Bella hurried back to La Push for Harry Clarwater funeral after coming back from Italy. Seth imprinted on someone. Charlie revealed the 'family secret' to Bella. And Bella had been hiding something all this time!
Fontina Ori-chan: I don't own Twilight Saga, all ownership belongs to Stephenie Meyers. Also, yes, this idea came just so suddenly at class because i was bored alright. If you don't like the ship, fuck off. Just sayin'.
Chapter 1: Prologue
They had left her all alone in this New World. A vulnerable human, all alone, in a world where she can die at a flick of a finger.
It sucks. Sucks as hell. But Bella was better than that. At least that was what she convinced herself every morning!
After the horrible break up at the woods, Bella was determined to not fall into Edward's demand. What is it? Well, breaking down! Yeah, she won't break down and never will. She had been taking care of herself for years and yet why should she break down after a few months of being taken care of? No way in hell she will do that!
She missed Jasper and Emmett, even Rosalie, though. They were the one who looked genuine about their feelings towards her. She understand that Jasper couldn't stay, he was probably terrified, Bella really wanted to comfort him and tell him it was fine and it wasn't his fault.
All three of them were the one who had said 'Goodbye's to her a minute after Edward went away on his heels. And told her that Edward wanted her a good break, so no one was allowed to communicate with her. That make Bella furious though.
Who was he to say that! Who was he to decide that! The Cullens were like her second family! And this only proofed that Edward was the one in control in the coven instead of Carlisle, shouldn't he be a good leader?
So after ex-changing numbers, all four of them parted ways.
And it had been a few weeks since then. Bella was doing great and she had befriended Jacob Black, Billy Black's son. He introduced her to his two best friend, Quil Ateara and Embry Call.
Bella rarely hang out with them, but when she did, she had fun. She most likely spent her time with Angela and Jessica, who broke up with Mike after seeing him cheat with someone, at first she thought it was Bella but then she found Bella with Angela talking on the other side of the school after that. By all logic, there was no way Bella could teleport in a matter of seconds, so Jessica was angry at Mike now. Bella and Angela supported her and now all three of them are best friends.
Then she also got closer with the people at La Push since she followed Charlie there. She met with the Clearwaters, Ateara, Littleseas, and many more natives there. She got closer with Seth Clearwater, too. He was pretty cute and something in her couldn't see him as a little brother, but she was fine with that. Not that it will damage anything.
But Bella was still alone. At least, she feels like she is.
Though it was the 4th month now since the Cullens had left, Embry was now 'ditching' Jake and Quil, at least that was what both guys told her. Bella had some insights though and was getting suspicious about some things.
Like Sam's gang or Uley pack as she heard Billy and Harry Clearwater call them.
Pack. Some things are getting fishy. REALLY fishy.
But Bella ignored them. She had decided she will ignore them all and just enjoy her life. Because she had learn from quite the young age. That- People come and go, like life and death.
For examples were Gran H (stand for Higginbotham). Her lovely Gran that teaches her how to cook died when she was 12.
Bella hummed, staring straight at the horizon. She were on an edge of a cliff right now, she didn't know which one but, it was the one that you could look at from the first beach. Beside, she wasn't afraid of falling. She can take care of herself, thank you very much.
And she was enjoying herself, until she heard rustling from the forest, lots of barking and twigs breaking. Bella gulped and saw a flash of red, which make her instinctively jumped off the cliff.
She willed herself to feel the sadness that she felt when she thought about Gran H and her second family leaving her. Soon enough, she feels her bones breaking and held in a scream by clenching her jaw. Then feathers sprout from her skin. Soon, her clothes were floating and a swan clapped its wings. The swan catches the clothes in time before diving in to the shore under the cliff.
Just in time, there were splashes sounds from the water, meaning something heavy had landed on it. Then a familiar growling of the wolves came from the cliffs and the dove also hide away the clothes so no one will realized it was there. The howls of frustration and irritation was very familiar to the swan, she had been observing them from afar and now she could confidently said her theory.
The Uley pack, or Sam's gang as the humans called them for lack of better imagination, are not human and they're wolf-shifter or werewolf for another lack of better words.
And neither is Bella Swan.
The swan's bones started to break, expanding, and the feathers dissolved into thin air and emerged a naked girl, this girl is none other than Bella Swan! Huh, her ancestors forsure didn't think of a better name, i mean cmon! Swan? for a swan shifter? you gotta be kidding right?
The girl quickly put back her clothes on, glad that it wasn't jeans but a dark purple sundress. She was putting back her jacket asshe got out of there and look up to the cliffs, seeing as there is one wolf looking down at the waves with irritation clear in it's eyes. Then, as if feeling someone staring at it, the wolf's head snapped to look her way and its eyes widened. Then it ran into the forest, knowing someone had seen it and were worried what will happen next.
Lucky him that Bella don't reveal secrets around.
With a small smile, she turned around and jogged away from there towards her beloved truck. She need to make a call with Rose, see if she had any more loose dress that aren't too tight for her to wear around comfortably.
Fontina Ori-chan: it's a prologue guys! would y'all look at that? A swan-shifter, and let me tell ya, i searched ablut swans and good thing is that they physically what i was looking for! And yes, Seth/Bella cause we need more of them! :)