eyes, a new world will be open to you. And once it did, you can use what you see, hear, and touch around you to use. For defense, and for fighting."
He did as his dad said since then. And it was true, something with him looking around, watching people, opened his eyes to a new world. A world where nothing was fair, or true.
From this, he learned that people lowered their guard to certain people. He started to act like a flirt, an idiot, and a troublemaker. Thus came with people thinking that he was nothing but that, that he wouldn't notice complicated things. That he wouldn't know entirely about the fact that Jake was going through something that would change him for the rest of his life.
That he was going to be next after him.
With that train of thoughts, he left the Black house without looking back towards the forest.
"Dad?" Jake feint in surprise at seeing his dad and Bella. His agitation rate increases at the sight of Sam Uley. And his inside somehow burned, too, it made him wince at the pain. "What the hell is he doing here?!" He gritted his teeth.
"Sam is willing to help you." His dad said it as if it was a good thing, but how could it be? Jake couldn't understand how Sam Uley of all people could help him. "He's specialized in this field more than me."
"What? What does that meant?!" Jake heated pained gaze was aimed at Sam, who sighed.
"Let's take this outside." Sam gruffed. "It's time."
Bella nodded at Sam, Jake couldn't understand, still couldn't understand. Sam walked towards Jake to drag him out of the house, but before he could do just that, Bella stopped him, "Sam, there was someone here."
Sam closed his eyes and inhaled deep, then his eyes suddenly snapped open, gaze towards the window. It startled Jake at how inhumane the action was.
"You're right. How did you detect it, Swan?"
Bella didn't answer him, but her eyes narrowed at the forest, ". . . . Something about the air told me. Nevermind that, get Jacob out."
Sam just nodded and proceeded to drag Jacob out of his bed and the house, followed right behind by Bella and Billy. Jacob tried many things to get Sam to stop or drop him, but the guy just wouldn't budge.
He throw many curses and then he was suddenly thrown to the ground. His body was shaking like crazy and every inch of his body was in pain. It was as if he was thrown into a boiled pot of water.
Hot. Pain. What's this? Death?
However, Jacob still managed to glare at Sam, who threw him. And a growl bursts out of his throat, he didn't care about that, though. Sam. This guy was seriously going to be the death of him.
"S.. st.. op... it.." Sam was also glaring at Jacob.
"Let the pain in, Jacob." Bella's voice ring in his ears, and he snapped his head towards her, who were standind behidn Billy's wheelchair.
"w.. wha.. t?" He groaned again at the wave of pain and burn then.
"It'll be fine, you'll be fine. Let the pain in, and everything will be over." It was a temptation, but would it really? Bella couldn't lie. He knows when she did, and right now, she wasn't lying.
Sam and his Dad was not saying anything, but Jacob doesn't want any of them to. He... doesn't know why, but Bella's voice was...
Jacob's roar of pain was making the humans flinch, but Sam was putting his guard up and crouched in a stance. "Bella!" Sam roared, the girl mentioned tensed, "Get ready!"
It was the next second that everything exploded with a rip, in Jacob's place was not the boy any of them used to know but a wolf of ten feets tall with russet-colored fur and its eyes were showing instance rage before it turned into that of confusion. And in Sam's place was a much bigger wolf than his with black-colored fur that gave off clear aura of an Alpha that he was.
Welcome to the pack, Jacob Black.
Sam grunted in his head, but Jacob's reaction was to be expected, he panicked.
What?! What the heck?! Sam?! What is this?!
Before Sam could answer, a howl from afar was heard and Sam ears picked up at the direction of the howl.
A new voice that Sam nor Jacob expected was heard.
Quil Ateara?
Uhh, hi! What just happened?
Then another new voice came.
Sam! Red's back! And she came with a friend, Shit!
Sam cursed in his head and growled out of his head.
Bella recognizes that look. "Someone else also phased?" She thought out loud, Sam look at her and nodded, stiffly.
Where are they, Paul?
At the border! They're sneaking around. J, Em, and me are going there!
Good, proceeds as planned!
'''YES BOSS!'''
"And Victoria's here." She soured, then paid her attention to Jacob and a new wolf that just jumped out of the forest, which she knew was Quil. "How did this happen- Gosh." She wanted to sit in her office and just sit there, better than here right now.
"Sam, go. Leave this two to me. Or do you want them to go with you?"
They should come, Sam!
Jared interfered in Sam's head. Sam send him his glare.
You two stay here with Bella and Billy. Once you're ready, we'll teach you how to fight the wolf way.
Hell yeah! Wolf way!
Paul! Focus!
Embry growled at Paul, somehow taking the role of a second in command even though Jared was the second in command.
Sam nodded at Bella before taking off at full speed.
Bella sighed and stepped forward. "Be careful, Bella." Billy said worriedly, Bella nodded at him with a reassuring smile.
"I will." And stepped out of the house. Two wolves had their eyes on her, observing all of her movement. This make her sigh, gosh, it feels like she had been sighing all the time these days, "Come here you two."
And the wolves approaches her.
Fontina Ori-chan: Rushed works are different, huh. Well, this is it. And yes, i rushed Quil, too. It was to be expected. His change was sudden huh? Well, maybe I'll show you how and why he suddenly phased in the next chapter or the chapter after the next one because we still need to write down Victoria and Laurent encounters with the wolves. Also, it's not Betareader-ed. Not that i ever did..