Adventure Time X Fairy Tail

Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time or Fairy Tail

Chapter 1: New world. Old frost

Simon Petrikov awoke with a gasp and shot up to a sitting position. A hand clutching his chest, his pulse was racing, and his breathing was erratic. He clenched his eyes closed and sat there for a few moments taking deep breaths to get himself under control. After a few moments began singing his favorite old show tune under his breath to help him calm down. Once his heartbeat stopped sounding like a jackhammer he gave a sigh of relief.

"What the glob was that?" He said to himself. "Did I just have a heart attack?"

Simon opened his eyes and was immediately confused. He found him self in an endless black void. Despite this "darkness" he could still see himself just fine. It reminded him of Golb's home in away.

"Where am I? How did I get here?" Simon asked himself as he got to his feet and gave the "ground", which was the same endless void as everything else but was solid, an experimental stomp. "What am I standing on?"

Before Simon could ask any thing else herd what sounded like a switch being flipped and spotlight shined down from above. The beam of light lit up a place a few yards away from him and was illuminating a small bedside table with a gold plated rotary phone atop it. The receiver had a small devil wing and a small angel wing upon it. After a moment it began ringing.

Simon looked at the phone confused before looking around the endless void around then just gave a shrug.

"I suppose I don't really have any other options." The former king of ice said to himself as he approached the still ringing phone. He answered the phone with a cautious hello.

"Hello, I'm looking for a Simon Petrikov."

Simon didn't recognize the voice as a matter of fact despite understanding what was said he didn't recognize the language either.

"Um… this is he."

"Ahh! Good! My name is… but most people just call me The Boss. How are you today?"

Simon didn't really catch The Boss's name but the title came through just fine. He could actually feel the capital letters in the speaker's title.

"Fine… I suppose. May I ask why you're calling?" Simon was no fool; he knew that this Boss obviously had something to do with his current predicament so he'd play along with this for now.

"Ahh! Good! Someone who likes to get straight to business. I like that in a man. Guess I'll hop straight into the sails pich. You see, I need your help with something important."

"How important?" Simon asked skeptically.

"Millions if not billions of deaths kind of important." The Boss said casually.

That caught Simon's attention.

"Alright, I'm listening."

"Excellent!" The voice sounds a bit too happy considering the subject matter.

A moment later Simon heard what sounded like something bursting into flames. He turned to look and saw a horned skeleton wreathed in green flames. Its green fire like eyes glared down at the former king of ice.

Simon jumped back alarmed.

"Don't worry Mr. Petrikov. It's not the real one." The Boss said in a reassuring tone.

Simon took a deep breath to calm himself again before speaking again.

"I'm assuming this call involves The Lich then." More so a statement than a question.

"Sharp one aren't you?" The Boss chuckled out. "I'll keep this part brief, your buddy Finn was fighting The Lich in an alternate universe and accidentally knocked a piece of The Lich into a portal leading into the multiverse. So now there's a copy of The Lich in every universe under my circle of influence."

Simon had a bit of knowledge on this already. Finn had told him about his time in other universes though at the time they thought it was another time-line. Though the part that caught his attention was…

'His influence? Obviously someone powerful.'

"Now as much of a problem as that is, I have it mostly under control. Not to mention a lot of universe's have heroes able to deal with him. So now we come to the main problem."

The image of The Lich changed to a representation of the multiverse. A sight he was familiar with since Prizmo had shown it to him. The image zoomed into one representation of a universe that was far off in the distance. The image kept zooming in until eventually showing an image of a planet like earth.

"Welcome to Earth-land. A world of magic and wizards though it's a bit more grounded compared to your world. Unfortunately it's a world that is on the very edge of my influence."

"Not a very curative name."

"You live on a continent called Ooo, Simon you don't get to judge."

"It's not like I named it." Simon muttered.

The Boss ignored the comment and kept going with his explanation.

"The Lich is here and he's caughsinsing problems."

"Doesn't this world have heroes to deal with him?"

"Oh trust me there are plenty of people in this world that can deal with him directly. Even a few people that can just straight up over power him. The issue is he's being abnormally careful. What's worse, he's now utilizing my generosity towards you."

"You're generosity?" Simon asked before he began violently coughing. After a few more seconds a glob of pink light flew out of his mouth. The light suddenly turned into a glowing pink dandelion.

"How do you think you got your hands on this?" The Boss asked. Then the dandelion vanished.

"You did that?" Simon asked.

"Yeah. After all those struggles you and your little friends went through. I decided that your little rogue universe had the right to exist. Despite the problems it's causing me." The Boss sounded annoyed with his last comment.

At this point Simon was pretty sure he knew who this was.

"You're not just any Boss are you? You're Prizmo's boss. You're Scarab's boss." Simon couldn't help the accusing tone on that last comment.

Suddenly a giant neon sign that had the word applaud lit up brightly appeared in the sky. Simon heard actual applause coming from all directions.

"Give the man a prize." Simon could hear clapping on from The Boss as well. After a moment the applause began to fade and the sign just vanished.

"You ordered Fiona and Cakes universe to be destroyed." A bit of anger leaked into his voice.

"Ok first off I didn't tell Scarab to do anything." The Boss defended. The red bug man appeared in front of him. His carapace looked like it was a formal suit. "He gave himself that mission."

"You were obviously watching what was happening. You could have done something!"

Simon accused.

"… Simon turn to your right." The voice didn't come from the phone.

Simon did as instructed and far off in the distance he saw a bright light.

"Is that… you?" Simon asked, knowing he let his anger get the better of him by accusing someone extremely powerful and was about to pay for it.

"Yep." The Boss spoke like he was standing right in front of him. "The distance between us right now is about the distance between the north and south pole of your earth right now. And this is me snapping my fingers."

Suddenly there was a massive explosion coming from the light. There was no fire or heat from the blast, just pure concussive force. Simon could actually see the shock wave rapidly approaching him.

"Oh no." Was all Simon got out before the shock wave knocked him to the ground.

Simon laid on the ground as the shock wave passed him. Once it was over he just sat there for a little longer, staring up at the black sky. The golden phone suddenly appeared within arms reach and began ringing. Still staring at the sky he answered the phone.

"Do you still think I should have gotten involved?" The Boss asked.

Logically, Simon knew he could have made some kind of argument but he didn't feel like further angering the person on the other end of the phone.

"No no. You've made your point." He groaned out as he sat up.

"Good. Back to the topic at hand. My generosity has been exploited by The Lich."

"How so?" Simon asked as he massaged the back of his head.

"There's a reason why we don't just randomly create universes or attach rogue universes to the rest of the multivers, Simon. It results in anomalies."

Suddenly a dark purple sphere outlined in red appeared in front of him. It was roughly the size of a basketball.

"Attaching your friends universe to the rest has resulted in anomalies popping across the multiverse. Because I was prepared for it I've managed to mitigate that for the most part. Whats more the universes have ways of dealing with anomalies themselves so they will just disappear in a few days. The problem is The Lich has some how made it so that the anomalies on Earth-land just keep appearing and not going away after words."

Simon could hear the annoyance in The Boss's voice but just decided to ignore it for now.

"So what do these anomalies do exactly?" Simon asked.

"The effects of an anomalie are fairly random and unpredictable. They warp reality around them in strange ways so no one can really predict what will happen but that being said they tend to do this a lot."

Suddenly the sphere began to spark with red lightning and a bolt shot out hitting the copy of the Scarab knocking it on the ground.

"Is… that it?" Simon asked but couldn't shake a feeling of unease as he looked at the copy.

"Wait for it."

Suddenly the copy began to violently spasm. Simon could see his carapace cracking and splintering. Suddenly several giant spider-like legs shot out of its back lifting it up into the air. Its face had changed to resemble that of a t-rex the arms had turned into writhing tentacles. The false Scarabs back legs seemed to fuse into a giant scorpion tale. Simon could see the berserker rage in its eyes and it was glaringly directly at him. The newly created horror let out a primal roar and charged at him.

Simon by this point had shot to his feet and was about to start running when suddenly a giant fly swatter appeared and squashed the monster.

"So now you see the issue these things can cause right?"

Simon looked at the now dead monster, one of its legs was still twitching. Simon cleared his throat.

"Um. Yes I think I understand but what does this have to do with me?" Simon asked.

"Ahh… well since I have had to demote my best agent who I'd normally send to deal with this. I want you to deal with the anomalies and kill The Lich."

Simon couldn't help but laugh at that.

"You want me to kill The Lich?" Simon asked incredulously. "I don't have that kind of power anymore."

"Oh don't worry about that." Suddenly the crushed monster was replaced with a pedestal with a gold crown with three large ruby's embedded in the gold atop it. "I already have the tools you'll need to accomplish this."

Simon just stairs at the crown for a few moments.

"You want me to become the Ice King again?" His voice sounded hollow. Simon could feel some anger bubbling up to the surface. He had just gone through a whole journey about not going back to being that m-!


Simon's rising anger was suddenly squashed under the weight of that single reply. Not even The Lich's magic mind control had the kind of impact that The Boss's reply had.

The sound of cracking and splintering ice could be heard and Simon turned to see… himself. Well his old self, back when he was the Ice King. The icey copy had snow white hair and beard that matched it in color though it was so long it almost touched the ground. His skin was blue from the cold and his eyes were just white as his hair. The copy was giving him a mad grin of razor sharp teeth. The crown sat atop his head. Ice surrounded his cold copy.

"I'm not asking you to go back to being that mad man again." The Boss's tone was even and calm. "This crown is something I have created myself. It will not drive you mad if you wear it."

Simon turned his back on his chilly copy and eyed the crown again.

"Are you saying this crown won't affect my mind? All the power but no drawbacks?" Simon asked.

"No drawbacks. No insanity. You will be 100% in control of yourself at all times and no you won't end up like your Winter King counterpart either."

"I'm not hearing a no on the 'affecting my mind' question."

"That is because the changes to your mind are minimal. It's basically going to give back your experiences as the Ice King. Despite what you might think of your old self he did have his moments of brilliance. They may come in handy for the job I'm asking you to do. Not to mention some of his experience with combat."

"Ice King lost repeatedly to a head strong 12 year old. I'm not sure how useful his combat experience would be." Simon deadpan.

"A 12 year old who by that time was an expert swordsman, a skilled acrobat, and dealt with some of the most horrific monsters of your world and treated many of them like they were a joke."

"Fair point." Simon conceded.

"Any more concerns?" The Boss asked.

"I have people that would be concerned about-." Simon was cut off by The Boss again.

"Oh, don't worry about them. You can give them a call anytime. I can make a temporal distortion just for you so you can meet up with them during the holidays if you want."

Simon mused over that part of the offer before giving a nod of approval.

"That sounds fair."

Simon picked up the crown and gave it a proper examination.

"Oh, If you liked that you're going to love this next-!"

The Boss was cut off this time.

"I'll do it."

"... I'm sorry?" The Boss asked incredulously.

"I said, I'll do it." Simon repeated.

"You didn't hear the best part yet though."

"I don't need to." Simon chuckled a bit. "Ever since I stopped being Ice King I've been just coasting through life. Even though I know that my life has some meaning now I'm still stuck with what to do with it. Plus you said it yourself these people need help. I can't in good conscience let that happen especially since you're handing me the power to do it. So I'll take the job."

"... Fair enough. Still need to tell you what I'm offering you. A wish."

Simon's eyes widened at that. Hope began to fill him.

"Can… can I wish for-"

"No." The Boss's voice sounded sarofull. "You can't wish for Betty back. Her soul is far too entangled with Golb for that. I could make a convincing copy or pull one from another universe but I get the feeling that isn't what you want. I'm sorry Simon."

"I… understand." Simon didn't bother to hide the disappointment in his voice. "Are there any other limitations?"

"A few actually. This isn't the same as Prizmo's wishes so it has quite a few limitations." The Boss cleared his throat and then sounded like he was reading off a list. "No killing, no reviving the dead past a few minutes, no stripping someone of free will, immortality is going to be more of a longevity than true deathless ness, and finally nothing along the lines of 'unlimited power'."

Simon thought about it for a moment."... Do you think I could hold off on using it for now?"

"Sure thing but understand this wish won't affect The Lich, anomalies, or things anomalies have effected. If the wish did affect them I wouldn't necessarily need you for this."

"Understandable." Simon replied. "So what happens now? Do I sign a contract or something?"

"Na. Nothing like that, just put on the crown and I will send you on to your first job."

Simon just gave a nod and held the crown over his head. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"I'm moving forward now Betty. No need to worry about me."

He calmly placed the crown atop his head… and felt nothing. No rush of power, no madness, no cold, he didn't even feel the weight of the crown atop his head. He opened his eyes and was confused. He was no longer in an empty void and was instead in a forest.

"Was it just a dream?" Simon asked as he adjusted his glasses.

Suddenly his cell phone went off letting him know he had gotten a text. He pulled out the flip phone and checked the message.

'It's real as fuck yo! Did I guess what you said right? LOL. I can't really hear you from here. Anyway the anomaly is somewhere in that forest. Not sure where though. Don't worry I put a tracker app on your phone. So hop to it, new guy. - The Boss.'

"I guess it was real." Simon said to himself as he looked at the newly installed app. "But what about the crown?"

He ran a hand over his head to confirm that the crown he just had wasn't there. He looked at his hand with a frown.

"What do I do?" Suddenly entirely unbidden, the memory of the Ice King came to the forefront of his mind. It was less of a specific moment and more of how he felt every time he cast a spell.

Simon repeated that feeling of the cold power flowing through him and he saw the skin of his hand turning a light blue. Blue sparks of lightning crackling along his fingers. Simon curled his fingers into a finger gun and aimed it at a decent sized rock. The power coalescing at the tip of his pointer finger.

"Frost Shot."

After that a bolt of blue lightning shot forward striking the stone. The stone was now covered in at least a foot thick shell of ice.

"Why did I say that?" The former Ice King asked himself confused. He watched as his skin turned back to normal before he looked over the result of his quick spell. "Little more than frost anyway."

Suddenly his phone went off again. Simon checked his messages.

'Oh one thing I forgot to mention, the wizards of this world say the name of their spells as they use them. So I put the instinct in you as well so you fit in a bit more. You can ignore it if you want. -The Boss'

Simon wasn't sure how he felt about The Boss affecting his mind like that but he supposed it wasn't doing any harm. Backing out of his messages he turned on the app he was given to track anomalies. The screen now displayed an arrow that was just spinning around clockwise. The words 'please move your phone around to help with tracking' appeared on screen. Simon did as instructed and after a few moments the arrow stopped spinning and pointed in a single direction. 'Anomalous energy detected'.

"Well, time to get to work." Simon said with a confident smile. As he walked further into the forest.


A woman in armor and with long scarlet hair was sent flying, crashing through several thick trees before hitting a particularly large one that held up. Though, it buckled a bit from the impact. She fell to the ground and landed in a sitting position. She was coughing violently and brought a hand up to her armored chest. The metal had been dented inward and was restricting her breathing.


In a flash of light her armor vanished leaving her in a white blouse and short blue skirt. She took a few deep breaths as she raised her hand and a small magic circle appeared in her hand causing something to come flying towards her which she caught effortlessly. She grimaced at the sword in her hand; the blade had been snapped in half when she instinctively guarded herself. This blade disappeared in a flash of light as well.

"I underestimated that thing." The woman muttered to herself as she got back to her feet. She hadn't been giving this fight her full attention. The giant rhinoceros monster she was sent to deal with was supposed to be strong but slow and dimwitted. Something she could deal with some effort but mid fight the monster suddenly changed.


The woman's head snapped in the direction of the monster that had sent her flying. She could see the monster rushing towards her. It was moving a lot faster than it was before.

"Its roar is different as well." She hadn't heard anything about this kind of monster being able to change like this.

"Requip: Heaven's Wheel!"

Her body was enveloped in light once more. When it faded she was clad in a new set of armor. It was made mostly of silver metal. The upper part of this new armor consisted of a small, revealing breastplate that had the appearance of feathers. The metal extended down her sides down to her hips but left the tops of her breasts and stomach exposed. Her biceps were covered in metal straps that attached to her gauntlets. The bottom half was a long dress-like skirt that was topped with metal plates that add to the feather design and a pair of metal angel wings adorned her back. Two swords flashed into her hands a moment later, the blades matching the ascetic of her armor.

The wings flared outward letting her take flight.

"Time to get to work." She muttered out as bolted toward the approaching enemy.