Tiny bit shorter today – and late. I had to take my mother to have a biopsy on some lumps down her throat this morning. They had to do the whole camera down the throat thing, but the doctor doing it was 20 mins late and they gave her the throat spray straight away to numb her throat.
She said the first two were painless but then the spray wore off and she felt everything about the others but stayed quiet through the pain because she didn't want to cause a fuss.
I hate when she does that. Cause a fuss. Let me know something is wrong ffs.
Anyway, waiting on results that won't come for a while yet, but I just got home late, had a lesson, then started writing after.
Cover Art: Solace O'Autumn
Chapter 55
Lord Hastings was excited enough about the in-person meeting to count Jaune's errand as successful. The feline purred as he rubbed up against Jaune's feet.
"You have done well. I shall honour our agreement and interfere with the poor mother." That was good. Jaune stroked the cat's back. "Tell me, is my sweet and lovely feline as gentle as she appears? Is she as sweet as a midsummer's fish?"
"Uh. That depends. What are your views on tabby cats?"
"Oh, I have no strong views."
"Although, obviously, the world would be a better place without them all."
"Of course." Cat racism. Naturally. Jaune wasn't sure why he was surprises given how territorial and vicious cats could be. "I think you'll get along fine, Hastings. Just make sure to be forward with her."
"Of course. And when is your kitten's hunting test? So I know when to cause a fuss."
It was tomorrow. Time flew when you were having fun, or so they said, but no one ever mentioned how quickly it flew when you were working toward a deadline either. Chae-young was panicked so bad he'd called up Weiss and asked her to give some last-minute pointers to try and calm her down.
A messenger from Joo-won had stopped Jaune on the way out the compound last night and handed him an invitation to the show. He was to sit with Joo-won and Ha-rin, to make sure he didn't try anything untoward or perhaps just to be polite. It was easy to suspect one or the other.
"Tomorrow evening, when the sun goes low. You know what the sun is, right? Also, Chae isn't my kitten."
"I am aware of the sun, yes. As for being your kitten, she is not your stock but you are the one who teaches her, you are the one who raises her. Therefore, she is your kitten. It will be you she remembers. Trust me, I know." Hastings sat back on his hindquarters. "I, too, was abandoned by my mother – sold in a cage, no doubt to pay off some grand debt."
Jaune's eyes crossed.
Was he talking about a pet store? It was kind of dark to think about it from an animal's point of view. Enough that Jaune decided not to explain it to Hastings or any other animal. Best they not worry about how their bellowed human owners (or slaves in Hastings' case) had forcefully taken them away from their mothers and claimed ownership of them.
Jaune spent a few more minutes making sure Hastings remembered the time and his promise before standing up and heading back to Chae. Birds were flighty and often forgot what he asked them, but Hastings seemed to recognise the concept of time. Different animals had different brains, he supposed. Dolphins had been especially intelligent, while small fish were practically just bundles of instincts and disconnected thoughts. The koi in the pond were chatty, but then they were quite large as well.
It might have also had something to do with safety. Humans were as intelligent as they were because they had longer development as children, allowing for more brain growth. That only worked because humanity made the world safe enough for children to stay weak and frail for ten or more years. Most animals didn't have that time. The same might count for whether an animal grew up struggling to survive or in luxury. A dog or cat could spend more time thinking and developing if its every need was taken care of.
Focus on Chae. Animal psychology can come later.
Security let him back into where Chae was fidgeting. It sounded as if Weiss was just finishing the call when he arrived. Jaune waited for it to end and then stepped up. Chae-young was still struggling to control her shaking, and she flinched when he came close – not having noticed him until the last second.
"You'll do well," he told her. "You have the song down."
"What… What if I mess it up? What if I miss a note?"
"Then keep playing. Recover. What makes a good guitarist is being able to keep playing despite a stumble rather than giving up and ruining the whole performance."
Though a cheating Semblance also helped.
"W—Weiss said that as well," she stammered, drawing a deep breath to try and calm herself. "And I need to look confident even if I'm not."
"I'd say imagine everyone naked but that never helped me."
"Ew. My dad will be in the crowd. And you!"
"Gee. Thanks." Jaune rolled his eyes. "Try and imagine no one is in the crowd. You're just playing on a stage as practice. But, if it helps, try focusing on me. I'm going to tap my fingers on the table to the beat." Using his gloves, of course. "You can use that to track the tempo. It might help you stay focused."
"Hm. Okay. And… And whatever happens… thank you…"
"For everything," she mumbled. "For trying. I… this… It means a lot to me. Even if it doesn't work and I fail, I'm happy you tried."
"You're not going to fail. You're going to do just fine."
"I hope so…"
Jaune gripped her shoulder. "I know so. Has your mother been letting you practice in the afternoons now?"
"Yes." Chae smiled awkwardly. "But she isn't happy about it. I've heard her and my dad arguing, and her complaining to her servants about how he's spoiling me."
"Giving you this test hardly counts as spoiling you…"
"Not like that. I think she means spoiling as in spoilt food." Chae frowned and huffed. "Like I'm less valuable as a person because of it. Or just plain rotten."
It was tempting to just up and call her mother a bitch, but Jaune resisted. It was still Chae's mother and they probably did love one another in some way. "Has she always been like this?" he asked. "Or did it start around the guitar?"
"She's always been strict, but I usually did a good job meeting her expectations. Most of them, anyway. Things definitely got worse when I started listening to Guitar Cutie, though. Mom put up with it for a bit, but when I said I wanted to be like her…" Chae shook her head. "That's when it went bad. They both said no at first, but I pushed and that's when the performance challenge was made."
"It sounds like your mother has her own issues, then," Jaune said. "At least it's not you that's the problem. Better she dislike your new hobby than dislike you."
"Yeah. I just wish I knew what it was…"
"You could try talking to her."
Chae grimaced. "Maybe I will after all this. I don't want to get distracted tonight. I need to get my practice in. Will you come early tomorrow? Before my performance?"
"Your father wants me in the audience but I'll convince him to let me give you some last-minute advice."
He'd make it work somehow.
What good was all this Charisma if he couldn't convince a single person to see things his way? They'd find out tomorrow. Jaune rubbed her head one last time before allowing Bon-hwa to see him out.
If all went to plan, Chae-young should do just fine.
Chae-young practiced her chords for what felt like the hundredth time that night. The music was grating on her now, but she refused to stop and make all her – and his – hard work meaningless. Her teacher had pulled out everything he could think of to help her, going so far and beyond what those other money-hungry losers had.
He'd even gotten Weiss Schnee to give her advice.
Weiss Schnee!
Sure, she wasn't as cool or as pretty as Guitar Cutie but getting to talk to the second most talented artist in the world was incredible. Getting advice from her was even more so. If both Jaune and Weiss had told her she could do this, then she was sure she could. There was no way she was letting either of them down.
The door to her left slid open. "Daughter, are you still playing?"
Ha-rin stepped inside with a tray and slid the door shut behind her. Almost instantly, Chae-young flinched and said, "Father said I could practice for as long and as late as I want to. Without lessons."
"Do I come with teachers or lessons?" her mother teased. "I've brought us something to drink, you silly girl. Put your instrument down for a moment and have tea with me."
Ha-rin knelt and set the tray down, and sure enough there were two small cups beside a softly steaming tea kettle. Floral tea, no doubt. Chae-young didn't hate it, but she also didn't like it as much as soda. Sadly, soda was "uncouth" and should be avoided in polite company. Tempted as she was to refuse to drink, her throat was parched and her lips cracked. Perhaps she had been practicing a little too long.
Chae-young carefully set her guitar down at her side and knelt as she'd been taught to, tucking her feet – and the boots her mother hated – under herself. Ha-rin nodded and poured them each some tea. It was clear yellow green in colour, with tiny flecks of leaves floating in it. Chae-young sipped. As always, it was just a little bitter.
"You've been hard at work," Ha-rin said. "I wish you would put this much effort into your other lessons."
"My teachers never complain."
"No. But they do not sing your praises either, not as your music instructor does." Jaune had done that? Chae-young blushed. "Oh my, such a reaction. Has he caught your eye?"
"It's not like that!"
Jaune was handsome, she'd be the first to admit, but he was older than her – not old enough to make it impossible, but old enough to make it unlikely. Chae-young also knew he was only teaching her because her family had forced him to. It just didn't seem like a good idea to fall for him. Plus, she had enough on her plate to keep her distracted.
"It's just embarrassing to know he talks about me."
"Hmm. Good. It wouldn't do for you to be crushing on him."
"Because he's poor?"
"That's hardly the issue if he knows Weiss Schnee on a personal basis," she teased. "But what I mean is that your future choice of husband might not…" Ha-rin hesitated. "It might not be your decision to make."
Chae-young looked up sadly. "Like it wasn't yours?"
Ha-rin tensed. "Who told you?"
"No one. It's just obvious. You and dad never really… you know… You're not affectionate."
Ha-rin did not bite her lip, but it was clear she wanted to. After a moment, she spoke. "It's true our marriage was arranged, and that I was not wholly on board with it. I had been raised with certain expectations and accepting a marriage I might not like was one of them. Your father is not cruel or unkind. And I do not hate my life. I was fortunate to not find love before marriage, so there was never any bitterness over being torn away from my true love to make things worse."
Ha-rin reached out to take her cup, then cupped her hands and turned them over. The woman's soft fingers played over Chae-young's rougher ones.
"Such calluses. Your fingers are all rough and hard. A woman's hands should be soft."
It was an argument she'd heard a hundred times before. "I'm not interested in being the kind of woman you want me to be. I'll marry if I have to, and I'll continue the family business and line, but there's no reason I can't do that while also having my own passions."
"Except if your future husband did not approve of them."
Chae-young frowned. "I'd make it a condition of marriage. And it's not like they wouldn't know what they were getting into if I was already a famous musician. No one is going to marry Weiss Schnee and tell her to stop singing."
"They might. Or they might tell her to stop singing sad and whimsical songs about love and feeling lonely, because those would reflect badly on her spouse. Things change when a woman gets married, daughter. Your priorities shift."
"Mine won't."
Ha-rin sighed. "I just don't want to see you hurt. Rock and roll doesn't have the best of reputation. Drugs, parties, groupies. Why, some of the more esteemed families in Mistral would find it positively scandalous. It would be different if you were singing lovely songs like Weiss Schnee – I'd support that – but cutting your fingers to ribbons on an electric guitar? Goodness no."
Chae-young did her best not to roll her eyes. It'd only get her in trouble. Her mother was trying to reach out, too. Failing, but she was still making the effort. That ought to count for something.
"I'll keep that in mind, mother."
"Do so." Ha-rin let go of her hands. "I won't bother you any longer, lest your instructor accuse me of interfering again." Oh heck, Jaune had done that? It was a miracle he hadn't been kicked off the compound. Ha-rin chuckled and rose gracefully. "Keep the tea. If you're going to be practicing all night, you should make sure you don't become dehydrated."
It was a valid point. Chae-young hadn't realised how thirsty she was. "Thank you, mother."
Chae-young waited to be sure she was gone before taking another drink and picking up her guitar. It didn't feel like much had changed between them, for all her mother had tried there was just too much. Was it because she hadn't been given any opportunities when she was Chae-young's age? Or did she just think she knew best? If her father had a marriage in store, he would have forced her to meet the person – and Chae-young knew it would happen, likely to another criminal family or a high-flying member of his own gang. It could even end up being Bon-hwa for all she knew, elevating the trusted righthand man to be a part of the family.
The fifteen-year age gap wouldn't mean anything, and Chae-young would be expected to play6 along with it as her mother had. That would be fine as long as she could keep to her music and have her own life outside the family.
Chae-young distracted herself with the easy music, losing herself in the strings.
At least until she started to miss notes.
"Ugh." Chae-young cupped her forehead, feeling the odd, dizzying headache forming. It came on suddenly, causing her head to feel like it was stuffed with wool. Her fingers felt wooden and unresponsive as well. "Maybe… Maybe I've been playing too long."
Chae-young was sick.
Jaune knew it the moment he saw her – not because of any alert from his Semblance, but because she was stumbling out a bathroom wiping vomit from her chin. Bon-hwa was just as alarmed as he, the two of them rushing over.
"Young lady!"
"I'm… I'm okay," she said, quite clearly not. There was a slur to her words. "I… I guess it's nerves. Sick with worry is a thing, right?"
"No one means that so literally!" Jaune said. "When did this happen? You were fine yesterday."
"I felt a little off last night but it hit this morning. I feel awful."
Of all the times. Jaune was in as best a suit as he could scrounge up, grey and black from a rental place, and the compound had a host of important people gathering in a hall for her to play in. Jaune hadn't seen it yet, being escorted from the gate to Chae-young directly by a worried Bon-hwa who had accosted him on arrival.
The girl wobbled her way out the bathroom and almost stumbled, prompting both Jaune and Bon-hwa to rush forward before she caught herself on the doorframe. "W—Whoah," she said, leaning against it. "Dizzy."
Jaune pressed his hand to her forehead. "You're burning up!"
Bon-hwa did the same with her neck, the two of them ignoring her weak efforts to bat their hands away. "He is correct, lady Chae-young. You're running a high temperature. This is more than anxiety. You need rest."
"No. I… I have to… I have to perform…"
"Can you talk to her father about this?" Jaune asked Bon-hwa. "There's no way she can perform like this."
"I will speak to him, but I cannot guarantee it will change anything." Bon-hwa stepped back. "Please keep an eye on her. Get her to drink if you can."
Jaune nodded and practically hauled the girl to a seat. Chae-young kept complaining but he forced her down and unscrewed a clear bottle of water, then forced her to drink from it. His Semblance hadn't come up with any abilities that could help here, not healing or medical at all. Hastings would be busy causing havoc with Ha-rin, but that wouldn't mean a thing if Chae-young bombed it on the stage.
"Chae, come on. Do you think you can still do this?"
"Y… Yes… of course I can. Been practicing all night…"
Bon-hwa returned. "Lord Joo-won says he will arrange for her to see a doctor after her performance but cannot cancel it now that everyone is arriving. I am sorry." Bon-hwa sounded genuinely contrite. "I tried to convince him to delay. I told him you would take her place to entertain the guests but he would not have it."
Jaune cursed. "How much time do we have?"
"One hour, give or take. Joo-won expects you sooner but would understand you being late given his daughter's condition." Bon-hwa hesitated, then said, "I could rush to a pharmacy but I'm not sure what I could get her, or whether it might not make matters worse."
"Guysh," Chae-young slurred. "I'm fiiine…"
"You are quite clearly not," Jaune said. "Have another drink. Have you eaten today?"
"Nooo. Woke up feeling bad."
"Get her a snack?" Jaune asked. Bon-hwa nodded and hurried out, leaving Jaune to kneel in front of the girl. "Chae, listen to me." Her eyes, a little spaced out, swivelled around him but couldn't focus. It was almost as if she were drunk. Jaune pulled out the big guns. "Chae, I had something special planned for you as a reward if you succeeded today."
"R… Reward…?"
"Yes, that's right. A super special prize for my student winning. But you'll only get it if you can focus and do a good job out there."
"I want to do good anyway," she mumbled. "Don't need a reward…"
"I know. But sometimes having something you really want dangled in front of you can make it even better." He was losing her. Her eyelids kept dipping shut. At this rate she was going to fall asleep. "And do you know what prize I got for you, Chae?"
"W… What prize…?"
Time to pull out the big guns.
"A day out with Guitar Cutie."
It was like a gunshot. Chae-young's eyes snapped open, pupils and irises shrinking and leaving bloodshot whites behind. Her head swivelled to look at him so quickly he heard her bones pop. "Whazzat!? What did you just say?"
"A day out with Guitar Cutie."
"How?" It was obvious she was still sick. Chae still had a paleness to her, and she was struggling, but she pushed through it stubbornly. "How….? But… you… you know her? You know Guitar Cutie?"
Jaune cringed. "Yes."
"And you… you can get her to hang out…? With me!?"
"Yes. But it'll have to be in private. People would swamp her otherwise."
Chae-young vibrated. It was enough to have her almost slump out the seat. Jaune had to catch her.
"But you have to kick ass today," he said. "You have to get up there, push past whatever has you feeling sick, and deliver the performance of a lifetime! Do that for me and I personally guarantee you a meeting with her."
If Chae were less sick, she'd have probably asked more on how he knew Guitar Cutie and why he never brought it up. Luckily, she was still out of it. All she could focus on was her nausea and the promise of her hero.
Though, if she did fail, he might dress up and meet with her to cheer her up anyway.
Chae would need it.
"Win," she slurred. "Got to win. Prove 'em wrong."
"That's it!"
"Meet Cutie!"
"Meet Cutie," she repeated, laser-focusing on that. "Get on stage, play song, meet cutie." Chae-young groaned and clutched her stomach. "Get on stage, play song, vomit, meet Cutie." Her stomach bubbled. "Go to toilet, get on stage, play song, vomit, meet Cutie."
Jaune caught the unspoken request and helped her to the toilet. Chae slid inside and closed the door behind her, and he soon heard her retching within. Bon-hwa returned within a few minutes to the same noises, but now Jaune had gone inside to pull her hair back. Bon-hwa set the snacks he'd brought down and picked up a towel to help clean her up.
"There's no shame in backing away from this, lady Chae-young," he said. "No one would fault you. I would help you petition your father for another chance."
"N—Noooo," she moaned. "Got to win. Got to kick butt. Got to play song…"
"Lady Ha-rin will not be pleased to see her on stage in this state," Bon-hwa whispered to Jaune. "In fact, she might demand lady Chae-young be removed before she can make a fool of herself in front of so many people."
That wasn't going to be a problem. Jaune held back his vicious smile. He'd nodded to Hastings earlier, and the cat had loped off in the direction of Ha-rin and her attendants. As if summoned by the very thought, he heard a crash of shattering glass and a horrified shriek from the other room.
"My dress!"
Bon-hwa's head shot up, but there was security aplenty outside.
Tha was one distraction dealt with. Now, it was Chae-young's time to shine.
Next Chapter: 26th January
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