This chapter is going to be a Danny Phantom and Tenchi Muyo (Ryo-Ohki/OVA) crossover, I know I've written primarily Danny Phantom crossovers, but there is a severe lack of them.




"Talking in another language"



*Sound effect like a Hiccup, or a Boom*

Challenge: No need for Phantoms!


It's been raining constantly for the three days, sometimes a very light rain, others a veritable monsoon.

Rain can mean many things; life and rebirth, growth and change, but the two meanings that come to mind for one Daniel James Fenton, called Danny by almost everyone, are sorrow and despair.

Danny Fenton is a fourteen-year-old boy with raven black hair and icy blue eyes standing at five feet and four inches, wearing a white t-shirt with red sleeves, a red neck, and a red oval in the center of the chest, standing at five feet and five inches.

His entire family, his friends, and the only teacher who believed he could amount to anything are dead.

Dead from an explosion of a fast-food condiment getting too hot and exploding.

They were dead, because of HIM, if he didn't cheat on the Career Aptitude Test and instead just gave the answer key back to Mr. Lancer, he and his friends wouldn't have gone to the future to see what his actions would have caused, and everyone would still be alive.

Sam and Tucker's families wouldn't be hurt because of HIM.

The money from the lawsuit that Sam and Tucker's parents were filing against the company that owned the Nasty Burger would never fill the hole in his heart, but HE would not become the monster that trapped them in that restaurant and got them killed.

One of his enemies, a man his parents went to college with called Vlad, asked him to live with him seeing as how there would be no one else who would understand him and what he is as a Half-Ghost.

Danny had vehemently refused that offer, stating that he would even move to another country if that was what it took, when he remembered, his family on his father's side came from Japan (1), and after having found that out, got the entire family to learn Japanese as a family activity and to connect to their heritage a little bit, so he had asked the courts to find any relative in that country.

They found one, an elderly man who lived in a shrine, Danny's apparent 80-year-old great-great-great-great-grandfather. The courts suggested finding a relative in the U.S., if his mother's sister was still alive, he would have gone to live with her first, had his aunt not died of a heart attack (2) a month ago, but there was no one left in America who could take him in.

So, after an exceptionally quick and VERY public lawsuit against the company that owned the Nasty Burger brand and meeting his great-great-great-great grandfather (a man named Katsuhito Masaki), Danny went to Japan, tens of millions richer (3), and determined to never become that monster from the future, but full of sorrow.

(A year-and-a-half later)

"Danny where are you? You've got some chores to do," Katsuhito, an elderly man with long grey hair pulled back into a ponytail, a moustache, square glasses, and wearing a Shōzoku, the traditional attire of a Shinto priest called out.

'It's been a year-and-a-half since he came here, and he's gotten so much better since, though he still needs help,' Katsuhito thought.

He was happy Danny was here, it was getting a little lonely after his daughter, son-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter died in that car crash nearly fourteen years ago, his wife Airi was busy with her job as a chairwoman of the Galactic Academy so she couldn't be here much, and though she knows of Danny, she has yet to meet him.

"They have to be here somewhere," he heard Danny comment from inside his office.

Smirking to himself Katsuhito quietly entered his office, and snuck behind Danny, who was rummaging through one of the drawers.

"Don't you know that curiosity killed the cat?" he whispered into Danny's ear, causing Danny to freak out and hit his head on an extended drawer, before Danny ran to a corner of the office.

"I bet you were looking for these," Katsuhito stated, taking out a set of keys on a ring from inside the upper half of his attire.

"So that's where they were," Danny said, before covering his mouth, not having meant to say that aloud.

"You weren't trying to sneak in there against my orders, were you?" Katsuhito chortled, glad to see that Danny was getting curious about his new home after so long of sticking to the rules.

"No, I wasn't," Danny said, a little petulantly.

"It is the ancient law of this Misaki Shrine that no one is allowed in there except for those granted permission by the priest that resides over this shrine, and you are no exception to this legacy," Katsuhito explained through a chuckle, "but really you want to see what's in there, don't you?"

Danny just nodded.

"Here they are Danny, if you can take them from me, let's see how good you really are" Katsuhito said challengingly, putting the keys back where he got them.

Danny stood still for a second, before launching forward with a punch, having learned early on that his great-great-great-great-grandfather was much stronger than he looked.

Katsuhito caught his fist and held it there, with Danny struggling to move, before Katsuhito moved his hand, causing Danny to stumble forward, before Katsuhito caught Danny by the wrist then sweeping Danny's left foot, causing Danny to go spinning into the sliding door of the closet where Katsuhito kept all the important documents related to the shrine and breaking it.

Katsuhito grunted, "work harder, and remember your chores are part of your training."

Katsuhito got up, making a mental note to have Danny put in a new door during the weekend, but never seeing that Danny had the keys in his mouth.

(15 minutes later)

"'Curiosity killed the cat' huh?" Danny laughed a little, running up the hill near the Misaki Shrine, "luckily for me I'm not only not a cat, but also much harder to kill than the average person."

Danny came to a stop just outside a cave, and reminisced on what his four times great-grandfather told him when he first moved here.

(A year-and-a-half earlier)

"Now Danny, there a few rules you must follow, the obvious clean your room and plates you eat from as well as occasionally taking out the trash, and other chores, but there are those you must follow with exception to extreme circumstances," Katsuhito said gravely, though not without compassion in his voice, "Such as entering this cave."

"Why though grandpa?" Danny looked at him questioningly.

"Because an Oni sleeps here, one that had been sealed away by one of my ancestors, and consequently, one of yours," Katsuhito explained, looking through the locked gate.

"An Oni?" Danny asked, a little scared, as he learned that an Oni was the closest thing to a demon from Shinto mythology when he studied up on it, he had faced ghosts before, but the closest thing to an Oni was HIM and Pariah Dark, and while Danny did manage to beat them, they were very close battles.

"Yes, now listen carefully, for what I'm about to tell you really happened," Katsuhito began to explain, "a long time ago an Oni came here from the sky, its strength was enormous and terrible, it destroyed villages, burned everything, and our people suffered greatly because of its evil powers."

"Wh-what happened to the Oni?" Danny questioned, believing that the Oni did exist as he knew that ghosts existed, so why not an Oni?

"One day, a ship like a dragon appeared from the sky, on its back rode a mighty samurai," Katsuhito continued, looking as if he was reliving a memory, maybe from when he was first told this story, "he fought the Oni, using a sword with great spiritual powers, now the Oni sleeps, held prisoner, in this shrine, the sword planted in the ground keeps watch over it, that samurai was Yosho, your ancestor Danny."

"Remember the name of the blade, Tenchi-ken, and what it means, the Sword of Heaven and Earth, you must remember, and respect your ancestor," Katsuhito finished the history lesson.

(Present Day)

After he was done reminiscing and unlocking the gate inside the cave, Danny walked for a bit before coming to a circular room, that had roots on the walls with a large stalactite in the center that had some Shimenawa ropes (4) with some Shide (5) attached going from one side of the room to the other. Looking around he found a Kamidana (6).

Danny walked up to the Kamidana, and opened the two small doors on it, smiling when he saw what looked to be a wooden hilt of the Tenchi-ken.

Getting a better look at it, he saw that there were three red gems in the round pommel and a small metal guard that wouldn't do much to stop his hand from sliding down the blade if his hands got sweaty.

Danny grabbed the hilt, and with a few grunts wiggled the blade free of the stone it was sheathed in. Getting a better look, he saw that the blade was inside a wooden scabbard that had some cloth wrapped around the top. Pulling both the blade and scabbard apart, Danny saw that the blade was rusted to hell and back.

"It's just a rusty old piece of junk," Danny said in disappointment, "give me a break, this sword is supposed to be able to cut through a rock with ease?" he questioned, hitting the blade of the sword against a rock that had a paper Ofuda (7) attached to it, and shattering it, causing Danny to freak out, before the rock he hit split perfectly in half along with the Ofuda on it.

Getting down to try to put the rock back together, Danny was momentarily stunned when the ground began to shake, causing the stalactite to sink into the center of the cavern and crack the ground around it.

"What's happening?" Danny questioned in worry as he ran up to the stalactite, not seeing the roots peel away and expose a large crack in the wall.

"Damn it, what am I supposed to do now, think genius," Danny berated himself looking around to see if there was anything that could help him, before seeing the exposed crack, and realized that there was a passageway on the other side of the wall where the crack was.

"What's going on here, why is there a passageway, grandpa comes out here every so often to clean up, so this shouldn't have been hidden," Danny said, walking up to and through the crack.

Upon stepping through he found himself inside a shaft that went diagonally downwards, before he shivered a bit in disgust as he stepped into some water... that went up to his ankles, soaking his sock thoroughly, walking back he bumped his head on a small stalactite, causing him to stumble a bit, before losing his balance and sliding down the shaft, before he turned around and caught himself on some of the stones.

Looking down he sighed that he stopped himself as he couldn't see the bottom of the shaft even after sliding a good twenty-five feet, as he began try to make his way back up, the hilt of the blade fell from his hand, and as he moved carefully to pick it back up, he lost his grip, and began sliding down the shaft again, unable to get a hold of any of the stones, taking the hilt with him.

He slid for about seventy-five or more feet, before he landed back first onto the floor in another circular room with water that pooled in the center that had a slight glow in it. Danny got up, not seeing a small blue orb floating behind him, and walked to the center of the room, slowly and carefully, gazing into the pool of water, seeing a glowing blue ball of light smack dab in the middle of it, "ah, it's nothing, just a glowing light," he said in relief.

He walked closer before he took a step back with a gasp, seeing a skeleton with long pale cyan hair that went past the shoulders, the remnants of some red colored clothes, and a Hannya mask (8).

"'An Oni sleeps here'," his four-times great grandfathers' words came back to his mind.

"So, it wasn't just a legend," Danny muttered, loosening his grip on the hilt in his hand, causing it to drop to the floor with a *clang*, causing Danny to freak out again and step back in shock in a rather ridiculous pose.

"Phew, time to go home," Danny sighed in relief, a little embarrassed at having scared himself, bending down to pick up the hilt, not seeing the first blue orb once again fly behind him towards the lake.

As he picked up the hilt, a skeletal arm came out of the pool and grabbed his wrist, scaring him.

He looked towards the pool just as the head of the Oni began to come out, and more blue orbs of light began to appear and fly about.

"LET ME GO!" Danny yelled, forgetting about his ghostly powers after not having used them for the last year-and-a-half, struggled with the skeletal arm, before being pulled down onto his knees.

The undead Oni reached out its other hand, slowly towards his face, before it cupped Danny's right cheek, seemingly in a loving manner, its face beginning to close in to Danny's, almost as if it wanted to kiss him.

Just as Danny remembered that he had ghost powers and was about to go ghost, the gems in the pommel of the Tenchi-ken began glowing and unleashed a burst of light that seemed to harm the Oni, setting Danny free, and thanks to his previous struggling caused him to stumble backwards and fall on his back.

Propping himself up on his elbows, Danny got a look at the skeletal Oni before him, as its eye sockets began to glow a bright yellow.

Danny began to think to himself about what he could do, having realized that if a fight broke out here, the surrounding area could be potentially destroyed, 'if only I listened to grandpa, oh why did I have to hit that rock?'

That's when it hit him, 'wait, the rock, this room was only revealed once the rock split in half, if I can put it back together, then maybe the room will be sealed off again!'

Turning around, Danny picked up the hilt and began to climb up the shaft, slipping a bit and falling back ten feet before he began climbing up faster. Upon getting back into the main chamber, he spotted a long root and tightly wrapped it around both halves of the Ofuda and rock, causing the crack in the rock wall to seal itself shut.

'I'm giving those keys back to grandpa and doing as many chores as he says,' Danny thought, panting a bit, glad that the Oni didn't escape, setting his back against the wall, the gems on the hilts pommel no longer glowing.

(meanwhile at Misaki Lake (9))

In Misaki Lake there was a large tree in the center, that had some Shimenawa rope with attached Shide, the leaves of that tree began to glow with a rainbow-colored light, before rainbow-colored beams began to shoot out from them, and when they hit the surface of the water, they were reflected upwards into the sky, eventually leaving the planet and into the depths of space before it stopped.

(The next day at Ryōō University, High School building (10), lunch)

Danny was looking at the hilt of the Tenchi-ken that he had taken with him to school, wondering what the hell to do with it, after all, it wasn't like he could go to his four-times great grandfather, give it to him and say, 'Hey, I actually got the keys from you and went into the cave, broke the sword and a rock and almost unleashed the Oni that was sealed inside back into the world, but I fixed the rock so everything should be fine,', besides, if the Oni would have been able to break out after all that, it would have done it last night while he was asleep.

Danny looked to his left, hearing someone walk up to him, it was his classmate Kagami Hiiragi, a girl his age standing at five feet and two inches, she has light purple hair tied into twin tails with purplish-brown ribbons and blue-violet eyes, wearing a white and blue Sailor Fuku (11).

"Hey Fenton-san, what do you have there?" Kagami asked.

"Ah, some piece of junk an elderly man gave me after I helped him up the stairs to my family's shrine this morning," Danny lied through his teeth, though hating the fact he was lying to the first friend he made here in Japan.

"Well, that was nice of you," Kagami said, "So, how was your summer vacation?"

"Eh, it was the usual, helping grandpa around the shrine, it's supposed to be a part of my training, though I guess you know how that is, being related to someone who presides over a shrine yourself?" Danny responded.

"Yeah, it can be a bit annoying when you just want to hang out with your friends, but hey, what can you do, they're a part of our chores, I feel bad for you essentially being the only person your age at your family's shrine, you have to do more chores than me," Kagami agreed.

"Yeah, it gets boring and tedious sometimes, but I'm just grateful I'm not in the U.S. fostercare system, I'm going to get myself some lunch now that the lunch rush died down some, though I want some alone time as I need to think about stuff" Danny said, getting up and walking out of the classroom.

'Danny,' Kagami thought, 'I know you're still hurt after what happened to your friends and family, but it's good to see you being so much better compared to the mess you were when you first arrived to Japan.'

Kagami had been in the same class as him since they were accepted into the university's Junior Highschool building, and was the first person to recognize him after all the media coverage of that restaurant with the explosive sauce, though she didn't ask for conformation until after school when she offered to give Danny a tour of the city, though she was followed by her younger twin sister Tsukasa, and her sister's new friends Miyuki Takara and Konata Izumi.

At first, they had thought that Kagami was going to confess to having fallen in love with the cute foreign boy at first sight, though they were confused at first when Danny started to have tears gather in his eyes and Kagami put a hand on his shoulder in comfort. So, they tried to casually walk into the café that Kagami and Danny were in, with Tsukasa talking about how good the baked goods of the café were.

Danny and Kagami did not buy it for a second.

After asking them why they had been following Danny and Kagami, and realizing that it looked a little bit like a romantic outing, though later in life Kagami would not hesitate to admit that she had a crush on Danny after seeing him for the first time, explained that she wanted to offer her condolences on what happened to his friends and family, causing Miyuki to remember (and begin to tear up) what happened as well and explain it to Tsukasa and Konata.

Needless to say, the four of them stuck to Danny like glue to prevent him from taking... drastic measures, something Danny was grateful for, as he was less lonely, and his therapist said that making friends early on was good for him.

(With Danny)

After having gotten 2 pickled plum filled onigiri, grape juice, a grilled fish, and some miso soup, Danny was slowly eating while sitting on the rooftop, 'man, I've missed this, just being able to go throughout my day without having to worry about the next ghost attack, I wonder what happened to all the ghosts, they haven't made a single appearance since that day,' Danny thought, slowly nibbling on what was left of his grilled fish, lying on his back, the warm heat of the sun and the gentle breeze slowly lulling him to sleep as he didn't really get a good sleep last night, worried about the Oni escaping until he had fallen asleep four hours late, until he finally fell asleep.

(Several hours later)

Opening his eyes, Danny saw a piece of white paper clouding his vision. Taking it off his face he saw that it was no longer noon, but late evening instead, "oh man, grandpa's going to kill me for being late," Danny muttered to himself, before looking at the paper that was on his face, and realized it was a note from Kagami.

'Hi Fenton-san,

When you didn't show back up for class, I got a little worried. So, my sister Konata, Miyuki, and I decided to look for you. We heard that you were last seen heading up here, and we got worried. Thankfully, you were just asleep, so we called your grandpa and let him know you'll be back home later than normal.

Konata wanted to kick you, and I would have let her, but Miyuki told her not to. She said you might have had some nightmares last night about before your move here. So instead, Konata says you owe her the next five volumes of One Piece, Tsukasa says you us all some premium chocolates, Miyuki wants the next book in her favorite romance novel series 'Love Amongst the Stars' when it comes out later this month, and I want you to help me with my English for the next few assignments.

See you tomorrow.


Hiiragi Kagami'

Danny just chuckled, "those girls, they're good people, I'll buy them those things, and maybe a little more."

"Well, I should get going now," Danny said to himself, getting up and straightening out his Gakuran (12), though stopping when he heard the oddest thing to hear on the rooftop of a school.

*Ring-ring, meow* the ringing of small metal bells followed by the meowing of a cat.

"A cat, how did you get here?" he questioned, turning around to face the source of the noise, with the cat just meowing back at him in response, before it began to run up to him.

Bending down he tried to pick it up, only for it to disappear before he could, 'was that a ghost? No, my Ghost Sense didn't go off, was it one of those cat Yokai? What were they called again, Nekomata?' Danny began to think to himself, before he heard the ringing again, and the sound of a woman chuckling behind him.

Turning around he saw a close-eyed woman with pale cyan hair that went past her shoulders, who looked to be five feet and nine inches tall, wearing a green kimono with a pink vest that had two red jewels embedded in her kimonos' sleeves at her wrists, with a red jewel earring in her left ear, "Ryoko," she said, twirling the bell that was tied around the cat's neck, before tossing it to him.

"Huh?" Danny asked dumbly, catching the bell.

"That's my name," the now named Ryoko said, opening her eyes, revealing them to be a bright yellow, making Danny think of the Oni he encountered in the cave.

"N-no way, you can't- can't be- be that freeze dried Oni!" Danny said as bright orange balls of light began to surround him, one popping in front of him, forcing him to take a step back.

"It was cold in there, and dark," Ryoko said, hugging herself, the memory of being in that cave haunting her more than anything she could remember, causing Danny to look at her with sympathy, "Do you know how long I was trapped in that cave? Seven hundred years, and I didn't like it, I didn't like it at all."

"Well, I'm sorry, but you did cause pain to a lot of innocent people," Danny responded.

"I don't want your apologies; all I want now is Revenge!" Ryoko growled at him, glaring down at Danny.

"It's not my fault," Danny told her.

"No?" Ryoko asked rhetorically.

"No, it was my ancestor, some guy named Yosho!" Danny responded.

"I don't care," Ryoko said nonchalantly, thrusting one arm into the air, the orange orbs of light surrounding Danny to come to her, forming a bigger orb in her hand, before she closed her hand around it, causing it to turn into a three-and-a-half-foot long beam of energy, "I just need to let my anger out on you, right now!"

Ryoko jumped into the air higher and with more grace than is possible with humans, before coming down with a ferocious swing that would have hit Danny, had he not run to the side, subsequently creating a hole in the roof.

Turning to her left Ryoko shot a laser from her palms where Danny was standing.

"Why me? It's not fair!" Danny cried out, annoyed that thanks to the fact they were in an area with lots of cameras he couldn't go ghost.

Ryoko just laughed, shooting lasers at Danny while he was running from the mad woman, before she created another beam shaped sword and leapt at Danny, "What's the matter Danny?" she asked playfully taking a swing at him, causing him to duck in order to not be bisected at the shoulder, and cutting a small storage shed in half.

"You're going to have to go a lot faster than that Earthling," Ryoko teased, causing Danny to run to a pile of rubble that she had made with her blasts.

Shifting through the rubble, Danny found a piece of rebar that had some concrete still attached, "Okay, try fighting me now!"

Ryoko just tauntingly did the 'come here' motion with one finger.

With a yell, Danny rushed forward to bludgeon Ryoko, only for her to catch the makeshift weapon with one hand and push Danny back with ease.

Rushing forward again Danny swung fast and wildly, hoping that the speedy and unpredictable swings would make it hard for Ryoko to catch his weapon again, only for Ryoko to dodge by jumping upwards, making Danny spin and stumble in place, before he righted himself and held his weapon up.

Only for it to fall to pieces from precise cuts Ryoko made so fast that he couldn't see them.

Staring at what was left of his weapon, Danny threw it, and ran to the rooftop entrance, dodging blasts from Ryoko as she laughed.

Opening the door, Danny would have run further inside if Ryoko had not blasted the rooftop entrance, causing an explosion that sent Danny tumbling down a few flights of stairs. "Hey, try not to hurt yourself; I'd like to do that for you," Ryoko grinned a little sadistically, leaning over a stair rail before jumping over it and slowly floating down.

His tumble coming to an end, Danny rubbed his aching head, before seeing the shadow of Ryoko, thinking quickly he ran into a nearby classroom, and quietly closed the door.

Holding his breath, he waited until the sound of Ryoko's footsteps faded.

Sighing in relief, Danny quietly whispered to himself, "that was close, I'll hide out here until I figure out a plan t- what is that?" Danny began before cutting himself off as he smelled something, "that smell, oh, it's gas fumes... GAS FUMES!"

Poking around the desks, Danny saw the source of the smell, a broken pipe that was sticking up from the floor, "ah great, I've got to get out of here before that laser happy Oni shows up," Danny said, getting up and walking to the door as quietly as he could.

"Danny?" Ryoko's voice called out, causing Danny to freeze up in fear.

Danny took a single step before he heard her again, "Danny?"

Her voice Caused Danny to again freeze in fear and look at the broken pipe, before he looked around the room, looking for Ryoko, before seeing her head sticking through the chalkboard like she was intangible, waving at him with a smile.

"Hello there," Ryoko cheerfully said, before coming out of the wall, quickly picking up and throwing a chair into the wall next to Danny's head as he tried to make a run for it.

"It's time for today's lesson, schoolboy," Ryoko said tauntingly, forming her beam like sword, causing Danny to freak out.

"There's leaking gas, you'll start a fire!" Danny yelled, pointing at her.

"Gas, what's gas?" Ryoko asked him, a confused expression on her face.

'Oh man, I can see the headlines now, survivor of the Nasty Sauce Explosion blown to bits!' Danny thought, a picture of an impromptu newspaper flashing in his mind, his face censored.

"If I knew I was going to die today, I WOULDN'T HAVE DONE ALL THAT HOMEWORK OVER SUMMER BREAK!" Danny yelled to himself in frustration, while Ryoko just looked on dumbly.

'There's only one thing I can do in this kind of situation,' Danny thought to himself in desperation.

"HEY! WHAT'S THAT OUTSIDE THE WINDOW?!" Danny yelled questioningly, pointing at the nearest window to him.

'WHY DID I USE THE OLDEST TRICK IN THE BOOK!?' Danny loudly thought to himself.

"What is it? I wanna see," Ryoko questioned excitedly, moving her head around to see what Danny was pointing at, "I don't want to miss anything."

'I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE BOUGHT IT!' Danny thought loudly to himself, incredulous that it had actually worked, as he ran low to the ground and out of the classroom.

"No, I don't see anything I th-" Ryoko began, before seeing that Danny was not where she had seen him last, "what?!"

Ryoko began to growl, realizing she had been tricked, she had been played, and she had been quite possibly bamboozled, before angrily saying "I'll get him!" As electricity began to spark across her body, one spark strayed too far, hitting leaking gas and causing an explosion that sent Danny flying a good thirty feet before he landed on his back.

"There she goes," Danny said somberly getting up, "She was at least kind of cute," Danny clapped his hands twice as he began to pray a bit, before realizing what he was doing.

"I guess grandpa's lessons are finally beginning to kick in," Danny said, chuckling a bit.

As the school's fire alarms began to blare, Danny began to see Ryoko's figure emerge from the fire, causing him to run down the hall and a flight of stairs.

Emerging from the fire, Ryoko coughed a bit before angrily roaring, "HEY! THAT'S NO WAY TO TREAT A LADY!" before she began to fly after Danny, though stopping after seeing her ash and soot covered reflection in a classroom door window, "Look at me, my hair is a mess!"

As Ryoko began to clean her hair and clothes, Danny, who was hiding around the corner silently thanked any and all deities that existed that she got distracted, before he quickly and silently made his way down the stairs and into his classroom, sitting at his desk to catch his breath.

'Okay, so she can use her powers out in public while I can't, but so far so good, I'm alive, now what do I do,' Danny thought frantically, before he caught sight of his messenger bag, and remembered that he took the hilt of the Tenchi-ken with him to school today.

'The hilt! When she was a mummy, the hilt hurt her just from being near it, maybe if I hit her with it, it'll weaken her to the point I could get to an area so I could go ghost without worry of being recorded,' Danny thought, before looking at the flashing fire alarm light, 'though my issue is that I need to get the three jewels that the legend says give her power away from her before I can try to seal her away again, luckily I've been practicing on making ecto-energy constructs in my free time, so I can make a pair of tweezers and pull them from her body.'

"I can beat her, it'll be easy!" Danny said, before covering his mouth, as he realized that he spoke too loudly.

Danny jumped from the window of his classroom, landing on the ground below him before another explosion rocked the school.

Quickly Danny climbed the fence surrounding his school's racetrack, looking back to see if Ryoko was behind him, before he hit someone and stumbled back, unknowingly causing Ryoko's breasts to jiggle, as she wasn't wearing a bra.

"What the-" Danny said, before he saw who he ran into.

"Don't be so scared sweetie-pie," Ryoko taunted a little flirtatiously, winking at Danny, as orange energy gathered in her right hand, "I won't hurt you, TOO MUCH!"

As Ryoko slashed downwards, Danny instinctively put his messenger bag in front of himself, though when his messenger bag was cut in half, a blue glow emerged from it, destroying his messenger bag and everything in it, causing Ryoko to jump backwards and Danny to cover his eyes from how bright it was.

When the glow died down, Danny opened his eyes and saw the hilt of the Tenchi-ken slowly floating down in front of him.

"Impressive," Ryoko complimented, but not wanting him to have something that can hurt her, she decided to throw a couple of energy orbs at him, saying "Catch!"

The Tenchi-ken though, created a translucent barrier that absorbed the energy.

Ryoko, seeing Danny reach out for the Tenchi-ken, created another blade from the energy she's been using, then rushed at Danny, "I've gotcha!"

As Danny grasped the blade, his hands moved into a position that would have failed to block Ryoko's attack, had the hilt of the Tenchi-ken not generate an energy blade of its own.

"Hey, no fair cheating!" Ryoko whined.

"W-what, give me a break!" Danny cried out, the sword forcing Danny to push Ryoko back and then making Danny move forward with a couple of slashes, "The sword has a mind of its own, if I had my way, I wouldn't fight a monster like you!"

As their blades clashed, Danny began to sweat from seeing how angry Ryoko looked.

"Monster?!" Ryoko growled questioningly, removing her blade, before punching Danny, sending him flying back into the fence he climbed earlier.

Her shoulders shaking from anger, Ryoko began walking forward, angrily asking him "Tell me, just exactly what makes you call a pretty, young lady like me a m-m-MONSTER?!"

"Come on, you walk through fire, you walk through walls, you fly, and you can rip holes in concrete with ease!" Danny explained.

"Very good reasons, BUT NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" the pale cyan haired beauty responded, kicking a thin metal pole that snapped up as she stepped on it in half.

The Tenchi-ken took control of Danny's body one more time, making him dash forward to do a horizontal slash at Ryoko's waist.

Ryoko tried to dodge backwards, and she would have escaped unscathed, had the Tenchi-ken not cut off her right hand at the wrist, causing the gem embedded in it, her other wrist, and hanging off her ear to fly off her and into the Tenchi-ken's pommel.

Ryoko and Danny stood silently for a few seconds, staring at each other, as smoke from their battle and the blade of the Tenchi-ken dissipated.

Ryoko and Danny stood up straight, with Ryoko morosely saying, "Oh well, another battle lost, that's the story of my life," with a sigh she brought up the stump that used to be her hand to her face, only to realize what she did, making her look at it, and consequently Danny, causing Danny to feel bad.

"The sword did it, I didn't have any control of my body," Danny said a little sheepishly, pointing to the hilt of the Tenchi-ken, "I didn't mean to c-cut off y-your..." he trailed off, before bowing, "I'm sorry."

Ryoko just chuckled cutely, implying that she really wasn't mad at Danny, before creating a small glowing orb over the forefinger of her left hand, which she put over her right arm, before she held her left hand at the stump, then removed her hand showing that her hand had regenerated with a "Ta da!"

Danny clapped, impressed that she could time it so well and make it seem like a sleight of hand trick.

With a bow and a "Good night," Ryoko sank into the ground, while Danny laughed at her "act".

Before the school exploded, scaring Danny and making him realize he needed to get the hell out of there.

(30 minutes later)

Danny stumbled into his room glad that he didn't miss the last train, exhausted now that the adrenaline rush from fighting Ryoko was gone.

Sitting on his bed, he took the Tenchi-ken out of his pocket, "This sword is really powerful, and when the blade appeared it kind of looked like way, do I actually have a lightsaber now? That's so cool," Danny muttered, exhausted from having to run for his life and then fight for the first time in a year-and-a-half, so the joy of having an ACTUAL LIGHTSABER, while hitting him, could not be expressed to the heights it actually would be in a normal situation.

"I wonder what happened to that Oni?" Danny questioned to himself, "try not to think about her for now, I'll deal with her tomorrow, when there's no school, maybe invite Hiiragi-san and the others to get ideas on how to deal with the situation fully," Danny continued, before a large yawn escaped his mouth as he leaned back on his bed, too tired to get under the comforter.

...Wait a minute, his mattress was never this lumpy, reaching above his shoulder, Danny felt the lump underneath his comforter, getting a bad feeling from how humanoid it felt.

Getting up and ripping the comforter off, Danny began to whimper a bit in fear, seeing Ryoko in his bed, seemingly asleep, as her body turned, almost giving Danny a free show when her kimono opened, revealing a good amount of cleavage and side boob, before her eyes fluttered open.

"Welcome home, Danny," Ryoko said, winking saucily.

(End of Chapter)

I've had an issue getting this done, almost immediately after the last chapter I started working on this one, then I hit a writer's block that lasted a while, I hope it's gone now though as I wrote a good thirteen-and-a-half pages out of a fifteen page (as of this sentence) chapter in a week after staring for so long at the first proper line break in the story, now onto the rules and options. I know that Ryoko is called an Oni in the ENG DUB, but while watching the original subbed version, she is called an Oni, so I figured why not.

Rule 1: Tenchi Muyo is an anime where the protagonist gets a harem in the end, so you know, keep the harem aspect, though Sasami must be one of the last as Danny would probably see her more as a little sister than anything until she is older, and don't forget about Tokimi.

Rule 2: Do not have Danny begin to date any of the girls until AFTER they meet Kagato, how long after is up to you.

Rule 3: Kiyone must be one of the girls in the harem, and I mean the Kiyone that shows up in Universe and (ugh) Tenchi in Tokyo, you can use the Mihoshi Special as that seems to be linked to OVA/Ryo-Ohki version of Tenchi Muyo to introduce her.

Rule 4: Has to be firmly in the Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki version, but you must add at least some element from Tenchi: Universe, aside from Kiyone, like maybe have Danny and the gang go vacationing on another planet that's a popular tourist destination as an example.

Rule 5: Danny must have friends outside of those we see living with him and interact with them regularly, for the most part, we are only told that Tenchi has other friends and not shown, you can use other anime that are part of the Slice-of-Life genre, like what I did with Lucky Star in this chapter, to show that, if you want you can add at least one girl from that anime to the harem.

Rule 6: Sam, Tucker, Jack, Maddie, Jazz, and Lancer HAVE TO DIE in the Nasty Burger explosion, otherwise the story doesn't make much sense.

Rule 7: some time has to pass in-between the Nasty Burger explosion and the start of the Tenchi Muyo, I used a Year-and-a-half, you can use whatever amount of time you want, but Danny must be in Highschool when he first meets Ryoko.

Rule 8: Danny has to be affected in some way from seeing his Lancer, his friends, and his family dying, like becoming a bit of a loner, though do not have Danny focus on that as he would obviously have been put in therapy after seeing those closest to him dying in such a horrible way, and as such should be on his way to being mentally better.

Rule 9: When it comes out that Kagato was controlling Ryoko for the absolute vast majority of her life, Ayeka must become nicer to her and Ryoko's past record of being a pirate cleared.

Rule 10: Tenchi, his father, mother, and sister must be dead, or otherwise indisposed for some reason.

Rule 11: Danny must have a peaceful life before the events of Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki happen.

Rule 12: If you decide to involve the ghost girls from Danny Phantom in the harem, then Spectra and Kitty CANNOT be in the harem, Spectra needs misery to look young and she delights in spreading misery, so that's a hard no, as for Kitty; I prefer Danny and Kitty to have a brother and sister style relationship.

No options for this chapter.

A.N. 1: I'm tired of the Jurian side of whoever the main character is always being from the mother's side of the family in crossover fics, so I decided that it would be on Jack's side of the family seeing how we don't know much on it.

A.N. 2: A lot of people have forgotten that Danny does have an aunt on his mother's side in fics that have Danny lose his family and either have him go to Vlad or someone else.

A.N. 3: Nasty Burger has to be highly successful in the world of Danny Phantom seeing how it has its own patented sauce, more than likely it is the McDonalds of the Danny Phantom World, resulting in Danny having a lot of money from such a lawsuit as having a sauce that WILL explode if it gets to hot and putting it in a container that can be heated up is just plain idiocy, sure it just might have been the owner of that particular franchise, but the overall company will more than likely be held liable from something like that.

A.N. 4: Shinto straw rope, which is called Shimenawa in Japanese, can be found at sites deemed holy, especially in most Shinto shrines. It plays an important role, dividing the space between the sacred area where gods are enshrined and the outside world. Shimenawa is made by twisting dried rice straws together.

A.N. 5: Shide are zigzag-shaped paper streamers, often seen attached to Shimenawa or Tamagushi to demarcate holy spaces and used in Shinto rituals in Japan. They are usually found adorning doorways, shrine buildings, and Kamidana.

A.N. 6: Kamidana (literally 'god/spirit-shelf') are miniature household altars provided to enshrine a Shinto Kami. They are most commonly found in Japan, the home of kami worship.

The Kamidana is typically placed high on a wall and contains a wide variety of items related to Shinto-style ceremonies, the most prominent of which is the Shintai, an object meant to house a chosen kami, thus giving it a physical form to allow worship. Kamidana Shintai are most commonly small circular mirrors, though they can also be Magatama jewels, or some other object with largely symbolic value. The Kami within the Shintai is often the deity of the local shrine or one particular to the house owner's profession. A part of the Kami (Bunrei) was obtained specifically for that purpose from a shrine through a process called Kanjō.

A.N. 7: In Shinto and Buddhism in Japan, an Ofuda (honorific form of Fuda, 'slip [of paper], card, plate') is a talisman made out of various materials such as paper, wood, cloth or metal. Ofuda are commonly found in both Shinto Shrines and Buddhist temples and are considered to be imbued with the power of the deities (Kami) or Buddhist figures revered therein.

A.N. 8: The Hannya is a mask used in Japanese Noh theater, representing a jealous female demon.

A.N. 9: To the best of my knowledge, the lake in Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki isn't named, so I named it after the shrine.

A.N. 10: Ryōō High School is the school that the characters of Lucky Star go to and is based on the real-life school Kyouei Koukou High School, of which the author of Lucky Star is an alumnus of it is a private University that has an attached Junior College, High School and Junior High School.

A.N. 11: A Sailor Fuku is the uniform that girls have to wear in Junior High School and regular High School in Japan.

A.N. 12: A Gakuran is the uniform that boys have to wear in Junior High School and regular High School in Japan.