Hello all and welcome to my den of possible fic ideas, this is mainly to get them out of my head, but I'm also making them challenges so that others who have ideas can try their own hand at fic writing, the rules for the challenges will be at the bottom of each chapter if it's not a continued idea from a previous chapter.
This chapter is going to be a Final Fantasy 7 and Danny Phantom crossover.
*Sound effect like a Hiccup, or a Boom*
Challenge: Phantom Phantasy
Story Start!
*Tick, tick, tick*
A sigh escaped a raven-haired, fair-skinned fifteen-year-old boy as he listened to the annoying clock, waiting to be called up to one of the desks for his paperwork and other stuff.
*Tick, tick, tick*
Opening his glacier blue eyes, he glared at the clock, which read 8:50 AM. The clock, while not the main reason for his annoyance, was a major contributor as he had to listen to it for the last hour and a half as he waited to be called up.
"Seriously, they should have been done a lot earlier, I need to get breakfast soon, or my stomach just might start eating itself," the teen muttered to himself.
"Will case number 007 please make your way to desk 7 please?" a voice said over the intercom.
"Finally," the teen spoke, aggravation palpable.
Getting up he weaved his way through the throng of people that, like him, had been waiting for far too long.
Plopping down into the barely somewhat comfortable plastic chair, he leveled an annoyed look at the employee before him.
"I'm terribly sorry about the wait sir, our computers are being rather slow today," she smiled.
'That's a lie,' the teen thought, his aggravation growing a bit more, knowing that they were taking their sweet time eating some food after taking the cases of thirty people before saying that a 'special emergency case' needed to be worked on by all employees present, the smell off waffles, pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausages, biscuits, and cinnamon rolls were very easy to sniff out.
"Thank you for waiting Mr. Fenton, here is your Midgardian I.D good for travel between the plates and the slums, as well as your Steel Gun-Axe with ammunition and associated permits, your Mythril Armlets, as well as your Materia, thank you for letting us catalogue your equipment for entry, and please enjoy your time in Midgar while you're here," she continued, handing him his I.D and permits, which revealed his full name to be "Daniel James Fenton" as well as the other aforementioned items.
"I'll try, but no promises, if the wait everywhere else in this city is like here too, then I highly doubt I will," Daniel, or Danny as he preferred to be called, told her, giving her the stink-eye before walking out of the building.
Taking out a space themed pouch he opened and began counting, "I have enough Gil to get myself some breakfast, and a place to stay for a week in the cheapest motel on the plates, but in the slums, I might be able to stay at an inn for at least a month, which would give me enough time to build up some reputation as a mercenary, and make some money," he said to himself, before looking at his torn and dirty clothing.
"Some new clothes as well, the fields of Kalm were not as calm as the name says," he continued, looking at the remnants of his white t-shirt with a red oval, pair of blue jeans, with his red and white sneakers, and a black and white metal bracelet being the only clothing he has that did not have any holes or large amount of dirt on him.
'Most of the money clockwork gave me before sending me to this world is gone thanks to needing to go through the legal route of getting in here, not to mention paying that guy to smuggle him in Midgar,' he thought.
Releasing a sigh, he closed his Gil pouch, pocketed it, and began to make his way to the nearest clothing store he saw on his way to the Midgar Security Office.
Though before he could go much farther, he accidentally bumped into someone.
Said someone was a pretty 22-year-old looking woman with light brown hair that's been plaited with a large pink ribbon that has an orb of white Materia within it, a shin length pink dress, red bolero jacket, brown boots, and a pair of metal bracers on her wrists.
Sadly, bumping into her didn't come without consequence, she dropped a basket full of flowers.
"Oh, I'm sorry, please let me help you," Danny apologized, getting down to pick up some of the flowers that fell out.
"Oh, thank you," the very pretty woman said.
As Danny was getting one of the last flowers, a guy in a business suit stepped on it and crushed it, doing nearly the same with Danny's hand.
"Hey, watch where you're going jerk!" he raised his voice at the man.
"What do you want kid, it's just a flower you can get those anywhere," the man said.
"Well for starters you can apologize to her for stepping on her flower, then you can pay her back, I don't see anywhere on the plate to pick them, so she must have bought it from one of the shops here," Danny tried to reason with him.
"I'm not going to pay for the flower of some tart, for all I kn-" the businessman began to raise his voice before a man wearing a bulky white helmet with three red lights that glowed even in the daylight, a blue uniform with a lighter blue scarf, white pauldrons that bore a red symbol, white gauntlets with exposed black leather, white Poleyns (1), brown combat boots, and holding a semi-automatic rifle came up to them, the uniform signifying that he worked in Public Security.
"Alright you three, I could hear you from around the corner, what's going on here?" the blue robed man asked.
Before Danny or the unnamed woman could say anything, the businessman spoke up.
"I was just minding my own business, trying to get to an important meeting with a client when these two began to harass me, demanding that I pay them, or they'd cry assault and have me thrown in prison," the suited man lied.
"Can I have your side of the story you two?" the armored man asked.
"I was just coming out of the Midgar Registration Office, having just gotten my I.D, and was on my way to get some new clothes and breakfast when I bumped into her and caused her to drop her flower basket, I was helping her pick up her flowers when this guy came in and crushed one and nearly my hand with it, and when I tried to get him pay her back for stepping on it he began to get hostile," Danny explained the truth, the unnamed woman nodding along.
"Well, a café I frequent with my girlfriend is right over there, and I know for a fact that it has security cameras outside all around it, so why don't we go there, and take a look at what they got," the officer stated.
"N-now let's not be hasty, h-how about we talk this out," the once confident businessman stuttered out.
"So, you're admitting to destroying this woman's property, and furthermore harassing these two when they tried to get compensation for it?" the officer backed him into a verbal corner.
"N-no, I'm just saying that we don't have to involve them, I'm p-pretty sure they w-wouldn't want their business interr-" the suited man was cut off.
"No, they would help, and helping someone get paid what they're owed after someone else destroyed their property would help boost the café's reputation, so come along," the officer ordered.
After going inside and viewing the security footage the officer confronted the defeated businessman.
"So, what do you have to say for yourself, you destroyed this woman's property, then harassed these two, and tried to falsely accuse them to get them arrested," the security personnel stated.
The businessman was sweating bullets, he looked like he would make a run for it before bowing at a complete ninety-degree angle saying, "I'm deeply sorry, just tell me what it cost you to buy that flower and I'll write you a check for that much!"
"Well, I was actually selling that flower as part of a bouquet for a rather expensive wedding, I watered, fertilized, grew, and picked it all by hand myself, and the bride specifically asked for a certain number of flowers in her bouquet, and while I do have a number of other flowers like it back in my garden that will require me to go back and cause the wedding to be delayed as she wanted them freshly picked, so in regards to the cost of growing it then having to delay that woman's wedding, it'll cost you around fifty-thousand Gil," the only woman amongst them calculated.
The men in the security room were stunned at a flower costing that much money.
"Ah man, there goes that new car I was going to get this month," the suited man said morosely, after all it's not like he could fight back with the officer right there.
Getting out his checkbook the once smug businessman signed and handed over a check, before walking out.
"If the check doesn't clear, just go to the nearest Public Security Office and have them review the tape, and here, an incident number so they can look it up," the lawman said, handing the yet still unnamed woman a laminated card.
"Thank you, sir" the brown-haired woman spoke.
The officer just waved and then made his way out of the café.
"You said that you were going to get some new clothes right?" the older of the remaining two asked.
"Uh, yeah, why?" Danny asked.
"Well, despite what I said earlier, the flowers aren't needed until a little later, I just wanted to deliver them early, so would you like some help picking out some good clothes, and then after we'll be able to get some breakfast," the 22-year-old offered.
"Well, sure, let's go," Danny responded, "By the way, I didn't get your name."
"Oh, I'm Aerith, Aerith Gainsborough, nice to meet you,", Aerith introduced herself.
"Danny, Danny Fenton, likewise," Danny introduced himself.
After walking into the clothing store, which was named Carousel Boutique, and getting a whole bunch of clothes, Danny began trying them on, the ensembles included but were not limited to (A.N. Cue funny montage music here);
What looked like a superhero suit that Elvis Presley would wear that had a double "M" emblazoned on the chest.
A dark blue jumpsuit with light green polka dots that had red centers, similar shaded sneakers, light green gloves, pink scarf, and purple hat that was stylized to look like a flower.
A black V-neck T-shirt with white hemming, black shorts with gray pockets held on by red straps that were tight around his calves, black hooded jacket with red hemming, gray pockets with white hemming, and red flannel flaps that are held down by a series of yellow buttons, black and yellow shoes that had the ankle and tongue folded down, gray fingerless gloves with red hemming, a yellow strap around the wrist, and a silver circle plate on the back of the hand that come to a v on his hands and are just short of his elbow, with a silver crown necklace.
A green short-sleeved tunic with a long-sleeved white under shirt, white jeans, brown fingerless leather gloves, dark brown combat boots, and a long green cap.
A half black and half light green shirt with a brown fake boar skin complete with a head over the left shoulder that had some hexagonal metal plates woven in on the right shoulder, black faux furred leather bracers and boots that had metal hexagonal plates woven on, a square piece of earth brown fabric that also had hexagonal plates woven on that was being held up by a belt, and lastly a cloak that looked like it was made from enlarged raven feathers.
A blue high collared jacket with a flared bottom that had amber colored gems on the collar shoulders elbows and flared bottom, brown gloves that were almost elbow length with similar gems, black jeans with orange knee pads, and calf high motorcycle boots.
A long-sleeved white undershirt with a red tie, a black sleeveless button up shirt, a black trench coat that bad belt buckles on the sleeves, black business pants, and black business shoes, all of which together made him feel like some kind of mafia boss.
A white jacket with red on the inside that had a furred collar with a silver Asian dragon on the back, white pants that reminded him of some hakama, as Sam called them, and black combat boots, all of which together made him feel like a warrior and a delinquent.
And many, many more, though it should be noted that most of the outfits were being given to him try on by either Aerith, the woman who owned the boutique, or by the owner's little sister, mostly the middle though.
After trying on so many different outfits he finally came out of the changing room he finally came out with an outfit he actually felt comfortable in;
A dark navy-blue sleeveless shirt, a black long-sleeved cargo jacket that had a white faux fur collar with steel pauldrons, dark brown leather gauntlets with segmented steel plates on top that reminded him of knight gauntlets which went up to half his forearms, blue jeans with steel poleyns, earth brown steel-toed combat boots, the feather cloak from before which has been tucked into the pauldrons of the jacket, and finally a dark purple scarf.
"I really like this, doesn't feel like some kind of reference, or make me look ridiculous," Danny said, having spent the last three hours being essentially a dress up doll for Aerith, the owner, and at times the owner's little sister.
"Yes darling, this makes you look handsome and unique, combine this outfit with your Gun-axe and people will think you know how to defend yourself quite easily, now then 7 copies of this outfit to be used as work clothing, plus some casual clothes and a formal outfit for those special occasions comes to about forty-five thousand Gil before discounts, with the discounts your total comes to twenty-two thousand five hundred Gil," the fashionista stated.
"Discounts, what discounts?" Danny asked, a little amazed at the price of the clothes.
"Well, Aerith here was delivering those flowers to my friend's wedding, so that was twenty-five percent off right there for helping her, twelve-point five percent for humoring my little sister with those wacky outfits she had you wear, and another twelve-point five percent as an apology for keeping you here past the time most places serve breakfast, sorry about that," the fashionist explained, turning a little sheepish at the end.
"Oh, well, thank you," Danny said, bowing a little.
"It's no issue," the fashionista told him.
Nodding, Danny took a box containing his new clothes, then he and Aerith left the boutique and went to get some lunch.
After eating, Aerith asked him a question.
"So, your new to midgar, and I'm guessing you don't have a place to stay, would you like to at least stay the night at my and my mom's place, until you find an apartment complex that you can stay in?" Aerith asked him, finishing her chicken parmesan.
"I mean, it would be nice, but are you sure?" Danny asked in response, before taking the last bite of his double deluxe burger.
"Yes, and mom wouldn't mind," Aerith told him.
"Well, okay, but we got to stop in the Sector Seven Slums first, got to speak to someone there first," Danny told her.
"Oh sure," the elder of the two responded.
(1 hour 30 minutes later, Sector Seven Slums)
"So, where are we supposed to meet this person?" Aerith asked him.
"Outside a bar called the 'Seventh Heaven', sounds like a place to hook up with others if you ask me," Danny told her.
Aerith giggled a little bit at that, "True."
"There he is," Danny said pointing to a red-haired shirtless man with brown eyes, blue leather jacket with rolled up sleeves, denim trousers, and red canvas shoes that was standing next to a wooden crate.
"Hey Johnny, how are you doing?" Danny asked the man.
"Dan-o the Man-o, I'm doing fine, don't worry, and thanks again for saving my bacon out there, here a gift," Johnny said, opening the crate up.
What came out of the crate appeared to be some kind of wolf with black horns that were red tipped, glacier blue eyes, a glacier blue diamond on its forehead, and a wild mane of white fur around its neck, wearing a set of steel claw like weapons on his front paws, and a dark blue collar.
"Bark," the wolf like creature barked, tongue lolling out of his mouth.
"Hey Marshmallow (2), how are you doing, not too stuffy in that crate was it boy, you hungry?" Danny asked the now named Marshmallow, petting him.
"Bark, bark," Marshmallow responded.
"I fed him some fish while we were waiting for you," Johnny told him.
"Thanks Johnny, Marshmallow, this is Aerith, we'll be staying at her place for the night, then we're going to find a place all our own," Danny told Marshmallow getting a bark in response.
(End of Chapter)
Well, here is the first fic idea/challenge, now I will be taking this one up myself, and without further ado, here are the rules and options;
FF7 Rule 1: When it comes to pairing it can be anyone you want, with the exception of two characters; Aerith, and Scarlet. Aerith because her relationship with Cloud is a major cornerstone of the game and how it affects him and his relationship to those around him even after her death, and Scarlet because she's an old lady and a complete nutso.
FF7 Rule 2: If you have any OC summons, please say what media they are from and try to balance them somehow.
FF7 Rule 3: Give Danny a weapon that'll separate him from the other characters.
FF7 Rule 4: Make it so that Danny can't access his ghost powers so that he doesn't completely make the entirety of FF7 a cakewalk, how you do it is up to you.
General FF Rule 1: When it comes to the pairing, at oldest the person Danny should be paired with should be 25, if they are human, if they are not human, then they should match Danny in age at minimum, also no evil women 'being redeemed' unless they actually are in the game they appear in.
General FF Rule 2: If you are having a character from a different series, please state what series they're from, and keep them in character from that series.
Now, onto the numbered A.N.s;
(1) The armor you see on the knees of full plate knight armor.
(2) This is Marshmallow from the game Guardian Tales.