Chapter Three

"Draco?" Harry asked slowly, concerned, "why are you having a stare off with the creepy House Elf heads?" he walked out of the drawing room and came to stand next to Draco where he was standing at the top of the stairs, staring at the mounted head.

"I think there is a hex on them, you may want to do a couple of tests before you try removing them," Draco said squinting and leaning closer to the head. "Also, I am remembering all the things that Mother told me about 'the Great and wonderful House of Black' and seriously wondering what she was thinking,"

"Yeah, it is a little… insane," Harry grimaced.

"How pissed do you think the Blacks' would be knowing that their House is owned by a Half-blood Potter who is housing a Malfoy who is pregnant out of wedlock and choosing to likely give up my inheritance for the sake of my baby," Draco smirked.

"I really hope they're going madder," Harry laughed.

"How are you getting on with the Drawing room?" Draco asked turning to Harry and then blinking when he found the other teen standing there in a wife beater and loose shorts that were sitting low on his hips, he was a little grubby from his work in the room, sweat on his skin, his hair messier than normal and his clothing was showing off his tanned skin.

"It is getting there, I have managed to get most of the wallpaper off, though it did manage an attack," Harry turned and showed Draco his muscled shoulder where there was a nice large paper cut.

"Here," Draco drew his wand and pointed it at Harry, quickly healing the cut.

"Thank you, it was getting itchy with my sweat," Harry grimaced, rolling his shoulders.

"I never thought I would be in a situation where I would point my wand at you and you wouldn't even blink," Draco snorted.

"Huh, I hadn't even noticed. It is amazing how things change in such a short amount of time right," Harry said thoughtfully.

"Were you going to get ready for your meal?" Draco asked, trying to get his mind back on track.

"Yeah, I am supposed to wear something smart and I have no clue what," Harry sighed looking down at himself before his head snapped up and his eyes became suspiciously puppy-like.

"What?" Draco asked suspiciously.

"Could you have a look through my wardrobe while I shower and pick something nice for me please?" Harry said in practically one breath.

"Of course, I will," Draco chuckled.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Harry clapped his hands together. "It is one of the first meals that we are having together and I want to look good,"

"I will pull something together for you," Draco promised.

"Everything is in my wardrobe, I won't be long!" Harry beamed at him before hurrying to the bathroom.

Draco walked into Harry's bedroom, fighting off the feeling that he was intruding on his space even with the fact that Harry had asked him to do this. He snorted a little when he noted the half-made ruffled bed, and clothing littering around the room, along with some books lying on his bedside table. He stepped a little closer and chuckled when he realised that they were baby books.

"How are you getting….why are you looking at me like that?" Harry asked walking into this bedroom.

"Why do you have 30 sets of leather pants?" Draco asked.

"Ugh the twins keep buying me them, they keep saying that my arse will look good in them," Harry sighed.

"Ok, and the reason that you still have them then?" Draco asked amused.

"I feel guilty about giving them away or throwing them out," Harry admitted sheepishly.

"Honestly Harry," Draco said as pompously as he could while trying to hold in his laughter.

"Well, what am I meant to do with them?" Harry pouted at him.

"Transfigure them?" Draco said.


"What was that?"

"There used to be forty pairs," Harry muttered.

"But…you transfigured chairs,"

"I am ok at objects but I suck at clothes,"

"Is that why the pyjamas that you transfigured for me last week dis…."

"Don't say it," Harry whined.

"Ok," Draco reached in and pulled one of the trousers out and quickly transfigured them into a fitted pair of black trousers, and then pulled out a deep red shirt. "This,"

"Thank you," Harry beamed.

"No problem, you have a few good things in here," Draco said looking through the wardrobe.

"Bill and Charlie took me and Ron shopping for new clothes," Harry explained.

"I did wonder, though some of your wizarding robes are a little…they could do with updating," Draco said tactfully.

"So that actually means they're really pretty terrible huh?" Harry laughed.

"Well, I mean…" Draco spluttered a little.

"I'm not taking offense, don't worry, I will be the first to admit that I know nothing about fashion, and my fallback for things that I know nothing about is Hermione, and she is as hopeless as me," Harry chuckled.

"I could help if you wanted?" Draco offered.

"That would actually be amazing, I don't really mind what I wear but I don't want to show up looking a mess or look out of place you know?" Harry said as he pulled his boxers on under his towel and then threw his towel away to start getting dressed. It was something that Draco was familiar with having shared a dorm for 7 years with other boys, but he found his eyes locked on Harry's muscled thighs as he slipped his trousers on, and then the pull of muscles in his back and shoulders as he pulled the shirt on.

Turning away and fighting off the blush that wanted to burn his cheeks he blamed pregnancy hormones and turned to look at Harry's wardrobe.

"I know what you mean and I can definitely come up with a few good outfits for different occasions, and a few that will go for most occasions," Draco hummed.

"Thank you, would you…" Harry said and then trailed off, getting Draco's attention to turn back to him.

"What is it?" Draco asked.

"Hermione wants to apply for Ministry positions, and she has said that is going to include going to like balls and dinners and things like that, as well as everyday stuff, but like I said she is as bad as me I…"

"Would you like me to come up with some outfits for her?" Draco interrupted what seemed to be a ramble and a half building.

"Would you mind?" Harry asked.

"I would enjoy it, the Slytherin girls didn't let me help with their outfits very often. Let me know what the budget is and I will come up with what she needs!" Draco said excitedly.

"No budget, whatever she needs, jewelry and all that shi…sugar that she will need shoes," Harry clicked his fingers and dug into his trunk. "You can get her sizes off of these right?" he asked holding a bundle of materials out to Draco with a sandal hanging from the strap off of one of his fingers.

"I should do, let me see what you have here…why do you have some of her underwear in your trunk? I thought she and Weas…Ronald were together?" Draco blinked at Harry from where he had been laying the materials out on Harry's bed, ignoring the small stab to his chest that he felt at the idea.

"Huh, oh they are. We're a little weirdly codependent, we tend to end up sharing things, and things end up in each other's possession, there should be a bra in there somewhere as well," Harry waved.

"Yes, I have that," Draco held the bra up. "You know, I think most people don't willingly and so carefree admit that they are codependent," He added.

"Ah, we have been through numerous life and death situations since we were 11 together, we, and the others around us, just count it as lucky that codependency is the only issue that we have," Harry shrugged finishing buttoning up his shirt.

"Pragmatic," Draco nodded. "Was the story about the troll in our First year true?" he asked.

"Oh yeah, McGonagall and Snape were piss…practically foaming at the mouth at us," Harry nodded.

"How on the earth did you defeat it?" Draco asked.

"I stuck my wand up its nose and Ron hit it with its own club with some on the spot tutoring from Hermione," Harry said, and then watched with a grin as Draco blinked and then fell apart laughing.

"Hey!" Harry waved walking over to the table, relieved to see that the twins and Charlie weren't here yet so he wasn't the last one. He bent and kissed Fleur, Percy, Ginny, and Bill's cheeks before wrapping his arms around Mr Weasley and then Mrs Weasley from behind before slipping into a seat.

"Looking good there Harry!" Bill whistled.

"I have kidnapped a stylist and am keeping them hostage in my house to come up with designs for me," Harry nodded.

"The worrying part of that is, a small part could be true," Molly shook her head.

"Harry wouldn't have taken someone hostage," Percy said primly. "He will have applied the puppy dog eyes and lured them into helping him,"

"That is a little more close to it," Harry pointed at Percy.

"...believe it," Charlie was shaking his head as he walked over to the table with the Twins.

"What has happened?" Molly asked concerned.

"I have received a summons to the Ministry to give up my memories from when I was at Kings Cross because I was close to the carriage that Draco Malfoy was in before he disappeared," Charlie huffed.

"That is ridiculous, the fact that they have managed to get the Ministry to order that is madness," Bill shook his head.

"The worst of it is I overheard a conversation between Lucius Malfoy and Phillip Parkinson, Malfoy is more worried that he has lost control of his heir and that someone may be trying to marry him to claim the Malfoy fortune than he is that his son is missing," Percy sighed.

"That poor boy, I know that you have not had the best history with him Harry dear, but I do hope he is ok," Molly shook her head as she squeezed Harry's hand.

"We actually didn't have any run-ins this year at all, he was quite civil and kept his head down," Harry said, seizing the chance to lay some groundwork.

"Feeling put out that you defeated V…V…Voldemort?" Fred asked.

"I don't think so, I think Voldemort was a little bit of an eye opener to him for what his parents have been touting around and how wrong they were. Plus I think he has been having doubts about the whole blood purity thing. I caught him looking at Hermione differently and some of the other Muggleborns and Halfbloods over the year, and looking at the purebloods around him differently," Harry hummed as their meals popped into place in front of them.

"How do you mean?" Arthur asked curiously as they started eating.

"Well, I caught him looking at Millicent Bullstrode and Greg Goyle where they were struggling to complete a pretty easy spell in charms, and then he looked over and saw that me, Hermione, and Dean had all already been able to do it, and had moved onto the next spell, I caught him looking back and forth a few times and he looked…I don't know, thoughtful," Harry explained, he didn't say that he had been looking over at Draco for about the thirtieth time that lesson as had become his habit to try and work out what was going on with him and so had happened to catch the moment.

"If the next generation of Malfoy can finally see past the whole blood purity thing, maybe there is a little hope for our world," Arthur smiled. "I do hope he is ok, if he is having doubts I wouldn't put it passed Lucius and Narcissa to have done something to him, or sent him somewhere to stop him thinking that way,"

"I don't think they have, Lucius Malfoy was far too worried his heir was going to show up married to someone who wanted the Malfoy name and power," Percy sighed.

"Either way, when he does show up again Malfoy will probably marry him off ASAP to someone to make sure that doesn't happen and that he can control him, no matter what he has been through," Molly shook her head.

"How common are arranged marriages still?" Harry asked, trying to go for casual but missing considering Ginny snorted in amusement.

"What is that Ginny?" Molly blinked confused.

"Harry has his tone, his I'm going to save the world, no matter how reluctantly, tone," George explained, chuckling when Harry stuck his tongue out at him.

"Unfortunately amongst the Purebloods it is still the done thing, and if you don't go along with the arranged marriage then you get disowned. Even amongst the light families it can happen, myself and Molly were the first of the Weasleys and Prewitts to marry for love and not as an arranged marriage, and even our parents considered disowning us," Arthur smiled across the table at Molly who smiled softly back.

"It was only because really at the end of the day, it was a good match that they allowed the marriage to stand, but they punished us by not allowing us to inherit any money, or our children, the funds will be released again to our grandchildren," She explained.

"How did you two marry?" Harry asked perking up.

"Oh no," Bill groaned teasingly.

"Shush! Harry hasn't heard the story and wants to know," Molly waved her son off before turning with a beaming smile to Harry. "We knew that our parents had other marriages lined up for us, so during the holidays of our sixth year as soon as we were able to apparate legally we met up and eloped to Gretna Green, the blacksmith there married us just as the dawn was rising. It was just Arthur, myself, and two witnesses that had volunteered to stand for us to be married,"

"Our parents were furious with us, but we didn't care, we knew as long as we had each other that would be the only thing that mattered," Arthur reached across the table and took Molly's hand gently in his.

"And then you infuriated them by having so many kids," Bill laughed.

"I still remembered Grandfather's face when you announced the twins were coming!" Charlie nodded.

"Why would that infuriate them?" Harry asked curiously.

"It is difficult for Witches and Wizards to have more than one or two children, it is why there aren't that many multiple siblings in Hogwarts. We were truly blessed to be able to have so many children," Arthur explained.

"And it rubbed it in our parents' faces what a mistake that they had made if they had accepted our marriage then they could have made a big deal about us being able to have so many children, and it would have been a real bragging right for them amongst the other families. As it was they allowed our marriage to stand but had made it clear that they weren't happy about it and that they didn't approve at all, publicly denouncing our rights to the family money, heirlooms, and possessions. And then we showed them," Molly smirked smugly.

"My mother nearly died from fury when we announced Ron was coming along," Arthur grinned a mischievous smile that Harry had come to realise was 100% where the twins got it from.

"And thankfully they all lived to see Ginny coming along," Molly snickered. "And Great Aunt Muriel is still here to see the newest generation coming along too. She was particularly vocal about her disapproval, it is the only reason that we invite her to family events, to rub her nose in it. Especially considering her own son only had one child and a very unhappy marriage, and they only produced one child that bless him barely has any magic," Molly muttered at the end.

"Not to mention he barely has two brain cells to rub together," Bill snorted.

"Bill!" Molly scolded with barely any effort to it.

"And the fact that we're all going on to have pretty successful careers in different fields just infuriates them all more, Bill is a curse breaker, Charlie a dragon tamer, and Percy is already clearly going places in the Ministry despite having only worked there a few years, Fred and George are nearly surpassing Zonko's, Ron has the world at his feet after being one of the three to defeat V…V…Voldemort, and I am already signed up for Chaser with the Harpies,"

"We're so proud," Arthur beamed, "And we enjoy rubbing it in our families' faces,"

"Just a little," Molly pinched her fingers together with a giggle.

"Not to mention that we can claim our Harry as one of ours," Arthur fist pumped.

"Me…really?" Harry paused with his fork halfway to his mouth.

"Of course, why do you think you're here?" Bill looked at him with a gentle understanding in his eyes.

"Well, just sort of, family adjacent," Harry mumbled.

"There is no adjacent, You're one of ours, of course you are," Molly wrapped her arms around him in a side hug and Harry quickly went into it squeezing her back.

"You're not getting rid of us," Percy nodded with a teasing glint in his eyes.

"I need a none redhead amongst this bunch, you're going nowhere!" Fleur nodded.

"No no no, one of us is going to need to get a blond!" Fred said looking around the table, and Harry choked a little on air as one particular blond jumped into his head. "We have Harry and Hermione for the brunettes and only Fleur for the blond side, we need to even it out!"

"That is true, for aesthetics one of you need to find a blond," Arthur said dryly.

"Exactly!" George nodded.

"Honestly, Ginny you're going to have to step things up and ask Neville out so that we mess with them more," Harry teased.

"Shut up!" Ginny went bright red.

"Going slowly still huh?" Charlie asked.

"I have to be gentle with him or he will run," Ginny sighed.

"You make it sound like you're trying to kidnap him," Percy shook his head.

"Well…" Harry and Ginny said in the exact same tone at the same time.

"Oh, Merlin!" Arthur groaned.

"And to think that we hoped you two would marry," Molly laughed.

"Their children would have been devils!" Bill shook his head, chuckling when Harry and Ginny high-fived over the table.

"I think I have nightmares about what your children would have been like," Molly nodded.

The rest of the meal was lovely, and they all shared various stories of what they had been up to, what they were planning on getting up to, and Harry explained what he had been doing with the house and what his plans were for it. Fleur had promised to make him some curtains for the living room if he got fabric that he liked, and Molly had promised to take him to a couple of places where he could find some household items for the house.

They stood outside the restaurant and exchanged hugs before apparating to their separate homes. He jogged up the stairs to the living room where as he hoped he found Draco. The blond looked up from the sofa when Harry walked in, he smiled at him when he walked in.

"Did you have a good night?" Draco asked.

"It was good, really good," Harry said, "and I brought treats back," He said placing the tray on the table.

"That cake looks amazing!" Draco hummed seeing the two huge slabs of hot chocolate fudge cake that were sitting on a plate with some cream.

"The food was delicious there, I saw a waiter passing by with one of them and had to bring some back with me," Harry said, passing over a plate to Draco.

"Thank you," Draco said pleased before cutting a piece and groaning as he bit into it, he ate that bite quickly and took another, and then halfway through the third bite, he chuckled. "Coconut seems to like it as well,"

"Can I?" Harry asked eagerly, placing his plate back down.

"Of course," Draco nodded and guided Harry's hand.

"It feels like she is tap dancing in there," Harry said.

"She really likes it," Draco chuckled.

"So amazing," Harry said.

"She is busy now," Draco said softly.

"Just so amazing," Harry said, picking his plate and cup up and dropping into his armchair with a content sigh.

"It is so nice to be able to share this," Draco admitted.

"What have you been reading?" Harry asked.

"Caring for a newborn, I've been going through all of the different things that I need to learn to be able to look after her, and I have been looking through the options for the birth. Can I ask…"

"What is it?" Harry asked curiously.

"Would you be ok with me doing a home birth here?" Draco asked. "I don't feel safe going to the hospital, even if it is private,"

"Of course, that is no problem at all," Harry assured him, "have you decided what type you want?"

"Water birth," Draco said.

"Cool, so we need to get like a pool right?" Harry asked.

"Erm, yes," Draco nodded uncomfortably.

"I will get a room set up asap for it, oh we could turn the room across from ours into it and have it ready for the nursery as well," Harry said excitedly.

"That would be ok?" Draco asked.

"Of course it would, and we can have a look to get the pool in as soon as possible as well, to make sure that it is here and ready for her, just in case Coconut comes along early," Harry said. "Where would we get one from?" he added thoughtfully.

"One of the booklets has where we can get them from," Draco nodded.

"Thank Merlin, the best I could have done would have been a kid's paddling pool," Harry said sheepishly.

"Not quite the auspicious start to Coconut's life that I want," Draco chuckled.

"Definitely not! She deserves much better than that," Harry nodded. "Would you mind if I attended your appointment with you tomorrow?"

"Oh, no, that would be really nice, I would appreciate it. I wanted to ask but I am already taking up so much of your time," Draco flushed a little.

"I would like to be part of the appointments so that I can know what I need to know to help the two of you. I want to be there," Harry reassured him.

"Thank you, I would feel better knowing that you're in the appointments," Draco admitted softly.

"Then we have an agreement," Harry nodded.

"You have to be fucking kidding me!" Draco exclaimed in horror of the situation, looking around himself for some way out of it. He wiggled a little forward and tried again but he was not being released, and he huffed out in tired frustration and slumped back. How did he end up in this situation?

He looked around himself yet again to see if there was any other option. There wasn't.

"Kreature?" Draco called.

"Yes, Master Draco?" Kreature popped in looking tired, which was fair considering the time of night it was.

"I don't suppose you would be able to get me out of this chair?" Draco grimaced.

"Erm, Kreature is not being able to physically help you, his back wouldn't be allowing that Master Draco, and I can't be using my magic on you without risking Master Draco and Miss Coconut," Kreature said after looking at Draco. "Would you like me to be getting Master Harry?" he asked gently.

"He would be upset if he found out in the morning that I slept here because I couldn't get out of the chair right?" Draco groaned dropping further into the chair.

"He would be really angry," Kreature nodded.

"Could you get him please," Draco sighed and watched Kreature pop out.

A few moments later he heard hurried feet on the floor over his head, and then coming down the stairs until Harry appeared in the doorway with an impressive bedhead, only pyjama bottoms on, and looking a little panicked.

"Draco, are you ok?" He asked, calming a little when he saw Draco sitting there, clearly not in any trouble.

"I…I'm stuck," Draco groaned dropping his head onto the back of the chair, his cheeks flushed.

"Is everything ok? It is late?" Harry asked concerned.

"I just couldn't sleep so I got up to read, I'm alright, I just can't get up, I am so sorry for waking you," Draco said a bit miserably.

"Don't be silly it is fine. Come on," Harry reached down and took Draco's arm, resting his other behind Draco's back and helping him stand. "It doesn't matter what time, I want to help," Harry rested his hand on Draco's shoulder.

"It is so stupid, I didn't realise that the chair was that deep and low, I thought that it would be comfortable to sit in because I was a little uncomfortable with Coconut, and then I couldn't get out," Draco felt his bottom lip wobbling.

"Here," Harry moved to the sofa and placed some cushions along the arm of the sofa, he gently pulled Draco over to it and helped him onto it, lifting his feet up onto the sofa and placing a blanket over his legs. "Wait here,"

Draco watched bemused as Harry walked out of the room and could hear him making his way down the stairs. He looked down as Kreature rearranged the blanket over his feet before patting his ankles and then popped out of the room.

"Here we are," Harry walked back in not long later and handed Draco a steaming mug before sitting down at his feet on the other end of the sofa.

"Hot chocolate?" Draco groaned happily smelling the liquid.

"I promise it is the best that you're going to have, Remus taught me how to make it," Harry said taking a sip from his own hot chocolate.

"That is amazing," Draco groaned happily.

"Told you," Harry grinned.

"I think I have become addicted to this with one sip," Draco hummed.

"I will make it for you whenever you want," Harry promised.

"That isn't what I meant," Draco panicked.

"It is fine, stop worrying, please," Harry rested his hand on Draco's leg.

"I just don't want to take advantage or for you to think that I am taking advantage," Draco sighed.

"I know you're not, you can't take advantage if I am offering," Harry squeezed his leg and then settled into the other corner of the sofa. Draco found himself sitting there cradling his hot chocolate and sipping on it as the two of them sat there in peaceful silence.

"Harry," Draco shook Harry gently.

"Hmm," Harry woke up with a little start to find Dtaco standing over him.

"Come on, bed," Draco smiled.

"Right," Harry yawned looking around the room, remembering how he had come to be snoozing on the sofa. "Are you feeling tired?"

"I am, the hot chocolate definitely did its job," Draco stepped back as Harry stood and the two of them shuffled their way upstairs to their bedrooms. "Night Harry,"

"Night Draco, sleep well," Harry smiled before they walked into their rooms.

"Harry?" Draco walked into the living room carrying the strange item that he had found sitting on his bed.

"Hmm, oh you got it ok?" Harry looked up from the magazine that he was flicking through.

"What is it?" Draco asked bemused tilting the object.

"It is a body pillow, Fleur and Tonks both used one when they were pregnant to help them sleep, it is meant to help you get more comfortable when you're sleeping, they swore by them,"

"Thank you," Draco smiled.

"You're welcome, Healer Myers should be here any moment," Harry said.

"I can't wait to just get a confirmation that she is ok," Draco lowered himself onto the sofa and rubbed his stomach.

"Just that second confirmation to put your mind at rest?" Harry said in understanding.

"Yes, after everything it is just nice to know that she is fine," Draco said right before the fire turned green, and a much more prepared Healer Myers came through.

"Good Morning, how are you feeling today?" she smiled at Draco.

"Ok, a little sore and tired, but good, Coconut has been really active recently,"

"Coconut?" The Healer blinked.

"He's not calling her that," Harry chuckled.

"It is a nickname, for the size she was the first time I saw her, until she is born," Draco nodded.

"That is lovely," The Healer smiled softly. "You have been reading up as well?" she said looking at the collection of books that were sitting on the coffee table and the side tables, most of them seeming to have gathered in here.

"We want to be ready for when she comes along, and to know what to expect," Harry nodded.

"Have you decided on your birth preference?" Healer Myers asked as she transfigured a hospital bed.

"A home water birth," Draco nodded.

"I will make sure that that is on your notes and get things put into place for you," Healer Myers nodded. "Am I putting Mr…Potter as your birth partner?" Healer Myers asked, for her credit only hesitating for a second in saying his name.

"Yes I will be," Harry nodded when Draco's wide eyes snapped around to him. Draco let out a breath of relief and turned back to the Healer.

"Ok, that is all in the notes," Healer Myers nodded to the quick quotes quill that was scribbling away. "Right, can you hop up here please,"

Draco climbed onto the bed and laid down before taking a deep breath as Healer Myers started running her spells over him.

"Ok, your blood pressure is still a little high, not dangerously, but I am still not quite happy with it, I am going to put you on a couple of potions and advise that you carry on taking it as easy as you can,"

"Harry is making sure of that," Draco said.

"Could you ask him to stay off of his feet 20 hours of the day?" Harry asked hopefully.

"That wouldn't be good for him either," Healer Myers chuckled.

"I will take 19 hours," Harry grinned.

"He is a fusser," Draco mock whispered.

Healer Myers laughed as she carried on, she then cast the spell on Draco to have the image of Coconut pop up.

"There she is," Harry beamed at the image.

"There she is," Draco nodded looking up at her.

"She is a very lucky little lady," Healer Myers said warmly.

"She is," Harry smiled at Draco who blushed at the implication behind Harry's words as he turned to look at him.

"Well, Coconut is coming along perfectly well, she is developing lovely and I am really happy with her progress," Healer Myers nodded stepping back. "I am going to schedule my next appointment in two weeks' time just because of your blood pressure and the circumstances, better safe than sorry, but truthfully I think you have nothing to worry about at all, everything is exactly as I would want it to be, just make sure to stay as relaxed and as calm as possible,"

"While waiting to bring a human life into the world," Draco said dryly.

"Exactly," Healer Myers chuckled. "Do you have any questions for me?"

"I do," Harry said after a beat when Draco had shaken his head, the blond turned to look at Harry and snorted when he pulled a list from his pocket.

"Draco," Harry walked into the room with such a sense of false calm that Draco looked up right away, he blanched a little when he found Severus' owl sitting primly on Harry's arm, glaring at him in a way that his owner would be proud of considering Harry had trapped him to his arm.

"Severus can pretty much find me anywhere," Draco said.

"It is Snape's owl?" Harry asked sharply, narrowing his eyes on the owl. "I have run every spell that I can think of and can't find anything that could be concerning,"

"I don't think he would do something like that," Draco said.

"The wards around the House should prevent you from being taken against your will, but I didn't want to risk it," Harry admitted.

"Harry?" Draco asked when he held his hand out for the owl but Harry didn't release it, even when Horus flapped his wings. Harry pinched his lips together and looked incredibly torn as he looked between the owl and Draco.

"This is going to be bad for your blood pressure," he finally whined out.

"Oh give Horus here you overprotective buffoon," Draco laughed, the slight tension that he had been feeling easing with Harry's actions.

"Rude," Harry pouted but reluctantly let the owl go.

"You know you can't wrap us in cotton wool right?" Draco smiled.

"Don't tempt me," Harry muttered before flopping into the armchair.

"Well, pretty much what I was expecting," Draco sighed after reading the letter, before to Harry's surprise reading it out loud.


I do not believe that you have been taken against your will considering you have not triggered any of our wards or safety spells, however, I am greatly concerned that you have disappeared and I do not know where you are, or that you could not come to me. All I want is to make sure that you are safe, whatever has been troubling your mind since Yule I believe is the cause of this. If your Mother and Father informed you of a marriage or said something to you of their plans for you and it was something that you did not want to be a part of I hope you know that you can come to me for help if you need it.

I would rather you let me know where you are, or come to my home in the muggle world, but if that is not the case please at least let me know that you are safe.


Uncle Severus,"

"Whatever you want to do, I will support you," Harry smiled when Draco looked at him uncertainly.

"I don't know what to do," Draco admitted, looking back at the letter.

"Well, do you want him to know you're safe?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Draco said quickly.

"So send that first, and let him know that you are in a situation that you need to think through before sharing with him what is going on," Harry said.

"I don't want to hurt him," Draco said quietly.

"If he cares for you then he may be hurt, yes, but he should understand," Harry assured him.

"I just don't want to risk her safety," Draco said, "no matter how much I love Severus and I know he loves me, I just…"

"This doesn't have to be a one-time thing, you're safe behind these wards, we can check his letters, and you can voice floo call him," Harry said.

"I just…it feels…" Draco sighed.

"Don't worry you're allowed to be careful and to feel cautious about this, at the end of the day you have to do what is the best thing for you and Coconut," Harry said. "And whatever you choose to do I will be right there with you, and will help you,"

"Thank you," Draco took a breath and picked up a piece of parchment from the table and one of the never-ending ink pens that Harry called a beero or something and scribbled out a response to Severus before giving it to Horus. He fluttered his black wings and gave Harry an unimpressed look before taking off.

"How does his owl have the same expression he does?" Harry snorted.

"I'm fairly sure that he trains them," Draco said, "can I ask about you and Severus?"

"Hmm, we have a difficult relationship. Did he tell you anything about him and my mum?" Harry asked.

"No," Draco shook his head.

"He and my mum were friends before Hogwarts, they seemed to manage to keep up their friendship for so long, but my dad and Sirius bullied him, Sirius described it as like how you and I were, but it was two of them against one, and I have not doubt that Remus and Pettigrew went in as well. Along the way Mum and Snape's relationship broke down until Snape called Mum a Mudblood when he was being hung upside down by my dad, making him show his underwear,"

"I…" Draco clearly didn't know what to say and Harry shook his head.

"They were really shit to him, and my mum could have handled it a lot better, Snape shouldn't have called her that, but then she started dating his bully," Harry shook his head. "Snape still loved, I think still loves my mum, and he made an oath to protect me because of her. I think I remind him of both my mum and my dad,"

"That is why he acts the way that he does?" Draco frowned a little.


"That isn't right though! You aren't your Mother or your Father, you are you! He told me once that I didn't have to become who my Mother and Father were because I am my own person,"

"That is different, he loves you, he loved my mum," Harry shrugged, "and hated my dad,"

"Well, that is going to have to change," Draco tipped his chin up.

"Is that so?" Harry grinned a little.

"Yes, you are your own form of moron, not a copy of someone else," Draco nodded firmly, and as he had hoped got a cheerful laugh from Harry.

"Hot chocolate?" Harry asked warmly.

"Can you put cinnamon in it again? That was amazing," Draco asked hopefully.

"I have whipped cream and marshmallows too," Harry watched Draco's eyes light up in excitement.