Author's note: Hey, so this is my first Fanfic online, and I think it's really great, and I hope you do too! Disclaimer: None of these guys are my characters. Well, except Maniac. Love that guy. Tell me if you have any ideas in mind, cause I'm making a whole Rockyverse. #LAXtotheMAX

Chapter 1

"Haha!" Rocky laughed, driving away with stolen bottles of whisky and

beer, not that anyone needed them anyway. At least, that's how Rocky felt.

The people chasing after them in another car thought otherwise, though.

"Do you have to laugh?" said Rocky's cousin, Calvin, from the backseat.

"Of course I do! It comes with the job! And a job that isn't fun isn't a job at all, I'd argue!" Rocky yelled back to his cousin, who was gripping the back of his seat in fear as the car sped much too fast down the bumpy road.

"Besides, you laugh whenever you get your hands on a gun! I mean, isn't that fun to you?" Rocky added.

"I-oof! Would rather not talk about that." Calvin answered, hanging on for dear life. Gunshots erupted out of nowhere.

"Uh oh. Looks like the people do want their stuff back. The jerks." Rocky said, looking at one of his side mirrors.

"Alright, Freckle buddy o'l pal! Do your stuff!" He said happily, calling the orange tabby by his nickname,"Freckle", and throwing him a gun case. Calvin recoiled away from it. "Y'know I shouldn't have to do this, right?" He told Rocky, nervously. The bang of gunshots came closer, one bullet shattering the back window.

"I know, but it probably would be very helpful right now!" Rocky yelled over the noise of chaos.

Freckle sighed, gingerly opening the case and picking up the gun. As Rocky tried to look at his right side mirror to scope out their pursuers, another bullet whizzed by and took it out, making him yelp in surprise. Now looking out the left side mirror, Rocky could see that the other car was gaining on them. Meanwhile, in the backseat, a fire was blazing inside of Calvin and he was ready to embrace it. He grinned as he turned around. Rocky heard a shout of shock and Freckle's laughing as he drove. He wanted to join in, but didn't want to steal his cousin's moment.

Suddenly, a shot rang out that cut through the noise. At first Rocky thought it was Freckle's, but then there was a loud thump in the backseat. A feeling of dread started to fill Rocky. "…Freckle?" He called. A cough. "I'm okay." Replied a scratchy voice back.

Rocky let out a breath he didn't know he had held. "A bullet just suddenly…Rocky… I'm bleeding." Just as soon as Rocky had let out a sigh of relief, he sucked it back in and began to panic.

"Is there a lot?!" He called back to Calvin.

"Not a lot…but everything hurts…I… I think I mighttttahh…". Sweat poured down Rocky's forehead as he heard Calvin slump over in the backseat. "Oh no no no no! Freckle!" Rocky yelled back, begging for his cousin to still be alright. No answer. Rocky was on his own for now.***

Rocky began to pant, teetering on the edge of freaking out. "What am I gonna do?!" He started to measure his options. He couldn't go into the backseat because he was driving and he wasn't good with guns, anyway, so he couldn't defend them properly if the car stopped moving. He silently cursed himself for getting into this mess.

"But it wasn't my fault the other car decided to show up! …Right?"

Speaking of which, the other car was speeding up and soon it was parallel with Rocky's car. Some Persian guy held a gun and fired it at Rocky, shattering his side window.

"No No No!" Rocky begged as he tried to speed up, but he was running out of gas. Another shot rang out and a bullet grazed past Rocky's face. In Rocky's shock, he turned the steering wheel sharply to the right, running his car blindly into the nearby woods.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!" Rocky yelled. It was proving to be a good escape route, but there were too many trees in the way and, eventually, he ran the car right into one.

Rocky suddenly slipped out of the car through the broken window and fell, tumbling out onto the grass. Incredibly shaken from the crash, he fought to stay conscious for just a moment longer, long enough for him to check the condition of his cousin in the back seat.

However it proved to be too much and soon he closed his eyes, letting the darkness overtake him.

Man, that was a lot! I have about all chapters done, but I still have to edit them all for posting, so wait, and I'll give you what you want.