Fontina Ori-chan: Damn, being a teenager sure bring out lots of ideas. Especially when i was in class.. lol. Anyway, thank you y'all! And please do review more, *love*
MMTyler: yeah, i know, i know, i agree with you, but you had to endure it, my guy. And believe me, i was running out of the logic how Alice could see Bella when she's a freaking swan-shifter.
Chapter 2: Wrong Number
Charlie watched as his daughter picked herself up from the puppet of a vampire back to the woman she was. He was glad she didn't go all depressed, who wanted their daughter be depressed tho?
But he wondered how did his daughter didn't phase? It was already running through their veins to phase after going through great sadness that passed as the 5 stage of grief. Charlie activate his gene when his mother died and his father passed down the knowledge of their ancestors.
Bella was close with the Cullens, vampires, cold ones, so it was something inevitable to happen. She should be phasing now.
Except she didn't.
He still wondered how did his daughter didn't phase.
I still wonder why did Charlie looked past the fact that she was probably already did phase when he wasn't there.
Bella sighed in frustration at the trigonometry homework. She still didn't understand why she choose this course till today.
She decide to ditch the abomination and head down the stairs. Raiding the fridge, and find only fishes there, Bella remembered that she needed to go buy some groceries.
She sighed and goes upstairs to get her jacket then jog lightly towards the front door. She take her truck keys and slipped a pair of sneakers. After locking the door, Bella walked towards her lovely truck, though wouldn't exactly call it lovely, but it's Bella's claim, i can't do anything about it.
Bella started the truck and goes to the store. Once she arrived, Bella quickly buy a couple of groceries. When she was done, she came out of the store with two big plastic bags. She place them on the passenger seat and drive back home. After getting back, Bella ready her snack. A fish sandwich. She made a bunch of them and take them upstairs after putting everything in the places they should been put.
Bella take a bite on her sandwich and moaned when the taste was catched by her tongue.
She sat in front of her laptop, one that she bought after saving so much money for years. She turned it on and went in to watch the new series about the supernatural. Which name was actually 'Supernatural'. (Ori-chan: yaaaahhh, want to watch that series, but dad didn't understand that it couldn't be watched on Netflix in my country server just yet, or maybe never T-T)
It was starting a few months ago, now they're on the 4th episode. Bella was excited for more of the future episode, she didn't need a seer to know that the series will be gold, especially with how hot the actors were. (cue smirk)
She was about to press play when her cell phone goes off.
Someone was calling her.
Bella groaned and pick up her phone, she looked at the id of the caller and raised her eyebrow at the unknown number that popped up on her phone screen.
She thought to ignore it at first, but on second thought, she's bored so she pressed the accept button.
Bella put her phone near to her ear, "Hello~" she answered with a sing-song tone.
"Uhh, are you Danny's girlfriend?" The caller's a boy. And who's Danny? Bella shrugged it off and answered the caller.
"Nah, sorry buddy, you've got the wrong number."
"What?! Ugh, again?" So this wasn't the first time.
Bella hummed, "Yup, but wait-" She got the timing right, he was probably going to apologize and then hung up the phone. But it was the first time a boy called, and she had already pictured this situation, she was going to get a friend, for sure.
"h-huh?" Bella could hear him gulping his saliva.
"You see, it's not everyday i got a random call from someone i don't know. But i wanna try this, so... Let's start from zero. Hi, I'm Bella."
"... Hi, Bella, I'm Seth." This boy was playing along, good.
"Soo, Seth, your name sounds like a god from Egyptian Myth, God of War, actually. Is it okay if i call you Warrior?" Bella smiled at the small things she remembered from when she read a mythology when she was in Arizona.
"Yeah, sure, of course." he sounded eager, though nervous,and he answered her fast, it's cute. "Uhm, and Bella means beautiful in Italy, right? can i call you Flower? because I'm sure they're as beautiful as you."
Oh my, the boy's flirting with her. Well, she was also flirting with him.
Bella smiles widened, "Thank you for the compliment, Warrior, and I'm sure you're as handsome as a god."
"Yep, I'm handsome, you gotta love my face, i bet." she giggled, and he chuckled.
She's taking a liking to him, already.
"Well, then, Handsome, where do you live?" Bella could almost see a smile spreading across his face.
"La Push Reservation, Washington State. What about you?"
Bella blinked a few times. "La Push?" she breathed out, "By any chance, are you Seth Clearwater?"
She could almost feel his surprise across the phone, "How did you...? Wait, Bella? Are you Bella Swan?"
Her lip twitches, "Well, ain't this a coincidence?" she chuckled this time. Such things as coincidences happens? She call it bull.
"Huh," he sounded dumbfounded, probably not expecting it either. "Uhh, w-what were you doing?" Lame, Sethy, lame! What's that move? You did not just asked a girl that after minutes of talking with her!
"I... I was just.. doing my trig homework." But Bella was as lame as Seth, i guess. "What about you?"
"Well, you knew it already. I was about to call my friend, Danny, but i got the wrong number.." Bella chuckled.
Bella hummed again, "well, Warrior, i have an idea, you think you're up for it?"
She could almost see him arching an eyebrow, "sure, what is it?"
"You see... I'm bored, and I've got nothing to do. My friends were all busy having family times, but since Charlie's working on so many double shifts these days, i really got nothing to do."
"Wait, what about Jacob Black? Weren't you always hung out with him?" He cut her off.
"Naw, Jake's also busy, last i heard he got a mono, but i doubt that. Quil said he was hanging out with Uley's gang."
It was Seth's turn to hum, "yeah, i don't really like Sam, either, he broke my sister's heart and she was bitching around at everyone, even me."
"Yeah, I've heard, was it really that bad?"
"Yup, she got this frown on her face every day, yelling and all that."
Bella whistled, "that bad, huh. Well, then, Warrior, i wanted to ask you if you're up to go to the zoo tomorrow."
"zoo?" Seh heard his curiosity, "sure, why not. I'm going to pick you up, then."
"Nah, let's go with my truck, I'll pick you up."
"No, i think it's better if we use my mom's. It'll last more than your truck."
"Hey! don't dis the truck!"
"Hahah, yeah, yeah, okay, Flower. But I'm going to pick you up."
Bella smiled, "okay, you win. What time?"
"Your choice." Seth offered.
"Hmm, what about 7 a.m? It's a four hours drive there, so we'll get there around eleven."
"Sure, but what about 6? we're going to get there early, it won't be too crowded either."
"Early? Huh, well, what time do you wake up?"
"Around 5.30 to 6, why?"
"Do you think you can get here at 6.30 then?"
A pause, "sure. Then, see you tomorrow, Flower."
"See you later, Warrior, I'm waiting." she giggled and hung up the call.
Bella stood there, staring at the phone in her hand. She. She couldn't believe she just asked a boy, a guy, out on a date. That's right, a date. This is a date, Bella was not blind. Or completely oblivious.
She did not believe she just did that.
Seth stare at his phone for a few seconds before raking a deep breathe and thought out loud, "What the fuck was that?"
He just got a date. With Chief Swan's daughter. Charlie, his dad's fishing buddy and best friends.
His day couldn't get any better, could it?
Fontina Ori-chan: I'm suck. Clearly. Anyway, i managed to get in the big five in the olympiad yesterday! Yay. And i already did the interview 11/16. And it goes pretty well... Things was easier, though i don't really like it when they made a timer at the writing test. But that's me, i managed to write half piece of the paper and i was the first one to got the interview! Like, cmon! It was a random call, but really? But it was alright. I was kind of sort on words these days, i don't know why... Anyway, thanks for reading this shitty crap, i think the previous thoughts i had to write was better than this, but i was hurrying it up. So please, review! Also, the date will be in the next chapter! probably..